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Unparalleled Examples of Obedience

Today also our ladies should be mindful of these things. They should not blindly follow the regional or national customs. If they notice that a custom contains even a hint of shirk, they should eschew it. May Allah the Almighty grant all Ahmadi women this zeal in morally training themselves as well as their children! In our countries, Pakistan and India, Muslims follow the custom of not giving their daughters their due inheritance. Let alone what is due, they give nothing at all to their daughters, in particular in villages and among the farmers. An example to follow is that of Hadrat Chaudhry Nasrullah Khan ra. His son writes, Our father gave our sister a lot of dowry at the time of her wedding as it was the custom. In his will he stated that his estate be distributed according to the Islamic shari‘ah among the sons and the daughters both. At the time of his death, his daughter got her inheritance according to shari‘ah.

Evil Effects of Smoking

This is an incident I like to relate: When the Promised Messiahas went to Jalandhar in 1892, he resided on the upper floor of a house. A maid placed a huqqah [hubble bubble] in the house and left to do something else. Accidentally some ashes from the huqqah fell and burned some parts of the floor. The fire was noticed and extinguished after the prayer service was concluded. At that time Hudur expressed his displeasure and dislike for those who smok the huqqah. The Ahmadis who were downstairs came to know about this. Many of them

smoked the huqqah and their huqqahs were in the building at the time. When they heard about Hudur’s displeasure they all broke their huqqahs immediately and gave up smoking. Within a few days, when members of the Community came to know that Hudur disliked the huqqah, many courageous Ahmadis stopped smoking it. (Ashab-e-Ahmad, vol. 10, pp. 157–158, published in 1985)

Mirza Ahmad Beig of Sahiwal narrates that Hadrat Muslehe-Mau‘udra once said to my uncle Mirza Ghulamullah, ‘Mirza Sahib, encourage your friends to give up huqqah.’ Uncle, who himself used to smoke huqqah, said ‘Very well, Hudur.’ He went home and broke his huqqah that stood by the wall. My aunt thought that he was upset because the huqqah had been left in the sun, but when my uncle did not say anything to anyone, and then my aunt asked him why had he taken his anger out on the huqqah? He replied: ‘Hadrat Sahib had asked me to discourage others from smoking huqqah; but as I myself smoked it, therefore I had first broken my own huqqah.’ As long as he lived he did not smoke huqqah again; and kept on dissuading others from smoking it. (Sawaneh-e-Fadl-e-‘Umar, vol. 2, p. 34)

These days the same bad habit of huqqah is prevalent in the form of cigarette smoking. Cigarette smokers should try and give up this habit. At young age the malady of cigarette smoking leads on to many other forms of smoking in which narcotics are used. This is a step towards ruining young lives. It is web weaned by Dajjal. Unfortunately Muslims countries are also involved in the drug abuse. Anyway, our young men should try to give up cigarette smoking.

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