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Many people thought of travelling and buying airline tickets as expensive. When planning for our next travel, either for the purpose of a vacation or a business, we simply purchased our tickets with no further inquiries at all. With the advent of the internet, many travellers are now informed of ways to save money. Of course, airline companies have their money-making secrets which led them many years of success. But, with a website such as My Airfare Secrets, cheap airfare can now be availed of. Here are some cheap airfare secrets revealed through My Airfare Secrets: 1.Always remember that taking direct flights are costly compared to availing of connecting flights. Of course, nonstop flights are more convenient for a traveller. If you want to save money, forgo convenience and take connecting flights. Also, purchasing roundtrip ticket is cost-effective than getting a two-way ticket. 2.If time is not particularly important in your trip, choose flights at inconvenient times. Taking a schedule at extreme times of the day will give you more savings. Do not pick between 9AM and 5PM. 3.Taking alternative routes or airports can be cheaper. Check for alternative routing or search online for other airports near your actual area of destination. Compute all costs associated with the alternative route and compared it if you chose the original route or airport. 4.One thing that most travellers ignored is the place where they purchased their ticket. Try buying your ticket at a third-party website. Third-party websites offer tickets from various airlines, so competition is stiff. Airlines try to reduce their prices to compete with the prices offered by other airlines. 5.Another cheap airfare secrets revealed in Tony Morrison's eBook is to travel either during Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Based on trends, travelling on these days are cheap because most business travellers usually take trips during a Monday or a Friday.
Learn more airline secrets to Buy Cheap Airfare Tickets [http://www.180travel.com/airline-secretsto-buy-cheap-airfare-tickets.html] online today. I recommend using these tips on your next Air Travel.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonas_N_Russell