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profolio. Wang Hung-Yan


profolio. Wang Hung-Yan

< WALT WANG My name , Mybe, walt or yen, Others call me “?” . Bron in 1900, normal family, not too samart. Like girl, not gay. No ricial. Industrial design, but also make graphic. Often Masturbation, maybe i shouldn’t mention that. Rock music, Fxxk Justin bieber. Deron walliams’s fans. One pet, Dog. Does not wear perfume. Cafe racer’s fans. Did i say i love THRUXTON, but i still want a rangrover. Fxxk you Aaron. vedio game lover.



扁平的型狀配合 兩 種 透 明 視 覺 的 調 味 ,清楚表達調味 料 的 訊 息 , 並 藉 由 旋 轉的使用方式增 加 在 飲 食 中 的 趣 味 。

Transfrom the image of taiwan aborigines knife to flavor can, Symbolize the good of taiwan.It is easy to cleaning and change by using the test tube to be the inside container, Shift-open design gives more fun for the product.


將調味罐的意象 轉 化 , 利 用 原 著 民 番 刀中空的概念, 山 脈 的 起 伏 , 形 成 以 玻璃試管為容器 的 內 裝 和 外 裝 。


plus flavor



從 古 早 的 米 袋 作 為 發 想 , 希 望 將人們對 於 米 的 記 憶 重 新 帶 進 現 代 的 生 活中。 重 新 檢 視 對 以 前 米 的 記 憶 中 , 選擇用觸 感 的 經 驗 作 為 出 發 , 將 米 袋 的 材質與電 鍋 作 一 種 結 合 , 以 簡 單 的 外 型 , 去突顯材 質 的 特 色 , 一 種 簡 約 但 充 滿 感 情的設計 。

Inspire by the marterial that saved rice by the old generation,bring the memory from back to now, Emotional link,which to be the concept. With the prued design,highlight the material and the object.

2009 <BRUNCH

以樹枝的分 支 長 出 的 方 向 為 概 念 , 再將圓弧不 平 的 樹 枝 轉 換 為 利 落 的 角面, 強調面 與 面 之 間 的 構 成 , 以 卡 榫的方式結 合 , 便 於 拆 裝 攜 帶 。

The culture and the traditional skill of taiwan is the construction which base on our social identity.Using the tanon skill,branched out the structure. Just like the tree,the new way to annotate the table.


糧食的分配不均 將 會 是 為 來 社 會 所 需 要 面 對 的 問題, 在開發國家 中 可 見 蔬 菜 水 果 等 時 效 性 食 物 ,常常因為冰箱 容 量 不 足 和 不 注 意 等 因 素 而 造 成浪費,確忽略 了 還 有 地 區 因 為 糧 食 不 足 所 造 成的悲劇。 My frui t keeper是 一 設 計 用 來 針 對 單 身 及 小 家 庭的水果真空保 存 機 , 用 來 解 決 飲 食 的 保 存 及 浪費,讓水果有 效 的 保 存 營 養 和 時 間 . 解 決 冰 箱 的空間問題,更 減 省 了 荷 包 。

Uneven distribution of food to the community will be required for the problems to face by.Seen in developed countries such as aging foods,fruits and vegetables,often because the space refrigerator lacking orno intention with it,cause the wasting. Fruit Keeper is designed for single and small familes of Vacuum preservation of fruit machines,used to address the perservation of food and waste,so that the preservation of fruits and effective nutrition and times.


Push to open


Input the food


Wait until ready


Food dry ready


Clean the waste


將摺紙的技藝融合在不同的材質上,利用 材質本身的柔軟和張力去除重新詮釋,試 圖營造出像雲般輕盈的家具。 利用雞眼和繩索打包的方式表現在城市旅 行的意象,以鋁的材質處理支撐的結構, 以輕的方式表達城市旅人的生活型態。

Mixing the concept of WINKLES into this project. Using the skill of origami and the characteristic of EVA,making the image of WRINKLES.The feeling of light come from the assist of color and form itself.

以城市的背包客為意象,將水手包的打包型 態加以轉化,將背包的感覺和家具結合,傳達 隨手可攜,跟隨自身一起漫游於城市之間,隨 身的休憩之處。 以傳統摺紙的技藝,轉化到E V A 材質上,將 E V A 的彈性和柔韌,以皺褶的方式呈現,衷於 表達材質本身的特性,並利用材質表達輕盈和 雲般的意象。





這是一個為登山者設計的求 救用具,在登山者在山中迷 路時,會在路途上留下記號 , 方 便 搜 救 隊 找 尋 , S AVER MAR K內 附 有 LED燈 源 及 光 纖 和 壓 縮 氣 球 , 藉 由 LED的 省 電和持久,除了可以在路途 上留下記號外,更可以藉由 光纖和氣球的方式讓遠方及 可得知登山者的位置。


2010 <ROAD ROLL 在台北的捷運及道路施 工,除了常造成交通堵 塞外,強烈的噪音也常 影響住戶。 L IG H T & lig h t是 將 噪 音 減弱後加以轉換為電力 ,在夜晚或燈光微弱時 提供警示,減少因標示 不明等意外發生,保障 道路安全。

The MRT and road construction in taipei, often result in traffic congestion, the strong impact of the noise disturbing households.LIGHT & light is to reuse the noisem, transforming to power.At night or in faint light situation to provide alerts,Marked unknowns and reducing accidents,also, road Security.

It better doing this way.

2010 <HUNAN 運用音波和數位 化 的 方 式 將 湖 南 的 景 點 圖像解構,把圖 像 的 每 個 像 素 幾 何 線 條 化後,重新組合 變 化 , 是 一 種 將 過 去 和 現代電子化的圖 像 結 合 設 計 , 並 挑 出 五 種湖南的景點, 重 新 轉 化 , 配 合 幾 何 的 圓和三角方塊以 及 色 塊 組 構 , 轉 變 絲 巾 本身的圖像,讓 絲 巾 不 在 是 原 本 的 古 典 美,而是結合現 代 藝 術 的 媒 介 。 其中選擇五種景 點 , 並 且 將 五 種 景 點 的 色彩重新規劃, 選 出 期 代 表 色 票 , 搭 配 幾何構圖,讓色 塊 主 導 視 覺 變 化 , 呈 現 當地不同風情。

Attractions image of Hunan sonic digital deconstruction, each pixel of the image geometric lines after the re-mix changes, is a combination of the past and the image of the modern electronic design, and singled out the five kindsHunan attractions, re-transformation, with the geometry of the circle and triangle box as well as blocks of color fabric, the transformation of the image of the scarf itself, so that the scarf is not in the original classical beauty, but a combination of modern artistic medium. Select one of five attractions, and re-planning of the colors of the five spots selected period on behalf of the swatches with geometric composition, color blocks to dominant visual change, presents local and moon.

C-86 M-40 Y-30 K-3

C-30 M-5 Y-90 K-0

C-36 M-62 Y-80 K-26

C-59 M-50 Y-50 K-17

C-77 M-30 Y-100 K-18



Concept from the pattern formed by the traditional Chinese seal with the official script lines form a closed image, combined with the geometric shape of the original image, the use of a combination of barcode and lines With the changes in thickness and blank manufacturing image a sense of movement between the lines, and text blank with the different scenes, to make sense of mosaic image, the narrative hidden in the image, echoing the original Hunan attractions digital fuzzy meaning.


PACKAGE DESIGN 將絲巾摺疊後可以形成a3大小的包裹,結 合絲巾輕薄的特性可以將其體積壓縮,變 成像紙張一般,所以將包裝設計成三片狀 刀模雙開的夾頁,就像聖旨般的資料訊息 ,表達裡面裝的是關於湖南觀光的重要資 訊,外包裝設計成方圓的圖像架構象徵中 國的思想,但運用不同的幾何去做變化增 加神秘感,內部使用VI上的圖像轉化成的 圖騰,增加視覺系統的一至性,內部一樣 運用圓形的語彙,半露出產品本身,告訴 消費者購買的商品。

概念來自於中國傳統的印章形成的圖案,搭 配隸書的線條,形成的封閉式圖像,結合原 先圖像的幾何形狀,運用條碼和線條的結合 搭配出變化,利用線條之間粗細和留白製造 圖像的流動感,且配合不同的場景的文字留 白,在圖像中做出馬賽克的感覺,將敘述隱 藏在圖像中,呼應原先將湖南景點數位模糊 化的含義。

將原先的VI的圖騰提出應用,圖騰本身就 是半開放的幾何架構,結合不同方位的四 個象限結合,組成不同面象的無限循環圖 像,就像中國的方圓架構,以及東方的圖 騰文化,做在包裝的內頁當作視覺應用, 增添文化感。 The the original VI totem proposed application, Totem geometry itself is semi-open architecture, combined with different orientation of the four quadrants combined to form the image of the infinite loop of different surfaces like the radius of architecture, like

Scarf folded form the a3 size of the parcel, combined scarves thin features can be compressed its volume becomes like paper, packaging design into the three sheet Daomo double to open the folder page, information like edictsmessage expression inside the important information about tourism in Hunan, the radius of the image architecture packaging design as a symbol of Chinese thought, but the use of different geometry do changes to increase the sense of mystery, internal use VI image intototem, to increase the visual system, a consistency, internal use of the same circular vocabulary, semi-exposed to the product itself, to tell consumers to buy goods.



現代水資源浪費嚴重,其中洗衣機所耗費的 水 量 更 是 都 市 中 數 一 數 二 , c le a n w a s h 藉 由 電氣石的撞擊將水分子軟化,減少水分子張 力清除污漬,且利用水蒸氣的分式推動,解 決了少量衣物清潔的水資源浪費,適合每日 的制服以及出外旅遊的衣物。

Can you imaging the all new washing concept?Without a big machine but a handhell device can done it, it is washman!with tourmaline you can cleaning your clothes with no chemical stuff,more important is,when you got only few pieces of clothing needed to clean,you can saving more than 8l water with washman.




DI water(Capable decontamination) Water inlet

2010 <XBOX 360 SHOOT GUN

針對xbox的虛擬 世 界 , 以 科 幻 設 計 遊 戲 為 出 發 點 ,轉換到生存遊 戲 和 漆 彈 射 擊 , 藉 由 偏 未 來 的 槍 身 將使用者帶到遊 戲 和 真 實 世 界 模 糊 的 界 限 。 運 用 較少的分件, 以 一 體 成 型 的 概 念 , 配 合 x b o x 銀 白 綠 的科技配色, 帶 出 未 來 的 感 覺 , 卻 不 缺 少 漆 彈 槍 的 機能性。

Take A Break

If your good, Don’t do it free.

2012 <NERAS 取自nerus,海神,是希臘神話中大海與大地之 子,擁有變身能力,因此取其為名,象徵在水上的 速度,以及其輕巧可拆卸的形態。 是一種比水上摩托車更為輕便的水上娛樂工具,設 計給尋求刺激卻步想大費周章的玩家,簡易拆裝與 攜帶的概念,用速度享受人生。 Neras針對追求刺激卻希望輕便的遠距離運動者所設 計,利用水翼的原理以速度達到浮力,減少了原本 水上摩托車因為浮力原理所佔的龐大體積,犧牲了 靜止時的浮力,來換取速度和體積提升。

Nerus, Poseidon, is taken from the Greek mythology, the sea and the sons of the soil, with the transformation ability, so whichever is the name of a symbol of speed in the water, and lightweight removable form. A more lightweight than the jet-skiing water sports entertainment tool, designed to seek to stimulate deterred the players want to fuss, easy disassembly and carried by concept, and enjoy life with speed. Neras stimulate the pursuit of long-distance movement, however, want the light of the design, use the principle of hydrofoils to speeds of up to buoyancy, reducing the huge volume of the original jet-skiing because of the buoyancy principle share of the expense of the rest of buoyancy, in exchange for speed and volume increase, but also to protect the safety airbags principle.

NERAS 動力來自於電力,以電力傳動製引擎帶 轉馬達,重量和空間需求小,噪音小。 浮力來自於水翼的益面積和速率,高操 縱性和降低水接觸面積增加速率。體積 因為浮力結構以水翼替代減少原本百分 之40的體積,縮小負擔。 NERAS With the power of electricity transmitting to engine and motor, cost less space and make less noise. The buoyancy depends on the hydrofoil area and the speed. Because of the hydrofoil structure, the resistant of water reduce to 60%. Therefore, the speed will be higher and easier to drive.

Compare 一般水上摩托 動力來自於柴油引擎,噪音較大,引擎 熱較高。浮力來自於水面積和水下體積 ,體積較大,較為笨重,一般長寬可達 3m*1.5m重量大約80∼100kg。 Regular Water motors Regular water moters, with the diesel fuel as power resourse, louder noise, bigger volume, and higher temperature of engine. The buoyancy depends on the area under the water. The general length and width are about 3m * 1.5m, and weight 80 ~ 100kg (full of oil).

Environment A flexible and racing place is the main space to drive Neras. In Taiwan, a less extreme environment is an ideal place, like a bay or a lake, to enjoy Neras’s steady and speedy. Setting Racing motor is the main setting of Neras. Therefore, we removed the floating function which regular entertainment motors required. Instead of the floating function, the theory of hydrofoil is the floating resourse of Neras. This decision will decrease the strength of stable, but increase the speed while driving, the convenience of transporting, and lower the resistance of water. The hydrofoil buoyancy constituted with the front and rear wings, and separate types. Larger the area of hydrofoil, more buoyancy increased, while the gravitythe with more center position, the higher intermediary. The hydrofoil buoyancy distributed around the center and the main focus in order to achieve the flexibility of handling, relative in one type of hydrofoil to increase the strength and stability.



Diffrent type of hydrofoil

競速型水翼船設定,減去了一般娛樂的水上漂 浮的需求,在騎乘時需加速才可運行,並且以 高操作性為要求,相對降低了運行的穩定性, 如同GP競賽一般的刺激感,輕量化的船體和外 行方便運送以及操作,並利用水翼的特性將一 樣性能所提供的速度提升,更降低水面阻力。 環境 鎖定的環境在於可以享受靈活操作性和競速的 空間,考慮台灣和觀光地點的海邊,需要較不 極端的平緩近海,內灣或湖泊,以享受速度和 操作性為主要因素。


重心 將水翼的浮力平均分布在前後,將人和主體的重 心置中,以達到高靈活度的操控性,相對以一片 式的水翼增加強度和穩定性,是以機動性為考量 的補強。 水翼重心配製 水翼主要浮力構成為前後雙翼,又分串聯和分開 兩種,水翼面積越大,浮力成四倍增加,而重心 位置於中間者操作性越高。

Neras using type.

System compare

靜水浮力型高性能船是利用靜水浮力支撐船體的重量,它與 排水型船相似。但是,它的船型有所改善,從而減少了水的 阻力和波浪干擾,其航行性能也有較大的提高。

High-pressure buoyancy

Low-pressure buoyancy

水動升力型高性能船是利用高速運動時船底的滑行面或水翼 所產生的水動升力支撐。使船體脫離或部分脫離水面,減少 了水的阻力和波浪的影響。如滑行艇、水翼艇。這些高性能 船具有較高的航速。 結合了水翼的淨水浮力的多體船特點以及水動力型的水翼浮 力,將船身體積減至最小,以達到阿基米德浮利原理的效果 。 Hydrostatic-buoyancy boat use the hydrostatic buoyancy to support the weight. It’s assemble to drainage type of boat. However, it’s improved on the shape of the boat. It reduce the water resistance and the waves interference, so the navigation is better. Hydrodynamic lift-type boat use the gliding of the water to support it’s weight. Making the boat seperated from the water decrease the water risistance and the waves influence, like planing boat and hydrofoilcraft, which have better level of navigation. With the combination of Hydrostatic-buoyancy boat, Hydrodynamic lift-type boat, and the multi-hull boat. It will satisfied the Archimedes floating effect.

Morphological considerations

結合運動,未來感和輕量化的視覺感,來詮釋Neras整體的風 格,鮮艷的配色和號碼的標示表達競技的感覺,並以利落的 線條來帶出整體的視覺點,上蓋流線的外型表達未來的特徵 ,整體分成上下兩件強調出引擎的動力機能和上方坐姿的速 度,以外露的骨架表達輕量化的速度運動表現,並以大尺寸 的推進器來突現動力的強勁。 Combined with exercise, futuristic lightweight visual sense, to interpret the overall style. Neras yellow color and number of marked show athletic feel, clean lines to bring out the overall visual point, the overall emphasis is the speed of the power and the engine function, exposed skeleton and lightweight to expressed the performance of the speed.

總結 運用水翼的方式重新詮釋新一形態的水上交通工具,並且以 速度和操作為訴求,滿足人們心態上追求釋放的自由,輔助 外型讓視覺感達到對未來的印象。 With the hydrofoil system, release the image of old school water motor. The form-transfer to satidfy peoples future fantasy.

Hydrodynamic lift-type high-performance plus Hydrostatic buoyancy = Neras.

水翼 水翼側視如同機翼的空氣原理,藉由上下空氣密度比的差異造 成浮力,不同的是水中密度和阻力較高,同理翼面積和速率需求 較低,但相對機翼支撐結構要求較高,前後水翼以後掠仰角方式 增加過彎的穩定性,後掠增加對水面接觸面積在過彎時的穩定 性,相較於前掠吃水面積有效提升,後方水翼後掠角度較大,因 應過彎後的吃水角度可以增加出彎速度,前翼後掠角度較小增 加入彎時的穩定性. The theory of hydrofoil is just like the airplane’s wings: it’s floated by the difference of the upper and the lower pressure. The difference between air and water are the density and the resistance. Therefore, the area of the wings will be smaller, the speed will be lower, but the strength of the structure will be stronger. Because of the increasing contact of water , the sweepback hydrofoils offered a stable orbit while cornering. The effect is better then Forward-swept hydrofoil. The angles of the front hydrofoil is bigger then the back one. Because when the motor into a corner, smaller angle of front hydrofoil will be stable. When motor out of a corner, the bigger angle of the back hydrofoil will be stable.


Power system

將水上摩托車的推進器移出車 體,原理如同消防員噴水的反 作用力,且螺旋槳翼展幅度增 大加強推進力,並且一分為二 ,體積縮為原來的三分之一, 推進力成立方計算,加強推進 ,且在後方有改變方向之軌道 設計。

Small one = Battery

Large one = Engine

Moved propeller jet system out of the body , principle as firefighter's spray the reaction, And propeller wingspan rate increased to strengthen the propulsion, the volume shrinkage to One-third of the original size, propulsive force to set up the computing side, plus strong push forward, and combine with changing the direction rail-design . 手把

Y字型的手把建立在騎乘時不同速度上的需求,後方的水平把位 提供低速時轉移方向較大的操控距離以及腰背角度,後方把位的 羊角把提供在低速轉向的手臂施力,而前方的高速把降低了把位 和角度,適合在高速時所需要的低趴減低風阻的騎姿和較小的旋 轉幅度設定。 The Y-shaped handles can satisfied the needed of riding postures. First of all, the horizontal handles provided the users to control easier in low-speed-mode: a larger space and a more comfotable posture to drive. Second, the upper handles offered the users to turn the motor easier. Last, the lower handles are used in high-speed mode. It made users lower their bodies to decrease the resistance of air and less angle to turn the motor.

坐墊側板 坐墊側板增加面積讓騎乘者大腿內側有輔助物,增加坐乘的舒適 性。 Seat assist increase the conforts because of the bigger contact area while riders riding.


推進器側孔 推進器側面導水孔可以有效穩定內部螺旋增壓系統,將不穩定的水壓和水量減緩,並且舒緩水道流量. The side of conductivity water holes can effectively stabilize the internal screw supercharger system,slow down the water pressure and relieve the unstable, soothing waterway traffic.

傳動系統 傳動軸原理利用割草機的內裝機構,在兩根傳動軸中間利用強力彈簧作為傳動以及緩衝,可以形變 ,且可接受海浪的衝擊效應。 Transmiss. The drive-shaft principle is the same with interior body of mower. Using strong spring among the two drive shafts to transmiss and buffering, deformation, Acceptable of the waves knock-on effects, help the speed.

Center of gravity position

One-piece hydrofoil

塑膠,金屬,木材, 玻璃纖維 / Plastic, Metal, Wood, Fiber 1200 x 2500 x 500 mm

骨架結構 藉由上部骨架剛管材質的組裝增加輕盈感,中柱避震以此 分離上下體,並以四支支撐架和尾翼與前推進器的連結稈 形成三角支撐,增加主體的抗性。 The upper metal tube stucture express a sense of lightness,and the center shock system separate the upper and lower body. Four supported tubes and the propeller constructed a triangle between back-hydrofoil and front-hydrofoil, to firmed the whole Neras stucture. Skeleton structure

儀錶板 採用三錶式儀表,中大兩小,分別表示距離,轉速,和電池電 量以及使用時間.以電子化的方式呈現,並以光線輔助加強 在光線不良的情況下顯示. Three-tables dashboard to display distance, R.P.M., batteries power, and the navigation time. The use of electronic monitor can show the information in bad sight circumstances.


距離探測鏡 在海上目測距離以及遠方離岸邊不方便,做為競速用交通 工具,距離的檢測增加了選手在競速時的訊息和方便性. Distance measure device design for locating and avoiding danger. Because of the difficalty of observing the distance on the sea, distance measure device provided the exact number of distance and the convenience of racing.

Infrared distance measurement

All go with the hard one. 2012 graphic & branding project

2012 <MOON photographic studio

2012 <TSO DM demo

2012 <2012 SCID exhibition poster

實踐大學2012年新一代設計展,交通工具區海報設計 ,視覺著重在手作的過程和設計的思維,利用每個交通 工具的手繪圖稿帶出幾區不同的視覺重點,再將視覺帶 去細節描述,並且將原本水平的構圖轉換為斜角,帶出 較有生命力的視覺流動。 2012 Young Designers' Exhibition of Shih Chien University, the transport poster design, visual focus on the hand for the process and design thinking, the use of hand drawing is issued for each transport with several districts visual focus, and then bring the visualdetail, and the composition of the original level bevel with a more viable visual flow.

2012 <13studio vi&dm

2012 <YU YA CHING INTERIOR DESIGN WEB 明堂咖啡 想像著黎明破曉時,有假寐的甜膩,有間半甦醒的清新明澈,可 能是最閑散私密的時刻。這時候天際也帶來了一整天的色彩。在 自朦朧進入清晰的色調與氣味中,開啓了一天。「明堂咖啡 CafeDawnroom」提供的空間,就是一個以至上的服務品質確保顧 客如同進入第二個家的一個環境。空間設計本身就已呢喃低訴著 這個「私空間」的舒適感,但又不失大器。 首先是天井下的日光剪影。鋼構圍牆與咖啡館建築本身中間預留 的三公尺空間,採集了美好日光,將植物的枝葉映照在銀色圍牆 上,為走進的顧客帶來實際上與視覺上的溫度。而後,午後的暖



project 商業空間

press 公共空間

contact 住宅



2012 YA-CHING YU All Right Reserved



游 雅 清

/ Yu Ya Ching

1976年生,倫敦藝術大學坎柏威爾藝術學院 (Camberwell College of Arts)視覺藝術碩 士。設計範圍含括商業空間、住宅、舊建築 改建與裝置藝術等。曾於竹間聯合建築師事 務所擔任設計師,期間參與黃金博物園區坑 道展示工程、國家文藝獎會場,國際門戶競 圖—安平港休憩碼頭規劃等。2007年成立 P+Y室內設計工作室,2009年與陳豐堯設計 師成立C&Y聯合設計工作室。


about 工作室





2012 YA-CHING YU All Right Reserved


2012 YA-CHING YU All Right Reserved





project 商業空間

press 公共空間

contact 住宅





SECOND LENS Impeccable quality.

LED CHIP OEM Fast and Amazing.

Second lens


Product Design

2012 < FA K E VA S E

概念來自於現代容器的幾何形體穿上清朝青花瓷的外衣, 藉由視覺的穿透將青瓷的視覺轉換到透明賽璐璐材質的容 器上,以此表達古今的交錯。 使用方法/材質運用 容器本身運用紙盒的刀模設計將單片賽璐璐切割印刷,並 且在接合處用紐扣等金屬扣環取代傳統的沾黏方式,不影 響本身的透明質感。

Geometric concepts from modern container put on the cloak of the Qing Dynasty blue and white porcelain, by visual penetration celadon visual container of transparent celluloid material, as an expression of ancient and modern staggered. Use methods / materials used The container itself use carton Daomo design monolithic celluloid cutting printing and junction to replace the traditional way of sticking with the buttons and other metal buckles, and does not affect transparent texture.

2012 <HANG ON



Concept from Hunan Diaojiaolou.

概念來自於廣泛出現於湖南諸如鳳凰古城的 吊腳樓,將其懸立在河道之上地基突出的不 確定感,利用木樁支撐的不穩定性,以及在 其上方卻有衝突的精雕傳統中國技藝的屋簷 飛梁,轉化到產品上,著重在其懸立的不確 定,將其傾斜的角度製造出不穩定感,就想 吊腳樓般懸立在牆上的架子,並運用卡榫的 結構將物件可多重組裝利用,並在書檔和卡 接處將飛檐傾斜突出的語彙帶入,配合中國 的大紅大紫轉換成不同材質,和現代的工業 感形成衝突。 Concept widely houses on stilts in Hunan, such as the ancient city of Phoenix, hanging stand above the river prominent foundation of a sense of uncertainty and instability stakes support from, and above it there is conflict carved traditional Chinese skillsfly the eaves beam, was transformed into the product, focused on the uncertainty hanging stand, the tilt angle to create a sense of instability, wanted houses on stilts like hanging stand on a shelf on the wall, and latch structure objectscan assemble multiple use of, and at the book stalls and card access cornices tilt prominent vocabulary into tie Chinese Rounds convert different materials, the formation of the conflict and the modern industrial sense.



2010 <2010 GIGABYTE

電池的普及性廣泛運用在 3c產品之中,但因為一 般電池的電量減少而電流 減弱,導致一般電池只用 了三分之二就不能在使用 。 這個設計的概念在於將電 池剩餘的電力回收利用, 節省電量消耗也省了荷包 ,同時將轉換過後的電力 藉由手環隨身攜帶,利用 usb插孔傳輸。

the fishing-line about 150~300km. could hold for enough power by this system

When the waves in,pushing the air out by airhole-up,let the fin runing.

When the waves out,the air in by airhole -down,let the fin steady still.

Producing a sono to keep whale shark away

The radio system could help fisher find the locate.

2010 <2010 LITEON

延繩釣法一直是遠洋漁業的核 心,LONG-LINE FISHER是重新 設計的延繩釣浮標系統,藉由 位於洋流地帶的波浪運動產生 能量,進而提供無線電定位,與 驅逐專吃延繩釣漁獲的鯨鯊等 生物的聲納系統,給與遠洋漁 業更方便的工具. Pelagic longline fishery has been the core of global-fisher.This design is redesigned buoy systems.The power produce by wave which in that ocean currents-area. Providing radio positioning and the expulsion of whale sharks which eats longline fishing catch to give away. Give ocean fishing more convenient tool.

2012 <MUSIC concer poster



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