6 minute read
Investing in hope
by TODD COHENFFOR THE ONE IN FOUR FAMILIES AFFECTED BY MENTAL ILLNESS, FINDING TREATMENT AND A cure can be di cult, ustrating, and o en heart-breaking, particularly in a society that stigmatizes the disease. e late ad and Alice Eure encountered those challenges 40 years ago when their 17-year-old son, ad Eure III, was diagnosed with severe bipolar disorder. A er scouring the U.S. looking for answers and finding few solutions, the couple started thinking about what they could do to foster research about mental illness. In 1984, they founded the Foundation of Hope, which has funded $4.3 million for research that has generated another $140 million in federal research grants. e Foundation always has been a family a air. Driving it in its early years were its founders: ad Eure Jr., the Raleigh restaurateur best known for e Angus Barn and 42d Street Oyster Bar as well as the Darryl’s and Fat Daddy’s chains, died in 1988. Alice Eure, an interior designer who owned and operated Stewart Woodard Galleries, died in 1997. eir two daughters continue to be key players. Van Eure, 60, owner of Angus Barn, has chaired the foundation’s main fundraising event, the ad and Alice Eure Walk for Hope, since it was launched
27 years ago. Shelley Eure Belk, 56, who was a longtime board member, has served as the foundation’s executive director since 2012. “Severe mental illness is a lifetime of living with the illness,” says Belk. “Many people don’t realize that mental illness is a disease of the brain. People can’t see that someone is struggling and su ering, because the signs of mental illness are not visible.” She and her husband, Dean Belk, a retired pilot for US Airways, live in Raleigh with their 11-year-old twins, Ellison and Hayes. Van Eure and her husband, Steve anhauser, co-owner of e Angus Barn and e Pavilion at the Angus Barn, live in Raleigh. ey have two children – Christopher, 22, a rising junior at Peace University and a cook at e Angus Barn, and Ali, 16, a rising junior at North Raleigh Christian Academy. is is a busy time for the family and the foundation: e Foundation’s Evening of Hope, a gala dinner at e Pavilion at the Angus Barn, will be held September 24, and the 27th Annual Walk for Hope is October 11 at e Angus Barn. How your brother, ad? Shelley Belk: He now is 57. He lives by himself. He has a wonderful doctor. Our goal is to keep him on his medication and living independently. Every once in a while he has a relapse and goes back into the hospital. at’s what happens with mental illness. What do the Foundation of Hope mean to you? Van Eure: It’s fulfilling a severe need in our society. is medical field has basically been overlooked for a very long time. What do the Foundation’s grants support? SB: e majority of our money goes to the North Carolina Neurosciences Hospital at UNC-Chapel Hill. We fund brilliant seed research projects. Each study we fund takes approximately three years to germinate an idea, and then there may be breakthroughs. What we hope is that our seed projects then attract national funding. How do the Foundation ra e money? SB: We have three main events: e Bike for Hope in April raises about $25,000; the Evening of Hope every September raises approximately $200,000; the Walk for Hope raises approximately $400,000. What progr s h been made on mental illn s? VE: e stigma is slowly but surely being reduced, especially with the military focus on post-traumatic stress disorder. Major strides have been made in the field of mental illness with medication, therapy, research. In the past, people would just be locked up in basements. Today, someone can actually say, “I am bipolar,” and talk about it eely. SB: In 1984, research was very drug-related. Today, while people are always going to be looking for new drugs, there is definitely a change in focus on non-invasive treatment for mental illness. What challeng remain? SB: Trying to help the majority of the population recognize this is a real brain disease that needs to be addressed. ere’s a stigma associated with mental illness. And finding fund-
Walk for Hope
ing for mental illness research is much more di cult than finding funding for other causes. People like to see immediate results. In mental illness research, you have to have a lot of patience. Our research comes inch by inch by inch. VE: What bothers me is the stereotyping and the lack of hospitals that provide rooms or beds for the mentally ill. Your grandfather, ad Eure, w a political legend – the long t-ever serving North Carolina Secretary of State, om 1936 to 1989 – and your father w a v ionary b in sman. What w it like growing up part of that legacy? VE: I was very, very proud of my grandfather and very proud of all my father’s accomplishments. But there are also certain expectations of being part of a family that’s made a difference in the community. We were always expected to walk the walk. We all have been working since we were 14 years old. At Angus Barn, we had to work harder than anybody else because he didn’t want anybody saying, “ ad Eure’s kids get o easy.” What did you want to be when you grew up? SB: A flight attendant. I got a degree in education at UNC-Chapel Hill. I was a flight attendant for 14 years with Piedmont Airlines. en I started my own interior design business, Eure Distinctive Designs. I also was a general contractor. I built custom homes. VE: A veterinarian. But I got so involved in the restaurant in high school and college. And then I decided I wanted to teach, so I got my teaching degree. I went overseas, to Kenya, and taught school for five years. It was the best thing I ever did in my entire life. It taught me how to get by on hardly anything. e simple things in life are the most important. It’s what caused me to start a huge conservation, energy, and recycling plan at Angus Barn when I first started running it a er my father died. What do you like about Raleigh? SB: I lived for 20 years in Charlotte because of my flying job. is feels like home. VE: It still has a small town feel. What inspir you? SB: My family. VE: My religion. I’m a Christian. What do you do for fun? SB: I have 11-year-old twins. ey are my fun. VE: I work with my rescue animals, currently nine – three horses, one donkey, three dogs, two cats, and one pig. I have a foundation, e Cheyenne Foundation, which provides funds for rescuing animals. What your philosophy of life? SB: Work hard. Stay loyal to your iends and family. ey are your lifeline. VE: A quote om a iend of my mine: “It’s your attitude not your aptitude that determines your altitude in life.”
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