we are giving you some clarifications about the materials that you have to deliver for the final review and for the exam. Final exam The final exam will be individual. You have to deliver: -
Design report (A3) 8 tables (A1) 2 competition tables (A1 Portrait) for the Ca’ Granda Award A CD with all the materials in digital format
Design report: The design report must contain all the argumentations that explain your design process and consequent choices. It will be in format A3 with min. 10 spreads > max. 40 spreads. It can include images, sketches, diagrams, references, etc. Attached to the report, annex the 8 A1 boards scaled to the report paper size (A3). In the report, you have to describe: -
the general strategy at the base of your design choice analytical synthesis of the landscape values and landscape design choices spatial layout (functions, additions, relations with the context etc.) environmental and ecological design solutions (ex. Carbon footprint, environmental mitigation and compensation, life cycle analysis, etc.) architectural spatial solutions and Italian regulations accordance (fire safety and accessibility for handicapped persons) building technology and materials main characteristics other relevant aspects of the project
Recommendations In the report, insert the index and the page numbers. Boards of the project Table 1: synthesis of the spatial and territorial analysis related to environmental, cultural and ecological values (interpretative table developed during the ‘jeux de territoire’, present landscape sensory perception, historical landscape, diachronical and synchronical analysis). Table 2: SWOT analysis; design alternatives; landscape quality objectives (environmental, cultural and ecological); case studies. Table 3: Master plan (scale1:1000); diagrams and sketches explaining the functional program and distributive solution, so as the integrated solutions (environmental, cultural and ecological); estimation of potential impacts and consumptions related to the artefacts.
Table 4: Planovolumetric plan (scale 1:500) with correct shadows; environmental sections (max.2, scale 1:500); landscape renderings/ photo simulations of the main points of view showing the relation between the artefacts and the landscape; diagrams/sketches that explain what you maintain and what you add/change related to the buildings and the environment. Table 5: ground floor plan (scale 1:200) of the project area (or of a significant part previously defined with the professors) that includes the spatial design that relates to the context (open spaces design, main entrances to the buildings, elevation, paths etc.) with the integrated solutions regarding the environmental, cultural and ecological aspects; specify the materials on the ground and the botanical species. Table 6: Plans, elevations and sections (scale 1:100) of a building or of a significant part of it defined with the professors during the reviews; a plan of the structural system (scale 1:200). In the design, italian regulations regarding fire safety and accessibility for vulnerable people must be verified, as well as the qualitative requirements of the building (usability, furniture, restoration indications, etc.). This information must be also included in the final report. Table 7: Plans, sections and elevations (scale 1:50) of a significant part of the project agreed with the professors. Table 8: Plan, elevation and section (1:20) of a significant part of the building from foundations level to the roof; other significant details (scale 1:10 or smaller) indicating dimensions and materials.
Tables for the Ca’ Granda Award The two tables of synthesis of your project for the Ca’ Granda Award can be freely composed with the materials produced for the exam. They must be in A1 Portrait format and laminated. Names and phone numbers must be written only on the back side of the two boards. Each group has to deliver one copy of the boards.
Recommendations All the drawings must indicate the north direction, a scale bar, a key plan, and measurements/dimensions. If necessary, other boards may be produced after having accorded with the professors. Before delivering, carefully check the spelling and readability of the texts.
Final review In the final review, project will be exposed with a brief ppt presentation (max. 12’) with a PowerPoint/pdf (max. 20-25 slides), oral comments on the presentation and a brief revisions of the boards. During the final review we are going to focus on the boards from 5 to 8.