May 2012
The Stars of the Pacific ACS Offers New Command Spouse Seminar Army Community Services (ACS) has added a new series of seminars to their Army Family Team Building (AFTB) program. These seminars are intended to help spouses become active participants in the Army command culture. The Command Spouse Seminar covers topics from leadership and management of groups to media and social networks in order to help participants understand and participate in their roles as senior spouses. The seminar provides tools and practices to enhance skills and knowledge in communication, team building, and managing groups, and seeks to help participants gain a better understanding of the partnership between senior NCOs' and commanders' spouses. This seminar is designed for spouses of SSG (promotable), SFC, MSG, LT, and CPT to gain a better understanding about the roles of a command team, and your individual role as an effective leader. A panel discussion with senior leaders and their spouses is an important part of the seminar, and serves as a question and answer session were participants can receive information first hand. The first seminar took place on April 25 and 26 at the ACS Training Center, and will continue to be offered quarterly. The next will be held on August 6-8 at 1700-2100 and in October. Hourly child care is available at no cost to you for all day time classes. Your child must be registered with CYSS. To register for the seminar call 655-0671 or 6550670.
New ACS Chief ACS welcomed Mr. Dan Furlano as its new Chief in March 2012. Mr. Furlano is married and has five children and six grandchildren. Two of his children are active duty soldiers. Mr. Furlano served 22 years as an infantryman, including three years of combat service; two tours with 10th Mountain between 2001 and 2004 as well as one year working for L3 Communications (MPRI). Some of his honors include a Bronze Star, Combat Infantryman’s Badge and Commanding General's Annual Incentive Award (2007). He retired from the Army 2004. Mr. Furlano, has been with Baumholder ACS since January 2006 and served as Mob/Dep, Supervisory Mob/Dep, ACS Division Chief and Director under the ACS Transformation Pilot. He is totally committed to providing outstanding customer service, and he wants everyone to know about ACS and the valuable services ACS provides to the Military community. . . . Assist in readiness by promoting self-reliance, resiliency, and stability during war and peace.
The Stars of the Pacific
Instructor Training Course for Success The Instructor Training Course offered by Army Family Team Building is an extremely helpful course for someone wanting to become an Army Family Team Building Instructor. The class offers some very important Information on different learning styles and how to approach the classroom. It also provides confidence boosters to someone who may have reservations
about public speaking, and tips on how to handle anxiety. Cecilia Arnold, who took the class in March said “ the most beneficial part for me was the presentation and feedback. I gained the confidence I needed to instruct.” I think it gives you that little extra bit of confidence to signing up to instruct.” I, myself took the class and it also gave me the confidence to get up and instruct a class. I
was nervous and worried about being an instructor. It’s not like being a teacher it is more of a facilitator job. You are guiding and helping people with the various aspects of military life. It is a great way to give back to your military community and help someone along their path of military life. AFTB provides those tools along with a wealth of information necessary to help support and develop the modern military family
The class lasts three days, and upon completion you will have the tools and confidence to make your first presentation. If you are interested in joining the AFTB team, you may contact Ferne Conroy, AFTB Program Manager at 655-0671 or Tammy Moore Volunteer Program Manager at 655-0670. Don’t miss out on an awesome opportunity to make a difference.
Volunteers in the Spotlight
Lakisha CanadyToussaint April’s AFTB Volunteer of the month
Al Sterling April’s AFTB Volunteer of the Month Page 2
Lakisha CanadyToussaint is a volunteer extraordinaire, who has made a huge impact on our community. She holds several volunteer positions, including FRG leader for FSC EN BN, and AFTB instructor. She does Pro-bono work for life and executive coaching to members of the military, and volunteers her time with Hui O’ Wahine, Parent to Parent and the
AMR chapel. In addition to her love of volunteering to build stronger Army Families, She is a Veteran of the US Army. Lakisha's dynamic personality fills her classroom with an energy that brings out each students creativity, and draws her audience into total participation. Her passion about AFTB is unsurpassed. She is a superior instructor, teaching all levels of the AFTB training program.
Lakisha has earned volunteer of the quarter from 65th EN BN, April 2011 volunteer of month for AFTB, and a nomination for volunteer of the year 2011. Her gifts to the military community are her kind, nurturing spirit, and her exceptional communication skills. She is a highly effective trainer, dedicated volunteer, and is lovingly called the Diva of AFTB
Al Sterling has been named Volunteer of the Month for April, 2012. This recognition was earned after he answered a last-minute call, and rushed to help fill-in and instruct a class for Army Family Team Building Level I. “I love to teach, and I want to make the experience fun for everyone
in the classroom. AFTB is an amazing program, and I’m really excited to be a part of it,” He said. Al moved to the island in September 2011 with his wife, SPC Jennifer Sterling. In February he went through AFTB’s Instructor Training Course and has quickly become an asset to the team.
He also volunteers with Schofield Chapel and Club Beyond, which is a program for middle school and high school students on post. He loves to give to his community., and has done volunteer work for much of his life.
The Stars of the Pacific
Hail and Farewell With the army comes change, and that is exactly what is happening at AFTB. After almost a year of service as Volunteer Program Manager, Marilyn Massey is now on her way to Fort Lewis, Washington. Marilyn was instrumental in helping streamline our AFTB program's day to day operations. She made it her personal priority to create a positive and professional relationship with each volunteer and student. Her personal touches included hand crocheted blankets which she gave as gifts for new babies, farewells, and making each member of our organization feel special. She leaves some big shoes to fill, and will be greatly missed. With every farewell there is a Hail. We have welcomed a new Volunteer Program Manager, Tammy Moore. She has been recruited for VPM and is working hard to provide the great service and leadership that Marilyn has led us to expect. Tammy moved from Savannah, Georgia to Hawaii in May of 2010, and wasted no time getting into what she loves. She began taking AFTB classes and quickly became an instructor, and she now oversees our AFTB volunteers by setting up training schedules, team meetings, and briefings in our community. She coordinates and markets the AFTB program, helps prepare job descriptions for our many volunteer positions, and assists with fund raising and providing supplies that are needed at AFTB. She brings us so many wonderful things; her leadership, supportive ways, a kind and loving nature, just to name a few. Tammy does it all and is much appreciated by everyone who has the pleasure of working with her, especially Ferne Conroy, AFTB Program Manger. Her motive is to help others and she sure is doing it!
Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love. Martin Luther King Jr.
We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be
Cooks Corner
less because of that missing drop. We can do no great things, only small things with great
Peanut Butter and Jelly Bread Pudding 2 1/2 cups Half and Half (can use whole milk if desired) 1/3 cup Brown Sugar 4 Eggs 2 teaspoons Cinnamon 2 teaspoons Vanilla 4 cups bread torn into pieces (French or Italian work best) 2/3 cup peanut butter (smooth or crunch) Microwave until pourable 1/2 cup jelly/jam (your favorite) Combine sugar, eggs, cinnamon and vanilla. Beat with an electric mixer at medium speed for 1 minute. Slowly add Half and Half. Place half of the bread in a lightly greased 1 1/2 quart casserole. Pour peanut butter over bread and dollop jelly/jam over peanut butter. Cover with second half of bread, push bread down making sure to fill any holes. Pour egg/milk mixture over bread. Cover and let rest for an hour. Can place in fridge and cook next day, just bring bread pudding to room temp before baking. Bake at 350 degrees F for 35 to 50 minutes or until set. Serve warm. Drizzle a little maple syrup and add a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
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love. Mother Teresa
Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in. Unknown
The Stars of the Pacific
Schedule of Events
May 2012 Sun
TBA AFTB Level l
NCO Academy
7 Level 1 Ft. Shafter
9 Team Meeting
22 Level II
23 Level II
30 Level II
May 7- Level l
1700-2100 Ft. Shafter LT Brostrum Community Center
May 9 AFTB Team Meeting 1645-1745 ACS Bldg. 647
May 22, 23, 29, 30
AFTB Level II 1700-2200 ACS Bldg. 647
Lakisha CanadyToussaint AFTB Anniversary
Level 1 Ft. Shafter Jaime Oh Birthday
Dan Arnold Birthday
Beth Watts Birthday
29 Level II
The Army Family Team Building (AFTB) program empowers individuals by maximizing their personal growth and professional development through specialized training; transforming our community into a resilient and strong foundation meeting today’s military mission. AFTB offers three levels of courses; Level I- Introduction to the Military Lifestyle, Level II- Management Skills, and Level III-Leadership Skill classes. Childcare vouchers are available for daytime classes. ACS also offers module training for all levels classes to FRG groups, active duty Soldier’s, reserve units, and DOD civilians upon request.
Newsletter Staff Cecilia Arnold Jonna Janzen
ACS Mission: To assist Command in maintaining readiness of individuals, Families, and communities within the US Army by developing, coordinating, and delivering services which promote self-reliance, resiliency, and stability during war and peace.
Karine Silva Cassie DeColuette Wayne Moore Koreen August
Contact information or Newsletter Staff If you would like to receive the Stars of the Pacific via e-mail, or to sign up for classes, please contact us at 655-0670/0671 . . . Assist in readiness by promoting self-reliance, resiliency, and stability during war and peace.