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Da ta Resurgence

Reviving the Essence of Personal Experience and Memory

1.BACKGROUND 1.1 Definition of t he'tw o selves'

The'exp eriencing self and the'remembering self are two modes of self that were first described by psychologist and behavioral economics Daniel Kahneman. The'experiencing self exists only in the present moment and is the'yo u'in the moment who lives through the event.experiencing the emotional state in the moment. In contrast, the'remembering self is the part of an individual that reflects on past expe riences and creates memories. The'experiencing self'and the'remembering self'interact to create our overall sense of self and our experiences

1.3 Fact ors affectin g t he'tw o selves' Contem porary p eop le who-have been exposeif to the informatio n exp losron for a long time have reduced sensory sensitivity, tend to lose the experience of the present moment, and have difficulty retaining or distorting individual memories.

Personal project Installation product Design Speculative Design

; Social media has become the main way : for people to get information, : communicate and socialize, and people : ignore the experiences and feelings in real socializing.

Research tools: The Day Reconstruction Method (ORM}/ Arduino uno/ Python/(++

This proje4 considers.the use of big data, �hich is now commonly understood.and applied by people, _atthe individual level: capturing big data from:every aspe ct of an individual's daily life, and helping. the individual to reconnect with his/her own experien�es an·d 1T1emories throtJgh.individual data recording and visualisati9rr, so as to retrie� his/her J ost self.

Consumerism makes people focus excessively on the external material world, and more and more people are eager to get satisfaction from consumption and produce pleasure, ignoring their inner experience and feelings

Duration: 2022.12-2023.02.


Video Link:

h ttps://www.you tube.com/wa tch?v = dTc Q wHCxgCE

1.2 The characteristics of the'two selves'

Cultural and social pressures guide people in their constant quest for productMty, leading to contemporary fast-paced work and life, which can hog people's attention and energy.

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This is an experiment designed by Daniel to test the characteristics of the "two selves". The following is a table of the duration and level of pain recorded for two patients during a medical examination. Duration of pain


Peak pain level


End moment pain level


Final F<忒比d 0


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Patient B has a better overall feefing than A

This experiment demonstrates the role of the "remembering self' in determining the overall experience, as well as the unrecorded nature of the "experiencing self'.

1 .4 The meani ng of t he'two selves '

One moment 3s

One day 20,000 moments

..... ..... ..... ......

One life 500 million moments

; living a life overly dependent on external tools : and devices. Consuming far more time on : technological devices than on paying attention : to one's own state in the moment.

The experiencing self is the person's immediate feelings in the present moment and determines the person's true sense of well-being. The remembering self serves as the experience that guides the person's behaviour and decision-making. The balance between the two is of great importance to one's quality of life.


一 :

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v= dTcQwHCxgCE

“` • Wearing Sunny Memo on your shoulder, its camera f unction and voice recording f uncti on enable real- time recording of images and voice in the moment. The built-in programme also senses mobi le phone usage and collects key elements of appli cati on usage. This info rmation is then used to extract keywords that are fed into t he Al for image generation.

• You can hang MemPri nt on any wall in your home and the resul ting images will be printed simultaneously on MemPri nt. The printed photo paper triggers t he pressure sensor whi ch in turn causes t he shaft to rotate and the stri ng to become longer. After a ce rtai n amount of paper has accumulated, t he cord sto p s lengthening and t he MemPrint screen fl ashes to remind you that "the memo ry is f ull".

• View images

Body heat can cause the thermal material of the photo paper to appear as an image, through the prompting and association of the image, you can discover the beautiful scenes that are negle cted in the daily life, and at the same time be aware of the preciousness of the present moment.

Video Link: https://youtu.be/9G1iTizQlgw

Inspiration Definition of Androcentrism


!"#$%&'$($(')*"%&+"),-&.&/0".1 Moving Image / Spatial Interactive Design / Critical Design Personal project/ Duration: 2023.03-2023.05 Film, as a contemporary medium, is a very powerful and direct way of communicating social consciousness to the public. However, the male-dominated film and television industry has long been riddled with superficial interpretations of women, and these stereotypes are reflected in countless portrayals of female characters. Cognizant of the recent surge in women's empowerment, the market has witnessed a proliferation of films championing female resilience and feminism, aiming to resonate with a broader female demographic. Nevertheless, disentangling these films from entrenched traditional stereotypes of female characters remains a formidable challenge. This design tries to make people aware of this phenomenon and encourage more diverse creations by means of interactive images.

Androcentrism, is the practice of placing a masculine point of view at the center of one's worldview, culture, and history, thereby marginalizing femininity

Innocent maiden This character archetype is usually portrayed as innocent, flawless and weak, who are often unable to cope with problems on their own and need to be rescued by a male figure. This emphasizes women's vulnerability and dependence and ignores their strong and independent qualities.

Femme Fatale

3 common female archetypes in film

This character archetype often appears in films and television with a sexy and glamorous appearance, using her attractiveness to manipulate men. Viewing women as symbols of seduction rather than as separate individuals.

Film · Women · Androcentrism

Mother Figure

The film industry has been shaped as a male-dominated industry in a structural sense (industrial structure, business composition, labor structure). Female characters in films are often marginalized or confined to several stereotypical images.

This role archetype is often portrayed as selfless, gentle, kind and sacrificial, with their stories revolving around caring for children, tending to the household and maintaining harmony in the home, a fixation that ignores the diversity and complexity of women and allows them to be seen as an idealized role that conforms to societal expectations.

Criteria for Evaluating Feminist Films

·The movie must have at least two women in it. ·The women must talk to each other. ·Their discussion must be about something other than a man.

Mako Mori test ·A least one female character and that this character has an independent plot arc and that the character or her arc does not simply exist to support a male character's plot arc.

Furiosa test ·At least one female character in the film is not a romantic interest, relative or follower of a male character.



Hidden Figures

Douban Film Score: 7.5

Douban Film Score: 8.9

Theme !"#$%&'()"#'*%+#"*&# ,-./*"#%0#+%1&(2#

· Smart and beautiful multinational lawyer · The victim's best friend · The woman who found out about the case

It only shows the outcome, which is to be "killed" in a cage."

Chen Mai

The film tells the story of three African-American female mathematicians who, in 1962, used their intelligence and ability to break through discrimination and prejudice to make a contribution to the U.S. space industry.

Theme The film aims to demonstrate women's contribution to society through the presentation of real-life events from the past, as well as to stimulate

reflection on the issues of gender and racial discrimination.

Li Muzi ·A beautiful and rich woman with a Romantic brain ·Killed by husband

Katherine Goble Johnson · Mathematician

Mary Jackson ·Mathematician and engineer



Showing women's real stories and upbringing Focus on women's power, freedom and equality Can stimulate public reflection on gender issues

Characterization Creating realistic female characters that are free of stereotypes. The female characters have sufficient dimension and richness.

Lost in the Stars


Summing up: The constituent elements of feminist cinema

Storyline Female characters have independent story lines The storyline conveys real women's perspectives and experiences. Female characters' behaviour is not motivated by men in the genesis and progression of the story.

Comparative analysis

The film tells the story of a woman who uncovers the truth about her best friend's disappearance and takes revenge on the perpetrator (her friend's husband).

Chinese Feminist Film Ranking Study




Bechdel test

High-scoring films represent the audience's recognition of the content and quality of the film, as well as the ideological concepts conveyed in the film. At the same time, it also reflects the common aesthetic tendency and values of the public in certain aspects, which is the consensus of social consciousness within a stage.




He Fei

Dorothy Vaughan

·A poor man ·A gambler ·A murderer

· Mathematician and supervisor

The publicity for this film was "heroine film, female solidarity, female power", but the

whole story was interpreted entirely from a male point of view.


12 10 8



Real Feminist Films

Directed by women

Based on real women


A research and analysis of 53 films in the list of highly rated films about feminism on Chinese mainstream film websites(DOUBAN) found that the plots of the films could hardly be separated from the themes of physical and sexual violence suffered by women, mother-daughter relationship, marriage and family, and female revenge. There are only 12 films that are completely free of these themes.

The film uses two far-from-reality women to aid in the portrayal of a close-to-reality underclass male with a tragic life and a twisted psyche, and none of the female characters are able to break away from the stereotypes, which is not

really feminist cinema, despite the propaganda slogans of women's awakening.

Storyline The story revolves around three women who move the events forward. Characterization The film is a rich portrayal of women as it portrays three female characters in multiple dimensions, showcasing their talents and skills, their distinctive personalities, their richness of emotions, and their courageous struggle for equality. It's a real feminist film.

Conclusion From the research on the list of feminist-related films it is clear that 1. It's hard to find Chinese films on the list. Although the East Asian film market has been gaining attention worldwide in recent years, women's voices in the midst of it have not received much attention. 2. The domestic public is not clear about the criteria for judging feminist films, and the ideological logic of the hidden male is still repeatedly supported and recognized .

1 - Video interaction


3 - Game

The central building symbolizing patriarchal centrism

The "colorful" female image formed by the wall projection 1·The elements that make up the central building gradually disintegrate with the completion of each challenge.

2 - Spatial interaction Using two conflicting elements to design the interior space, participants follow a tour path and engage in a series of educational and interactive activities, making their own judgment on the video and audio presentations on gender inequality, and ultimately acquiring a "gender awareness" card.

Visitors can dismantle the barrier themselves and create something using the basic elements

A colorful wall formed by the stacking of similar elements 2·At the same time, the dismantled modules evolved into new buildings.

3·Eventually, the centre building was completely demolished and replaced by new buildings in a variety of styles.


Showcase an "imperfect" female character and collect audience comments about her to reflect the public's stereotypical portrayal of women.

Plan 1


Plan 3 Education


2. True femininity is revealed as the walls are dismantled, and the reassembly of the elements means that multiple opportunities for creativity and expression are encouraged.

Splitting the elements to dissociate the walls

Get new designs and a vibrant female image at the end of the campaign

Plan 2



The plans were compared in five areas: interactivity, education, communicability, scalability and immersion. Taking the results together, it was decided to deepen them by combining plans 1 and 3.

1. The use of the colored images seen through the barrier as a metaphor is intended to express the implicit, entrenched and stereotypical portrayal of women in male-centred creations.

3. Through co-creation activities, people can reflect on the stereotypes of women in film and television, and even in reality, and realize the significance of breaking down stereotypes and continuing to create.

Final Plan

Concept development Extraction and Conceptual Reconstruction of Abstract Elements in Film Character Portrayal


2 - Experiments with projected materials

3 - Final design ·Basic elements & colors

1 - Block splicing experiment

Two colored translucent materials and three transparent textured materials were chosen to test the effect of materials on the clarity and texture of the projected image.

Make three types of blocks to test the ease of secondary construction and modeling with different types of connections.

·Exploded diagram BLOCK 1 Cube

Junctions Magnets Junctions Insignificant colour change

BLOCK 2 Splicable square

· Products



Presenting rich colors

Acrylic BLOCK 3 Magnetic square Textured paper

Block III has a better overall evaluation in terms of form building, space shaping and ease of dismantling.

Bumpy material projects more textural details

Choose colored acrylic as the final finished material and design the surface texture to achieve the light and shadow refraction effect. The connection is designed to be magnetic.

Activity Preparation Planning a two-week ResculptHer co-creation event

·Interactive step

Video 1

·Video image Video 1: Gazing Eyes

Assembly change detected

Play Video 2

Build on top of existing assembly

Continuous Video 2

Disassembly and refactoring of existing assembly

Play Video 3

·Coding The interaction is realized by the arduino uno controlling the D23 luminance sensor by detecting changes in ambient light.

Video 2: Stereotypical Image 1: female image mash-up, Black-and-white, Gazing Eyes looped - Still Image

Video 3: Images showing colorful female figures

1-Arduino reads the sensed brightness of the D23 sensor and sends it to the computer via the serial port. 2-Python program initiates different video playback based on a range of brightness values

·Event Poster

The initial space harbors a 'stereotype barrier' constructed from numerous basic elements, assembled through a singular superposition, projecting a false spectrum of colors in the black-and-white images that pass through it. Symbolizing countless concealed stereotypical female representations. · Projection display

Participants, by reconstructing, dismantling, or reassembling the 'barrier,' introduce various effects on the projected images. When the 'barrier' is completely dismantled, the film displays true colors and allows for various forms of creativity using the original elements.

· Initial image

· Dismantling

Through this approach, participants become aware of the hidden, singular understanding and stereotypical portrayal of women in films subjected to the male gaze, while also encouraging people to break free from these constraints and engage in more diverse creativity. · Light sensing

· Final image · Reconstruct

Processes and outcomes Video Link: https://youtu.be/9G1iTizQlgw

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