2022-23 Course Syllabi

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Introduction to Digital Design 2022-2023 Syllabus

Ms. Jessica Baer baer.jessica@cchs.us

HS135 Course Description Introduction to Digital Design is an introductory level course that assumes students have no prior experience in digital design. The course is designed to help students develop basic skills in graphic design, illustration, and animation, utilizing digital design software such as Procreate and Adobe Photoshop and the iPad as primary tools. In addition to developing digital design skills, students will apply those skills while working individually and in collaboration with others to create and refine several projects over the course of the school year. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Just as God’s creation reflects Him, art is a reflection of the artist. Introduction to Digital Design students will explore how to reflect their beliefs, skills, and knowledge in a God glorifying manner by referencing all things art to God’s perfect Word.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Psalm 16:11 "You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." “Art is not the thing itself; but only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited.” C.S.Lewis

Advanced Design 2022-2023 Syllabus

Ms. Jessica Baer baer.jessica@cchs.us

HS 135 Course Description Advanced Design is an intermediate / advanced art class maintaining an extended knowledge of formal elements of art and principles of design. The purpose of this class is to continue exploring and developing an advanced understanding of a variety of mediums and techniques used in creating works of art. Students will work through the development of complex concepts through investigation and revision. Students will continue working in specific areas of study that will include but are not limited to: color design, painting, drawing, charcoal, paste, clay/pottery, sculpture, wire, watercolor, acrylic, collage, photography, mixed media, four step critique process, art history and appreciation, portfolio preparation, artist statements and Innovation Lab exploration. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: 9x12 sketchbook with 80 lbs. or heavier paper weight, pencil set of 2b, 4b, 6b, kneaded eraser, additional materials may be requested as students' skills get stronger in certain areas

Biblical Integration Just as God’s creation reflects Him, art is a reflection of the artist. Advanced Design students will explore how to reflect their beliefs, skills, and knowledge in a God glorifying manner by referencing all things art to God’s perfect Word.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation “You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 “Art is not the thing itself; but only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never yet visited.” C.S.Lewis

Christian Thought 2022-2023 Syllabus

Dr. Michael Berhow berhow.michael@cchs.us

HS 119 Course Description How do we as Christians know what we know? What are the evidences of our faith? How can we understand logical, philosophical, and academic arguments for the existence of God, and the rest of life's biggest questions? This course will help students examine those questions. This class will also help students discover and evaluate resources and information to help them throughout their spiritual walk, as they learn to love God with all of their mind. (Semester 1 & 2)

Course Materials The Holy Bible Additional supplies required include: a pack of notecards.

Biblical Integration This course is designed to help students see how all truth is God's Truth. Whether we are studying science, history, philosophy, mathematics, economics, ethics, marriage, friendships, or anything else related to creation and life, the Christian worldview provides the most reasonable framework for understanding all aspects of reality. The goal of this class is to make the case for this great idea--that all truth is God's Truth.

Office Hours Monday Tuesday

Teacher Quotation “There is not a square inch of the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’” (Abraham Kuyper).

Bible Doctrines 2022-2023 Syllabus

Dr. Michael Berhow berhow.michael@cchs.us

HS 119 Course Description This course is designed to help students establish a foundation for their faith by exploring the Scriptures on the most basic matters of biblical truth and theology. The course will explore the theological significance of the claims made in Scripture about who God is and how we relate to Him. This course will seek to help students learn how to respond to the claims made in Scripture and how that should impact their personal understanding of God. The doctrines covered throughout this course will include: Bibliology, Theology, Christology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology, and Christian Ethics. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Monday Tuesday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know by Grudem & The Holy Bible Additional supplies required include: a pack of notecards.

Biblical Integration God's Truth will be revealed in this course as we study the basic doctrines of the Christian faith.

“There is not a square inch of the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’” (Abraham Kuyper).

US History Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. John Bristol bristol.john@cchs.us

CH 317 Course Description This class is designed as a survey of the historical development of the United States from the discovery of the Western hemisphere until the present. Through this course, students will formulate appreciation for the Christian heritage of the United States, and gain an understanding of United States history with its many diverse elements. This course will equip students to become better citizens, prepared to participate in the civic life of their community. Honors is distinguished by a deeper coverage of material, a faster pace, an increased level of critical thinking which is typically assessed through written test questions, higher expectations for reading and annotations both in class and for homework, and supplemental papers and/or projects. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials History Alive! Pursuing American Ideals by TCI No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration The study of History reveals a sovereign God who has created time and space. History is linear and has a purpose and goal that reveals the attributes and character of God. Mankind, as created by God, plays a significant role in history through the choices they make. A Biblically integrated study of history shows the consequences of those good and bad choices and how both can inform our understanding of who God is and what He is doing.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17

AP US History 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. John Bristol bristol.john@cchs.us

CH 317 Course Description The Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History course focuses on developing students’ understanding of American history from approximately 1491 to the present while at the same time, it will prepare students to succeed on the AP U.S. History Examination. The course has students investigate the content of U.S. History for significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in nine historical periods, and develop and use the same thinking skills and methods (analyzing primary and secondary sources, making historical comparisons, chronological reasoning, and argumentation) employed by historians when they study the past. The course also provides eight themes (American and national identity; work, exchange, and technology; geography and the environment; migration and settlement; politics and power; America in the world; American and regional culture; and social structures) that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in different times and places. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Give Me Liberty by Eric Foner No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration The study of History reveals a sovereign God who has created time and space. History is linear and has a purpose and goal that reveals the attributes and character of God. Mankind, as created by God, plays a significant role in history through the choices they make. A Biblically integrated study of history shows the consequences of those good and bad choices and how both can inform our understanding of who God is and what He is doing.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17

Analysis of Functions 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop advanced mathematics knowledge and skills in algebra and trigonometry, using functions as a unifying theme. Topics shall include, but not be limited to, polynomial functions and equations, graphs, exponential growth & decay, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, real-world applications, and problemsolving strategies. Students will be given evidence of God's mathematical nature as seen in the 15 orderliness, patterns, and beauty of mathematics. A TI84 graphing calculator is required. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Ms. Stephanie Brundage brundage.stephanie@cchs.us

CE 127

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Algebra and Trigonometry by Blitzer No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Mathematics is the universal language created by God. We speak it in our everyday lives. Throughout the year we will read scripture and discuss how it practically relates to math and our individual lives.

"'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.'" Isaiah 55:8-9

Algebra 1 Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description The purpose of this course is to examine the basics of algebra in verbal, graphical, and symbolic forms. The emphasis of the class is focused on linear expressions, equations, and functions including vocabulary, problem solving skills, real-world application, and inductive and deductive reasoning. Projects and written assessments are also used to elaborate on classroom instruction. An introduction is given to quadratic expressions and equations, radical expressions, and exponential functions to scaffold each student in preparation for geometry. The primary focus will be upon mastering algebraic thinking and problem-solving skills needed to excel in Algebra and in future mathematics courses. The honors course takes a deeper look into the foundation of algebra including rational expressions, sequences, and analyzing the differences between functions. Additionally, the course moves at a faster pace than the traditional course and assumes a greater level of mastery of previous course material with minimal time given in class to review. A TI-84 graphing calculator is a required classroom supply. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Florida Reveal Algebra 1 by McGraw-Hill No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Mathematics is the universal language created by God. We speak it in our everyday lives. Throughout the year we will read and discuss how it practically relates to math and our individual lives.

Ms. Stephanie Brundage brundage.stephanie@cchs.us

CE 117

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.’” Isaiah 55:8-9

Entrepreneurial Leadership 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Keb Burley burley.keb@cchs.us

CE 131 Course Description Entrepreneurial Leadership is a class designed to integrate leadership, entrepreneurship, and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:20) in an experiential and non-traditional class format where students are prepared to change the world for the cause of Christ. Students will learn best practices for team work, service, ethics, integrity, results-based decision making, innovation, and giving and receiving feedback. The class is designed to integrate critical thinking, collaboration, and interactive learning with a goal of implementing the lessons learned through involvement in an actual business. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration In Entrepreneurial Leadership we strive to integrate the mission mandate of Jesus (Matthew 28:20) in a powerful, experiential, non-traditional environment that produces leaders ready to change the world in the name of Jesus Christ.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Personal Finance and Investing 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Keb Burley burley.keb@cchs.us

CE 131 Course Description This course features applications of practical mathematics for everyday living. Students will learn about personal finances, checking and savings accounts, personal budgeting, credit cards, loans, and housing expenses. Students will be introduced to topics such as income tax, the costs of owning and operating a car, types of insurance, and investments. This course is typically not accepted as a 4-year college entrance course. Students planning to apply directly to a four-year university should seek College Counseling advice before choosing this class. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Foundations in Personal Finance by Dave Ramsey No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Through this course we will strive to teach personal finance and investing through a Christian worldview based on a concept of understanding the responsibility that Christians have in obtaining and maintaining the gifts that God has bestowed towards earning, spending, and investing money.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Team Sports 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Keb Burley burley.keb@cchs.us

CE 131 Course Description This course provides students the opportunity to participate in a variety of Team Sport activities. Emphasis will be on participation and learning the skills and rules for each sport/activity. Students will develop an appreciation for positive leadership, sportsmanship, and lifetime enjoyment of health and fitness. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: loose-fitting athletic shorts and t-shirt along with closed-toe athletic shoes

Biblical Integration Team Sports will teach various athletic activities through a Christian worldview that focuses on how we view competition, belonging to a team, and the use of our skills and abilities. This will be achieved by developing Christ like character, leadership skills and respect for our classmates.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

AP World History - Modern 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. John A. Cautero cautero.john@cchs.us

HS 119 Course Description AP World History at CCHS is a year-long course designed to replicate the experience of an introductory college course in World History. It is structured according to the most recent “Course and Exam Description” published by the College Board. Students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes from A.D. 1200 to the present in both Western and non-Western contexts. Throughout this study, students learn to interpret a variety of historical documents and visual sources, master a significant body of factual information, and write several critical essays at a higher level. The course necessarily moves at a faster pace than a typical high school history class. Therefore, students should possess advanced reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities. This course fulfills the World History graduation requirement for a Florida high school diploma. Students will have the opportunity to earn college credit by taking the AP exam. Completion of a summer assignment is required. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials World History Modern (1200-present) by AMSCO No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration In this history-focused course, we will have the privilege to better understand the God of All Creation and History.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

World History and Geography Honors Pre-AP 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. John A. Cautero cautero.john@cchs.us

HS 119 Course Description This multifaceted course emphasizes human geography as well as the history of the world's major pre-modern civilizations. Particular attention is paid to the growth of Western Civilization and its relationship to the rest of the world across time. The course helps students build essential skills and confidence for future AP coursework, and is particularly suited to students interested in possibly taking AP World, AP U.S. History or Dual Credit American History. The course content is integrated with a biblical worldview and presents historical events as a part of God’s ultimate plan for mankind. As a Pre-AP course, students should expect daily homework including challenging reading, writing, and/or research outside of class. Therefore, students should possess advanced reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities and be academically motivated to succeed. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Advanced Placement Human Geography by AMSCO & Global History and Geography: The Growth of Civilizations by Perfection Learning No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration In this history and geography-focused course, we will get the privilege to better understand the God of All Creation, History and Geography.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6

Innovation in Action 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Katie Chappell chappell.katie@cchs.us

HS 312 Course Description This semester elective course aims to introduce students to the innovation principles and design processes. Course content is taught through a project based learning approach which is interactive, flexible, and student-driven. This course is designed to encourage critical thinking through the application of the design process. Students will participate in the LAUNCH Challenge and a micro-level pitch contest at the culmination of the course. Students will be presented with workshops aimed to develop and expand 21st century soft skills; driving questions, observations, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Students will utilize the resources in the Innovation Lab to address projects and challenges. Additionally, students will be introduced to computer aided design (CAD) & 3D printing applications, as well as engage with other production software programs and machinery in the fabrication lab. (Semester 1)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: no. 2 pencil and composition notebook.

Biblical Integration God is an innovative God. He is the first innovator. Scripture is full of examples where He modelled for us how we can innovate as He did. Not only did He create the heavens and the earth and with all therein, but He also went a step further and modelled for us how we can make functional and useful things from His creations. Innovation enables us to partner with the Lord in the continued work of creation.

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

Computer Science Principles 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Katie Chappell chappell.katie@cchs.us

HS 312 Course Description Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. More than a traditional introduction to programming, it is a rigorous, engaging, and approachable course that explores many of the foundational ideas of computing, so all students understand how these concepts are transforming the world we live in. Computing is so fundamental to understanding and participating in society that it is valuable for every student to learn as part of a modern education. The coursework provides students with a critical lens for interpreting the world around them while preparing them to be active and informed contributors to our increasingly technological society whether they pursue careers in technology or not. Course topics will also include cybersecurity, programming, computer aided design (CAD). By the end of the course, students will feel confident in designing and iterating programs and implementing programmed solutions to problems using a procedural programming paradigm. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials www.code.org Additional supplies required include: no.2 pencil and composition notebook.

Biblical Integration A Christian view of technology can be summarized in our testimony: Grateful for advances in science and technology, we make ethical use of their products, on guard against idolatry and harmful research, and careful to use them in ways that answer to God’s demands to love our neighbor and to care for the earth and its creatures.

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

Fundamentals of Computer Science 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Katie Chappell chappell.katie@cchs.us

I-Lab & HS 312 Course Description This course is designed to introduce students to the fields of computer science and computational thinking. Students will engage a variety of topics within computer science ranging from the internet, intro to programing, digital information, big data and privacy to limits and impacts of computer science on societal and ethical issues. The primary focus of the course is to develop in students the computational practices of algorithm development, problem solving, and procedural programming within the context of problems that are relevant to the lives of today’s students. Through the application of the problem solving process students will learn to create microapps, games and web pages. Course topics may also include the problem solving and design processes, data management, computer aided design (CAD), and careers within the field of computer science. This course counts as a Fine/Practical Art credit. (Semester 2)

Course Materials www.code.org Additional supplies required include: No. 2 pencil and composition notebook.

Biblical Integration A Christian view of computer technology is summarized in our testimony: Grateful for advances in science and technology, we make ethical use of their products, on guard against idolatry and harmful research, and carefully use them in ways that answer to God’s demands to love our neighbr, and to care for the earth and its creatures.

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

Intro to Engineering Design 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description This course exposes students to the design process, research and analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global and human impacts, engineering standards, and technical documentation. Students will employ engineering and scientific concepts in the solution of engineering design problems. In addition, they will learn to use 3D solid modeling design software to design solutions to problems. Students will develop problem solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and design to create solutions, document the process, and communicate the results. (Semester 1 & 2)

Course Materials Engineering Design by Dym Additional supplies required include: a dedicated D-ring binder and no. 2 pencils.

Biblical Integration God gives all engineers a mind to learn from His creation, to gain knowledge necessary to design and manufacture products to benefit the rest of His creation. We are commissioned by God to continue to “engineer” a better world on this earth and beyond, providence and genius.

Mrs. Katie Chappell chappell.katie@cchs.us

& Mr. Paul Matthews matthews.paul@cchs.us

HS 312 Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

Foundations of Faith 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description The purpose of this course is to equip students with basic principles, guidelines, and tools to correctly identify, construct, apply, and evaluate their personal systems of belief and to interact with individuals and communities of differing worldview systems with understanding, clarity, and respect. The course will answer such questions as What is faith? What is true? What is real? Has truth been revealed? What do I trust? (Semesters 1 and 2)

Course Materials Foundations of Faith Workbook by CCHS & The Holy Bible No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration God's truth will be revealed in this class by reading and studying God's Word and taking a thorough look into the foundational truths of Christianity and how they apply to our every day lives as well as eternity.

Mr. Ben Chartrand chartrand.ben@cchs.us

HS 119

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written." John 21:25

AP 3D Design Portfolio 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Kristin Cheney cheney.kristin@cchs.us

CE 137

Course Description This Advanced Placement studio art class is intended to address sculptural issues. Design involves purposeful decision making about using the elements and principles of art in an integrative way. In the 3-D Design Portfolio, students are asked to demonstrate their understanding of design principles as they relate to depth and space. Through direct teacher instruction, emphasis will be placed on the production of a volume of quality pieces of artwork. Students will address all three sections of the portfolio: Breadth, Concentration and Quality. Students will develop mastery of concept, composition, and execution of their personal ideas and themes. Students will be expected to develop a comprehensive portfolio that addresses each of these issues in a personal way. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: a 9x12 sketchbook, drawing pencils, and 3D art materials (per individual preference) (example:plaster, resin, clay)

Biblical Integration "As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man." - Proverbs 27:19

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us; it is the very sign of His presence." C.S. Lewis

Principles of Design 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Kristin Cheney cheney.kristin@cchs.us

CE 137

Course Description Principles of Design is an intermediate/advanced art class maintaining a demonstrated knowledge of formal elements of art, and principles of design. The purpose of this class is to explore and develop proficiency in a variety of mediums and techniques used in creating works of art. Students will continue working in specific areas of study that will include but are not limited to: color design, painting, drawing, charcoal, pastel, clay/pottery, sculpture, wire, watercolor/acrylic, collage, digital photography, mixed media, the four step critique process, and art history/art appreciation. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: a 9x12 sketchbook, drawing pencils (variety), and portfolio to hold 18x24 works of art. Students are learning what materials they prefer and can bring to class at anytime.

Biblical Integration "As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man. " - Proverbs 27:19

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C.S. Lewis

Elements of Art 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Kristin Cheney cheney.kristin@cchs.us

CE 137

Course Description Elements of Art is an introductory art class designed to acquaint students to the visual arts. The formal elements of art and the principles of design are foundational to the course. Specific areas of study include: drawing, color, design, charcoal, pastel, digital photography, clay, sculpture, anatomy, watercolor/acrylic, landscape/nature, and history/art appreciation. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: a 9x12 sketchbook, 2B,4B, and 6B drawing pencils, brown paper art portfolio to hold 18x24 paper, and a piece of foam core (needed later in the year). Any additional art materials students prefer to use.

Biblical Integration "As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man. " - Proverbs 27:19

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere." C.S. Lewis

Spanish III Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Lisa Clarke clarke.lisa@cchs.us

CE 127 Course Description Spanish III Honors will build from the foundation of Spanish I Honors and Spanish II Honors so that students gain an intermediate level of proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking Spanish. During this fast-paced course, instruction will often be delivered in Spanish to immerse students in the target language. The students will be expected to communicate in the target language for intermediate communication. By the end of the year each student should have the ability to communicate interpersonally and presentationally at an intermediate level and be prepared for Spanish IV Honors or AP Spanish. Students will be responsible for additional work outside of the classroom including summer review and Cultural Integration assignments. An assessment on summer review work will be given during the first week of school. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Avancemos Level 3 by Holt McDougal Littell No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. A person’s language is close to their heart; it is the lens through which they see, evaluate, and think about the world. To speak someone else’s language is to reach into their heart and their part of the world. It is a way of being Christ to them.

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation Mi verso favorito es Salmos 46:10 - “Estén quietos, y sepan que Yo soy Dios; Exaltado seré entre las naciones, exaltado seré en la tierra.” (Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth. Ps. 46:10)

Spanish IV Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Lisa Clarke clarke.lisa@cchs.us

CE 127 Course Description Spanish IV Honors allows students to further polish their language skills and become more effective Spanish readers, writers, listeners, and speakers. The course and lecture will take place in Spanish to daily immerse students in the language. An emphasis on speaking, such as in debates, is a highlight of this course. All major grammar concepts from the first three years of Spanish will be reviewed and built upon by expecting higher-level critical thinking and by engaging with college-level thematic units. By the end of the year, each student should have the ability to communicate interpersonally and presentationally at an advanced level in Spanish and be prepared for AP Spanish or for intermediate level college courses. Students will be responsible for additional work outside of the classroom including summer review and Cultural Integration assignments. An assessment on summer review work will be given during the first week of school. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Avancemos Level 4 by Holt McDougal Littell No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. A person’s language is close to their heart; it is the lens through which they see, evaluate, and think about the world. To speak someone else’s language is to reach into their heart and their part of the world. It is a way of being Christ to them.

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation Mi verso favorito es Salmos 46:10 - “Estén quietos, y sepan que Yo soy Dios; Exaltado seré entre las naciones, exaltado seré en la tierra.” (Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth. Ps. 46:10)

AP Spanish Language and Culture 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Lisa Clarke clarke.lisa@cchs.us

CE 127 Course Description Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture will prepare students to demonstrate their level of Spanish proficiency across three communicative modes: Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational. The course is comparable to an intermediate college course that focuses on reading, writing, listening, and speaking Spanish at a highly proficient level. Students who enroll in this course should already have a moderate to high proficiency in using the language. Students may take this course after Spanish III Honors or after Spanish IV Honors; however, if students register for this course after Spanish III Honors, a high aptitude in Spanish is recommended in order to succeed in the course. Students will be responsible for additional work outside of the classroom including Summer and vacation assignments as well as Cultural Integration assignments. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Temas by Vista Higher Learning No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. A person’s language is close to their heart; it is the lens through which they see, evaluate, and think about the world. To speak someone else’s language is to reach into their heart and their part of the world. It is a way of being Christ to them.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Mi verso favorito es Salmos 46:10 - “Estén quietos, y sepan que Yo soy Dios; Exaltado seré entre las naciones, exaltado seré en la tierra.” (Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth. Ps. 46:10)

AP Biology 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Sarah Coleman coleman.sarah@cchs.us

HS 308 Course Description Advanced Placement Biology is designed to offer students a solid foundation in college-level introductory biology. This course will explore a range of topics including the diversity of life, biological systems, cellular processes, ecology, genetics, and the interaction of complex life processes and systems. Upon completion of the course, students should have the conceptual framework, factual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing science of biology. Students should be committed to spending time outside of class on readings, labs, and review of class content. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Biology in Focus by Urry, Cain, Wasserman, & Minorsky Additional supplies required include: a composition notebook with graph paper

Biblical Integration In AP Biology, the evidence of God as the creator and sustainer of life will be revealed as we study the details of the organization seen in living things from the chemical structure to the ecological interactions that are necessary for survival.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "For his invisible attributes, that is, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what he has made. As a result, people are without excuse." Romans 1:20

Biology 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Sarah Coleman coleman.sarah@cchs.us

HS 308 Course Description This course will cover the following topics: scientific method, ecology, plant and animal cells, chemistry in the cell, genetics, evolution and creation, classification of living organisms, and energy and metabolism in living organisms. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections by Taylor, et al. No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration In Biology, the evidence of God as the creator and sustainer of life will be revealed as we study the organization seen in living things from the chemical structure to the ecological interactions that are necessary for survival.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "For his invisible attributes, that is, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what he has made. As a result, people are without excuse." Romans 1:20

Principles of Biomedical Science Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Sarah Coleman coleman.sarah@cchs.us

HS 308 Course Description This science elective course provides an introduction to biomedical science through hands-on projects and problems. Students will investigate concepts of biology and medicine as they explore health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Students will also be introduced to human physiology, medicine and research processes. Key biological concepts include maintenance of homeostasis in the body, metabolism, inheritance of traits, and defense against disease. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Principles of Biomedical Sciences by Project Lead the Way No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration In Principles of Biomedical Sciences, the evidence of God as the creator and sustainer of life will be revealed. We will also study the responsibility to care for people that is given to those in medical professions.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Romans 1:20 "For his invisible attributes, that is, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what he has made. As a result, people are without excuse."

Algebra II Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Donna Collins collins.donna@cchs.us

CE 142 Course Description The purpose of this course is to study algebraic topics in-depth with emphasis on theory, proof, and development of formulas and their applications. Topics shall include but not be limited to complex numbers, functions, equations and inequalities, absolute value, systems of equations and inequalities, parabolas, quadratic equations, powers, roots, exponents and logarithms, polynomial equations and inequalities, radical expressions, non-linear systems of equations, real-world applications, problem solving strategies and literacy strategies. Since the content will be more conceptual in nature, students in the Honors course are expected to be strong academically, highly motivated and able to work independently. Extra emphasis will be placed on the Honors students to learn on their own and to initiate the process of getting extra help when required. In this course, we learn that God is the creator and sustainer of mathematical properties; that math is really a testimony to God’s faithfulness and power and should continually remind us of God’s consistency and trustworthiness. A TI84 graphing calculator is required. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Reveal Algebra 2 by McGraw Hill Additional supplies required include: 3-6 dry erase makers. (The number of markers you need will depend on your individual use.)

Biblical Integration Along with daily pursuing excellence glorifying God with all we have and in all we do, we will read weekly from a book called Beyond Numbers. This book is a practical guide for teaching math from a biblical perspective; that math is really a testimony to God’s faithfulness and power and should continually remind us of God’s consistency and trustworthiness.

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation Ultimately, this will be an exciting year of challenging your student toward a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and how they are woven into every part of life by our detail-oriented Creator. I look forward to working with you and your student this year as we all pursue a year of excellence glorifying God with all we have and in all we do.

AP English Literature & Composition 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Christy Dupeé dupee.christin@cchs.us

HS 210 Course Description The AP English Literature and Composition course focuses on reading, analyzing, and writing about imaginative literature (fiction, poetry, drama) from various periods. Students engage in close reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature to deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as its use of figurative language, imagery, and symbolism. Writing assignments include expository, analytical, and argumentative essays that require students to analyze and interpret literary works. The AP English Literature and Composition course aligns to an introductory college-level literature and writing curriculum. Students should be able to read and comprehend college-level texts and write grammatically correct, complete sentences. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Literature & Composition – Reading, Writing, Thinking by Jago, et al. Additional texts provied by CCHS: • How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster (Harper Collins Publishers) • Novels and Dramas: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Biblical Integration The Holy Bible serves as the model text of literature for this course and will be referenced and studied throughout it. Students in AP Literature will regularly read, analyze, and reflect on both the significance of meaning and the style of the language in God’s Word.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "He reveals the deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with him." Daniel 2:22

English III 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Christy Dupeé dupee.christin@cchs.us

HS 210 Course Description This course continues the development of critical thinking skills introduced in English II. Study areas include vocabulary, grammar, literature and composition. Students will study a wide variety of literary genres with particular focus given to the critical evaluation of classic American Literature from a biblical perspective. Students are expected to be proficient with relevant technological skills, MLA formatting, and foundational grammar concepts prior to taking this course. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials American Voices by Perfection Learning Novel provided by CCHS: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Biblical Integration The Holy Bible serves as the model text of literature for this course, and it will be referenced and studied throughout the year. Students in English III will regularly read, analyze, and reflect on both the significance and style of the language in God’s Word.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "He reveals the deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with him." Daniel 2:22

World Religions DC 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brian Eide eide.brian@cchs.us

CE 121 Course Description This course examines the general characteristics of the major religions of the world. Topics include the nature of religion, Indigenous religions, Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Christianity, Islam, and New Religious Movements. Each is examined in its cultural context, how basic human concerns are addressed, the way purpose for life is defined, and the uniqueness of religious practice. This course will require extensive reading from a college textbook along with additional assignments to be completed outside of class time. A college level exam will be given at the conclusion of the semester. Students with a grade of C or higher, will earn three college credits. This course is paired with DC Ethics. (Semester 1)

Course Materials RELG: World by Van Voorst No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration This course will examine the major worldviews of our day, comparing and contrasting them to the truth of God's word revealed in scripture and demonstrating how the Christian worldview offers the most compelling answers to life's biggest questions.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. -Acts 4:11-12

Ethics DC 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brian Eide eide.brian@cchs.us

CE 121 Course Description This course is a practical overview of key issues, questions and concepts in applied ethics. Special emphases are placed on the historical development of ethical thinking, a variety of ethical approaches and on multicultural aspects of ethics. Students will also examine a variety of personal, social and professional ethical issues and problems and learn methods of resolving them through the use of critical thinking skills, sound ethical reasoning and legal and professional codes. This course will require extensive reading from a college textbook along with additional assignments to be completed outside of class time. A college level exam will be given at the conclusion of the semester. Students with a grade of C or higher, will earn three elective college credits. This course is paired with DC World Religions. (Semester 2)

Course Materials The Moral Compass: An Introductory Guide to Critical Thinking and Applied Ethics by Manias & Monroe No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration This course will examine the major theories of ethics that have been put forth as a foundation for understanding morality and working through some of the significant moral dilemmas facing our culture. Each theory will be compared and contrasted with the truth of God's word revealed in scripture, demonstrating how the Christian worldview offers the most compelling guide for morality and ethics.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. -Ephesians 5:8-11

Bible Narratives 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brian Eide eide.brian@cchs.us

CE 121 Course Description This course centers on the lives of biblical characters and explores their stories in the big picture of God’s plan. Students will engage in the historical contexts of individuals in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, students will explore the lives of the disciples of Jesus and learn how they lived their faith in the culture of that time. The course follows the themes of: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration and how these stories reflect the grace of God. (Semester 1)

Course Materials The Holy Bible No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration This course will focus on understanding the overarching story of God's "rescue plan" for His people as well as recognizing timeless Biblical themes found in stories of various characters that are intended to strengthen the faith of God's people in the present.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. -Luke 24:27 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. -Romans 11:36

Men and Women of Faith 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brian Eide eide.brian@cchs.us

CE 121 Course Description Men and Women of Faith is a course centering on the lives of people postscripture to the present day. The course examines the impact of God in the lives of people and the impact they had on culture during their time and continuing legacies. A significant emphasis is placed upon understanding the true nature of Biblical faith, how a genuine Biblical faith can be strengthened, and what it looks like to truly live out a Biblical faith in our present time. (Semester 2)

Course Materials The Holy Bible No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration The stories and testimonies presented in each unit will demonstrate the reality of living out a genuine Biblical faith in keeping with the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith... -Hebrews 12:1-2

AP Psychology 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brian Eide eide.brian@cchs.us

CE 121 Course Description The AP Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Updated Myers' Psychology for AP by Myers & DeWall No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration This course will examine the key principles of various secular theories of psychology, comparing and contrasting them to the truth of God's Word revealed in scripture, recognizing when the truth claims of a given theory are either consistent or inconsistent with the Christian worldview.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation "...whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become min him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” -John 4:14-15

Global Missions 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Blake Engelhardt engelhardt.blake@cchs.us

CE 141 Course Description This course will study the impact of world missions throughout history from the early church to the present. Students will learn the theology behind missions and develop strategies for sharing the gospel among all nations, people groups, cultures, and religions. The class will provide an in-depth look at the persecuted church around the world as well as powerful stories of God moving among unreached people groups. Students will examine the lives of missionaries from the past and hear live testimonies from missionaries serving in the world today. This class will grow your passion for the lost and open your eyes to how you can be a part of fulfilling the great commission. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials The Journey by Renicks & Davis & The Holy Bible No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration The study of cultures and people groups from around the world will give testimony to his creation and how the Word of God can connect to each background. In studying the Old and New Testament, the students will see God's heart for the gospel to be made known throughout the world.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:13-15

Foundations of Faith 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Tristan Finlayson finlayson.tristan@cchs.us

HS 119 Course Description The purpose of this course is to equip students with basic principles, guidelines, and tools to correctly identify, construct, apply, and evaluate their personal systems of belief and to interact with individuals and communities of differing worldview systems with understanding, clarity, and respect. The course will answer such questions as What is faith? What is true? What is real? Has truth been revealed? What do I trust? (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Course Materials Foundations of Faith by Calvary Christian High School & The Holy Bible No additional supplies required

Biblical Integration God's truth will be revealed in this class by reading and studying God's Word and taking a thorough look into the foundational truths of Christianity and how they apply to our every day lives as well as eternity.

Teacher Quotation I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)

US History 2022-2023 Syllabus

Ms. Elizabeth Fint fint.liz@cchs.us

HS 209 Course Description This class is designed as a survey of the historical development of the United States from the discovery of the Western hemisphere until the present. Through this course, students will formulate appreciation for the Christian heritage of the United States, and gain an understanding of United States history with its many diverse elements. This course will equip students to become better citizens, prepared to participate in the civic life of their community. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials History Alive: Pursuing American Ideals by Hart & Bower No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Psalm 33:12) God is the Creator of humankind, the Author and Finisher. Together, we will navigate through the past, as we also explore how God’s hand, love, and ultimate design has prevailed throughout the human experience of history.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation My name is Elizabeth Fint and It is my joy and honor to serve God and my students at CCHS. I earned my Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of North Florida, with a minor in English and an Associate of Arts in Education. Sharing my faith, exploring history, and working with teens are my passions, and I thank God each day for the opportunity to serve Him in these ways!

World History 2022-2023 Syllabus

Ms. Elizabeth Fint fint.liz@cchs.us

HS 209 Course Description World History is a chronological survey of history from the first civilizations through the late twentieth century. It begins with the first recorded histories of the Ancient Near East and Egypt, follows the rise and fall of Greece, Rome, and their contemporaries in the East and the Americas, and concludes with a survey of the Modern Age. The course emphasizes major political, cultural, and ideological turning points that have shaped the modern world as we know it. The content of this course is integrated with a biblical worldview and presents the flow of historical events as a part of God’s ultimate plan for mankind. This course fulfills the world HIstory graduate requirement for a Florida high school diploma. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials History Alive: World Connections by Frey & Hart No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Psalm 33:12) God is the Creator of humankind, the Author and Finisher. Together, we will navigate through the past, and will explore how God’s hand, love, and ultimate design has prevailed throughout the human experience of history.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation My name is Elizabeth Fint and It is my joy and honor to serve God and my students at CCHS. I earned my Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of North Florida, with a minor in English and an Associate of Arts in Education. Sharing my faith, exploring history, and working with teens are my passions, and I thank God each day for the opportunity to serve Him in these ways!

Spanish II Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Michael Flecker flecker.michael@cchs.us

CE 123 Course Description Spanish II Honors will continue to develop proficiency in Spanish through a linguistic, communicative, and cultural approach. Emphasis is placed on further development of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Students will be required to use the foundational vocabulary acquired and developed in level one to implement grammatical structures of the target language and critical thinking activities. Most of the course instruction will be delivered in Spanish only and students will be expected to communicate in the target language for basic to intermediate communication. This is a fast-paced course designed for students who intend to pursue three or more years of Spanish. Students will be responsible for additional work outside of the classroom including summer review and Cultural Integration assignments. An assessment on summer review work will be given during the first week of school. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Avancemos 2 by Holt McDougal Littell No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. A person’s language is close to their heart; it is the lens through which they see, evaluate, and think about the world. To speak someone else’s language is to reach into their heart and their part of the world. It is a way of being Christ to them.

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation Hola todos, welcome to Spanish 2! I am looking forward to learning and growing with you this school year as we learn how to worship our God and become better neighbors to those around us through learning Spanish!

Spanish II 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Michael Flecker flecker.michael@cchs.us

CE 123 Course Description Spanish II will continue to develop proficiency in Spanish through a linguistic, communicative and cultural approach. Emphasis is placed on further development of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Students will be required to use the foundational vocabulary acquired and developed in Spanish I to implement grammatical structures of the target language. Some of the course instruction will be delivered in Spanish only and students will be expected to communicate in the target language for basic communication. Students will continue to be exposed to Hispanic community and culture. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Avancemos 2 by Holt McDougal Littell No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. A person’s language is close to their heart; it is the lens through which they see, evaluate, and think about the world. To speak someone else’s language is to reach into their heart and their part of the world. It is a way of being Christ to them.

Hola todos, welcome to Spanish 2! I am looking forward to learning and growing with you this school year as we learn how to worship our God and become better neighbors to those around us through learning Spanish!

American Sign Language II 2022-2023 Syllabus

Ms. Lindsey Frohlich frohlich.lindsey@cchs.us

CH 307 Course Description ASL II will continue to develop proficiency in American Sign Language through a linguistic, communicative, and cultural approach. Emphasis is placed on the development of receptive and expressive signing skills and on the acquisition of the fundamentals of applied grammar. Students will be required to use the foundational vocabulary acquired and developed in ASL I to implement grammatical structures of the target language. Some of the course instruction will be delivered in ASL only, and the students will be expected to communicate in the target language for basic communication. Students will continue to be exposed to the Deaf Community and Deaf Culture. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials American Sign Language 2 by Calvary Christian High School Additional supplies required include: a three-prong folder.

Biblical Integration The Lord used language to create all things. Language is significant in how we understand God, ourselves, and our world. Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. To speak someone else’s language is to be near their heart and part of their world; it is a way of being Christ to them.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation “One of the most effective ways to learn about oneself is by taking seriously the cultures of others. It forces you to pay attention to those details of life which differentiate them from you.” –Edward T. Hall

American Sign Language II Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Ms. Lindsey Frohlich frohlich.lindsey@cchs.us

CH 307 Course Description ASL II Honors will continue to develop proficiency in American Sign Language through linguistic, communicative, and cultural approach. Emphasis is placed on the development of receptive and expressive signing skills and on the acquisition of the fundamentals of applied grammar. Students will be required to use the foundational vocabulary acquired and developed in level one to implement grammatical structures of the target language and critical thinking activities. Some of the course instruction will be delivered in ASL only, and the students will be expected to communicate in the target language for basic to intermediate communication. This course is designed for students who intend to pursue three or more years of ASL. Students will continue to be exposed to the Deaf Community and Deaf Culture. Students will be responsible for additional work outside of the classroom including Cultural Integration assignments. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials American Sign Language 2 by Calvary Christian High School Additional supplies required include: a three-prong folder.

Biblical Integration The Lord used language to create all things. Language is significant in how we understand God, ourselves, and our world. Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. To speak someone else’s language is to be near their heart and part of their world; it is a way of being Christ to them.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation “One of the most effective ways to learn about oneself is by taking seriously the cultures of others. It forces you to pay attention to those details of life which differentiate them from you.” –Edward T. Hall

Latin I Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description Latin I Honors will begin to develop proficiency in Latin through a linguistic, communicative, and cultural approach. Emphasis is placed on beginning development of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Students will be required to use foundational vocabulary and implement grammatical structures to develop beginning conversational and reading skills in the target language. Much of the course instruction will be delivered in Latin and students will be expected to communicate in the target language for basic communication. Students will be provided opportunities to engage with historical primarysource material in Latin, especially material which deals with everyday lifeactivities (birth, coming-of-age, economic life, marriage, funerals, etc.). Students will be responsible for additional work outside of the classroom including nightly homework. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Cambridge Latin Course by the University of Cambridge No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Latin is the language of Western Christendom par excellence. Through the ubiquity of Latin as the primary language of scholarship, trade, and worship in Europe and Northern Africa from the first through the 17th centuries, God has continued to speak to and through God's people to us today. An uncountable quantity and quality of writing exists, moved by the Holy Spirit, addressed to the hearts of all humanity (but especially Christians), calling them to the True, Good, and Beautiful in the Father of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. From the austere Holy Scriptures in the Vulgate of St. Jerome, to the open-hearted Confessions of St. Augustine of Hippo, to the visionary theology of St. Hildegard von Bingen, Latin has been and continues to be the language in which the greatest quantity of influential Christian works for Western society were written. Learning this language enables direct and untranslated access to the original texts of the Western Christian tradition, a sublime good which can only be truly appreciated by a Latin reader whose heart is open to the surprising places where we often find Our Lord.

Magister Anthony Gannaio gannaio.anthony@cchs.us

CH 315

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation On that Day, Israel will take its place alongside Egypt and Assyria, sharing the blessing from the center. God-of-theAngel-Armies, who blessed Israel, will generously bless them all: “Blessed be Egypt, my people! Blessed be Assyria, work of my hands! Blessed be Israel, my heritage!” [Isaiah 19]

Bible Narratives 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description This course centers on the lives of biblical characters and explores their stories in the big picture of God’s plan. Students will engage in the historical contexts of individuals in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, students will explore the lives of the disciples of Jesus and learn how they lived their faith in the culture of that time. The course follows the themes of: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration and how these stories reflect the grace of God. (Semester 1)

Course Materials The Holy Bible No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration The real Saints are the men and women of God, and the narratives of their lives, which exist for us in order to show concretely the activity of God in the lives of people. We learn these stories in order to be able to more fully recognize God's activity in our own life, even, or perhaps particularly in, the moments when we feel furthest from God.

Magister Anthony Gannaio gannaio.anthony@cchs.us

CH 315

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation On that Day, Israel will take its place alongside Egypt and Assyria, sharing the blessing from the center. God-of-theAngel-Armies, who blessed Israel, will generously bless them all: “Blessed be Egypt, my people! Blessed be Assyria, work of my hands! Blessed be Israel, my heritage!” [Isaiah 19:24-25]

Athletic Performance Training Courses 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Nick Giblin giblin.nick@cchs.us

Course Description The purpose of this course is to extend the knowledge and development of skills in weight training and improve muscular strength and endurance. The content will include, but is not limited to, the following: safety practices, assessment of health-related fitness, reinforcement of basic weight-training concepts, and weight-training theories. This class will be a combination of strength training, flexibility, and conditioning. Athletes in season will be expected to participate but adjustments to the workout will be made on game days. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: loose-fitting athletic shorts and t-shirt along with closed-toe athletic shoes

Biblical Integration Student's will receive a new understanding of God's creation by studying the human body, and how to live a healthy and productive lifestyle in order to serve the Kingdom.

The Rock

Algebra I 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Sven Hack hack.sven@cchs.us

HS 119 Course Description The purpose of this course is to examine the basics of algebra in verbal, graphical, and symbolic forms. The emphasis of the class is focused on linear expressions, equations, and functions including vocabulary, problem solving skills, real-world application, and inductive and deductive reasoning. An introduction is given to quadratic expressions and equations, radical expressions, & exponential functions to scaffold each student in preparation for geometry. The primary focus will be upon mastering algebraic thinking and problem-solving skills needed to excel in Algebra and in future mathematics courses. A TI-84 graphing calculator is a required classroom supply. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Reveal Algebra 1 by McGraw Hill Additional supplies required include: a notebook.

Biblical Integration Throughout the course we will look at scripture talking about math. ADD Jesus in your life (Romans 10:9-10) MULTIPLY your good deeds (2 Corinthians 10:8) DIVIDE your blessings with others (2 Corinthians 9:11) SUBTRACT all your fears (1 Peter 5:7) EQUALS a wonderful life (Psalm 16:8)

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. Isaiah 55:11

Advanced Topics in Mathematics 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Sven Hack hack.sven@cchs.us

HS 119 Course Description Students will discover how mathematicians analyze, apply, and solve problems representative of key concepts of Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry; including inverses, the coordinate plane, 2-dimensional space, polynomials, and foundational properties of algebra. Additionally, students will combine common mathematical concepts with contextual research to design, evaluate, and simulate a real world scenario that applies major sections of mathematics. Students will be encouraged to see the character and beauty of our Creator-God in the precision and eloquence of the mathematics they study. A scientific or TI84 graphing calculator is required. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Thinking Mathematically by Blitzer Additional supplies required include: a notebook.

Biblical Integration In this course we will look at the pattern and structure God as created with. ADD Jesus in your life (Romans 10:9-10) MULTIPLY your good deeds (2 Corinthians 10:8) DIVIDE your blessings with others (2 Corinthians 9:11) SUBTRACT all your fears (1 Peter 5:7) EQUALS a wonderful life (Psalm 16:8)

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. Isaiah 55:11

Principles of Biomedical Science Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Ms. Tori Hale hale.tori@cchs.us

I-Lab Course Description This science elective course provides an introduction to biomedical science through hands-on projects and problems. Students will investigate concepts of biology and medicine as they explore health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Students will also be introduced to human physiology, medicine and research processes. Key biological concepts include maintenance of homeostasis in the body, metabolism, inheritance of traits, and defense against disease. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Principles of Biomedical Science by Project Lead the Way No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration In this medical-oriented course, we will get the privilege to better understand the Great Physician. Scripture states, “Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them” (Ps. 111:2). May we delight in our study of creation so that we may magnify our Creator.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation In Genesis 1:28, God states that He created man to have dominion over the earth, but how can we have dominion unless we understand? In this course, we will have the opportunity to better understand God’s creation so that we can better have dominion over the Earth that God has given us.

Human Body Systems Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Ms. Tori Hale hale.tori@cchs.us

I-Lab Course Description Students examine the interactions of human body systems as they explore identity, power, movement, protection, and homeostasis in the body. Exploring science in action, students build organs and tissues on a skeletal Maniken; use data acquisition software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflex and voluntary action, and respiration; and take on the roles of biomedical professionals to solve real-world medical cases. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Human Body Systems by Project Lead the Way No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration In this medical-oriented course, we will get the privilege to better understand the Great Physician. Scripture states, “Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them” (Ps. 111:2). May we delight in our study of creation so that we may magnify our Creator.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation In Genesis 1:28, God states that He created man to have dominion over the earth, but how can we have dominion unless we understand? In this course, we will have the opportunity to better understand God’s creation so that we can better have dominion over the Earth that God has given us.

American Sign Language III Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description ASL III Honors will build from the foundation of ASL I Honors and ASL II Honors, adding more complex grammatical features and vocabulary, short stories, narratives and dialogues. Instruction will often be delivered in ASL to immerse students in the target language. The students will be expected to communicate in the target language for intermediate communication. By the end of the year, students should have the ability to communicate interpersonally and presentationally at an intermediate level and be prepared for ASL IV Honors. Students will continue to explore distinct viewpoints of Deaf Culture and will be responsible for additional work outside of the classroom including Cultural Integration assignments. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials American Sign Language 3 by Calvary Christian High School Additional supplies required include: dry erase markers.

Biblical Integration Be the light- to the hearing and the Deaf! Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 We will study God’s Word, learn ways to share your faith, and worship in both English & ASL.

Mrs. Janessa Jannarone jannarone.janessa@cchs.us

HS 121

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation I am a graduate of Flagler College where I earned a degree in Deaf Education. This school year will my 21st year of teaching. I am passionate about Jesus and teaching my students to share His love through ASL. My favorite verse is Proverbs 16:3.

American Sign Language IV Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description ASL IV Honors allows students to further polish their language skills and become more proficient in their receptive and expressive skills. Instruction will be given in American Sign Language to daily immerse students in the language. The students will be expected to communicate in the target language for advanced communication. All major grammar and vocabulary concepts from the first three years of ASL will be reviewed and built upon by expecting higher-level critical thinking and by engaging with college-level thematic units. By the end of the school year, each student should be able to communicate on an advanced level in ASL and be prepared for college coursework in ASL. Students will continue to explore distinct viewpoints of Deaf Culture and will be responsible for additional work outside of the classroom including Cultural Integration assignments. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials American Sign Language 4 by Calvary Christian High School Additional supplies required include: dry erase markers.

Biblical Integration Be the light- to the hearing and the Deaf! Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 We will study God’s Word, learn ways to share your faith, and worship in both English & ASL.

Mrs. Janessa Jannarone jannarone.janessa@cchs.us

HS 121

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation I am a graduate of Flagler College where I earned a degree in Deaf Education. This school year will my 21st year of teaching. I am passionate about Jesus and teaching my students to share His love through ASL. My favorite verse is Proverbs 16:3.

English II 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Kim Johnson johnson.kim@cchs.us

HS 219 Course Description This course continues the development of critical thinking skills introduced in English I. Study areas include vocabulary, grammar, composition and world literature. Students will study a wide variety of literary genres with particular focus given to the critical evaluation of the works from a biblical perspective. This includes but is not limited to reading comprehension and research writing. Students are expected to be proficient with relevant technological skills and MLA formatting prior to taking this course. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Reading the World by Pathways Additional supplies required include: 100 notecards with holder or ring to keep together.

Biblical Integration There is nothing new under the sun and we will explore how man sees the world God created and puts it into words.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Teenagers are some of the most fascinating people I have ever met. They are so diverse in their thinking and looking at the world.

English III Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Kim Johnson johnson.kim@cchs.us

HS 219 Course Description This course continues the development of critical thinking skills introduced in English II. Study areas include vocabulary, grammar, literature and composition. Students will study a wide variety of literary genres with particular focus given to the critical evaluation of classic American Literature from a biblical literary and rhetorical perspective. Students are expected to be proficient with relevant technological skills, MLA formatting, and foundational grammar concepts prior to taking this course. Honors is distinguished by a faster pace, higher expectations for reading and writing, literary analysis, sophistication of thought, and Honors supplemental projects. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials American Voices by Perfection Learning Additional supplies required include: 100 notecards with holder or ring to hold them together.

Biblical Integration We will explore the revelation of God's plan for America as we read through our country's literature.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Teenagers fascinate me with their unique views on the things around us and I love to challenge their thinking to make them better communicators.

Calculus Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Dr. Matt Kellogg kellogg.matt@cchs.us

CH 316 Course Description The purpose of this course is to provide a foundation for the study of advanced mathematics, including elementary functions and techniques of calculus. Topics shall include, but not be limited to, concept of limits, derivatives, antiderivatives, tangent lines, integration, real-world applications, problem solving strategies and literacy strategies. As the mysteries and beauty of calculus are revealed, students are reminded that it is God who enlightens the mind and enables man to make revolutionary mathematical discoveries and even understand such difficult content. A TI-84 graphing calculator is required. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Calculus of a Single Variable by Larson & Edwards No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration As the mysteries and beauty of calculus are revealed, students are reminded that it is God who enlightens the mind and enables man to make revolutionary mathematical discoveries and even understand such difficult content as calculus.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation One of my favorite sayings is, “Nothing worthwhile in life will be easy!” Thank goodness that, as Christians, we do not need to tackle such worthwhile tasks on our own. Make it a habit of praying about this year’s, and future, worthwhile tasks.

AP Calculus AB 2022-2023 Syllabus

Dr. Matt Kellogg kellogg.matt@cchs.us

CH 316 Course Description AP Calculus AB is a college-level course. The purpose of this course is to provide study of elementary functions and the general theory and techniques of calculus, through a multi-representational approach. The content is specified by the Advanced Placement Program. A TI-84 graphing calculator is required. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Course Materials Calculus of a Single Variable (AP Edition) by Larson & Edwards No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration As the mysteries and beauty of calculus are revealed, students are reminded that it is God who enlightens the mind and enables man to make revolutionary mathematical discoveries and even understand such difficult content as calculus.

Teacher Quotation One of my favorite sayings is, “Nothing worthwhile in life will be easy!” Thank goodness that a Christian does not need to tackle such worthwhile tasks on their own. Make it a habit to pray about this year’s, and future, worthwhile tasks.

Intermediate Algebra DC 2022-2023 Syllabus

Dr. Matt Kellogg kellogg.matt@cchs.us

CH 316 Course Description This course focuses on factoring, algebraic fractions, radicals & radical exponents, complex numbers, quadratic equations, linear equations & inequalities, systems of linear equations & inequalities, introduction to functions, & applications. Forty-seven contact hours. Students with a grade of C or higher, will earn three elective college credits. (Semester 1)

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Course Materials Intermediate Algebra by Tobey, Slater, Blair, & Crawford No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Our God is a God of precision and order (I. Cor. 14:33). Mathematics, especially algebra, gives each of us an opportunity to reflect this quality of God's character by being neat and precise in our calculations. This will not only produce success in mathematics, but more importantly, will honor the Lord.

Teacher Quotation One of my favorite sayings is, “Nothing worthwhile in life will be easy!” Thank goodness that, as Christians, we do not need to tackle such worthwhile tasks on our own. Make it a habit to pray about this year’s, and future, worthwhile tasks.

College Algebra DC 2022-2023 Syllabus

Dr. Matt Kellogg kellogg.matt@cchs.us

CH 316 Course Description This course is the study of the algebra of the complex number system with emphasis on exact vocabulary. An analysis of the real number system is introduced to increase the depth of understanding algebra. Topics include: linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations, and inequalities. Students with a grade of C or higher, will earn three college credits. (Semester 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Course Materials College Algebra by Miller & Gerken No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Our God is a God of precision and order (I. Cor. 14:33). Mathematics, especially algebra, gives each of us an opportunity to reflect this quality of God's character by being neat and precise in our calculations. This will not only produce success in mathematics, but more importantly, will honor the Lord.

Teacher Quotation One of my favorite sayings is, “Nothing worthwhile in life will be easy!” Thank goodness that a Christian does not need to tackle such worthwhile tasks on their own. Please make it a habit to pray about this year’s, and future, worthwhile tasks.

Yearbook 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Deana Kistner kistner.deana@cchs.us

CH 214 Course Description Students in this course work to produce the school’s yearbook, the Kranion. Upon successful completion of this course, students will demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of journalistic writing, photography, graphic design, advertising and marketing. Students will also develop skills in timemanagement, organization, and teamwork to meet the deadlines for the production and delivery of the school yearbook. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Herff Jones Curriculum No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration We will read and reflect weekly on specific scriptures and how they apply to telling the story of CCHS in '22-23 accurately.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "We proclaim him, warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. I labor for this, striving with his strength that works powerfully in me." Colossians 1:28-29

Study Skills 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Deana Kistner kistner.deana@cchs.us

CH 214 Course Description This course is designed for students who are pursuing the College Prep Diploma path and will challenge students to develop discipline and structure in their school lives, study habits and daily living. The main topics include: managing self and time, listening and participating in class, taking notes, reading textbooks effectively, and preparing for and taking tests. The structure of this 52 class will include three days of study skills curriculum and two days of study hall each week. (Semester 1)

Course Materials No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration We will read scripture weekly and apply learning techniques from our study skills to the scripture we review.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "We proclaim him, warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. I labor for this, striving with his strength that works powerfully in me." Colossians 1:28-29

American Sign Language I 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Nicole Kozel kozel.nicole@cchs.us

CH 306 Course Description ASL I will begin to develop proficiency in American Sign Language through a linguistic, communicative, and cultural approach. Emphasis is placed on beginning development of receptive and expressive signing skills and on the acquisition of the fundamentals of applied grammar. Students will be required to use foundational vocabulary and implement grammatical structures to develop beginning conversational skills in the target language. Students will be provided opportunities to engage with the target language receptively through whole group instruction and activities. Additionally, the teacher will guide students through interacting expressively via partner practice and group projects. Students will learn about Deaf history, Deaf Community, Deaf Culture, and culturally appropriate behaviors. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials American Sign Language 1 by Calvary Christian High School No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. A person’s language is close to their heart; it is the lens through which they see, evaluate, and think about the world. To speak someone else’s language is to reach into their heart and their part of the world. It is a way of being Christ to them.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation “My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness.” -Maya Angelou Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12

American Sign Language I Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Nicole Kozel kozel.nicole@cchs.us

CH 306 Course Description ASL I Honors will begin to develop proficiency in American Sign Language through a linguistic, communicative, and cultural approach. Emphasis is placed on beginning development of receptive and expressive signing skills and on the acquisition of the fundamentals of applied grammar. Students will be required to use foundational vocabulary and implement grammatical structures to develop beginning conversational skills in the target language. Students will be challenged with higher level critical thinking activities that require implementation of the vocabulary and strategies presented in class in order to engage receptively and expressively through presentations, partner practice and whole group interactive activities. Students will learn about Deaf history, Deaf Culture, and culturally appropriate behaviors which prepares them to function comfortably in the Deaf Community. This course is designed for students who intend to pursue three or more years of ASL. Students will be responsible for additional work outside of the classroom including Cultural Integration assignments. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials American Sign Language 1 by Calvary Christian High School No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. A person’s language is close to their heart; it is the lens through which they see, evaluate, and think about the world. To speak someone else’s language is to reach into their heart and their part of the world. It is a way of being Christ to them.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation “My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness.” -Maya Angelou Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. -Colossians 3:12

Geometry 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description Geometry explores line and angle properties, congruence, properties of polygons, circles, quadrilaterals, Pythagorean Theorem, surface area, volume, similarity, right triangle trigonometry and trigonometric ratios. The course is designed to develop logical and analytical thinking skills, and provide a solid base of geometrical concepts. Students are encouraged to view the geometrical content studied through the lens of God as creator of all we see and the sovereign Lord over His creation. A scientific or TI84 graphing calculator is required. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Mrs. Amy Heintz Kraus kraus.amy@cchs.us

HS 211

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Reveal Geometry by McGraw Hill No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration While the circumstances of life are variable (changing), life is governed by principles that are constant & true (unchanging). Through the study of math, God proves to us the power of applying principles to the variability of life. In doing so, we learn that truth is required to solve our problems.

My life goal is to "Pursue Freedom with Grit & Grace". Freedom is not the absence of something, but the presence of someone. As I pursue God, He gives me grace to face life’s circumstances, develops grit in me to persist, and as a result I walk in greater freedom.

SAT Prep 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description SAT Preparation is a one semester course that provides students the opportunity to review reading, writing & language, & mathematical concepts that are necessary for SAT success. In addition, students will learn test taking strategies & will have the opportunity to practice using real SAT practice tests. It is suggested that students have either completed or have taken 1 semester of Algebra 2 before signing up for this course. Additionally, this course is designed for students who are motivated to increase their score. Completion of this course does not substitute a student's own personal, independent practice. (Semester 1 or 2)

Course Materials No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration While the circumstances of life are variable (changing), yet life is governed by principles that are constant & true (unchanging). Through the study of SAT Strategies, God proves to us the power of applying principles to the variability of life. In doing so, we learn that truth is required to solve our problems.

Mrs. Amy Heintz Kraus kraus.amy@cchs.us

HS 211

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation My life goal is to "Pursue Freedom with Grit & Grace". Freedom is not the absence of something, but the presence of someone. As I pursue God, He gives me grace to face life’s circumstances, develops grit in me to persist, and as a result I walk in greater freedom.

AP US Government & Politics 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics allows students to acquire an analytical perspective on government and politics in the U.S. This course includes both the study of general concepts used to interpret U.S. government and politics. It will stress a familiarity with the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that constitute U.S. politics. This class is taught at the college level, and it will demand a substantial amount of reading, writing, and studying that are found in a college-level course. (Semester 1)

Course Materials American Politics Today by Bianco Additional supplies required include: a 3-ring binder (folder)

Biblical Integration The concepts of American democracy and republicanism is steeped in basic notions of Judeo-Christian traditions. The founding fathers believed in the God given inalienable rights of each citizen. The study of such cornerstone documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution will reveal essential ideas of freedom as inspired by the scriptures. The course will involve a study of many legal landmark cases that deal with faith and worship. The good works of Godly men and women that have both created and maintained this nation will be discussed in class.

Mr. Michael Lashbrook lashbrook.michael@cchs.us

CE 145

Office Hours Monday Tuesday

Teacher Quotation I consider it to be a blessing to offer instruction within a Christian perspective. I am dedicated to providing students with a quality college preparatory education rooted in a Christian worldview. "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13)

US History I DC 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description This course addresses history in the land that becomes the United States of America beginning with the migration of the Western Hemisphere's original inhabitants. It briefly surveys the pre-Columbian Native American cultures. It also examines the impacts of the European "discovery" and settlement of North America on various groups of Native Americans, on Europeans at home and in the colonies, and on Africans forced into slavery in the New World. The course emphasizes the political, economic social cultural and religious aspects of life in the English North American colonies through their evolution into the united States, from the country's developmental years through the end of the Civil War. (Semester 1)

Course Materials The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Vol. 1 by Boyer No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration The study of history is truly about "His-story." God is always found within history. The historical record of various societies is filled with human actors that are either seeking "grace" or falling in and out of rebellion with God's plan. The story of America is unique in that God had and still has a divine plan for this nation. The study of U.S. history will show the works of God inspired individuals and the various course corrections that this nation made in order to form a more perfect union.

Mr. Michael Lashbrook lashbrook.michael@cchs.us

CE 145

Office Hours Monday Tuesday

Teacher Quotation I consider it a blessing to be able to offer instruction within a Christian perspective. I am dedicated to providing students with a quality college preparatory education rooted in a Christian worldview. "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13)

US History II DC 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description This course covers the history of the United states from the post-Civil War period (1865) to the present. Emphasis is placed on the social, economic, political and diplomatic history. The course is designed to present history as a dynamic process, encouraging students to think historically and to encourage students to value history. This college-level course will require an appropriate amount of reading and writing. (Semester 2)

Course Materials The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Vol. II by Boyer No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration The United States has been formed with a divine plan. This nation was conceived and has been maintained though Judeo-Christian traditions of justice and freedom. The narrative of the U.S. is one of constitutional foundations and progress that has allowed America to form a more perfect union. This class will present the struggles and efforts of U.S. citizens to define the American sense of democracy and equality. Every lesson will offer ample opportunity to seek out scriptural truth within any given challenge, ordeal, or accomplishment.

Mr. Michael Lashbrook lashbrook.michael@cchs.us

CE 145

Office Hours Monday Tuesday

Teacher Quotation I consider it a blessing to offer instruction within a Christian perspective. I am dedicated to providing students with a quality college preparatory education rooted in a Christian worldview. "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13)

AP Macroeconomics 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description Advanced Placement Macroeconomics allows students to acquire an analytical perspective within macroeconomics. This course includes both the study of general macroeconomic concepts and the utilization of various models and methodologies to properly interpret economic aggregates. This course will also provide students with a general and specific familiarity with economic contextual vocabulary. This class is taught at the college level. The major difference between a major high school macroeconomic course and a collegelevel macroeconomics course is the greater amount of reading, writing, and studying that are common within college standards and expectations.

Course Materials The Macroeconomy Today by Schiller Additional supplies required include: a ruler, 3-ring binder, and a four-function calculator.

Biblical Integration The study economics is full of Biblical principles and insights. Financial matters are mentioned and referenced many times within the scriptures. Many of the concepts covered in this class will provide ample opportunities to address Biblical applications. The class will frame many lessons within a scriptural context. "A wise man saves for the future, but a foolish man spends whatever he gets." (Proverbs 21:20).

Mr. Michael Lashbrook lashbrook.michael@cchs.us

CE 145

Office Hours Monday Tuesday

Teacher Quotation I consider it a blessing to offer instruction within a Christian perspective. I am dedicated to providing students with a quality college preparatory education rooted in a Christian worldview. "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13)

Color Guard 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Stathis Linardos linardos.stathis@cchs.us

HS Gym Course Description Students in this class will learn, rehearse, and memorize technique and choreography as it relates to the marching band show and winter guard show, through the use of dance and equipment. Students will also learn to evaluate their own progress to improve future performances. As a part of the requirements for this class, students will perform at home football games, fall marching band competitions, and winter color guard competitions. Successful completion of two years of this course fulfills the PE requirement for graduation. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Additional supplies required include: gloves and clothing that can accommodate the physical demands of the choreography and meets the CCHS dress code.

Biblical Integration We will discover God's Truth through the study of our choreography and show themes. We will learn how to worship the Lord through our art form and draw parallels to scripture through the thematic content that our productions use to tell their story.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39

Beginning Band 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Stathis Linardos linardos.stathis@cchs.us

CE 135 Course Description Beginning Band is a class that will emphasize the basics of playing instrumental music. The class has a small student-to-teacher ratio so that each student will receive group and one-on-one instruction. The goal of this class is to help students reach the point where they can be a part of the Warrior Band as soon as possible. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Monday Friday

Course Materials Standard of Excellence by Pearson Additional supplies required include: valve oil, slide grease, mouthpiece, reeds, cork grease, and any other instrument care related products.

Biblical Integration We will discover God's Truth through the study of the instrumental music art form. We will learn to use God's gift of instrumental music to worship our Creator and serve others with the skills and talents we learn throughout the course.

Teacher Quotation No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39

Directed Study Instrumental Music 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Stathis Linardos linardos.stathis@cchs.us

CE 135 Course Description Directed Study in Instrumental Music is designed for instrumental music students who have studied their instruments for at least one school year and have a desire to continue to develop their individual musicianship with the goal of eventually participating in the Marching and Concert Band class. The course is not designed to give students opportunities to perform at CCHS, but rather to help students develop the knowledge and techniques they need to improve as individual musicians. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: valve oil, slide grease, mouthpiece, reeds, cork grease, and any other instrument care related products.

Biblical Integration We will discover God's Truth through the study of the instrumental music art form. We will learn to use God's gift of instrumental music to worship our Creator and serve others with the skills and talents we learn throughout the course.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39

Guitar - Beginning 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Stathis Linardos linardos.stathis@cchs.us

CE 129 Course Description This class, designed for beginning guitarists, will provide the student with a foundation for all aspects of guitar playing. The guitar is perhaps the most favored instrument to choose to play in our culture today. This popularity comes from its versatility across many common genres, and it's renown for being a relatively easy instrument to learn. Students will learn the basics of performing, and common performance techniques on guitar. In addition, students will learn to read traditional music notation, lead sheets, tablature, and also learn to perform without sheet music. Students will also learn the basics of songwriting, since it is a relevant skill for guitarists of all musical genres. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: a six string steel string guitar, instrument case, picks, strings, and electronic tuner.

Biblical Integration We will learn about God's Truth through the study of instrumental music using the guitar. We will learn to use our skills and talents to worship the Lord and serve others through the skills we develop through the course.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39

Calvary Choir 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brandon Martell martell.brandon@cchs.us

CE 129 Course Description This class is a music performance ensemble. The majority of the year is spent preparing for concerts, festivals, and other types of performances at CCHS and in the community. Throughout the year, each student will be expected to develop his or her abilities as a vocalist and musician, and understand what it means to be an effective Christian vocalist and musician within contemporary society. A typical class includes a vocal warm-up, instruction on choral technique, development of music literacy through sight-reading exercises, and rehearsal of choral repertoire. There are also special opportunities for individuals to pursue during the school year, including applying to be a section leader, performing a solo or duet at a music performance assessment, and auditioning for the Warrior Voices chamber ensemble. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials LADIES: black concert shoes (heel must not exceed one inch; close-toed preferred) GENTLEMEN: black dress shoes, black socks, and white undershirt

Biblical Integration Sacred music is performed throughout the school year, and students discuss and consider how the expressed ideas relate to authentic Christian living. Additionally, section leaders present weekly scripture lessons usually referred to as "devotions."

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 (ESV)

Beginning Choir 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brandon Martell martell.brandon@cchs.us

CE 129 Course Description This class provides a foundation for choral music literacy and performance, general musicianship skills, and also functions as a music performance ensemble. No prior experience is needed, but throughout the year, each student will be expected to develop his or her abilities as a vocalist and musician, and understand what it means to be an effective Christian vocalist and musician within contemporary society. A typical class includes a vocal warm-up, instruction on vocal technique, development of music literacy through melodic and rhythmic patterns and/or sight-reading, and rehearsal of choral repertoire. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials All students will wear a black and white, dressy outfit for formal performances. Outfit must adhere to CCHS guidelines for appropriate dress code.

Biblical Integration Sacred music is performed throughout the school year, and students discuss and consider how the expressed ideas relate to authentic Christian living.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 (ESV)

Music Theory Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brandon Martell martell.brandon@cchs.us

CE 135 Course Description This class provides a foundation for the comprehension and application of music theory, analysis, and aural skills. Toward the end of the year, students will also learn the basics of music composition. The aural skills component of the class will require every student to sing in front of their peers frequently throughout the year. This class will include instruction on written music theory topics such as harmony, melody, phrase structure, form, and rhythm. The class will also include instruction on aural skills such as identification of intervals, chord qualities, harmonic progressions, as well as the dictation of rhythmic, melodic, and composite musical patterns. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Music In Theory and Practice, Ninth Edition, Volume 1 by Benward and Saker. Additional supplies required include: headphones/earbuds on occasion.

Biblical Integration Sacred music is analyzed throughout the school year, and students discuss and consider how the expressed ideas relate to authentic Christian living. Students will also consider the guidelines for writing effective music as an analogy for the "rules" of Christian living being a gateway to the "abundant life" God promises us if we love and follow Him.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 (ESV)

Marching/Concert Band 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Michael Martell martell.michael@cchs.us

CE 135 Course Description Concert / Marching band is a class that is designed for students who have experience playing instrumental music. In this class, an emphasis will be placed on mastering scales, rhythms, articulation, intonation, musical expression, listening, and practice routines. This is the ensemble that will represent CCHS in the Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, football games, marching band festivals, and music performance assessments. In addition to emphasizing performance techniques, this class will emphasize concepts from music history, music theory, music advocacy, and also truths from the Bible. Successful completion of two years of this course fulfills the PE requirement for graduation. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: a working instrument, accessories, sheet music, and a pencil.

Biblical Integration God's Truth will be revealed in the course content through discussions of certain compositions are used to direct focus toward the worship of God. We also discuss and make applications for how to use the talents God has given us to glorify Him.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Marching/Concert Band Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Michael Martell martell.michael@cchs.us

CE 135 Course Description This course meets during the same time as the Marching/ConcertBand class and has the same general course description as Marching/Concert Band with additional student requirements. Students who are enrolled in Honors Marching / Concert Band must complete the following: perform in all nonHonors requirements of the Marching / Concert Band class; prepare music and audition for All-County Band; prepare and perform a Grade 3 level or higher solo at the FBA District Solo and Ensemble Festival; perform all 12 major scales accurately and from memory in 3 minutes or less; perform a two-octave chromatic scale accurately and from memory in 15 seconds or less; participate in either the pit orchestra for the Spring Musical or perform in an ensemble at the FBA solo and ensemble festival. Successful completion of two years of this course fulfills the PE requirement for graduation. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: a working instrument, accessories, sheet music, and a pencil.

Biblical Integration God's truth will be revealed through a discussion of how compositions direct focus to worshipping God. Applications for how to use the talents God has given us to glorify Him will also be made.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation " But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Marine Science Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Paul Matthews matthews.paul@cchs.us

Science Offices Course Description In this course, students will explore an in-depth view of the four main branches of oceanography: geology, chemistry, physics and biology. Students will learn throughout the year that all four of these disciplines are interconnected in such a way that a true oceanographer has a solid background in all areas. Students look at how and why the ocean formed, what comprise the seawater of the ocean, what causes the movement of ocean waters and how the ocean interacts with the atmosphere and global weather patterns, and the diversity and complexity of life in the sea. Students will research and write about technologies used for ocean exploration and conduct an in-depth research project on a topic within one of the four marine disciplines. In preparation for this course, students should have a strong foundation in verbal and written communication, data analysis, graphing, algebraic expressions, equations and functions. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Maine Science by Castro No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Using Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 9-10 and 20-21 as a springboard, students will be challenged to learn about the 71% of the Earth's surface that is covered by the Ocean and all of its inhabitants, from the smallest single celled algae and animals, to the largest creatures on Earth - the Great Whales. We will see how the structure and order of the ocean systems, their processes, and the ocean's living organisms reveal to us God's handiwork and purpose in His creation. We will learn the many challenges that threaten the sustainability of the ocean and what it means to be good stewards of the resources that God has provided us through the ocean.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:9-10

Marine Science 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Paul Matthews matthews.paul@cchs.us

Science Offices Course Description In this course, students will explore a broad overview of all aspects of the marine environment. Students will be exposed to the four main branches of oceanography: geology, chemistry, physics and biology. The content of the course will include topics that cover the structure of the world oceans, the chemical make-up of the ocean, how water in oceans move and interact with the Earth’s atmosphere, and the diversity of life in the ocean. The course will explore the interactions of each of the four areas of marine science and the interrelationship of man and the ocean. Throughout this course, students will utilize algebraic expressions, equations, and functions. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Marine Science by Castro No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Using Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 9-10 and 20-21 as a springboard, students will be challenged to learn about the 71% of the Earth's surface that is covered by the Ocean and all of its inhabitants, from the smallest single celled algae and animals, to the largest creatures on Earth - the Great Whales. We will see how the structure and order of the ocean systems, their processes, and the ocean's living organisms reveal to us God's handiwork and purpose in His creation. We will learn the many challenges that threaten the sustainability of the ocean and what it means to be good stewards of the resources that God has provided us through the ocean.

And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:9-10

AP Environmental Science 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Paul Matthews matthews.paul@cchs.us

Science Offices Course Description The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. Students should have a strong foundation in verbal and written communication, data analysis, graphing, algebraic expressions, equations and functions upon entry. Students should also be committed to spending time outside of class on readings, labs, and review of class content. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Environment: The Science Behind the Stories by Jay Withgott No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Understanding our relationship to the environment is critical to the human experience. In a Biblical Worldview, we believe God has tasked mankind to be good stewards of his creation, and He gave us dominion over all of the Earth’s resources. (Gen. 1:26-28; Psalm 115:16).

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Genesis 1:1

English IV Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Ms. Rebecca Mulder mulder.rebecca@cchs.us

HS 218 Course Description This course is designed to develop and refine the critical thinking skills of college-bound seniors through the study of vocabulary, grammar, literature, and composition. Students will study a wide variety of literary genres with particular focus given to the critical evaluation of classic British Literature from a biblical perspective. Students are expected to be proficient with relevant technological skills, MLA formatting, and foundational grammar concepts prior to taking this course. Honors is distinguished by a faster pace, increased rigor, higher expectations for literary analysis, higher expectations for the sophistication of thought in writing, and an Honors supplemental project each quarter. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials British Literature by Perfection Learning No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration In this British Literature course, we will have the privilege to better understand how stories are passed down from age to age. Revealing the truth of the Gospel as each generation sought for the purpose of human existence. Just as the Bible moves through many years of history speaking toward the truth of the Gospel and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

English IV 2022-2023 Syllabus

Ms. Rebecca Mulder mulder.rebecca@cchs.us

HS 218 Course Description This course is designed to develop and refine the critical thinking skills of college-bound seniors through the study of vocabulary, grammar, literature, and composition. Students will study a wide variety of literary genres with particular focus given to the critical evaluation of classic British Literature from a biblical perspective. Students are expected to be proficient with relevant technological skills, MLA formatting, and foundational grammar concepts prior to taking this course. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials British Literature by Perfection Learning No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration In this British Literature course, we will have the privilege to better understand how stories are passed down from age to age. Revealing the truth of the Gospel as each generation sought for the purpose of human existence. Just as the Bible moves through many years of history speaking toward the truth of the Gospel and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

Worship Team 2022-2023 Syllabus

Pastor Kyle Mullett mullett.kyle@cchs.us

Worship Center Course Description The CCHS Worship team is a class with an emphasis on preparing and equipping young worship leaders that will lead worship for CCHS chapels and eventually will be sent out to lead at churches, colleges, and other ministries. Students will improve their skills as musicians by preparing and leading both current and some traditional worship songs. Students will improve their skills as worship leaders through studying scripture and other relevant Christian literature, prayer, class discussion, guest lecturers, and group activities. The CCHS Worship team will lead worship many times throughout the year; while the main function of the group is to lead worship at weekly CCHS chapel services, other events will be scheduled at the school and in the community. Attendance and participation in the Worship Team Camp is required for students selected for this class. The Worship Team Camp is held near the end of July and costs $150 per student. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: any personal instrument or musical accessories that you will will use for rehearsals and services as well as a PERSONAL pair of in-ear monitors (IEM's).

Biblical Integration We believe that the Word of God is the beginning of worship. This is where we learn who God is, what He has done, and how we are to respond to Him. Therefore, Scripture will infuse and inform all of our discussions and worship leading opportunities.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Core Values: S - Spirit and truth E - Elevate people over music R - Reach for excellence V - Value failure A - All for one N - Never stop praying T - Truth over all S - Surrender to holiness

Foundations of Worship 2022-2023 Syllabus

Pastor Kyle Mullett mullett.kyle@cchs.us

Worship Center Course Description Foundations of Worship is designed to be an introduction to the who, what, why, and how of Christian worship and worship leading. The course examines worship through both the Old and New Testament and the ancient and modern forms of Christian worship. Students will grow in an understanding of the role of the worship leader, and much more. The course includes a practical element as students will help prepare for various worship environments, as well as gain experience in the technology of worship leading. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Worship Matters by Kauflin No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration We believe that the Word of God is the beginning of worship. This is where we learn who God is, what He has done, and how we are to respond to Him. Therefore, Scripture will infuse and inform all of our discussions and worship leading opportunities.

Core Values: S - Spirit and truth E - Elevate people over music R - Reach for excellence V - Value failure A - All for one N - Never stop praying T - Truth over all S - Surrender to holiness

Health 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Daryl Mullholand mullholand.daryl@cchs.us

CE 131 Course Description This semester course is a comprehensive health education course to provide students with accurate information which they can utilize to develop healthy attitudes and behavior patterns. Critical thinking and decision making skills are taught and practiced throughout the course as students are encouraged to recognize that they have the power to choose healthy behaviors in order to reduce risks. The topics covered include, but are not limited to, decision making, stress management, nutrition, fitness, substance abuse, disease and disorders, and personal health and safety. (Semester 1 or 2)

Office Hours By appointment

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Savvas Health by Pruitt, Alegrante, & Prothrow-Stith Additional supplies required include: a 3 ring binder with pockets or pocket inserts, blank paper, and pen or pencil.

Biblical Integration As we study health this year, each of you will come to realize that the road to life is a disciplined life (Prov 10:17). This disciplined life is found in all areas of health—physical, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalms 46:10

Study Free 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description The purpose of this class is to provide a supervised, relaxed, non-structured environment where the student may study, fellowship or read. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Weekly Bible studies are available for students in coordination with the Bible department

Various teachers assigned.

World History Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Chip Pardi pardi.chip@cchs.us

CE 117 Course Description World History Honors is a chronological survey of history from the first civilizations through the late twentieth century. The course emphasizes major political, cultural, and ideological turning points that have shaped the modern world as we know it. Biblical principles of history help students cultivate sound historical judgment and perspective, and help them learn to think and write thoughtfully about history. Students will use a variety of digital media, and will learn how to create and use historical maps, outlines, and timelines. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials History Alive! World Connections by TCI Additional supplies required include: writing utensils and paper.

Biblical Integration God's hand and character are visible throughout history. People's choices in history present God as one who invites, but does not force submission to His will. God's plan gives a purpose to history and reveals blessing and peace when the principles of scripture are followed and catastrophe, strife, and war when man follows his own rebellious will.

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31

The Storyline of Scripture 2022-2023 Syllabus

Dr. Anthony Randall randall.anthony@cchs.us

HS 119 Course Description The storyline of scripture provides an engaging overview of the Bible focusing on six themes: Creation, Fall, Promise, Redemption, Church, and New Creation. This course explores both the Old and New Testament, highlighting key Bible passages to help students make personal connections with Scripture. Students will participate in relevant conversations to correlate how God’s plan point to the presence of Christ throughout the Bible. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials The Holy Bible No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Spiritual Formation and Biblical Integration are essential elements of the mature Christian life, and are central to the mission of CCHS. The Storyline of Scripture seeks to walk students through the entirety of Scripture. Throughout the semester this course will be focusing our attention on understanding how God interacted with His people throughout the Old Testament. We will also focus on how God's movements throughout the Old Testament make way for the coming of Jesus through the incarnation. We will be looking at key Biblical passages throughout every book of the Old Testament to better understand God, who He is, and how He relates to us.

Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation We are finite creatures bound by time, space, and mental capacity. But bound or not, we almost never press the limits of those boundaries. Rather we stay safely where we are and miss the wonders God has for us. Barnabus Piper

Foundations of Faith 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. April Ray ray.april@cchs.us

HS 122 Course Description The purpose of this course is to equip students with basic principles, guidelines, and tools to correctly identify, construct, apply, and evaluate their personal systems of belief and to interact with individuals and communities of differing worldview systems with understanding, clarity, and respect. The course will answer such questions as What is faith? What is true? What is real? Has truth been revealed? What do I trust? (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Monday Friday

Course Materials The Holy Bible Additional supplies required include: colored pencils and a composition notebook.

Biblical Integration Scripture tells us to study the Bible. Studying and striving to correctly interpret God's Word gives us a standard and filter to study all other content. Because of that, we will memorize and study God's Word and it's application to today's perspectives throughout our semester.

Teacher Quotation "Your faith matters! You may not understand why, but it does and I cant wait to show you how!"

Anatomy & Physiology 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brandon Ray ray.brandon@cchs.us

HS 307 Course Description This course will cover the following topics about the human body: anatomical terminology, the chemistry of life, cells, tissues and organs. Students will learn about the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Students should be comfortable with memorization. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology by Marieb & Keller Additional supplies required include: writing utensils and lined paper for notes and activities. Highlighters and notecards are optional.

Biblical Integration This course gives students a chance to examine the complexity of design that went into each and every human body. To see how the organ systems seamlessly work together highlights the craftsmanship of the Creator.

Office Hours Monday Tuesday

Teacher Quotation “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...” Theodore Roosevelt

Anatomy & Physiology Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brandon Ray ray.brandon@cchs.us

HS 307 Course Description This course will cover a comprehensive look at the structures and functions of the body. Students should be comfortable with their memorization and critical thinking skills and capable of explaining difficult concepts through discussions, presentations and essays. Topics include: anatomical terminology, the chemistry of life, cells, tissues and organs. Students will learn about the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Monday Tuesday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology by Marieb & Keller Additional supplies required include: writing utensils and lined paper for notes and activities. Highlighters and notecards are optional.

Biblical Integration This course gives students a chance to examine the complexity of design that went into each and every human body. To see how the organ systems seamlessly work together highlights the craftsmanship of the Creator.

“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...” Theodore Roosevelt

Algebra II 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description The purpose of this course is to continue the study of the structure of algebra. Topics shall include but not be limited to complex numbers, functions, equations and inequalities, rational expressions and equations, absolute value, systems of equations and inequalities, parabolas, quadratic equations, powers, roots, exponents and logarithms, polynomials, problem solving strategies and literacy strategies. Instruction in this course leads students to see God as the designer of all mathematics, to recognize God’s hand in all areas, and to realize that relationship with Him is vital to the learning process. A TI-84 graphing calculator is required. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Mrs. KC Rice rice.kc@cchs.us

CE 127

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Reveal Algebra 2 by McGraw Hill No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Our Lord reveals truth to us through the order of the universe He created. Colossians 1:17 tells us that "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." He is the reason that the processes we learn and practice in mathematics will always work! It's because He holds them together! My passion is to lead students towards a deeper understanding of these mathematical concepts and how they are woven into every part of life by our detail-oriented Creator.

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1

World Cultural Geography 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Daniel Riddell riddell.daniel@cchs.us

HS 205 Course Description World Cultural Geography studies the interactions between individuals, societies, and the physical world. The course integrates study in physical, political, and human geography, including topics such as weather patterns, landforms, agriculture, natural resources, population, languages, economic development, urbanization, geopolitics, world religions, and missions. The course emphasizes geospatial skills, map literacy, and the use of innovative geographic tools to analyze and understand current global issues within the context of a Christian worldview. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Geography Alive! Regions and People by Diane Hart No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration As geography is the study of the earth and everything within it, everything we talk about is related to Christianity. We will specifically compare Christianity to several other world religions and talk about how the beauty of Christ can be seen in God's creation.

My favorite Bible verse is Philemon 1:6: "and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ."

World Cultural Geography Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Daniel Riddell riddell.daniel@cchs.us

HS 205 Course Description World Cultural Geography studies the interactions between individuals, societies, and the physical world. The course integrates study in physical, political, and human geography, including topics such as weather patterns, landforms, agriculture, natural resources, population, languages, economic development, urbanization, geopolitics, world religions, and missions. The course emphasizes geospatial skills, map literacy, and the use of innovative geographic tools to analyze and understand current global issues within the context of a Christian worldview. Honors is distinguished by a deeper coverage of material, a faster pace, an increased level of critical thinking which is typically assessed through written test questions, higher expectations for reading and annotations both in class and for homework, and supplemental papers and/or projects. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Geography Alive! Regions and People by Diane Hart No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration As geography is the study of the earth and everything within it, everything we talk about is related to Christianity. We will specifically compare Christianity to several other world religions and talk about how the beauty of Christ can be seen in God's creation.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation My favorite Bible verse is Philemon 1:6: "and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ."

Pre-Calculus Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description Pre-Calculus Honors is an accelerated Pre-Calculus course designed to prepare students for AP Calculus AB or Calculus Honors. In this course students will: verify, evaluate, solve, and graph trigonometric expressions, equations, and functions: algebraically and graphically evaluate limits, and graph polar coordinates and equations. In addition, students will learn about logarithmic and exponential functions and equations, as well as how to interpret and graph conic sections, all while continuing to develop logical thinking and problem solving skills. Pre-Calculus Honors will include additional memorization, deeper conceptual organization, projects, more challenging problems, and more independent work than a traditional course. Students will be given evidence of God's mathematical nature as seen in the orderliness, patterns, and beauty of mathematics, and encouraged to patiently trust Him as they persevere through the mathematical challenges of this class. Students considering the pursuit of medicine, engineering, math, or science should consider taking this course. A graphing calculator is required. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Precalculus with Limits by Larson No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration This year, we will discover the various ways that God is the God of details. The character of God can be seen in His attention to details in creation, both big and small. As we go through the year, it is my desire that we will grow to understand that as image-bearers of God, we too should have an attention to detail in our study of mathematics. As we study the world He created, my prayer is that we would learn more about the character of God and desire to glorify Him in everything we do.

Ms. Courtney Rozeveld rozeveld.courtney@cchs.us

CE 143

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation My favorite Bible passage is Psalm 37:3-7. These verses are constantly reminding me to know that God’s plan for my life is perfect. They encourage me to delight in the Lord and to give my ways to Him, knowing that He is faithful and trustworthy in every situation.

Dance Techniques and Strengthening 2022-2023 Syllabus

Miss Karah Rushing rushing.karah@cchs.us

CH 225 Course Description Students will study and practice fundamental dance technique in a variety of styles (such as Ballet, Jazz, and Tap) and will be challenged to develop their physical strength through Barre Above, Cardio Dance, and Pilates exercise routines. Additionally, students will be exposed to a wide variety of dance styles and the history of those styles through personal study and class presentations. Included in this study will be a research project regarding worship dance styles from around the world in which students will be challenged to define the value of dance as a tool for worship. This course counts as a PE credit. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required for each class period include: modest workout attire and either socks or old dance shoes, a water bottle, and a sweat towel. For performance purposes, students are required to purchase a sleeveless black leotard, appropriate undergarments, and ankle-length black leggings to be worn under the costumes provided by CCHS.

Biblical Integration Students will strengthen their Biblical worldview through researching worship dance styles from around the world and defining the value of dance as a tool for worship. Students will worship through dance and exercise in classroom study and in a performance at Calvary’s annual Celebration of the Arts Concert and the Choir and Dance assembly.

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

Warrior Worship Dance Troupe 2022-2023 Syllabus

Miss Karah Rushing rushing.karah@cchs.us

CH 225 Course Description This class is a dance performance ensemble with an emphasis on worship leadership. Students will practice and perform in lyrical, modern, liturgical, and contemporary styles. Diversified skills will be acquired as students perform warm-up and across-the-floor activities in their style of choice and participate in the presentations of others. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Course Materials Additional supplies required for each class period include: modest workout attire and either socks or old dance shoes, a water bottle, and a sweat towel. For performance purposes, students are required to purchase a sleeveless black leotard, appropriate undergarments, and ankle-length black leggings to be worn under the costumes provided by CCHS.

Biblical Integration Dance will regularly be used as a tool for worship leadership as members of the ensemble choreograph and perform dances for chapel services, the Dance Revolution Conference, the Celebration of the Arts Concert, the Choir and Dance Assembly, the CCHS Christmas concert, and outreach performances.

Teacher Quotation Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

Theatre Arts I 2022-2023 Syllabus

Miss Karah Rushing rushing.karah@cchs.us

CH 225 Course Description Theatre Arts I class will introduce students to acting and musical theatre work, including vocal and dance technique. The approach to theatre study will be well-rounded in that it will include a look into theatre history and script analysis with a focus on Biblical Worldview in theatre. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Course Materials Introduction to Theatre Arts by Suzi Zimmerman Additional supplies required on Tuesdays and Fridays include: modest workout attire, either socks or old dance shoes, and hair ties if applicable.

Biblical Integration Students will strengthen their Biblical worldview through a unit of script analysis in which students evaluate the value of plays to be used as worship. Students will practically utilize this skill through the selection and presentation of plays which align to Biblical values.

Teacher Quotation Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

Theatre Arts II 2022-2023 Syllabus

Miss Karah Rushing rushing.karah@cchs.us

CH 225 Course Description Theatre Arts II class is designed to build upon the skills developed in Theatre Arts I and provide students with additional performance practice. Students will study differing acting methods and will expand upon their musical theatre vocal and dance skills. Performance skills will be practiced in class with Shakespearean sonnets, poems, and monologues. Additional studies will include the International Phonetic Alphabet, accents, script writing, and script analysis with a focus on Biblical Worldview in theatre. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Respect for Acting by Uta Hagen Additional supplies required on Tuesdays and Fridays include: modest workout attire, either socks or old dance shoes, and hair ties if applicable.

Biblical Integration Students will strengthen their Biblical worldview through a unit of script analysis in which students evaluate the value of musicals to be used as worship. Students will practically utilize this skill through the selection and presentation of musicals which align to Biblical values.

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

Stagecraft & Theatre Production 2022-2023 Syllabus

Miss Karah Rushing rushing.karah@cchs.us

CH 225 Course Description Stagecraft class is designed to introduce students to theatre production, stage management, elements of design, and scenic design, construction, and painting. Students will also design and implement the stage elements of props, lighting, sound, costumes, and make-up for the Fall Play, One Act production, and Spring Musical, and will operate the backstage area during these productions. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Students will be challenged to model the creativity of God through design elements which are honoring to Him. Students will also exercise humility as they work with their hands and behind the scenes in order to support excellent productions for the glorify of the Lord.

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

AP Chemistry 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brandon Rust rust.brandon@cchs.us

HS 305 Course Description The AP Chemistry course provides students with a foundation to support future advanced coursework in chemistry. Students will cultivate their understanding of chemistry and science practices as they explore topics such as: atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. Laboratory activities will be used to enhance concepts covered in class. Students should have a strong foundation in algebraic expressions, equations and functions upon entry. Students should also be committed to spending time outside of class on readings, labs, and review of class content. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Chemistry: The Central Science by Brown et al. Additional supplies required include: a scientific calculator and a notebook.

Biblical Integration God's Truth will be revealed through the study and application of how God designed and continues to sustain matter and energy.

"By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible." - Hebrews 11:3

Chemistry Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Brandon Rust rust.brandon@cchs.us

HS 305 Course Description This course will cover dimensional analysis, the history of chemistry, classification of matter, atomic structure, elements and the periodic table, chemical bonding and reactions, kinetic molecular theory, aqueous solutions, and acid/base theory. Students should have a strong foundation in algebraic expressions, equations and functions upon entry. Honors Chemistry covers more content than traditional Chemistry and includes additional labs and projects. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Introductory Chemistry by Tro Additional supplies required include: a scientific calculator and 3x5 index cards.

Biblical Integration God's Truth will be revealed through the study and application of how God designed and continues to sustain matter and energy.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible." - Hebrews 11:3

The Storyline of Scripture 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Wes Safford safford.wes@cchs.us

HS 119 Course Description The storyline of scripture provides an engaging overview of the Bible focusing on six themes: Creation, Fall, Promise, Redemption, Church, and New Creation. This course explores both the Old and New Testament, highlighting key Bible passages to help students make personal connections with Scripture. Students will participate in relevant conversations to correlate how God’s plan point to the presence of Christ throughout the Bible. (Semesters 1 and 2)

Course Materials The Holy Bible No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration The Storyline of Scripture reveals the truth of God by studying the Gospel message of Jesus' message, death, burial, and resurrection as well as a study of the early Church. This content reveals God's plan for humanity to place their faith in Jesus and work to grow that kingdom.

Office Hours Thursday Friday

Teacher Quotation "It must not be like that among you. On the contrary, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Matthew 20:26-28

Spanish I 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Amy Schabilon schabilon.amy@cchs.us

CE 124 Course Description Spanish I will begin to develop proficiency in Spanish through a linguistic, communicative and cultural approach. Emphasis is placed on beginning development of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Students will be required to use foundational vocabulary and implement grammatical structures to develop beginning conversational skills in the target language. Some of the course instruction will be delivered in Spanish and students will be expected to communicate in the target language for basic communication. Students will be exposed to the Hispanic community and culture. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Avancemos 1 by Gahala No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. A person’s language is close to their heart; it is the lens through which they see, evaluate, and think about the world. To speak someone else’s language is to reach into their heart and part of the world. It is a way of being Christ to them.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Spanish I Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Amy Schabilon schabilon.amy@cchs.us

CE 124 Course Description Spanish I Honors will begin to develop proficiency in Spanish through a linguistic, communicative and cultural approach. Emphasis is placed on beginning development of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Students will be required to use foundational vocabulary and implement grammatical structures to develop beginning conversational skills in the target language. Much of the course instruction will be delivered in Spanish only and students will be expected to communicate in the target language for basic communication. This is a fast-paced course designed for students who intend to pursue three or more years of Spanish. Students will be responsible for additional work outside of the classroom including Cultural Integration assignments. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Avancemos 1 by Gahala No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. A person’s language is close to their heart; it is the lens through which they see, evaluate, and think about the world. To speak someone else’s language is to reach into their heart and part of the world. It is a way of being Christ to them.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Spanish III 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Amy Schabilon schabilon.amy@cchs.us

CE 124 Course Description Spanish III continues to build from the foundation of Spanish I and II so that students gain an intermediate level of proficiency in the four areas of language acquisition: reading, writing, listening and speaking Spanish. Much of the instruction will be delivered in Spanish to immerse students in the language. By the end of the year each student should have the ability to communicate interpersonally and presentationally at a basic to intermediate level in Spanish. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Avancemos 3 by Gahala No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Learning the language(s) of people around us is an application of loving our neighbor. A person’s language is close to their heart; it is the lens through which they see, evaluate, and think about the world. To speak someone else’s language is to reach into their heart and part of the world. It is a way of being Christ to them.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Forensic Science 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Christina Seis seis.christina@cchs.us

HS207 Course Description The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the various scientific disciplines involved in the collection and analysis of evidence in criminal investigations. This course examines the principles, theories and practices including crime scene investigation, trace evidence, fingerprinting, fiber analysis, DNA and bloodstain pattern analysis, forensic chemistry, and ballistics. In the lab portion of this course, students will apply science to the process of law, which involves the collection, examination, evaluation, and interpretation of evidence. Students will gain a basic understanding of the scientific and analytical approach to determining the value of evidence as it relates to the court of law. Throughout this course, students will improve their verbal and written communication skills. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science by Saferstein No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration God is the ultimate judge and humans have an imperfect view on justice and on truth. Through this course we will be discussing how we can use data and evidence to better demonstrate the justice that God holds.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18 The Lord calls for us to think critically and I think that is a calling for everyone, especially students, to be able to talk over their faith and knowledge together comfortably to better understand the world the Lord has given us.

Lifetime Fitness 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description This course will introduce the student to the fundamental relationship between physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle. The theoretical components of fitness, principles of training, individual pre/post assessments and walking/running programs will be taught to the student for practical experiences with the ultimate goal of self-directed lifetime wellness. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Additional supplies required include: loose-fitting athletic shorts and t-shirt along with closed-toe athletic shoes

Biblical Integration Student's will receive a new understanding of God's creation by studying the human body, and how to live a healthy and productive lifestyle in order to serve the Kingdom.

Mr. Benjamin Sessions sessions.benjamin@cchs.us

The Rock

Office Hours Monday Tuesday

Teacher Quotation "For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people." Titus 2:11

Discipleship 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Amanda Stanton stanton.amanda@cchs.us

CE132 Course Description In this course, the student will learn the principles of discipleship through the teaching of Christ and the Apostle Paul. Students will learn the significance of discipleship and endeavor to put into practice and articulate the discipleship principles and spiritual disciplines that come from the New Testament. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Tuesday

Course Materials The Holy Bible No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration God's truth will be used as the foundation within all of our conversations, as we understand why we exist, how he created us and what He has for us to do.

Teacher Quotation "And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

Biology Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Heidi Stenberg stenberg.heidi@cchs.us

HS301 Course Description This course will cover the following topics: scientific method, ecology, plant and animal cells, chemistry in the cell, genetics, evolution and creation, classification of living organisms, and energy and metabolism in living organisms. Honors Biology covers content in more detail than traditional Biology and includes additional labs and projects. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Course Materials Campbell Biology Concepts and Connections by Taylor No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Students will explore God’s creation and discover scientific topics through a biblical worldview. By studying Biology, students will develop a stronger love and understanding of the world God has made and grow in their faith in Christ.

Teacher Quotation "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13

English I Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Autumn Stradley stradley.autumn@cchs.us

HS 220 Course Description This course is designed to develop and refine critical thinking skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar, literature, and composition. Students will be studying from many different literary genres and will be expected to evaluate ideas and themes according to biblical perspective. Special points of focus include but are not limited to reading comprehension, MLA formatting, and developing proficiency with relevant technological skills. Honors is distinguished by a faster pace, higher expectations for independent reading and annotations, higher expectations for sophistication of thought in writing, and Honors supplemental projects. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Pathways: Literature for Readers and Writers by Perfection Learning No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration God's truth shines through all facets of literature, grammar, and writing. Students will focus on how God's teachings are either included or ignored in various reading passages throughout the course.

Office Hours Tuesday Friday

Teacher Quotation "Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future." Proverbs 19:20

Chemistry 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description This course will cover the history of chemistry, classification of matter, atomic structure, elements and the periodic table, chemical bonding and reactions, and gas laws. Throughout this course, students will utilize algebraic expressions, equations, and functions. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Introductory Chemistry by Tro Additional supplies required include: writing utensils (pen or pencil), scientific calculator, and 3x5 index cards.

Biblical Integration God’s truth will be revealed through the study of Chemistry by analyzing God’s creation at the atomic level. Scripture states, “Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them” (Psalm 111:2). May we delight in our study of creation so that we may magnify our Creator.

Mrs. Lacey Szymanski szymanski.lacey@cchs.us


Office Hours Monday Thursday

Teacher Quotation “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding: in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (CSB)

Health 2022-2023 Syllabus

Ms. Monica Talley talley.monica@cchs.us

AAC Course Description This semester course is a comprehensive health education course to provide students with accurate information which they can utilize to develop healthy attitudes and behavior patterns. Critical thinking and decision making skills are taught and practiced throughout the course as students are encouraged to recognize that they have the power to choose healthy behaviors in order to reduce risks. The topics covered include, but are not limited to decision making, stress management, nutrition, fitness, substance abuse, disease and disorders, and personal health and safety. (Semester 1 or 2)

Course Materials Savvas Health by Pruitt, Alegrante, & Prothrow-Stith Additional supplies required include: a 3 ring binder with pockets or pocket inserts, pen or pencil, and blank paper.

Biblical Integration As we study health this year, each of you will come to realize that the road to life is a disciplined life (Proverbs 10:17). This disciplined life is found in all areas of health—physical, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Hebrews 12:11 No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Let's continue to be mindful of this disciplined life as we take this journey through the course.

Office Hours By appointment

Teacher Quotation Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs: 3:5 A person's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs: 16:9 We all have to plan, stay motivated, and work towards success. Ultimately, it is our trust in the Lord as He will determine how, when, and where we will go. We just need to let go and trust in His plan for us. His plan is much better than anything we could script for ourselves.

American Government 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Trent Toler toler.trent@cchs.us

CE131 Course Description This course is designed to give students an understanding of various levels of American government, citizenship participation and greater involvement in our society. The study will include the interrelationship between the national government and the state governments, documents that shaped our political traditions, including: The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the US, and the Bill of Rights. Students will gain an understanding of the roles within the three branches of government at the local, state, and federal level, the rationale for the concept of separation of powers, the importance of civil participation in the democratic political process, the role of the states and the individual citizen in the development of our political system. Additionally, students evaluate and discuss real-world events and government policies within the context of a constitutional literacy and a biblical worldview. (Semester 1)

Course Materials Government Alive! Power, Politics, and You by TCI No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Social studies (including government) can show the story of God and His creation of man, the story of God’s purpose, plan, and redemption of mankind. Government is viewed and taught through these themes and their impact on geography, economics, government, citizenship, culture, and technology.

Office Hours Friday Monday

Teacher Quotation Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11

American Government Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Trent Toler toler.trent@cchs.us

CE131 Course Description This course is designed to give students an understanding of various levels of American government, citizenship participation and greater involvement in our society. The study will include the interrelationship between the national government and the state governments, documents that shaped our political traditions, including: The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the US, and the Bill of Rights. Students will gain an understanding of the roles within the three branches of government at the local, state, and federal level, the rationale for the concept of separation of powers, the importance of civil participation in the democratic political process, the role of the states and the individual citizen in the development of our political system. Additionally, students evaluate and discuss real-world events and government policies within the context of a constitutional literacy and a biblical worldview. Honors students will be expected to interact with selected excerpts from primary sources and undertake additional writing and class discussion responsibilities. (Semester 1)

Course Materials Government Alive! Power, Politics and You by TCI No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Social studies (including government) can show the story of God and His creation of man, the story of God’s purpose, plan, and redemption of mankind. Government is viewed and taught through these themes and their impact on geography, economics, government, citizenship, culture, and technology.

Office Hours Friday Monday

Teacher Quotation Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11

Economics 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Trent Toler toler.trent@cchs.us

CE 131 Course Description Students will demonstrate an understanding of basic economic concepts and become familiar with the economic system of the United States and how it operates. Students will explore the roles of various components of the American economic system. They will examine their roles as consumer, worker, investor, and voting citizen. Topics of discussion include financial literacy, comparative economic systems, and the impact of political and social decisions on the economy. Students will cultivate the use of economic reasoning and decision making by discussing real-world events and government policies within the context of a biblical worldview. (Semester 2)

Course Materials Econ Alive! The Power to Choose by TCI No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Social studies (including economics) can show the story of God and His creation of man, the story of God’s purpose, plan, and redemption of mankind. Economics is viewed and taught through these themes and their impact.

Office Hours Friday Monday

Teacher Quotation Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11

Economics Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Trent Toler toler.trent@cchs.us

CE 131 Course Description Students will demonstrate an understanding of basic economic concepts and become familiar with the economic system of the United States and how it operates. Students will explore the roles of various components of the American economic system. They will examine their roles as consumer, worker, investor, and voting citizen. Topics of discussion include financial literacy, comparative economic systems, and the impact of political and social decisions on the economy. Students will cultivate the use of economic reasoning and decision making by discussing real-world events and government policies within the context of a biblical worldview. Honors students will be expected to undertake additional writing and class discussion responsibilities. (Semester 2)

Course Materials Econ Alive! The Power to Choose by TCI No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Social studies (including economics) can show the story of God and His creation of man, the story of God’s purpose, plan, and redemption of mankind. Economics is viewed and taught through these themes and their impact.

Office Hours Friday Monday

Teacher Quotation Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11

English II 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Kelly Trill trill.kelly@cchs.us

HS136 Course Description This course continues the development of critical thinking skills introduced in English I. Study areas include vocabulary, grammar, composition and world literature. Students will study a wide variety of literary genres with particular focus given to the critical evaluation of the works from a biblical perspective. This includes but is not limited to reading comprehension and research writing. Students are expected to be proficient with relevant technological skills and MLA formatting prior to taking this course. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Reading the World from Perfection Learning

No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration A Biblical Worldview is essential for all. In our class, we will approach texts and topics of discussion through the lens of the Bible by thinking critically and consistently going back to God's Word as our guide.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

English II Honors Pre-AP 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Kelly Trill trill.kelly@cchs.us

CE136 Course Description This is an accelerated course for sophomores who have demonstrated the highest ability levels in critical reading and textual analysis and have interest in pursuing AP courses. It continues the development of critical thinking skills introduced in English 1 Honors while pushing students towards AP styles of writing and analysis. Study areas include vocabulary, grammar, literature, and composition. Students study a variety of literary genres and non-fiction texts with particular focus given to the critical evaluation of the works from biblical, literary, and rhetorical perspectives. Students are expected to be proficient with relevant technological skills and MLA formatting prior to taking this course. Like other Honors courses, it is distinguished by a faster pace, higher expectations for independent reading and annotations, higher expectations for sophistication of thought in writing, and an Honors supplemental project. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Foundations of Language and Literature by Renee H. Shea, et al No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration As a natural result of literary and rhetorical analysis, we will see the truth of God's Word in the readings, discussions, and exercises in our class. We will seek to dive deeply into the processes of argumentation and analysis; those skills are needed to understand our world with a Biblical Worldview and our class will practice viewing texts of all sorts through the lens of the Bible.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

AP Language and Composition 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mrs. Kelly Trill trill.kelly@cchs.us

CE 136 Course Description The AP English Language and Composition course focuses on the development and revision of evidence-based analytic and argumentative writing, the rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts, and the decisions writers make as they compose and revise. Students evaluate, synthesize and cite research to support their arguments. Additionally, they read and analyze rhetorical elements and their effects in nonfiction texts – including images as forms of text – from a range of disciplines and historical periods. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials The Language of Composition by Renee H. Shea, et al Additional supplies required include: one folder with pockets and loose-leaf notebook paper.

Biblical Integration AP Language and Composition is primarily about argument and analysis. As such, we will examine the skill of argumentation as it applies to apologetics, personal understand of Scripture, and the implementation of a Biblical Worldview. As we read about and discuss topics of cultural and historical significance, we will continually circle back to the ideas of absolute truth presented in the Bible and upheld by church history.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

English II Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Mr. Tony Valdes valdes.tony@cchs.us

CH 305 Course Description This course continues the development of critical thinking skills introduced in English I. Study areas include vocabulary, grammar, composition, and world literature. Students will study a wide variety of literary genres and critically evaluate the works from a biblical perspective. This includes but is not limited to reading comprehension and research writing. Students are expected to be proficient with relevant technological skills and MLA formatting prior to taking this course. Honors is distinguished by a faster pace, higher expectations for independent reading and annotations, higher expectations for sophistication of thought in writing, and Honors supplemental projects. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Reading the World by Perfection Learning & Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration The goal of this course is to develop students’ ability to read, write, and think in such a way that they can develop and support a Scriptural worldview. The specific content of this class is meant to provoke students’ sense of wonder and curiosity at world cultures and beliefs through world literature. That literature will then be compared against Scripture in order to strengthen students’ faith in the word of God.

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. – II Timothy 3:16-17

English I 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description This course is designed to develop and refine critical thinking skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar, literature, and composition. Students will be studying from many different literary genres and will be expected to evaluate ideas and themes according to biblical perspective. Special points of focus include, but are not limited to, reading comprehension, MLA formatting, and developing proficiency with relevant writing and technological skills. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Pathways: Literature for Readers and Writers by Perfection Learning No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration English class is a great place to use classic and modern literature to spark biblical discussion. We can take any piece of writing and put it under the microscope of His word, leaving us with a deeper understanding of His truths. Whether we are reading from a Christian or secular author, we learn to identify these truths and how to apply them to our daily lives.

Mrs. Virginia (Ginger) Wensley wensley.ginger@cchs.us

CE 125

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation "Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see." Corrie Ten Boom

Creative Writing 2022-2023 Syllabus Course Description In this creative writing class, students will explore stimulating activities to better understand the elements of style, plot and character. Students will write original fiction and nonfiction short stories, while learning how to submit work to contests and get their writing published. Note: Students do not have to take Creative Writing first semester to take Creative Writing second semester. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials Creative Writing Bundle for Middle School and High School Writers No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Creative Writing is a wonderful place to learn to use written communication as a means to a spiritual end. When we look at the Bible, we see a multitude of different writing styles and techniques to illustrate truth. Using these examples, we can apply this truth to fiction and non-fiction alike. We can use storytelling to change the world.

Mrs. Virginia (Ginger) Wensley wensley.ginger@cchs.us

CH 317 & CH 316

Office Hours Tuesday Thursday

Teacher Quotation The Lion' all began with a picture of a faun carrying an umbrella and parcels in a snowy wood. This picture had been in my mind since I was about sixteen. Then one day, when I was about forty, I said to myself, 'let's try to make a story about it.' - C.S. Lewis

AP Statistics 2022-2023 Syllabus

Dr. Lorna Wenzel wenzel.lorna@cchs.us

CE 127 Course Description AP Statistics is a college-level course. Students will experiment and apply properties of statistics, probability, and the process of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and inferring data. The course includes an introduction to key concepts, including interpreting data, sampling populations, theoretical and experimental probabilities, patterns in data and research, and making inferences based on information. Students will use statistical analysis and research skills to create, execute, analyze, summarize, and prepare and evaluate presentations of each study. A TI84 graphing calculator is required. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials The Practice of Statistics by Starnes & Tabor No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Class will begin each week with a brief devotional relevant to the course content when possible. We will discuss how data and biblical knowledge are not at odds, but there can be conflict in the interpretation of data and the interpretation of the bible. Emphasis will be placed on the skill of interpretation.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation "That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers." Psalm 1:3

Statistics and Probability Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Dr. Lorna Wenzel wenzel.lorna@cchs.us

CE 127 Course Description In this course, students will experiment and apply properties of statistics, probability, and the process of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and inferring data. Instruction includes introduction to key concepts, including interpreting data, sampling populations, theoretical and experimental probabilities, patterns in data and research, and making inferences based on information. Students will be encouraged to see the character and beauty of our Creator God in the precision, eloquence, and even the predictability of the mathematics they study. A TI84 graphing calculator is required. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation Course Materials Statistics and Probability with Applications by Starnes & Tabor No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Class will begin each week with a brief devotional relevant to the course content when possible. We will discuss how data and biblical knowledge are not at odds, but there can be conflict in the interpretation of data and the interpretation of the bible. Emphasis will be placed on the skill of interpretation.

"That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers." Psalm 1:3

Physics Honors 2022-2023 Syllabus

Dr. Lorna Wenzel wenzel.lorna@cchs.us

CE 127 Course Description This course is designed to introduce students to the broader problems and questions addressed by the study of Physics. As with all fields of science, Physics is the application of math to describe phenomena in the physical world. For this reason, students will need to have mastery of algebraic expressions, equations, and functions upon entry and will study and apply fundamental trigonometric concepts throughout this course. Students will use these mathematical skills in the study of accelerated and rotational motion, forces in multiple dimensions, gravitation, momentum, machines, vibrations, and reflections. (Semesters 1 & 2)

Course Materials College Physics by Knight, Jones & Field No additional supplies required.

Biblical Integration Each week, we will explore how God's truth is revealed through Physics. Additionally, we will study how a biblical worldview enabled historical scientists to uncover the theories and laws in our textbook.

Office Hours Monday Friday

Teacher Quotation "That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers." Psalm 1:3

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