1 minute read
by Sharon Kurtzman
A Mother’s Place
It is not a mother’s place to turn her children into firemen, make them dance like Pavlova, play sports like Kobe Bryant perform in the way of Meryl Streep or Beyonce.
It is not a mother’s place to dry every tear, right every wrong, change every bad grade, add their sums or write their college essays.
It is not a mother’s place to choose every single person in their lives, change them om le -handed to right, or pick who they love.
However, it is a mother’s place to let her children discover a belly laugh, con ont a nasty comment on the playground, and find their strength a er not finishing first or even making the team.
It is a mother’s place to teach her children to find the owner of a lost wallet, show them the beauty in a budding flower, or the taste of snow, and acquaint them with Brontës and Rowling, Newton and Einstein, Monet and Warhol, Beethoven and The Beatles.
It is a mother’s place to encourage them to find their passion and wander their heart into each vein, valve, and aorta. Because when children discover their heart, they will know who they are.
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