3 minute read
Ever–growing faith in the Promised Messiah [as
from fazle umar
by waqfenauintl
A picture of the atmosphere and environment in which Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad [ra] spent his childhood has been outlined briefly. He observed his father from two contrary and opposing points of view. On the one side was the enmity of abundant enemies and bitter foes, on the other was an ever-growing loving and devoted Community armed with conviction and unshakeable belief that gathered around him like moths enticed to a flame.
From one point of view, in the eyes of the world he had not only incurred their displeasure and wrath but was also subject to God Almighty’s wrath and hatred. From another angle he was a beloved Messenger of Allah who was bestowed a godly community of saintly men and women, forever ready to lay down their lives in his cause. Let us consider which of these two opposing views became prominent in his mind. Which one did he consider to be based on absolute fact and which one did
he consider from an unbiased view to be a fabrication. This decision was not very difficult for him. He witnessed a few weak human beings that surrounded him grow into a large, strong, pressing crowd of hundreds of thousands who claimed Allah was fully supporting them. But every time the enemies tried to wipe Hadhrat Mirza sahib [as] and his handful of companions off the face of the earth they failed miserably. To say what of annihilation, they did not even have the power to bring the slightest grief and uneasiness upon this Community. On the contrary, after every assault and every incursion, the power of Hadhrat Mirza sahib [as] and his followers, both in number and quantity grew stronger than ever. And every time after his father had dispersed the marshalled troops of the enemy in clouds of dust, he witnessed this apparently
weak and powerless Community gleaming on the highest rank of eminence and distinction. One after the other in quick succession Hadhrat Sahibzada Sahib saw his father’s enemies depart from this world with the regret of ruin. Whether it was Maulvi Muhammad Hussain of Batala, or Dowie, or Lekh Ram, one after the other they all claimed to bring him low in defeat. Each stood up claiming to have the help of God Almighty. One after the other, bearing the failure of his efforts and unaccepted prayers, each adversary was ejected from this great arena of religious contest. Each one was outrivalled and thrown into the shade while Hadhrat Mirza sahib [as] basked in glory.
Then came the day when Hadhrat Mirza sahib [as] had to appear before his Lord. He had been blessed with an organisation, which was growing, progressing, spreading, blooming and blossoming day by day into a ripe Community that was unfamiliar with decline or decay. With high spirits and courage reaching for the stars it only knew how to move forward. Hadhrat Sahibzada Mirza Mahmud Ahmad sahib witnessed this day. This was the day eleven years after the death of Pundit Lekh Ram who having died without any offspring, had prophesied its ruin and destruction. Who was God with and whom did He oppose? Could this question have been difficult for this intelligent young man or for any right-minded perceptive person?
In the face of this severe religious opposition God Almighty’s complete and undying support left a strong, firm and unshakeable belief of the truth of his father on the heart and soul of Hadhrat Sahibzada Sahib [ra] that no power, no storm and no earthquake could shake. Therefore, standing at the head of his father’s sacred corpse, he moulded his lava of emotion into a strong determination and made a historic resolution that was also well connected with history! This was a great promise that he bound with the ropes of commitment to the rest of his life. And with a special power, a special feeling and with a strong longing desire, he moved it in a particular direction on a particular path forever and ever.