How To Make Money With Twitter Although Twitter started off as a social network, asking its users what they were doing and soliciting a lot of random twitter, it has evolved into a real-time information network – asking the question, “What's happening now?” This shift has made it more viable to make money with Twitter.
As this establishment of Twitter as a source of real-time information and news spreads to more and more Internet users, it increases the ability to use Twitter for marketing. It allows you establish your position as a provider of information to your niche, and get the attention of your target prospects and customers.
This is why Twitter and marketing make a good match. Marketing has been defined as the art of getting people to change their minds if they're not yet doing business with you, or getting them to retain their current mindset if they are already doing business with you. Now, you can use Twitter's new position as a source of information and news to feed your prospects and customers the kind of information that will either convince them to do business with you, or keep doing business with you.
To make money with Twitter, you have to use it as a tool for conveying your message in such a way that your target followers will read it. You have to use Twitter to convey messages that will positively affect people's perception of your business. By providing good and valuable information, you can establish yourself with your followers as an expert in your field – someone they can get good information, products, and services from.
Once you have established yourself with followers in your niche – convinced prospects that your business can provide them with what they need and want – you can then use Twitter for marketing to them. Either moving your prospect directly to a sale, or converting them to a lead for sales via another medium.
With a strategy in place, you can make money with Twitter. You just need to determine what kind of information you need to supply for your niche and establish a system for effectively and efficiently supplying that information with your tweets. Then, you too can use Twitter to convince people to buy your products or services – or convince your current customers to continue doing so.