retail design shoes shop waliid ramjan
retail design
retail design ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 _ 3 programming .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 _ 7 mood board ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
plan .................................................................................................................................................... 9 secƟon a-a ............................................................................................................................................ 10 secƟon b-b ............................................................................................................................................... 11 secƟon c-c, d-d & e-e ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 design development
public & private space analysis ................................................................................................................... 13 programmaƟc analysis .................................................................................................................................................... 14 materials board .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
schemaƟc secƟon ....................................................................................................................................................................... 16_17 sample board ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
3D interior visualisaƟon .............................................................................................................................................................. 19_21
retail design
Retail designing is a complex, heavily demanded specialized discipline. The primary purpose for retail space is the selling and stocking of products to consumers. The retail environments should be designed to promote an enjoyable, comfortable and hassle-free shopping experience for the consumers. This is because shopping is a daily ac vity in one’s life. Whether it is to shop for food or clothes, the retail places where one’s shopping mirrors the lifestyle, culture and interests.
The evolu on of retail design and its impact on produc vity have become a clear series of standardisa ons in the techniques and design quali es which will give the consumer a thema c experience. 100% of the space have a purpose and must be u lised to result to a good retail interior design which will effec vely sell the store through the correct choice of the layout, space structure and circula on systems, furniture, atmospheric quali es (light and sound) and materiality finishing touches and choice of ligh ng etc. The floor plan creates circula on to direct the traffic flow; circulaon is important and to ensure that the consumer moves throughout the store from front to back, leading them to important displays and in the end to the cashier. Concerning furniture and fi ngs, there are different strategies; some use completely bespoke tailor-made furniture and fi ngs, while others use premade furniture and fi ngs. There are also modular fi ngs which are highly func onal and good looking, reducing costs and me dras cally.
A er concluding the overall structure and circula on, the atmosphere and thema c of the space must be created with cohesively design elements such as ligh ng, sound, materials and visual branding, which will impact the consumer, thus increasing the produc vity level. Materiality (architecture) is another key selling tool, the made choices must not only be aesthe cally pleasing and influen al but func onal with minimal maintenance needs. The retail spaces are high traffic areas, the material finish should be durable and of quality. The warmth of a material will make the space invi ng and more comfortable to the customers. Areas/zones throughout the store, such as the path, cashier can be defined by switching materials or colours. The la er is also of important considera on, it should have meless appeal like neutral based colours rather than trend-based colours, and which must not be overpower or clash against the merchandise/products but rather create a complementary background for the exposed merchandise.
The illustra ons shows different types of materials ranges from: wood, laminate, tex le, concrete, vinyl, metal, stone & glass.
Retail design is primarily a commercial discipline with specialized crea ve prac ce of architecture and interior design where elements of interior decora on, industrial design, graphic design, ergonomics, and adver sing are combined in the design and construc on of the retail space, for the sale of goods to the public.
Below are six basic store layouts and circulaƟon plans (and illustraƟons below):
Amongst retail design, fashion has a crucial effect on the retail sector; it covers and specializes in the sales of clothing, accessories and shoes as well as beauty products. Fashion retail can be broken into three areas: premium fashion labels, where innova ve, cu ng-edge fashions and retail spaces lead the way for their counterparts; bou ques, where the interior space is unique and styled to sui ng the needs of the individual; and the mass-consumed commercial fashion empire, where fashions and interiors are fast paced, exci ng and some mes controversial.
The retail store is designed and created with in mind a certain audience type to a ract a broad clientele; it begins with the analysis of a brand and product iden ty. The designer is aimed to en ce, excite and enthral the consumers by crea ng a rela onship experience with the brand and product iden ty, and the shop. The storefront is designed to act as a billboard, retail spaces must be designed unified to draw people in to shop. The interior space on its turn need to be specially-tailored to the product being sold; e.g. a bookstore should consist of shelving units to accommodate the products accordingly while a clothing store needs to be an open space for full product display.
1. Straight plan: using walls to display merchandise this layout divides transi onal areas from one part of the store to the other, leading the consumer to the back of the store. This design can be used for stores ranging from pharmacies to apparel. 2. Pathway plan: is most suitable for single level large stores. In this plan there is an unobstructed path which smoothly guides the consumer through to the back of the store. This is suitable for apparel stores. 3. Diagonal plan: causes angular traffic flow using the perimeter design; the cashier, easily accessible, is in a central loca on. This plan is most suited for self-service retail. 4. Curved plan: tends to create an in mate invi ng environment. Emphasis is made on the structure of the space including the walls, corners and ceiling which is achieved by making curved structures and enhance by circular floor fixtures. Although it is an expensive design, it suit be er small spaces like salons and bou ques. 5. Varied plan: draw a en on to special focus areas. This is best suited footwear and jewellery retail stores, with storage areas lining the wall. 6. Geometric plan: uses racks and floor fixtures to create a geometric floor layout and circula on movement; parts of the ceiling can also be lowered to define spaces. This layout is appropriate for appeal stores.
retail design waliid ramjan
retail design Ligh ng should be layered and of a variety intensi es and fixtures to add drama c impacts to the space and it needs to be func onal, complemen ng the merchandise and emphasising key points throughout the space. Ambiance can be developed within the atmosphere through sound and audio; the music played within the store should reflect and drawn to the target market developing through the marketed merchandise. Visual branding of the store will ensure a memorable experience for the consumers. The key is to con nue the exterior branding signage into the interior, which should a ract, s mulate and embellish the store. The branding should reflect the merchandise being sold and what the target market would be drawn to. To ensure coherency, the font should be consistent with the font size altering. The interior branding should allow the consumer to easily self-direct themselves through the store and showing exactly where the cashier is located. A fun consumer experience in the right environment encourages the customers to browse and spend money; the customers are more likely to come back to a store a er a great shopping experience, thus the interior design/architecture is essen al and need to be crea ve and influen al to s mulate a fer le fusion of fashion and architectural design, and to establish the perfect ambiance to comfort the clients. The brand, product or building is not related to the success of any retail interior. The interior architecture is crucial to transit the customer seamlessly from outside to inside. The space organisa on, to navigate the customers round the shop is governed by the layout; this should enhance the quality of the space and the me spent within instead of becoming a conscious part of the overall shopping experience, encroaching on the users.
The following project explores the principles of organising a retail space giving an insight into the techniques to create an effec ve, user friendly layout. The inten on of this project is to create a concept for a shoes shop situated in the town centre. The resul ng design encapsulates the values of minimalism and func onality to incorporate a retail space which is centred around two main different spaces with different func ons – the shopping area, back shop – consis ng of stock storage, staff room, office, toilet and a plant room. The journey through the space is important and is influenced by visits of different age customers. Researches were carried out and the overall shop design scheme is concerned and concentrated with values and principles on colour, materiality, light and pa ern, playing a role in the transi on between the different environments.
The illustra ons depict ligh ng design of the retail spaces as well as visual branding.
retail design waliid ramjan
Program Facili es
Approximate Maximum Area (Square Metres)
retail area / shop: display areas, fi ng areas, cash counter.
Staff room: 2 seats, table and small kitchen area.
Staff toilet: with wash basin.
Small office: with desk, 2 seats and space for filing cabinet.
Small plant room: with boiler.
The exis ng boiler shown on the plan can be retained. It has a connec on to an external flue and an internal high-level duct for a ducted warm air hea ng system.
Design brief A shop more specifically in the selling of shoes needs to and will be design along with a back shop comprising a staff room, a small office, a toilet space and a small plant room.
Design considera ons What will the remodelled interior used for? What is the size of the exis ng space? What will be the func on of the shop? What are the expec ng results from the interior designing? Will the interior be aesthe cally pleasing? Which design style is being preferred? Will it be a short term or long term investment? How many sales person will there be? Will the design elements & principles be considered? Which age group will use the shop? Will there be disabled consumers? Should the interior be spacious? Will ergonomics & anthropometrics facts and circula on flow movements be considered throughout the interior? Will there be heavy or light traffic? Which types of materials are preferred for the architectural construc on, such as wall par ons, doors, windows, flooring and ceiling? What will be the fixing types for the architectural products? Which furniture is required for the different areas - shopping area, storage area, kitchen area, staff area? What types of furniture is going to be used – premade or in situ? Will the furniture be built-in or free standing? If in situ, what types of join ng and fixing to be employed? Will the materials used for the furniture construc on be eco-friendly / recycled / green / sustainable? Which type of finishes will be employed - lacquered, varnish, painted or unfinished? Which are the preferred types of fabrics for the so furnishings? Which colours and texture types are preferred for the interior? Will the colours be so , neutral, lively, relaxing, blues, greys, etc.? Will there be any texture design, if so will it be so or rough to the tac le or visual sense? Do the interior get the desired amount of daylight/sunshine? Which types of light fi ngs will be used? Which sanitary wares would be used in the toilet? How much is the budget?
programming waliid ramjan
loca on
town centre
shop func on
exhibit & sales of man (sport/classic) shoes a ract clientele comfort and seduce the customers give quality customer service
space conven on
exhibi on of shoes fi ng area counter area stock storage staff room small kitchen area small office small plant room
ergonomics & anthropometrics
scale / size and propor on user friendly furniture
users + costumers
circula on
health concern low VOC’s finishes no toxic materials easy to use normal / disabled young / old children / teen / adult
easy / no hindering of movements front to back movement
traffic flow architectural construc on
walls faux walls par on walls false ceiling doors windows
concrete stone brick plaster metal plas c wood glass
architectural finish
textured faux finish unfinish paint
li le moderate heavy
tac le + visual
colours cool / warm lively relaxing neutral
so / rough
low average high
programming waliid ramjan
built-in / freestanding in situ / premade
shelving systems counter storage system desk table chair kitchen units
natural / syntheƟc / renewable / reclaimed / recycled / eco-friendly / green
metal - stainless steel / chrome / iron / aluminium plasƟc - thermoplasƟc / thermoseƫng + foam for padding wood - hardwood / soŌwood / processed fabrics leather
furniture finish
textured faux finish unfinish paint
fiƫngs & fixing
buƩ dovetail dowelled lock mitred tongue & groove
soŌ / rough
low average high
colours cool / warm lively relaxing neutral
permanent temporary
tacƟle + visual
brackets hinges knock-down fiƫngs screws staples / pins
glue nail rivet brazing soldering welding sƟtch
durable quick assembly simple strong
shop + furniture
shop + furniture
minimalist modernist contemporary green / sustainable industrial exoƟc
programming waliid ramjan
Design consideraƟons The shop will be a long term investment in the sales of man (sport or classic) shoes, so it should be pleasing and prac cal in all aspects to a ract a broad clientele. The product display shelves/stands and furniture should be ergonomics, func onal and easy to access and use simultaneously by different people, male-female, young-old and normal-disabled. Since the shop will be a heavy traffic area, there should be good space for circula on and traffic flow. Wood will be use for the display shelves and counter units as well as for the back shop furniture and features; low VOC’s and no toxic materials and finishes should be used. The design of the furniture and interior should be modern in design so as to be appealing and keep living even the design trends keep on changing. There should be a balance in the shop layout and the furniture and architectural features should be of a reasonable size and scale and propor onal to the space. The shop should be invi ng and prac cal with the back shop sa sfying the needs of the staffs and enough room for stock storage, all with ergonomic, health and safety concerns.
Design SpecificaƟon FuncƟon The primary func on of the shop will be the display, storing and sales of shoes, more specifically man (sport or classic) shoes. Materials Generally the materials to be employed will be natural and synthe c materials such as concrete, wood, metal, plas c, fabrics, stones, etc. Sustainable wood will be the primary material for furniture construc on, such as shelves, cash counter, seat structure and tables; fabric will be used for seat cushions and stainless steel for features. Ergonomics & anthropometrics Since the users will consist of normal, disabled, young and old people, both the space and furniture should be user-friendly. The furniture in the interior space must comply with standard heights, so that users can reach the highest point without difficul es. The furniture along with the space should be sized, scaled and propor oned compare to the human size to fit the space accordingly. There should be space for circula on throughout the shop from front to back and to the counter. Safety features The furniture, those standing should be stable on the ground and those wall fixed/built-in should be properly fixed. The furniture and architectural construc on should contain no traces of splinters, nails or screws and there should be no sharp edges. AestheƟcs & finishing The furniture and interior design must be appealing with smooth surfaces and the joints if any should be clean. The shop furniture will be le unfinished in its natural state and the grain structure and texture should stand out beau fully; if processed wood is used, a lacquer finish will be used. The walls will be a neutral based colour. ConstrucƟon/JoinƟng method Both the furniture and architectural features will employ components like screws and knock-down or modular fi ngs for easy moun ng and demoun ng joints. For the join ng of wood to wood, dovetail, rebate, mitre, mor se and tenon, and tongue and groove joint will be employ where necessary. Depending of the materials to be use, the correct join ng method will be employed as necessary. Environment friendly The employed construc on materials and finishes of the interior and furniture should be of non-toxic and low VOC’s materials. The materials should also be bio-degradable/recyclable and sustainable. Maintenance, quality & lifespan The furniture and the shop interior must be of high quality with a long lifespan. The furniture and architectural feature should be strong and sturdy, and it should be regularly maintain.
programming waliid ramjan
wash basin & vanity direc on
furniture ligh ng direc on
colour & concrete wall direc on
oďŹƒce furniture direc on
cash counter direc on
fi ng area direc on
shelves direc on
shelves direc on
floor finish direc on
mood board waliid ramjan
plan waliid ramjan
secƟon a-a waliid ramjan
secƟon b-b waliid ramjan
SCALE 1:50
SCALE 1:50
SCALE 1:50
secƟon c-c, d-d & e-e waliid ramjan
back shop / office area
shop area space
sec on b-b
public space
shop plan
private space
sec on a-a
shop area
back shop / office area
shop sec on a-a
space + furniture
shop area
shop area
back shop / office area
public space
private space back shop/office area
shop sec on b-b
The shop is divided into two main spaces: public space consis ng of the shop area & private space consis ng of the office and staff room as well as a kitchen, toilet and stock storage area. The combina on of furniture with the space will result to a whole interior.
public & private space waliid ramjan
shop area
back shop / office area
shop area
back shop / office area
public space
Space analysis; divided into shop area for public space & the back shop area for private use.
back shop / office area
shop area
Furniture demarking analysis for shop area consis ng of display shelves, fi ng areas & cash counter. Back shop area consis ng of kitchen counter, table, screen, chair, shelves & filing cabinet.
back shop / office area
Area demarking the space for stock storage.
back shop / office area
ligh ng analysis
stock storage
Light intensity & exposure analysis from natural light source.
sh / back shop office aarea
back shop / office area
air ven la on analysis
shop area
stock storage
shop area
private space
Traffic flow analysis for both public & private areas.
furniture zoning
shop area
traffic flow
space zoning
shop area
traffic path flow
natural air
Natural air circula on through the en re shop - through openings.
The space is analysed in different parts to demonstrate the fundamentals and rela onships between the furniture and the spaces as well as the natural factors.
programma c analysis waliid ramjan
private area public area
toilet secƟon
b o
a g
longitudinal secƟon 1
f h
longitudinal secƟon 2
transverse secƟon 1
j k
longitudinal secƟon 1
transverse secƟon 1
transverse secƟon 2
transverse secƟon 3
a: front display, b: display shelves (with boxes) c: display shelves (with storage) d: seat with display e: cash counter f: seat g: fabric wall h: filing cabinet i: office & kitchen table j: office chair k: staff area chair l: kitchen counter with shelves m: stainless steel tube screen n: furnace o: planter p: stock storage shelves q: built-in vanity with wash basin r: toilet
j p
transverse secƟon 3
transverse secƟon 2
white paint furniture & wall
polished concrete floor
marble wall les
upholstery & fabric wall
granite countertop
reclaimed pine wood
stainless steel
concrete wall
i h
materials waliid ramjan
toilet secƟon
c mirror
longitudinal secƟon 2
back shop / office area
shop area
Part of wall removed for eleva on view
display box
display shelves with led backlight
stainless steel feature
stock storage area
stainless steel screen
perspecƟve elevaƟon
front display
fi ng area seat with display
cash counter
office area seat
elevaƟon view 2
elevaƟon view 1
display socle
office & staff area table
staff area seat
Parts of the wall is removed to show the transi on and rhythm from the retail area to the back of the shop and between the display shelves and other furniture.
schema c sec on waliid ramjan
back shop / office area
shop area
Part of wall removed for eleva on view
shelves with led backlight
staff area
stainless steel feature
fi ng area seat with display
perspecƟve elevaƟon
stainless steel tube screen
kitchen area
office area
filing cabinet
cash counter
front display
display areas with storage units & led backlight
elevaƟon view 2
elevaƟon view 1
Parts of the wall is removed to show the transi on and rhythm from the retail area to the back of the shop and between the display shelves and other furniture.
schema c sec on waliid ramjan
s r, s, v, x
p w
o h
i h
i g j
u, y
n d
s t
v w
p y z e1
c1 h1
sample board waliid ramjan
a: Wall DescripƟon: concrete wall rendering vintage look Materials: concrete Supplier: COR b: Wall DescripƟon: fabric wall with stainless steel track profile Materials: fabric & stainless steel Dimensions: 870 x 860 x h670/360mm Supplier: Modus c: Swivel Boum - office DescripƟon: 360⁰ swivel chair Materials: Metal finish: brushed stainless steel Rear body finish: white polypropylene (PP01) Finish of cover: water repellent polyurethane layer (PU10-PU15) Dimensions: Overall: W45 x D59 x H78cm Seat height: 46cm Supplier: Kristalia d: Mod chair - kitchen / staff room DescripƟon: stackable chair Materials: Frame: laminated wood & cold foam Upholstery: fabric / leather Support: chrome Dimensions: Overall: W53 x D61 x H86cm Seat height: 49cm Supplier: Offecct e: Door DescripƟon: heavy duty wood sliding door Materials: pine wood in plank Dimensions: Overall: W122.5 x D18.5 x H200 cm Thickness: 3cm
f: Screen - kitchen DescripƟon: par on screen fixed in ceiling & floor Materials: stainless steel Dimensions: Overall: W106 x D4 x H280 cm Diameter: 4cm g: Polished concrete floor DescripƟon: flooring in polished concrete h: Pro Industrial™ Zero VOC Acrylic Latex - furniture finish DescripƟon: primer cover furniture with Premium Wall & Wood Primer for protec on before finishing Colour: white Finish: semi-gloss VOC: 0g/L Clean-up solvent: water Supplier: Sherwin Williams h: Pro Industrial™ Zero VOC Acrylic Latex - wall finish DescripƟon: primer cover wallwith Premium Wall & Wood Primer for protec on before finishing Colour: white Finish: silky VOC: 0g/L Clean-up solvent: water Supplier: Sherwin Williams i: Concrete wall DescripƟon: concrete wall le in rough & vintage finish j: Classic Crema - toilet wall DescripƟon: marble wall les Dimensions: W30 x D30 x H0.5 cm Supplier: The Tile Shop - UK k: Treated reclaimed pine wood DescripƟon: pine wood for furniture Finish: unfinished
Dimensions: as per detail drawings Supplier: Treated Pine Distributors l: Silkweave Fabric DescripƟon: fabric for wall panels & upholstery SPECIFICATIONS: Contents: 97% Polyester, 3% Silk Weight: 15.5 ± 1.0 oz./lin. yd. Width: 170cm min. usable Back CoaƟng: None DirecƟonal: Yes Repeat: None Cleaning Code: W-S (Fabric may be cleaned with mild, water-free solvents or water-based cleaning agents or foam) PERFORMANCE: Flammability (ASTM E84): Class 1 or A Breaking Strength (ASTM D5034): 150 lbs. minimum warp, 125 lbs. minimum fill Tear (ASTM D2261): 15 lbs. minimum warp and fill Moisture Regain: 0.5% maximum Colorfastness to Light (AATCC 16) OpƟon 3: 40 hours minimum Colorfastness to Crocking ( AATCC 8): Class 4 minimum dry, Class 3 minimum wet Supplier: Fabric Mate System m: Black Galaxy DescripƟon: granite table top Dimensions: W120 x D60 cm Supplier: Granite Stock n & o: Concrete floor covering DescripƟon: polished concrete Supplier: Concrete Earth p: Persuade® Curv Comfort Height® DescripƟon: 2 piece toilet with dual flush Colour: white Dimensions: W36 x D73 x H83 cm
Supplier: Kohler
q: Loure® toilet ssue holder DescripƟon: metal construc on Finish: polished chrome Dimensions: W16 x D11 x H8 cm Supplier: Kohler r: Elan wash basin DescripƟon: wall mounted wash basin Material: porcelain Colour: white Dimensions: W42 x D30 x H13 cm Supplier: Sears s: Soap dispenser Material: stainless steel Capacity: 500ml Dimensions: W36 x D73 x H83 cm Supplier: Sanliv t: Pedal bin Material: stainless steel Capacity: 3L Supplier: Tootoo u: Purist® kitchen sink faucet DescripƟon: metal construc on Finish: polished chrome Dimensions: W12 x D20 x H29 cm Supplier: Kohler v: S llness® wash basin faucet Material: solid brass Finish: polished chrome Dimensions: W20 x D10 x H18 cm Supplier: Kohler w: Toilet brush Material: stainless steel Supplier: SourceStar (HK) Limited x: Purist® towel ring Material: solid brass Finish: polished chrome Dimensions: W23 x D8 x H15 cm
k plan
b l
g c
p n
z Supplier: Kohler y: Vault™ double bowl kitchen sink Material: stainless steel Finish: stainless steel Dimensions: W84 x D56 x H16 cm Supplier: Kohler z: Eco downlight Finish: grey LighƟng source: fluorescent Bulb type: TC-DEL G24q-3 Power: 2x26W Dimensions: ø23.3 x H10 cm Supplier: Leds-C4 a1: PANOS INFINITY LF LED with face ed op c Material: Reflector/trim unit made of high-quality, UV-resistant polycarbonate Finish: white trim LighƟng source: led Bulb type: led Power: 25W Supplier: Zumtobel b1: LEM. A Led strip Finish: anodized aluminium LighƟng source: led Bulb type: creed led Power: 9W Dimensions: W90 x D0.8 x H1.9 cm Supplier: Leds-C4
b1 c1
u y
e1 f1 i1 g1 h1
c1: SLOTLIGHT II LED single luminaire Material: extruded aluminium sec on Finish: anodized LighƟng source: led Bulb type: led840 Power: 24W Dimensions: W120 x D7.2 x H10 cm Supplier: Zumtobel d1: Compact refrigerator Finish: whiteTotal capacity: 4.4 Cu. Dimensions: W55 x D55 x H83 cm Supplier: Best Buy e1, f1 & g1: TESSA shaped lever handles, release indicator and inside turn & Bar handle, Supplier: Hafale g1: Sharp microwave Finish: stainless steel / white Total capacity: 0.5 Cu. Power: 650W Dimensions: W45 x D38 x H29 cm Supplier: AJ Madison h1: Wijas below sink water heater Dimensions: W16.5 x D7 x H15.2 cm Supplier: Ascot Hygiene
shop area
back shop / oďŹƒce area 3D views
2 1
2 These images show the rela onship between the furniture and the whole interior of the retail area and the contras ng of the colour of the dierent materials used, such as wood (unfinished and white painted), rough concrete wall, polished concrete flooring, fabric wall, upholstery and stainless steel.
3D interior visualisa on waliid ramjan
1 2
3D views
back shop / oďŹƒce area
shop area
2 These images show the rela onship between the furniture and the whole interior of the retail area and the contras ng of the colour of the dierent materials used, such as wood (unfinished and white painted), rough concrete wall, polished concrete flooring, fabric wall, upholstery and stainless steel.
3D interior visualisa on waliid ramjan
back shop / oďŹƒce area
1 2 4 3
3D views
shop area
4 These images show the rela onship between the furniture and the whole interior of the retail area and the contras ng of the colour of the dierent materials used, such as wood (unfinished and white painted), rough concrete wall, polished concrete flooring, fabric wall, upholstery and stainless steel.
3D interior visualisa on waliid ramjan