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The Old Porch House, Bargate - ‘Spetyall House’

Pencil sketch with colour wash endorsed ‘Sketch by James Jillott, Oct 4 1873, Old Porch House’. The paper is damaged.

The Bargate Cottages

‘Thomas Wilkinson’s Cottage, Grimsby. He died some years ago. Had been Old soldier under Gen. Whitelane. Near the Wheatsheaf’.

The brick built, single storey cottage has a large central brick chimney stack and a pantiled roof. There is a door in the centre with a leaded window on the right hand side and another window. In the back garden is a privy.

Anderson Bates records that, ‘Nearly opposite Mr. Cook’s house, was a cottage and garden occupied by Tommy Wilkinson, an old Waterloo man.’

Captain Hand’s Summer House, Cartergate

Heavy pencil sketch with annotations on a very flimsy piece of paper.


Grime Street towards Marshall Knott & Baker

Pencil drawing 1877.


Lock Hill

Pencil with pen and ink and a light colour wash with annotations.

Preliminary sketch for a possible painting.

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