Health/Physical Education The personal fitness graduation requirement may be met by completing 2 full seasons of Varsity or JV sports (excluding JV Cheerleading and Competitive Cheerleading) or 2 full seasons of marching band. A maximum of .5 credits for sports participation may be earned for a student’s high school career. Students may use the athletic / band participation waiver OR take and complete a PE class. Credit may not be earned for both. Health (grades 9, 10, 11, 12)
.5 credit
Prerequisites: None Note: Health is a required course for graduation Course Description: This semester course is a comprehensive health education course to provide students with accurate information which they can utilize to develop healthy attitudes and behavior patterns. Critical thinking and decision making skills are taught and practiced throughout the course as students are encouraged to recognize that they have the power to choose healthy behaviors in order to reduce risks. The topics covered include, but are not limited to, decision making, stress management, nutrition, fitness, substance abuse, disease and disorders, and personal health and safety. (Semester 1 or 2) Health Online (grades 10,11,12)
.5 credit
Prerequisites: None Note: Health is a required course for graduation. The Health Online course is only taught during the summer. SPACE IS LIMITED. Course Dates: June 1 – July 30 Course Description: This semester course is a comprehensive health education course to provide students with accurate information which they can utilize to develop healthy attitudes and behavior patterns. Critical thinking and decision making skills are taught and practiced throughout the course as students are encouraged to recognize that they have the power to choose healthy behaviors in order to reduce risks. The topics covered include, but are not limited to, decision making, stress management, nutrition, fitness, substance abuse, disease and disorders, and personal health and safety. This course meets the online course requirement. There is no additional cost to take this course unless the student does not complete the course by July 30th. Students who do not complete the course by July 30th will be charged $300.00. (Summer only) Dance Techniques and Strengthening (grades 9, 10, 11, 12)
1 credit
Prerequisites: None Course Description: Students will study and practice fundamental dance technique in a variety of styles (such as Ballet, Jazz, and Tap) and will be challenged to develop their physical strength through Barre Above, Cardio Dance, and Pilates exercise routines. Additionally, students will be exposed to a wide variety of dance styles and the history of those styles through personal study and class presentations. Included in this study will be a research project regarding worship dance styles from around the world in which students will be challenged to define the value of dance as a tool for worship. (Semesters 1 & 2)