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Dear Parent / Carer, Choosing options marks a milestone in your child’s educational journey; it is the point at which individual students have greater freedoms and responsibilities to shape their curriculum. We realise that making these choices can seem a little daunting for some students. Therefore, we have designed the process to support the students in their choices and to ensure that all of them will benefit from a balanced curriculum.
The option choices process means that the outcome for all students will be a broad and balanced curriculum. Ultimately, students' decisions concerning their options should play to their strengths and interests. Some additional consideration should also be given to likely career choices and the subjects students may select at Key Stage 5. These may feel like a long way into the future; however, they should be considered when making option choices. Extra consideration may be given as to whether or not you believe your child should follow the government’s EBacc pathway. In order to follow the EBacc, a student must study the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, alongside a language and a humanities subject. The government has put great emphasis on this particular pathway, which is argued by some to provide a more academically balanced curriculum. However, please be aware that following this pathway will have the effect of limiting the student to just one further option, rather than two. We also include in our range of subjects a number of Cambridge Nationals; these qualifications are GCSE equivalents, but differ in the way they are assessed. Generally, they include a mix of examinations and coursework-based assessments. This may be a more suitable selection for students who find traditional examinations more challenging. On the facing page, you will find information regarding the timeline, which builds towards the completion of the process in the Summer Term. We hope that you will find the information in this booklet, along with the presentation video and access to subject leaders, provides you and your child with all that you need to make appropriate choices. Students will be receiving additional information, support and guidance through their lessons in the coming days. Be assured that Warlingham staff will continue to challenge and support your child, whichever subject choices they make, helping them to GCSE success and beyond. Yours sincerely,
Mr P Seward Deputy Headteacher