Parent-Student Handbook

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Parent-Student Handbook 2018-2019 Accredited by: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS) Memberships Florida High School Athletic Association Southern Baptists Association of Christian Schools

110 N. McMullen Booth Road Clearwater, FL 33759 727.449.2247 727.461.5421 (Fax)

Table of Contents Introduction Introduction ................................................................... 1 Vision Statement........................................................... 1 Mission Statement ....................................................... 1 Statement of Faith .................................................... 1-2 General Information Accident Insurance ...................................................... 3 Accreditation & Affiliation ........................................ 3 Achievement Tests....................................................... 3 Administrative Prerogative ...................................... 4 Buildings and Grounds ............................................... 4 Calendar ........................................................................... 4 Cell Phone/Cellular Devices - Student ................. 4 Computer Use ................................................................ 4 Continued Enrollment Policy................................... 5 Closed Campus .......................................................... 5-6 Communication ............................................................. 6 Community Service ..................................................... 6 Concerns, Questions, or Problems ......................... 6 Divorced Parents .......................................................... 7 Drug Testing ................................................................... 7 Elevator Use ................................................................... 7 Fire/Emergency Drills ................................................ 7 Fundraising..................................................................... 7 Grading Scale ................................................................. 7 Guests and Shadowing Students ............................ 7 Hallway Etiquette......................................................... 7 Health and Safety ......................................................... 8 Accidents ......................................................................... 8 Communicable Diseases ............................................ 8 Illnesses........................................................................ 8-9 Immunizations .............................................................. 9 Medication ...................................................................... 9 Physicals .......................................................................... 9 Library .............................................................................. 9 Lifestyle Statement ...................................................... 9 Lockers ...................................................................... 9-10 Lost and Found........................................................... 10

Lunch ............................................................................. 10 Parent/Teacher Conferences ............................... 10 Parking/Student ........................................................ 10 Parking/Parent ....................................................10-11 Parking/ All ................................................................. 11 Security ......................................................................... 11 Sexual Harassment ................................................... 11 Statement of Non-Discriminatory Policy ......... 11 Storms/Natural Disasters/Cold Weather/Tornadoes ...................................11-12 Student Records......................................................... 12 Student Release ......................................................... 12 Transportation ........................................................... 13 Visitors .......................................................................... 13 Volunteers .................................................................... 13 Academics Class Rank .................................................................... 14 Computer Use/Computer Policy ......................... 14 Dropping a Course .................................................... 14 Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit .........................14-16 Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities ........... 16 CCHS Rule ..................................................................... 16 FHSAA Rule.................................................................. 16 Exam Exemption ....................................................... 16 Exam Schedule ........................................................... 16 Failed Courses ......................................................16-17 Grade Improvement ................................................. 17 Grade Point Average (GPA) ................................... 17 Graduation Requirements ...............................17-19 Graduation Probationary Status ......................... 19 Hall Pass........................................................................ 19 Help Classes................................................................. 19 Homework ................................................................... 19 Honors Courses – Grading Procedures .......19-20 Incompletes ................................................................. 20 Make-up Work............................................................ 20 Probation (Academic) ............................................. 20

Report Cards ............................................................... 20 Valedictorian and Salutatorian ..................... 20-21 Appearance and Dress Standard of Dress ............................................... 22-23 Cold Weather/Outer Wear Policy ....................... 23 Hats and Caps ............................................................. 24 Other Items .................................................................. 24 Hair ................................................................................. 24 Piercings ....................................................................... 24 Tattoos........................................................................... 24 Dress-Down Days ...................................................... 24 Formal Wear/Dress-up Days ......................... 24-25 Casual School Functions ......................................... 25 Other School Functions ........................................... 25 Physical Education Classes .................................... 25 Sports Practices ......................................................... 25 Attendance Attendance on Assessment Days......................... 26 Attendance of Athletes Before Games ............... 26 Attendance for: School Sponsored Activities .................................. 26 College Campus Visits .............................................. 26 College Counseling Meetings ................................ 27 Early Dismissal ........................................................... 27 Exam Exemptions...................................................... 27 Funerals ................................................................. 27-28 Late Stays ..................................................................... 28 Leaving Campus ......................................................... 28 Make-up Work ..................................................... 28-29 Tardy .............................................................................. 29 Truancy ......................................................................... 30 Chapel Chapel ............................................................................ 30 Conduct of Students Behavior Expectations ..................................... 30-31 Cheating/Plagiarism ................................................ 32 Common Classroom Expectations ...................... 32

Discipline Policy ..................................................32-37 Definition of Terms .................................................. 33 Disciplinary Instruction ....................................34-36 Category 1: Acts of Misconduct ...................34-35 Category 2: Acts of Misconduct ......................... 35 Category 3: Acts of Misconduct ...................35-36 Category 4: Acts of Misconduct ......................... 36 Category 5: Acts of Misconduct ......................... 36 Levels of Disciplinary Instruction .................36-37 Policy for Appropriate Use of Electronic Media and Technology.............................................37-38 Tardy Policy ................................................................ 38 Disciplinary/Behavior Intervention .................. 39 Closing Statement ..................................................... 39 Technology Acceptable Use Policy ...............40-42 Handbook Acknowledgement .............................. 43 Technology Access Agreement ............................ 45

INTRODUCTION Vision Statement - The vision of Calvary Christian High School (CCHS), as a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, is to be a cutting edge learning center that strengthens the home, the church, and the community by providing the highest quality Christian education to all students. Mission Statement - The mission of Calvary Christian High School (CCHS) is to partner with the Christian home and the church to provide a challenging college preparatory Christian education that equips students to live successfully according to God’s plan for their lives. A biblical worldview is foundational to our mission which is fulfilled through students acquiring biblical truth, applying biblical truth, and attaining their highest level of academic achievement. Statement of Faith – Biblical Foundations: 

About God - There is one and only one living and true God. He is an intelligent, spiritual, and personal Being. He is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He is all powerful, all knowing, and all loving. He is holy and perfect in every way. God has revealed Himself to us and has eternally existed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Genesis 1:1; 2:7; Exodus 3:14; Deuteronomy 6:4; Psalm 19:1-3; 90:2; Isaiah 48:16; Jeremiah 10:10; Matthew 3:16-17; 28:19; John 4:24; I Corinthians 8:6; II Corinthians 13:14; Hebrews 11:6; I Peter 1:2

About Jesus Christ -Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, fully divine. He became a man supernaturally conceived and born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus perfectly revealed and did the will of God without sin. He fulfilled God’s plan by His substitutionary death on the cross, making provision for the redemption of people from sin. He was raised from the dead and then ascended into heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of God. He is the one mediator between God and mankind, fully God, fully man and He will return one day in power and glory to judge the world and finish His redemptive mission. Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 53:1-12; Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:22,23;16:15-16; John 1:1-5,14;14:6-11; Acts 1:9-11; Romans 1:3,4; I Corinthians 15:3-4; I Timothy 6:14-15; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 4:14,15; Revelation 1:13-16; 19:16

About the Holy Spirit - The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, fully divine. He is present in the world to make people aware of their sin and their need for Jesus. He lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation. He provides the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right. Genesis 1:2; Isaiah 61:1-3; Joel 2:28-32; Matthew 1:18; 3:16; John 4:24; 14:16-17; 16:7-14; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4,38; 4:31 Romans 8:9-11,14-16,26-27; I Corinthians 2:10-14; 3:16; II Corinthians 3:16-17; Galatians 4:6; 5:22-25; Ephesians 1:13-14; 5:18; I Thessalonians 5:19; I John 4:13

About the Bible - The Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is God’s revelation of Himself to man. All scripture is totally true and trustworthy. It is God’s word to us. It is an accurate revelation of God and what He wants us to know. It is the supreme source of truth and the supreme authority for Christian beliefs and living. Deuteronomy 4:1-2; Joshua 1:8;

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Psalm 19:7-10;119:11,89,105; Proverbs 30:5; Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 5:17-18; Luke 24:44-46; John 5:39; Acts 17:11; II Timothy 1:13; 3:15-17; Hebrews 4:12; II Peter 1:20-21 

About Salvation - People are the special creation of God, made in His own image. By free choice every person has sinned against God and brought sin into the human race. The sin of mankind has affected every person and everything on our planet. Human beings are in need of forgiveness and redemption. Salvation is the redemption of man through the person of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. Salvation occurs through faith in Jesus Christ. When a person places genuine faith in Jesus they are, by God’s grace, made spiritually alive, righteous in their moral standing before God, and are indwelt with the Holy Spirit who guarantees the work of salvation until it is complete. Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7; 3:15-19; Psalm 8:3-6; Matthew 1:21; Luke 2:10-11; 19:10; John 1:12,29; 3:14-18; 5:24; 10:9-10; 14:6 Acts 2:21; Romans 3:23; 5:1,8; 6:23; 10:9-10,13; II Corinthians 5:17-20; Galatians 2:20; 3:26; Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5

About God’s Kingdom - The Kingdom of God describes the sovereign reign of God over the universe and the particular rule of God in the hearts of people. God’s purposes and plans will be finally and completely accomplished. The Church is an expression of God’s kingdom as a local congregation of believers who fellowship together to fulfill God’s purposes in the world. The Church is the body of Christ and each believer is baptized into His body. Each believer is given a gift for use in the body of Christ and called to work in harmony with other believers to fulfill God’s plan of redemption on the earth. Genesis 12:1-3; Isaiah 9:6-7; Matthew 3:2; 12:25-28; 16:17-19; 18:19-20; Mark 9:1; Luke 4:43; Acts 2:40-47; 6:1-7; 13:13; 14:23,27; 20:28; I Corinthians 3:16; 9:13-14; II Corinthians 5:18-20; Ephesians 1:20-23; 2:19-22; 3:10-11,21; 4:3-6; Colossians 1:18; Hebrews 10:25; I Peter 5:1-4

About Eternity - God, according to His plan, will bring the world to its appropriate end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth and Christ will judge all men. Those made righteous, through the gracious work of Christ, will be resurrected, glorified, and will receive their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord. The unrighteous will be consigned to Hell, a place of everlasting punishment. Isaiah 2:4; 11:9; 13:6-9; Joel 2:11; Obadiah 15; Zechariah 14:1-4; Matthew 16:26-27; 19:28-29; 24:14,29-31; 25:31-46; 26:64; Luke 12:40; 17:22-36; 21:27-28; John 3:16; 14:1-3; Acts 1:9-11; 17:31; Romans 6:23; 14:10; I Corinthians 4:5; 15:24-28,35-55; Philippians 3:20-21; Colossians 3:4; I Thessalonians 4:14-18; II Thessalonians 1:7; I Timothy 6:14; II Timothy 4:1,8; Titus 2:13; Revelation 20:11-15; 21:1-4

“These seven doctrines are foundational to our understanding of the historic Christian faith and essential convictions for our unity as a church body.” (Calvary Baptist Church-2012)

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GENERAL INFORMATION Accident Insurance – Calvary provides Student Accident Insurance on all enrolled students for school-related activities. This insurance coverage is secondary to the student’s primary insurance. If a student does not have primary insurance coverage, the school's insurance becomes primary for accident coverage. The insurance provides accident coverage only for participation in schoolrelated activities. It is the responsibility of the student to immediately report an accident to his/her teacher, coach, administrator, or any other school-designated official. Accreditation and Affiliation – Calvary Christian High School is accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), and the Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS). 

SACS Founded in 1895, SACS CASI accredits over 13,000 schools and school systems throughout the United States and overseas. SACS CASI is an accreditation division of AdvancED. AdvancED is also the parent organization of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI) and the National Study of School Evaluation (NSSE).


Founded in 1978, ACSI has over 5000 member schools in 100 countries with 1.2 million students and 70,000 teachers and administrators. ACSI is an association speaking with a viable and authoritative voice in education and enabling effective Christian schools to be recognized as essential and contributing to the public good. As a result, Christian school students worldwide acquire wisdom, knowledge, and a biblical worldview as evidenced by a lifestyle of character, leadership, service, stewardship, and worship. 

FCIS The Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS) is a professional education association founded in 1954 by a small group of independent private school leaders. Their purpose was to establish high standards for nonpublic schools. Today, FCIS evaluates and accredits independent schools throughout Florida. As one of the nation’s largest organizations of independent schools, it represents over 70,000 students in 160 member schools. The Council assures that each school maintains high standards and independence of character without political, financial, or bureaucratic pressures.

Achievement Tests - Each year standardized achievement tests are given to students. Testing is required of all students in grades 9-11. Seniors must take the SAT or ACT prior to the start of the senior year.

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Administrative Prerogative - The intent of this handbook is to give general overall guidelines to be adhered to by students and parents. Sometimes new situations or circumstances not covered specifically by this handbook will occur and the Administration reserves the right to exercise its administrative prerogative in responding to these situations. This handbook becomes part of the contract between parents, students and Calvary Christian High School. Buildings and Grounds - All school facilities belong to the Lord and have been purchased with His money. Refrain from any actions which may result in damage to the property or to the appearance of the buildings and grounds. Any damages brought to the lockers, buildings, furnishings, or grounds will be repaired and/or replaced at the expense of those causing the damage. Students are also subject to disciplinary action for damage caused either by negligence or willful destruction. Students may be asked to participate in routine cleanup of the school building and grounds. Cleanup fosters pride in the physical upkeep of the building and promotes accountability to students with regard to their disposal of garbage. Calendar – The school calendar is posted on the school website ( Cell Phone/Cellular Devices - Student – At CCHS, students’ use of cellular devices (phones, watches, etc.) during the school day must comply with the following guidelines. Using the cellular device during the designated times is a privilege that must be used responsibly. Failure to comply with the cellular device use policies will result in disciplinary measures to teach students the importance of respecting authority and school policies. Cellular devices used or heard (ringing, vibrating, etc.) outside of the policies/guidelines will be given to Administration. The student must make arrangements to retrieve the cellular device after the school day. The first disciplinary measure assigned to the student is a Saturday School Detention.   

  

Cellular devices are to be silenced during school hours (7:45 AM – 2:55 PM). Cellular devices may not be used in class for any purpose. Cell phones must be placed in the designated location in each classroom (including weight training, study hall, and study free) as the student enters the room. (Students may leave their cell phones in their backpacks or in their locker.) Cell phones may not be used during lunch, in the restroom, or in the locker rooms. Cell phones may not be used as a “hot spot” to connect to the Internet or Network with another device (for example, iPad, laptop, etc.). Cell phones may be used before school begins at 7:45 AM, after the school day (including in after-school supervision), and during the 5 minutes after each class period dedicated for students to transition to their next class. This privilege to use the cell phone grants students the potential to use their cell phones for 35 minutes during the school day. Texts and calls from and to parents must be during these designated times.

Computer Use –The CCHS network and internet access through the CCHS network is for academic purposes only as directed by the teacher. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action. CCHS is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged computers. (See the Technology Acceptable Use Policy in this handbook.)

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Continued Enrollment Policy – Attendance at Calvary Christian High School is a privilege and not a right. Students applying for re-enrollment will be evaluated on the basis of their academic, spiritual, and behavioral progress to determine if they qualify for re-admission. The privilege to attend CCHS may be forfeited by any student who does not conform to the standards and regulations of the school. At regular intervals and at the end of the school year, each student’s progress is evaluated. Evaluations for continued enrollment are based on the following:  Academic Achievement (This may be influenced by G.P.A., but applying himself/herself in classes and achieving to their full potential is also an influential factor.)  Embracing the Christian Philosophy of Education (Parent and/or Student)  Attendance Record (Frequent tardiness or absences interrupt the instructional environment of the school.)  Demonstrating a positive/enthusiastic attitude to being a CCHS student  Student Conduct (Report of conduct may be considered, but displaying a cooperative and supportive attitude to the school rules and expectations is also an influential factor. As such, the decision may not be made just from documented misbehavior, but from displaying noncooperative or non-supportive attitude.)  Number of Detentions/Saturday Schools/Suspensions  Support and Cooperation of Parents with School’s Mission Statement, Vision, & Philosophy  Current on Financial Obligations to the School  The educational partnership for each student is primarily with parents; therefore, students who turn 18 during the school year must remain in the custodial care of their parents and live at home for the duration of their enrollment at CCHS. Closed Campus – CCHS is a closed campus. As such,  All visitors (including parents of students) are to report to the School Office, sign in and secure a visitor’s pass before proceeding to any other location in the school.  Recent alumni may visit lunch in the Café after reporting to the School Office, signing in and securing a visitor’s pass.  Students attending another school and requesting to attend (shadow) with a current CCHS students must receive pre-approval by Administration (even those visiting in consideration of applying for admission) before attending on a CCHS school day.  All students (including students who have already reached the age of 18) are required to obtain parental permission before leaving campus during the school day.  All students must remain on campus for the entirety of the school day. Students may not return to their car without approval from the school office.  Seniors are the only academic classification permitted to leave school early after their last class for the day.  Students are not allowed to go off campus for lunch with the exception of juniors and seniors for their off-campus lunch privilege without administrative approval. Infractions of this policy will be treated as truancy. o Senior Privilege – Seniors are given the privilege to leave campus on Thursdays each week during their lunch period if they meet the requirements to receive this privilege. Each senior must adhere to the sign out/sign in policy in the school office. o Junior Privilege – Juniors are given the privilege to leave campus at least one day each month on the day designated for Junior Off-Campus Lunch. Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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Students or parents may not request food be delivered to the school from outside vendors.

Communication – For routine communication, email is the preferred method. Faculty and Staff are to respond to email within 24 hours. Students and parents are encouraged to use the school’s student management software and the CCHS website ( to access the school calendar, progress reports, assignments, attendance, etc. 

For a meeting in person with administration or staff, please schedule an appointment through email with the employee, or through the school office with the receptionist arranging the schedules.

Community Service – Given the mission of Calvary Christian High School, community service is an integral part of our training to instill a passion for serving others. Therefore, in order to graduate from CCHS, students are required to perform a minimum of 100 hours of approved community service prior to the first day of school in the senior year. (Hours will be pro-rated for students who transfer to CCHS after the freshman year.) Failure to have completed 100 hours of community service by the first day of school in the senior year will result in the student being placed on graduation probation status (See Graduation Probation Status in this handbook). If a senior fails to complete 100 hours of community service by the end of the first semester of the senior year, this will result in the parents having to withdraw their child from CCHS because the student did not meet the requirements for graduation from CCHS. *Beginning with the Class of 2019 - Failure to have completed 100 hours of community service by the first day of school in the senior year will result in the student’s off-campus lunch privilege being forfeited for the entire semester, the student being removed from any leadership position in the school (SGA, class officer, student ambassador, and student leadership program), and the student being ineligible to serve on the homecoming court. Students must submit the Community Service form in the same semester as the community service was performed. Work completed for family members does not qualify for community service. Community service performed for individuals (rather than an organization) must be pre-approved. Concerns, Questions or Problems - During the course of the year, questions, problems or concerns may arise between a student and a teacher, a parent and a teacher, or a parent and the school. This is often the result of a lack of communication between those involved. The school’s preference for dealing with these situations is: All questions, problems, or concerns should first be brought directly to the individual before anyone else is involved. If the situation is not cleared up at this level through direct contact, it should then be brought to school administration. In some cases, a parent or student may prefer to have a member of the school administration team to be present for the initial meeting when confronting the employee involved. If so, the parent or student must contact school administration to arrange the meeting with all involved. Parents and students agree to follow these steps and to attempt a positive resolution to the question, problem or concern. Behavior to be avoided at all times includes gossiping, rumor mongering, and spreading of hearsay reports. The reputations of other persons and of the school are to be protected and promoted. Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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Divorced Parents - Parents who are divorced are required to submit to the office a copy of any legal documentation which details custody issues. These documents will be placed in your student’s file. If mailings need to be sent to more than one home, parents must provide the office with this information. Drug Testing – Drug testing of students may be required upon the request of Administration. Results indicating drug use by the student or a refusal to submit to a drug test will result in suspension or expulsion. Students who attempt to falsify the drug test will be given immediate consequences as well. The student/parents involved are required to abide by any Administration decisions, based on drug testing results. Elevator Use – The elevators are not to be used by students between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM without Administrative approval. A student receiving an “Elevator Pass” due to an injury or handicap may not invite other students to ride the elevator with him/her unless assistance is required for carrying books, pushing a wheelchair, etc. If so, then only one student helper is permitted with the student with an “Elevator Pass.” Fire/Emergency Drills – Fire/Emergency Drills are conducted routinely. The drills are conducted to prepare for emergencies such as fire, tornadoes, disasters, and lockdowns. Fundraising - All fundraising activities for clubs, teams, classes or other groups may not occur unless approval has been granted by school administration. Grading Scale A = 90 - 100 B = 80 - 89 C = 70 - 79 D = 60 - 69 F = 0-59 I = Incomplete (must be made up within two weeks from end of grading period). For more information on Incomplete markings, please see Incompletes under the Academics section of this handbook. Guests and Shadowing Students - Students from other schools may not visit CCHS during the school day (including lunch) unless he/she is a prospective student, and has made the appropriate arrangements to visit the school through the Office of Admissions. CCHS graduates, local pastors, and parents may visit during lunch in the Café (All visitors are required to report to the office to sign in and secure a visitor pass). Please see Closed Campus policy in this handbook. Hallway Etiquette  Students gathering in the hallways before school, between classes, or after the school day must adhere to the following:  Stay to the sides of the hallways to ensure the passage area is not blocked.  Greet all guests  Reply to school employees when spoken to.

Students may not sit in the hallways. Seating is available in all café areas for sitting.

Assist others by being polite, courteous, and offering assistance (for example, opening doors) when needed.

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Health and Safety – The school is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Student and parental cooperation with health and safety policies is necessary in order to maintain a safe, healthy school. Students are required to report any unsafe or potentially dangerous or hazardous condition to a teacher, staff member, or administrator. Accidents – In the event of an injury or accident, parents will be notified. If necessary, emergency personnel will be notified for immediate assistance. Only minor first aid is administered by the school. It is the responsibility of the student to immediately report an accident to his/her teacher, coach, administrator, or any other school-designated official. Please see Accident Insurance information. Communicable Diseases - CCHS desires to maintain a healthful school environment by instituting controls designed to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. The term "communicable disease" shall mean an illness which arises as a result of a specific infectious agent which may be transmitted whether directly or indirectly by a susceptible host, infected person, or animal to other persons. A teacher or administration official who reasonably suspects that a student or employee has a communicable disease shall immediately notify the school Administrator. The reportable diseases include the following: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Aids Related Complex (ARC), Amebiais, Animal Bite of Humans by a potentially rabid animal, Anthrax, Botulism, Brucellosis, Campylobacteriosis, Chancroid, Dengue, Diphtheria, Encephalitis, Giardiasis (acute), Gonorrhea, Granuloma Inquinale, Hansen's Disease (Leprosy),Hemorrhagic Fevers, Human Imuno Deficiency Virus (HIV), Legionnaire's Disease, Leptospirosis, Lymphogranuloma Venereum, Malaria, Measles (rubeola), Meningitis, Meningococcal Disease, Mumps, Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning, Pertussis, Pesticide Poisoning, Plague, Poliomyelitis, Psittacosis, Rabies, Relapsing Fever, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, R. Rickettsia, Rubella including congenital, Salmonellosis, Syphilis, Schistosomiasis, Shigellosis, Smallpox, Tetanus, Toxoplasmosis acute, Trichinosis, Tuberculosis, Tularemia, Typhoid Fever, Typhus, Vibrio Cholera, Vibrio Infections, Yellow Fever. Any student with a communicable disease for which immunization is required by law or is available, shall be temporarily excluded from school while ill and during recognized periods of communicability. Students with a communicable disease for which immunization is not available shall be excluded from school while ill. If the nature of the disease and circumstances warrant, CCHS may require an independent physician's examination of the student to verify the diagnosis of communicable disease. CCHS reserves the right to make all final decisions necessary to enforce its communicable disease policy and to take all necessary action to control the spread of communicable diseases within the school. CCHS reserves the right to request a letter from the physician after an illness before the student can return to school. Illnesses – In the interest of students and staff, parents are requested to keep their child home when he/she is sick. If a student has symptoms such as elevated temperature, rash, vomiting, excessive nasal discharge, or diarrhea, he/she should stay home from school. Students should not return to school until they have been free of symptoms for a minimum of 24 hours.

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When a student at school becomes ill or is showing symptoms of becoming ill, parents are notified for the student to be picked up or to receive permission for the student to drive home. The same policies above apply to determine when the student is ready to return to school. Immunizations – All incoming students must submit a Florida Certificate of Immunization to verify they are current on required immunizations as prescribed by the Florida Department of Health. Medication - Students are not permitted to keep prescription or over-the-counter medications in their possession. All medication, prescription or over-the-counter, must be kept in the school office with a current school-year Medication Administration form on file. Medication will be administered by the designated office personnel. Medication must be in the original container identified with the student’s name. When possible, please ask your physician to prescribe medications that may be given before or after school. A Medication Form must be completed prior to the medication being accepted in the school office. For questions on completing the Medication Form, please contact the school office. Physicals – All incoming students must submit a health physical completed by their physician on the appropriate form for school attendance as prescribed by the Florida Department of Health. The school attendance physical does not permit a student to participate in athletics. A student participating in Calvary athletics must have a current sports physical, parent consent form, and concussion/heat related illness consent form completed and on file in the athletic office. These forms must be submitted annually. You may print the required forms from the school’s website on the Parent/Student Resource Page, or you may request the forms from the school office. Library – The Library is a resource center for research and recreational reading with nearly 10,000 volumes, computer workstations, and many other resources for students. A student must receive approval from one of his/her teachers to work or read in the Library. Lifestyle Statement - Calvary Christian High School is a religious institution providing an education in a distinct Christian environment, and it believes that its biblical role is to work in conjunction with the home to mold students to be Christlike. On those occasions in which the atmosphere or conduct within a particular home is counter to or in opposition to the biblical lifestyle the school teaches, the school reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to refuse admission of an applicant or to discontinue enrollment of a student. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, living in, condoning, or supporting sexual immorality; practicing homosexual lifestyle or alternative gender identity; promoting such practices; or otherwise having the inability to support the moral principles of the school (Leviticus 20:13a, Romans 1:27, Matthew 19:4-6). Lockers - Lockers are assigned to all students and are the property of the school. For security, locker doors must remain closed and locked at all times. Disciplinary action may be assigned to students who fail to keep their locker locked. A fine will be levied for all damaged or defaced lockers. The school administration reserves the right to inspect lockers at any time. Locker Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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decorations are to be confined to the inside of the locker. There is to be no adhesive material (i.e. glue, tape, stickers, etc.) used on the outside of the lockers. There is a designated area for athletic bags and equipment to be stored during the day. Backpacks are to be hung on hooks in the hallways, or placed against the wall in the hallways. Backpacks are not permitted in the classrooms. Lost and Found – Lost and Found articles are placed in a central location. Unclaimed articles will be discarded. CCHS is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. All CCHS clothing, books, backpacks, and computers are to be labeled with the student’s name. In an effort to teach student responsibility, administration reserves the right to charge a fine which must be paid before a student is permitted to retrieve his/her item(s) from Lost and Found. Lunch  Lunches for the week are to be ordered and paid for by the previous Thursday evening through the school’s designated software.  There are some lunch items available each for point of sale purchase in the school cafeteria.  Snacks may be purchased from the vending machines.  Student lunches may not be delivered by an outside vendor.  Students may bring packed lunches from home. CCHS does not provide refrigeration facilities for student use.  Microwaves are provided by the school for students to heat lunches.  CCHS operates as a closed campus; therefore, students will not be allowed to go off campus for lunch with the exception of juniors and seniors on the designated days for off campus lunch. Infractions of this policy will be treated as truancy.  Seniors must have completed 100 hours of Community Service and submitted the documentation to be recorded before the first day of school of their senior year. Failure to have completed 100 hours of community service by the first day of their senior will result in their off-campus lunch privilege to be forfeited for the entire semester. (See Community Service in this Handbook for more information.) Parent/Teacher Conferences – If a parent/teacher conference is necessary, a parent/teacher may request an appointment for a conference at a time convenient to the teacher and parent. Parking/Student - Students bringing a car to school must register their vehicle with the school office and display the mirror tag assigned. Calvary Christian High School and Calvary Church are not responsible for any damage (accidents, vandalism, etc.) for cars parked on campus. Students are required to park in designated student parking areas. The north parking lot is reserved for sophomores and seniors. The south parking lot is reserved for freshmen and juniors. Students may not park in the drop-off circle and leave their vehicle unattended for any reason, even to just drop off items in the school office. Students may not return to their vehicle during the school without permission through signing out in the school office. Parking/Parent – Parents visiting the school during the school day must park in the visitor/guest designated spaces in the north campus parking lot. Parents may not park in the drop-off circle and leave their vehicle unattended for any reason, even to just drop off items (i.e., a book, lunch, Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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medicine, homework, etc.) in the school office. Parking/All – NO parking is permitted in the circular drive in front of the school. Anyone visiting the school is to park in one of the campus parking lots. There is an area designated for visitor/guest in the front paved parking lot. No one should park in the drop-off circle and leave their vehicle unattended for any reason, even to just drop off items (i.e., a book, lunch, medicine, homework, etc.) in the school office. Security – The CCHS campus operates on a soft lockdown each school day. All access doors are locked. Students are expected to assist with making sure the doors close properly and lock securely when entering or exiting the building. Students are given a student identification card that gives them access to enter the school building through certain doors. A student without his/her identification card, and a parent/guest visiting the school must enter through the school’s main entrance doors after permission has been granted by school personnel. Students or parents/guests inside the building must not open a locked door and give anyone permission to enter the building. School administration or his/her designee reserves the right to inspect or search lockers, backpacks, purses, student automobiles, and student computer files. Security video equipment is in operation throughout the building. School administration reserves the right to request law enforcement personnel or approved security personnel to search lockers, backpacks, purses, student automobiles, and student computer files. Sexual Harassment - CCHS seeks to treat every individual with sensitivity and respect. The School encourages consideration of others and will not tolerate harassment of individuals. The environment necessary for the educational program fostered by the school must be one in which all individuals are free to develop appropriate relationships, to work and to learn. The individual must be able to pursue his or her academic program without fear of intimidation, humiliation or degradation from unwelcome and unacceptable behavior of another. Sexual Harassment is a violation of anti-discrimination laws. It is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (1) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance (2) such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile, intimidating or offensive work environment. Reporting Procedures – Any alleged violation of the Harassment Policy should be reported immediately to school personnel. Grievances should be reported to school administration. Statement of Non-Discriminatory Policy - CCHS admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered programs. Storms/Natural Disasters/Cold Weather/Tornadoes - Our reaction to natural disaster (such as a hurricane) will be governed by the instructions given by local authorities. We follow the advice Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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given to and taken by the Pinellas County School System for school closure (this does not include dismissals for holidays and vacations). In the event of school closure for a disaster, CCHS may be able to return to classes prior to the Public Schools. Student Records - The school maintains a complete record, including a cumulative academic record, for each student. All material in these files is treated as strictly confidential and is available only according to the following policy: 1. Transcripts or other student records will not be released for a student if there is a delinquency in tuition or if there is an outstanding debt of any kind. 2. Parents or legal guardians have the right to inspect and review all official records, files, and data directly relating to their children, including material that is incorporated into their student's cumulative record. 3. When a student becomes eighteen (18) years of age or is attending an institution of postsecondary education, the permission or consent required of and the rights accorded to the parents and guardians shall thereafter also be accorded to the student. 4. Parents shall have an opportunity for a hearing with the administration to challenge the content of their student's school records. This is done to ensure that the records are accurate and is not otherwise in violation of the privacy of other rights of the student, and to provide an opportunity for the correction or deletion of any such inaccurate or misleading information. An appointment must be scheduled for records review. Student Release - CCHS has a binding agreement with parents to ensure and safeguard their child's safety while at school. 1. No student will be released during the school day for any reason without specific instructions from administration. 2. All requests for early release from school must be approved by the administration for authenticity and appropriateness. Please see the Early Dismissal policy. 3. Should a written or personal request be made by a non-custodial parent for early release of a student into his care, such a request will be honored only with (a) the consent of the custodial parent, or (b) instructions from a court. 4. Should a request be made by a non-custodial parent to make contact with a student at the close of the school day or be directed to the student's classroom, such a request shall be denied by the Administrator unless there be (a) the consent of the custodial parent through a school initiated telephone conversation; or, (b) instructions from a court. 5. Should a custodial parent request the school prevent a student from any contact with the non-custodial parent, the custodial parent shall be requested to submit to the school a final judgment and/or settlement agreement serving as a basis for his or her request. 6. In the event that parents travel out of town without student(s), custodial parents must notify the school in writing of adult caretakers who will be responsible for their student(s). The names, phone numbers, and any alternate procedure to be followed should be included in the notification. 7. Students are not permitted to leave the main building (campus) during the school day. This includes leaving the building to go to his/her car. For more information, please see Closed Campus policy and Early Dismissal policy.

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Transportation - Students are to be dropped off and picked up at the designated locations for their grade level. Students must not be dropped off to enter the school through the main entrance doors, even for late arrival. Students driving a car to school must register the vehicle with the School Office and display the rearview mirror tag. Students are required to drive in a safe manner and follow safe driving practices while on CCHS grounds. Violations are subject to school discipline. 

Rideshare Programs To insure the safety of our students, CCHS prohibits students being picked up by rideshare companies (Uber, Lyft, etc.) at any time. If a parent consents to their child using a rideshare company, the parent must sign a rideshare waiver form and leave it on file in the school office.

Visitors - All visitors (including parents) are required to report to the School Office, sign-in, and receive a visitor’s pass. The visitor’s pass must be visibly displayed at all times while in the building. Students from other schools or high school/college age students are not permitted on campus between 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM unless authorized by administration. Recent alumni may obtain a visitor pass and be on campus during lunch. Please see Closed Campus policy. Volunteers – Volunteers must work under the direction of a CCHS employee. Volunteers may be required to complete a background check. Parent volunteers are not permitted access to student records. Volunteers are expected to maintain confidentiality of all school information received or observed while volunteering. Administration reserves the right to ask a volunteer not to return. Identification must be worn while on campus.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. Proverbs 3:5-7

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ACADEMICS The primary responsibility for the education of children rests with the parents. Calvary Christian High School exists to partner with parents in that responsibility. Class Rank – CCHS does not report class rank to colleges and universities. Class rank is only calculated for the purpose of determining Valedictorian and Salutatorian. A student’s class rank may be only shared with the student at the end of the junior year. Computer Use/Computer Policy – Students using the CCHS network or accessing the internet through the CCHS network must indicate that they understand the responsibilities of exercising this access. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action. 1. The purpose of the CCHS Computers, Network and the Internet is for academic purposes only to facilitate communications in support of research and education. 2. The use of Social Media sites (examples include, but are not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Face Time, Snapchat, etc.) is prohibited. 3. Use of CCHS computers and personal laptops in the classroom is subject to teacher discretion in addition to these policies. 4. Students may not allow others to use their account name or their password to access the CCHS Network. 5. Students may not use disks, flash drives, media cards or any other media of any kind on school computers or through the CCHS Network unless approval is granted through school administration. 6. Students may print or make copies of school assignments in the school library. The school reserves the right to charge a fee for use of the printer/copier. 7. For additional information, please see the Appropriate Use of Electronic Media and Technology policy. Dropping a Course - A course dropped prior to the end of the drop/add deadline does not appear on the student's high school record. A two-semester course dropped at the end of the first semester receives the grade earned for the semester and only receives half credit for the course. Full credit for a two-semester course is not awarded until both semesters of study are completed. Dual Credit or Dual Enrollment Calvary offers several Dual Credit courses through St. Petersburg College (SPC) and Baptist College of Florida (BCF). Juniors and seniors meeting the course prerequisites may take a Dual Credit course. Students must have administrative approval, and meet the associated college requirements. Students must meet all requirements prior to being scheduled for the class. A. To take a Dual Credit course through SPC: 1. Verify Eligibility – A minimum of 3.0 unweighted GPA is a requirement for all SPC dual enrollment and dual credit students. College Counselors can assist students in determining the accurate unweighted GPA. 2. Apply Online – Students need their social security number to do this. APPLY FOR ADMISSION thru SPC Website: Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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a. Select APPLY NOW and then APPLY TO SPC b. Select APPLY FOR ONE OF OUR HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMS c. Read and follow prompts 3. Students are eligible to take an SPC course through one of the two following methods: a. Obtain College Placement Test Study (PERT) Referral for High School Programs (aka Pink Card) from the resource rack, located on the 3rd floor of the CCHS high school wing. Students must take this card with them along with a valid Photo ID to the nearest SPC Campus Testing Center in order to take the placement test (PERT). Students taking the PERT for the first time must take all 3 sections. b. Students earning ACT/SAT scores listed below can use these scores in lieu of taking the PERT for all SPC dual credit courses. To do this, pick up an ACT/SAT Dual Credit Verification Form (aka Blue Paper) from the resource rack, located on the 3rd floor of the CCHS high school wing. Students must take this paper with them to the nearest SPC Campus Testing Center and be prepared to login to the College Board / ACT account to verify their test scores with SPC. 4. Provide results – After taking the PERT or verifying test scores, students must bring their SPC Student ID number, PERT test results (printed copy), or signed ACT/SAT verification to the CCHS office. Course


World Religions (fall) (REL 2300)

Reading 19+

Ethics (spring) (PHI 1600)

Reading 19+

American History 1 (fall) – (AMH 2010) American History 2 (spring) (AMH 2020) Intermediate Algebra (fall) (MAT 1033) College Algebra (spring (MAC 1105)

SAT Reading 24+ Writing 25+ Math 24+ Reading 24+ Writing 25+ Math 24+

PERT Reading 106+ Reading 106+

Reading 19+ English 17+ Math 19+

Reading 24+ Writing 25+ Math 24+

Reading 106+ Writing 103+

Reading 19+ English 17+ Math 19+

Reading 24+ Writing 25+ Math 24+

Reading 106+ Writing 103+ Math 114+

B. To take a Dual Credit course through Baptist College of Florida (BCF): 1. Complete the Online Application (You select the link to access the application.) 2. Submit the Church/Pastor Recommendation Form (You may select the link to access the form.) 3. Church/Pastor Recommendation form: You may ask one of your church pastors or a CCHS administrator or faculty member to complete this form. 4. Immunization Form (You may select the link to access the form.) Send copies of immunization records attached with the immunization form. (You may request a copy of your immunization form from the CCHS school office.) 5. CCHS will send current official transcripts directly to BCF.

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6. ACT/SAT Transcripts Send official ACT or SAT scores to the BCF admissions office. If you have not taken the ACT or SAT, please register to take it and send (via email) the confirmation of the test date to the BCF admissions office. Courses taken through BCF will satisfy the online course requirement for students in the class of 2020 and later. Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities - Eligibility applies to athletics, cheerleading, music, art, drama or any other activities where the student represents the school publicly. 

CCHS Rule - If a student’s UGPA is below 2.0 at the end of a grading period, the student will be ineligible until the mid-term progress report of the next quarter, at which time the UGPA for the current grading period will be checked. If a student’s UGPA is 2.0 or above, the student will become eligible to participate in a sport or event. If the student’s UGPA is below 2.0, the student is ineligible for the remainder of the grading period. During the time of ineligibility, the student may not attend practices or off-season workouts to participate or observe. The purpose is to use available time to concentrate on academics and improve academic achievement.

FHSAA Rule- If a student’s cumulative UGPA is below 2.0 at the end of a semester, the student is ineligible for the entire following semester and must have a cumulative 2.0 GPA before resuming athletics.

Exam Exemption – Students may qualify to exempt up to two exams per semester if their cumulative average in the class for the semester is a grade of “A” on the designated date posted on the school calendar for determining exam exemption eligibility. Additionally, students must have 6 or fewer absences in the class for the given semester. Students may not exempt the same subject exam both semesters during their 9th, 10th, and 11th grade years. Seniors in their second semester may exempt up to four exams which can include the same subject exams as first semester. Advanced Placement and Dual Credit classes are not eligible for exam exemption. Second semester juniors taking multiple AP or Dual Credit classes will be given consideration regarding exempting exams in the same subject as first semester. Exam Schedule – Students are to take exams at the scheduled time. Any change requires administrative approval by the exemption deadline. Students absent from an exam period on the designated day/time without prior approval or being considered excused by school administration will receive a “0” grade for the assessment. Failed Courses –A failure in any required course must be made-up before graduation. Grade reporting will be as described in Grade Improvement Policy listed in this handbook. Seniors failing a required course will not be issued a Calvary diploma, or be permitted to participate in commencement exercises. Students must fully meet graduation requirements to participate in commencement exercises.

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Credit for a subject failed with an "F" (0-59) is only received by one of the following methods: 1. Repeat the course at CCHS and earn a passing grade (Scheduling may not permit this option). 2. Make up course through Florida Virtual School. Grade Improvement Students may retake a course (or semester of a course) to improve his/her grade. Students may do this in one of two ways. 1. Re-take the course at CCHS (scheduling permitting). 2. Re-take the course through Florida Virtual School – NOTE: CCHS limits a student to two semesters of courses through Florida Virtual School credit recovery or grade improvement. Students seeking grade improvement or retaking a course for required credit through Florida Virtual School must meet with school administration prior to registering for a class. At least one parent must attend the meeting as well. The student and parent must sign a contract that outlines the agreed upon timeline for completion of the course through Florida Virtual School. For a re-taken course, the student’s transcript will reflect the original class and grade with “not calculated” indicated. The GPA for the original class will not be calculated in the student’s GPA. The transcript will reflect the re-taken class with the notation “re-taken” and the new grade earned will be calculated in the students GPA. If the student does not meet the contract deadline, the original grade will stand. Grade Point Average (GPA) - All semester grades earned in courses carrying high school credit will be used to compute a student's GPA. Students who enroll in Calvary Christian High School bringing previously earned honors credits from another school will retain those honors credits for the courses in which they were earned. All honors courses are designated on student report cards, transcripts, and the student's records. For the purpose of cumulative high school GPA, all grades received for high school credit, including honors points, will be included. For weighted GPA calculation, one-half grade point will be added to each Honors grade received and one grade point will be added to each Advanced Placement or Dual Credit grade received. A student’s GPA is calculated on grades earned in grades 9 – 12. Graduation Requirements - The academic curriculum at CCHS is comprised of collegepreparatory courses for the college bound student. The required credits to be earned for each of the three diploma types offered at CCHS are outlined below. For a more thorough explanation of the graduation requirements, please review the Course Description Book on the school’s website under the Academics tab.

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Courses Bible English* Math Science Social Studies World Language Fine Arts Health/P.E.** (.5 of each) Electives or Additional Courses in the Above Subjects Listed Total Grade Point Average Honor Credits Community Service

College Prep

Honors College Prep

Advanced College Prep

4 4 4 3 3 2 1 1

4 4 4 4 3 2 1 1

4 4 4 4 4 3 1 1




26 2.0 n/a 100 hours

28 3.25 12 100 hours

30 3.5 15 100 hours

*An English credit must be earned for each year of attendance at Calvary. English credits earned prior to entering high school do not count towards this requirement. **Playing CCHS team sports (except JV Cheerleading) and/or participating in marching band for two seasons qualifies to meet the PE credit requirement. In addition to the above requirements, the following apply:  The World Language requirement is for sequential years in the same language.  Students in the class of 2020 or later are required to take a minimum of one online course to meet graduation requirements. The course may be completed at any time during their high school career. The work for this course can be completed at home on nights / weekends, through a Study Hall during the school day, or at home during the summer. (Please see Online Course Requirement in this catalog for more information.)  Honors Diploma: a minimum of 12 Honors credits must be earned. At least 10 of these must be earned in grades 9-12. A maximum of two Honors credits earned in middle school will be counted toward the number of Honors credits required.  Advanced Diploma: a minimum of 15 Honors credits must be earned. At least 13 of these must be earned in grades 9-12. A maximum of two Honors credits earned in middle school will be counted toward the number of Honors credits required.  An Honors or Advanced Diploma will not be awarded to a student who has a final semester grade of a “D” or “F” in any class. If a student repeats a course for grade forgiveness, the grade from the repeated class will serve as the final semester grade. In order for a repeated course to be used as the final semester grade, the course must be completed by the end of the third quarter of a student’s senior year.  Students must take the SAT or ACT prior to the start of the senior year. Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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 

Students must apply to at least one four-year college or university (not community college) by the first day of Q2 of the senior year. Community Service: A minimum of 100 hours is required for graduation. Students transferring after freshman year will have a prorated requirement. If he/she qualifies for Bright Futures, he/she must still meet the Bright Futures requirement (Florida Academic Scholar = 100 hours; Florida Medallion Scholar = 75 hours). A minimum of 100 community service hours must be completed prior to the first day of school of the senior year.

Graduation Probationary Status – A senior will be put on Probationary Status for any of the following:  Unweighted grade point average less than a 2.0  ACT/SAT not taken by first day of the senior year  Student has not completed 100 community service hours by first day of the senior year. Failure to have completed 100 hours of community service by the end of the first semester will result in the parents having to withdraw their child from CCHS because the student did not meet the requirements for graduation from CCHS.  Behavior/Attitude that does not align with the mission of the school Hall Pass – Students out of class during class time must have a hall pass from the teacher granting them permission to be out of class. The student must present the hall pass if requested by a school employee. Teachers and Office Aides must wear their name badge/lanyard during the assigned period they are serving in this role. Help Classes - Help classes are available for students wanting assistance in academic classes. Help Classes are held immediately after school. Students involved in extra-curricular activities are permitted to miss practices to attend Help Class. The Help Class schedule is published at the beginning of each school year through the school newsletter and website. Homework - Homework assignments are posted online and viewable through the school’s student management software. Students can expect ongoing study and homework assignments to average 2-3 hours daily.  Homework is due on the due date and time.  Homework turned in one day after the due date can receive only up to 60% of the grade.  Homework turned in more than one day after due date will receive a zero for the grade.

 

Project Policy Projects (assignments given with at least two weeks to complete) are due on the due date regardless of absence or illness. A 20% grade reduction will be given for each day a project is turned in late.

Honors Courses - Grading Procedures - Honors courses are available to those students who meet the academic requirements. For weighted GPA calculation, one-half grade point will be added to each Honors grade received and one grade point will be added to each Advanced Placement or Dual Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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Credit grade received. To enroll in another honors class in the same subject for the next school year, a student must maintain a “B” or above in the honors class. Incompletes - A student's quarter grade is incomplete when, due to circumstances beyond his/her control, he/she does not complete the assigned work in any subject. A grade of "I" is assigned until the assigned work is completed. The responsibility of making arrangements for make-up work and/or exams belongs to the student. Incomplete work must be completed within two weeks of the end of the grading period. Make-up Work – Students who are absent from school for any reason are required to make up work missed. This policy relates to parent-initiated/approved absences, as well as schoolinitiated/approved absences for an activity or event. 

  

 

A student in class the day before an assessment is scheduled and is absent on the day of the assessment must promptly communicate with the teacher and be prepared to take the assessment upon his/her return to school. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to schedule a make-up assessment. The student must contact the teacher and schedule the time to make-up the assessment. A 20% reduction will be given for each day an assessment is not completed during the scheduled make-up time. Students who are absent from school for any reason are required to make up work missed. This policy relates to parent-initiated/approved absences, as well as schoolinitiated/approved absences for an activity or event. A student will be given a total number of days to turn in his work equal to the number of days absent. It is the student's responsibility to make sure the work is done before the deadline expires. A CCHS teacher is not expected to remind students of make-up deadlines. Any assignment given before the student was absent and coming due during the absence will be due the day the student returns (with the exception of extended absences as determined by school administration). Any exception to this policy requires school administration approval.

Probation (Academic) - A student who is consistently unsatisfactory in achievement, or who in the opinion of the faculty, is not making sufficient effort is placed on Academic Probation. This step is taken with the realization that unless the majority of his/her teachers see marked improvement by the next grading period, he/she may be asked to withdraw at the end of a semester. A student placed on probation may be ineligible for all extracurricular school activities during the next reporting period. A student will automatically be placed on Academic Probation if the quarterly UGPA is below 2.0. Report Cards – Report cards are posted quarterly and viewable in the school’s student management software. A paper copy will be provided upon request. Valedictorian and Salutatorian - Selection is made on the basis of the cumulative grade point average through the 1st semester of the 12th grade. The senior with the highest cumulative weighted GPA is the Valedictorian, and the senior with the second highest weighted GPA is the Salutatorian of the graduating class. GPA's will be figured to the nearest thousandth. Students must have attended CCHS for their entire junior and senior years to be eligible for the Valedictorian and Salutatorian selection. Students who have a suspension on their high school record may forfeit their opportunity to be named Valedictorian or Salutatorian. Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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Inspiring Excellence: Mind



Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30

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APPEARANCE AND DRESS CCHS has a “standard of dress.” The purpose of our dress code is to encourage an environment that is conducive to learning. Research shows there is a direct correlation to a student’s performance and the dress code of the educational institution. The goal of the dress code is to address three areas: modesty, identity, and propriety. Students will be asked to change clothing that is too tight, immodest, or inappropriate. Students are to be neat, modest, well-groomed, and in designated pants/shorts/skirt/shirt at all times during school hours. If a student comes to school out of dress code or in attire deemed to be inappropriately dressed by the administration, the student will not be permitted to attend class until they are in compliance with the school dress code. Students should dress modestly when attending activities on the school campus outside of school hours. Students determined by administration to be dressed inappropriately at a school will forfeit their privilege to attend the next school event/activity. Standard of Dress For All Students  At no time should undergarments be visible.  Clothing exposing the torso or midriff, either front, sides, or back may not be worn. This standard includes during activities such as raising the hand, sitting down, picking up objects, etc.  Clothing must fit appropriately (not too tight or too loose).  Students may wear any CCHS shirt with jeans on Fridays. Jeans that are ripped or torn (or have simulated rips or tears) are not permitted.  All pants, capris, shorts, and skirts must be made of cotton-twill material. They may not be corduroy, jersey knit, sweatshirt-type material, denim, black jeans, or be of an elastane or spandex material.  Pants (on any school day) that are ripped or torn (or have simulated rips or tears) are not permitted.  Heelys are not permitted to be worn on school campus at any time. Guys Shirts—A collared shirt with CCHS logo purchased from the Warrior Wear House. CCHS team or organization collared shirt may be worn if the color is white, navy, red, or gray. Seniors on Fridays during the second semester may wear shirts with an imprint of the college name and/or logo of the university/college where they have been accepted. Sweatshirts or Jackets – Only CCHS sweatshirts or jackets may be worn during the school day. If the shirt under the sweatshirt or jacket is visible it must comply with above shirt standard of dress. Students may wear an appropriate non-CCHS coat, sweater, sweatshirt, hat, gloves, etc. to school; however, only the CCHS sweatshirts or jackets may be worn in the classroom during the school day. Pants—Docker-style, made of cotton twill or similar material in navy, gray, black, or khaki – (WHITE and STONE ARE NOT APPROVED COLORS) purchased anywhere. NO low rider, hip-hugger, or cargo pants (outside pockets) are permitted. A belt must be worn if pants do not fit securely around the waist. Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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Shorts—Docker-style, made of cotton twill or similar material, knee-length shorts in navy, gray, black, or khaki – with no cargo pockets – (WHITE AND STONE ARE NOT APPROVED COLORS). A belt must be worn if shorts do not fit securely around the waist. Shoes—Comfortable shoes that fit securely on the foot for walking up and down stairs. Flip-flops and sandals may be worn. Bedroom slippers may not be worn. Socks – Socks may or may not be worn with the chosen shoe. The decision and choice of sock style are at the discretion of the parent and student. Ladies Shirts—A collared shirt with CCHS logo purchased from the Warrior Wear House. CCHS team or organization collared shirt may be worn if the color is white, navy, red, or gray. Seniors on Fridays during the second semester may wear college shirts with an imprint of the college name and/or logo of the university/college where they have been accepted. Sweatshirts or Jackets – Only CCHS sweatshirts or jackets may be worn during the school day. If the shirt under the sweatshirt or jacket is visible it must comply with above shirt standard of dress. Students may wear an appropriate non-CCHS coat, sweater, sweatshirt, hat, gloves, etc. to school; however, only the CCHS sweatshirts or jackets may be worn in the classroom during the school day. Pants—Docker-style, made of cotton twill or similar material in navy, gray, black, or khaki – (WHITE and STONE ARE NOT APPROVED COLORS) purchased anywhere. NO low rider, hip-hugger, or cargo pants (outside pockets) are permitted. A belt must be worn if pants do not fit securely around the waist. Skirt— Made of cotton twill or similar material with no elastane or spandex material in navy, gray, black, or khaki (WHITE and STONE ARE NOT APPROVED COLORS). The shortest part of the skirt may be no higher than 2 inches above the knee (i.e. if the skirt has a slit, the top of the slit cannot be higher than 2” above the knee). Shorts—Docker-style dress shorts, made of cotton twill or similar material with no elastane, spandex, or cargo pockets with at least a 10.5 inseam to ensure appropriate length in the following colors: navy, gray, black, or khaki (WHITE and STONE ARE NOT APPROVED COLORS). A belt must be worn if shorts do not fit securely around the waist. Capris—Docker-style, made of cotton with no elastane or spandex material in the following colors: navy, gray, black, or khaki (WHITE and STONE ARE NOT APPROVED COLORS). A belt must be worn if capris do not fit securely around the waist. Shoes - Comfortable shoes that fit securely on the foot for walking up and down stairs. Flip-flops and sandals may be worn. Bedroom slippers may not be worn. Socks – Socks may or may not be worn with the chosen shoe. The decision and choice of sock style are at the discretion of the parent and student. Cold Weather/Outer Wear Policy - In the event of cold weather, students may wear a CCHS sweater, jacket, or coat in the classroom during the school day. If the shirt under the sweatshirt, jacket, or coat is visible, it must comply with above shirt standard of dress. Blankets (even CCHS stadium blankets) may not be worn, carried, or brought in the school building to keep warm during the school day. Students may wear an appropriate non-CCHS coat, sweater, sweatshirt, hat, gloves, etc. to school; however, only the CCHS sweatshirts or jackets may be worn in the classroom during the school day.

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Hats and Caps – Hats, caps, scarfs, leggings, and hoods on a hooded sweatshirt are not permitted to be worn in the classroom during school hours. Other Items - Other items such as leg warmers, hats, etc. may not be worn during the school day. Hair - Students must keep their hair neat, well groomed, and in traditional styles. No extreme hair colors or styles are allowed. •

Boys are to keep their hair in moderate length and style. Length in front may not be below the eyebrows, and hair in the back must not be longer than the bottom of the shirt collar. Boys may not wear headbands, have “man-buns,” or keep their hair back with glasses. Boys in grades 9 and 10 must be clean shaven. Boys in grades 11 and 12 may wear well-groomed facial hair. School administration reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of hair styles and facial hair.

Piercings - Body piercings (including spacers, eye-brow, and other facial piercings) are not permitted. Girls may have pierced ears and/or a small nose piercing. Excessive ear piercings and large, distracting nose piercings are unacceptable. Boys with pierced ears may not wear earrings on campus or to any school-related function. This includes, but is not limited to, field trips, banquets, or athletic events. Tattoos - Students with tattoos must keep them covered at all times while on school campus (before, during, and after school) and while attending or participating in all school-related events. Dress-Down Days – Students may wear non-uniform shirts, T-shirts (no inappropriate logos), shorts (at appropriate length), jeans (no torn or cut-off hems or having simulated rips or tears) to school on designated dress-down days. The length of all shirts for both girls and boys must be “tuckable” even though the shirt may be worn un-tucked. Tank tops and sleeveless shirts are not allowed. Tops must not be too tight. Sweat pants and team warm-up pants are not permitted. Clothing exposing the torso or midriff, either front, sides, or back may not be worn. This standard includes during activities such as raising the hand, sitting down, picking up objects, etc. Students who fail to abide by these guidelines will be asked to change clothes and will not be permitted to participate in future dress down days. Formal Wear/Dress-Up Days - All clothing must be modest. Students determined to be wearing immodest clothing or out of dress guidelines may be asked to change or leave the event. The following guidelines must be followed for events such as school awards assemblies, honor society inductions, class presentations, banquets, concerts, evening awards assemblies/banquets, or formal events such as prom, homecoming dance, Baccalaureate, and Graduation. 

Girls - Any gown or other formal wear must be modest. The length of the skirt, dress, or gown should be no shorter than four inches above the top of the knee. Dress pants outfits are acceptable. Dress shoes or dress sandals must be worn. Girls may be asked to have their dress or pants outfit approved prior to a school event. Girls are required to get their

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dress approved prior to the event for Homecoming Banquet and Prom. Boys - Suits, tuxedos, blazers, (jackets required for Prom) and coordinating dress slacks must be worn. For Prom and Homecoming Dance, dress shoes, ties, socks, and belts are mandatory accessories.

Casual School Functions - Non-school uniform dress may be approved for school functions (i.e. Field Trips) during the school day. When approved, students must comply with the dress code for Dress-Down Days as stated above. Hats may be approved for the activity; however, bandannas and boys' earrings are not permitted. Students who fail to abide by these guidelines will not be permitted to participate in the activity until the violation is corrected. School administration will make the final decision as to the appropriateness of a student's dress. Other School Functions – Students attending school functions such as athletic events, fine arts productions, club meetings, etc. must remember they are always CCHS students and should dress in a manner in keeping with the school’s philosophy for standard of dress which is modesty, identity, and propriety. Students may be asked to leave or change if the clothing is determined to be inappropriate. If administration determines the clothing to be inappropriate, the student will forfeit their privilege to attend the next school event/activity. Physical Education Classes (Team Sports, Weight Training, etc.) - The approved dress code for physical education classes must be worn by all students. A student failing to wear the clothing required by the instructor will be subject to discipline and/or grade reduction for failing to comply with class expectations. Sports Practices - Dress for sports practices must be modest. Boys must wear a shirt at all times. Students must remain in the athletic practice area when dressed in practice attire. Students out of compliance with these guidelines may be excluded from practice or games. School administration will make the final decision of the appropriateness of dress for sports practices.

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ATTENDANCE School hours are from 7:45 AM to 2:55 PM. Florida School Law states, “Each parent of a child within the compulsory attendance age shall be responsible for such child’s attendance as required by law.” In order to gain the most from school, each student must be regular in attendance. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class period. Parents will be notified after the 7th absence and at the 9th absence. At the 10th absence, a Saturday School will be assigned to reinforce the importance of school attendance. After the 15th absence, the student will receive a failing grade (“WF” – Withdrawal Failure) for the class. There are no excused or unexcused absences. Any class missed counts as an absence which is accumulated over the semester. This includes: medical appointments, illnesses, conferences, retreats, non-sanctioned athletic tournaments retreats, and absences requested by a parent with prior notification to the administration. If a student misses a class for any reason, this counts as an absence. School-initiated time away from school (i.e. field trips, athletic events, etc.) will not be part of the cumulative total of absences for a student. Attendance on Assessment Days - Students who exhibit a pattern of being absent from classes on days of assessments, and check-in to class after his/her assessed class meets, will be required to take the assessment the same day during a study hall, study free, or immediately after school. Attendance of Athletes Before Games - Students participating in any athletic contests must be present during the regular school day on the day of a game (or previous day of school if the game is on Saturday) and remain in school for a minimum of four full class periods. When an athlete leaves school early for a game, all work that is due on that day must be turned in to the teacher before leaving for the game. Athletes are also responsible to obtain work that will be due the following day before leaving campus. Athletes are expected to be in school at the beginning of the school day regardless of the time the athletic contest ends the prior evening. Attendance for School Sponsored Activities - Students who participate in school-sponsored activities during the school day or after the school day must be in school four full periods that day. If a student misses class time for a school-sponsored activity, all work that is due on that day must be turned in to the teacher before departing for the activity. Students are also responsible to obtain work that will be due the following day before leaving campus. The event sponsor or athletic department will notify faculty of the students participating in the activity. If the activity is on a Saturday, the student must be in school attendance on Friday (or the previous school day) for at least four full periods. College Campus Visits - Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores are permitted four days per school year for college campus visits. Freshmen are permitted two days per school year for college campus visits. In order to have the absence approved as a college campus visit, the student must submit proof of the official college visit experience to his/her primary college placement advisor immediately upon return to school. The required proof of visit needed is a letter from the college admission office stating the student was in attendance at the admission office presentation and campus visit. Colleges expect high school students to ask for this form letter, so they should easily provide it upon request. Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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College Counseling Meetings – The College Counseling Department provides a number of opportunities for students and/or parents to meet individually with their primary counselor and with college/university representatives who visit CCHS. The attendance policy for each visit type is:  Counselor-initiated/scheduled meeting: These are mandatory meetings for all juniors. Parents are highly encouraged to attend. Meetings will be scheduled by the primary counselor during a student’s study hall or non-core class and communicated via email 2-3 weeks in advance. Students’ attendance is pre-recorded as an excused absence in the student management software.  Student-initiated meeting: These are optional meetings for juniors at designated times in the spring, or for seniors, anytime throughout the year. One parent is required to attend with a junior student. Students will use the College Counseling Department’s scheduling program to request a meeting. Students are required to select their preferred meeting date and time during a study hall or non-core course. Students should first check-in to their scheduled class to show their teacher the appointment before going to the counselor meeting.  College/University Representative Meetings: These meetings are for all grade levels. Students must register 24 hours in advance of the published meeting time by using the Naviance program. The student’s absence will be pre-recorded in the school management software as an excused absence, but the student is responsible to find out what was missed in class and make-up any assignments. Students MAY NOT miss an assessment to attend a meeting with a college representative. Early Dismissal - If a student is dismissed from school for any reason prior to normal school dismissal, his/her parent or guardian must notify the school office by phone call, email, or written note informing the school of the time of the dismissal. The student will be issued a permit to leave at the designated time. Without prior notification, parents must come into the school office and sign-out the student on the appropriate log in the school office.  Appointments that require a student to leave early should be communicated to the school office as much in advance as possible.  There should be a legitimate reason for an early dismissal.  Students MUST sign out listing both the time of departure and recording a specific and approved reason for leaving campus. Exam Exemptions – Students may qualify to exempt up to two exams per semester if their cumulative average in the class for the semester is a grade of “A” on the designated date posted on the school calendar for determining exam exemption eligibility. Additionally, students must have 6 or fewer absences in the class for the given semester. Students may not exempt the same subject exam both semesters during their 9th, 10th, and 11th grade years. Seniors in their second semester may exempt up to four exams which can include the same subject exams as first semester. Advanced Placement and Dual Credit classes are not eligible for exam exemption. Second semester juniors taking multiple AP or Dual Credit classes will be given consideration regarding exempting exams in the same subject as first semester. Funerals – If a student must miss school to attend the funeral of an immediate family member, Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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the days (3 days maximum) will be excused and not count toward the number of absences to prevent qualifying for exam exemptions. Late Stays - Students staying after 3:10 PM must go to one of the designated areas approved by school administration for students having to stay late at school. School personnel remain on campus until 5:30 PM. By 5:30 PM, all students must be off campus unless they are attending a school activity or event. For students remaining after 5:30 PM without a school activity or event to attend will be charged a Fee for school personnel to remain and provide required student supervision. • Students remaining on campus after school dismisses are expected to be with a coach, teacher, club sponsor, or in one of the designated areas approved for students having to stay late at school by 3:10 PM. • A student arriving on campus before 5:30 PM for a school activity or event with a start time after 5:30 PM must report to one of the designated areas approved for students having to stay late at school. • The athletic facilities, including the weight room, are for use by teams under the supervision of a coach. The athletic facilities, including the weight room, are not an “open” area where students may go after school dismisses unless they are part of a team using the facility for a school-related purpose. • On days when there is an athletic event or school activity on campus that begins before 5:30 PM, students remaining on campus to attend the event or activity must be in one of the designated areas approved for students having to stay late at school until time for the event or activity to start. Students may not wait in the hallways or outside an athletic facility waiting for the event to begin. • A student remaining after school and not in one of the designated locations will be assigned to attend Saturday School ($25 fee) as a disciplinary measure for being in an unapproved area. • All students must leave campus by 5:30 PM. o A student remaining from 5:30 – 5:45 will incur a $15 per day charge. o A student remaining after 5:45 PM will incur a $50 charge per 30 minute increments Leaving Campus - CCHS operates under the "closed campus" policy. Once a student arrives on school property for the school day, he/she may not leave the building until school is dismissed for the day. This includes students wanting to return to their car to retrieve items. To leave campus, students must comply with the Early Dismissal Policy stated in this handbook. For additional information, please see Closed Campus policy. Make-up Work – Students who are absent from school for any reason are required to make up work missed. This policy relates to parent-initiated/approved absences, as well as schoolinitiated/approved absences for an activity or event. 

A student in class the day before an assessment is scheduled and is absent on the day of the assessment must promptly communicate with the teacher and be prepared to take the assessment upon his/her return to school. It is not the

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teacher’s responsibility to schedule a make-up assessment. The student must contact the teacher and schedule the time to make-up the assessment. A 20% reduction will be given for each day an assessment is not completed during the scheduled make-up time. Students who are absent from school for any reason are required to make up work missed. This policy relates to parent-initiated/approved absences, as well as school-initiated/approved absences for an activity or event. A student will be given a total number of days to turn in his work equal to the number of days absent. It is the student's responsibility to make sure the work is done before the deadline expires. A CCHS teacher is not expected to remind students of make-up deadlines. Any assignment given before the student was absent and coming due during the absence will be due the day the student returns (with the exception of extended absences as determined by school administration). Any exception to this policy requires school administration approval.

Tardy Policy – Students are expected to be in the classroom when the bell rings for the beginning of class. Punctual student attendance maximizes the learning opportunity for students and the prevention of class interruptions maximizes the instructional environment for the teacher and student. As such, there are disciplinary measures taken for students consistently tardy to class. Tardies are computed by the quarter grading period and by each occurrence (total tardies) regardless of the number in particular classes.   

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First tardy—warning to student. Second tardy—warning to student and email to parent explaining third infraction consequences. Third to Sixth tardy—after school detention 3:00-4:00 PM (Tuesday or Thursday Athletics, Fine Arts, Making-up Tests, Help Classes, Study Groups, Field Trips not returning before the end of school day, etc. will not exempt a student from serving his/her detention.) Seventh-Ninth tardy—Saturday school. Tenth tardy—one day in-school suspension. Fifteenth tardy—three day out of school suspension.

At the beginning of the school day for a student tardy to school (may be 2nd period for a senior), signing in at the front office and receiving an admit to class pass is the only way the student will be permitted to enter the classroom. Signing in is also the only method to prevent an attendance error for the beginning of the school day period for a student. For example, a student may be marked absent to 1st period, but the teacher forgets to change the absence to a tardy when the student arrives late to class. School administration checks the sign-in reports each day to make sure a student tardy to has been correctly marked as tardy instead of absent. 

Excused Tardy – A student leaving campus for a medical appointment, or arriving late to class due to a medical appointment, must bring a doctor’s excuse confirming lateness due to medical appointment.

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Truancy - Deliberate absence without parents' knowledge and administrative permission will result in disciplinary action deemed necessary by the administration.

CHAPEL A regular part of student life at Calvary is the weekly chapel service. Chapel attendance is required by all students and is intended to aid student growth as a Christian, and to provide students with the opportunity to worship and praise God with fellow students and school staff. Students may not check-out from school to miss chapel unless it is an emergency or unchangeable doctor’s appointment. For the doctor’s appointment, the school must receive confirmation from the doctor’s appointment that the student visited during the designated chapel time. Any misconduct during chapel will be handled in the same manner as a classroom offense, but with a greater concern for disrespect to interrupting worship. Sleeping, eating, participating in conversations, distracting, or disrupting chapel is considered disrespectful and unacceptable behavior for Chapel and Assemblies. Students are expected to give respect to the speaker or presenter by sitting up (no feet on chairs in front or propping up legs) and not leaning on other people during chapel. Students are not to share the same chair with their peers. Discipline will be administered to students violating behavior expectations in chapel. With the exception of a Bible, students are not to bring backpacks, books, computers, or other materials to Chapel.

CONDUCT OF STUDENTS Our goal, and the student mission, should always be to obey the Scripture which says, "So then, whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do all to the glory of God." In the best interest of the entire school community, so that we might all live safely and in harmony, certain guidelines of conduct must be maintained by all students of Calvary Christian High School, both on and off campus. Students must practice courtesy and consideration in all associations with teachers, school employees, fellow students, and visitors. Students must respect their person and their property. (Ephesians 4:28-32) Students must respect the authority of administrators, teachers, and staff members and treat them respectfully as a demonstration of obedience as unto the Lord. (Hebrews 13:17 and I Thessalonians 5:12-13). Behavior Expectations - Good behavior arises from good character. Partnering with parents in the development of Godly character is one of CCHS's primary goals. As such, it is necessary to recognize and contend with misbehavior so as to discourage its frequency and intensity. We want CCHS to be characterized by a positive learning atmosphere where respect for others is common. As such, school personnel will teach students the behavioral expectations for CCHS students and assign disciplinary measures to teach students appropriate character. The accumulation of discipline referrals and discipline points may be viewed as a sign that the student is unwilling to abide by the CCHS standards. The accumulation of disciplinary referrals and discipline points will result in more Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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serious consequences, even dismissal from the school. The Calvary Christian High School student will‌ 1. Abstain from the use or possession of alcoholic beverages, tobacco (including smokeless and e-Cigarette products), drugs, pornography, gambling and other undesirable practices both on and off campus twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Students who do not abstain from such practices may be subject to expulsion. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) 2. Abstain from profanity, vulgar, and abusive speech, writing, texts, social media posts, or actions. This behavior is harmful to others and is not appropriate or conducive to one's own moral and spiritual development. (Ephesians 4:29) 3. Refrain from a public display of affection. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a discreet and Christian manner. While on campus, students should follow a "hands off" policy. 4. Leave all unauthorized and dangerous items such as knives, weapons, lighters/matches, explosive items, or any items that could cause harm or campus disruption at home. Radios, CD players, MP3 players, iPods, or any similar electronic items, are not allowed at school. Cell Phones may be used only in accordance to the Cell Phone policies as described in this Handbook. 5. Do his/her own work. Students must not give or receive help on tests, quizzes, projects, or homework unless the teacher has granted this privilege on a particular assignment. Cheating is considered dishonest and is a serious offense. During a test, quiz, or exam, it is the student's responsibility to avoid every appearance of cheating. All books and papers must be out of sight. No talking is allowed. Talking during a quiz, test, or exam may be dealt with in the same manner as cheating. Cheating will result in a teacher intervention and will result in disciplinary action by Administration. 6. Maintain a Christ-like spirit of cooperation and harmony while doing his/her best to obey and conform to the school’s policies, rules, dress code requirements, and staff directions. Students will refrain from negative attitudes and negative comments regarding school rules, school personnel, fellow students, and all efforts to incite dissension among student body or school staff. 7. Demonstrate proper respect during prayer by bowing head and not creating or participating in distracting the time devoted to prayer. Demonstrate proper respect for the American flag by standing and reciting pledge. 8. No student can be legally married and be enrolled at Calvary. A pregnant student or a student with a child may not be enrolled at Calvary. A male student who is a father (unborn or born) may not be enrolled at Calvary.

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Cheating and Plagiarism - Refrain from acts of Plagiarism - Definition of Plagiarism: The use of another writer’s ideas or words without giving the writer credit for them. 1. Level 1 Plagiarism Offense: This category is for a first-time offender who plagiarizes less than 25% of a paper. The student must meet with school administration. The paper may be rewritten and submitted for a maximum of half credit for the assignment. A first-time offense will be treated as a Category 2A offense. 2. Level 2 Plagiarism Offense: This category is for a repeat offender or for a student who plagiarizes more than 25% of his/her paper. (Repeat offenders include those who plagiarize in more than one class or those who plagiarize more than once during their enrollment at CCHS.) The student will receive a 0% for the assignment. A repeated offense will be treated as a Category 2C offense—the student will receive Withdraw Fail in the class and a one day Out of School Suspension. Cheating is a serious offense as it explicitly breaks the integrity of the academic process at CCHS. Definition of Cheating- Cheating is using, stealing, taking another person’s work (including homework or previously written essay’s or papers) and propagating/distributing information about a test to other students for their personal benefit. 1. 1st time cheating—Student will receive a zero on the assignment/test and will receive a Saturday School. 2. 2nd time cheating—Student will receive Withdraw Fail in the class and a one day Out of School Suspension. The cheating and plagiarism policy is not class specific—if a student cheats/plagiarizes in one class, the next time he/she cheats or plagiarizes it will be considered a 2nd offense regardless of the class. Common Classroom Expectations - The following are considered common classroom expectations. Teachers may have additional requirements and/or classroom expectations, or modifications to the following during their class instruction.  When the bell rings, be ready to start class with required materials for class.  Listen attentively to the teacher and participate in class discussion.  Request permission to speak or make comments in class.  Use class time efficiently.  Refrain from consuming beverages and food during class. Exception: Water in a clear (not tinted by any color) bottle may be consumed during class. Water bottles or containers that are not clear are prohibited to be left in the hallways during the school day. Clear beverage containers not having water in them (for example, coffee in a clear container) may not be left in the hallways during the school day. Students may keep their containers in their lockers.  Refrain from chewing gum while on the school campus. Discipline Policy - The discipline philosophy at CCHS is based on the need for a proper working relationship between the home, the church, and the school. It is our conviction that the home was the first institution God established, and it is there the child learns patterns of behavior. In the home, the child learns a value system of right and wrong. When a child is taught proper discipline and respect at home, he/she is then ready to be educated and to develop the skills necessary to face Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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life successfully. The church is the institution of God established for the express purpose of winning the unsaved to Christ and for the purpose of teaching/training the saved. This includes the teaching of Biblical principles of living as found in the Bible. The school is an institution set up by man for the purpose of partnering with parents in the educating and training of their children. The school has an obligation to provide an environment and a curriculum conducive to effective learning. As a Christian school, it is our responsibility to further build and train our students in Christian character. The purpose of our discipline plan is to train each student to achieve obedience, respect, and responsibility in order to create a learning environment where students are able to attain their highest potential. Obedience to rules and guidelines is essential to the development of maturity (Luke 2:51 and Hebrews 5:8). It results in genuine freedom in life (John 8:32). Respect is necessary for successful and meaningful relationships (Luke 10:36, 37 and Romans 12:18). The building of personal responsibility fosters a sense of achievement. Responsibility and achievement are necessary ingredients to the development of self-worth (1 Corinthians 10:31, Ecclesiastes 9:10, Romans 14:12). As we seek to provide a balanced and disciplined learning environment for the students of CCHS, we realize that man's wisdom falls short of God's standards. We do not claim to be perfect in all our decisions, but we do try to discipline in a way that is biblical and teaches students the necessary lesson. As partners in the process of discipline, it is important that parents work cooperatively with the school for the good of the student. Since we teach the student to obey and submit to the parents, we find it imperative that the parent maintain that continuity by upholding and teaching the principles taught at school. Proper Christian educational and moral principles can only be attained through a well-disciplined program where there is cooperation between the parents and the school. As it relates to disciplinary decisions for disobedience to the Standards of Conduct for Calvary Christian High School, the school administration will make the final decision concerning the disciplinary measures. There is not an appeal process once the decision has been made. Definition of Terms 1. Positive Reinforcement - The intentional recognition and rewarding of students whose behavior is deemed admirable with school personnel giving oral recognition and written recognition. 2. Bullying - Bullying behavior can be: o verbal (name calling, teasing, abuse, putdowns, sarcasm, insults, threats) o physical (hitting, punching, kicking, scratching, tripping, spitting) o social (ignoring, excluding, ostracizing, alienating, making inappropriate gestures) o psychological (spreading rumors, dirty looks, hiding or damaging possessions, malicious SMS and email messages, inappropriate use of camera phones)  It is important to note that conflict or fights between equals and single incidents are not defined as bullying. Bullying behavior is not: o students not getting along well o a situation of mutual conflict o single episodes of nastiness or random acts of aggression or intimidation. 3. Detention - Students spend up to 45 minutes completing an assignment or task under the supervision of school personnel. The time of the detention may occur before school, after Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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school, or during lunch. A Detention assigned by school administration may be accompanied by $10 fee. Dismissal From Class - If a teacher finds it necessary to dismiss a student from the classroom because of disruptive behavior, the student must report immediately to the school main office for intervention by school administration. Discipline Point(s) - The measurable designation given to a disciplinary referral or particular act of misconduct. Saturday School – Students may be assigned Saturday School for disciplinary instruction. He/She must attend school from 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM on a Saturday doing assigned school work. There is a $25 Fee for students assigned to Saturday School and the Fee must be paid prior to the day of attendance. All school policies and rules (including dress code) are in effect for Saturday School. Suspension – Students may be suspended from school for disciplinary instruction. Parents will be notified by school administration of the reasons for the assigned suspension. a. In-School Suspension - A student assigned to In-School Suspension must report to school and will be supervised by a substitute teacher. There is an $85 Fee for students assigned to In-School Suspension and the Fee must be paid prior to the day of suspension. All assignments, tests, quizzes or exams missed during the suspension must be completed while the student is in In-School Suspension. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with the teacher regarding all classwork and any tests, quizzes, projects, etc. due on the day of the In-School Suspension. One (1) point per suspended day will be deducted from each class missed. The points will be subtracted from the final numerical percentage grade of the quarter for each subject in which the suspension occurs. b. Out-of-School Suspension – A student forfeiting his/her privilege to attend school for a number of days may not report to school or attend any school-related activity that is on or off campus. A Fee may be assessed for the suspension. All assignments, tests, quizzes or exams missed during the suspension must be completed. Two (2) points per suspended day will be deducted from each class missed. The points will be subtracted from the final numerical percentage grade of the quarter for each subject in which the suspension occurs. Expulsion - When a student completely forfeits his/her privilege to attend CCHS and is expelled from school, the student may not attend any school-related activity. After one-year, the parents of the students may request the student be given permission to attend schoolrelated activities. School Administration will make the decision and inform parents. When a student is expelled, his/her grades at the time of expulsion will be calculated and assigned as the grades earned on the day of expulsion. The student’s school records will be marked with expulsion from school.

Disciplinary Instruction Category 1: Acts of Misconduct Student behavior that interrupts the instructional environment of a class and/or the orderly operation of the school. These actions include, but are not limited to: Classroom Disruption, Disorderly Behavior, Failure to Follow a Teacher Directive, Disrespect for other Students, Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook

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Unprepared for Class, Off-Task Behaviors, Chewing Gum, Out of Dress Code, Inappropriate Displays of Affection, Inappropriate Parking Lot Conduct, and Visual or Auditory Presence of a Cell Phone or Cell Phone Device. (Violation of cell phone policy will result in an assignment to Saturday School and a $25 Fee.) Instruction: Assignment of 1 or 2 Discipline Points. Category 2A: Acts of Misconduct Student behavior that is either planned misconduct, and/or a more severe level of disobedience and insubordination towards a staff member, or disrespect to staff member and/or peer students. These actions include, but are not limited to: An Offense Requiring Immediate Removal from Class, Skipping Class, Leaving Class without Permission, Leaving Campus without Permission, Disrespect or Insubordination, 1st Time Honor Offense (plagiarism, cheating, etc.), second Chewing Gum Offense, second Dress-Code Violation, and Graffiti or Defacing School or Other’s Property. Instruction: Assignment of 3 to 4 Discipline Points, and a Saturday School. Category 2B: Acts of Misconduct Student behavior that includes, but is not limited to: Intimidation, Threats, 1st Time Bullying or Harassment Incident, Destruction of Property, Direct Insubordination, Skipping Class and/or Leaving Campus, Vandalism or Graffiti, Profanity or Profane Gestures/Signs, Obscene or Inflammatory Language, Inciting Dissension or Disharmony (ex. Rumors or perpetuating a negative situation), Truancy, and Taking or Using God’s Name In Vain. Instruction: Parent Contact, Administrative Student Conference, 5 to 6 Discipline Points, and a Saturday School, or In-School Suspension. Category 2C: Acts of Misconduct Student behavior that includes, but is not limited to: Possession of Simulated Weapon, Repeated Honor Offenses, 2nd Time Bullying or Harassment Incident, 2nd Time Dissension or Disharmony Offense, and Campus Disruption. Instruction: Administrative Conference Including Student and Parent, 7 to 9 Discipline Points, and either a multiple day In-School Suspension or Out-of-School Suspension. Category 3: Acts of Misconduct Student behaviors that are clear and severe violations of school rules, threaten the safety of school students and/or staff, and may break laws. These actions include, but are not limited to: Assault or Fighting, Tampering with Safety Equipment, Theft, Inappropriate Exposure, Repeated or Continued Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation, or Dissension, and acts that place themselves or others in an unsafe or “at-risk” situation.

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Instruction: Possible Disciplinary Measures from Category 2, Administrative Conference Including Student and Parent, 10 or more Discipline Points, if applicable, a report to the proper Law Enforcement Agency, and possibly an agreement for counseling assistance or a written behavior plan. Category 4: Acts of Misconduct Student behavior as defined in Categories 2 and 3, but the offense is more severe in nature and compromises the safety of others. These actions include, but are not limited to: Use or Possession of Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs or any Chemical Substance, Sexual Harassment, Possession of or Involvement in Pornography, Public Indecent Exposure, the use of Racial Slurs or Racial Symbols, and any Criminal Act Classified as a Misdemeanor. Instruction: Removal from School Organizations, Activities and Leadership positions, An Immediate Removal from Class and an Immediate Conference with Administration with Student and Parent Present, if applicable a Report to the Proper Law Enforcement Agency, 15 or more Discipline Points and Suspension from School. A Behavior Plan and Contract is required to return to school. Category 5: Acts of Misconduct Student behavior that is clearly defined as severe disobedience to school policies and/or unlawful. The behavior is considered as major acts of misconduct. These action includes, but not limited to: Possession of a Weapon, Firearm, Explosive Device on School Campus or at a School-Sponsored Event, Threatening to or Actually Bringing Physical Harm to any Student, Faculty or Staff Member, Administrator, or Volunteer, Repeated Use or Possession of Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs or Any Chemical Substance, As Well As Any Performance Enhancing Drug (PED), Involvement with Sexual Immorality, and any Criminal Violation Classified as a Felony. Instruction: Any Disciplinary Action up to and Including Expulsion. (No student can be legally married and be enrolled at Calvary. A pregnant student or a student with a child may not be enrolled at Calvary. A male student who is a father [unborn or born] may not be enrolled at Calvary.) Levels of Disciplinary Instruction Level 1: Accumulation of 5 Discipline Points Instruction: Parent Notification by Email or Letter Level 2: Accumulation of 10 Discipline Points Instruction: Assigned to Saturday School, Administration Contact with Parent, Administration Conference with Student.

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Level 3: Accumulation of 15 Discipline Points Instruction: 1-Day In-School Suspension, Conference with Administration with Parent and Student Present, Development of Written Behavior Intervention Plan. Level 4: Accumulation of 20 Discipline Points Instruction: 1- or 2-Day In-School Suspension, Parent Conference with Administration, Development of Behavior Intervention Plan and Contract signed by both parent & student. Student may not receive recommendation for acceptance from re-enrollment for the following school year. Level 5: Accumulation of 25 Discipline Points Instruction: Forfeiture of privilege to attend CCHS. Policy for Appropriate Use of Electronic Media and Technology: Use of Websites, E-mail, Text Accounts and All Media Sites - ALL forms of technology including, but not limited to email, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or any current or future social media site or system must be used in an appropriate and responsible manner by all students enrolled at CCHS. There is not a time that allows a student enrolled at CCHS to breach or have an exception in regards to this policy. This is a 24/7 mandate. Any posts, texts, or communication that, in the determination of the school administration, reflects any of the following is a violation of this policy and discipline will begin with at least an In-school Suspension. • Posting, texting, or communicating negative statements regarding CCHS faculty, staff, coaches, administration, students, the school in general, school policies, decisions made by school personnel, and any other individual deemed to be associated with the school. •

Using profane, inappropriate language, terminology, slang, abbreviations, or innuendos. This includes posting song lyrics or any other media determined inappropriate by school administration.

Posting, texting, or sending inappropriate images, pictures, graphics, or other visual illustrations reflecting an offensive item, post, suggestion, gesture, or any other act deemed to be inappropriate by school administration.

Posting, texting, or sending content that incites school disharmony, divides the student body or staff, creating dissention, unrest, or any other communication deemed by school administration to negatively impact the school environment.

“Liking,” reposting, or sending any of the inappropriate activity described above whether the original communication was from a person affiliated with CCHS or not.

Any other post, text, or communication deemed by school administration to reflect negatively on the school because the behavior was a violation of the Code of Conduct for a CCHS student.

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Consequences  Category 2-B 1st Offense will result in an ISS day plus 5 discipline points will be added to the student’s record, and will require that the offending post, photo or other be removed from the site immediately.  2nd Occurrence – 2 ISS Days plus an additional 5 discipline points will be added to the student’s record and will require that the offending post, photo or other be removed from the site immediately. The student will be required to take down, leave, and disconnect from access to ANY and ALL social media sites for a period of time as determined by school administration.  3rd Occurrence – 3 OSS Days. A meeting will be held by administration, as well as possibly the parent and student regarding whether the student will be expelled or placed on a probationary status. The offending post, photo or other must be removed from the site immediately. If probationary status is granted, the student will be required to take down, leave, and disconnect from access to ANY and ALL social media sites for the remainder of the school year. Tardy Policy – Students are expected to be in the classroom when the bell rings for the beginning of class. Punctual student attendance maximizes the learning opportunity for students and the prevention of class interruptions maximizes the instructional environment for the teacher and student. As such, there are disciplinary measures taken for students consistently tardy to class. Tardies are computed by the quarter grading period and by each occurrence (total tardies) regardless of the number in particular classes.   

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First tardy—warning to student. Second tardy—warning to student and email to parent explaining third infraction consequences. Third to Sixth tardy—after school detention 3:00-4:00 PM (Tuesday or Thursday Athletics, Fine Arts, Making-up Tests, Help Classes, Study Groups, Field Trips not returning before the end of school day, etc. will not exempt a student from serving his/her detention.) Seventh-Ninth tardy—Saturday school. Tenth tardy—one day in-school suspension. Fifteenth tardy—three day out of school suspension.

At the beginning of the school day for a student tardy to school (may be 2nd period for a senior), signing in at the front office and receiving an admit to class pass is the only way the student will be permitted to enter the classroom. Signing in is also the only method to prevent an attendance error for the beginning of the school day period for a student. For example, a student may be marked absent to 1st period, but the teacher forgets to change the absence to a tardy when the student arrives late to class. School administration checks the sign-in reports each day to make sure a student tardy to has been correctly marked as tardy instead of absent. 

Excused Tardy – A student leaving campus for a medical appointment, or arriving late to class due to a medical appointment, must bring a doctor’s excuse confirming lateness due to medical appointment.

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Disciplinary/Behavior Intervention Plan – A Behavior Intervention Plan is invoked by the Administration when it becomes apparent that a student has an uncooperative spirit. The Behavior Intervention Plan gives the student an opportunity to correct his/her behavior before his/her privilege to attend CCHS is forfeited. The reasons a Behavior Intervention Plan may be invoked include, but are not limited to:  Attitude: a rebellious spirit which is unchanged after much effort by the teachers and administration, or a continued negative or uncooperative attitude that has a detrimental impact on students and the school culture/climate.  Misconduct: continued deliberate disobedience to a teacher or school rules; committing a serious breach of conduct inside or outside of school which has an adverse effect upon the student’s or the school's Christian testimony. When a Behavior Intervention Plan has been invoked, the may following may be required of the student to prevent the forfeiture of his/her privilege to attend CCHS:  A weekly meeting for a determined period of time with administration for spiritual counsel.  A professional evaluation of the student by a professional counselor with parents and student agreeing to comply with the recommendations of the professional counselor. Closing Statement The contents of this handbook are to be used as a guide. This book is in no way an all-inclusive statement of Calvary Christian High School’s rules, regulations, and philosophy. The administration reserves the right to determine acceptable actions, behavior, conduct, and dress. The administration also reserves the right to add or delete elements of this handbook at any time if deemed necessary for effective operation of the school.

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TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Calvary Christian High School recognizes the use of technology enhances the academic environment for students. Calvary Christian High School also acknowledges the dangers of unrestrained use of technology. The use of these technological resources, which includes computers, audio-visual media, and Internet resources, is a privilege and must be used only for educational and instructional purposes and other purposes consistent with the educational mission of this school. This Acceptable Use Policy establishes the guidelines for the use of technology in this organization. Procedures Monitoring: The administration reserves the right to log, monitor, and review Internet, Email and other network use of each user. This logging, monitoring, and review may be conducted without cause and without notice. Filter: The school employs the use of an Internet filter. The Filter may not be disabled for use by students or other minors for any reason. Access Agreement: All students who use the Internet, Email and other network facilities must agree to and abide by all conditions of this policy. Each user must sign the Calvary Christian High School Technology Access Agreement ("Agreement"), which is attached to this Policy as Appendix A. In the case of a student, the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) must sign the Agreement and Notice to Parents/Guardians. Students may not use the school computers for any reason without the express permission and supervision of school faculty or staff. Acceptable Use Policy Prohibitions: Use of the Internet, Email, and network technology must be in support of the educational mission and instructional program of the school. With respect to all users, the following are expressly prohibited:  

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Use for inappropriate or illegal purposes which include, invading the privacy of others. Use to infiltrate or interfere with a computer system and/or damage the data, files, operations, or software and hardware components of a computer or system which includes, copying or modifying files, passwords, data or information belonging to other users, or to misrepresent other users on the network. Use to transmit material likely to be offensive or objectionable to recipients. For example, hate mail, harassments, discriminatory remarks, threatening statements, or other antisocial communications on the network. Use to access, view, or obtain material that is pornography or child pornography. Use to upload, create, or attempt to create a computer virus. Use which involves any copyright violation or for the copying, downloading, or distributing copyrighted material without the owner's permission, unless permitted in accordance with

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the Fair Use Guidelines. (Copies of the Fair Use Guidelines are available upon request from the network administrator.) Any attempt to circumvent or disable the network filter or any security measure which includes, creating a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

Students: Student users (and any other minor) must not:     

use the system to access inappropriate materials or materials that may be harmful to minors. disclose, use or disseminate any personal identification information of themselves or other students. engage in or access chat rooms or instant messaging without the permission and direct supervision of a teacher or administrator. play any game (on or off-line), without direct permission by teacher or administration (i.e. educational games) during school hours. stream any media (movies, shows or music) on the network during school hours.

Etiquette: Users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include but are not limited to the following:      

Be polite. Do not become abusive in messages to others. Use appropriate language. Do not swear or use vulgarities or other inappropriate language. Do not reveal the personal addresses or telephone numbers of others. Recognize that Email is not private or confidential. Consider all communications and information accessible via the Internet to be private property. Respect the rights of other users to an open and hospitable technology environment, regardless of race, sexual orientation, color, religion, creed, ethnicity, age, marital status or handicap status.

Security: Security on any computer system is a high priority especially when the system involves many users. Each user is required to report any security problems to the system administrator or school administration. The problem is not to be demonstrated to other users. Consequences of Inappropriate Use: The user, whether a student or employee, shall be responsible for damages to equipment, systems, or software resulting from deliberate or willful acts. In addition to other appropriate disciplinary procedures, failure by any user to follow the procedures and prohibitions listed in this Policy may result in the loss of access to the Internet and Email, suspension, or dismissal. Illegal activities or use (for example, intentional deletion or damage to files or data belonging to others; copyright violations; etc.) may be reported to the appropriate legal authorities for possible prosecution. The administration reserves the right to remove a user account from the network to prevent unauthorized or illegal activity.

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The use of the Internet and Email is a privilege, not a right. School administration, along with the network administrator, will deem what is appropriate and inappropriate use and their decision is final. A list of the various levels of discipline is posted in the student and faculty handbook. Other Issues Disclaimer: Calvary Christian High School makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the technical service it is providing. The school is not responsible, and will not be responsible, for any damages, including loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, missed deliveries, or service interruption. Use of any information obtained through the use of the school’s computers is at the user's risk. The school disclaims responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the Internet or Email. Charges: The school assumes no responsibility or liability for any charges incurred by a user. Under normal operating procedures, there will be no cost incurred. List Servers and Software: Subscriptions to list servers must be pre-approved by the network administrator. A student may not download or install any commercial software, shareware, or freeware onto network drives or disks, unless he/she has the specific, prior written permission from a teacher or administrator.

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Calvary Christian High School Technology Access Agreement Parental Release Form My child is allowed computer and Internet privileges while in a school environment. I understand that use of the school Internet resources may be requested by faculty and staff as a regular function of the school. Name(s) of child(ren): _______________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________________________________ Printed name of Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________________________________ Please return completed form to the school office. (Note that your child will be restricted from computer and Internet use until this form is returned.

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Calvary Christian High School Parent-Student Handbook Acknowledgement/Agreement Statement The signatures below affirm we have access to the Parent-Student Handbook for Calvary Christian High School and acknowledge we will find the policies, procedures, and student expectations in the handbook. We agree to cooperate with school administration in holding my child accountable to the school’s expectation for the privilege of attending Calvary Christian High School. Furthermore, I (we) agree to communicate with school administration for clarity when I misunderstand the handbook policy, procedure, and expectation my child is being held accountable. Student Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Father’s Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Father’s Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Mother’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Mother’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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