Constructing environment logbook pdf

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Constructing Environment Week 1  Class Activates  Specific Terms Definitions

Student Name: Li Wang Dong

Student Number: 692234

Class Activity Our design is based on a Truss Bond which is a triangular shape as triangle is the most stable shape in nature. For the base we started of with a stretcher bond, as we go along in building 4 – 5 floors, we started to increase as much weight as possible. The reason why we did this is: the bottom bricks are not pressuring hard enough to the carpet, therefore we thought some weights would help in order to make the bricks more attached to the ground. We put two bricks side-ways together in order to form a larger and heavier brick. For the entrance, we used a rubber band in order to hold the bricks together to form the upper bit of the door. As continued, we used a pattern which is similar to stretcher bond; the only difference is we let some spaces between each brick. This only happens on the side which is the door located because we didn’t want too much weight on the door.

For the connection for each side, we placed a brink in between each end of a side in order to keep every layer attached to each other.

Specific Terms of the Week Load Path: The interconnection of all wood framing elements of the lateral and vertical force resisting systems, which transfers lateral and vertical forces to the foundation. Masonry: Construction composed of shaped or molded units, usually small enough to be handled by one man and composed of stone, ceramic brick, or tile, concrete, glass, adobe, or the like. The term masonry is sometimes used to designate cast-in-place concrete. Point Load: A term used in structural analysis to define a concentrated load on a structural member.

Reaction Force: The third of Newton's laws of motion of classical mechanics states that forces always occur in pairs. This is related to the fact that a force results from the interaction of two objects. Every force ('action') on one object is accompanied by a 'reaction' on another, of equal magnitude but opposite direction. The attribution of which of the two forces is action or reaction is arbitrary. Each of the two forces can be considered the action, the other force is its associated reaction. Compression: A force acting on a body, tending to compress the body. (Pushing action) Beam: 1. A horizontal structural member, such as a girder, rafter, or purlin, that transversely supports a load and transfers the load to vertical members, such as columns and walls. • 2. The graduated horizontal bar of a weighing scale.

Constructing Environment Week 2  Class Activates  Specific Terms Definitions

Student Name: Li Wang Dong

Student Number: 692234

As we ran out of time, our design ended up as the picture at the right hand side. We also added an extra stick on top just to increase the height (a little bit dodgy though). At the very end, there was a weight test. Our design only supported with a maximum of 2 sheets of A4 paper, which is not a very good result comparing to the other groups.

In this studio we are required to build a tower as high as possible by using wooden sticks and glue. Our design is based on a truss structure as it is the most stable structure. Therefore we started of with a basic triangle by using three wooden sticks gluing each ends together. Then we built up the tower by connecting each point of the triangle with a vertically placed wooden stick. From the side, the tower was in a rectangular shape.

During the process of building upwards, we found out that the wooden sticks at the bottom were starting to bend. Therefore, we added some extra wooden sticks in order to give more support to the vertical wooden sticks. Moreover, those extra supporting wooden sticks were connected in a triangular angle. As we wanted to use less wooden sticks to gain the most supporting force.

Specific Terms of the Week Structural Joint: A building joint is a junction where building elements meet without applying a static load from one element to another. When one or more of these vertical or horizontal elements that meet are required by the local building code to have a fireresistance rating, the resulting opening that makes up the joint must be fire stopped in order to restore the required compartmentalisation. Tension: In physics, tension describes the pulling force exerted by each end of a string, cable, chain, or similar onedimensional continuous object, or by each end of a rod, truss member, or similar three dimensional object. At the atomic level, tension is produced when atoms or molecules are pulled apart from each other and gain electromagnetic potential energy. Each end of a string or rod under tension will pull on the object it is attached to, to restore the string/rod to its relaxed length.

Bracing: Bracing that forms part of a structure's resistance to horizontal loads. Permanent bracing may also function aserection bracing. Column: A long, relatively slender, supporting pillar. A column is usually loaded axially in compression.

Stability: The tendency to remain unchanged over a wide range of physical, environmental, and chemical conditions. Frame: A structural frame, resistant to the lateral load carried, due to the ability of its members and connections to withstand bending and shear stresses without additional diagonal bracing, K-bracing, or other extra supporting devices.

Constructing Environment Week 3  Conception Map  Class Activates  Specific Terms Definitions

Student Name: Li Wang Dong

Student Number: 692234


Footings and Foundations

The design of a structural element is based on the loads to be carried, the material used and the form and shape chosen for the element.

Settlement / Footings / Deep Foundations / Pad Footings / Strip Footings / Raft Foundation

Strut: a slender element design to carry load parallel to its long axis. The load produces compression. Tie: a slender element design to carry load parallel to its long axis. The load produces tension. Beam: Generally a horizontal element designed to carry vertical load using its bending resistance. Slab/ Plate: a wide horizontal element designed to carry vertical load in bending usually supported by beams. Panel: a deep vertical element designed to carry vertical or horizontal load.

Deep Foundations can be generally divided into two types: End Bearing Piles Friction Piles

Concepts – Geometry & Equilibrium Equilibrium: Equilibrium is a state of balance or rest resulting from the equal acting of opposing forces. In other words, as each structural element is loaded, its supporting elements must react with equal but opposite forces. For an object to be in equilibrium, any applied forces must be resisted by equal and opposite forces. These forces are called reacting forces.

Concrete Block

They are manufactured from cement, sand, gravel and water. The manufacture process involves mixing, molding and curling. They are mainly used in the construction of walls both load bearing and non-load bearing, to provide greater structural resistance to lateral loads, concrete masonry units are often strengthened with steel reinforcing bars and then filled with grout.

Clay Bricks vs. Concrete Blocks

Structures Mass Materials


Igneous stone: granite, basalt, bluestone. Sedimentary: limestone, sandstone. Metamorphic: marble, state.

Mass materials = stone + earth + clay + concrete. These materials are the group which is strong in compression but weak in tension. A mass construction can be: Modular: clay brick, mud brick, concrete block, Ashlar stone Non-Modular: concrete. Rammed earth, Monolithic stone

Masonry materials = stone + clay + concrete. They are used as a bonding agent. Bond: the pattern or arrangement of the units Course: a horizontal row of masonry units Joint: the way units are connected to each other Mortar: mixture of cement or lime, sand and water used as a bonding agent The units together act as a monolithic whole

Concrete shrinks over time while clay bricks will expand. The cement paste in concrete blocks paste reduces in volume as it hydrates and drying shrinkage occurs as water is lost to the atmosphere. The clay bricks tend to absorb moisture from the atmosphere and gradually expand. Movement joints are required for each material.

Footings and Foundations Settlement: Buildings compress the earth beneath them and the buildings tend to sink a little into the ground overtime. Also, footings and foundations should be designed to ensure that this settlement occurs evenly and that bearing capacity of the soil isn’t exceeded. Cracking in a building often occurs with differential settlement which means settlement that is uneven.

Shallow Footings: are used where soil conditions are stable and where the required soil bearing capacity is adequate close to the surface. The load is transferred vertically from the foundation. Deep Foundations: are used where soil conditions are unstable or where the soil bearing capacity is inadequate. The load is transferred from the foundations, by the unsuitable soil and all the ways down to levels where bed rock, stiff clay, dense sand or gravel is located.

Raft Foundation: sometimes also called a raft slab, this type of foundation provides increased stability by joining the individual strips together as a single mat.

Deep Foundations can be generally divided into two types: End Bearing Piles: extend the foundations down to rock or soil that will provide support for the building loads. Friction Piles: rely on the resistance of the surrounding earth to support the structure.

This is a picture of deep foundation piles and the machine that puts all these piles deep into the ground.

Bricks A brick is a standard size masonry unit made out of clay. Its proportions may vary slightly depending on types and countries but it will always be a hand sized unit. It is usually 110x76x230. Bricks can be arranged in various ways to create different bond patterns. Stretcher course, header course, Brick-on-edge course and Soldier course. Bricks are permeable but there are couple things should be considered. Advantages: They can be joined with water based mortar. If adequately ventilated so that only wetness can escape, they will not deteriorate. Disadvantages: They absorb moisture and expand overtime so therefore expansion joints required. Salts and lime from the soil can be drawn up through the bricks when in contact with the ground. This may cause serious pathologies and/or aesthetic problems such as efflorescence.

In this week’s tutorial activity, we had a walk around the campus to observe different architectural concept which are applied in University of Melbourne as an example.

There is another interesting architectural designed structure found during the site visits, it is a ‘raincollector’. It actually draws the rain water in the roof and leads the water to underground for water recycling or water uses for the grass or garden.

There is another cone-shaped structure found. It is the support of the underground car park underneath South Lawn. The car park is supported by multiple supports like this. They are made by concrete and they were in-site cast.

It is made out waterproof material which looks like a giant nylon sheet or plastic sheet. The cone shape draws water into the hole and all the way into the ground.

This is an example of the use of steel frames and glass materials. There is a brick wall in front of the building somehow it is not in a pattern of stretcher bond, it is just stacked by bricks. There is a steel beam across the wall and connected to the steel frames. In overall, it looks very modern.

The concrete is poured into a mold and waited for drying. In order to prevent cracks between the two concrete parts due the weathering, they used other material between the gap, so that the cracks will only appear on the material instead of the actual support itself.

This is the Art Building in the campus.

There is an interesting structure found during the visit. It is a stair with beams and it is connected by multiple wires/ steel wires. However, these wires are actually not providing much lifting force. The whole stairs is supported by the horizontal beams. These beams are made by steel and they are acting as a ‘rack’ for the stairs to lye on.

For a beam, it can be: -  supported at both ends of the beam -  supported at numerous points along the length of beam -  supported at points away from the ends of the beam (creating overhangs / cantilevers beyond the supports) -  supported at only one end of the beam (these beams are called cantilevers) There is a bridge which is mainly supported by steel frames and one thing I realized that is, they used a lot of trusses for the steel frames. As truss is the strongest shape and therefore this type of structure can gain the largest supporting force by using the least materials. Moreover, the bridge looks like it’s lying on a rock pyramid however it is actually supported by the beams underneath itself.

This is the overall view of the stairs mentioned. As it’s shown there are couple steel wires connected to the stair case, however, our tutor Stewart told us that these wires are not acting as a main source of support to the stairs. They are more like decorations to the stairs design.

This is a side section sketch of the stairs, showing the location of steel beams and wires. It is not drawn in scale.

Specific Terms of the Week Moment: Torque or moment, the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis Retaining Wall: It is structures designed to restrain soil to unnatural slopes. They are used to bound soils between two different elevations often in areas of terrain possessing undesirable slopes or in areas where the landscape needs to be shaped severely and engineered for more specific purposes like hillside farming or roadway overpasses. Pad Footing: It is also named isolated footings. This type of footing helps to spread a point load over a wider area of ground. Strip Footing: A wall footing or strip footing is a continuous strip of concrete that serves to spread the weight of a load-bearing wall across an area of soil. It is the component of a shallow foundation. It is used when loads from a wall or series of columns.

Mortar: mixture of cement or lime, sand and water used as a bonding agent Settlement: Buildings compress the earth beneath them and the buildings tend to sink a little into the ground overtime. Slab on ground: It is shallow foundation, which is a type of foundation which transfers building loads to the earth very near the surface, rather than to a subsurface layer or a range of depths as does a deep foundation.

Igneous stone: granite, basalt, bluestone. It is formed when molten rock cools down. It is commonly used in Melbourne also and sometimes you can see the lava flow tracks on the bluestone. Sedimentary: limestone, sandstone. It is formed when accumulated particles are subjected to moderate pressure. Substructure: A superstructure is an upward extension of an existing structure above a baseline. This term is applied to various kinds of physical structures such as buildings, bridges, or ships having the degree of freedom zero. In order to improve the response during earthquakes of buildings and bridges, the superstructure might be separated from its foundation by various civil engineering mechanisms or machinery. All together, these implement the system of earthquake protection called base isolation. Metamorphic: marble, state. It is formed when the structure of igneous or sedimentary stone changes when subjected to pressure, high temperatures or Chemical process.

Constructing Environment Week 4  Conception Map  Class Activates  Specific Terms Definitions

Student Name: Li Wang Dong

Student Number: 692234



Span is the distance between two intermediate A BEAM is a (mostly) horizontal structural supports for a structure, e.g. a beam or a bridge. A element. span can be closed by a solid beam or by a rope. The function of a BEAM is to carry loads along The first kind is used for bridges, the second one the length of the beam for power lines, overhead telecommunication lines, and transfer these loads to the vertical some type of antennas or for aerial tramways. supports. -The distance measured between two structural supports A BEAM can be: -Can be measured between vertical supports (for a -  supported at both ends of the beam horizontal member) or between horizontal supports (for a -  supported at numerous points along the Resource: vertical member) length of beam -Is not necessarily the same as the length of a member /c/c9/Bending.svg -  supported at points away from the ends of the beam Spacing (creating overhangs / cantilevers beyond the Constructing Systems Spacing of the supporting elements depends on the supports) Spanning capabilities of the supported elements -  supported at only one end of the beam Floor Systems (these beams are called cantilevers) They are the horizontal planes that must support both live loads and dead loads. They must Cantilevers transfer their loads horizontally across space to either beams and columns or to loadbearing walls. Rigid floor planes can also be designed to serve as horizontal diaphragms that act as A cantilever is a beam anchored at only one thin, wide beams in transferring lateral forces to shear walls. end. The beam carries the load to the support where it is forced against by a moment and shear stress. Cantilever Timber Steel Concrete Steel Framing systems sometimes construction allows for overhanging Concrete systems: Timber Systems: Traditional Timer Floor Framing systems use a combine with concrete slab systems to structures without external bracing. Slabs of various where the particular benefits of steel Cantilevers can also be constructed with types are used to combination of Bearers (Primary Beams) and Joists (secondary beams) framing and shallow depth floor slab trusses or slabs. span between The span of the bearers determines systems are desired. structural The function of a CANTILEVER is to carry the spacing of the piers or stumps The spanning capabilities of the supports. These loads along the length of the member and the spacing of the bearers equals particular materials help to determine can be one-way and transfer these loads to the support. the spacing requirements of the or two-way spans the span of the joists A CANTILEVER can be: supports - Horizontal A floor system may be composed of a series of linear beams and joists overlaid with a plane of -  vertical sheathing or decking, or consist of a nearly homogeneous slab of reinforced concrete. The depth -  angled of floor system is directly related to the size and proportion of the structural bays it must plan and the strength of the materials used.

Concrete When cement is mixed with water it binds the sand and gravel aggregates together to make the hard, solid material we call concrete. A common concrete mix is: 1 part cement 2 parts fine aggregate 4 parts coarse aggregate 0.4-0.5 part water

The picture above shows the mixing stage of concrete. It is in liquid form and waited to be mixed and dried in order to be in a strong solid form for construction usages.

When the cement powder and water are mixed, a chemical reaction takes place and heat is released. This process is called hydration. During this process crystals are formed that interlock and bind the sand, crushed rock and cement/water paste together. If too much water is added, the concrete mixture will be too stiff and it will be very difficult to work with (unworkable)

Concrete is also known as “artificial stone”. This suggests that the properties of concrete and stone are similar. Concrete is very strong in compression but is weak in tension. To improve its structural performance, steel (very strong in tension) reinforcement in the form of Mesh or Bars is added. The result material is what we know as reinforced concrete.

There are couple factors which also affect the quality of the concrete product: Water/cement ratio, grading, vibrating, admixtures and curing speed.

Hardness – High, it can be scratched with a metallic object Fragility - low, it can be chipped with a hammer Ductility – very low ductility Flexibility/plasticity – low flexibility and plasticity Porosity/permeability – medium – low, depending on proportions and components Density – Medium to high. Conductivity – Poor conductor of heat and electricity Reusability – Medium-Low. Can be partially re-used when crushed to be used as aggregate for new concrete elements Cost- It is generally cost effective. Labor dependent for formwork & Pouring

Concrete IN SITU concrete: Is any concrete element that has been poured into formwork and cured on the building site? This process includes the fabrication and assembly of the formwork, placing any required reinforcement, the pouring, vibration and the curing of the concrete. Once the concrete has been poured, there is a limited time before the concrete starts to harden and become unworkable to ensure that the concrete is placed in the proper position, the air bubbles removed (vibrated) and the desired finish applied.

Pre-cast concrete: Is any concrete element that has been fabricated in a controlled environment and then transported to site for installation This process ensures a much more standardized outcome that avoids many of the quality control issues associated with in situ concrete Pre-cast concrete elements also allow work on site to progress at a much faster rate. Pre-cast concrete is widely used in many different applications. It is often associated with the structure of a building, bridge or civil works, forming part of the primary structure or selfsupporting panel type elements

This process includes the fabrication and assembly of the formwork, placing any required reinforcement, the pouring, vibration and the curing of the concrete. Once the concrete has been poured, there is a limited time before the concrete starts to harden and become unworkable to ensure that the concrete is placed in the proper position, the air bubbles removed (vibrated) and the desired finish applied. This is a labour intensive process, resulting in congestion of the construction site

Joints Construction joints are used to divide the construction into smaller and more manageable sections of work Control joints are required to absorb the expansions and contractions that thermal variations cause and the long term tendency of concrete to shrink over time. The elongation/shrinkage is proportional to the temperature differential. The material coefficient and the dimensions of the piece.

In this week’s tutorial activity, we talked about the Scale, Annotation and Working Drawing Conventions. We learnt to read a ‘blue-print’ of a building or construction work. The booklet is an A3 sized sheets with detailed labels or instructions about that specific construction work.

We are also assigned to a part of the construction project. We are going to build a model of the assigned part of the actual building by using wooden sticks or wooden boards in a scale of 1:100.

Both constructions and control joints are potential weak points and must ensure that be detailed appropriately, especially in terms of water and moisture control Roman buildings

This is called ‘Legend’. It is where the meanings or other details of any labels on the print. It usually shows the scale, materials, directions, where the construction parts are and the name of the project.

Specific Terms of the Week Joist: 1. A piece of lumber two or four inches thick and six or more inches wide, used horizontally as a support for a ceiling or floor. Also, such a support made from steel, aluminum, or other material. See also random lengths. 2. Parallel beams of lumber, concrete, or steel used to support floor and ceiling systems. Steel Decking: 1. Light-gauge, corrugated metal sheets used in constructing roofs or floors. 2. Heavy planking used on roofs or floors. 3. Another name for slab forms that are left in place to save stripping costs. 4. The use of inert material to separate explosive charges.

Live Load: Any loads that are variable, examples like People, furnishings and any movable equipment. Dead Load: Any loads that are fixed, examples like the Weight of floor construction itself. Span: It is the distance measured between two structural supports. It can be measured between vertical supports (for a horizontal member) or between horizontal supports (for a vertical member) and it is not necessarily the same as the length of a member. Spacing: It is the gap between two joists or horizontal supports Beams: A beam is a (mostly) horizontal structural element. A BEAM can be: -  supported at both ends of the beam -  supported at numerous points along the length of beam -  supported at points away from the ends of the beam (creating overhangs / cantilevers beyond the supports) -  supported at only one end of the beam (these beams are called cantilevers) Concrete Plank: A hollow-core or solid, flat beam used for floor or roof decking. Concrete planks are usually precast and prestressed. Girder: A large principal beam of steel, reinforced concrete, wood, or a combination of these, used to support other structural members at isolated points along its length.

Constructing Environment Week 5  Conception Map  Class Activates  Specific Terms Definitions

Student Name: Li Wang Dong

Student Number: 692234

Wall System

Concrete and Masonry Bearing Walls

Walls are the vertical constructions of a building that enclose, separate, and protect its interior spaces. They may be loadbearing structures of homogeneous or composite construction designed to support imposed loads from floors and roofs, or consist of a framework of columns and beams with nonstructural panels attached to or filling in between them. The pattern of these loadbearing walls and columns should be coordinated with the layout of the interior spaces of a building.

Structural Frames Structural frames can support and accept a variety of nonbearing or curtain wall systems. The detailing of connections is critical for structural and visual reasons when the frames is left exposed. • Concrete frames are vertically rigid frames and qualify as noncombustible, fire-resistive construction. • Noncombustible steel frames may utilize moment connections and require fireproofing to qualify as fire-resistive construction. • Timber frames require diagonal bracing or shear planes for lateral stability and may qualify as heavy timber construction if used with noncombustible, fire exterior walls. • Steel and concrete frames are able to span greater distances and carry heavier loads than timber structures.

Concrete and masonry walls qualify as noncombustible construction and rely on their mass for their load-carrying capability. While strong in compression, concrete and masonry require reinforcing to handle tensile stresses. Height-to-width ratio, provisions for lateral stability, and proper placement of expansion joints are critical factors in wall design and construction. Moreover, wall surfaces may be left exposed.

Metal and Wood Stud Walls

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Studs of cold-formed metal or wood are normally spaced at 16” or 24”. This spacing is related to the width and length of common sheathing materials. Studs carry vertical loads while sheathing or diagonal bracing stiffens the plane of the wall. Cavities in the wall frame can accommodate thermal insulation, vapor retarders, and mechanical distribution and outlets of mechanical and electrical services. Stud framing can accept a variety of interior and exterior wall finishes; some finishes require a nail-base sheathing. The finish materials determine the fire-resistance rating of the wall assembly. Stud wall frames may be assembled on site or panelized off site. Stud walls are flexible in form due to the workability of relatively small pieces and the various means of fastening available.

Short and Long Columns Columns: are vertical structural members designed to transfer axial compressive loads. Short Columns are shorter (length) and thicker (cross-section). They become shorter when a compressive load is applied and then failed by CRUSHING when the compressive strength is exceed. Long Columns are taller (length) and slimmer (cross-section). They are considered long if the ratio of effective column length tot the smallest cross section dimension is greater than 12:1. They become unstable and fail by BUCKLING. The actual length of long columns and how they are fixed at the top.

Structural Frames – Concrete frames, steel frames and timber frames. Concrete frames typically use a gird of columns with concrete beams connecting the columns together. Steel frames typically use grid of steel columns connected to steel girders and beams. Timber frame typically use a grid of timber posts or poles connected to timber beams. Load Bearing Walls – Concrete, masonry Concrete load bearing walls can be achieved using either is situ or precast elements. The load bearing panels may also provide support for spandrel panels over and link into other structural elements. Stud Walls – Light gauge steel framing, timber framing Metal and Time stud framed walls use smaller sections of framing timber or light gauge framing steel to meet the structural demands of the construction. Brick veneer construction is a combination of 1 skin of nonstructural masonry and 1 skin of structural frame wall are widely used in the construction industry.

The concrete is poured into a mold and waited for drying. In order to prevent cracks between the two concrete parts due the weathering, they used other material between the gap, so that the cracks will only appear on the material instead of the actual support itself.

From Wood to Timber Early wood is rapidly growing at beginning of growing season thin, large cells – lighter color. Late wood is growing slower, often limited by lack of water thick small cells – darker color. Growth is generally one ring per year / some climates may have more than one growth season per year / fires or disease may produce an extra ring.

How is the moisture removed? Timber is generally seasoned in one of three ways. • Air seasoning – Cheap but slow about 6 months to 2 years per 50mm thickness. • Kiln seasoning – Typically 20 – 40 hours to dry to about 12% • Solar kiln seasoning – Less expensive to run

Different woods have different properties

Why is timber seasoned? It is to adjust the moisture content so the timber is appropriate for the intended use. It is to provide increased dimensional stability. What moisture is removed from the wood? They are free moisture and bound moisture.

Softwoods: In Australia common softwoods include all conifer species of radiate pine, cypress pine, hoop pine and Douglas flir.

Hardwoods: Native Australian hardwoods include all eucalyptus species of Victorian ash, brown box, spotted gum, jarrah, Tasmanian ook and balsa wood.

Quarter Swain – growth rings parallel to short edge Advantages are: best grain shows on face, good wearing surface for floors & furniture, radial face preferred for coatings, lower width shrinkage on drying. Disadvantages are: slower seasoning and nailing on face is more prone to splitting. Back Swain – growth rings parallel to long edge Advantages are: season more rapidly, less prone to splitting when nailing, wide sections possible and few knots on edge. Disadvantages are: shrink more across width when drying, more likely to wrap and cup and collapsed timber more difficult to recondition. Radial Swain – face is always a radial cut Advantages are: dimensional stability, less prone to warping & cupping and less wastage in milling. Disadvantages are: wedge shaped cross section, more difficult to detail and more difficult to stack.

Engineered Timber

LVL – laminated veneer lumber, made from laminating thin sheets of timber, most laminates with grain dinged to longitudinal direction, very deep and long sections possible and high strength. Uses – mainly structural.

CLT – Cross Laminated Timber. Made by gluing and pressing think laminates together to form a sheet, laminate grain laid in alternate directions, provides strength in two directions. Uses – structural panels.

Glulam – made from gluing pieces of dressed sawn timber together to form a deep member, most laminates with grain dinged to longitudinal direction. Uses – mainly structural.

I Beams – timber/LVL flanges, plywood/OSB webs lightweight, suitable for medium spans. Uses – floor joists / rafters.

Box Beams - timber/LVL flanges, two plywood/OSB webs, suitable for larger spans, torsional stiff and can use decorative plywood. Uses – floor joists / rafters.

Plywood – made by gluing and pressing think laminates together to form a sheet, grain in laminates in alternate directions, strength in two directions. Uses – structural bracing/ flooring/ formworks/ joinery/ marine applications.

Engineered Timber

Timber Flanged Steel Web Joists – lightweight, open webs give access for service webs by light tubes, solid rounds, corrugated sheets. Uses – floor joists / rafters.

MDF – Medium Density Fiberboard, made by breaking down hardwood or softwood waste into wood fibres, combining it with wax and a resin binder by applying high temperature and pressure. MDF is generally more dense than plywood. Uses – non-structural applications.

Chipboard & Strand Board – made by layering hardwood or softwood residuals in specific orientations with wax and a resin binder by applying high temperature and pressure. Uses – as part of structural systems / cladding finish.

In this week’s tutorial activity, we are building the assigned part of the construction work from the previous tutorial, by using cardboards, wooden boards/sticks etc. The model is in a scale of 1:100.

We first cut out the pieces that are needed. They are measured before cut out in order to keep the model in scale.

Noticing that there are trusses frames in the model. The ends of the wooden sticks are cut in an angle in order to get the sloped-surface for connections. This is a structural component composed of a combination of members, usually in a triangular arrangement, to form a rigid framework.

The picture above shows the outline of the roof part. There is an intersection of beams in the middle part. Also there is another truss structure at the cantilever part as it is able to provide the most supporting force which a cantilever needs, a great supporting force to lift against the weight and gravity.

The picture above is the final product of our model. It is supported by the three main supports underneath and the roof is connected by two trusses frames.

We didn’t get to finish the weighttaking examination as our model can hardly stand at the end. I think the problems mainly occur in the connections between each wooden sticks. The connections are not strong enough so that the wooden sticks keep falling apart.

Specific Terms of the Week Stud: 1. A vertical member of appropriate size (2" x 4" to 4" x 10") (or 50 mm x 100 mm to 100 mm x 250 mm) and spacing (16" to 30") (or 400 mm to 750 mm) to support sheathing or concrete forms. 2. A framing member, usually cut to a precise length at the mill, designed to be used in framing building walls with little or no trimming before it is set in place. Studs are most often 2" x 4", but 2" x 3", 2" x 6" and other sizes are also included in the stud category. Studs may be of wood, steel, or composite material. 3. A bolt having one end firmly anchored. See also shear stud. Noggins: The process of filling the space between timber framing members with bricks.

Columns: are vertical structural members designed to transfer axial compressive loads. Axial Load: The longitudinal force acting on a structural member. Seasoned Timber: Timber that is not green, having a moisture content of 19% or less, and is air- or kiln-dried. Lintel: A horizontal supporting member, installed above an opening such as a window or a door, that serves to carry the weight of the wall above it.

Buckling: 1. The distortion of a structural member such as a beam or girder under load. This condition is brought on by lack of uniform texture or by irregular distribution of weight, moisture, or temperature. 2. A flaw or distortion on the surface of a sheet of material, particularly asphalt roofing. 3. A thin tree branch bent in the shape of a "U" to fasten thatch onto roofs.

Constructing Environment Week 6  Conception Map  Class Activates  Specific Terms Definitions

Student Name: Li Wang Dong

Student Number: 692234

Roofing Structures Trusses Fink truss - A symmetrical truss, formed by three triangles, commonly used in supporting large, sloping roofs.

Pratt truss - A type of truss with parallel chords, all vertical members in compression, and all diagonal members in tension. The diagonals slant toward the center.

Bowstring truss - A structural roof truss having a bow-shaped top cord and a straight or cambered bottom cord.

Jack truss - 1. A roof truss that is smaller than the main trusses, such as a truss in the end slopes of a hip roof. 2. A truss that provides for the elimination of a column support by supporting a beam or another truss.

Warren truss - A truss consisting of horizontal top and bottom chords, separated by sloping members, and without vertical pieces.

Scissors truss - A roof truss with tension members extending from the foot of each principal rafter to the upper half of its opposite member. Flat-chord truss - A truss with the top and bottom chords nearly flat and parallel.

Different Trusses

Fan truss - A truss with struts that radiate like the ribs of a fan, supported at their base by a common suspension member. Resource:

Space frames

Structural steel framed roofs

Space frames are 3D Plate type structures that are long spanning in two directions. Linear steel sections of various cross sections types are welded, bolted or threaded together to form matrix-like structures.

Flat structural steel roofs consist of a combination of primary and secondary roof beams for heavier roof finished such as metal roofing. Sloping structural steel roofs consist of roof beams and purlins and lighter sheet.

Trussed roofs Truss roofs are framed roofs constructed from a series of Open Web type steel or timber elements. Trusses are manufactured from steel or timber components, fixed together to form efficient elements able to span long distances.

Metal roofing Portal frames consist of a series of braced Rigid frames (two columns and a beam) with purlins for the roof and Girts for the walls. The walls and roof are usually finished with sheet metal.

Roofing Structures

Concrete roofs Are generally flat plates of reinforced concrete (or precast slabs with a topping of concrete). The top surface is sloped towards drainage points and the entire roof surface finished with applied waterproof membrane

Light Framed Roofs Gable Roofs are characterized by a vertical, triangular section of wall at one or both ends of the roof The roof consists of Common Rafters, Ridge Beams and Ceiling Joists. Where the roof overhangs the gable end wall Outriggers are used Materials: timber, cold-formed steel sections (and also sometimes heavier steel (UB or PFC) for major beams) Light Framed Roofs: HUP Roofs are characterized by a vertical, triangular section of wall at one or both ends of the roof The roof consists of Common Rafters, HIP Rafters, Valley Rafters, Jack Rafters, Ridge Beams and Ceiling Joists Materials: timber, cold-formed steel sections

The shape (slope) and material of the structural elements is often determined by the roofing material selected and the functional requirements of the roof

Roofing Materials Metals Types: Iron is the 4th most common element in the Earth (cheap), it is generally more expensive (less common), less likely to react with oxygen (to oxide) and superior working qualities. Properties Hardness – varied. Depending on type Conductivity – Very good conductors of heat and electricity. This can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the location and purpose of the metal Reusability/recyclability – high Sustainability – very high embodied energy. Recyclable and renewable if correctly managed Cost – generally cost effective (can be very material-efficient and an economic option)



Types: Structural steel Reinforcing bars – due to its good tensile resistance, steel is used in conjunction with concrete to produce reinforced concrete. Deformations on the bars assist bonding with the concrete. Steel sheeting Cladding and roofing must be protected from weather exposure Stainless steel alloys. It is generally used harsh environments or where specific inert finishes are required. Wall ties in cavity walls are often made from stainless steel due to its corrosion resistance. It is very, very rarely used as primary structure due to cost

It is very light compared to other metals. It can be easily formed, machined and cast. Pure aluminium is soft and lacks strength, but alloys with small amounts of copper, magnesium, silicon, manganese and other elements have very useful properties. The extruded sections are common for window frames and other glazed structures such as balustrades/ handrails. Door handles and catches for windows.

Roofing Materials


Copper Copper is a reddish with a bright metallic luster when polished and turns green when exposed to the weather for a prolonged time. It is very malleable and ductile. Good conductor of heat and electricity .

Titanium is well known for its excellent corrosion resistance and for its high strength- to-weight ratio. It is light, strong, easily fabricated metal with low density. In thin sheets, it is not very stiff and appears as pillow rather than flat.

Traditionally used as roofing material, natural weathering causes to develops a green colored patina over time It is also widely used for hot and cold domestic water and heating pipework.

Titanium is used in strong lightweight alloys, making an attractive and durable cladding material, though it is often prohibitively expensive

Bronze is a particularly important alloy of copper and tin. Like copper it is corrosion resistant but it is much harder and can be used in engineering and marine applications.

Uses: bronze parts are tough and typically used for bearing, clips, electrical connectors and springs

Brass (copper+zinc) Properties: Brass is malleable and has a relatively low melting point and is easy to cast. It is not ferromagnetic

Uses: Brass parts are tough and typically used in elements where friction is required such as locks, gears, screws, valves. It is also commonly found in fittings.

Specific Terms of the Week Rafter: It is one of a series of sloping parallel beams used to support a roof covering.

Purlin: One of several horizontal structural members that support roof loads and transfer them to roof beams.

Cantilever: A cantilever is a beam anchored at only one end. The beam carries the load to the support where it is forced against by a moment and shear stress. Cantilever construction allows for overhanging structures without external bracing. Cantilevers can also be constructed with trusses or slabs..

Portal Frame: is a method of building and designing structures, primarily using steel or steel-reinforced precast concrete although they can also be constructed using laminated timber such as glulam. The connections between the columns and the rafters are designed to be moment-resistant, i.e. they can carry bending forces. Eaves: 1. Those portions of a roof that project beyond the outside walls of a building. 2. The bottom edges of a sloping roof. Top Chord: 1. The top or bottom members of a truss (typically horizontal), as distinguished from the web members. 2. A straight line between two points on a curve.. Alloy: An alloy is a mixture or solid solution composed of a metal and another element. An alloy contains one or more of the three: a solid solution of the elements (a single phase); a mixture of metallic phases (two or more solutions); an intermetallic compound with no distinct boundary between the phases. Soffit: The underside of a part or member of a structure, such as a beam, stairway, or arch.

Constructing Workshop

Student Name: Li Wang Dong

Student Number: 692234

Constructing Workshop We are aiming to build a bridge which is able to take loads by using wooden blocks and pieces. The more load it takes, the better it is. We first had the basic idea of the bridge and then we thought about the actually structure which should be applied onto the bridge. We chose the double-sided truss structure as this should be able to generate a large supporting force to the main beam.

This is the actual model that we made and as the picture has shown there is a truss frame as a support to the upper beam from the bottom beam in each side. We used a flat piece of wood as the supporting truss.

This is showing the joints between each piece during the constructing process. The truss frames are attached from the side.

There are also two studs between the top beam and bottom beam as the loads from the top can be separated and transferred down through the studs to the bottom beam.

Constructing Workshop At the end of the workshop, a load taking test is held. This is testing how much load can the bridge takes. Weights are put on the bridge, the loads are transferred through the two joists to the bottom beam. The truss frames are also acting as a supporting force to take loads. The weight increases until we can find the maximum load that the bridge can take.

When the maximum of the load taking point is reached, the bridge started to fall apart, as known as buckling in this case. One of the stud buckled as the loading force exceeds its supporting force. As one of the stud buckled, the main beam also buckled.

After all, the maximum weight that our bridge can handle is around 420kg.

Constructing Environment Week 7  Conception Map  Class Activates  Specific Terms Definitions

Student Name: Li Wang Dong

Student Number: 692234

Heat and Moisture For water to penetrate into a building all of the following three conditions must occur: An opening Water present at the opening A force to move water through the opening Remove any one of the conditions and water will not enter.

To prevent water penetrating into a building, three different strategies are employed: Remove openings, OR Keep water away from openings, OR Neutralize the forces that move water through opening. One is sufficient but if Two of More strategies are pursued then there is a added security in case one fails.


Removing Openings

Openings can be planned elements such as windows, doors, skylights etc. Or unplanned openings in the building fabric created by: Poor construction workmanship Deterioration of materials.

Common techniques used to remove openings to prevent water penetration include seal the openings with: Sealants (eg. Silicone) Gaskets (eg. Performed shapes made from artificial rubbers etc.)

Both sealants and gaskets rely heavily on correct installation and will deteriorate over time due to weathering. Detailing for Heat Controlling heat: Heat gain and heat loss occur when: • Heat is conducted through the building envelope. • The building envelope and building elements are subjected to Radiant Heat sources. • Thermal Mass is used to regulate the flow of heat through the building envelope. Effective control of heat gain and heat loss saves energy, saves money and increases comfort levels for building occupants.

Keeping Water from Openings It is a commonly used strategy construction detailing. This means that water is directed away from any potential openings in the building by: • Grading roofs so that the water is collected in Gutters which then discharge the water to Downpipes and Storm water systems. • Overlapping cladding and roofing elements (eg. Weatherboards and Roof Tiles). • Sloping window and door Sills and roof/wall flashings. • Sloping the ground surface away from the walls at the base of buildings.

Neutralizing the Forces – Gravity Strategies Typically use slopes and overlaps to carry water away from the building using the force of gravity.

Neutralizing the Forces – Air Pressure Differential Strategies With gusts of wind, water can still be moved through a complex labyrinth if there is a difference in the air pressure between the outside and inside. The water is ‘pumped’ from the high pressure to the low pressure. Rain Screen Assembles: If an air barrier is introduced on the internal side of the labyrinth, a ventilated and drained pressure equalization chamber is created and the water is no long ‘pumped’ to the inside of the assembly.

Neutralizing the Forces – Surface Tension and Capillary Action Strategies Typically use a drip or a break between surfaces to prevent water clinging to the underside of surfaces. These gaps and breaks prevent water reaching and entering opening because the surface tension of the water is broken at the drip location. Instead, the capillary action movement of the water stops and the water is released in drop form.

Potential Heat Loss or Gain Potential heat loss or gain through the exterior enclosure of a building is an important factor when estimating the amount of mechanical equipment and energy required to maintain the desired level of environment comfort in the interior spaces. The proper selection of building materials, the correct construction and insulation of the building enclosure, and the orientation of a building on its site are the basic means of controlling heat loss and gain. The most important factor to control or minimize potential heat gain or heat loss, is the Thermal insulation between the layers. It provides the required resistance to heat flow through the roof assembly.

Due to Weathering: Building materials expand and contract due to variations within the normal temperature range, as well as exposure to solar radiation and wind. To allow for this movement and help relieve the stresses caused by thermal expansion and contraction, expansion joints should be flexible, weather tight, durable and correctly placed to be effective.

Plastics Sourcing – the plastics we use today are made from elements such as: Carbon, silicon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and chloride combined by chemical reactions into monomers. The monomers combine with each other to form polymers. Polymers are long chains of monomers that make the substance we call plastics. Thermoplastics – moldable when heated and become solid again when cooled. Can be recycled. Thermosetting Plastics – can only be shaped once. Elastomers – refer to separate eMODULE

Plastics properties: The hardness is medium to low and the frailty is low to medium as plastics generally will not shatter or break. The ductility is high when in heated state and varied in cold state. The flexibility is high flexibility and plasticity. Many plastics are waterproof and the density is low.

The conductivity is very poor of heat and electricity. The durability can be very durable and the reusability is high for thermoplastics and elastomers. The sustainability embodied energy varies greatly between recycled and not recycled. Also, the cost is generally cost effective.

Paints Paints are liquid until they are applied on a surface forming a film that becomes solid when in contact with the air. Their main purpose is to protect a particular element. Clear paints are called lacquers or varnishes.

Paints properties: The Color of the paint should resist fading. The durability needs to resist chipping, cracking and peeling. The Gloss of the surface finishes can range from matt through to gloss. For flexibility, the water based latex paint is more flexible than oil based paint.

Oil Based Paint

Water based Paint

• Used prior to plastic paints

• Most common today

• Very good High Gloss finishes can be achieved

• Durable and Flexible

• Not water soluble

• Tools and brushes can be cleaned with water

Specific Terms of the Week Drip: It is a drip edge 1. The edge of a roof from which rainwater drips into a gutter or away from the structure. 2. The metal or wood strip that stiffens and protects this edge. Flashing: Thin, impervious sheet of material plac ed in construction to prevent water penetration or direct the flow of water. Flashing is used especially at roof hips and valleys, roof penetrations, joints between a roof and a vertical wall, and in masonry walls to direct the flow of water and moisture.

Parapet: 1. That part of a wall that extends above the roof level. 2. A low wall along the top of a dam.

Down Pipe: The tapered part of a drainpipe assembly that connects a lead gutter with a lead spitter. 2. The bottom edges of a sloping roof. Vapor Barrier: Material used to prevent the passage of vapor or moisture into a structure or another material, thus prevent condensation within them. See also perm.

Specific Terms of the Week Gutter: 1. A shallow channel of wood, metal, or PVC positioned just below and following along the eaves of a building for the purpose of collecting and diverting water from a roof. 2. In electrical wiring, the rectangular space allowed around the interior of an electrical panel for the installation of feeder and branch wiring conductors

Insulation: Flexible insulation of loosely matted plant or glass fibers faced on one or both sides with kraft paper or aluminum foil and usually available in specifically sized sections.

Sealant: • Joint Sealant - An impervious substance used to fill joints or cracks in concrete or mortar, or to exclude water and solid matter from any joints. • Membrane Curing - A process of controlling the curing of concrete by sealing in the moisture that would be lost to evaporation. The process is accomplished either by spraying a sealer on the surface or by covering the surface with a sheet film. • Encapsulant - A liquid applied to asbestos-containing material that prevents the release of fibers into the air either by forming a membrane over the material or by penetrating the material and binding the fibers together.

Constructing Environment Week 8  Conception Map  Class Activates  Specific Terms Definitions

Student Name: Li Wang Dong

Student Number: 692234

Geometry & Moment for Inertia Beams are rigid structural members designed to carry and transfer transverse loads across space to supporting elements. The nonconcurrent pattern of forces subjects a beam to bending and deflection, which must be resisted by the internal strength of the material.

Bending moment is an Bending stress is a

Deflection is the

Resisting moment is an

external moment tending to cause part of a structure to rotate or bend.

perpendicular distance a spanning member deviates from a true course under transverse loading.

internal moment equal and opposite to a bending moment, generated by a force couple to maintain equilibrium furthest from the neutral axis.

combination of compressive and tension stresses developed at a cross section of a structural member to resist a transverse force, having a maximum value at the surface furthest from the neutral axis.

The neutral axis is an imaginary line passing though the centroid of the cross section of a beam or other member subject to bending along which on bending stresses occur.

Vertical shearing stress develops to resist transverse shear. Horizontal or longitudinal shearing stress develops to prevent slippage along horizontal planes of a beam under transverse loading, equal at any point to the vertical shearing stress at that point.

Moment of inertia is the sum of the products of each element of an area and the square of its distance from a coplanar axis of rotation. It is a geometric property that indicates how the cross-sectional area of a structural member is distributed and does not reflect the intrinsic physical properties of a material. The efficiency of a beam is increased by configuring the cross section to provide the required moment of inertia or section modulus with the smallest possible area, usually by making the section deep with most of the material at the extremities where the maximum bending stresses occur. For example, while halving a beam span or doubling its width reduces the bending stresses by a factor of 2, doubling the depth reduces the bending stresses by a factor of 4.

Section modulus is a geometric property if a cross section, defined as the moment of inertia of the section divided by the distance from the neutral axis to the most remote surface.

Beam Spans

A simple beam rests on supports at both ends, with the ends free to rotate and having no moment resistance, As with any statically determinate structure, the values of all reactions, shears, and moments for a simple beam are independent of its cross-sectional shape and material.

A double overhanging beam is a simple beam extending beyond both of its supports. Assuming a uniformly distributed load, the projections for which the moment over the supports are equal and opposite to the moment at mid span are approximately 1/3 of the span.

A cantilever is a projecting beam or other rigid structural member supported at only one fix end.

A fixed-end beam has both ends restrained against translation and rotation. The fixed ends transfer bending stresses, increase the rigidity of the beam, and reduce its maximum deflection.

Am overhanging beam is a simple beam extending beyond one of its supports. The overhanging reduces the positive moment at mid span while developing a negative moment at the base of the cantilever over the support. Assuming a uniformly distributed load, the projection for which the moment over the support is equal opposite to the moment at mid span is approximately 3/8 of the span. A suspended-span is a simple beam supported by the overhangs of two adjoining spans with pinned construction joints at points of zero moment..

Door & Door frame terminology Glass: components Formers are the basic ingredient used to produce glass. Any chemical compound that can be melted and cooled into a glass is a former Fluxes help formers to melt at lower and more practical temperatures Stabilizers combine with formers and fluxes to keep the finished glass from dissolving or crumbling.

Properties of Glass • • •

• • • •

• •

Porosity - Waterproof Density – Medium high. Conductivity – transmits heat and light but not electricity Hardness – high but can be scratched with a metallic object Fragility – high. Differs depending on the type of glass (tempered glass is not as brittle as float glass) Ductility – very low Flexibility/plasticity – very high flexibility and plasticity when molten/low to very low when cooled Durability/life span – typically very durable – chemical rust and rot resistant Reusability/Recyclability – very high Sustainability and carbon footprint – typically high embodied energy and carbon footprint but ease of recycling/reuse makes it a popular sustainable product Cost – generally expensive to produce and transport

Two main types of glass can be distinguished: Flat Glass (typically sheets of clear or tinted float, laminated, tempered, wired, etc.) Shaped Glass (curved, blocks, channels, tubes, fibres)

Moreover, Float glass is now the most common glass production process in the world.

Float Glass Types • Clear float glass It is the simplest and cheapest glass product available in the market. No further treatment beyond the float fabrication ideal in low risk/low cost/small size glazing scenarios. Breaks into very sharp and dangerous shards

• Laminated Glass A tough plastic interlayer is bonded together between two glass panes This improves the security and safety of the glass product as even though the glass can still crack, the sharp fragments tend to adhere to the plastic rather than falling apart

• Tempered glass

Other types and products

It is produced by heating annealed glass to approximately 650oc, at which point it begins to soften. The surfaces of this heated glass are then cooled rapidly creating a state of high compression in the out surfaces of the glass

Tinted Glass Useful in sun-exposed situations to reduce visible light transfer. Wired Glass Similar concept to laminated glass – a steel wire mesh is used instead of a plastic film – traditionally accepted as a low-cost fire glass. Patterned Glass Made with a rolled glass process – typically used when privacy and light are required. Curved Glass This type of glass is produced in moulds that are created to meet the specific design requirements – expensive. Photovoltaic Glass With integrated solar cells. Glass Channels Used in façade systems. Slumped and Formed Glass Used as design features. Glass Fibres Hair-like strands – used in telecommunications.

As a result the bending strength is increased by a factor of 4-5 times that of annealed glass and makes it make into small, pellet shaped pieces rather than sharp shards, improving the safety of the product Ideal to use in highly exposed situations or when the size required are particularly large

In this week’s tutorial activity, we are introduced to a sectiondrawing of the Oval Pavilion – Redevelopment which is located in the University of Melbourne.

We are assigned to different part of the oval pavilion. Each of them has its own sectional drawing which is in a scale of 1:5 with different view/angle. The drawing that we are actually drawing is required to be in a scale of 1:1 so therefore a scale ruler is needed during the sketching process in order to keep the drawing in scale.

This is the overall view of the oval. We had a site visit during the class so we can take pictures can identify the real part which is related to our assigned drawing.

This is the actual/real part of the oval that is related to my assigned part for my sectional drawing.

Specific Terms of the Week Window Sash: A sash window or hung sash window is made of one or more movable panels or "sashes" that form a frame to hold panes of glass, which are often separated from other panes (or "lights") by narrow muntins. Although any window with this style of glazing is technically "a sash". Deflection: In engineering, deflection is the degree to which a structural element is displaced under a load. It may refer to an angle or a distance. Moment of Inertia: Moment of inertia is the mass property of a rigid body that defines the torque needed for a desired angular acceleration about an axis of rotation.

Stress: In continuum mechanics, stress is a physical quantity that expresses the internal forces that neighboring particles of a continuous material exert on each other. For example, when a solid vertical bar is supporting a weight, each particle in the bar pulls on the particles immediately above and below it. Shear Force: A force acting on a body which tends to slide one portion of the body against the other side of the body. (Sliding action). Door Furniture: Design of door furniture is an issue to disabled persons who might have difficulty opening or using some kinds of door, and to specialists in interior design as well as those usability professionals which often take their didactic examples from door furniture design and use.

Constructing Environment Week 9  Conception Map  Class Activates  Specific Terms Definitions

Student Name: Li Wang Dong

Student Number: 692234

Movement Joints Isolation joints divide a large or

Control joints are continuous

Expansion joints are continuous

geometrically complex structure into sections so that differential movement or settlement can occur between the parts. At a smaller scale, an isolation joint can also protect a nonstructural element from the deflection or movement of an butting structural member.

grooves or separations formed in concrete ground slabs and concrete masonry walls to form a plane of weakness and thus regulate the location and amount of cracking resulting from drying shrinkage, thermal stresses, or structural movement.

unobstructed slots constructed between two parts of a building or structure permitting thermal or moisture expansion to occur without damage to either part. Expansion joints can often serve as control and isolation joints.

In other words, It is a joint positioned so as to separate concrete from adjacent surfaces or into individual structural elements that are not in direct physical contact, such as an expansion joint.

Grooves manually made on concrete flooring to help control where the concrete should crack.

In a building structure or concrete work, a joint or gap between adjacent parts that allows for safe and inconsequential relative movement of the parts, caused by thermal variations or other conditions.

Materials: Monolithic or Composite Monolithic materials are:

Composite materials are created

Composite construction

A single material, or Materials combined so that components are indistinguishable. (eg. Metal alloys)

when: Two or more materials are combined in such a way that the individual materials remain easily distinguishable

A building constructed of various building materials, or by using more than one construction method, such as a structural steel frame with a precast roof, or a masonry structure with a laminated wood beam roof.

Monolithic construction The pouring of concrete grade beam and floor slab together to form a building foundation.

Composite materials come in many forms. But they can be grouped in to four main types – Fibrous, laminar, particulate and hybrid.

Fiber Reinforced Cement (FRC) They are made from cellulose fibers, Portland cement, sand & water. The common forms are sheet & board products and shaped products such as pipes, roof tiles etc. The common uses cladding for exterior in interior walls, floor panels. Benefits are that fiber cement building materials will not burn, are resistant to permanent water and termite damage, and resistant to rotting and warping. It is a reasonably inexpensive material. Fiber Glass They are made from a mixture of glass fibres and epoxy resins. The common forms are flat and profiled sheet products and formed/ shaped products. The common uses are transparent or translucent roof/wall cladding and for preformed shaped products such as water tanks, baths, swimming pools etc. Benefits are that fiberglass materials are fire resistant, weatherproof, relatively light weight and strong.

Aluminium Sheet Composites They are made from aluminium and plastic. The common forms are plastic core of phenolic resin lined with two external skins of thin aluminium sheet. The common uses that are as a feature cladding material in interior and exterior applications. Benefits are reduced amounts of aluminium are required and lighter weight, less expensive sheets can be produced, which are weather resistant, unbreakable and shock resistant. A variety of finishes can be specified and ‘seamless’ details can be achieved with careful cutting, folding, bending and fixing.

Fiber Reinforced Polymers They are made from polymers with timber, glass or carbon fibres. The common forms often associated with molded or pultrusion processed products. The common uses decking, structural elements such as beams and columns for public pedestrian bridges using glass or carbon fibre reinforced polymer rebar. Benefits are that high-strength FRP materials with glass or carbon fibre reinforcements provide a strength-to-weight ratio greater than steel. FRP composite materials are corrosion-resistance.

Timber Composites They are made from combinations of solid timber, engineered timber. The common forms are timber top and bottom chords with gal. steel or engineered board/plywood webs. The common uses beams and trusses. Benefits are that minimum amount of material is used for maximum efficiency, cost effective, easy to install, easy to accommodate services.

In this week, we didn’t have a tutorial but a site visit of a commercial construction site.

This picture is taken on the 10th floor. As the picture has shown, there is a flooring system which is using a steel sheet as the ‘bed’ and concrete is poured onto the steel sheet. There are also some supporting steel frames and fiber reinforced polymers. These reinforced polymers are also acting as a supporting against the weight of concrete and the weight from above. From this pattern, we can tell each floor’s ceiling is made of steel and concrete which is very stable but generally cost more in materials. This constructing method which is called skirting.

This is a concrete wall observed in the site. As the picture has shown, it is made of concrete and steel frames (the orange bits).

These reinforced steel frames are generally spread out on top of the steel layer.

As the picture has shown, there are certain numbers of main supports within each floor, between the top layer which is the ceiling, and the bottom layer which is the layer that we are standing on. They are acting as the main source of the supporting force, sharing the loads from above and the loads are spreading onto each one of them, so that the ceiling will not collapse as each of these supports provide a suitable supporting force to the ceiling in taking these loading forces up the top.

This photo shows the steel frames for the indoor construction. Walls will be made based on these steel frames and they are also acting as a supporting to these walls and windows and doors etc. They are currently be using as a temporary working platform as there are wooden boards that are used as steps for the workers.

This picture is taken on the ground section of the site. As the picture has shown there are similar supports on the ground which are taking the loads from above and transfer the these weights onto the ground.

This picture is taken from the inside of the building. It is showing the steel frames that are used for the balcony construction work. This is showing the use of glass material for the windows of the inside of the building. For each floor, there are many of these glass windows and they are all encased by steel frames. These steel frames are holding onto the glass and giving supporting to them so they do not fall down or fall apart as in attached to the steel frame.

Specific Terms of the Week Bending: In Applied mechanics, bending (also known as flexure) characterizes the behavior of a slender structural element subjected to an external load applied perpendicularly to a longitudinal axis of the element.

Cornice: 1. An ornamental molding of wood or plaster that encircles a room just below the ceiling. 2. An ornamental topping that crowns a structure. 3. An exterior ornamental trim at the meeting of the roof and wall. This type of cornice usually includes a bed molding, a soffit, a fascia, and a crown molding.

Composite Beam: A beam combining different materials to work as a single unit, such as structural steel and concrete or cast-in-place and precast concrete. Skirting: In architecture, a baseboard (also called skirting board, skirting, mopboard, floor molding, as well as base molding) is a (generally wooden) board covering the lowest part of an interior wall. Its purpose is to cover the joint between the wall surface and the floor. It covers the uneven edge of flooring next to the wall; protects the wall from kicks, abrasion, and furniture; and can serve as a decorative molding.

Specific Terms of the Week Sandwich Panel: 1. A panel formed by bonding two thin facings to a thick, and usually lightweight, core. Typical facing materials include plywood, single veneers, hardboard, plastics, laminates, and various metals, such as aluminum or stainless steel. Typical core materials include plastic foam sheets, rubber, and formed honeycombs of paper, metal, or cloth. 2. A prefabricated panel that is a layered composite formed by attaching two thin facings to a thicker core. An example is precast concrete panels, which consist of two layers of concrete separated by a nonstructural insulating core.

Constructing Environment Week 10  Conception Map  Class Activates  Specific Terms Definitions

Student Name: Li Wang Dong

Student Number: 692234

Corrosion of Materials Example: Statue Of Liberty The Copper Skin is supported on an iron skeleton designed by Gustave Eiffel. When copper is exposed to the atmosphere, it reacts with oxygen. The copper starts to dull, first becoming a darker brown color and then forming a green copper oxide patina.

Statue of Liberty: Galvanic Corrosion Initial Connection detail Consideration Galvanic corrosion between the copper skin and iron frame was considered at the time of construction and a solution that allowed for the separation of the two metals was devised

What happened? The connection system started to fail as the build up of corrosion products (rust) expanded and pulled the rivets away from the copper skin.

The problem Over time, the shellac-impregnated cloth became porous and actually held moisture at the joint between the two different metals. This provided good conditions for galvanic corrosion and the iron began to corrode.

The First solution

The future

The two materials were separated at their junctions by a layer of shellacimpregnated cloth.

The new system still includes two different metals and so will require ongoing inspections and maintenance.

The second solution To overcome this problem, the original iron armature frame was replaced with a Teflon-coated stainless steel structure. The selection of stainless steel was made after extensive corrosion resistance testing and consideration of the physical properties of the stainless steel and how well it would work with the existing copper skin.

In this week, we are presenting the sectional drawing that we were assigned back in week 8’s studio. Drawing 3-Dimensional sketches base on our sectional drawing. This is just a rough sketch which is not in scale. It is meant to show what the actual construction is looking like. These 3-dimensional drawings are also about 1:1 scale as they are based on a 1:1 sectional drawing.

Understanding what is the function of the part that we have drawn. During the presentation and after the presentation, we are taught to understand the actual function of the specific part of the Oval.

The 1:1 sectional drawing is attached in the hard copy of Constructing Environment Log Book.

Specific Terms of the Week Shear Wall: A wall portion of a structural frame intended to resist lateral forces, such as earthquake, wind, and blast, acting in the plane or parallel to the plane of the wall.

Lifecycle: In object-oriented programming (OOP), the object lifetime (or life cycle) of an object is the time between an object's creation and its destruction. Rules for object lifetime vary significantly between languages, in some cases between implementations of a given language, and lifetime of a particular object may vary from one run of the program to another. Braced Frame: A wooden structural framing system in which all vertical members, except for corner posts, extend for one floor only. The corner posts are braced to the sill and plates.

Soft Storey: The terms floor, level, or deck can also be used in this sense; except that one may use "ground floor" and "ground level" for the floor closer to what is considered the ground or street level, whereas "storey" is commonly used only for levels strictly above or below that level. The words "storey" and "floor" also generally exclude levels of the building that have no roof, even if they are used by people—such as the terrace on the top roof of many buildings. Defect: In architecture, a baseboard (also called skirting board, skirting, mopboard, floor molding, as well as base molding) is a (generally wooden) board covering the lowest part of an interior wall. Its purpose is to cover the joint between the wall surface and the floor. It covers the uneven edge of flooring next to the wall; protects the wall from kicks, abrasion, and furniture; and can serve as a decorative molding.

Corrosion: The oxidation or eating away of a metal or other material by exposure to chemical or electrochemical action such as rust.

Specific Terms of the Week IEQ: Indoor environmental quality It is an important criterion for green, or sustainable, building design, this refers to general overall building occupant comfort. Includes humidity, ventilation and air circulation, acoustics, and lighting. Fascia: 1. A board used on the outside vertical face of a cornice. 2. The board connecting the top of the siding with the bottom of a soffit. 3. A board nailed across the ends of the rafters at the eaves. 4. The edge beam of a bridge. 5. A flat member or band at the surface of a building.

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