WAPU Police News August 2015

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AUGUST 2015 Reform feedback

What police officers have to say about Reform

Brothers’ perfect match Police officer helps his sick brother





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AUG 2015




Members have their say on Reform What police officers have to say about Reform.


Brothers’ perfect match When Josh Tobiassen was diagnosed with leukaemia, he needed a bone marrow donor.


New Directors take the hot seat Learn more about our two new Directors



New Augusta Police Station New regional police station to meet modern demands.



Farewell Peter After 15 years, Senior Industrial Officer Peter Kelly is retiring.




639 Murray Street West Perth WA 6005 P (08) 9321 2155 F (08) 9321 2177 E admin@wapu.org.au OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 7am-4pm AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY DIRECTOR 0438 080 930 www.wapu.org.au Follow us on Twitter @WAPoliceUnion

PUBLISHED BY WA Police Union 639 Murray Street West Perth WA 6005 (08) 9321 2155 ADVERTISING WA Police Union (08) 9321 2155 DISCLAIMER WAPU (“Publisher”) advises that the contents of this publication are the sole discretion of the WA Police Union and the magazine is offered for information purposes only. The publication has been formulated in good faith and the Publisher believes its contents to be accurate, however, the contents do not amount to a recommendation (either expressly or by implication) and should not be relied upon in lieu of specific professional advice. The Publisher disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage which may be incurred by any reader relying upon the information contained in the publication whether that loss or damage is caused by any fault or negligence on the part of the Publishers, its Directors or employees. COPYRIGHT All materials in this publication are subject to copyright and written authorisation from WAPU is required prior to reproduction in any form. ADVERTISING Advertisements in this journal are solicited from organisations and businesses on the understanding that no special considerations other than those normally accepted in respect of commercial dealings, will be given to the advertiser. All advertising is undertaken in good faith and WAPU takes no responsibility for information contained in advertisements.

ABOVE WAPU Director Peter Potthoff checks out one of the new Member Benefits at Mobistorage’s secure Belmont storage facility with Mobistorage Director James Busby. COVER Constable Brad Tobiassen gave his brother Josh the gift of a lifetime. Photo: Jody D’Arcy.



Board of Directors

GEORGE TILBURY President 0409 105 898

BRANDON SHORTLAND Senior Vice President 0419 802 650


HARRY ARNOTT Vice President 0407 989 008

MICK KELLY Treasurer & 24/7 Emergency 0438 080 930

WARD ADAMSON Director 0457 603 311

DAVE CURTIS Director 0400 864 591

LINDSAY GARRATT Director 0407 775 050

MICK GILL Director 0427 097 000


0438 080 930

PAUL HUNT Secretary 6

CHRIS VITLER WENDY ROUTHAN Executive Finance Manager Personal Assistant



PETER KELLY ANDREA WYLLIE Industrial Senior Industrial Officer Officer



John Seidner

Air Wing

John Raphael


Dave Flaherty

Bunbury Australind Gareth Reed Central Great Southern

Lance Munckton

Central Midlands

Max Walker

Central West Coast

Jason Clark

Commissioned Officers

Mike Green


Andie Fagan

Eastern Goldfields

Dave Curtis

East Kimberley

Simone Taplin

East Metropolitan

Nathan Smith

Eastern Wheatbelt

Shawn Vieceli


Samuel Kelsey


Jon Ellis


Michael Hall

Great Southern

Todd White

Intelligence Services Contact WAPU HQ Leeuwin Naturaliste David Holmberg Licensing Paul Burke Enforcement Division

MICHAEL HENDERSON Director 0448 803 155

MARK JOHNSON Director 0488 352 525

GRAEME MACEY Director 0400 908 540

KEVIN McDONALD Director 0434 833 283

PETER McGEE Director 0418 938 354

PETER POTTHOFF Director 0407 476 679

HARRY RUSSELL Director 0412 585 429

Lower South West

Gerard Cartner


Shaun Paterson

Midland Workshops Russell Gardiner Mirrabooka

Mark Folkard


Matt Fogarty

North Eastern Goldfields

Kurt Weedon

North Pilbara

Aaron Ogg

North West Metropolitan

Kym Buller

Peel North

Warren Dowbysch

Peel South

Harry Russell

Perth Police Centre

Aaron Hickey

Perth Watch House

Fiona McPherson

Professional Standards

Peter Birch


Jarred Gerace

South East Eyre

Andre Michalski

South East Metropolitan

Anthony Pymm (Secretary)

South Metropolitan Rob Neutert South West Hinterland

Ross Adam

Traffic Support

Paul Gale

Upper Great Robert Southern Jonas-Green

JANE BAKER DAVE LAMPARD DEAN GIACOMINI TARRYN SMITH PENNY BROWN JAIMEE McCAGH NIKKI PAGE Accounts Member Administration Administration Field Officer Field Officer Research Officer Services Officer Officer Officer Officer

West Kimberley

Craig Johnson

West Pilbara

Doug Holt

Western Suburbs

Chris Fox

(Vice President)



WAPU Reform Feedback FIRSTLY, I WANT TO THANK MEMBERS who took the time to send us feedback on Reform.

While the majority of the responses we received are negatively slanted, many Members believe in the new system, which can be enhanced through better communication and engagement.

After collating the results, it is clear police officers are under resourced, response teams are under pressure and detectives are questioning their role in this new way of policing. WAPU has been providing this feedback consistently to WA Police and will continue to push for change in these areas for the benefit of Members on the frontline. While these common threads are negatives about the new model, WAPU did receive some positive feedback in relation to local policing teams. Members in these teams are happy with their roles and it appears the community loves the engagement they get with police officers. Well done. I have passed on all of the feedback we received to Deputy Commissioner (Operations and Reform) Stephen Brown and his team so they can take note of the issues you are experiencing on the ground as well as the changes that are working. I want to thank Deputy Commissioner Brown for taking the time to respond to our article and I look forward to continuing to work closely with him and his team throughout the Reform process to ensure positive changes are made for Members. While the majority of the responses we received are negatively slanted, many Members believe in the new system, which can be enhanced through better communication and engagement. It is also clear there needs to be changes made to make it work properly in Western Australia, which is vastly different to the UK. I urge Members to take up all opportunities to provide feedback on Reform as this will be the only way to get it right. By working together, this new model can work if it is properly resourced and as always, if you are experiencing issues please advise WAPU HQ so that we can take action on your behalf.

CCC LANDMARK CHALLENGE As you would no doubt be aware, one of our Members has launched a landmark case against the CCC. Our Member is challenging the CCC’s power to prosecute charges under the Criminal Code after the CCC charged him with common assault and AOBH.


However, after advice from our Legal Team, the Member is appealing the CCC’s power to prosecute charges under the Criminal Code and also the fairness of the prosecution to have knowledge or possession of evidence given under compulsion. A recent High Court judgement indicated that it is unfair that a prosecutor has knowledge of evidence, or has in their possession, any form of evidence given under compulsion. We have funded this appeal in the hope that the decision will set a landmark legal precedent. Fundamentally, we do not believe the CCC should have the power to make Members answer allegations under compulsion and then prosecute that officer for criminal offences. We eagerly await the outcome as it will no doubt have huge implications for you, the CCC, parliament, the legal fraternity, WA Police and the State of Western Australia.

ACCOUTREMENTS IN COURT You would remember in the February edition of Police News I raised the issue of police officers not being able to wear accoutrements in court precincts. I have raised this issue many times with the Police Minister, WA Police and the judiciary. After gaining in-principle support for police officers wearing non-lethal weapons in courts from WA Police, I wrote to Chief Justice Wayne Martin for his consideration to lift the long standing order. After months of waiting for a reply, and in this particular environment where the national terrorism alert level for police has been raised, we need action. It is completely unsafe and unsatisfactory that our Members are, and have been, put in positions where they are unable to defend themselves or the community. Other states in Australia allow officers to take some accoutrements to court, for example NSW police are able to wear handcuffs, batons and OC spray. We also support the Police Association of NSW in its effort to increase options available to police and add their police issued handguns to that list. I intend making our dissatisfaction about this issue known and will inform the media of our position.


WAPU WOMEN’S FORUM In an effort to better organise, support and represent our female Members and to increase their participation in our Union, WAPU is hosting an inaugural WAPU Women’s Forum next month. The purpose of the forum is to explore avenues that will enable us to increase female participation rates in our activities and to also encourage our female Members to seek leadership roles within WAPU Branches and on the Board. At the time of going to print, 40 female Members have taken up the offer and we have secured Unions WA Secretary Meredith Hammat, two WA Prison Officers’ Union delegates from Bandyup Women’s Prison, Keryn Anderson from the ACTU and former WAPU Director Kim Travers. The Police Minister Liza Harvey and Opposition Spokesperson for Police Michelle Roberts are also expected to speak. I am always keen to explore new initiates, with this being one of many more to come that will engage and encourage Members to become actively involved in the Union.

NEW FACES As you will read on page 31, WAPU farewells its stalwart Senior Industrial Officer, Peter Kelly. Peter’s retirement comes after 15 years of serving our Members and he will be missed around WAPU HQ. As an unfortunate coincidence, our Industrial Officer Andrea Wyllie also left WAPU after her family decided to relocate to the Northern Territory. We also wish Andrea and her family all the best. After some rapid behind the scenes work, our new Industrial Team members have already been appointed. Craig Fordham started with us last month and Nicola Roman commenced earlier this month. Craig is a qualified lawyer and has come to us from the not-for-profit sector assisting those from a low socio-economic background with employment related issues. Nicola has experience in the industrial, legal and political arenas (State and Federal), which will provide us with additional scope to conduct in-depth research, be more proactive and tackle a number of new projects.


Along with the new team at WAPU HQ, all positions of the WAPU Board of Directors will be declared vacant and a general election will be held. I encourage you to take part in our election by making your vote count, with more available on page 30.

ON-DUTY DEATH OF SERVING MEMBER It is with deep sadness that I conclude my report with the death of serving Member Detective Sergeant Scott Blanchard 9360. As you may know, the circumstances surrounding Scott’s death were not suspicious and came as a great shock to his family, friends and colleagues in Gang Crime Squad and across the State. During this very difficult time, we have been supporting Scott’s family and colleagues and will continue to do so. We encourage all Members to talk to each other and reach out if you have been deeply affected by this issue or are in need of support. I encourage you to make use of the Employee Assistance Program, which offers employees of WA Police free and confidential counselling services. EAP services can be accessed by calling 1300 361 008 or for further information, please see the Welfare section in our Member’s Area on our website; www.wapu.org.au.

01 From Twitter: Last month George Tilbury gave a live media interview to ABC News 24 on the Turning Point Program. Make sure you follow us on Twitter to keep up with the latest news from WAPU HQ.



Members have their say on Reform WA Police has sold Reform as changing to meet the demands of our community. We have heard all the positives about the new operating model and a few of the gripes have made their way into the media. However, how has Reform really affected police officers?

Recently, the WA Police Union asked its Members to provide their views on Reform – be it good, bad or indifferent. Feedback from Members was varied and the majority of comments covered four areas: Response Teams, Detectives, Resources and Local Policing Teams (LPTs). Some of the feedback provided actually helped to show that one problem in one area was clearly having an effect on another. For example, a Rockingham Prosecuting Member told WAPU that briefs from response officers were poor, evidence matrixes were not factual and prosecution notices were not legislatively correct. His comments were supported by feedback from a South East Metro Response officer who said she had limited time to complete briefs due to constant calls from the District Control Centre (DCC) to get officers back on the road. 10 POLICE NEWS AUGUST 2015


RESPONSE POC “(Response Teams) work extremely hard and have the capacity to get burnt out. In my opinion, their roster has to be reviewed to give a more even spread throughout the entire week, not just Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If WA Police get more staff, the Response Teams need the extra numbers.”

FORMER RESPONSE & LPT “Response work is very tiring but ok, it is much the nature of what we do, however staff are not getting their breaks and time to complete their IRs etc.

“Response times are actually slower, distances to travel are longer, staff fatigue is higher for Response.”

“There are quite a few guys here from the UK who used to work under a similar system and they reckon it worked fine there because they had the numbers.”


“My big gripe about the whole process, is the response shift pattern! They have imported the model yet neglected to bring over the associated shift pattern that was developed to go with it. The 2x2x2 pattern provided a balance between work/ home life, still provided the organisation with resources at the appropriate times, minimised the destructive impact on the body and minimised fatigue.”

NORTH WEST METROPOLITAN RESPONSE “The North West Metropolitan District is too large. This causes problems with the radio channel being incredibly busy during peak hours. Officer safety issues arise if we can’t get onto the radio quickly. The inclusion of the Cottesloe/ Claremont/Mosman Park suburbs in Response South’s area makes it very difficult to get to these areas in order to respond to jobs and patrol effectively. On many occasions, I have seen P3 jobs which still haven’t been attended which have been sitting as pending for hours.”

SOUTH EAST METROPOLITAN RESPONSE “Roster impacts on the Health and Welfare of staff including their fitness, fatigue, both mentally and physically, and elevated stress levels. More late and night shifts than anything else mean a large number of officers don’t see their significant others or do so when physically and mentally drained, resulting in tensions at home and a feeling of social isolation with others.”

“The one part of that roster that my troops have the most trouble adjusting to is the set where a single weekly leave day is rostered between two 1800/1900 starts and four 2100 night shifts. The anecdotal consensus of officers is that a single weekly leave day between night shifts is effectively a wasted leave day where one is required to remain on a night shift sleep cycle. The lack of support for this part of the roster is highlighted by the large amount of sick leave, annual leave and long service leave taken over that transition period.”


“Response times are actually slower, distances to travel are longer, staff fatigue is higher for Response.”

“If I’m honest, I actually agree with the ‘model’ but with one massive caveat – it has to be staffed fully for it to work.


“There are quite a few guys here from the UK who used to work under a similar system and they reckon it worked fine there because they had the numbers.”

ROCKINGHAM RESPONSE “As a response officer we are greatly under manned which results in my opinion a poor quality of service to the public by means of response times to calls.”

SOUTH EAST METROPOLITAN RESPONSE “Officers not having allocated crib breaks due to the number of outstanding tasks. This is especially evident during day shift where I have worked five days straight without any sort of meal break. The Response Team roster is not flexible and leads to fatigue and officer burn out.”

DISTRICT CONTROL CENTRE “One down side I can see, is some rostering anomalies in the Response Teams in terms of work-life balance and fatigue issues.”


“The Response Team roster is not flexible and leads to fatigue and officer burn out.”

“The response shift pattern also relies heavily on officers driving to work. With a heavy emphasis on most shifts finishing after midnight, the opportunity to take public transport rarely exists. This I feel is unsafe, as driving in those early hours you are at a greater risk of an accident.”

REGIONAL OPERATIONS GROUP “The size of the new districts are impacting greatly on response times, each district has doubled in size yet for some strange reason everyone thinks this is a good thing. I heard a NWM (North) Response vehicle respond to a P3 job on the imaginary border line of NWM (South) Response, they attended and dealt with the job. On completing that task, another P3 job came in just around the corner and they said they would do it, only to be told by the DCC that they had to attend another P3 job some 10kms away and the (South) Response unit would get there when they could.” ▷ 11 POLICE NEWS AUGUST 2015

DETECTIVES ORGANISED CRIME DETECTIVE “For what I can see, there is no benefit really at all for status of financial reward to be a detective under the Reform. These issues are being addressed as we speak in the poorly structured examples sent to Investigative Practices for the Detective Training Program.”



“There seems to be no clear idea of what district detectives’ role is within Reform.”

“There seems to be no clear idea of what district detectives’ role is within Reform. Due to increased number of crime car shifts, there is a lack of time to progress investigations meaning investigations take longer to resolve and harder to manage.”

CHILD ABUSE SQUAD DETECTIVE “When I decided to join the job, I remember reading a newspaper advertisement stating that WA Police needed female officers and that there was flexible workplace arrangements. They seem to have disappeared with the Reform? “I have been really lucky with my probationary placements and the DTS team have tried hard to accommodate me but the general feeling amongst the probationar y detectives is that you have no choices and no options. What incentive is there to stay as a detective and not go back to uniform? “I love my job but the lack of apparent options in wake of the reform has left me wondering whether I will have to choose between the job I love or the family that needs me as the flexible options seemed to have dried up.”

SEXUAL ASSAULT SQUAD DETECTIVE “We have had an i4 from our office return to a uniform LPT spot instead of being forced transferred to an i5 Detective spot 50km from his home. I believe this is common place and the issue will only get worse.”


“… the general feeling amongst the probationary detectives is that you have no choices and no options.”

“In regards to metropolitan detectives’ offices, the morale has been the lowest I have ever seen. They are working heavy shift work responding to all types of crimes, many of which aren’t in their charter of responsibility. Those who are not sergeants and are on District Crime Response and Metropolitan Crime Response duties they are effectively becoming supervisors to others out on the road. The heavy shift work decreases the amount of investigative actions that can be carried out during reasonable hours when witnesses are available, exhibits can be collected and crooks are sleeping in bed. Metro Detectives are effectively being paid no more than their uniform brothers and sisters, with a higher workload and responsibility. So the question needs to be asked, “What incentive is there in the current climate to becoming a Detective?”

KENSINGTON DETECTIVE “So many staff members are staying back in their own time in order to complete their work and meet the demands. None of this overtime is getting paid for in any way. The sergeants are so strict on any overtime and expect you to work in your own time. I have had battles requesting overtime to be paid. “Amongst all this, our office does not like any staff eating in the crib room or claiming any meal periods. The expectation is to heat up your food in the crib room, then return to the office to eat at your desk, again working in time that you should be having off. I find all of the staff are easily burned out.

“So many staff members are staying back in their own time in order to complete their work and meet the demands. None of this overtime is getting paid for in any way.”

“On top of everything, due to the lack of staff in South East Metropolitan, many staff are travelling extremely long distances to go to work (many live in Butler/Alkimos). That adds extra pressure on family life and on the staff member, having to travel approximately three hours every day to and from work. This is also one of the greatest difficulties with the Reform. All the stations which used to be close to us do not hold any detectives or the number of staff they used to, leaving us no choice but to travel to further away workplaces. My team members have been given full time positions at Kensington Detectives however, were told a few days before that they are being seconded to Armadale without a choice.”


“The heavy shift work decreases the amount of investigative actions that can be carried out during reasonable hours …”

ARMADALE “Personally, I’ve had enough with the Reform. It has great intentions, it has its positives overall, i.e. the general theory of LPTs, but it needs to be resourced and staffed accordingly.”

KUNUNURRA “I have encounted of late, being the after-hours closure of the helpdesk and some of their feedback. I understand the Reform is largely about ‘running lean’ and cutting back on costs. But when we’re busy on night shift with the town going off and we have arrests coming in thick and fast, instructions to leave an email to business apps and they will fix it when they resume work does not really help.”

“It has great intentions, it has its positives overall, i.e. the general theory of LPTs, but it needs to be resourced and staffed accordingly.”


“Tadis is in major need of an upgrade, it faults more often than it works these days.”

“We have been brought together from various outstations and yet do not have enough cars, radios, torches, etc. to do our job.”

SOUTH EAST METROPOLITAN RESPONSE “Lack of resources such as mobile telephones and especially computers. We are one of the busiest districts and the Response Office has a total of eight computers for use in the Response Team.”

BUNBURY “iPhones, iPads and or laptops should be standard in each car. Tadis is in major need of an upgrade, it faults more often than it works these days.”

“That adds extra pressure on family life and on the staff member, having to travel approximately three hours every day to and from work.”

“On many occasions, there isn’t even enough cars, radios, prelims, torches etc.”

NORTH WEST METRO RESPONSE “Not enough vehicles/equipment. On many occasions, there isn’t even enough cars, radios, prelims, torches etc. Again, it’s very frustrating when we don’t even have equipment that we need in order to get out on the road.”

CENTRAL METROPOLITAN RESPONSE “On the subject of front counter, under the old model it was extremely well staffed and managed. I have walked through there now that the new model is in place and seen a queue stretching out the door. The front counter staff often look stressed out during periods where civilian staff are not there to assist. Overnight now it is ‘staffed’ by the DCC, but more often than not this can mean that a response officer just has to attend the front counter to take a complaint, removing them from the road.” ▷

“On the subject of front counter … I have walked through there now that the new model is in place and seen a queue stretching out the door.”


LPTs SOUTH METROPOLITAN “I believe that the 24-hour stations that have LPT staff need to be reviewed. LPT staff are meant to be engaging the community when in fact they are stuck in the police stations doing front counter duties and dealing with prisoners over the 24-hour period when they should be working within the community. It needs to be reviewed and more auxiliary staff and CSOs being brought in to free the LPT staff up to do what their job is meant to be.”

REGIONAL OFFICER IN CHARGE “As a country officer, I can say that the conversion of all the outer stations to LPTs has created some major issues. There is zero response capability in areas just outside of Metro and country stations are having to travel massive distances to cover jobs, when there is an LPT much closer to the job. If there is a job in a country sub-district, that may be even only 10 to 20 minutes out of Metro, and the local (country) station cannot attend, POC automatically give it to the next nearest country station. That could be up to two hours away. It always was hard getting people to cross a boundary to pick up a job, but the creation of LPTs seems to have made it ever harder. I personally have driven 90 minutes for a P2 job that was no more than a 20-minute drive for a LPT.”


“We generally have the time to investigate offences properly and provide the level of service that the public have a right to expect from us.”

“I personally have driven 90 minutes for a P2 job that was no more than a 20-minute drive for a LPT.”

“LPTs seem to be snowed under here in Perth, they not only have to do enquiries and files, but have to do parliament duties, camera room, night-safe and front counter. This means that enquiries end up taking longer than they used to. “From what I hear, LPTs seem to work fine in the suburbs because they don’t have these additional burdens and then they are free to fill the gap where Response cannot.”

SOUTH EAST METROPOLITAN RESPONSE “The biggest positive I have noted is community satisfaction. I believe having LPTs assigned to suburbs has had a really positive effect. When I attend to jobs, I have had many positive comments in general from members of the community who have noticed a change in the way policing is being carried out in the district.”


“I believe having LPTs assigned to suburbs has had a really positive effect.”

CANNINGTON LPT “From an operational point of view, I believe the LPT part of Reform works well. We generally have the time to investigate offences properly and provide the level of service that the public have a right to expect from us. Under the old style of general duties policing files would go un-investigated for so long that they would end up being written off without investigation. This does not occur anymore. The administrative side of running a police station is really struggling though. We have almost no admin support at the station.”

SOUTH METROPOLITAN RESPONSE “There appears to be a number of areas at LPT that are clearly impacting on other sections and overall the success of the model. The areas are as follows: Front Counter – On observation there appears to be a flood of complainants who attend the stations. This has impacted on LPT staff resources and abilities to meet other task demands including community engagement and repeat crime reduction strategies.”

MANDURAH LPT “The workload in the Mandurah sub-district is such that it is not unusual to attend a P2 job at least once if not twice a week, to assist response units at a whim and spend entire days not in our allocated suburb areas. We are not contactable by our LPT phones for three quarters of the week as we only work 40 hours out of a 168-hour week. When any given LPT is not rostered on, there are no police in that area unless there is a P2 or P3 task and Response Teams have to attend. There is no proactive patrolling in those areas, there are no police available other than the main station for that area’s local populace to call on as the other LPTs have their own suburbs and demands to look after or Response Teams that are almost always backlogged. And even if the LPT is rostered on, it is very difficult to get to get to our community on the road because the volume of admin, front counter and phone demand is so high that the public, that the 20/20 model was created for, miss out.”

REGIONAL OPERATIONS GROUP “When the P3 jobs build up, I hear LPTs being called to assist with general tasking, they appear reluctant to help out as they have been given their own files to follow up and do inquiry work on. How can they be expected to do this if they are constantly being asked to task, due to the number of high priority jobs out there? They then get a stern talking to as to why they haven’t progressed their inquires?”

WA Police Response by Deputy Commissioner Stephen Brown

From the outset I extend my personal thanks to George Tilbury and the WA Police Union for the opportunity to provide my viewpoint on important issues arising from recent surveys relating to our Reform and change program. As we continue on the Reform journey, collaboration with the Union, is increasingly critical to our collective understanding of the ‘why’, particularly as we move into more complex and transformational change. There are a number of reasons for the need to change and reform ourselves. Personally, the “why” for me is about wanting to know that what I am doing as a police officer, is working, is making a difference and that as a collective we are having the greatest impact possible on reducing crime and disorder in the community. This is why we serve. My role and the role of the Executive is to provide a modern policing construct, a model that meets our future needs, that provides all our people with the greatest chance of success in their endeavours every day. Your role is to deliver high calibre technical policing skills across the spectrum of our work with the amazing pride and courage that you do every day. Reform is deliberately changing that construct and it’s key to our overall future success as police officers. In the recent WA Police Reform survey, we received 5,828 responses (70.8 per cent of the workforce) regarding their views on what’s working and what’s not working. We wanted to understand what you were thinking, and what more we needed to do to ensure we are the best positioned to serve our community. It is important to truly understand key issues facing our workforce before we embark on further transformational change. The feedback from the WA Police survey will strengthen our communications and engagement with you, and I thank you for taking the time to provide that feedback, it is important to me. I absolutely understand a number of the changes we have been through have been disruptive and unsettling; that change has been more difficult for some; and I know we need to do more as leaders to better manage change and build deeper understanding in the Reform program. It is also important for us all to recognise we have achieved a number of amazing outcomes which we should be rightly proud of: redesigning our Metropolitan Operating Model; finding opportunities for savings and remodelling across our

business; reducing mammoth amounts of red-tape, particularly in frontline policing; and the formation of a worldfirst Evidence Based Policing Unit. It is clear from the WA Police Survey you are looking for more opportunities to be engaged in the Reform program. It is clear that I and our leaders need to do more to engage you – face to face. In recent Metro leadership forums District Command Teams committed to significantly increase their face-to-face communications with you. With another round of staff forums that have recently commenced, we will seek to engage you more directly about your challenges and issues. The WA Police survey results told us over 800 people want to play a more active role in Reform. We need to provide those opportunities by bringing the Reform program to you, having you participate in communication forums and through the change agent networks we have established. You are telling us we haven’t done enough to "bed" down the metro operating model; explain the benefits; or update you on progress and achievements. We need to tell you more about what is working, but also what challenges are ahead. I know I can do more to personally engage with you regarding our vision and the opportunities for change. I am committed to doing this and we need you to commit to be part of designing our future and leading in improving our policing practices. This change program is transformational, and it will continue to be unsettling at times. It will present new challenges but also great opportunities. As a workforce we all need to engage more in Reform, to listen, challenge, seek other perspectives and recognise our achievements. We need to seek opportunities to collaborate...each asking ourselves "how can we continue to do better" not just in our teams or as part of Reform – but for our agency and more so – for our community.

Picture: Ross Swanborough

“I know I can do more to personally engage with you regarding our vision and the opportunities for change. I am committed to doing this and we need you to commit to be part of designing our future and leading in improving our policing practices.”




J 01 The Tobiassen family sticks together: Mark, Brad, Josh and Krissy. 02 Josh Tobiassen is now healthy thanks to his brother Brad.


osh Tobiassen only went to the doctor to stop his then fiancé, now wife, Krissy nagging him. And lucky she did. He had been unwell for a period of time and he finally bit the bullet and went for a blood test to determine what was wrong. After the test, the couple went to Albany and it was there that the doctor called with bad news. Josh had leukaemia and needed to get back to Perth. “I didn’t really want to do that because we’d just driven four hours to Albany so I asked if it could wait until Tuesday, but the doctor didn’t like that. He arranged for us to go to Albany Hospital,” Josh said. He spent the night there. His blood test results were very bad. “The next day we drove up straight into Royal Perth Hospital, pretty much red carpet, my GP organised everything.

So I went straight up, I had my own room ready and I had a blood test and it was confirmed that 50 per cent of my white blood cells were cancer,” he said. The disease had progressed rapidly and his best chance for survival was a bone marrow donation. Seventy per cent of people will not find a match within their family and rely on a search of donors on the bone marrow registry. Josh’s brother Brad, a constable at Canning Vale LPT, was found to be a near-perfect match after a simple blood test and long wait for the medicos to determine if he could provide the transplant stem cells. “Once we matched up, for the transplant to go ahead, I had to be in remission so I went through a couple of courses of chemo, did another bone marrow biopsy, then they confirmed yes you are in remission which was cool,” Josh told Police News.

“I then had a month, month and a half break on a low dose of chemotherapy pills just to keep everything in remission but also to give me a break from the harsh chemo I was having. It gave my body a chance to recover and then after that break I went in for the transplant.” The process involved Brad taking a course of injections prior to the procedure to stimulate the spinal cord to produce more stem cells. “It was relatively painless, no more than giving blood,” Brad said. “On the day of the procedure, I was hooked up to a machine that spins blood. They just pulled my blood out, spun the blood and took the stem cells out. “Apparently, they went through two and a half times my whole blood volume to get what they needed.” After the transplant, the first 100 days was crucial for Josh’s recovery. “After the 100 days, I had a bone marrow biopsy and that pretty much confirms if it has worked or not. After the bone marrow biopsy, it was 99.98 per cent donor cells so that was success, all good and now I go to the doctor every two months for a blood test,” Josh said. “I just go see him and he says ‘yep you’re fine, get out’.” Josh and Brad have always been close. “He loved the fact he could help because really your family watching you go through all that crap, they want to help but there is really nothing they can do. So he loved that because it was a way to help me out,” Josh said. Brad said that even though they were family, it didn’t necessarily mean the brothers would be a match. “When they came back and said you are pretty much a perfect match it just felt really good to know that I could help him out. We’ve always been fairly close and pretty alike as well, so to find out on a DNA level we are pretty similar as well, it was pretty good.” Josh described the fact his brother could help him as “awesome”. “If it wasn’t for that I would probably still be on chemo, waiting for a match,” he said. “I know someone else who needs a transplant and they have been waiting for two years. My cancer journey was really short compared to everyone else’s. “I’m just so lucky that Brad was a match.” Now Josh is back working full time at Rockingham Mitsubishi and Kia as a Head Technician and his wife Krissy is about to join Brad and her father-in-law, Inspector Mark Tobiassen, as police officers when she graduates from the WA Police Academy in October.


“If it wasn’t for that I would probably still be on chemo, waiting for a match. I know someone else who needs a transplant and they have been waiting for two years.”


New Directors take the hot seat BY JESSICA PORTER

Dave Curtis 1. WHY DID YOU WANT TO BECOME A UNION DIRECTOR? I’ve been a long time member of the Union, since joining the job 30 odd years ago and have held a number of Branch positions over the years. I’ve now been given an opportunity to join the Board of Directors following a casual vacancy, before looking at contesting the elections later this year. WA Police is in an era of change at the moment and I feel it is important for a strong Union leadership to be seen to be doing what they can to protect Members’ interests during this period. I also want Members in regional WA to have a voice as any reforms move out of the metro area.

2. WHAT ARE SOME GOALS YOU HOPE TO ACHIEVE BEFORE THE END OF YOUR TERM? As I only have a relatively short term until the elections are held, my main focus is for the good work of my predecessor to continue, to advocate as necessary to benefit the Members in the GoldfieldsEsperance District, and regional WA as a whole. I also want to concentrate on facilitating better interaction between the Goldfields-Esperance District Branches.

“I also want Members in regional WA to have a voice as any reforms move out of the metro area.” 18

3. MY MOST MEMORABLE ACHIEVEMENT WITHIN THE WA POLICE UNION IS… Obviously, having the confidence of other Members of the Board by being appointed to this casual vacancy is right up there, but I also rate being involved with Members during negotiations with managerial staff over industrial entitlements, and even assisting Members during investigations as an interview friend. Just providing the support and advice to Members during a difficult time in their career is satisfaction enough for me.

4. THE BEST ADVICE I WAS EVER GIVEN WAS… Anything from my Dad and Granddad. Those two men did, and said, so much that has made me into the man I am today. Also ex-Commissioner John Henry Porter, when I fronted a defaulters parade at 17, gave me not only a $20 fine, but a few words of advice about sticking with the job for life and keeping my nose clean.

5. SOMETHING PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT ME IS… While appearing clean in uniform, I now sport a number of tattoos, all of which have meaning. Ranging from a memorial tattoo for the four guys that lost their lives in the Police Airwing crash in Newman in 2001, to a large portrait of my late father, a pink ribbon for my late step-daughter and matching pink care bear and blue teddy bear tattoo that I share with my darling wife, Kerrie.

“One of my first sergeants always be told me to "treat your colleagues and people you encounter the same Michael Henderson way you would wish to 1. WHY DID YOU WANT TO BECOME A UNION DIRECTOR? be treated" probably Since joining WA Police I have been an active member of WAPU. I have been the best advice for any President of several Branches both in the city and country. As a Branch Delegate workplace and officer.” I didn't shy away from defending the rights of our Members and in joining the Board of Directors I'm hoping this gives me the opportunity to do this on a greater level.

2. WHAT ARE SOME GOALS YOU HOPE TO ACHIEVE BEFORE THE END OF YOUR TERM? With having a short term before the new elections I hope to focus on helping my regional Members. I believe there is still a lot of work to be done with rostering in country stations and I strive to bring a greater work/life balance to country police. I feel Members have lost or are losing interest in the Union and I wish to get Members more active within their Branches.


4. THE BEST ADVICE I WAS EVER GIVEN WAS… One of my first sergeants always be told me to "treat your colleagues and people you encounter the same way you would wish to be treated" probably the best advice for any workplace and officer. I was told by an older colleague once after a critical incident; “It's like walking in from a muddy field, you've got to shake the mud of your boots before you enter your house”. His way of telling me not to let the stresses of our work in my home life.

5. SOMETHING PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT ME IS… I'm a big animal lover and at one stage I had four dogs, two cats, eight chickens and two ducks... It was an interesting few months while it lasted!

There were a lot of little achievements over the years as a Branch Delegate, the usual battles involved rostering and officer’s claims. I would say getting a place on the Board of Directors is now the highlight. I hope to have greater highlights before this term is over.



WAPU Senior Vice President

Happy birthday to the Magna Carta! SINCE OUR JUNE 2015 EDITION OF POLICE NEWS WENT TO PRINT, the Magna Carta celebrated its 800th anniversary. Not a bad effort that some jottings from 800 years ago are still celebrated and remembered today.

It is disappointing that in recent years a toxic culture has developed within WA Police to depart from the fundamental tenets the Magna Carta has brought our evolved society.


You may have heard of the Magna Carta from some of your customers who were not happy they had come to your attention. Not many know the true significance of the documents and the continuing relevance it has today. In 1215, King John of England was extremely unpopular due his tyrannical ways and metering out of his own brand of rules which had no basis of fairness nor consistency. There came a point when rebellion began in his kingdom and a number of Barons formed an alliance to bring the out of control King to heel. They did this by way of forcing the King to agree to their terms and have him sign the Magna Carta, which he did on 15 June, 1215. The Magna Carta is considered the foundation stone of democracy and the rule of law, recognising that no one is above the law and also giving rise to the concepts of natural justice and procedural fairness. It is these tenets and other concepts that evolved from the Magna Carta such as habeas corpus that render it such a valuable historical document and one which binds together a fair and just society. It is when the lessons of the Magna Carta and its precepts are forgotten or deliberately ignored that things can go horribly wrong. More about that shortly. The policy and procedures within WA Police are extensive. Much is made of each of us having to know the policies. The importance of adhering to policy is pointed out to us on a daily basis. Policy cannot be written to cover every single situation each of us may face on the frontline. Many of the policy documents are general in nature and instead of mandating sets of actions that must be taken in specific circumstances, reference is given instead to intangibles such as risk assessments and the beliefs and opinions of Members.

I’m confident each of us received the lectures regularly pointing out that policy is just that – policy. A guide for your actions, not hard and fast rules that must be followed at all costs. For every situation, there are many circumstances that may arise justifying your departure from the guiding policy. Given there are hundreds of policy documents, I would be surprised if anyone suggested there was one person within WA Police who knows every piece of every policy. For many policy breaches, there are alternate criminal charges which may be considered. If there is an allegation of a breach of the use of force policy, there may be consideration given to a charge of assault. If there is an allegation of a breach of the computer use policy, there may consideration given to a charge under section 440A Criminal Code. If there is a breach of the attendance register policy, there may be consideration given to a charge of fraud. You get the point. It is disappointing that in recent years a toxic culture has developed within WA Police to depart from the fundamental tenets the Magna Carta has brought our evolved society. No longer is there a mantra of looking after your colleagues and believing the best of people. When looking at things from an internal discipline perspective, we certainly don’t assume our Members are innocent before proving them guilty. For crying out loud, we arrest our own people when it is clear they have done nothing wrong. No one can question the right of the Commissioner of Police in the exercise of powers of that office to maintain discipline within WA Police. It is also understandable that WA Police must have rules and regulations governing discipline. It comes naturally that there must be sanctions for breaches of discipline. What is totally divergent from the values of our society, built on the foundations of the Magna Carta, is a system


whereby punishment can be handed out without any skerrick of procedural fairness or natural justice. Section 23 of the Police Act provides a system for alleged breaches of the Police Force disciplinary code. If a Member is accused of a breach of a disciplinary offence, there exists a procedure to have those allegations tested and a mechanism for the Member to respond to those allegations and put forward their case. Admittedly, this process was a kangaroo court where the Member was accused, judged and answered to a senior Member of the WA Police Executive who sat as the ‘independent arbiter’. WA Police has not used these provisions for some time as it has been stated there is a belief that the system is over-legalistic and a waste of resources. The legislated process mandated by Parliament for dealing with allegations of breaches of discipline is felt to be a waste of resources. So what mechanism then has replaced the laws enacted by Parliament for this purpose? The WA Police Managerial Intervention Model (MIM) overseen by a recently departed Assistant Commissioner now acts as the replacement ‘process’. Let’s look at how the model is supposed to act, in theory, and how it actually operates in practical terms. The model is sold as a “…remedial/developmental approach which recognises that officers will make honest mistakes and provides for a “fair go” to change behaviour and conduct to achieve improvement in both individual and organisational performance” (Police Manual policy HR-31.01). In practice, I have seen the MIM used as a tool of retribution, punishment and to coerce Members into doing and saying things they are lawfully entitled not to do – I’m fairly certain there is an alternate criminal charge for that in the Criminal Code too (see section 338A (d)). Members are stood aside and stood down without right of reply meaning their operational status is revoked, regularly causing financial detriment in the form of missed shift penalties and overtime.

No longer is there a mantra of looking after your colleagues and believing the best of people. When looking at things from an internal discipline perspective, we certainly don’t assume our Members are innocent before proving them guilty.

Promotions are regularly put in abeyance causing obvious financial detriment and a professional inhibition without a review process. Management Action Plans are meted out on a whim in some districts and there is certainly no consistency between districts or portfolios. The MIM is explicit that there is no right of review (Police Manual policy HR-31.01.17 No Right of Review). If a finding of guilt or misconduct has been decided and a ‘management outcome’ devised, under this policy a Member has no right or opportunity to a formal review even if the finding or outcome is incorrect or inaccurate and has no basis in reality. We have seen examples of this. Further, if a Member does not wish to accept an outcome whether it is because of poor or unfair investigative standards being applied in the internal investigation or if it is because there are findings which are not factual, the Member is threatened with an escalation of the outcome (see section 338A (d) Criminal Code). With recent leadership changes in the Professional Standards Portfolio, WA Police has an opportunity to correct the massive imbalance that currently exists in internal investigative standards, natural justice and procedural fairness. Instead of victimising our own people, WA Police need to rebuild and foster a culture of fairness, respect, cooperation and adherence to the valuable gifts given to us by the Magna Carta. Our Members should be afforded the same rights and protections that they sacrifice so much to protect.

A DISPLAY OF SOME OF WA’S MOST IMPORTANT ARCHIVES … … are on display at Parliament House to mark the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta.




Metropolitan Region Director

MOM: Can it work? I MUST ADMIT THAT I AM one of the few on the very frontline that can see the positives in this new form of policing.

WA Police needs to promote, support and even spoil the men and women that will make the model successful. I’m afraid so far they haven’t shown anything.


I see LPT roles as being very similar to countr y policing by providing personalised victim support type of policing. Community involvement is a total necessity in the smaller country towns and it is nice to see the metro area being given the opportunity to engage the community like we have been doing for years in the bush. However, the only way this model will succeed is with the total support and acceptance of the individual organisational units and our Members within the model. LPTs must be able to task their staff to conduct investigations and engage the community. There is no demand reduction if the LPTs are left under resourced and not able to conduct the duties in the model. It’s a catch-22 situation. LPTs tasking, means no demand reduction. Response Teams are currently supplying less tasking vehicles per district than prior to the introduction of the model. The introduction of the Extended Settlement Roster has one great advantage to all who work it. You know what you are working a year in advance. However, the shift patterns are killing people and although WA Police will deny this, sick leave is rife.

The DCC appear to me as an extension of the old IMU and I have found all districts work differently. With the introduction of these levels of super vision, some ranks are superfluous. We have SCC, DO, DCC, OIC/Response Controller, sergeants and then the workers. That equates to about three levels of management our Members deal with on a daily basis. It epitomises micro management and creates a total lack of empowerment of sergeants. We are continually told that the model is forever evolving. When was the last time you were advised of a decent adjustment of the model? Rosters are always the biggest whinge of any frontline copper and we have been bulldozed into the current effort. This model has now been running for more than 12 months and endless innovative ideas have been put up to assist or satisfy Members’ gripes. I have not noticed one which has been introduced. I am impressed that WA Police has conceded that the communication of the introduction of the model was not ideal and have taken steps to address this. Maybe a tad too late, coppers still whinge about Briefcase and IMS so mistakes of the past can live forever. Coppers do not and never have accepted change. In fact, most hate it. The upper echelon should have considered this when introducing the new model. There are two things required to get this model to work.

The first is for us to let it work. Us being the men and women on the frontline. LPT, RT and DCC must work together and see what the model is capable of doing 10 years in the future! Secondly, resources must be supplied to implement change. Is it possible to recover to some form of success? It is going to be difficult but not impossible. We need to be happy in our work. Corporately, a 10-year plan is not out of the ordinary, to a foot soldier it is a lifetime away. As a manager, if you push a copper too hard, he will push back with gusto. As a manager if you keep a copper smiling, he will bust his gut for you. As Dr Kevin Gilmartin said during last year’s WAPU Annual Conference, don’t stress over things you can’t change. If government can’t supply the staff to make this model successful, there is nothing we can do about it. My summary of the chances of having a successful change to the MOM: WA Police needs to promote, support and even spoil the men and women that will make the model successful. I’m afraid so far they haven’t shown anything. So let’s get our heads together and push this model as far as it can go and see if there is the ability for change to be successful in changing something. I challenge the Executive and others in power, to provide the support that will get the foot soldiers, to make this work.

02 03


Augusta’s new station to meet the needs of modern policing BY JOSH FLAHERTY

It’s out with the old and in with the new for Augusta police as they prepare to move into a new station.

01 The historic Augusta Police Station. 02 The original exercise yard. 03 Old cells at Augusta Police Station.

In August last year, WA Police decided the historic Augusta Police Station, used for almost a century by Margaret River and Augusta police officers, was ready to retire and a new $1.7 million facility would be built next door. The new station set to be completed later this year, will provide Members with purpose built facilities to meet the needs of modern policing. It will have enough room for at least nine staff members, and will contain prisoner holding facilities. The old 1930s style timber building was the second police station in Augusta. The first station was built in the 1800s by Elijah Dawson who was appointed District Constable by Government Resident John Molloy in July, 1835. By 1840, Const. Dawson had left Augusta and became District Constable in Vasse, now known as Busselton. The Augusta Police Station was shut down and it was decided the town would be policed from Margaret River.

On 9 December 1965, the Margaret River Police Station was dismantled after an upgrade. It was built in 1929 by two local residents; Falkingham and Newman. The old station was then moved to Augusta, re-erected and used during the busy summer months. A year later, it was complete and Constable Pearce took up duties in town. The building was given several upgrades including disabled access, a front counter and toilets. Augusta Police Station OIC Sergeant Rik Lok is the first to admit the building has been a pleasure to work in but the new building is an exciting new project. Although no local police have had input into the plans, they are looking forward to working in the new station. Over the past two years, Sgt Lok has appreciated working in the building but admits it’s time for an upgrade. “It’s past its use by date, the old building has a lot of character, it’s also very cosy but we are all on top of each other in here,” he said. The future of the building is uncertain at the moment, but the people of Augusta want to keep it. There is a chance the old station will be demolished but Sgt Lok is sure the building’s history will not disappear with it. “All the wood in here is beautiful, I am sure all the wood and floor boards will be made of use,” he said. The old building’s unknown fate has sparked unhappiness among a few local residents. It has caused some to wonder whether or not the locals will like the new station as much as the old one, but Sgt Lok isn’t too concerned. “I’m sure the people in town will come to love the new station as much as they love the old one.” 23 POLICE NEWS AUGUST 2015



WAPU Finance Manager

Inclusive with your WAPU Membership we have in place an insurance policy that provides automatic death only cover in the amount of $100,000. This cover extends 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has no exclusions. Since its inception in 1992, this cover has provided financial support to more than 100 families as a result of a serving police officer’s death. To ensure your chosen beneficiary receives the entire benefit under this policy, you must complete a Beneficiar y Nomination Form as without these details we have no option but to pay the benefit to your estate. If your personal circumstances alter it is also your sole responsibility to make sure you advise WAPU in writing of these changes. As this is a group policy there is an age ceiling and we are unable to cover Members once they reach the age of 65.

EXTENDED BENEFIT INSURANCE OPTION In addition to the $10 0,0 0 0 automatic death only cover provided to WAPU Members, a supplementary benefit is also available for those Members wanting to extend their cover. This additional death cover is in units of $50,000, to a maximum of four units ($200,000), at a fortnightly cost of $4.25 per unit. This additional cover is not automatic and application must be made to our insurer.

SPOUSE / DE FACTO INSURANCE OPTION A further insurance option available to Members is death cover for your partner, which aims to assist with the emotional and financial difficulties

associated with the death of a spouse or defacto. The cost of this cover is $6.40 per fortnight, with the amount of cover determined by the individual’s age at death. This varies from $220,200 up to the age of 35 years to $10,000 at 65 years. Application Forms for both the Extended Benefit Insurance Option and Spouse Cover are available from WAPU HQ. As this is a group insurance polic y managed by WAPU, the completed original signed application forms must be returned to WAPU HQ. Please note that upon leaving WA Police, the cover under this group policy will cease. There is an option available to continue the cover on an individual basis however pricing would be at market rates, details would be provided at that time.

DEATH LEVY FUND The Death Levy Fund pays specified amounts on the death of a Member, the death of a Member’s partner and his/her children under 18 years. Payments are made in accordance with the following table: • Death of a Member: $3,500 paid to Member’s nominee • Death of Partner: $10,000 paid on application from Member • Child under 18 years: $10,000 paid on application from Member The Death Levy Fund continues to pay $3,500 to the Retired Member’s nominee, as well as on the death of a Retired Member’s spouse. All outgoings associated with this Fund are budgeted for as part of a Member’s overall WAPU subscription.

* WAPU SCHOOL HOLIDAY BALLOT APPLICATION APPLICATIONS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED ON THIS FORM, It can be faxed, emailed or posted to WAPU HQ. Complete and return by Friday 20 November 2015 to: WA Police Union 639 Murray Street, West Perth WA 6005 Fax: 9321 2177 Email: admin@wapu.org.au Results to be advised by Friday 27 November 2015 Name (Please Print):

Only mark the holiday periods and locations you are prepared to accept in numerical order of preference. Note: Bookings are made from Saturday (2pm) to Saturday (10am) only.

JULY 2016


PD No:


Address (Home):


Work (Unit/Section):

Email (Home): Phone No. (Work): (Mobile):


WEEK 1 02.07.16 to 09.07.16

WEEK 2 09.07.16 to 16.07.16




Metropolitan Region Director

Who’s watching the ‘experienced’ detectives vanish? THAT OLD ELVIS COSTELLO song title, ‘Watching the Detectives’ sticks in my mind, as I often wonder is anyone really noticing that our experienced detectives are disappearing from suburban detectives’ offices at an alarming rate?

The number of prospective detective applicants dropped from more than 60 in December to about 20 in March; why? What caused this decline in applications? We need to find out the real reasons.

The vacancy list for Detective Investigators recently started to get quite long. A few weeks ago, there were about 40 detective positions advertised, with most of those being in suburban detectives’ offices. This hasn’t occurred for several years and they aren’t all new positions. It is time the senior management delved into the real reasons why detectives are leaving. Maybe crime car frequency, DCC relieving, red tape and paperwork increases, the promotional system, travel distance to workplaces and so on, could be behind this. Over the past few years, detective senior constables, like senior constables in metropolitan police stations, have all but become extinct. Large suburban detectives’ offices are now heavily staffed with (i4) probationary detectives, who are getting fantastic results, conducting complex inquiries with superb outcomes but could really benefit from more experienced staff to work with regularly and some offices are continually carrying large numbers of vacancies. Not that long ago, detectives conducted investigations, police station coppers did general police work, traffic coppers did traffic duties and we had a wonderful unit called MIG which was ready to help the lonely and under resourced with any situation. MIG has

since closed and district detectives’ offices are required to run a crime car on day, afternoon and night shift. Crime car has impacted on detective availability, regularly limiting the ability to conduct investigations and reducing proactive work that those suburban detectives can do. A fair percentage of suburban detectives can work as many shifts as response staff and they also carry many investigation files. How do staff ever complete their investigation files when they work two days and two nights relieving in DCC, then two weeks of afternoon shift in crime car, then a couple of day shifts and a weekend in the crime car? Detectives have no issue working shifts to conduct investigations, target offenders and conduct operations. It’s the crime car, the waiting for something to happen or being directed to attend and take over minor jobs that other officers have got under control and actually want to complete themselves so they can build a CV to apply for DTS. Early in 2015, not long after Reform kicked in, WA Police was confronted with large numbers of vacancies in some suburban detectives’ offices. They decreed that once you complete your two years ‘probation’, you will be sent to a suburban office. No problem there, but with the geographical layout of Perth it could mean you might get transferred far, far away from home, subject to available vacancies. How far you have to travel

is a consideration when placement occurs, but positions have to be filled. It is the commuting distance that is of major concern to Members. To be honest, gaining experience in a suburban detectives’ office is a good thing. Staff are confronted with a wide range of crime types, investigative puzzles and gain a wide ranging investigative grounding, before heading to a specialised area at a later time. Unfortunately there are currently more vacancies than there have been for a long time. Recently, a handful of officers upon completing their detective probation and being offered a position many kilometres from home, simply left for a local LPT. The number of prospective detective applicants dropped from more than 60 in December to about 20 in March; why? What caused this decline in applications? We need to find out the real reasons. I know this is of concern to management and they are trying to identify the reasons. The State Government promised an extra 200 detectives by March 2017. Going by the current rate of applications and that the detective vacancy list is presently getting bigger, it presents WA Police with a challenge.

Continued on page 31




Metropolitan Region Director

Collateral Damage IT’S ALL ABOUT PERCEPTION ISN’T IT? It matters not whether something is right or wrong, so long as a reputation, a career or a poisoned-culture is protected, then collateral damage is okay.

Whatever you do as a serving copper, don’t get filmed doing it on CCTV or a mobile phone or you could become the unintended star of a public drama not of your making. You may be convicted of the worst crime of all and that is what people perceived you did, not what you actually did. Now more than ever, the FIDO principal is being adopted which is not surprising and ultimately everyone loses. It is becoming far too difficult and stressful to tiptoe through the garden of tulips carefully sown by police management and lovingly tendered by the CCC. Wasn’t it just wondrous to see the leaders of the two bodies come together recently in a mutual and public embrace? Noticeably absent was the WAPU President who didn’t get an invite to the love-in which wasn’t surprising, but nonetheless disappointing.

Don’t get me wrong, police officers shouldn’t be immune from the law when they are exercising their authority, but they should be treated appropriate to the circumstances and afforded natural justice. Time and again this is just not happening.


Outdated, erroneous and at times ambiguous police policy continually lets down frontline operational coppers, yet they are still held accountable in the most damaging ways – as long as perception remains paramount. When the offence for assault first found its way into the statute books, I’m guessing that it wasn’t aimed at police officers using force to arrest criminals for the sole purpose of protecting a vulnerable community. In these unreal times police are being criminally charged with focus on perception and overlooking why coppers are there in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, police officers shouldn’t be immune from the law when they are exercising their authority, but they should be treated appropriate to the circumstances and afforded natural justice. Time and again this is just not happening. There is no getting away from the fact that police regularly have to use force to arrest people. Holier than thou CCC investigators sit in the comfort of their St Georges Terrace office and make assumptions about police behaviour, often courtesy of CCTV footage that tells only half a story. The next thing you know police are getting charged criminally for committing the crime of doing their job! Whatever happened to dealing with such matters through the police regulations, corrective training or related managerial options? And what of natural justice?

Magistrates regularly convicting police for ‘technical’ assaults clearly pay little heed to the intent of Parliament or superior court decisions but in the broader pursuit of denying coppers justice, they won’t get lonely. Recently the Commissioner of Police added salt to the wound by publicly threatening coppers who appeal convictions. He said that if any discrepancies were found between the court and interview transcripts there would be trouble. Now was that really necessary? Police officers have a right to appeal a conviction like anyone else and shouldn’t face this kind of intimidation just because they exercise that right. Like I said at the start – it’s all about perception. The people who sit in judgement of us go weak at the knees at the first sign of bad publicity and in the aftermath, the truth becomes unrecognisable. If the perception created isn’t duly worshipped, a person in authority might lose their job, their promotion or a hard fought for public image. And as for the copper at the centre of the pantomime, collateral damage.



Field Officer

Tilt up policing 01 02

IN AN ENDEAVOUR TO QUICKLY address police facility shortfalls in the metropolitan area, WA Police has moved to warehouse type facilities that employ a simple concrete pad, tilt up wall panels and steel roof decking.

Security, a subject that WAPU has pushed for a number of years is now addressed as the facilities provide full protection for police vehicles and Members’ private vehicles.

Ideally suited for construction in light industrial areas, it is a radical change from the traditional suburban police stations and police centres that were the catalyst for police facilities over the past 148 years. A facility at Bibra Lake houses the South Metropolitan Response Team Central together with the SM District Forensic Information Office and Training. While a brand new facility at Forrestdale is now the home of Traffic Enforcement Group South. The obvious aim is to provide facilities aimed at on-road policing and non-contact. With the public back at base camp, those duties are now the domain of the Local Policing Teams. More emphasis is placed on having all of the computer information available online in the vehicle. Interviews, arrest and breath testing procedures will still need to be carried out at police stations. Security, a subject that WAPU has pushed for a number of years is now addressed as the facilities provide full protection for police vehicles and Members’ private vehicles.

01 An internal view of the new Traffic Enforcement Group South facility in Forrestdale. 02 Offices inside TEG South.

Unlike Bibra Lake that uses converted sea containers, Forrestdale has proper roofed buildings that were built inside the warehouse. This should now occur at Bibra Lake as the facilities for the DFIO are not fit for purpose. Unless of course all of the staff are going to be housed at the Cockburn Central site in a couple of years’ time.

One OSH concern is the exhaust fumes from vehicles when they enter and depart the premises. The Forrestdale establishment has a large fan situated over the ground floor buildings, however, WAPU is not sure how effective this will be. WAPU also understands a similar project is earmarked for Clarkson to house Regional Operations Group North.



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F: (08) 9321 2177



WAPU admin@wapu.org.au POLICE NEWS AUGUST 2015

POLICE FEDERATION OF AUSTRALIA WESTERN AUSTRALIA POLICE BRANCH ELECTION NOTICE Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 Nominations will be called on Thursday, 6 August 2015 for the following offices: BRANCH EXECUTIVE MEMBERS REPRESENTING: METROPOLITAN REGION (11) NORTH (KIMBERLEY/PILBARA) REGION (1) CENTRAL (MIDWEST/ GASCOYNE) REGION (1) EAST (GOLDFIELDS/ESPERANCE) REGION (1) SOUTH (PEEL/SOUTHWEST/WEATBELT/GREAT SOUTHERN) REGION (1) Written nominations which comply with the rules of the organisation must reach me not later than 12 noon on Wednesday, 26 August 2015. Nominations cannot be withdrawn after this time. Nomination forms are available on request. NOTE: Rule 52AA (7) (c) of the Federation’s rules requires a candidate for a position of Branch Executive Member in the preceding 12 months have attended at least four branch meetings of the state organisation “Western Australian Police Union of Workers”, where the person was a member of that state association throughout the period; Rule 52AO (4) (a) of the Federation’s rules requires a candidate for a position of Branch Executive Member shall be attached to the Region from which the nominee seeks to be elected. HOW TO LODGE NOMINATIONS By Hand: By Post: By Fax: By E-mail:

Australian Electoral Commission, Level 13, 200 St Georges Terrace, PERTH WA 6000 GPO Box A16, PERTH WA 6001 (08) 6363 8052 A properly completed nomination form including all necessary signatures may be scanned and submitted as a pdf file to waelections@aec.gov.au .

The ballot, if required, will open on Monday, 14 September 2015 and close at 10 am on Monday, 5 October 2015. NOTE: A copy of the AEC’s election report can be obtained from the organisation or from me after the completion of the election. Changed address? Advise the Federation now.


Simon Bulloch Returning Officer


22 July 2015 Tel: (08) 6363 8011

Farewell Peter BY DAVE LAMPARD

After 15 years at WAPU under three Presidents, Peter ‘PK’ Kelly has decided to take up ‘late retirement’ and become a full-time grandad. This is Peter’s second retirement having taken up ‘early retirement’ from WA Police Workplace Relations Branch in late 2000. A product of the Perth Boys School and East Perth Football Club, Peter started work in 1957 and worked in a variety of public sector roles for 43 years. Add that to his time at WAPU, and you could say his PAYG contributions have helped keep the country afloat! Initially apprehensive about employing someone from the ‘dark side’, the then Union Councillors were assured by President Michael Dean that Peter’s vast empirical experience in police industrial negotiations and intricacies of the Industrial Relations Commission would further the goal of achieving better recognition of the increasingly complicated occupation of policing. Peter has certainly played a significant role in protecting Members’ industrial entitlements and presenting evidencebased research that resulted in substantial salary and condition improvements. One of his first tasks at WAPU was to secure the 2001 Enterprise Agreement for sworn police officers. That agreement achieved an increase to the base annual salary of a sergeant to $52,781. Five industrial agreements later that base rate has increased by 87 per cent to $98,709. There are many other industrial highlights of Peter’s time at WAPU. Two that certainly stand out and are very important for all our Members are: • The introduction of four salary increment points from senior constable to commander and two increment points for first class constables in the Enterprise Agreement 2003; and • The 16.5 per cent salary increase achieved in the Industrial Agreement of 2006.

Peter has certainly played a significant role in … presenting evidence-based research that resulted in substantial salary and condition improvements.

Peter has represented the WA Branch of the Police Federation of Australia (PFA) at the PFA Industrial Planning Committee to ensure the views of WA Police employees are presented at a national level. His 14 years’ attendance at these meetings has also benefited the other 58,000 police officers throughout Australia. An often gritty and forceful participant at industrial negotiations, Peter will probably not be missed by WA Police and the Government at the 2017 Industrial Agreement discussions but nonetheless is respected by the many that participated in trying to avoid a decent pay rise and improved conditions for WAPU Members during Peter’s 15 years of service. The Staff at WAPU, in particular his colleagues in the Industrial and Field Team, present and past Councilors and Directors, Branch Officials and all Members wish Peter and his beautiful wife Marilyn all the best for a long and happy retirement. 29 POLICE NEWS AUGUST 2015

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Why sport is hospitalising the fit and healthy THE SHOCKING IMAGE OF Australian cricketer Phillip Hughes collapsing after being felled by a bouncer last year stunned the nation and made headlines around the world.

Most of these people are young and are soon back on the playing field. But in more serious cases the road to recovery is slow and requires extensive long-term treatment.

The talented sports star was in his prime. But the force of the ball striking his neck caused a brain haemorrhage and he died two days later aged just 25. His death brought into sharp focus the risks all people take when participating in the sports they love. Playing sport and exercising is highly recommended with numerous studies showing a fit body contributes to long-term good health. But in any sport there can be injuries. While the Hughes tragedy was extremely rare, the chance of suffering some kind of physical trauma during your sporting life – whether you’re an amateur or professional – is relatively high. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), about 36,000 Australians are hospitalised every year with a sports-related injury. Thousands more are treated by GPs, physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals. Most of these people are young and are soon back on the playing field. But in more serious cases the road to recovery is slow and requires extensive long-term treatment.

DID YOU KNOW? An estimated one million Australians are injured playing sport each year.




The number of Australians suffering a long-term health condition caused by a sport or exercise-related injury currently stands at a surprisingly high 545,000. And the figure is growing. According to Victorian research the frequency of hospital-treated sports injuries among people over the age of 15 is increasing at an estimated rate of 6 per cent every year. A separate study of hospital admissions for sport-related concussion discovered a significant jump over a 10-year period to 2010-11. Analysis by AIHW found that the various football codes are to blame for about one-third of all sports-related hospital admissions, followed by cycling and motor sports. Var ious rea s ons have b e e n put forward for these increases. A higher participation rate in sport is one possible factor. Another is the increased level of competitiveness leading to higher-intensity activity and faster games. One factor consistent in all the studies is the demographics. About two-thirds of those admitted to hospital suffering sporting injuries are aged under 35, and over threequarters are men. Some may consider themselves fit and healthy and not see the benefit of private health insurance. Yet following an injury the cost of treatment can be a considerable financial burden.

For many children and young adults, sports injuries cause only temporary pain, discomfor t and restricted movement. For others the diagnosis can be far more serious, resulting in: • permanent disability • traumatic stress • depression • chronic pain • a profound change in lifestyle and ability to perform normal activities. Even minor injuries may carry the risk of future disability, especially if they are recurrent. A study by the European Union estimated that 4.6 per cent of all sports injuries result in temporary disabilities – meaning they can be cured within one year – while 0.5 per cent led to permanent disability.

FOCUS ON INJURY AVOIDANCE As the sports injury toll mounts, health authorities are concerned that people will reduce their physical activity or quit sport altogether. New strategies to prevent this trend are becoming a priority. The focus is on limiting the risks. Many sport injuries are predictable accidents that can be prevented or better managed – if only they are given sufficient attention. Proven preventions include: • avoidance of excessive training which can lead to overuse injuries • better management of rest periods



DID YOU KNOW? Sport is the most common cause of injury-related chronic pain. Continued from page 25 • skill development with attention to proper technique • core and neuromuscular conditioning • use of protective equipment. Prompt medical treatment for an injury is also important but research shows first aid standards among sports clubs vary considerably.

SEEK MEDICAL HELP Athletes should never attempt to ‘work through’ the pain of a sports injury. This will only cause more harm and delay recovery. While you can treat some minor injuries yourself, others should be seen by a doctor straight away. This includes when: • the injury causes severe pain, swelling, or numbness • you can’t put any weight on the area • an old injury hurts or swells • the joint feels unstable.

POLICE HEALTH COVER Athletes and people engaged in sports activities will usually have coverage for a sports injury by their club. For treatment not covered by a club's sports injury insurance policy or where a policy is not required, Police Health provides comprehensive hospital cover There are no exclusions, no restrictions, no excesses and no co-payments, but you must use your sports injury cover first if you have such cover. We also offer generous benefits for treatments such as physiotherapy and exercise physiology which are commonly needed. The cover includes an $850 combined annual treatment limit per person, with an exercise physiology sublimit of $400 per person or $800 per family. There is also a rollover benefit for physiotherapy that can increase cover to $1700 per person. The cover is subject to waiting periods.

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With over 30 years experience, ShopRite’s car consultants know where to look, who to ask and how to negotiate. Let us do all the running around for you!

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The role of a detective is something that is endearing, challenging and extremely satisfying at times, so please don’t be phased by the negative stories that are doing the rounds. If you like to challenge yourself, apply for a detective training course. Complete your two years’ training and by the time you do, no doubt things will have improved and you can view the landscape at that time. In 18 months, it is anticipated that the new positions will be filled and the current issues will be resolved. Never forget that once you complete your training, you will have the qualification forever and no one can take that away from you. The Detective Development Team needs to be commended for its efforts in increasing the profile of the role of detectives and the new Pre-Selection Workbook for aspiring detectives is a much needed and positive step. Take nothing away from our investigators, they do a great job in trying circumstances, with limited supervision and stretched resources. They make snap decisions, cop complaints from armchair critics and get questioned regularly on any overtime worked by the bean-counters. But they keep going because they want to make a difference. Keep up the good work everyone. WAPU will always be here to help when others shy away.

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Free legal service for current and retired WAPU Members and their families. The WA Police Union is partnering with leading law firm Tindall Gask Bentley to provide Members with access to first class legal services. Established in 1970, TGB has grown to become South Australia’s largest plaintiff law firm and has now expanded into Western Australia.

The firm offers a full range of legal services. Receive 30 minutes free preliminary advice on all legal matters. We also offer a 10� discount on any legal fees for: • Workers Compensation*, • Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation*, • Family and Divorce law, • Estates and Estate Planning. To book an appointment with a lawyer or for more information contact WAPU HQ on (08) 9321 2155.

*If you have not made a claim, disregard this publication.

RICHARD YATES & DENEALE PERKINS Tindall Gask Bentley Lawyers


Three common allegations against Members OVER THE PAST 12 MONTHS, three main legal issues for Members have arisen time and time again. All three allegations also have the potential for Members to be criminally prosecuted. Being aware of the applicable law and WA Police policy may prevent Members from managerial criticism and prosecution.

The legal basis for the use of force should be at the forefront of a Member’s mind when they are preparing reports or statements or being interviewed regarding use of force.

EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE Police of ficers regularly face allegations of excessive use of force and it is important to remember that the use of force must be legally and circumstantially justified or excused. Pursuant to section 16 of the Criminal Investigations Act 2006, force can be lawfully used when exercising a power under that Act, such as the power to arrest or search a suspect. However, the use of force must be reasonably necessary in the circumstances to exercise the power or overcome any resistance that is offered, or that is reasonably expected to be offered. Members may also find themselves in hostile situations where an application of force may constitute an assault but is excused by the Criminal Code. Members should familiarise themselves with ‘defences’ such as self-defence, repetition of insult, mistake of fact and accident. This is of course not an exhaustive list, and each ‘defence’ comes with its own conditions. If a clear defence is available on the facts of an investigation, the discretion not to prosecute is more likely to be utilised. We recommend Members familiarise themselves with the Use of Force Policy, which can be located at FR-01.01. The policy, which has recently changed, sets out when each tactical option is justifiable, from empty hand tactics to firearm discharge, and the reporting

requirements associated with each. The legal basis for the use of force should be at the forefront of a Member’s mind when they are preparing reports or statements or being interviewed regarding use of force.

UNLAWFUL COMPUTER ACCESS Computer use has been a highly publicised topic in recent years. Under section 440A of the Criminal Code, it is an offence to use a restrictedaccess computer system (ie. password protected computer system restricted to particular authorised persons) when not properly authorised to do so, or if the person authorised to use it, uses it other than in accordance with their authorisation. WA Police policy outlines the authority that a Member has or does not have. The Code of Conduct and LO-01.06 details Members’ responsibilities with regard to accessing WA Police computer systems, and a suspected departure from this policy can attract unwanted attention. It is recommended that Members familiarise themselves with the applicable policy, including the policy regarding conflict of interest at AD-84.10.

DRIVING POLICY BREACHES It could be justified in some cases for police officers to travel above the speed limit and contravene road rules in the performance of their duties. However, Members do not automatically have immunity from infringements merely because they are on duty.

Under regulation 280 of the Road Traffic Code 2000, speed limits and other traffic rules do not apply to a police officer who is driving an emergency vehicle for official duties if the driver is taking reasonable care, it is reasonable that the provision should not apply, and the vehicle is moving and displaying a blue or red flashing light or sounding an alarm (unless reasonable not to). Memb er s should f amiliar is e themselves with the Emergency Driving Policy at TR-07.04 having regard to their driving certification and at what point POC or POCCC become responsible for the assessment and assignment of response priorities in any given situation. A breach of this policy may mean managerial action or a speeding infringement in some circumstances, or a charge of reckless driving. The Road Traffic Act 1974 provides defences to reckless and dangerous driving charges for police officers on official duty, driving reasonably and substantially in accordance with policy, guidelines and directions. There is also provision for a defence where the officer was responding to a fire or an emergency/rescue operation where life was in danger. If any Member finds themselves facing an allegation as mentioned above, they should contact WAPU HQ for legal advice on (08) 9321 2155.


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Mention this advert prior to completing your contract and get a bonus Fitbit Charge HR or an iPad Mini when your new vehicle is delivered!

Did you know that as a police officer, you have priority access to salary packaging your next car? Let the team at Fleet Network show you how to save thousands when buying your next new car. It’s all about getting the most out of your salary and paying less in tax.

It’s worth a call – it’s your salary, after all.

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All your car expenses are paid for upfront SERGEANT MICHAEL SEDGMAN from Regional Operations Group (North) is enjoying his third car from Fleet Network.

Michael first experienced the benefits of salary packaging back in 2005 when he arranged a novated lease through Fleet Network. Now on his third vehicle, he has experienced f ir sthand the tax savings that packaging a car straight from your pre-tax salary can deliver. “What I also love about salary packaging is the fac t that the fortnightly deduction also covers the day-to-day running costs of my car. This includes insurance, servicing, fuel and registration. It gives me peace of mind to know that all these costs are all paid for, it’s one less thing for me to worry about,” Michael said.

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Fleet Network to other police officers.

Sergeant Michael Sedgman

When Michael got to the end of his lease and decided to upgrade to a new car, Fleet Network arranged a smooth changeover between his vehicles. Fleet Network are one of the only lease providers who will also arrange a trade-in on your current car. “Each time I got a new car, the staff at Fleet Network were really helpful. They got me a great trade-in price on my old car, and I could drive out in a new one. It was so easy,” Michael said. “It’s great dealing with Fleet Network, all I had to do was pick the make and model I was after and they did all the legwork for me,” he said. “They spoke to the dealership on my behalf, and negotiated a great price each time. That’s why I keep coming back. “I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Fleet Network to other police officers,” Michael said.

WE GOT A BETTER TRADE-IN PRICE FROM FLEET NETWORK Marc is no stranger to salar y packaging. He took out his first lease in 2008 and has recently ordered his third leased vehicle through Fleet Network. Marc Hulston works for the Traffic Enforcement Group and he wouldn’t hesitate in recommending a novated lease with Fleet Network. “They were extremely helpful in providing quotes and information quickly and professionally,” Marc said.

Salary packaging has saved Marc thousands in tax which has resulted in a bigger take home pay. It has also helped with their household budgeting, as they know exactly what their vehicle expenses will be each month. “F le e t N e t w o r k w e r e m o r e competitive in their pricing than other suppliers and provided great customer service. The staff were really efficient and friendly,” Marc said. “I am also very popular at home, as not only did we get a new car but I also brought the home a new iPad Mini, so the kids were over the moon. Fleet Network gives away a free iPad Mini or Fitbit Charge with every lease at the moment,” Marc said. “One thing I could also recommend to all officers is using a financial planner to make sure a novated lease is the best option for you. They look at your entire situation and their sound, impartial advice really helped us make the decision to lease versus buying outright, we were much better off,” he said.

If you are in the market for a new car via salary packaging, call Fleet Network on 1300 738 601 or visit www.fleetnetwork.com.au today.




Man Up! You're not a little boy anymore. It's up to you to take control of your health and fitness. There's nothing fun about growing a pair of man boobs, having a bulging gut and feeling like crap. You'd like to lose weight but you don't want to spend hours on a treadmill. You don't want to eat boring salads. You don't want to count calories. Welcome to my Man Plan. No BS – just stuff that works. I'll show you how to eat well and exercise for maximum effectiveness – in just 10 minutes a day! It's this simple: 5 daily man moves, 10 primal moves, 1 weekly workout and 50 recipes. It doesn't matter how busy you are, how old you are or how much money you have … you can lose your gut without losing all the beers, and still enjoy your favourite foods. Just follow my plan.



An unprecedented spate of murders in the 1990s – seven in just three years – earned Goulburn Jail the ominous name of ‘The Killing Fields'. Inmates who were sentenced or transferred to the 130-year-old towering sandstone menace declared they had been given a death sentence. The worst race war in the history of Australian prisons saw several groups – Aboriginal, Lebanese, Asian, Islander and Anglo – wage a vicious and uncontrollable battle for power. Every day there were stabbings. Every day there were bashings. And then there was murder. A controversial policy known as ‘racial clustering' might have put an end to the Killing Fields, but soon something far scarier would arise, something called Supermax … .



The Killing Season is Sarah Ferguson's gripping three-part examination of the forces that shaped Labor during the Kevin Rudd / Julia Gillard leadership years. It is a documentary series like no other. Visually striking, scripted like the best political dramas, The Killing Season is an enthralling account of one of the most turbulent periods of Australian political history. Packed with political intrigue, strong feelings and frank disclosures, this is a must-watch series for the nation. For the first time, Kevin Rudd gives his own, full account of the period and relives in vivid detail the events of losing the Prime Ministership a retelling he found painful. Julia Gillard is forthright with her recollections and analysis and doesn't spare her colleagues.

Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May are on explosive form as they complete their era on Top Gear with this extended 22nd series of the world’s biggest car program. Amongst other adventures, the trio attempt to reinvent the ambulance, investigate the strange world of classic car ownership, take part in a nail-biting race across St Petersburg and set off on an epic road trip through the wilds of Australia. Also in this series, Clarkson and May look at the highs and lows of one of France’s biggest car makers, Hammond pays a dramatic tribute to the dying days of the Land Rover Defender and Jeremy makes up his mind about the BMW i8 hybrid on a trip to buy some fish & chips. Meanwhile, out on the test track there’s a scorching line-up of fast cars including the Lamborghini Huracan, the Mercedes AMG GT, the Jaguar F-type R and the Chevrolet Corvette Stingray.

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We have one copy of The Man Plan and Australia's Most Murderous Prison to give away courtesy of Penguin Books Australia. To enter, email jessica.porter@wapu.org.au with your name, work address and title of the book. Winners will be drawn on September 3, 2015.

We have five copies of The Killing Season and Top Gear Series 22 to give away courtesy of Roadshow Entertainment. To enter, email jessica.porter@wapu.org.au with your name, work address and title of the movie. Winners will be drawn on September 3, 2015.




SEASON COMMENCES August 13 Set against the backdrop of the early 1960s, at the height of the Cold War, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. centres on CIA agent Solo and KGB agent Kuryakin. Forced to put aside longstanding hostilities, the two team up on a joint mission to stop a mysterious international criminal organisation, which is bent on destabilising the fragile balance of power through the proliferation of nuclear weapons and technology. The duo’s only lead is the daughter of a vanished German scientist, who is the key to infiltrating the criminal organisation, and they must race against time to find him and prevent a worldwide catastrophe.



SEASON COMMENCES August 20 From acclaimed director Antoine Fuqua and screenwriter Kurt Sutter, Southpaw tells the riveting story of Billy "The Great" Hope, reigning Light Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World (Jake Gyllenhaal). Billy Hope seemingly has it all with an impressive career, a beautiful and loving wife (Rachel McAdams), an adorable daughter and a lavish lifestyle. When tragedy strikes and his lifelong manager and friend leaves him behind, Hope hits rock bottom and turns to an unlikely saviour at a run-down local gym: Tick Willis (Forest Whitaker), a retired fighter and trainer to the city's toughest amateur boxers. With his future riding on Tick's guidance and tenacity, Billy enters the hardest battle of his life as he struggles with redemption and to win back the trust of those he loves.


After months of teasing fans with snippets of new material, Josh Pyke has released his fifth studio album, But For All These Shrinking Hearts. Pyke gave his fans the first real taste of the album in May, circulating a fans-first video across his social media accounts for album track, There’s A Line, alongside a live link to pre-order the new album. While Pyke jokes he can’t possibly be objective, with such a different approach he’s deservedly proud of his fifth longplayer.



In celebration of the highly anticipated Netflix original documentary What, Happened, Miss Simone?, REVIVE Music/ Sony Music Entertainment Australia are proud to announce the release of NINA Revisited: A Tribute To Nina Simone album. The 16-track album pays homage to the legendary Nina Simone with re-worked renditions of some of her most popular songs by artists such as Ms. Lauryn Hill, Mary J. Blige, Common, Usher, Jazmine Sullivan, Lisa Simone (daughter of Nina Simone), newcomer Grace, Alice Smith, Gregory Porter and Lalah Hathaway.



We have two passes to give away to The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and SOUTHPAW. To enter, email jessica.porter@wapu.org.au with your name, work address and title of the movie. Winners will be drawn on September 3, 2015.

We have five copies of But For All These Shrinking Hearts and Nina Revisited: A Tribute To Nina Simone to give away courtesy of Sony Music Australia. To enter, email jessica.porter@wapu.org.au with your name, work address and title of the CD. Winners will be drawn on September 3, 2015. 37 POLICE NEWS AUGUST 2015


MORE DISCOUNTS? If you know a business or a venue that might be interested in providing a special deal or rates for WAPU Members, the Union would like to hear about it. Please contact Director Peter Potthoff on 0407 476 679 or admin@wapu.org.au to pass on the details.

SAVE with WAPU Member benefits New moving and storage solution for Members

Mobistorage Director James Busby with WAPU Director Peter Potthoff at Mobistorage’s secure Belmont storage facility.

Mobistorage is the new age storage solution that comes to you and is much more convenient, flexible, secure and cost-effective than traditional self-storage. Mobistorage will deliver a storage container right to your front door, which takes away the cost of hiring a trailer, truck or removalist to transport your goods out to a storage yard. It also means there’s no double handling of your goods, saving you time and money. And it’s not just for moving house either. Mobistorage is a great solution for storing things onsite when you are renovating your house or downsizing into a smaller property. You can choose to leave the Mobistorage container at your place or store it at our secure storage facility in Belmont.

WAPU Members will receive 15 per cent off the monthly rental rate plus one free delivery trip on all container rentals upon presentation of their WAPU Membership Card*. To book your Mobistorage container call 1300 914 706 or visit www.mobistorage.com.au.

*One free delivery trip based on rentals within 50km radius of Perth CBD. Deliveries outside of this area quoted on a separate basis. Special valid for all sized Mobistorage containers. Members need to quote their WAPU Membership Number at time of booking to qualify for discount.

Succulent meats straight to Members’ plates Lapa Brazilian Barbecue offers authentic Brazilian food, including 16 different cuts of meat which are expertly cooked by our Brazilian chefs.

Lapa Operations Manager Peter Salapatas and WAPU Director Peter Potthoff at Lapa’s Subiaco restaurant.

Enjoy their “Endless Feast” (Rodizio) which is an ‘all the meat you can eat’ extravaganza for a set price and with interactive table-side service. There is something for everyone at Lapa. In addition to the Rodizio, Lapa offers an a la carte menu, vegetarian pastas, gluten free dishes and famous Brazilian cocktails such as Caipirinha and Caipiroska. With the Rodízio ser vice, Lapa chefs skilfully grill 16 skewered meat cuts, with Passadores (meat waiters) expertly carving the succulent meats straight onto your plate, offering a continuous interactive service.

www.wapu.org.au POLICE NEWS AUGUST 2015

You can even watch the kitchen at work through the enormous glass window or on TV screens. Lapa provides a dining experience like no other, where the music, food, service and décor will make you think you’re in Brazil! Lapa has restaurants in Armadale, Fremantle and Subiaco where WAPU Members can enjoy 20 per cent off the meal component of their bill upon presentation of their WAPU Membership Card. For more information on this of fer and many other benefits and discounts, visit the Member Benefits page on the WAPU website www.wapu.org.au.

Check out more Member benefits online at the WAPU website

WHY YOU HAVE TO BE A WAPU MEMBER The WA Police Union has been providing police officers with industrial and legal support for more than 100 years. WAPU acts as a passionate advocate, lobbying for better conditions and protections on behalf of police officers. WAPU has been very successful in achieving great outcomes for its Members, who include police officers, police auxiliary officers, cadets and recruits. We have close to 100 per cent membership of all officers across the State. WAPU strives to ensure that Members always get value for money, and endeavours to provide Members with an extensive range of services including: Legal Assistance, Industrial Services, Death Benefits and Member Benefits.

LEGAL ASSISTANCE WAPU’s Legal Team provides a high quality service for Members who need legal representation or advice on matters such as disciplinary action, managerial initiated action, investigations, criminal injuries, personal injuries and medical retirement. Members are first required to apply for assistance by contacting WAPU HQ.

INDUSTRIAL SERVICES WAPU is the sole negotiator to collectively bargain on behalf of Members in the development of a replacement Agreement that reflects Members’ contemporary values and conditions. Officers who are not financial Members of WAPU have no direct avenue or access to individually bargain or negotiate with WA Police in relation to salary and conditions. WAPU’s Industrial and Field Teams are also able to assist individual Members with advice in relation to entitlements and workplace issues.



HOLIDAY HOMES WAPU has a number of holiday homes around the State that Members can rent at heavily discounted rates. Members can view and book one of our holiday homes by visiting www.wapu.org.au and logging into the Members’ area.



The WAPU Member Services Committee also endeavours to provide added value to WAPU Members by negotiating a range of discount and special offers. These discounts are on a range of goods and services and new offers are added throughout the year.

WAPU provides an all hours contact for Members and is primarily used for critical incidents that result in death or serious injury to police or members of the public.

In addition to these offers, all WAPU Members are automatically provided membership to the discount buying service, Shoprite.

The Emergency Director organises appropriate assistance for the Members, whether it be legal advice, welfare or any other type of support.

For more information on any of WAPU’s services, please visit www.wapu.org.au









5747 Michael NEWMAN 6342 Robert SMALLMAN 6373 Philip TUFFIN 6583 Dominic BLACKSHAW 6659 David MOUNSHER 6894 Matthew ADAMS

8444 Elena BONE 8889 David BEARD 9274 Shane BALL 9791 Scott ARNOLD 12907 Amy MARTIN 13216 Nicolas JOHNSON 13729 Benjamin SWEETMAN 13993 Kyle BROWN 14300 Jason WALKER

SERVING 9360 Detective Sergeant SCOTT ANDREW BLANCHARD Aged 45 14456 Adam GREENTREE 14493 Leigh SUTTON 14966 Ashleigh SCOTT 15105 Ashley BRIDGES 15751 Melissa ADAM 15784 Andrew JACKSON 99594 Stewart MACBETH 99909 Rajinder SINGH

RETIRED 4673 Sergeant DAVID WILLIAM GLEW Aged 69 40249 Senior Police Aide IAN BEVEN SMITH Aged 53

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AUGUST 1999 63RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE A SUCCESS The August 1999 edition of Police News wrapped up all the events of Annual Conference. The 63rd conference did not disappoint with animated debate on a full range of issues from industrial allowances to strategic direction of WAPU. The outcomes left WA Police and the State Government in no uncertainty of the issues of importance and the timeframes for positive action. The magazine also had a double page colour spread of photographs from the conference which showed some familiar faces including WAPU President George Tilbury and Field Officer Dave Lampard. Mr Lampard was attending conference in his official capacity as a Union Councillor.

NEW STATION BOOSTS BAYSWATER POLICE IMAGE Police News profiled the new Bayswater Police Station. OIC Sergeant Peter Cecins said: “Having a new, purpose-built station is ver y functional and it is more accessible and ideally located.”

President Michael Dean highlighted the issue of lack of operational police in WA and how it was apparent the Perth metropolitan stations were seriously understaffed. He said West Australians had been short changed by the Court Government which delivered more police numbers on paper but less operational police where it counts – on the streets and in the suburbs. Mr Dean also welcomed the new Commissioner Barr y Matthews in his President’s Report.

LOTS OF PERSPECTIVES The magazine also published a wide range of letters, opinions pieces and the then Police Minister Kevin Prince and Opposition Leader and later Premier Dr Geoff Gallop's addresses to Annual Conference. Mr Prince, who of ficially opened conference, paid tribute to departing Police Commissioner Bob Falconer and referred to a newspaper article which praised Mr Falconer for the courage and vision he had to remodel the service into an organisation which will serve the needs of Western Australians into the next millennium. He also accepted that law and order/ community safety and security was the most significant issue for the people of Western Australia. Dr Gallop told conference of Labor’s plans to introduce a bill to amend the Occupational Safety and Health Act to extend coverage to police officers. “The effect of the Bill doesn’t mean that all workplace hazards will be eliminated. No legislation can provide that sort of absolute protection. But it will mean that the risk of injury and disease should be reduced as far as practicable,” Dr Gallop said.

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WHAT ARE YOU UP TO NOW? I enjoy gardening, writing and travel.

WHAT AREAS DID YOU WORK IN? On the beat in the City of Perth; small country stations and the outback; suburban policing; Firearms Inquiry; Commercial Agents Squad; In-service Training; Personnel Branch; Projects Officer within the Inspectorate and Regional Officer Northam.



Mismanagement at the senior level; nepotism and resistance to organisational change.



Development of the Commercial Agents Squad and my success in this area of fraud.

Nothing really. I opted for early retirement in 1988, and, (honing skills developed as a serving police officer) I have since become a successful writer and researcher.


I joined the Police Force (as then known) in 1952 and retired in 1988. My regimental number was 2658

Policing seems to have become more complex; the gathering of forensic evidence is now more important and effective and there is now more violent crime due to escalation in the use of illicit drugs.

I believe there ought to be greater emphasis on the role of police as a service organisation. Although law enforcement is important, the major role of police ought to be the safety of the community. It is not necessary for police to prosecute for minor beaches of the law. Where appropriate, operational police ought to make more use of their discretion, and be encouraged to do so.

The opportunity ‘to make a difference’ to help others, (particularly the disadvantaged), in times of need.



Since retirement, Bob has written Tall Timber and Frontline Policing. In 2013, Bob turned his hand to children’s books and wrote Francene the Frog and her Friends in the Outback. Illustrated by Jodie Davidson, this exciting, educational adventure documents the hazardous life-journey of a tiny arid-zone frog, Francene, member of the burrowing Shoemaker Frog species (Neobatrachus Sutor). The book follows Francene on her difficult and dangerous journey from her tadpole birth in a storm-water puddle, to her life as a frog in a small spring-fed rock pool at Petrudor Rocks, in semi-arid outback Western Australia and learn about a variety of small native animal species she meets on her way – some of whom become her close friends. This warm, engaging and informative storybook is designed to introduce readers to the fascinating world of some of our lesser-known wildlife, and the harsh realities of life they must cope with daily. A fascinating mix of fact and fantasy illustrated and carefully combined in an innovative storybook fashion. Francene’s richly illustrated story will appeal not only to educators and children of all ages but to a wider range of readers who are interested in learning more about our fascinating native wildlife. We have a two copies of Francene the Frog and her Friends in the Outback to give away courtesy of the Western Australian Museum. To enter, send your details to jessica.porter@wapu.org.au by August 28, 2015.










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