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(Sayings of The Holy Prophet)

(May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him)

A Muslim is one from Whose Tongue لنبیا یثحدﷺ and Hands the Muslims are Safe

ہیںر میں متیسلا نمسلما سے تھہا کے جس روا نباز کی جس ہے ہو نمسلما

َ لا َ ق : َ م َّ لَ س َ و ِ ه ْ ي َ لَ ع ُالله ىَّ لَ ص ِ ي ِ بَّنلا ْ ن َ ع اَ م ُ ه ْ ن َ ع ُالله َ يِ ضَ ر و ٍ ر ْ م َ ع ِ ن ْ ب ِ الله ِ دْ ب َ ع ْ ن َ ع

َُّ للَّا ى ََ نَ اَ م َ ر َ ج َ ه ْ ن َ م ُ رِ جاَ هُ م ْ لاَ و ِ ه ِ دَ ي َ و ِ ه ِ ناَ س ِ ل ْ نِ م َ نوُ م ِ ل " َ مِ لَ س ْ ن َ م ُ مِ لْ س ُ م ْ لاْ س ُ م ْ لا )نايملإا باتك ،يراخبلا ُ ه ْ ن َ ع( ".


ہےہو نمسلما صلا: یامافر نے سلمو علیہ للہا صلی تنحضرآكہہیںتےكرياورعنہللہا ضیروعمر بن للہا عبدتحضرجمہتر

Hazrat Abdullah ibn Amrra relates that the Holy Prophetsaw said: A ۔ےد ڑچھو ہے یامافر منع نے للہا جسے کو تبا سا جو ہے ہو جرمہا صلا روا ہیںر میں متیسلا نمسلما سے تھہا روا نباز کی جس Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands the Muslims are safe; and an emigrant (muhajir) is one who departs from that which :ملسلْالا جوملسلْاہے میں، یعنی ۔ہےتاآ لئے کے لکما رظہاا جو ہے جیرخا عہد یکدنز کے حینرشا بعض : Allahیحتشر the Almighty has forbidden. نہروا ےد تکلیف کو کسی سے لقونہ یعنی۔ہیںرمیں متیسلا نمسلما سے تھہا کے جس روا سے نباز کی جس ہے ہونمسلما ملکا مطلق دامر لئے سا۔ہےیتادمنجاا مکا کثرا سے تھہا روا ہے تاكر رظہاا کا تلاخیا بھلے ےبر سے نباز ننساا نکہچو ۔سےفعل (Bukhari Vol. 1 Kitab ul Iman Hadith No.10 p. 47) تھہا نہ روا ۔ئےکھاد لد کا کسی سے تہمت و غیبت نہ ،سے تشنیع و طعن نہ ،سے چگلو لیگا نہ ، سے ٹھٹھے ہنسی نہ یعنی ۔ہے فعل و لقو رلباا فتح( ۔فتصرئزجا نا کاقسم ہر ضغر ۔ناكر یرچو ، ناكر قتل ، نارما جیسے۔ئےپہنچا رازآ کو کسی سےصفحہ لوا ءجز ی ۔ہےہیسنجبلکہ،نہیںًقطعالئےکےرظہااکےل�اکےلکماکسیںیہا" " لیکن )لا 132صفحہ لوا ءجز یرلقااۃعمد۔75 یہلکماکانمسلما۔ہےلتحائیابتدابلکہنہیںلکماایذاکترسےرعتبااکےلصوامیسلاانکہکیو۔ہیںےنعمکےیفتعرمطلق

Explanator y notes:

The word: ‘Al-Muslim’: Some commentators have expressed the view that the use of ‘Al’ mentioned in the Hadith, is to show the excellence of something. An excellent Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands other Muslims are secure, meaning that he does not harm other Muslim either with his words or with his actions, because a person expresses his thoughts whether good or bad with his tongue and works mostly with his hands that is why here in the Hadith it means all words and deeds. It means a Muslim does

not hurt other’s feelings with his jokes or jests, abusive language, sarcasm, backbiting or false accusations, and he also does not harm other Muslims with his hands, for example by beating, killing or stealing from others etc. meaning by every type of unjust use of hands. Imam Bukharira further explaining the meaning of this says that in another Hadith someone asked The Holy Prophetsaw ‘What is the best practice in Islam?’ The Prophetsaw replied: ‘The practice of the person from whose tongue and hands, others are safe’ . Meaning that every action of this particular person is excellent, his faith, his salat, his fast, his zakat etc. Nothing is good without this practise explained by the Holy Prophetsaw . It means that the First condition to be a true Muslim is that the others are secured against his vice. Abandoning evilness is the first step towards spiritual progress. When a person takes this first step all his actions become good. And the second part of the Hadith ‘Muhajir is the one who departs from that which Allah has forbidden’ also supports this.

(Bukhari Vol. 1 Kitab ul Iman Hadith No.10 p. 47)

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