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Walter Fantauzzi Photography
“Comunication is important”! This is my motto and belief since 1995. I'm a Histrionic Designer and Developer for corporate communications, social and business networks. I’m currently working as Team Leader and UI/UX Designer for an Italian Service Company in Rome, that creates mobile and web applications for the Italian Public Administration. In 2004, I worked in Paris in a Graphic and Photography Studio. In 2003, I worked for almost a year in Detroit and Chicago for various design and prepress companies. Worked with major clients as in P&G, Nike Italy, Adidas, UMBRO, UEFA, FIGC, Colgate Palmolive Europe, Italian Public Administration. In addition to my actual and previous work experience, I’m a freelance photographer and teacher in glamour and fashion. My personal contacts are as follows: Mobile: 0039 388 8190313 Skype: walterfantauzzi Thankyou in advance for your kind attention. Best regards, Walter Fantauzzi