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Rings of The Promised Messiahas

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In the Spotlight

Rings of the Promised Messiah

peace be upon him

To wear a ring is a Sunnah, practise of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be on him. However, the ring the Holy Prophetsawwore was not without a purpose. It showed the majesty of Allah and that the Prophetsaw was Allah’s messenger. The Holy Prophetsaw used his ring on the seal when writing to leaders of nations, which served as his signature. It read “Muhammad Rasulullah” – meaning, “Muhammad, the messenger of Allah”. What’s interesting is that the Holy Prophetsaw did not want his name – “Muhammad” – to be above “Allah” when it was inscribed on the ring.

Therefore the ring was read from the bottom upwards so that Allah’s name was at the top. This was the Prophet’s honour, respect and love for Allah.

The Holy Prophet’s ring was made out of silver and shined bright. (Sahih Bukhari). It was used by Hazrat Abu Bakrra, Hazrat Umarra, Hazrat Alira and Hazrat Uthmanra during their Khilafat and was lost during the era of Hazrat Uthmanra in a well and never found again.

The Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad followed the Sunnah of the Holy Prophetsaw and wore rings too that had meaning and purpose. He had three rings made and by Allah’s grace, these rings still exist today.

Many Ahmadis will be very familiar with the “Alaisallah” rings that are available to buy in many Jamaat events and shops. The full inscription on these rings is: ہﺪﺒﻋفﺎﮑﺑ اﺲﯿﻟا Meaning, “Is Allah not sufficient for His servant” and is actually a verse from the Holy Quran – Surah Az-Zumar, Ch.39. V.37. The Promised Messiahas had this ring made soon after the death of his father and the Quranic verse was actually a revelation he received from Allah when, for a moment, he began to worry who would take care his needs after his father passed away. This ring is the oldest and was made in 1876. (Al Fazl 10 December 1945)

The second ring of the Promised Messiahas – most likely made around 1892 – had the following revelation inscribed on it: ﯽﺗرﺪﻗوﯽﺘﻤﺣریﺪﯿﺑﮏﻟﺖﺳﺮﻏﮏﯿﻠﻋﺖﻤﻌﻧاﯽﺘﻟاﯽﺘﻤﻌﻧﺮﮐذا Meaning, “Remember My bounty that I bestowed upon you. I have planted for you a tree of My mercy and My power with My Own hand.”

The third ring was made around 1906 and was a gift. The Promised Messiahas had the Urdu words “Maula Bas” – “God is sufficient” – engraved on it.

(To find out more about the rings of the Promised Messiahas and who owned them after his demise, please visit the article: Rings of the Promised Messiahas on www.alhakam.org/rings-of-thepromised-messiah/)

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