4 minute read
Humayon Jahangeer Khan
Humayon Jahangeer khan. 29 years of age.
Father of 3. Avid sportsperson.
1. What inspired you to apply for Jamia ?
For me, growing up in Islamabad, UK, was the biggest reason. Living in an environment of families who had dedicated their lives to the Jama‘at showed me a side to life that I naturally felt an affiliation to. Having a mosque as the centre point of our daily life kept me grounded in my faith from an early age, and having friends with similar viewpoints and way of life helped me to make the easy decision to go to Jamia.
2. Was there anyone who inspired you to become a Murabbi ?
As I mentioned, living with our elders who all had devoted their lives to the Jama‘at were my role models. Each had qualities which I observed and held as a shining example to emulate in my life. To name a few, Osman Chini Sahib, who, until his very last breath, showed me the importance of Namaz. Relentlessly walking to the mosque by himself in his old age, no matter how long it took him. My father, who has always been able to relate to the youth and always planned events and activities with us, which helped us all to be together on a regular basis. My closest friends who also went to Jamia served as an inspiration, Mustensar Qamar, Zafir Malik, Fatir Tahir, Zulfiqar Abbasi, Raza Saleem Marhoom, and my older brother Nooruddeen.
3. Name three things that you experienced in your time studying in Jamia which changed you as a person.
Meeting Beloved Huzoor for the first time by myself was a really nerve-racking experience which I felt helped me grow closer to my Khalifa. Learning Urdu helped me to connect to the Promised Messiahas and members of the Jama‘at. It also unlocked a side of me where I could speak and write directly to Beloved Huzooraba in his mother language. And lastly, Jamia removed all the stage fright I used to have which was very important for my self-confidence.
4. Any special memorable moment with Khalifatul-Masihaba which stuck with you?
Honestly, there are too many, Alhamdolillah. We were very fortunate to have many Mulaqaats with Beloved Huzooraba and win many awards in our sports events. But on a personal level, one which sticks out most is Beloved Huzoor attending my wedding while I was still studying at Jamia. I felt like he was my father who had looked after me during my years in Jamia and now he has helped me take the next biggest step in my life. Bringing my son to him a year later during my last year in Jamia was also an overwhelming feeling. Seeing Huzoor holding my son was a manifestation of all the prayers that Huzoor had done for me and my family.
5. How has studying in Jamia prepared you for your posting?
You gain a vast number of skills, consciously and subconsciously like being a team player, identifying a problem and finding solutions in the Jama‘at you are in. You learn how to be a valued member of a department. Holding firm onto the rope of Khilafat allows you to stay firm on the traditions of the Jama‘at. But I think the number one attribute I learnt from Jamia is what Huzoor said in our convocation, which was to remain loyal to Khilafat, just as Hazrat Ibrahimas was loyal to Allah the Almighty. That is truly the highest quality you must have to hold on to after Jamia. When you have no authority standing over you, will you read your 5 daily prayers, will you read the Quran regularly.

6. Where are you posted and what is your daily routine?
My postings have varied from field to office over the past 4 years. I gained valuable experiences in the Midlands for over 3 years, serving in Walsall, Wolverhampton, Leamington Spa and Birmingham. From there I was posted to Glasgow, Scotland for 5 months. And currently I am serving in MTA International Online Social Media. My routine involves staying on top of our social media platforms for MTA, having regular meetings with our international teams and studios around the world as well as Developing new and exciting educational websites. I am also working on having daily meetings with the central team. Being at Baitul Futuh allows us to pray together, have the Promised Messiah’sas langar, and also liaise with the other MTA departments.
7. How important is it for a Murrabi to keep in constant contact with KhalifatulMasihaba?
To have our Beloved Imamaa near us physically is a huge blessing but connecting with Huzoor regularly blesses all of our work, it strengthens our conviction for our ideas and gives us that spiritual support when we undertake any task. Having that peace of mind that our
Huzoor is aware of what our department is doing is a hugely satisfying feeling.
8. What are two things that you would advise the current Jamia students around the world?
Broaden your passions by being approachable by all types of people. Keep playing sports because that helps you become a team player.
9. What advice would you give to anyone who wants to join Jamia but is unsure about this life changing decision?
Be firm on your decision if you wish to go the Jamia. Get Huzoor’s guidance and prayers. Ultimately it will be your decision so do your research about what Jamia is, speak to Jamia students and graduates about what is to be expected of you and how to prepare. It is a life changing decision so proper preparation is necessary.
11. Not every Murrabi will be posted near Huzoor. What advice would you give for those Murrabian that are posted far away from Markaz and their families?
One thing which Huzoor says to those posted far away is to use that feeling of missing Huzoor to work even harder. That should be our sole motivation. To remain attached to our Khalifa in a spiritual sense no matter who you are, no matter where you are living. Being physically close to Huzoor does not necessarily mean you will be spiritually close. One must make a conscious effort to have that level of relationship.