Warlingham School
Supplementary Information 2017
PROCEDURES FOR ENTRY INTO YEAR 7 IN SEPTEMBER 2018 Applying for a place at Warlingham School If you have any queries regarding admissions to Year 7 at Warlingham School, please contact Mrs S. Chesterman by phone (01883 624067 Ext. 2015) or e-mail s.chesterman@warlinghamschool.co.uk. You are advised to check our website (www.warlinghamschool.co.uk) for the full version of the Admissions Policy. Method One For children living within the Surrey LA Area and born between 01.09.06 and 31.08.07 For these children, parents will receive information from Surrey LA which will be given out by the Headteacher of the Primary School attended together with details on how to make the application. This information should reach parents at the beginning of September 2017. If a Surrey resident does not receive the details from the Primary School, please contact Warlingham School.
half of our current students live in the London Borough of Croydon and a few come from the Sutton and Bromley areas. Those wishing to apply for Warlingham School who live outside of the Surrey LA area should name Warlingham as a chosen school on the form already distributed by their “home” LA and return it to their “home” LA in accordance with their instructions. The “home” LA will automatically pass the application to Surrey. Non-Surrey LA applicants whose children were born between 01.09.06 and 31.08.07 and who decide to apply to Warlingham after 31st October 2017 should contact the school and their “home” LA for advice. LA = Local Authority
Admissions for September 2017 Total Preferences: 870 Published Admission Number: 240
The closing date for applications is 31st October 2017.
Admissions Policy
Parents of children born between the above dates where children attend Surrey schools but who have not made a return by 31st October should, as soon as they know they wish to apply, write to the Admissions and Transport Policy Team, Quadrant Court, 35 Guildford Road, Woking, Surrey GU22 7QQ stating the name, date of birth and school of their child and requesting a place at Warlingham in September 2018. As a late application, your preference may not be considered at the same time as those meeting the deadline. Alternatively, please contact the school for further advice.
Warlingham School is part of a multi-academy trust and is its own admissions authority. Its current admission arrangements fall within the Surrey Admission Policy. These are coordinated for the new Year 7 cohort by the Admissions’ Office at the Admissions and Transport Policy Team, Quadrant Court, 35 Guildford Road, Woking, Surrey GU22 7QQ.
Method Two For children living outside the Surrey LA Area and born between 01.09.06 and 31.08.07 As a school located on the border of two authorities we will be working closely with both Surrey and Croydon LAs (and, indeed, other neighbouring authorities). Although we are a multi-academy trust school located in Surrey,
Warlingham School is allowed an intake of 240 students into each year group (this is known as the planned admission number – PAN). After the closing date for applications has been reached, each applicant is listed on a database which is shared between local authorities as part of a coordinated admissions scheme. Places will be offered in accordance with equal preference rules. If Warlingham School is oversubscribed, the following criteria will be used to allocate places: 1. Looked after and previously looked after children Supplementary Information 2017
PROCEDURES FOR ENTRY INTO YEAR 7 IN SEPTEMBER 2018 Children who are registered as being in the care of a Local Authority or provided with accommodation by a local authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989(a), e.g. fostered or living in a children’s home, at the time an application for a school is made; and children who have previously been in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by a local authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989(a) and who have left that care through adoption, a child arrangements order (in accordance with Section 8 of the Children Act 1989 and as amended by the Children and Families Act 2014) or special guardianship order (in accordance with Section 14A of the Children Act 1989). 2. Exceptional social/medical needs Occasionally there will be a very small number of children for whom exceptional social or medical circumstances will apply which will warrant a placement at a particular school. If you wish to apply under a school’s exceptional medical or social criterion, you must provide additional information and professional written evidence to support your case. This needs to demonstrate clearly why you feel it is essential for your child to attend Warlingham School and why no other school can meet your child’s needs. Supporting evidence should be provided from a professional, such as a social worker, health visitor, housing officer, the police, probation officer, doctor and/or hospital consultant. Providing professional evidence does not guarantee that your child will receive priority at Warlingham School. The decision will be made by the admission authority for the school which will consider whether the circumstances warrant a child being placed at Warlingham School above any other and whether they should give the child priority over other applicants who, for example, have siblings at the school or who may live closer. Please note that exceptional arrangements are normally only granted to the child’s nearest school. If Warlingham School is not your child’s nearest school you should explain why the nearest school cannot meet your child’s needs. Parents are responsible for providing the evidence to support an application Supplementary Information 2017
for a medical or social placement. Any application that does not have supporting evidence will not be given priority; neither the local authority for Warlingham School is responsible for ensuring parents provide it. Please note that it is not possible for routine child-minding arrangements to be taken into account. 3. Brothers and Sisters (siblings) After ‘exceptional arrangements’, places are then offered to siblings. A sibling is a child who will have a brother or sister (that is, another child of the same parents) whether living at the same address or not, or a halfbrother or half-sister, adopted or fostered brother or sister or step-brother or step-sister living as part of the same family unit at the same address (Monday to Friday) still at the school concerned at the time of another sibling’s admission. This includes students in sixth form provision at the school. A sibling will be given priority for admission only if he/she has a sibling who will still be at the school in September 2017. If, at the time of admission, your child will have a sibling at the school, you must show this on your preference form in order to be given sibling priority. 4.Children of a member of the staff of Warlingham School After siblings, places are offered to children of a member of staff of Warlingham School, where the member of staff has been employed at the school for a minimum of two years by 31 October in the year preceding that for which admission is being sought or children of a member of the staff of Warlingham School, where the member of staff has been employed at the school to fill a vacant post, for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage. For in year admissions the date that eligibility will be assessed will initially be the date that the application is made or if a child’s name is added to the waiting list, the date a place becomes available. Members of staff should complete the Supplementary Information Form and the main application form. A copy of the form can be accessed from the school website.
PROCEDURES FOR ENTRY INTO YEAR 7 IN SEPTEMBER 2018 5. Children who live within the fixed catchment area* After siblings, places are then offered to those who live within the catchment area. If there is an over-subscription then places will be allocated in order of distance from the home to the school with those living nearest given the highest priority (see 6 for how this is measured). 6. Any Other Applicant Tie Breaker The final priority will be given to those living closest to the school. Home to school distance will be measured in a straight line from the address point of the pupil’s house, as set by Ordnance Survey to the nearest school gate for pupils to use. This is calculated using the Admission and Transport team’s Geographical Information System. Where two or more children share a priority for a place, in any category e.g. where two children live equidistant from the school within the catchment area and only one place remains, Governors will draw lots to determine which child should be given priority. In the case of multiple births where children are ranked consecutively in their order of priority for a place and there are not sufficient vacancies remaining for each of them, wherever is logistically possible, each child will be offered a place. Where it is not logistically possible to offer each child a place the child(ren) to be offered the last remaining place(s) will be determined by the drawing of lots.
Additional Information Children with a statement of special educational needs or an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be allocated to the school before other applicants are considered and the number of places available will be reduced by the number of children with a statement that has named the school.
formed using the criteria above. In-year applications are administered by the school. Applicants may choose to seek places outside of their child’s chronological year group. Decisions will be made on the basis of the circumstances of each case. Applicants must state clearly why they feel admission to a different year group is in the child’s best interest and provide evidence to support this. More information on educating children out of their chronological year group is available at www.surreycc.gov.uk/admissions. The normal Appeals Procedure is available for all those not granted a place and full details of how to appeal can be obtained from the Surrey County Council Contact Centre on 0300 200 1004. * You can find out about the catchment area for this school by accessing the school’s website (www.warlinghamschool.co.uk) or Surrey SMART online web page at http://findaschool.surreycc.gov.uk/admissions (catchment area map shown on Annex 9). You may also telephone the Surrey Schools and Childcare Service on 0300 200 1004. All children excluded by the Admissions Policy criteria are offered a place on the waiting list. If the school is oversubscribed, the children of those parents who made an application after 31st October will automatically be added to the waiting list. The normal Appeals Procedure is available for all those not granted a place and full details of how to appeal can be obtained from the Surrey County Council Contact Centre on 0300 200 1004. Waiting lists for in-year applications where year groups are already at PAN are formed using the criteria above. In-year applications are administered by the school.
All children who are unsuccessful in their application for a place will automatically be added to the waiting list. If the school is oversubscribed, the children of those parents who made an application after 31st October will also automatically be added to the waiting list. Waiting lists for in-year applications where year groups are already at PAN are
Supplementary Information 2017
OFSTED In February 2017, the School was inspected by Ofsted and judged to be ‘Good’.
The Ofsted Parent View online survey was completed by 116 parents and carers, and also provided some very positive feedback such as:
As a school judged to be ‘Good’ following our previous Ofsted inspection in 2013, we received one of the relatively new Section 8 one-day inspections. As a result we don’t receive a full report (as would happen under a twoday Section 5 inspection) but a letter to the Headteacher from the Lead Inspector confirming that Warlingham continues to be a good school and that Safeguarding remains effective. The Inspectors spoke very highly of our Safeguarding procedures and policy and commented that ‘Pupils are safe, they know how to stay safe and know who to turn to if they have any issues.’ The Inspectors were also extremely impressed with the behaviour, the good manners, politeness and engagement shown by our students.
• 98% agreed that their child is well looked after at this school. • 97% agreed that their child is happy at this school. • 96% agreed that they would recommend Warlingham School to another parent.
The Ofsted letter to Mr Bradwell highlights the following features of the school: • The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. • Many members of staff expressed their pride in the school and confidence in senior leaders. • The headteacher and other senior leaders are open and honest in their evaluation of the school. They know its strengths and weaknesses well. • There is an open culture where everyone works together to improve progress for all pupils and students. • The headteacher and other leaders are improving teaching. Teachers have access to a wide range of professional development opportunities and they actively share good practice, which is improving the quality of teaching overall. Areas for improvement had already been identified in the School’s own selfevaluation and built into the School Improvement Plan: • Provision for 16 to 19 students offers effective challenge for all abilities. • Unauthorised absence of disadvantaged pupils reduces, to bring their attendance in line with the rest of the school so that their progress improves. Supplementary Information 2017
The full Ofsted letter to the Headteacher is available on our website, www. warlinghamschool.co.uk. For further details about Ofsted and the Inspection framework, please visit the Ofsted section on the GOV.UK website (www.gov.uk/government/ organisations/ofsted).
POLICIES SUMMARY Following are summaries of some policies which may be of interest to prospective parents and students. Full details of these policies are available by request and many can be found on our school website, www. warlinghamschool.co.uk.
Assembly Policy This policy aims to reflect the multi-cultural, multi-faith school community at the school in which the broadly Christian values of individual and collective responsibility, tolerance and respect are at the core of an ethos that directs all aspects of our work. The policy underlines the work carried out during tutor time, house, year and main school assemblies and how the school aims to provide its students with the opportunity to explore these values and apply them to the world they live in as well as using these occasions to develop students’ spiritual, moral and cultural awareness. Assemblies will be a time for students to contemplate a significant idea or issue within the framework of their own beliefs.
Attendance Policy This policy emphasises the measures in place to ensure good attendance by making sure that all students receive a full-time education and that the school strives to provide an environment which supports the aims of the school. The policy explains that all school staff will work with students and their families to ensure each student attends school regularly and punctually. It details how good attendance is promoted and celebrated and how punctuality in combination with effective strategies and interventions will ensure that students are safe, healthy and prepared for the future world of work.
Overall School attendance Years 7-11 from September 2016 to May 2017 was 94.9% Behaviour for Learning Policy This policy underlines the high-quality learning environment which is supported by effective management of student behaviour. All members of
the School community are expected to support the school ethos and help maintain an atmosphere which is conducive to learning underpinned by mutual respect and courtesy. Our Anti-Bullying Policy provides the framework for preventing and tackling any incidences of bullying.
Curriculum Policy This policy provides an overarching framework that translates the values and aims of the school into effective teaching and learning. The policy covers both the National Curriculum, which provides the legal foundation and secures an entitlement for all pupils, and all that is learned in school, formally and informally, and within and beyond the school day.
Equal Opportunities Policy This policy aims to promote equality for all students, staff, parents, carers, governors and other visitors in all areas of school life, regardless of age, disability / health status, ethnic and national origin, marital status, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, social class and/or learning potential. The policy aims to embrace the diversity of the community we serve and as such celebrate all groups represented within it. It incorporates the Disability Equality Scheme which outlines how we fulfil our duty to ensure disability equality and an action plan to further improve our provision.
Homework Policy This policy outlines how a good, well-managed homework programme helps children to develop the skills and attitudes they will need for successful lifelong learning. Homework also supports the development of independent learning skills, and provides parents with an opportunity to take part in their children’s education. The school’s aim in setting homework is: • To help students develop good work habits and independent study skills. • To help students to become self-disciplined and self-motivated towards study. Supplementary Information 2017
POLICIES SUMMARY • To enable students to practise and reinforce skills learned in the classroom. • To consolidate and extend work begun in class. • To enrich study by making greater use of material and sources of information which may not be available in the classroom. • To involve parents and carers in the management of students’ learning and keeping them informed about the work students are doing.
we refer to in our prospectus. All staff (including supply staff, volunteers and governors) must ensure that they are aware of these procedures. Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.
The policy explains that homework should not be the imposition of a random chore and that if it is done well, it enhances the class work which precedes and follows it. At the same time, homework builds up the competence and confidence of the students and the morale of the class in general.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is currently Mrs Needs (Assistant Head).
Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy
• To identify and assess any given student’s SEND at the earliest stage possible. • To have strategies in place that allow for appropriate provision to meet those needs once they have been identified. • To ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities in relation to identifying, assessing and meeting students’ needs. • To ensure that students have opportunities to express their point of view about their needs and the provision that may be made to meet those needs. • To work in partnership with an appropriate range of external support agencies.
This policy provides an overarching framework that will provide students with an environment in which the process of learning and teaching is productive, inspiring and helps raise achievement. The policy details the methods employed by the school to provide resources and assessment for learning, independent learning strategies and inclusion in learning. Teachers will be using our ‘Progress Pyramid’ to ensure lessons are inspiring, challenging and allow students time to reflect on the marking and feedback they receive.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy The objectives of this policy are:
Uniform Policy This policy details the school’s uniform code, the manner in which it is worn, its reflection on the school and the school’s standards. It highlights that all students are responsible for ensuring that they present themselves neatly, adhering to the requirements of the uniform code. It also provides information on how/where to purchase school branded items.
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. This means that we have a Child Protection Policy and procedures in place which Supplementary Information 2017
EXAMINATION SUCCESS Key Stage 4 Warlingham School is delighted to be celebrating an outstanding set of GCSE exam results – 73% of students achieved pass grades 4-9 in both English and Maths. Individual subject pass marks in English Language, English Literature and Maths were all significantly above the national level. The percentage of students achieving top grades (7-9) in both English and Maths has also seen a notable increase. Achievement across all subjects has been excellent, with 70% of students gaining five or more A*-C / 4-9 grades. Mr Bradwell, Headteacher, was delighted that the hard work of students and teachers has been rewarded. He said “This year, there has been a genuine concern shared by students, parents and staff, that the new GCSEs, and the new grading system in English and Maths could disadvantage this year’s cohort. So I am particularly pleased with the outstanding results achieved by Warlingham students this year. They have been rewarded for all their hard work over the last two years and it is a real pleasure to see so many excited students and proud parents this morning. Not only have we seen a marked increase in the number of top grades achieved in English and Maths, but also students across the whole ability range have achieved or exceeded their personal targets. I am confident that this group of students are particularly well-equipped to go on to the next stage of their education either here at Warlingham Sixth Form or at college knowing that they have attained such excellent GCSE grades. Congratulations to all of them and I would also like to thank all the staff at Warlingham School for all their efforts in supporting the students.” • 73% of students achieved grades 4-9 in both English and Maths • 85% of students achieved grade 4-9 in English (Language or Literature ) • 70% of students achieved five or more A*-C / 4-9 grades
This year’s top performing students were: Rhianna Patel - three 9 grades and seven A*grades Katie Day – two 9 grades, two A* grades, one 7 grade and four A grades
Daisy Millington – one 9 grade, two 8 grades, five A* grades and two A grades Elizabeth Sharp – one 9 grade, one 8 grade, six A* grades, one 7 grade and one A grade Anastasia Matsenko – one 9 grade, one 8 grade, three A* grades, three A grades and one 6 grade William Brown – three 8 grades, five A* grades, one A grade and one B grade Samantha Redman - two 8 grades, two A* grades, one 7 grade, , four A grades and one B grade Molly Beaven – two 8 grades, two A* grades, one 7 grade, three A grades and one B grade James Williams – two 8 grades, four A* grades, two A grades, one 6 grade and one B grade Amir Pandya – two 8 grades, two A* grades, four A grades and one 6 grade Harriet Emery – one 8 grade, three A* grades, one 7 grade, four A grades and one 6 grade David Stevens – one 8 grade, three A* grades, one 7 grade, four A grades and one 6 grade
Warlingham National
Students who achieved English Language 4-9 grades Students who achieved English Language 5-9 grades Students who achieved English Literature 4-9 grades Students who achieved English Literature 5-9 grades
Mathematics Students who achieved Mathematics 4-9 grades Students who achieved Mathematics 5-9 grades
76% 54% 78% 60%
65% 48% 72% 55%
Warlingham National 77% 51%
69% 48%
Supplementary Information 2017
EXAMINATION RESULTS Key Stage 5 Warlingham School is delighted to announce another set of excellent A Level and AS results this year and would like to congratulate students on their outstanding performance. The A*-E pass rate (or equivalent in vocational grades) achieved at A Level/BTec was an impressive 98%, with 68% achieving A*-C (or equivalent). Especially pleasing was the number of A*/A grades achieved by the Russell Group cohort of students, and an impressive Vocational pass rate of 100% with an average grade of Distinction+. There were a number of excellent individual successes at A Level, including the following students: Amelia Hill – A*A*A and an A in the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) Maia Cooper – A*A*A Shauna Burke – A*A*B Emma Hamer – A*AAA Daniel Hill – A*AAA Amin Lmoh – AAA Abby Stephens – AAA Alice Clack – AAA There were also a number of outstanding performers at AS Level: Joe Burke and Alice Hughes with four A grades each, Sonya Gholami with three A grades and one B grade and Olivia Adam and Morgan Brown with 2 A grades and one B grade each. Headteacher, Nick Bradwell, said: “I am absolutely delighted with the excellent results achieved by Warlingham Sixth Form students this year. They thoroughly deserve their success as their results reflect a tremendous amount of hard work and determination and all the students should be extremely proud of their efforts. This year the students have faced an even greater challenge with the introduction of new and more rigorous A Level and BTEC courses along with the ever increasing demand for high grades to obtain Supplementary Information 2017
university and college places. Their response has been fantastic and reflects their high level of commitment and dedication. I would also like to thank all the parents for the important role they have played with their constant support and, of course, to thank the staff at Warlingham School for the huge amount of time, energy and support they provided for the students throughout their courses.” Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form, Rob Scott, was also delighted: “I would like to congratulate the students. I am particularly impressed with the significant progress students have made from AS to A2, and also by their wider commitment both to the school and to the local community as part of their Warlingham Graduation qualification. In addition to working incredibly hard to achieve these fantastic results many of our students still find the time to help and support many worthwhile causes within the local area; a significant aspect of the Sixth Form that has been commended by Ofsted.” Due to their excellent results many Warlingham students are now looking forward to studying at a number of the top Russell Group Universities including: Amelia Hill to read English at Trinity College, Cambridge, Maia Cooper to read Biochemistry at Birmingham, Shauna Burke to read Geography at King’s College London, Emma Hamer to read Biomedical Science at King’s College London, Daniel Hill to read Civil Engineering at Bath, Amin Lmoh to read Computer Science at Warwick, Abby Stephens to study Interior Design Environment Architectures at Ravensbourne and Alice Clack to read Psychology at King’s College, London. We wish them every success. • 98 % of students achieved A*-E grades • 36% of students achieved A*-B grades • 68% of students achieved A*-C grades
This prospectus supplementary information booklet as been designed to represent the information required by The School Information (England) Amendment Regulations 2010, and relates to the School Year 2017/2018. The information was correct on 11th September 2017 and may be subject to alteration without notice. Further information about the school can be obtained by visiting the school website www.warlinghamschool.co.uk.
Warlingham School Tithepit Shaw Lane Warlingham Surrey CR6 9YB Tel: 01883 624067 Fax: 01883 624026 Email: info@warlinghamschool.co.uk Website: www.warlinghamschool.co.uk Warlingham School is part of the Tandridge Learning Trust, which is committed to maintaining the individuality and identity of all of its schools. Information about the Tandridge Learning Trust is available on its website: www.tandridgelearningtrust.co.uk.