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Ask a Murabbi

Ever since I was young, my father was very close to the Missionaries who travelled all the way from Pakistan to come and serve Islam in Africa. Most of the times, these Missionaries left their families back home and wouldn’t see them for years, but they happily served in the cause of Allah Almighty without complaints. It was amazing what these Missionaries did for the Gambians and how through their preaching and trainings, transformed the lives of thousands of people including my father, myself, my family and friends and brought us nearer to Allah Almighty. Growing up I could tell the diff erence between me and my non-Ahmadi Muslim friends. This inspired me a lot, so much so that I also wanted to become like these Missionaries one day when I grew up. I knew there are many good professions out there but to me the best way I knew I could serve Allah Almighty, my people and humanity at large is by becoming a Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.
Was there anyone who inspired you to become a Murabbi? Someone you looked up to in your childhood.
As a child, I had fond memories of one Missionary especially and that is Respected Daud Hanif Sahib. He served as Amir and Missionary in charge of the Gambia when I was a child and was a very close family friend as well. I remember my father used to allow us to go to the Mission house back then for weekends and holidays. If there is a person apart from my father that inspired me to become a Missionary, that will be Daud Hanif Sahib.
I think it is worth mentioning here that one Missionary who also inspired me and through who’s advice and guidance I got admission to Jamia Ahmadiyya UK is Respected Laeeq Ahmad Tahir Sahib, the fi rst Principal of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK. We met during his visit to the Gambia as a Markazi representative for Jalsa Salana
The Gambia 2007 and during that period I built a very strong bond with him. One day he asked whether I want to become a Missionary of the Jamaat and I answered him that to become a Missionary of the Jamaat is my only dream. Upon that he advised that I should apply to Jamia UK for admission. That is how and where my Jamia journey started.

Name three things that you experienced in your time studying in Jamia which changed you as a person.
First and foremost is the great bond that I grew with Allah Almighty and that of His Holiness Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba. I always attribute my success at Jamia to Huzoor, because without his kindness, love, guidance and time he gave, I would have never passed Jamia. That relationship has transformed me beyond imagination and the personal relationship I built with Huzoor Anwar is the best thing that happened to me in my life. Until this day I see myself sitting with my family and friends and talking about memories with Huzoor for hours. Of course, through that experience and with the guidance of our beloved Huzoor Anwar we built great connection with Allah the All-Mighty.

Second is that when I was going to Jamia I was young and I had to leave my home, my family, my friends, my country and move to a whole new environment. But that experience of leaving and starting a new life, living in a hostel with new people, developed me greatly into the person I am today. I met new friends be it my classmates, school mates and even teachers and these were amazing people. Jamia was like a close family for me and meeting diff erent people from diff erent backgrounds, helped me as a person. I used to always say that Jamia is like its own world and if one successfully passes through it, he can live anywhere in this world.
The third thing is the many activities we had in Jamia, be it the visits of Huzoor, the competitions, the hiking, the sports days, the intensity of the studies sometimes etc. These activities taught and prepared you for what you will fi nd in the real world when you graduate. So for me all those activities helped me a lot during my time in Jamia and even now as a missionary.
How has studying in Jamia prepared you for your posting?
As I said earlier on, going through the Jamia system and all the activities and the people you meet, helps prepare you for your posting. During our time in Jamia we had many mulaqats with Huzoor on several occasions and I remember Huzoor always gave very good advice and guidance that until this day serves as great help for me in my posting. I will say my Principal at Jamia Respected Mian Nasir Inam Ahmad Sahib, he inspired me a lot in Jamia and gave me lots of advice and guidance during my time in Jamia. All my teachers and friends in one way or the other helped prepare me for my posting. So I will say it’s a whole package but defi nitely studying in Jamia is an experience that prepares you for your posting anywhere in the world.
Where are you posted and what is your daily routine?
Currently I am posted at MTA International Gambia Studios. I am serving as the Co-ordinator of MTA Gambia. My daily routine depends on day to day but mostly it’s about meetings with the staff and also MTA central team in UK. Making sure that we achieve our monthly targets. As we are running our own MTA Gambia digital channel, I help to make sure that the channel is running smoothly and that we have good quality programmes to show our viewers. It’s challenging work but also fun at the same time because you are always engaged in doing something all the time and working with an amazing team be it MTA Gambia staff or MTA Markaz (UK) team. shows me and to always make him proud.
What are two things that you would advise the current Jamia students around the world?
To always keep that special bond with beloved Huzoor and even though you are in Jamia, write to Huzoor frequently praying for him and also requesting prayers for your success in Jamia.
Secondly, always be obedient to your teachers, respecting them and knowing that whatever they put you through whether you like it or not, is preparing you for the future. Enjoy your time in Jamia as a family and enjoy every moment especially with your classmates and friends because you will miss these times.
How important is it for a Murrabi to keep in constant contact with Hadhrat Khalifat-ul- Masih? What advice would you give to anyone who wants to join Jamia but is unsure about this life changing decision?
Keeping in contact with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih is one way that will be a source of success for a Murabbi. Huzoor should always be aware of what you are doing so that he can always remember you and pray for you. I know that whether we write to Huzoor or not, he is always praying for us as Murabbian, but keeping that personal contact with Huzoor will make him remember you even fondly. I am also happy that even after Jamia though I am posted far away from Huzoor but luckily I do meet Huzoor probably twice or three times in a year, he always remembers my name and also treats me like family. That inspires me a lot and keeps me going and working hard because I always want to repay Huzoor for the kindness he My advice will be that seek guidance and prayers from Huzoor. It is my belief that for any Ahmadi youth joining Jamia, it is the best decision that you will ever make in your life. Jamia may seem tough but once you are there, you will really love it and also life in the fi eld as well. The life of a Jamia student and that of a Murabbi is very rewarding.
Please share some personal stories or moments you had with Hadhrat Khalifatul-Masihaba?
During Jamia, by the grace of Allah Almighty we had many Mulaqats with Huzoor and every moment with Huzoor was remarkably amazing and
Normally when I would go for Mulaqat I wear African dress and the reason for that is because I am from Africa and Huzoor loves it when I wear African dress. So in one particular Mulaqat I was wearing an African dress that had cuffl inks on them instead of buttons. So Huzoor asked ‘what is that?’ I told him ‘Cuffl inks’ and he said ‘these are called Studs’, then jokingly I told Huzoor nowadays they are called Cuffl inks. Huzoor then smiled and said ‘ok let’s have a look’. So he brought his iPad out and called me to come and stand next to him so that we can search it together on Google. When Huzoor typed Stud, I was amazed to see that cuffl inks came up as well. I never knew cuffl inks were once called studs. After that, Huzoor smiled and told me to give me his iPad charger, which was connected to an adapter. I then asked Huzoor ‘only the cable or the whole charger?’ to which he replied ‘the whole charger’. I then unplugged it and gave it to Huzoor and I sat down and Huzoor continued his conversation with me. This Mulaqat was very special because Huzoor was very kind that he took his time to search ‘studs’ on his iPad and called me over so that we can see the results together.
During my fi rst year of Jamia (then Jamia was in Colliers Wood, London) every Friday we would go to Baitul Futuh to off er Jummah behind Huzoor. I remember in one of the Friday Sermons, I was sitting in the third or fourth row but directly in front of Huzoor, listening to his Sermon. Those days I used the translation radio so that I can listen to the sermon in English because I could not fully understand Urdu, so I was wearing the radio over my ear. I remember Huzoor was looking at me while delivering his Friday Sermon. Then two or three weeks later, I had Mulaqat with Huzoor and during my Mulaqat Huzoor asked me ‘how do you listen to my Sermon?’. I told Huzoor I use the radio and listen to his Sermon in English. Huzoor then told me ‘from now on always listen to my Sermon in Urdu live and when you return back to Jamia, listen to the repeat in English to see how much you understood’. I felt happy and honoured that Huzoor, despite his busy engagements, gave attention to Jamia

The amazing thing is that even after Jamia, Huzoor remembers us and whenever we meet him during Mulaqats or weather he is passing by and we are standing on the side, he always shows us that love he used to show us during our Jamia days.
I remembered in 2019 I went to attend Jalsa Salana UK and Eid was a week or so after the Jalsa. So we booked our return tickets so that we can return back to Gambia and attend the Eid there. Our return day was on a Saturday and Eid was on a Monday, and it was on that Saturday we had Mulaqat with Huzoor as part of Gambian delegates. I remember we packed all our luggage in the car and from Mulaqat we were to go to the airport. When we went into Huzoor’s offi ce we had a very wonderful time with Huzoor. When we were leaving Huzoor’s offi ce, I was the last one behind so Huzoor called me back. Huzoor then told me ‘You are doing Eid here with me’. I replied my return tickets to Gambia have been booked for today. Huzoor then smiled and gave me a gift. When I went out of Huzoor’s offi ce, and switched my phone on, I immediately received an email/message from the airline that my fl ight is cancelled for that day and will be leaving the day after Eid-ul-Adha. So I remembered Huzoor’s word “You are doing Eid here with me”. That year I prayed Eid behind Huzoor and the day after Eid, I returned back to Gambia. This and many other events are so inspiring to me and always increase my love for Huzoor and the Institution of Khilafat.
Not every Murrabi will be posted near Huzoor. What advice would you give for those Murrabian that are posted far away from Markaz and their families?
The advice is that every Murabbi should remember that wherever you may be, however far you may be posted from Huzoor, one thing that should keep you happy is that Huzoor is always praying for every Murabbi of this Jamaat no matter where he is posted. The most important thing is that every Murabbi should always keep contact with Huzoor by regularly writing to Huzoor and keeping him updated with whatever he is doing. Every Murabbi should also always continue praying for Huzoor at all times, requesting Jamaat members to pray for Huzoor as well.