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www.cchs.us/arts/ CALVARY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL 110 N. McMullen Booth Rd. Clearwater, FL 33759


Director of Fine Arts

My name is Jon Seals, and I am thrilled to serve as the Director of Fine Arts here at CCHS. My history with Calvary began in 2004 as the visual arts instructor and has taken many twists and turns over the years, including some time away. Most recently in 2015, I finished a master’s program in Religion and the Arts at Yale Divinity School in New Haven, CT. My time at Yale fostered in me a deep appreciation for interdisciplinary artistic expression and it is wonderful to be back at CCHS once more working in a capacity that allows me to lead and collaborate with such an excellent team of fine arts instructors. When I think of the Fine Arts Department here at Calvary many scriptures come to mind, among them is a passage found in 1 Peter, verse 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” Indeed, our Fine Arts Department is filled with gifted instructors and students. Calvary is a place where students and teachers alike reflect on the grace of God and seek to discover and refine their gifts through our various arts programming to serve both God and others

BIO In addition to his role as Director of Fine Arts at Calvary, Mr. Seals is an active artist, teacher, and curator. He holds a M.A.R. from Yale Divinity School and Yale Institute of Sacred Music and a M.F.A. in Painting from Savannah College of Art and Design. His essays, reviews, and works of art have been published in ArtPulse Magazine, Letters Literary Art Journal, Palimpsest Magazine, and Reflections Magazine. Mr. Seals has exhibited his artwork in solo and group art exhibitions in galleries and at colleges throughout the United States and curates an annual art exhibition at Yale’s Institute of Sacred Music. His artistic practice is organized around exploring the ways in which identity relates to memory, loss, and redemption in visual culture.

“The mission of the Fine Arts Department at Calvary Christian High School is to provide a challenging college preparatory fine arts education that inspires and equips students to become lifelong practitioners and patrons of the arts, rooted in a Christian worldview.�

IN THE CLASSROOM Calvary students have many courses to choose from in fine arts including Visual Arts, Marching / Concert Band, Drama, Choir, Dance, Worship, Worship Through ASL, Yearbook, Creative Writing, Speech, and Humanities. Additionally, our fine arts faculty offers a wealth of experience to our students who are interested in pursuing a major or minor in the arts in college. With their diverse backgrounds, they are able to assist our students not only in the audition and portfolio process, but also in understanding the differences in the educational setting, since their own degrees vary from small private colleges (both Christian and non-Christian) to a large State University and a Music Conservatory

OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM Students are given opportunities to be a part of the Warrior Marching Band, Calvary Choir, our Fall Play and Spring Musical, Christmas Concert, the Worship Team that serves in Chapel every week, and our annual Celebration of the Arts event. The best of our Visual Art students’ work is displayed in our Ruach Gallery throughout the year. Leading scholars and artists from distinguished universities across the United States share with students about their craft and scholarship in faith and the arts through our Guest Artist Series. Our students have the opportunity to participate in several festivals and competitions such as the FBA Assessments, FMBC Competitions, Choral and Creative Writing Festivals, All State (Band and Vocal) and the ITS District Competition just to name a few. The International Thespian Society (ITS), Film Society, and Creative Writing Club are three extra-curricular clubs that encourage our students to think critically about the arts from a Christian worldview

IN THE COMMUNITY Through special concerts at partner schools and adult senior living facilities, middle school summer camps and featuring the work of middle school art students in North Pinellas County by hosting the NPCMSAF Art Exhibit and Reception, we serve our local community through the arts

COURSE OFFERINGS PERFOR MING ARTS • • • • • • • • • • • • •

 Band Marching Band / Concert Band* Beginning
 Choir Calvary Choir * Color Guard Choreography / Dance Basics Directed Study Instrumental Drama I Drama II
 Beginning Guitar Beginning Jazz Combo Musical Theatre
Praise and Worship* Storytelling Through Movement Worship Through ASL

* Course Placement Audition Required

VISUAL ARTS • • • • • • •

Art Gallery Management Elements of Art Principles of Design Visual Arts Foundations of 3D AP Studio Art Drawing AP Studio Art 2D AP Studio Art 3D


Culinary Aide Humanities Music Theory Honors


Creative Writing Speech Yearbook I Yearbook II


DEGREE(S) Masters of Music, Music Education University of Florida Bachelor of Science, Music Education Clearwater Christian College

BIO As a band student at a Christian high school, God provided me with the opportunity to be the drum major of my marching band. Through that experience, God called me to use my love of music as a way to reach students for Christ. It is my joy to serve in my role at Calvary teaching students to pursue musical excellence and a vibrant relationship with the Lord

SCRIPTURE MATTHEW 6:33 (NIV) But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

MARCHING BAND & CONCERT BAND PROGRAMS The Marching and Concert Band program at Calvary Christian High School prepares students to be effective Christian producers and consumers of instrumental music in college and beyond. The band program’s course offerings: Beginning Band, Directed Study in Instrumental Music, and Marching/Concert Band are designed to equip instrumental music students to achieve their best according to their skill levels. Students in the Marching/ Concert Band class have numerous opportunities to perform throughout the school year including FMBC competitions, FBA assessments, Jazz Band, Pit Orchestra, All-State Band, All-County Band, and the solo & ensemble festival. The band program emphasizes excellence in performance, glorifying God through performance, and having fun within a family atmosphere.

CCHS BAND COURSES • M a r c h i n g / Co n ce r t B a n d • Beginning Band • Music Theory

ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2016–2017 • • •

Superior Rating at the FBA Concert Band Assessment Superior Rating at the ACSI Concert Band Assessment (2012–2017) 6th place finish at FMBC Marching Band State Championships

2015 •

14th place finish at FMBC Marching Band State Championships

THE NEXT LEVEL Our band graduates are currently pursuing or have earned undergraduate degrees in instrumental music and music education and many are currently participating in a college marching band


DEGREE(S) Bachelor of Music, Music Education • Bachelor of Music, Applied Music • Performer’s Certificate Eastman School of Music

BIO Mr. Martell is a well-rounded musician who is skilled in the arts of music performance, music composition, music arranging, and music pedagogy. He performs professionally as a member of The Dickens Carolers, and has performed with The Florida Orchestra. His compositions and arrangements have been performed by numerous high school and college ensembles, including ensembles at the University of South Florida and the Eastman School of Music. As a music pedagogue, his appointments have included positions at the Salvation Army, Eastman Community Music School, Clearwater Christian College, and Calvary Christian High School

SCRIPTURE JOHN 15:5 (NIV) I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

CHORAL PROGRAM The Choral program at Calvary Christian High School provides a comprehensive, Christian vocal music education for all students that equips them to become effective producers of vocal music in our society. Designed to meet each student’s individual learning needs, the program has two classes: Beginning Choir and Calvary Choir. Both choirs perform at various events during the year: at concerts, school events, and community outreach performances. Throughout the year, students are selected to participate in smaller vocal ensembles and solo performances, and are offered extracurricular vocal music opportunities such as All-County and All-State auditions. The Choral program operates within the larger realm of the Fine Arts department, and frequently collaborates with other classes at our school, such as the Concert Band, Drama program, and the Praise and Worship Band.

CCHS CHORAL COURSES • Ca l va r y C h o i r • Beginning Choir


Calvary’s Choral Program balances rigor and service by receiving critical praise in regional festivals and competitions while also serving in the surrounding community. The program routinely participates in the Disney Candlelight Processional in Orlando, FL. Recent accomplishments include:

2017 • •

Superior Rating in Performance at the ACSI Choral Festival Four students earned seats in Florida All-State Women’s Chorus

2016 • • •

Superior Rating in Sight-Reading at the FVA Choral Festival Superior Rating at the ACSI Choral Festival Superior Rating at the Florida Vocal Association Solo and Ensemble Festival

THE NEXT LEVEL Two alumni from the CCHS Choral Program are currently pursuing Music Education programs for their Bachelor’s degrees at Liberty University and Florida Southern College, and one alumnus is currently pursuing a degree in Voice Performance at Vanderbilt University


DEGREE(S) Bachelor of Science, Education University of South Florida

BIO Mrs. Gaige has been dancing since age two and has followed her passion in life. Today she owns a local dance studio and is one of the most well respected choreographers in the area. She has studied under and worked along side some of the top choreographers in the country. Mrs. Gaige has a love for all genres of dance and believes that the best dancers are well-rounded dancers who know how to dance with a purpose, have a strong technique foundation and give honor to the One who gave them their gift

SCRIPTURE ISAIAH 40:31 (NIV) But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

DANCE PROGRAM Dance is our newest program in Fine Arts at Calvary and students are already earning top marks in competitions and at festivals. Storytelling through Movement students have the opportunity to enhance the worship experience during chapel at CCHS. The dance program is designed to bring stories of struggle and victory in Christ to life through movement. Dancers will develop self-esteem, technique and creativity in this program, along with a passion and love for dance, storytelling and worship. Storytelling through Movement dancers also participate in the annual Dance Revolution Showcase and convention. The Color Guard class provides technique and choreography for the annual band show as well as dance choreography in several genres for the second semester. Color Guard students compete in various competitions, festivals and home football games with our Warrior Band. This program helps develop self-esteem, guard flag/saber/rifle technique and teamwork in a Christ centered environment.

CCHS DANCE COURSES • D a n ce (Sto r y te l l i n g t h r o u g h M o ve m e nt) • Musical Theatre • Co l o r G u a r d


DEGREE(S) Bachelor of Arts, English & Drama Queens University of Charlotte Master of Fine Arts in Media & Performing Arts Savannah College of Art & Design

BIO Mr. Brendan Blowers has worked as an actor, writer, and director in plays, musicals, television commercials, films, and radio dramas in Florida, New York, and abroad. Before coming to Calvary in 2013, Mr. Blowers taught theater and other related arts courses at several East Coast community colleges and public schools. He loves inspiring students to use their God-given talents in the performing arts

SCRIPTURE HEBREWS 10:35–36 (NIV) 35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. 36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

DRAMA PROGRAM The Theatre program at Calvary Christian High School provides a comprehensive, Christian worldview based theatre and musical theatre education for all students. Drama 1 is designed to meet each student at their current experience level and increase their confidence and vocal/physical/emotional performance skills. Advanced Drama is for students who wish to take their dramatic study further and includes audition technique, scene study, and college/professional level actor theory and training. Drama students perform at many events throughout the year, including: a fall play, spring musical, the Celebration of the Arts, and solo/ensemble performances at the district and state competitions. Past CCHS drama students have gone on to receive scholarships to respected college theatre programs and perform in professional films, television shows, and local or regional theatrical productions. The Drama program operates within the larger realm of the Fine Arts department, and frequently collaborates, as well as shares students with other programs, such as the Dance, and Choir programs.

CCHS DRAMA COURSES • D r a m a 1–2 • Musical Theatre • Video Production


Awarded twice at the District 4 Thespian competition (includes both public and private schools throughout Pinellas County).


Awarded to Calvary’s Thespian Troupe 7842, regularly qualifying for State Competition in acting and musical theatre categories.

THE NEXT LEVEL Several of Mr. Blowers’ former students have gone on to receive college scholarships in theatre or have been cast in professional television, film, or theatre roles


Visual Arts Instructor

DEGREE(S) Bachelor of Fine Arts, Drawing + Ceramics • Reading Validation Ohio University

BIO Ms. Neufarth’s passion for visual art grew during high school as she attended classes at the Art Academy of Cincinnati in the evenings and then went on to earn her multifaceted degree in art at Ohio University and continued with master level courses at Ohio State. Ms. Neufarth is originally from the mid-west first teaching in Columbus, Ohio and then at Loudon County schools outside of Washington DC. In addition to teaching at Calvary, she maintains an active studio practice and continues to work with art galleries that exhibit and sell her original works of art in Southwest Florida and Maine

SCRIPTURE ISAIAH 64:8 Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. PROVERBS 27:19 As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.

VISUAL ART PROGRAM Calvary Christian High School’s Visual Art program exists to provide college preparatory training in the field of visual art with a Christian purpose. We aim for students to have the knowledge and skill sets they need to succeed while exhibiting the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and Christian values. Our visual arts department’s philosophy is that we believe art is an intellectual and God inspired process. We stress visual thinking, creativity, skill development, and critical analysis. Our program emphasizes the skills of seeing and drawing, problem solving, persistence, and personal expression. Learning to take informed risks and being inventive in making images and objects are central to the program. We use the critique process regularly to clarify conceptual issues and to celebrate the uniqueness of personal vision. Students will be able to recognize and become successful at using the elements of art and principles of design in their work. Fundamental and advanced levels of design, drawing, painting, art history, and contemporary art are pillars of the curriculum. Students will work through a wide variety of mediums, and see works of art live with the field trip opportunities offered in the Tampa Bay area’s nationally recognized museums and galleries. Students have the opportunity to compete in local, and area competitions. Advanced art classes are designed to equip students with the foundation that will position them to move to the next level of art education. For those who have satisfied all requirements, three AP courses are offered to develop their own portfolio of work: AP Drawing, AP 2D, and AP 3D.


Elements of Ar t (Ar t I) Principles of Design (Ar t II) AP Drawing AP 2D AP 3D 3D Designs

ACCOMPLISHMENTS Ms. Neufarth’s Advanced Placement Studio Art students have an impressive ninety percent pass rate, one of the highest in the country.


Best of Show at Regional ACSI Art Festivals Young Arts Awards Gold Key, Silver Key + Honorable Mentions in the Scholastic Arts Program

THE NEXT LEVEL Our visual art alumni have continued their art education at such universities as Samford University, Ohio State, University of South Florida, Savannah College of Art and Design, Flagler College, and many others and have earned degrees ranging from architecture, art therapy, art education, film, and photography

RUACH GALLERY Ruach Gallery is a 1000 sq. ft. space located on the third floor of Calvary Christian High School. The gallery exists for students to learn valuable lessons through exhibiting their work and hosting guest artist exhibitions. Ruach Gallery serves the community by offering local, emerging, and established artists a place to exhibit. Ruach, a dynamic Hebrew word, literally means spirit, wind or breath as it relates to the Creator God who powerfully and actively filled all living creatures with His breath of life. Ruach does not exist outside of God. It is our desire to honor and please the Creator through our own creations. It is the Ruach that enables us to participate in that creative process. This gallery shows artwork created through Ruach to honor our Creator God.


GUEST ARTIST SERIES The Fine Arts Department at Calvary Christian High School is pleased to sponsor and host our annual Guest Artist Series. This series is designed to encourage and challenge students, faculty, and local arts patrons and practitioners to consider in a fresh way the calling of the artist within communities of Christian faith. We are grateful for the opportunity to host professional artists who will share, perform, and instruct our students and faculty in their area of the arts. All evening performances and lectures are free and open to the public. PAST GUEST ARTISTS HAVE INCLUDED:

DR. CHARLES HULIN Pianist and composer Dr. Charles Hulin holds Bachelor and Doctoral degrees from Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, and a Master of Music from The Juilliard School of Music. Specializing in faith integration, Dr. Hulin coordinates the study of piano and music theory at Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL where he serves as chair of the Department of Music.

DR. MAGGI DAWN Dr. Maggi Dawn holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK, is ordained in the Church of England, and has served in nondenominational, ecumenical and Anglican contexts in the UK and the USA. She is Associate Dean for Marquand Chapel, and Associate Professor of Theology and Literature at Yale Divinity School, where she brings together her academic work with her gifts in music, songwriting, and Worship leading. She teaches courses at Yale on Songwriting for the Church, Performative Theology, Poetry for Ministry, Coleridge and the Bible, and Practical Liturgy and Worship Design.

BETH ENGELMAN Beth Engelman received a Bachelors of Art in English from CarsonNewman College in Tennessee, a Masters of Art in Poetry from Lancaster University in the United Kingdom, and a Master of Fine Arts in Fiction from University of Tampa. She is a well-published author and poet. Beth lives in Dunedin, Florida with her husband David, and her two children Isabella and Micah.

www.cchs.us/arts/ CALVARY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL 110 N. McMullen Booth Rd. Clearwater, FL 33759

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