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10 Successful Years of Maryam

Jama’at – especially those who have become distant – and see how they were doing. Beloved Hazuraba knew that with this sort of social isolation, mental illness – depression, anxiety, etc. – would be on the rise and it was important for everyone, especially ofce bearers, to check up on our fellow brothers and sisters and help them in their time of need as we never know what others are going through. He reminded us all of the importance of compassion and maintaining ties with our fellow Jama’at members.

Of course, these lovely virtual mulaqats highlighted another aspect for me – that while we all missed being in the presence of Hazuraba, he also missed us. Watching the highlights from the Waqf-e-Nau UK virtual mulaqat on This Week with Hazur, hearing beloved Hazuraba request one of the participants to take of their masks so he could see their face, ‘Shakal dekha do na mujhe apni thori si’ (This Week with Hazur, March 5, 2021) – that exchange was so sweet and loving, it had me tear up. As Hazuraba mentioned how much time had passed since he had seen this group of Waqf-e-Nau, commenting on how well they had grown, it made me appreciate the opportunities I had had in the past to see Hazuraba and the connection I had built through writing letters regularly. It also further endeared Hazur-e-Anwaraba to me, as I had never thought about what the pandemic must have been like for him. In all this time, seeing Hazuraba take on so many tours of various countries, some back-toback, one would think that the lockdowns would have given Hazur-e-Anwaraba much needed time to rest. Yet, throughout the pandemic Hazur’saba schedule hasn’t let up, considering the number of virtual meetings, online programs, etc., that have taken place.

Taking into consideration Hazur’saba workload before COVID and even now, it bafes me how he is able to manage so much. Hazur-e-Anwaraba creates and takes every available opportunity to meet with the Jama’at and allow as many people to personally meet him as possible. He makes each individual feel as if they are the only one in Hazur’saba presence. For instance, I remember during one of Hazur’saba early visits to Canada, there wasn’t enough time to have many individual/family mulaqats. So, Jama’ati mulaqats were arranged. Hazuraba met with each member for a few seconds as we passed him in the old mission house hallway, allowing us to say our Salam and asking if we were Waqf-e-Nau – giving us Twix bars and pens as we walked through. Funnily enough, I didn’t think Hazuraba had heard my mother say that both my sister and I were Waqf-e-Nau over the group chatter. So, I said my Salam and was prepared to mope as I walked through the hallway, yet Hazuraba stopped me and handed me the Twix Bar and pen before allowing me to proceed. That feeling of being seen during such a hectic occasion, showed me how

closely Hazuraba observes us, even when we don’t think we are noticeable or worthy of being given his attention.

“Everyday the relationship between me and the community grows stronger and stronger…Almighty Allah is fulflling the promise made to the Promised Messiah (as) in the revelation, ‘I am with you and with those whom you love.’”

When we take a closer look, we realize how much Hazur-e-Anwaraba sacrifces in order to maintain a connection with the Jama’at and its members. As it is Allah the Almighty Who has entrusted him with this enormous responsibility, Hazuraba sacrifces his time and sleep to be able to spend as much time with members in various meetings, events, countries, etc., as possible. During mulaqats Hazur-e-Anwaraba recognizes numerous individuals that he meets with, having watched many of us grow up. Hazuraba makes us feel comfortable, speaking about diferent subjects and making small talk, emphasizing our need to take care of ourselves whether by being punctual with our namaz or ensuring that we get enough sleep. Hazur-e-Anwaraba is also keenly aware of what we write to him. I have observed many times when my father has sent letters requesting prayers for the Abdus Salam Science Fair or some other event, Hazur’saba reply comes with a purposeful question, wondering if the event went well – as though eagerly awaiting the details of the event.

“God has gifted me with hearts that are ready to sacrifce anything at my call.” Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra).

Considering the time Hazur-e-Anwaraba spends on guiding Waqf-e-Nau, be it through classes, mulaqats, and letters – he takes great interest in each aspect of our lives as we grow, and Hazuraba gives careful consideration in aiding us to choose schools and careers that will be of beneft to the Jama’at. Our best interests are at the core of his decisions. His love for us and the Jama’at are ever-present in this. Therefore, it is no surprise that as Waqf-e-Nau, we are often reminded of the sacrifces that we may one day be called upon to ofer for the sake of Allah and the Jama’at. Whether it is our time, wealth, children or ourselves, it is an aspect we are perpetually prepared for. It is when these sacrifces are made that we understand how deep of a connection Hazur-e-Anwaraba has with not only Waqf-e-Nau but the Jama’at as a whole. Recently, upon the demise of Syed Taalay Ahmed Shaheed, we saw the emotions of beloved Hazuraba peek through the surface. For the most part, if memory serves correct, I’ve always observed Hazur-e-Anwaraba to be very collected, no matter how emotional the subject. This was one of the few occasions where I could feel how profoundly the loss had afected Hazuraba. I don’t think there was a dry eye for all those watching that Friday Sermon, as Hazuraba spoke of him being a diamond of Khilafat and gave witness to his fulfllment of his Waqf. Those words and the emotion associated to them will never leave my memory. It also bears in mind the high standards that we, as Waqf-e-Nau, must strive to fulfll.

“Before sleeping at night there is no country of the world that I do not visit in my imagination and no Ahmadi for whom I do not pray whilst sleeping and whilst awake. I am not doing any favour because this is my duty.” (Friday Sermon delivered on 6th June 2014 Frankfurt, Germany)

When it comes to putting into words a Khalifa’s love for his Jama’at, I have not scratched the surface, even with the focus being Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V aba. The bond that we have with Hazur-e-Anwaraba and how he considers our sentiments, it cannot be considered anything other than love for this Jama’at. Just knowing that Hazuraba – after a long day of meetings and whatever else his schedule must include, the worries he must be dealing with – takes time before going to sleep to think about each country and prays to Allah for each Ahmadi, is enough for me to believe that my Khalifa loves me and this Jama’at.

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