1 minute read
The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophetssaw
Writings of the Promised Messiahas
Kind Treatment of Women
The Holy Prophetsaw is the perfect example for us in every aspect of life. Study his life and see how he conducted himself in relation to women. In my esteem, a man who stands up against a woman is a coward and not a man. If you study the life of the Holy Prophetsaw you will find that he was so gracious that, despite his station of dignity, he would stop even for an old woman and would not move on until she permitted him to do so.
Islam and the Rights of Women
No other religion has safeguarded the rights of women as Islam has done. It lays down the injunction so succinctly:
‘Just as men have rights upon women, so do women have rights upon men.’1
It is said of some people that they treat their wives like shoes and require them to perform the lowliest of services. They abuse them and despise them and enforce the injunction regarding the veil with such harshness, as to virtually bury them alive.
The relationship between a husband and wife should be like two true and sincere friends. After all, it is the wife who is the primary witness of a man’s high moral qualities and his relationship with God Almighty. If his relationship with his wife is not good, how can he be at peace with God? The Holy Prophetsaw has said:
نھیلع یذلا لثم نلو
لھل ک�خ ک�خ
[Malfuzat, vol. 5, pp. 417-418] [Essence of Islam Volume III, p.322-323]
1 Surah Al-Baqarah:229