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Both Islamic and Biblical scripts predict of wars and destruction, again to be a sign of the coming of the awaited messiah.
Jesusas states that people will claim to be the messiah, but people should only believe this person when this situation arises:
“Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.”9
During the 19th Century, Mahdi of Sudan, Alexander Dowie of Zion, IL U.S.A, Joseph Smith of the Mormon Church, Ali Muhammad Bab/ Bahaullah of Bahai faith and Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas had all claimed to be a prophet or messiah10; thus proving what Jesusas had said. But how are we to decipher who is true?
Jesusas says about his second coming to his disciples:
“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars”11
Biblical scripts therefore state that his people should only believe the one claiming to be the messiah when there will be many wars, and by “rumours”, we can deduce that this means when the claimant predicts wars.
During the time of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas there were no less than 12 wars12:
1. The war between China and England, terminated in the loss of Hong Kong to England and a treaty was signed in 1842
2. The Crimean War 1854
3. The Indian Mutiny 1857
4. France and Italy against Australia in 1859
5. Civil war of United States 1861 to 1865
6. Franco Prussian War 1870 to 1871
7. Russian Turkey War 1877 to 1878
8. China and Japan 1890 to 1900
9. Turkey and Greece 1890 to 1900.
10. Spain and America 1890 to 1900
11. Invasion of China 1890 to 1900
12. The Boer War 1890 to 1902
13. The war of 1812 U.S.A. Against Canada and Britain
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas also prophesised the coming of World War 1. In April 1905, he received the prophecy:
‘[…] A calamity (lit. earthquake) resembling Doomsday. Save your lives. Indeed, Allah is with the pious. My Grace has drawn close to you. Truth has come and falsehood has vanished.’13
Explaining this he stated:
“[I]t would be more terrible than the ones before. It would be awful in its intensity. Were I not forced to disclose all this out of my deep sympathy for my fellow beings I would not have mentioned it.… Hearken! I have warned you. The earth listens as does the heavens that whoever, departing from righteousness, is inclined towards mischief and pollutes the earth with his viciousness will be seized. God Almighty warns that His wrath is about to descend upon the earth, for the earth is filled with sin and vice. Then arise and be warned that the end is near as had been foretold by the previous prophets. I call Him to witness Who has sent me that all this is from Him and not from me. Would that my warnings were viewed in good faith. Would that I were not treated as a liar, so that the world would escape ruin. … Otherwise, the day is approaching which will turn men mad. The unfortunate fool will say: These are all lies. Alas! Why is he in such deep sleep when the sun is about to rise?”14
The prophecy was published in many newspapers, and also translated and sent to many countries around the world. These ‘rumours’ became a reality in 1914, just 9 years after the prophecy was received when World War 1 started. This was a great sign for the truth of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas and his claim to be the Promised Messiahas