Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen 24 April 2015

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Warragul & Baw Baw









Baw Baw's lobby list PUBLIC transport improvements are at the top of the Baw Baw Shi­ re's Municipal Association of Vict­ oria wish list heading into the lobby group's next state meeting. In a motion at Wednesday's council meeting, Baw Baw mayor Debbie Brown successfully passed a motion to table another motion at the MAV meeting addressing some of the council's key growth concerns. The four points of the motion were: 1 ­ that the MAV "advocate on behalf of councils for significant improvement in the public transport offering in the east of the state, particularly for the growing Gippsland region, with a priority on increasing carriages for the Gippsland line and bus lines through Baw Baw Shire, Bass Coast Shire and South Gippsland Shire," 2 ­ the MAV "advocate for an increase in planning application fees and Fines and that they be indexed to CPI or another mechanism annually," 3 ­ the MAV "advocate on behalf of councils in rural areas for water authorities to work... proactively with councils and developers to deliver much needed infrastructure in growing peri­urban and regional areas," and 4 ­ the MAV "advocate for kindergartens and children's hubs to be co­located on primary school sites." The MAV is a lobby group repre­ senting councils in Victoria. Speaking to the motion, Cr Brown said the motion was about putting Gippsland front and centre in growth and planning discussions. "The MAV state council is coming up shortly and we want to make sure some things we're advocating for in this shire are put to the council," Cr Brown said. "It is especially [important we do this] given [Mount Worth ward councillor Murray] Cook is on the MAV's peri­urban committee. The growing peri­urban population in our towns is going to put greater demand on public transport. "A key demand is for enhanced rail services. "The train service linking Baw Baw to the city is a key reason for our growth." The motion was seconded by Warragul ward councillor Mikaela Power. Cr Power said there was a

Scouts and Guides remember Page 2

common theme linking the compo­ nents of the motion. "The common theme of all these motions is to help better manage change in a rapidly growing area," Cr Power said. "It's really a method for us to advocate for better services and for our community." Later in the meeting Cr Cook spoke of his work with the peri­ urban group, through which he had discovered other areas facing the same growing pains as Baw Baw. "I've been doing the rounds of six other municipalities [in the group] to see exactly what the challenges are so we have examples when we go to meet with ministers and shadow minsters and heads of government," he said. Speaking about Baccus Marsh, Cr Cook said "it's like a clone of what's happening here: the rapid residen­ tial growth and the need for good planning." While the goals of the public transport motion are relatively obvious, the increased planning application fees and fines may be less so. The rationale given for that part of the motion centred around the age of the regulations, which were set in the year 2000 with a review in 2010. Fees were not indexed in eight of the years after the regul­ ations were set. According to Cr Brown's motion, had fees been indexed to annual inflation they would be 23.3 per cent higher today. The motion said the situation had "resulted in continual cost shifting to councils and their rate payers to cover the loss in income associated with providing the statutory plan­ ning service." The motion also contended the government had shifted responsi­ bilities for environmental issues to councils without proper funding. On the water management issue, Cr Brown's motion read: "One of the Gippsland Regional Growth Plan’s principles is about Regional Infrastructure – delivering timely and accessible infrastructure to meet regional needs for trans­ port, utilities and community facil­ ities. To achieve this networked objective there is a requirement to work with utility agencies to optimise access to drainage, water

100 Years Tomorrow Australia and New Zealand will acknowledge 100 years since the ANZAC forces landed at Gallipoli with ceremonies around the world. Anzac Day stories: Page 2 ►

Story continues on Page 4 ►

Cooking up opportunities

Page 4

On the move

Page 6

Pop­up poetry

Page 7

Arts market heads indoors Page 8

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Formerly The Warragul Citizen Edition number: 22

Editor: William PJ Kulich editor@warragulcitizen.com PO Box 1111 Warragul, VIC, 3820 Also designer and owner The editor takes responsibility for any political comment in this paper. Articles, graphics and photos without author credits are by the editor. Please support those who support WBBC Know something you think WBBC should cover? Please email editor@warragulcitizen.com

Weather From the Bureau ofMeteorology TODAY Showers Min 10, max 18 SATURDAY Rain Min 7, max 16 SUNDAY Showers Min 7, max 14 MONDAY Shower or two Min 7, max 13 TUESDAY Shower or two Min 6, max 14


Scouts and Guides recreate history for Gallipoli centenary SCENIC Park and the Scouts Reserve in Warragul were transf­ ormed into a World War I training and education ground by Warra­ gul's Scouts and Guides on Sat­ urday. Featuring war memorabilia and historic displays, a recreated hos­ pital tent and trenches, bush cooking, a commando course desig­ ned and constructed by Venturers and many more activities, the "A Day to Remember" community event invited the public to look back to the conditions and history of soldiers in World War I. As well as members of the Scouts and Guides from across the region, the general public, members of the RSL, the Guides chief and regional commissioners and politicians atte­ nded the free event. Warragul Rover Brad Akers was on the organising committee and told the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen the event had been in prepa­ ration for almost half a year. "We started in late November," he said. "A lot of planning, a lot of effort, and a lot of commitment [has come] from the committee members. "There's been a few Venturers and a few Scouts who have really put a lot of effort in, a lot of time, and got a lot of the props you see about the place set up and have been here in the early hours of the morning." Brad said the group had learnt a lot of the history of the ANZAC forces through putting the event together. "I've learnt a lot just about the history of the Anzacs and also [about being on a] committee and getting a community event up and running," he said. "It's been really good, I've really enjoyed it." Warragul Scout Group leader Geoff Chilver said all those involved had learnt a lot through putting on the event. "We've been talking about it for months now and a lot of the activities and the manning of the

Scouts in the trenches: Jarrod Grigg, Shae Van Dam, Regan Sultana, Brad Akers, Josh Watson and Piper Hobson at Saturday's event.

stalls was all down to our youth members," he told the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen. "They get a lot out of it." Mr Chilver said the public had responded well to the event, which was helped by good weather. "We're pretty pleased with how things went," he said. "We were always up against it with the weather but everything just fell into place and the weather held off nicely for us. "We've had a great response, and I think people like to see a community event. "They're hard to get up and the­

Read online

Anzac Day must remain true to history The speech written and delivered by local Cambodia veteran Philip Stone at the 2013 Warragul Anzac day ceremony is as significant today, especially as the country questions the use of war imagery by companies and politicians.

y're hard to get the logistics right, but when everyone sees it happen­ ing [they enjoy it.] "Everyone enjoys a local comm­ unity that can come together like this." A grant from the federal govern­ ment helped the groups put the event on. While the focus of the day was on the divisive activity of war, prepar­ ations brought the Scouts and Guides together for the first time in a while. "It's great to have a strong comm­ ittee, the Guides and the Scouts came together on this which was the

"There is a deep psychological appeal amongst Australians to the notion that our nationhood was 'born' at Gallipoli in 1915. I think I can understand why governments would seek to use the ANZAC tradition when making difficult decisions, especially in times of international conflict, to rally society towards a

first time we've done that for some time and it worked really well," Mr Chilver said. The youth involved also met war veterans from local Returned Services Leagues. "I think there was about 12 of the local RSL members here, which was great," Mr Chilber said. "Of course our drill sergeant Matthew Bailey, who has been an army cadet and army reservist and he had our youth members all whipped into shape." Mr Chilver thanked those who volunteered to put the event toget­ her.

common position. But I would caution those governments not to exploit the legend of the ANZAC selectively." You can read the full speech by Mr Stone online at goo.gl/hL2sbEy.

New cenotaph to be built in Darnum A NEW cenotaph will be built outside Darnum's Memorial Hall to replace the existing one located close to the freeway. The location of the existing cenotaph has been beset by noise and safety issues and is across one of the town's busier roads from the hall. Funding for the construction of a new cenotaph has been anno­ unced by the federal government. The Department of Veterans' Affairs will supply the money through its Saluting Their Service grants program. The Baw Baw Shire, in partne­ rship with the Darnum Progress Association, will deliver the pr­ oject. The association started discuss­ ing the move about a year ago. Progress association secretary Joanne Watt told the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen the new location will make town events easier. "It had been a long­standing

problem that it's a very noisy location, with Anzac Day, Australia Day and Remembrance Day and so forth being disrupted by traffic noise and making it very hard to hear things and also making events that involve singing or music very difficult to hear" Ms Watt said. "It was put forward that maybe nearer the hall would be better. "It was also a safety considera­ tion, that people at the memorial [often] want to cross the road to the hall. You'd have families and children wanting to come across." Ms Watt said both the council and the RSL had responded positively to the move proposition. "They actually thought it was quite a sensible thing to have it clo­ ser to the memorial hall," she said. Moving the existing memorial from its present location to the hall was not an option. "That's not moveable," Ms Watt said. "It's actually built permanently

onto the ground. "A new memorial will be built [right outside the hall], which gives us a nice grassy area to gather on and good proximity to the hall and the facilities it provides. The federal funding was annou­ nced at a presentation at the hall on Monday and was attended by members of the RSL, the progress association, the Darnum Memorial Hall committee, the Baw Baw Shire Council members of the public and federal MP Russell Broadent. The new memorial will be built on a grassy area just to the left of the memorial hall entrance. The hall's entranceway has in the past been used as a stage for bands, singers and speakers and could be used at ceremonies in the future. Right: stakeholders and inter­ ested locals at the funding pres­ entation on Monday, standing roughly where the new cenotaph will be built.



Seeing red over rural roofing

Yarragon produces poppies KNITTERS and fabric and fibre artists from across Baw Baw have come together to make hundreds of poppies to recognise the contri­ bution of soldiers in World War I. The gardens at the Baw Baw Sustainability Network's REstore hub in Yarragon were awash with red after over 900 hand­made pop­ pies were placed there as part of the 5,000 poppies campaign. A short memorial service was held at the venue yesterday, attend­ ed by 50 locals, politicians and a lar­

ge group of Yarragon Primary Sch­ ool students who sang the national anthem. Contributor Margaret Oliver said in a media release the soldiers wor­ ked to protect future generations and those new generations had a new fight on their hands. "Our work at REstore promoting sustainable living is another kind of service that current generations are doing for our country and our world’s future and we are grateful that we can do it in peace," she said.

Service times

You can find service details for towns across the Baw Baw Shire at bawbawshire.vic.gov.au

Over the past two years the national 5,000 Poppies campaign has been preparing for the cente­ nary. The group behind the campaign has estimated that there have been "well in excess of 50,000 contri­ butors and volunteers" involved with the project. So far over 250,000 poppies have been made. Poppies were installed at Feder­ ation Square in Melbourne last night for viewing today.

The Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen will be covering some services. Photos will be available for viewing at warragulcitizen.com

BAW Baw's countryside could so­ on become more colourful if a mo­ tion by Drouin ward councillor Terry Williamson is successful. Cr Williamson told the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen he was in the process of preparing a motion to remove roof colour restrictions from Baw Baw's farming zone. "I see it as a red tape issue, and I suppose if you can dictate what colours you've got to have in a rural area for buildings, it's akin to saying 'well, you've only got a choice of four colours next time you buy a motorcar,'" Cr Williamson said. "It's absurd, and people are very colour conscious anyway and it'll average itself out in the end." Cr Williamson said there was no difference between roof colours except personal preference. "If you fly over the area, which I have and I have photographs to pr­ ove it, every colour is reflective at a certain time and that looks like a grey colour." Cr Williamson said the change would simply involve removing the colour clause from the zone requi­ rements. "It's a bit of ill wind," he said. "People get upset over being told what colour to use." Asked if many constituents had made complaints about the colour restrictions, Cr Williamson said "heaps of people complain." "I suppose it applies even to the municipality," he added. "There was a case where a shed was to be built out at the Neerim South show and they got funds, but never enough funds to allow for $2,000 extra Colourbond.

"We resolved that, but you've got to remember the shire is respo­ nsible for that site. That's like saying the owner requests a colour, but that's not like telling a farmer to colour it this way or the other." Cr Williamson said he expected a motion to be before the council "in the next couple of months." He has sought feedback on his Facebook page.



Lobby list

Fighting fire with Twitter

◄From Page 1

By Jack Lacy L jack_m_lacy WARRAGUL Fire Brigade has implemented a new social media policy with a goal of improving communication with community members. Warragul CFA uses Facebook and Twitter to release updates, em­ ergency warnings and alerts for local residents, and the new policy seeks to improve engagement, along with most other CFA units across Baw Baw. Volunteer firefighter and 2nd Lieutenant Daniel Eshuis said the brigade's social media activity aime­ d to engage younger demographics in particular. "Building upon our presence on social media allows us to reach a younger demographic and is also an effective way to reach a broad cross­ section of the community," Mr Eshuis told the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen. According to Mr Eshuis, the Warragul CFA became active on social media four years ago but has only recently increased its presence. "We began using social media platforms in 2011 but have only this year begun to properly embrace it and improve the quality of our usage," he said. Recently, Warragul CFA launc­ hed its own photo blog on Faceb­ ook, Faces of Warragul, which sees profiles of brigade members rele­ ased every Sunday. Inspired by the internationally popular American blog Humans of New York, Faces of Warragul enco­ urages the community to become familiar with their local fire fighters and appreciate the work they do. "Faces of Warragul provides the community an opportunity to learn about their local fire fighters, who work as volunteers for the brigade,” Mr Eshuis said. "Other brigades around the state have done [photo blogs] for a while now. "I take the photos myself, ask the person questions and record the answers." On its Facebook page, the Warr­ agul CFA also posts "Throwback Thursday" articles, which look back on past events or milestones concerning members of the brigade. One recent Throwback Thursday post paid tribute to former Captain, Mark Lacey, who died two years ago. Mr Eshuis said the Warragul CFA considered social media an impo­ rtant way of engaging with the community. "In the future, we will continue to release local content that's relevant and important to our community." Emergency Warnings are posted on Warragul CFA's Twitter account automatically. You can find the Warragul Fire Brigade and many other Baw Baw brigades on Facebook by searching for the name of the brigade. On Twitter, Warragul CFA's handle is @WarragulCFA. Warragul CFA monitors social media platforms during business hours and major emergencies only. Regular fire and emergency inform­ ation can be found online at eme rgency.vic.gov.au. If you need to report a fire, call Triple Zero (000).

Updates Facebook: The Warragul Citizen, Twitter and Instagram: @WarragulCitizen Snapchat: warragulcitizen, free email updates: warragulcitizen.com/email

Students and staff involved in the cooking program at Yooralla Drouin. Photo: Jack Lacy

Cooking up opportunities By Jack Lacy L jack_m_lacy A NEW cooking program for people with learning disabilities has started in Drouin. Taught by Warragul man Darren McNally, the weekly classes are a joint venture between Community College Gippsland and support ser­ vice Yooralla. Mr McNally said the main goal of the classes was to encourage comm­ unity access and enhance the lives of students. "I run a multi­pronged program, which encompasses everything from the paddock to the plate," he told the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen. "We went to a beef farm to see how it operates and... made a visit to the butcher. "In the coming months we will be visiting a sale yard, vegetable farm and a restaurant, where the students will participate in a masterclass and eat the product that they have made." Mr McNally has owned his own catering and party hire business for 13 years and has worked for 23 years in the hospitality industry. He said he believed his program provided students with an opportu­ nity to learn vital skills in a practical environment.

"The class gives students hands­ on experience and teaches them necessary life skills including reasoning and arithmetic, as well as basic business principles," he said. "The students also learn kitchen skills, food safety and how to use equipment. "They go from having no prior knowledge to learning everything there is to know." The students who participate in the classes differ in background and the nature of their disability. "The program is open to anyone with a disability,” Mr McNally said. "Some of the students live at home with their families, while others live with carers or in assisted living accommodation.” Mr McNally has worked for Community College Gippsland for the last two years, teaching classes in Morwell and Leongatha and this year at Yooralla in Drouin as well. "Three or four years ago I had no idea I would be taking this path, but I love it," he said. "My work is extremely rewarding and the students get a lot out of it." The scope of the program has been made broader with support from local businesses. "We received tills donated from Mirboo North Hotel, which were switched over for 'like new' ones by Evans Electronics," Mr McNally

said. "The tills will be incorporated in­ to the program so students can lea­ rn how to handle money." "Luke from Moreland’s Meats also gave us an excellent lesson on how to butcher a lamb and how to make sausages." "I will be running our first comm­ unity café with the students in May. This is something that has proven to be very successful when done previ­ ously with the group from Leon­ gatha." The program may be in its inf­ ancy, but Mr McNally said he hoped it would grow in years to come. "In Leongatha I run a similar class. A number of the students have had work placements and part time work, partly as a result of this class," he said. "The Leongatha group ended up writing their own recipes and were able to apply the skills they learnt to cook for both their cafés and other catering/functions they do and also cook meals at home. "I have high expectations for the Drouin group. They are embracing the new skills and knowledge and are enjoying the program very mu­ ch. "I am sure this program will enhance the lives of all the students and help them with any path they may choose to take in the future."

and sewerage to cater for a growing population. "The lack of timely and appr­ opriate provision of community inf­ rastructure has adverse social imp­ acts on new communities. Develo­ pers and water authorities also have a responsibility to ensure that timely and connectible infrastr­ ucture is provided, as such these working partnerships are vital. "Proactive partnerships, planning and advice are required between all parties and should form the basis of the referral and request processes to water authorities by developers and councils alike." The kinders motion was relatively brief and straightforward. While acknowledging it is the state government's policy to co­locate schools and kinders, the motion calls for exactly that to happen. "Using existing land and facilities also enables greater community benefit through good asset manag­ ement," the motion read. "For growth Councils this also produces a sensible way to meet the needs of rapidly growing commun­ ities."

'Use it!'

THE BAW Baw Ratepayers' Assoc­ iation presented Baw Baw Shire mayor Debbie Brown with a bell at Wednesday's council meeting, with member Irene Broadbent saying "use it" while making the presentation (above). The gift was a criticism of the council not enforcing its three minute limit for people speaking to their submissions at the start of council meetings.

Restructure to take Health group effect from July upgrade THE final version of the Baw Baw Shire Council's restructure has been released to staff, identifying 35 positions to be made redun­ dant. A council spokesperson said a total of 28 new positions will be created in the restructure, meaning a net loss of seven employees for the organisation. The final financial impact of the restructure is unknown and will be determined over the next two months after redeployment opport­ unities have been finalised. But the changes to the organis­ ation will not be implemented imm­ ediately, as the council awaits responses from staff before a stagg­ ered changing of roles in the next financial year. "We've announced the final stru­ cture and we've now moved from the organisation determining what positions will be required in a new structure, and now handed that over to the staff," Baw Baw CEO

Helen Anstis told the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen. "Those staff who have been directly affected, and there are 35 of them that have either had their position made redundant or their position description has been subst­ antially modified, it's now over to them to decide whether or not they want to apply for one of the 28 redeployment opportunities that are available in the new structure. "The new structure will come into effect on 1 July so there will be no changes to this year's budget or in the positions that are available in the structure." Asked if the changes would happen all at once or be staggered, Ms Anstis said they would be staggered. The final plan is not much diffe­ rent to the first draft released earlier this year ­ in the original plan 35 jobs were to be removed and replaced with 26 new positions to be created.

By Matthew Sims L mjsim94 THE Federal Government has named Gippsland Medicare Local in Moe as one of 31 health centres which will become a new primary health network. The federal minister for health Sussan Ley said last Saturday that the GML will become the Gippsland Primary Health Network (GPHN) on 1 July this year. Primary health networks aim to make medical resources and care more accessible and quick so people can be assured of a good result in all areas of the health system. GML chair Dr Nola Maxfield said the most integral part of the new system would be the Clinical Advisory Councils and Community Advisory Committees. Dr Maxfield said they would give both the ordinary user and employ­ ees of the health system a say in what should be done to solve a pro­

blem or improve a situation. "Guided by local and national health priorities, the GPHN will identify and commission much needed services across Gippsland to ensure patients have access to the right care, at the right time," Dr Maxfield said in a media release. The CEO of GML, Peter Quigley, said in a media release his staff aim­ ed to handle the change to the GP­ HN smoothly, so the Gippsland he­ alth service is not disrupted in any way. "We are now in the process of recruiting clinical and community advisory councils and determining internal requirements to support the Gippsland Primary Health Net­ work,” Mr Quigley said. "Building on our experience and relationships within the Gippsland primary health care sector, the GPHN will drive health system imp­ rovement and ensure patients and clinicians are working together for better health outcomes."



Traf High boys in the kitchen Inspecting the By Matthew Sims L mjsim94 MALE students of Trafalgar High School will be learning the esse­ ntial skill of cooking in the coming months in the school's Boys Cook­ ing Program. The program has been running for the last three years with funding from various groups in the Gipps­ land area. THS student welfare officer David “Wombat” Lyons said the program was a chance to broaden the children's social horizons. “The aim of the program is to build the social skills of our young people,” Mr Lyons told the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen. “For a young person, talking to adults is a challenge and having to

meet a new adult each week means they practise that skill over the program.” Boys from all year levels are encouraged to join the program to increase their knowledge of food and their social confidence. The boys will be taught to cook healthy, cheap meals that they can continue to cook into university and beyond, Mr Lyons said. Members of the community, including people from other adult social groups, are also being called on to help the boys and taste what they cook. Each Thursday class will require three or four volunteers from the community to attend the school's home economics classroom. The program is a chance to meet different people and become a

Year 11 students and former THS Boys' Cooking Program participants Paul Wright and Cambell Staff ready to cook. Photo: Matthew Sims

“good influence” on others, former participants Cambell Staff and Paul Wright said. Campbell and Paul are currently in Year 11 and will be not part­ icipating in the program this year while they focus on their studies. They have both taken part in the scheme since Year 8. “I would definitely recommend the program to other students bec­ ause you pick up heaps of new skills and learn to live a healthier lifestyle,” Campbell said. The program will run at the school every Thursday from 30 April until 25 June, 14:15 to 15:30. If you would like to volunteer to help over the next couple of months, you can contact Mr Lyons by calling 5633 1733 or by emailing lyons.david.c@edumail.vic.gov.au.

stats By Jack Lacy L jack_m_lacy

WHILE some in the Baw Baw community have suggested the co­ uncil is not enforcing parking res­ trictions, statistics from the coun­ cil show hundreds have already fallen foul of inspectors. The council's growth and econo­ mic development director Matthew Cripps said the rate of parking viol­ ations so far this year was subst­ antial. “Since January this year, 308 parking infringements were issued in the shire by the community compliance team,” Mr Cripps told

the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen on Wednesday. “In total, 82 per cent of these infringements were issued to vehicles staying over the prescribed time limit.” There have been 48 infringem­ ent notices issued so far this month. The other 18 per cent of infri­ ngements were issued for cars stop­ ping in no stopping zones, parking in loading zones, and unreasonably obstructing pedestrians or other vehicles. The number of infringements has been rising over recent years. Last year there were 137 more parking violations in Baw Baw than in 2014.



Demise of the Democrats LAST week the Australian Elect­ oral Commission revoked the par­ ty status of the Australian Demo­ crats. The now­former party had fallen below the required 500 members to maintain party status. Having formed in 1977, the Democrats registered with the AEC on 5 July 1984. The Democrats is challenging the decision and has called out to members to re­register to help the group achieve party status. The party’s representation in federal parliament peaked at nine senators in 1996, before losing all its seats in the 2007 election. Locally, the party never took a state or federal seat, but was a powerful force when McMillan was a marginal electorate early last decade. Don Walters was the last Democrats candidate to stand for election in McMillan, attracting 1.5

per cent of the vote in 2007. Michael Fozard was the party’s last local state candidate, attracting 5.3 per cent of votes in the 1999 election. Former Baw Baw councillor Julie Grant also stood for the Democrats in McMillan. At the 2004 election she polled 0.85 per cent. Earlier this week she told the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen she was sad to see the Democrats slip out of party status. "It is sad to see the final demise of what looked like a promising party, an alternative party, and a party that welcomed and supported women voters," Ms Grant said. "I think the Democrats offered an alternative to the two major parties which a lot of people think have grown too much alike. "I think they were too strongly linked to the founder Don Chipp, perhaps, who was seen by most of his contemporaries in politics as a

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man of integrity and public [note]. And then they continued to be dominated by identities like Cheryl Kernot and Natasha Stott Despoja, so the party never really consol­ idated as a serious alternative and I guess over time the Greens have moved in to fill that space." Ms Grant said the rise of the Greens to replace the Democrats as Australia's third political force was not an exact replacement for her old party. "The Greens are too extreme for many who were comfortable with how the Democrats sat at that time," she said. "I think the Greens are maturing as time goes by and they have perhaps weeded out some of those more extreme policies and posit­ ions, so I think the gap hasn't comp­ letely been filled by the Greens. "But things are definitely worse­ ning in terms of women in politics and that probably is the greatest

THE Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen newspaper does not publish unmarked advertorial content. While uncited positive news cov­ erage of advertisers is often found in newspapers, WBBC feels it is impo­ rtant to acknowledge when paid content is published so readers can make informed decisions. Paid articles will be avoided. If needed to fund the paper they will be clearly marked as advertorial. Positive stories on local businesses will be run when the editor sees fit, not when advertisers pay.

loss the Democrats will leave beh­ ind." The party's best performance in McMillan was in the year it first stood a candidate ­ 1977. Candidate Ronald Dent achieved 14.2 per cent of the vote, behind Labor's Richard Elkington (35.4 per cent) and Libe­ ral Barry Simon (44.5 per cent). Looking back at her time as a candidate, Ms Grant said the party was well recieved by the electorate. "I think I felt that we were welcomed as a party by a lot of people that didn't really fit with the mainstream parties," she said. "People who didn't feel welcome in the more conservative parties, the classical homosexuals and min­ orities and so on, and people were generally pretty nice to deal with. It was a pleasant experience. "I have nice memories." The party has maintained an active online presence in recent years at australian­democrats.org.au.

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5,300 copies distributed across Baw Baw. Prices full colour, include GST Eighth page: $80 Quarter page: $138 Half page: $275 Full page: $550 Front page top: $230 Front page bottom: $110 Interested? Email admin@warragulcitizen.com

ENVIRONMENT · WARRAGUL & BAW BAW CITIZEN · 24 APRIL 2015 Nature Note with 'Gouldiae'

On the move


The migration of birds was not a fully accepted view until around the end of the 18th century. Up until then, the disappearance of many birds as winter approached was explained as hibernation. We now understand that changes in daylight hours, temperatures, food supplies and even genetics are probably the main factors that trigger migration. The lifestyle of many of our shorebird species is dominated by their migratory patterns. Right now for example, many of the waders on our Gippsland lakes have left or are about to leave for their breeding grounds in the Arctic regions. Some of these birds complete a round trip of 25,000 kilometers each year. Migration on a smaller scale takes place at this time of year too. Many of our bush and woodland birds take on seasonal movements in search for more providential feeding grounds or breeding habitat. Our forests will no longer ring with the brilliant song of the Rufous Whistler now for the next six months or so. The Rufous Whistlers in this region have already headed inland or northwards to northern Australia and many birdwatchers will say spring has arrived when

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they hear that first glorious whistler song next August or September. The beautiful little Rufous Fantail has gone north too by now. This tiny little flycatcher has spent this last summer feeding on insects in the low scrub of our damp forest regions, and rearing a family. The Rufous Fantail will also return in spring. While there has been an exodus of some birds for winter, others begin to arrive and to brighten our winter days. Described as altitudinal migrants, the Scarlet Robin and Flame Robin often come down from the high country to spend winter in the lower forests, woodlands and grasslands. Everyone’s favourite parrot, the King parrot, is essentially an altitudinal migrant. After spending the summer in the high country and breeding in the hollows of large mountain trees, they come down to lower altitudes for a more reliable food supply. Like most other species, there are often exceptions to these rules when individuals or small groups tend to remain put year round.

Rufous fan

Words and photos by 'Gouldaie'. For more, vist gouldiaesblog.blogspot.com




THE CERAMIX 24 Apr @ Buln Buln Sporting Club LUKE MATTHEWS 24 Apr @ Bank Warragul/Euphoria GRAHAM HAWES 25 Apr @ Bank Warragul/Euphoria GOLD: THE ULTIMATE ABBA SHOW 01 May @ West Gippsland Arts Centre

Internationally recognised ABBA performers. Time: 20:00. Tix: wgac.com.au THREE OAK ROAD 02 May @ O&H Warragul Time: 21:30. Free

DAVID HOBSON AND RACHAEL BECK 03 May @ West Gippsland Arts Centre

Classical music, musical theatre and popular songs. Time: 19:30. Tix: wgac.com.au

PHIL MANNING 06 May @ Bank Warragul/Euphoria Tix: $15 pre, $20 door THE MARTIN & LEWIS SHOW 07 May @ West Gippsland Arts Centre

70th anniversary tribute tour.

Time: 19:00. Tix: wgac.com.au PLAN B 09 May @ O&H Warragul Time: 21:30. Free EXCUSE FOR AN EXIT 16 May @ O&H Warragul Time: 21:30. Free NOMAS TEGRO 23 May @ O&H Warragul Time: 21:30. Free LOBES OF JULIA 30 May @ O&H Warragul Time: 21:30. Free BAW BAW TRIO AND FRIENDS 31 May @ Wesley of Warragul

Featuring Brian Chapman on piano, Joan Evans on cello and Daniel Stefanski on violin. Time: 14:30 Tix: trybooking.com/123800

DEWAYNE EVERETTSMITH + SIETTA 05 Jun @ West Gippsland Arts Centre

Descended from both the Aboriginal community ofCape Barren Island and the Gunai/Kurnai people, Dewayne's music is influenced by his heritage and shaped by his tough early years and love ofmany musical styles and great singers. Time: 20:00. Tix: wgac.com.au THREE OAK ROAD 06 Jun @ O&H Warragul Time: 21:30. Free PLAN B 20 Jun @ O&H Warragul Time: 21:30. Free NOMAS TEGRO 27 Jun @ O&H Warragul Time: 21:30. Free IAN MOSS 07 Jul @ Bank Warragul/Euphoria

Six strings classics tour.

HAVE A GIG OR EVENT COMING UP? Get it listed here. Email deets to editor@warragulcitizen.com. The Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen supports local live music.


Pop into Drouin for some pop­up poetry

Painting Yarragon

By Matthew Sims L mjsim94

THE YARRAGON Public Hall will host an array of art workshops for the Creative Yarragon Arts Festi­ val on 16 and 17 May. The weekend will include more than 18 different classes over sev­ eral mediums including charcoal, alpaca fur and airbrushing. A representative of the festival said anyone with an interest in art can attend and participate. The workshops are suitable for adults, with children over 10 with an interest in learning artistic techniques encouraged to come along and give it a go. The workshops will cater to all skill levels and attempt to inspire all members of the community to realise their creative side. The festival will also be a place to see art being created and to showc­ ase the creative talent of the region. Demonstrations in watercolour, airbrushing and scratchboarding will be made by local artists Lois Brown, Sue Osborne and Nola Clark across the weekend. Representatives of French­based paper company Canson will conduct a workshop on paper art. For those who want to quench their thirst of a different art, the opportunity to brew or distil your own artisan beer is also available over the weekend at the Yarragon Ale House. The Trafalgar Holden Museum will also be open to the public from 10.00 until 17.00. The festival named “...The Full Spectrum” will also open on both days from 10.00 to 16.30. Entry costs $15 with an extra $10 for each one­hour workshop. For more information, contact Tritec Art Supplies on 5634 2044 or Nickelby at Darnum on 5627 8121.

WORDSMITHS of Gippsland are set to entertain the locals with original and popular poems at the upcoming Open House Drouin event. The Baw Baw Poetry Group will recite poems which illustrate the spirit and heritage of the town of Drouin at the French Pear Café. The Baw Baw Poetry Group is a collection of 23 members of the Gippsland community who come together once a month for their love of poetry. Organiser and founding member, Liz Dorsett said it is a “very diverse group”. “It is for anyone who enjoys getting together and listening, reading, reciting and revelling in poetry in all its forms,” Ms Dorsett said. The congregation accepts anyone who wants to have a go at either writing or reciting poetry. The group was formed in August of 2014 and holds a meeting on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 19:00 at the Red Fox Café in Drouin. Thirty people are currently members of the group, with around 10 meeting on a monthly basis. “The feedback from many members is that they are grateful for the chance to share poetry with others,” Ms Dorsett said. “Surprisingly, it is providing a constructive social connection for many residents. "The BBPG is interested to add to the cultural events in Baw Baw." Open House Drouin will showcase the best of what Drouin has to offer, from the Old Butter

Another pop­up poet. Local Keith Osborne treats patrons of the Walhalla Easter Show with a poetry recital. Photo: Liz Dorsett

Factory to the croquet club among many old local buildings. The event will take place across the weekend of 2 May from 10.00 until 16.00 on both the Saturday and Sunday. Poetry which captures the heart of Drouin will be heard at the French Pear Café from 15.00. Anyone interested in joining the group or wanting more information can contact Liz Dorsett on 0428 775 033 or at lillibits@gmail.com. "Membership is informal though we are considering formalising me­ mbership because of the growing interest and invitation to Pop Up Poetry events," Ms Dorsett said

Show business stars help rebuild Mawarra By Matthew Sims L mjsim94 RENOWNED Australian show business stars David Hobson and Rachel Beck are joining forces once again to help the Mawarra Day Services Centre get back on its feet after a fire last year. The opera singer and musical performer will play at the West Gippsland Arts Centre for one day with their eclectic musical show 'Both Sides' on Sunday, 3 May. The Mawarra Centre provides crucial resources for the disabled community in Gippsland. An increase in the requirements of facilities requires significant investment. Urgent rebuilding of the centre is underway, with improvements being made to the facility to improve standards. There will be an opportunity to speak with the performers and enjoy food and refreshments before the show. Only those who purchase a VIP ticket for $70 will get to meet them though. A standard ticket would still

Stay updated

support the cause of Mawarra Centre and costs $60. The production will incorporate solos and duets of classical music, well­known musicals and an array of popular songs, as well as the expected charm and storytelling from the duo. The pre­show “meet and greet” will begin at 18.30 and the performance will begin at 19.30." A spokesperson for the concert said the region had a long history of supporting Mawarra "Mawarra has been serving members of the local community for over 50 years and the community has always been very supportive of the various fundraisers they have undertaken," they said in a media release. "In this time of very special need, the organisers look forward to this special benefit concert and hope the community supporting them will get both enjoyment from the superb performances and the satisfaction of assisting this very important comm­ unity service." Visit wgac.com.au or call 5624 2456 for tickets.

Stay updated with Baw Baw's latest breaking news from the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen.

"Members often spread the word and bring in new people." "Some people say they have mainly written for themselves or their families who have appreciated it but they didn't know if their poetry was any good. "They have been overwhelmed by the public response to the Ficifolia Poetry Night where nine members performed, many for the first time. "The Limerick Bomber is one of the members with an urge to share old limericks. "He tends to jump in and recite a short limerick between others performing. "It's just a bit of fun!"

By Matthew Sims L mjsim94

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Kay Lancashire, Richard Nichol­Smith, Annie Laughton, Wendy Hitchins, Helen Timbury and Wayne at the WGAC's Arts Market on Saturday

Market move a success PEOPLE after their arts market fix need not wait until after winter has finished ­ an indoors version of the popular Warragul Arts Mar­ ket has opened for the first time. As an extension of its new open day program, the West Gippsland Arts Centre held an arts market in the Fountain Room last weekend, and will do so again next month. The Baw Baw Arts Alliance runs outdoor markets alongside the War­ ragul Farmers' Market in fairer weather than faced by stallholders on the weekend. Lino print artist and market member Helen Timbury told the Warragul & Baw Baw Citizen the new market had been successful. "I've had a fantastic day, it's been

raining outside and I'm inside, warm and cosy, and all my paper is dry," Ms Timbury said. "People have.... looked at the work and bought things. "At the moment the plan is to run this in May. The next few markets over winter are yet to be confirmed. "I think it's part of the idea to get publicity and more people into the WGAC over the weekend – just have some people, cafés open, tours and just make the place a bit more friendly." Jewellery maker Wendy Hitchins said the setting was appropriate. "It's more intimate and custome­ rs really like it, and I think coming in gives them a break from the cold," she said.

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