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Getting around

Moovit On a weekend trip or staying local? Multi-award-winning Moovit gives you information on all public transport options. You can plan your route and then see real arrival times and also delays. Trains, buses, trams and ferries are included, plus walking, cycling and taxis. Once you have selected your journey, the app gives you easy-to-follow instructions and keeps you up to date on disruptions and alternative routes. moovit.com

Omio A step up from Moovit, Omio allows you to control all of your travel and transport needs in one place. It has up-to-date and real-time info on arrivals and delays on buses, trains, ferries and planes. But what makes this app so useful is that with it you can actually purchase tickets, in advance or last minute, meaning you avoid queues and save time. You can use discount cards such as student IDs or rail saver cards, and the app will alert you to any offers available. It is highly reviewed and user-friendly so great for those who would rather use public transport than their car. omio.pt

Bolt v Uber When it comes to a good night out and the need for a taxi, you have the choice of Uber, of course, and also Bolt (previously known as Taxify), which is a lesser known, very similar service. Download the app and add your payment method so no cash is needed. It is difficult to pick a favourite, as both can be unreliable and pick up times can change in an instant on either service. Bolt often has a slightly lower rate but it depends on how many drivers in your area use this rather than Uber. I suggest getting both apps and comparing ride price and time – often one will be running a special discount such as 10% off that day’s fare. bolt.eu/pt-pt | uber.com/pt/


DeepL If you are still learning or have just enough Portuguese to get by, shopping and ordering in a restaurant, then this app might be a confidence-boosting security blanket. If you find yourself needing help, advice or have a question, then type it in or say it, and allow your phone to speak it aloud to the other person. I have been told that the dialect is much easier to understand compared to the robotic manner of Google Translate, and you can also scan photos or documents to be translated, which is a huge bonus.

Babbel A highly-rated, easy-to-use, long-running app, with a selection of learning tools to suite every level and need, this programme can help anyone improve their language skills in time. The games are a fun addition and can become quite addictive! Babbel covers visual and auditory learning, and you just go at your own speed and do it when it suits you, which feels easier than committing to a classroom or online course. However, if you do want to branch out and learn with others, there is an option to join live classes too. my.babbel.com

Ecosia And Oceanhero

Just a quick shout about two very cool apps, which allow you to browse the internet just like you normally would through Google or Yahoo, but the money made from the ads goes to a good cause. Ecosia uses profits to plant trees and OceanHero focuses on fixing plastic pollution in our seas. Both apps are well rated and transparent, so give them a try to do your bit for the planet. ecosia.org | oceanhero.today


Glovo We all know of the Uber Eats app and have probably tried it at some point, but there is another option to use in Portugal, which is Glovo. This one offers a big range of services, from restaurant take-out to supermarket supplies to fresh flowers. When you want to stay in and cook, you can get all of your provisions delivered once you have ordered and paid. When downloading the app, keep an eye out for a welcome gift such as free delivery or a discount for first time users. glovoapp.com/pt

OLX If you are an EBay addict do check out this app. It can take a bit of time to get the filters right for your area or what product you want, but if you don’t mind being patient you can find some great deals. There is pretty much everything you can imagine for sale, and you are also able to get in touch with local trades people and groups. If you want to find someone to do some jobs around your house or need help moving home, you can reach out to people through the app. olx.pt


Imovirtual If you are still searching for your dream home here, then this app is for you. The winner of several awards, it gives you hundreds of thousands of properties to look at, and you can filter to your exact needs and wants. Once you have found something of interest, you can contact the home owner or estate agent with more questions or to set up a viewing. You can save your faves and be kept up to date with new listings, too. This app also provides rooms for rent, business premises and office spaces so ideal if you are looking at setting up your work life as well as a home. imovirtual.com


Info Praia An area world renowned for having some of the best beaches imaginable, it is hardly surprising that there is an app dedicated to the sandy areas of Portugal. Info Praia has been created by the Portuguese Environmental Agency and gives fairly up-to-date info on most beaches in your area. You can search by location or name, and also see what facilities are available – toilets, showers, lifeguards, somewhere to buy drinks, etc. This would be a handy addition for the sunbathing months, and you can check out which beaches are less crowded than others. infopraia.apambiente.pt/

AllTrails For those of you who like to be active and get out of the gym for your exercise, then this app could be just what you need in Portugal. It boasts an extensive collection of informative maps and you can find trails for walking, running, hiking or biking. Just use the filter options and it will give you a tailor made list at your fingertips. You can select what you are looking for by popularity, ease or length, and it will also tell you which trail is fully accessible, child friendly or good for dogs. Once you have selected your route, the app will also track you so there is no worry of getting lost and you can share your location with loved ones. alltrails.com

GetYourGuide If you are looking for experiences in your local area or your next mini break away, then this app should be in your phone. It is incredibly easy to use and has an appealing look about it, but more than that it allows you to purchase a huge variety of activities and then keep your tickets (usually a QR code) in your wallet on your phone so no internet is needed when you arrive. You can buy timesaving ‘skip the line’ options to tourist hot spots, kid-friendly excursions and wine tasting or food tours. If pre-planning isn’t your thing, then GetYourGuide has you covered with its last minute options, too. getyourguide.co.uk/algarve-l66

Viator Very similar to GetYourGuide but bigger, fancier and in conjunction with TripAdvisor, Viator will give you experience options pretty much anywhere and to suit any group. It is super simple to use, and you can add things to a wishlist so you can pick and choose at a later date when planning a trip. You can use PayPal, which is a nice feature, and tickets are saved to your wallet with cancellations and edits fairly easy to do. This app is exciting and detailed, and will offer up some unexpected activities if you fancy something a bit different. I would suggest having both this and GetYourGuide to compare prices and options when travelling, just to ensure you are getting the best options. viator.com smart-guide.org pocketsights.com/tours/location/Portugal

SmartGuide If you prefer to soak up some culture and enjoy sightseeing on a quieter, more personal level, then this app is worth looking into. When you choose your location, there are guided audio and visual walking tours which give you the same information as you would receive from a group outing. You can take them at your own pace and just listen through your headphones as the GPS tracks your movements. The app also provides info on eating and drinking, and less touristy spots to explore. The app has offline maps, free WiFi tours and then some premium ones which come with a cost. I would suggest seeing if any of the content is useful for your area before paying for anything.

PocketSights A great app for local, specialist guided tours on your phone, PocketSights is user friendly and has a great gallery of images. Using GPS to track you on your walk, you can create your own truly bespoke tour, going wherever you fancy. New tours are being added constantly so there is always fresh content, and the latest on Fuseta is a must try! Focusing on the architecture, this tour gave me so much to learn about a place that I have loved and visited since my childhood, it was a refreshing experience!

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