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Obligations of the Progeny of Sincere Elders

upon them today to relinquish all their possessions, they are ready to do so. Even then I admonish them for further growth. I do not talk about their virtues, but I feel very happy in my heart. (Siratul Mehdi, Part I, p. 165)

These were just a few examples which I have presented. Hundreds of thousand of similar examples can be found among the members of this beloved Community of the Promised Messiahas. He talked about hundreds of thousands in his time, and now the numbers of members who have established high standard of devotion and sacrifices has further increased. There are many whose incidents of faithfulness, sincerity, love and obedience have not come to surface. These people remained silent throughout while giving of their love, affinity, obedience and loyalty. The progeny of such devoted persons should write down the events of their lives and give them to the Jama‘at for records. They should carry on such traditions in their families and should narrate to their children the examples of their elders urging them to continue the good works. While we envy our elders and how their sacrifices made them beneficiaries of the prayers of the Imam of the Age, we should also remember that even today we have opportunities to benefit from such prayers. Come forward and establish new examples of such faithfulness, devotion, obedience, affiliation and love and become recipient of the grace of Allah the Almighty. Remember that as long we continue to set such examples, the worldly opposition cannot harm us at

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