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F O R D R I V E R S , G O O G L E M A P S A N D WA Z E A R E T H E O B V I O U S C H O I C E S . F O R T R AV E L L I N G , E AT I N G , S H O P P I N G O R H O L I D AY I N G , Y O U R P H O N E C A N B E Y O U R H A N D Y L I T T L E A S S I S TA N T. . . J U S T P I C K T H E A P P S T H AT O F F E R T H E B E S T O P T I O N S
Wo rd s:
Getting around Moovit On a weekend trip or staying local? Multi-award-winning Moovit gives you information on all public transport options. You can plan your route and then see real arrival times and also delays. Trains, buses, trams and ferries are included, plus walking, cycling and taxis. Once you have selected your journey, the app gives you easy-to-follow instructions and keeps you up to date on disruptions and alternative routes. moovit.com Omio A step up from Moovit, Omio allows you to control all of your travel and transport needs in one place. It has up-to-date and real-time info on arrivals and delays on buses, trains, ferries and planes. But what makes this app so useful is that with it you can actually purchase tickets, in advance or last minute, meaning you avoid queues and save time. You can use discount cards such as student IDs or rail saver cards, and the app will alert you to any offers available. It is highly reviewed and user-friendly so great for those who would rather use public transport than their car. omio.pt Bolt v Uber When it comes to a good night out and the need for a taxi, you have the choice of Uber, of course, and also Bolt (previously known as Taxify), which is a lesser known, very similar service. Download the app and add your payment method so no cash is needed. It is difficult to pick a favourite, as both