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GCSE Business Studies
GCSE Business Studies
Business Studies is about the real world. For this reason, students will experience the real world, studying real businesses as part of the course and all Year 10 Business Studies students will be given the opportunity to take part in an organised trip to see a business in action (currently Chelsea Football Club). In lessons, they will be involved in individual, paired and group work, often being asked to suggest solutions to business problems. They will also be set projects that require them to apply the type of skills that make them “stand out from the crowd”. For example, they will work in a team on a “Dragons’ Den” style project, inspired by the hit TV programme and Levi Roots’ visit to the School.
Information Technology (IT) forms an integral part of the course and students will regularly use the Business Centre’s IT facilities to extend their studies beyond the four walls of the classroom.
Students cover all aspects of starting a new business, and growing as a business. This includes such topics as: Aims and Objectives of Business, Production, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations Management and Location.
The course is made up of two units. In both units students will take a written examination paper which consists of calculations, multiple-choice, short-answer and extended-writing questions By the end of the two-year course, students will not only have gained a much deeper understanding of the business world, but will also have developed the employability skills much sought after by industry today. ASSESSMENT FORMAT
Edexcel GCSE Business
Assessment is based on two examination papers (each accounting for 50% of the final mark) which consist of calculations, multiple-choice, short-answer and extendedwriting questions.
Employers of the future are going to want employees who can make a difference. They will of course be interested in qualifications; however, perhaps more importantly, they are going to want employees who are equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding to get the job done, i.e. employability skills!
This course is also ideal preparation for advanced level study in a range of courses, particularly A Level Economics and A Level Business. It is an excellent base for any career or for potential entrepreneurs!
http://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-gcses/business2017.html Mr Mills