Primary School Ready for life

Welcome to Woodlea Primary School. We hope you find the information in this prospectus gives you a taste of what a wonderful school Woodlea is; we are certainly very proud to show you the “Woodlea Way”

The main building used to be a former country house built in 1905, but it has been added to and tastefully converted into a school which retains the character of its former life but with all the modern facilities of a 21st Century primary school. In 2017, we become an Academy and joined Tandridge Learning Trust’s family of schools.
One of the particular draws of Woodlea are the grounds. Being set within a wooded area, which the children are freely able to explore, the school has a lovely close to nature feel. The grounds provide a rich and varied environment, as in addition to the woods, there is an environmental area, pond, multiuse game area (known as the Paddock), Outdoor Classroom and a trim trail. The nearby Glebe offers sporting facilities for team games and athletics.
Our Core Values – Respect, Caring, Resilience and Curiosity – run through everything we do at Woodlea to ensure our children are Ready for Life.
Woodlea Primary School
Ready for life
Being “Ready for Life” is our vision for the children who become part of the Woodlea family. We seek to develop the whole child through our three core aims: Academic Success, Creative Skills and Emotional Understanding. No one of these is more or less than important than the other.
Our committed staff of teachers, teaching assistants, office team, catering and site team all work together with parents to achieve these aims for the children. We make sure we get to know each child as an individual and support them to flourish.

Woodlea Primary School
Ready for life
“Pupils are happy and enjoy coming to school because staff provide a positive and warm environment.” - Ofsted 2020
Our four Core Values of Respect, Caring, Resilience and Curiosity are broken down further to form our Woodlea Wheel of Learning.
We model and encourage the children to have respect for themselves and others by encouraging them to work hard and developing their ability to concentrate.
We show the children care and support them to be caring of others and the environment

by giving them opportunities to show they understand and help others and want to improve themselves and the world around them.

Through challenges we develop the children’s resilience so they are able to push themselves and they don’t give up.
Through a stimulating curriculum and enrichment activities we inspire children to be curious and imagine and try new things.
Woodlea is a one form entry primary school consisting of seven classes, from Reception (Lambs) up to Year 6. EYFS (Reception) and Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) have classrooms in the main building and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) are in the Key Stage 2 building. Each class has a maximum capacity of 30 children.
All the children are placed into two Houses, Stafford and Downs. These create a sense of belonging to a team amongst the children and enable staff to reward children when they display our values - whether that be through their support of others, academic achievement or perseverance.
Our Local Governing Body (LGB) is made up of Co-opted and Parent Governors. They all work hard to support and challenge the school to ensure that we are achieving our aims as a school. The governors work closely with the Headteacher to develop the strategic direction of the school.
Pupil Voice and Responsibilities
As part of developing the children’s sense of responsibility and caring, we give them the opportunity to be leaders in various roles. In Year 6, the children have the opportunity to put themselves forward for many different roles including: Head Boy and Head Girl, School
Council, Sports Captains and Prefects. The children have to earn these roles and uphold the values of the school when carrying them out.
Playtime and Playground Angels
Playtime is an important part of school life at Woodlea and we are continually developing our provision.
The children can access all the secure school grounds including the woodland area. In addition, at lunchtime, zones are in place on the playground where our Year 6 Playground Angels run games such as basket ball, football, dodge ball, and table tennis. The children also have access to swing ball. The games are rotated each half term to add variety.

We are developing the provision further with the introduction of Loose Parts play equipment which enables the children to engage in inmaginative play using a range of resources.
In addition to the seven classrooms, Woodlea has several smaller rooms in the main building which are used for small group learning, music lessons and ELSA. There is a well stocked library with has recently been redecorated creating a lovely inviting space for children to snuggle down and read their chosen book.

Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard to engage learning. There is also a 30 station IT suite with its own interactive whiteboard where the children can develop their computing skills. In addition to the 30 computers, the children have access to laptops in the junior building to carry out independent research or access different resources.

At lunchtime, school meals are cooked fresh on site in our own kitchen by the school cooks. Lunchtime service is set out as a family service with children from different year groups sitting together and Year 2 and Year 6 children supporting with the serving of food. Lunchtime is special at Woodlea and all dietary requirements are catered for.
Reception Class
Children start school in the September after their 4th birthday, initially part time to support with settling in. The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is tailored to consider the different needs. The team provide planned provision which builds on their skills knowledge and independence.
Children learn through play, exploring, creating and thinking critically. These essential building blocks are crucial for igniting children curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.

Starting school can be daunting for some children –and their parents / carers. It is often the children’s first adventure alone into the larger world beyond family and home, so here at Woodlea we aim to ensure in the first week of settling that each child is supported to feel safe and valued so they experience acceptance and have the enthusiasm to learn and to strive.
“Children learn well in Reception. Parents spoke positively about how their children had settled into school.” - Ofsted 2020

Woodlea Primary School
Ready for life
Ready for Life
At Woodlea, Teachers and staff nurture the intellectual, spiritual, moral, cultural, social, physical and emotional parts of every child. We take each child from their starting points and facilitate and encourage them to achieve their best. We observe and respond to their learning needs, adapting and refining the learning opportunities. By giving timely feedback to the children using on-going assessment, they are support to take ownership of their learning. The children are encouraged to be active,
independent and co-operative learnings who will take increasing responsibility for their achievement and successes and understand that being challenged is positive and with perseverance they will get there.
“Leaders have constructed an ambitious curriculum. The curriculum is well sequenced and carefully planned.” – Ofsted 2020

We aim to provide children with the knowledge and skills needed to allow them to flourish as they prepare for life in secondary school and beyond. The curriculum we have developed is balanced and broad and is underpinned by the National Curriculum (2014). Our curriculum is broadly traditional but reflective of our context in Woldingham, Surrey. It is carefully planned so that there is clear progression and there are a wide variety of opportunities throughout the school. We have a strong focus on early reading, where we learn to read through phonics.

We recognise that children come from widely different backgrounds. All aspects of our curriculum are aimed at preparing pupils to be
global citizens in our multicultural world. Our curriculum not only enables children to develop academically but also be creative and have emotional awareness of themselves and others.
Alongside academic studies, children’s holistic preparation for life is paramount. We provide opportunities for children to learn in a variety of ways, which include visits and visitors and involvement in whole school projects which build cultural capital. We want our children to be happy so that they are able to learn. Through Zones of Regulation, we provide a toolkit to enable children to name, understand and regulate their emotions - a skill which they can take through to adulthood.
Woodlea Primary School • Ready for lifeEDUCATIONAL VISITS
To enrich the curriculum and experiences the children have, we organise many different visits. In the past we have visited The National Gallery, Hever Castle, Godstone Farm, Wakefield Place, The Imperial War Museum and the Dulwich Picture Gallery.
We also organise workshops which have included Egyptian Days and Mayan Workshops, and each year we have the Life Bus visit the school.
We have had authors such as Maz Evans to share her knowledge with the children.

In addition, the children go on two residential trips a year, one for Year 4 to Carroty Wood and one for Year 6 to the Isle of White. The children look forward to the residentials as they can take part in a wide range of outdoor pursuits and spend time with their classmates.
While no child would be prevented from attending an external trip, we do rely on parental contributions to fund the trips.

Interwoven with our curriculum is our Outdoor Learning curriculum which takes place in our recently developed Outdoor Classroom. Each year groups as a weekly lesson, which has been planned carefully to allow the children to develop not only outdoor practical skills but life skills such as resilience, risk management and teamwork.
WOW Woodlea is an exciting time in the Woodlea Calendar where, throughout the course of June, workshops are run by parents and friends of Woodlea School to show the children different careers and opportunities available to them in the wider world.

We have had actors, scientists, yoga instructors, business leaders, nurses, and ballet danceRs come to visit Woodlea and share their expertise and world with us at Woodlea - and that is to name but a few.

At Woodlea, the children enjoy a varied music curriculum. They sing daily in assembly and have a weekly music lesson taught by staff. In addition, they can join the school choir and take part in events and concerts.

We are also lucky to have a dedicated room where children can learn an instrument with a peripatetic teacher. This can be booked through Surrey Arts. Children can also learn to play in a band through Rock Steady.
Our children have opportunities to perform both to each other, their parents or a larger audience. Through the year, class assemblies take place where parents are invited in. At Christmas and in the Summer, concerts or productions take
place. Some of our recent productions include Moana, Disney’s the Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast and a the Magical Christmas Journey.
We also have various themed days and weeks, including Book Week and Healthy Living Week.
for life
Not only does exercise improve a child’s overall health and fitness it helps to improve their mental health and cognitive development as well, by doing physical exercise, children are more likely to concentrate and maintain focus in lessons. As well as strengthening muscle and bones, exercise builds confidence, inspires positivity and improves social skills.

In addition to the children’s P.E lessons, we offer a variety of lunchtime sporting activities and afterschool clubs, which allow children the opportunity to learn new skills and participate
in school competitions. A list of our clubs can be found on our website.
We also take part in various sporting competitions against other schools within the South Tandridge Sports Partnership. Football, Netball, Cross Country and track and field are just a few examples.
Swimming is taught to pupils in Year 5, and we use the swimming pool at Warlingham School & Sixth Form College pool.
Woodlea Primary SchoolADDITIONAL NEEDS
Teachers and Staff work with our Special Education Needs Co-Ordinator (SENDCO) to identify any additional needs a child might have as early as possible. We have an agreed Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2014) which is in accordance with Government guidelines. Parents are involved in the process as the earliest opportunity. If a child has been identified as having a specific special need, meetings with parents will take place to discuss the concerns. If children are placed on the school’s Special Needs Register (SEND) then they will have an ISP (Individual Support Plan) which details the support which will be put in place to enable the children to make progress. These are reviewed regularly. The school works with specialist teachers within Surrey where more specific support might be needed.

Some children are rapid graspers of learning and therefore will need further challenges or extensions to the curriculum to achieve their best. We use the resources and guidance provided by the National Association for More Able (NACE) to develop our provision. his full potential. Parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress and targets with the teacher each term and are provided with an annual written report. In addition parents can make an appointment at any time to discuss any concerns.


All children at Woodlea are supported to know that all members of staff are there to help and support them with any problems which they may encounter in school or possibly outside of school. If a child is not confident about approaching an adult directly, each classroom has a “Worry Box” where children can post their worries that they would like support with. The Zones of Regulation, which is displayed in each classroom, is used to support children to find the language to express themselves emotionally. We also work with outside agencies, such as the NSPCC who come into talk to the children about the importance of “speaking out”. Parents and carers are also welcome to approach the school regarding concerns of difficulties they may be experiencing.
Some children will require greater support to increase their emotional literacy than others. ELSA is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists. It recognises that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed.
“Pupils’ understanding of British values, such as respect, tolerance and individual liberty, is strong. In lessons and assemblies, pupils reflect on how their actions can either help or hurt others. Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.” - Ofsted 2020
Equal Opportunities
We are committed to providing education which offers equality of opportunity and is free from discrimination.
In order to prepare the children to be ready for life, the school seeks to transmit British cultural values and encourage the questioning of existing values and attitudes.
Woodlea Primary School
Ready for life
All staff have high expectations of the children’s behaviour at Woodlea to ensure that the school is a safe and happy place where children can do the best in their learning. Expectations are shared with the children and teachers build class “Codes of Conduct” with their classes at the beginning of each academic year. In school, we aim to create an environment which is positive yet flexible and acknowledges that all children are individuals. ‘Respect’ and ‘Caring ‘our two of our core values which underpin how we work with the children. By modelling care and respect, we support the children to do the same and show good behaviour. We are consistent and calm in our expectations of good behaviour and endeavour to show care whatever the situation.
We seek to maintain a close partnership with parents and carers to ensure there are shared values and expectations. Parents are asked to sign our Home-School Agreement as this forms the basis of our partnership and supports our view that education and discipline is a shared responsibility. Children know that their parents will be consulted at an early stage if their behaviour causes concern so that home and school can work together to resolve the situation.

Woodlea Primary School

Ready for life
Close contact between home and school is important. Parents are always welcome at the school to discuss their child’s education. Teachers will be around at the end of the day, but where the query requires privacy or a longer conversation, we ask that you arrange a mutually convenient time in advance. We ask that you email or ring the office to request an appointment with a teacher.
Through the year we have more formal arrangements for meetings. Early in the autumn term there is a “Meet the Teacher” evening where class teachers talk to all the parents as
a group to outline the learning for the year, routines and expectations. Later in the autumn term a Parent Consultation evening is held where you will be given the opportunities to discuss your child’s progress over the first term.
In the Spring Term we hold another Parent Consultation where you will have the chance to look at your child’s books as well as discuss their progress. In the Summer Term you will receive a written report from your child’s class teacher outlining progress and attainment. There will be a chance to discuss this report should you wish.

“One parent said, summing up the thoughts of many parents, ‘I feel they really understand my child’.” - Ofsted 2020
Assessment is a crucial and continuous process and is used to inform your child’s next steps in their learning. Throughout the year, teachers assess your child’s academic progress and achievement against the national standards. They use a variety of methods to make their judgements including informal and formal assessments, including standardised tests. We work with other schools to moderate the accuracy of our judgements.
for life
Reception / Key Stage 1
Morning: 8.50am – 12.00pm
Afternoon: 1.00pm – 3.10pm
Key Stage 2
Morning: 8.50am – 12.00pm Afternoon: 1.00pm – 3.15pm
Excluding registration, assemblies and break times, children have a minimum of 21.5 hours teaching in the infants and 23.5 hours in the juniors, in line with DfE statutory regulations.

We believe that punctuality is important and encourages good habits and we urge you to ensure your child arrives at school on time. Children should arrive in school a few minutes before the start of the school day; there is a member of staff on duty on the playground from 8.40am and we would encourage parents to allow sufficient journey time to allow for traffic around the school. For health and safety reasons, we ask that children are not dropped off at school before this time.
Overview of School Day
08.50 Whistle blows, children start to arrive in classrooms 09.00 Registration closes and classes start 09.30 Thursday - Infant Assembly 10.30 Monday and Friday - Whole school assembly in hall 10.30 Tuesday – Infant Singing 10.30 Thursday – Junior Assembly 10.45 Playtime 11.00 Lessons begin 12:00 Lunchtime (Infants eat 12:00 / Juniors eat 12:30) 13.00 Afternoon lessons begin 14.30 Infant afternoon play 15.10 School ends for Infants 15.15 School ends for Juniors
The school has a legal duty and is committed to safeguarding the children in our care. It is our most important responsibility. We have a Children Protection Policy and Procedures in place which is in accordance with government guidance and locally agreed inter-agency procedures. All staff have regular training in the processes and procedures around safeguarding. Our Policy can be found on our website as can the names of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and contact details. Should parents have any concerns they should contact the DSL.
Our Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is very committed and all parents are encouraged to join. The PTA supports the school in many ways including organising events to raise funds for resources.
Annually they run various events such as the Autumn Fair, Christmas Fair and Summer Fair, but they also host coffee mornings for new reception parents and a movie night. Over the years, the PTA has raised funds for books, tables and chairs, the Year 6 Disco, learning software and many more resources. Their support and hard work are invaluable.
We are a part of the Tandridge Learning Trust and Tandridge Teaching Alliance and work in partnership with other schools and organisations to ensure that all children in the area get the very best start in life.
The school liaises closely with the secondary schools to which our children are moving, to ensure a smooth transition at the end of Year 6.


Primary School