Newsletter 36

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Newsletter 36


Wanda Surf Club Inc.


Special points of interest:

Wanda SLSC Inc.


Address: Marine Esplanade Cronulla NSW 2230

Important Dates


9523 4343


9523 4491

PO Box 39 Cronulla NSW 2230 Club Wanda Tel: 0414 077 701


Inside this issue:

APOLOGY In our last newsletter, it was stated that James Karangianis placed 3rd at the NSW State Titles in the under 17 Male Beach Sprint. James actually placed 2nd!!! A great result James. Apologies for the mistake.

Aussie Titles

2, 3 &4

Important Dates




Club Wanda


Sponsorship Policy and Procedures


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Wanda Surf Club Inc.

Newsletter 36

Aussie Titles—Scarborough Beach, Perth 2014

Well the Aussies are now over and a good result was had by the small band of team members who competed at these championships. Wanda placed 13th overall, a great result considering the size of our team. You all competed well and did Wanda proud, as usual. A BIG THANK YOU must be given to Brenton Rose (Sorrento) who took on the role of Team Manager for these championships. Brenton lives in Perth and did a FANTASTIC job looking after our team. Thank you Brenton—we couldn't have done it without you! Results as follows Gold Under 19 Male 2km Ali Najem Under 19 Female Rescue Tube Rescue Izel Tuncer, Danielle McMahon, Taylar Puskaric, Abbey Schott Open 5 person R & R Brock Douglas, Blake McCrindle, Kurt Melville Grant Sandstrom, Stuart Smith, Gordon McKirdy ( Coach ) Under 19 Male Swim Jay Furniss Silver Open 6 Person R & R Brock Douglas, Blake McCrindle, Kurt Melville, Grant Sandstrom, Stuart Smith, Gordon McKirdy Bronze Open Male 2km Ali Najem Under 19 Male Belt Jay Furniss Under 15 Female 2km Elly O’Donoghue Under 19 Female Board Rescue Taylar Puskaric, Danielle McMahon

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Wanda Surf Club Inc.

Aussies Results Continued 4th Place Open Male 2km Mitch Palmer Under 15 Male Board Riding Tyler Nottt Under 19 Female Single Ski Danielle McMahon

5th Place Under 15 Male 2km Josh Fernandes Under 19 Female Taplin Relay Izel Tuncer, Danielle McMahon, Taylar Puskaric Under 19 Female Swim Taylar Puskaric Under 19 Female Surf Teams Izel Tuncer, Danielle McMahon, Taylar Puskaric, Abbey Schott Under 19 Female Board Relay Izel Tuncer, Danielle McMahon, Taylar Puskaric

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Wanda Surf Club Inc.

Newsletter 36

IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER… Sunday 18th May 2014—Senior Presentation 2.00pm at the clubhouse. Sunday 25th May 2014—Nippers Presentation 3pm at Cronulla High School Wanda SLSC Annual General Meeting—Sunday 13th July 2014 Sutherland to Surf—Sunday 20th July 2014 Spring Beach Classic—Sunday 12th October 2014 Please mark your diaries… Entries for the Sutherland to Surf are now open online. Tell your friends and family. All Wanda members are required to help out with this major fundraiser for the club. Please let the office know if you can assist, in any way.

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Wanda Surf Club Inc.

Newsletter 36

CONGRATULATIONS‌ To Gavin and Melanie Stewart on the birth of their son, Phoenix Gavin, on 22 October 2013. We hope he brings you much joy.

As a thank you for your continued support of The Shire..Local Banking we are running another Facebook competition and all current followers are automatically in the running to win an iPad mini. Please LIKE and SHARE our page so others can join the competition as well, all they need to do is visit our page and hit the 'like' button. Best of luck to all. (Authorised under permit number LTPS/14/01154. Competition ends May 15, 2014 full terms and conditions visit Karen Harper The Shire ...Local Banking Marketing Manager

Wanda Surf Club Inc.

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Newsletter 36

Solly’s Joke of the Newsletter A blond man is in jail. The guard looks in his cell and sees him hanging by his feet. “Just WHAT are you doing?” he asks “Hanging myself”, the blond man replies. “It should be around your neck” says the guard. “I tried that, he replies, ‘but then I couldn’t breathe”.


Come and enjoy the view, have a drink or two… and remember the badge draw takes place at 5.00pm every Sunday. You must be there to win it! BADGE DRAW - The past two Sundays could have been financially rewarding if Brett Leask & the beautiful Izel Tuncer had attended Club Wanda at 5pm for the Boost Mobile Members Badge draw. This week the draw is up to $650.

UPCOMING EVENTS AT CLUB WANDA: EASTER opens 3pm ANZAC DAY - 2-up starts 11am to 3pm.. Live music from 3pm, the talented CAMBO SUNDAY MAY 4TH - First Sunday of opens 12midday, happy hour 2pm, live music 3pm...

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Wanda Surf Club Inc.

Newsletter 36

Looking for world class coaching???? Dick Caine’s Olympic Pool and Gym, Carwar Avenue Carss Park NSW 2221 Dick Caine has coached Olympic, World and National Champions!!! See tributes, galleries etc. on Check it out! Learn to swim, stroke correction, fitness, weights and boxing Contact: Ph. 9546 4203 or Fax. 9546 2674, after hours 0408 072 425.

CLOTHING‌ We have a Wanda Jacket in the office if anyone is interested in a good warm jacket for winter. An order will be placed in the next week or so. We also have some other items for perusal in the office. Payment must be made at the time of ordering. Please contact the office on 9523 4343 if you have any questions. Nipper parents who are bronze holders and IRB drivers are MOST welcome to be attend rostered patrols at any time. We are always looking to boost our numbers on patrol and, as we have many nipper parents who are bronze holders, it would be great to see you on patrol! Maybe your child is on a patrol? This could be something you could do together. If anyone is interested please contact the office on 9523 4343 and we can help you out.

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Wanda Surf Club Inc.

Newsletter 36

SPONSORSHIP POLICY AND PROCEDURES Dear Wanda Members RE: Wanda SLSC Sponsorship Policy and Procedures Update Wanda SLSC has had a Sponsorship Policy document for a number of years. Each year it is circulated to Wanda members to ensure everyone is aware of the sponsorship policy and procedures. It is important that Wanda SLSC continues to develop and maintain a professional and equitable approach to managing the Wanda SLSC sponsorship program. This letter is a summary of the Sponsorship Policy and Procedures document: 1.

The Wanda SLSC Sponsorship Policy and Procedures:


Acts as a guide to assist the Club, when negotiating with sponsors, the types of benefits available to them.


Endeavours to ensure that Wanda SLSC is consistent in its approach in dealing with all sponsors.


Highlights that certain Wanda SLSC approvals must be sought before a sponsorship is pursued.


Stresses the importance of no conflict of interest with sponsors within the same industry.


Endeavours to ensure that Wanda SLSC does not enter into a sponsorship agreement where an organisations’ objectives do not match Wanda SLSC.


Finance and Sponsorship Committee


The Finance and Sponsorship Committee is the responsible entity for managing the sponsorship program for the Wanda SLSC. The Assistant Finance Director is the Chair of this Committee.


The Wanda SLSC Sponsorship Manager is also a member of the Finance and Sponsorship Committee. The Sponsorship Manager’s role and responsibilities involves seeking, securing and maintaining sponsorship for the clubs’ activities as agreed by Wanda SLSC.

Sponsorship Approval Process 3.1

While most of the sponsorships are negotiated and developed by the Wanda SLSC Sponsorship Manager, there are times when Wanda SLSC members may be in a position to pursue various contacts and networks for sponsorship opportunities. When Wanda SLSC members pursue sponsorships it must be undertaken in a professional manner and approved first by the Finance and Sponsorship Committee.


Any Wanda SLSC member wishing to seek and approach a potential sponsor must submit a request for approval via the Finance and Sponsorship Committee. This is important so that the Committee can assess and scrutinize the potential sponsor to ensure there is no conflict of interest with current sponsors and/or Wanda SLSC objectives. IMPORTANT: The current sponsors are attached FYI. Members or sub-committees must NOT approach current sponsors on this list unless you have approval from the Finance & Committee.


To ensure that sponsorship opportunities are not missed in between Finance & Sponsorship Committee meeting schedules, Wanda SLSC members can contact the Assistant Finance Director. The matter can be dealt with via email with the Committee (provided the proposal is not too complex that it requires detailed face-to face discussion - a special meeting may be deemed necessary in this instance).


Any Wanda SLSC member who discusses a sponsorship and associated benefits with a potential sponsor must not make any commitments until they have talked through their ideas with the Wanda Sponsorship Manager who will keep the Sponsorship and Finance Committee informed. Wanda SLSC has developed Sponsorship Benefit Levels so it is important that we provide benefits in a consistent and equitable manner.

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Wanda Surf Club Inc.

Newsletter 36

Managing Sponsorships

All sponsorships will be clarified in writing through a letter of agreement or the standard Wanda SLSC Sponsorship Memorandum of Understanding. In some cases the sponsor’s sponsorship agreement contract will be used and the sponsor may insist on it for legal reasons especially for sponsorships worth $5500 or more. Wanda SLSC members who are responsible for a sponsorship eg surf life saving equipment for their section or an activity such as a carnival, must get sponsor approval in writing every time you use the sponsor’s logo. It’s a legal requirement. Ongoing communication with Wanda SLSC sponsors is very important. It makes or breaks the success of the sponsorship and whether it will continue. Just because Wanda SLSC has received sponsorship funds it does not end there. Wanda SLSC believes in maintaining long term relationships and loyalty with supporters. That is why the Sponsorship Manager’s role is valuable when they manage the sponsorship for Wanda SLSC they ensure this communication happens. The types of communication important to the success of a sponsorship include: Thank you letter personally signed by the Wanda SLSC President Christmas card Letter/acknowledgement in times of achievement/ congratulations Flowers/card of condolence in times of need Telephone calls to touch base and get feedback (including a debrief after the sponsorship is complete) Invitations to key Wanda events/informal drinks at the club Photos provided (informal/fun) of the equipment/carnival sponsored Supporting the sponsors products and services – let them know that you do! VERY IMPORTANT. Over the years Wanda SLSC has established and maintained a number of long term relationships with sponsors eg Caltex, Brooks, Tradies, Fitness First. Sutherland United Services Club, Purnell Motors, Cronulla RSL, Rockdale RSL and Southside Runners, just to name a few. Many of these sponsors have financially supported the Club for well over ten years and our partnerships are still going strong. We rely of these funds and it is very important that we protect these relationships. Wanda has built a reputation for being professional, reliable, consistent and considerate of our sponsors. As we have legal sponsorship agreements with our sponsors I cannot stress enough how important it is that all members follow the policy and guidelines, especially the Sponsorship Approval process at point 3. Thank you for you support on this matter. If you have any queries please refer these to the Finance & Sponsorship Committee. If you have any potential sponsor leads or Wanda project ideas for sponsorship please refer these to our Sponsorship Manager, Gay Curtis at Anita Pryke President Wanda SLSC On behalf of the Finance & Sponsorship Committee and Management Committee 14/11/13

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PATROL SEASON April 2014 Frid 18 April

Patrol 5




Sat 19 April

Patrol 1




Sun 20 April

Patrol 7




Mon 21 April

Patrol 8




Frid 25 April

Patrol 2




Sat 26 April

Patrol 1




Sun 27 April

Patrol 6




Please note that YOU MUST BE ON TIME, wear your FULL uniform and stay vigilant. And don’t forget to sign the patrol log If you find yourself alone on patrol please call the numbers of the door of the patrol room immediately.

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Newsletter 36

LIFESAVING REQUIREMENTS All Under 15 to Open members shall be rostered to a patrol at the start of the season All members are required to attend their rostered patrols or arrange a substitute for that patrol All members not attending their patrol should advise their patrol Captain before the patrol so that we can ensure that we have correct numbers on all patrols All members must be in attendance before the start time of their patrol to assist with the set up in the morning and must be in attendance during the patrol and not leave unless approved by Patrol Captain All members must ensure that they have their full uniform on for the start and finish of the patrol and this also includes the skull cap as well as the red wide brim hat or cap that was supplied to all members before the end of the season NO MEMBER WILL BE ALLOWED TO SIGN ON IF NOT IN UNIFORM Members must ensure that they advise their patrol Captain when leaving the beach for any reason Members who miss a rostered patrol will have to make up that patrol plus a penalty patrol if no sub is found Members who miss 2 patrols will be asked to attend a Lifesaving Meeting to explain why they have missed Members failing to attend will be suspended from the club until such time they appear All members must ensure that they have done their annual proficiency before 31st December. If you are not proficient after this date. Members must be VIGILANT when on patrols and ensure that we are carrying out our duty of ensure that people are kept in flag area during patrols (patrols are not for catching up on your sleep) All members of the patrol must assist with the set up and pack down of patrols Request for leave for end of year exams must be applied for in writing to the Club Captain before the dates of the exams All members must ensure that they sign on for patrols in the patrol log and off at the end of the patrol so that your correct hours can be recorded in surf guard All members are reminded that every Sunday at 11.00am we conduct a surf race of which all members must complete at least 1 every month

WANDA S.L.S.C. – MAJOR SPONSORS Peter Kerr of Kemp Strang Lawyers



Lifesaving & IRB

Carnivals Kerry Logistics (Australia Pty Ltd) Greenhills Beach Spring Beach Classic Greenhills Beach Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar, Cronulla Brooks

Sutherland to Surf Brooks Caltex Refineries (NSW) Nova 969 LGB Supplements NSW State Emergency Services NSW Police Sutherland Shire Council ST George and Sutherland Shire Leader Tradies Fitness First Coates Hire Veolia Water Australia Southside Runners ANSTO Sydney Water McDonald’s Sutherland Shire Restaurants Highland Property Agents Roads and Maritime Services Transport and Urban Planning Future Risk Pty Ltd (David Crossley) Knock-Out Pest Control

Wanda Ladies Auxiliary DHL The Holt Group Rockdale RSL Coca-Cola Amatil Cronulla RSL Cronulla Sutherland Leagues Club Cronulla Lions Club

Surf Sports Boat Section Sutherland United Services Club Sutherland Credit Union World Team Lloyds SUPA IGA Cronulla Brooks ANSTO Beach and Swimming Section Hales Redden Chartered Accountants Board and Ski Section CJ Doyle Contracting Services

Junior Activities Group Telstra CJ Doyle Contracting Services Hurstville Learn to Swim Pizza Hut Caringbah Tempus Wealth Cronulla Cinemas Boost Mobile Stephen Chu Photographer Finz Swimwear Purnell Motors Jarvis Constructions AJ Grant Bailey Personnel Telstra Business Centre Miranda Snap Printing Caringbah

Signage provided with Compliments of… Caltex Refineries, Kurnell and Newimage Signs

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