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Kids’ Spread

Respecting Parents

Razia Aliya Ahmad, 8 years old, Singapore

Dear friends, did you know our parents are the most important people in the world? They are very special and a beautiful gift given to us by Allah. They love us, care for us, guide us, teach us, do so much for us and help us to be the best Ahmadi Muslims! Allah the Almighty mentions in the Holy Qur’an in Chapter 17, verse 24: اسحا دلاول و

which means: “and show kindness to parents” - meaning we should be good and kind to our parents.

Allah the Almighty also tells us not to say ‘uff’ to our parents or make them unhappy, rather, Allah says we should speak to them with kind words and respect them. In a Hadith, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw said, “The pleasure of the Lord lies in the pleasure of the parent. The anger of the Lord lies in the anger of the parent”[1]. After Allah, it is our parents who love us the most. Allah gave us parents to show us just a little bit of how much He loves us. When we make our parents happy, we are making Allah happy too.

In a class[2] with our beloved Hazuraba, a child asked how we can show respect to our parents. Hazuraba answered, “you should show respect by listening to them, if they ask you to say your prayers, you should say your prayers, and if they ask you to do your homework, you should do your homework.” I also try my best to respect my parents. Sometimes when I see my parents are unhappy because I did not listen to them, or I did not clean up after playing or I did not share with my brother, it saddens me and I do not like it that I have upset them. But when I do try to listen to them I feel happy that my parents are happy too.

Parents are a precious gift by Allah. We must treat them well and be good to them so Allah is happy with us too. May Allah enable us to always show respect and love to our parents and may He enable us to be good Ahmadi Muslims. Let us all together pray for our parents with the beautiful prayer Allah has taught us in the Holy Qur’an (17:25):

ا غص يبرا امہ رابر

‘My Lord, have mercy on them even as they nourished me in my childhood.’ Ameen

References [1] Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 2 [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iBSNsa5rnI

Kid’s Spread Khilafat and Obedience

Did you know?

• The world Khilafat means succession • A Khalifa is a successor to a prophet of Allah • Allah the Almighty appoints every prophet and every Khalifa too • One of the main roles of a Khalifa is to continue to carry out the message of the Prophet • The Holy Prophet (saw) said that an Imam (Khalifa) is a like a shield that protects us. In order to be safe behind the shield, we need to be perfectly obedient! • The Holy Prophet (saw) said whoever obeys his ameer (Khalifa) obeys him and whoever disobeys his ameer (Khalifa) disobeys him! • Khilafat gives us peace of mind and makes us feel secure that we always have someone to turn to! • Khilafat is a blessing for us and helps us to always stay on the right path • Khilafat helps unite us as a community- when all our talents and skills are channeled together by our Khalifa, it becomes easier for the Jama’at to achieve our goals

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