My Fair Lady Program

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Book and Lyrics by A L A N J AY LERNER Music by F RED ERICK LOE WE Adapted from George Bernard Shaw's Play and Gabriel Pascal's Motion Picture "PYGMALIO N " Original Production Directed and Staged by Moss Hart My Fair Lady is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.

WHEN LERNER AND LOEWE’S MY FAIR LADY OPENED ON BROADWAY , it collected six Tony Awards, including Best Musical, while

the film version took home eight Oscars, including Best Picture. Based on George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion, My Fair Lady is that rare musical by which all others are measured. The tale of a cockney flower girl transformed into an elegant lady features one of musical theatre’s greatest scores, including: “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly?,” “With a Little Bit of Luck,” “The Rain in Spain,” “I Could Have Danced All Night,” “On the Street Where You Live,” “Get Me to the Church on Time,” and “I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face.” Eliza Doolittle is a young flower seller with an unmistakable Cockney accent which keeps her in the lower rungs of Edwardian society. When Professor Henry Higgins tries to teach her how to speak like a proper lady, an unlikely friendship begins to flourish.

From the Director

g The show you are about to see is a 1956 popular Broadway success. My Fair Lady by Lerner and Loewe, originally starring Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews, set the record for the longest running show on Broadway up to that time. It was followed by the well known, chart topping film version starring Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn. My Fair Lady was last revived in 1993 and is returning to Broadway this year. Everyone can relate to wanting more out of life and becoming a better version of yourself. Eliza Doolittle, a cockney flower girl, happens upon an arrogant, phoneticist named Henry Higgins. Professor Higgins believes he can make Eliza into a lady by giving her speech lessons and eventually land her a job in a flower shop. He makes a wager with a linguist named Colonel Pickering and the two begin an extreme makeover of speech, manners, and dress. Remember, Higgins is arrogant and knows that men are far superior than women. What Higgins doesn’t realize is that when you invest in someone, trying to improve someone else’s value of life, your heart can be changed giving your life more value and love. Meanwhile, this cast is full of colorful cockney and proper people trying to get ahead in life, looking for love and attention. I would like to thank the many people who made this production possible: I thank my Lord and Savior for giving me a talent that I can use to His glory. Our Head of School, Mr. David Kilgore, for his undying love and support for the Arts. The amazing Mr. Seals, our Fine Arts Director, for being the rock to count on and the jack of all trades. None of this could be done “Without You.” Our one of a kind Musical Director, Mr. Brandon Martell, for making sure “The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly in the Plain,” and our singing stays fabulous on the stage. To the orchestra, who shared the stage with us in style. To all the moms who helped with sewing, gluing, creating, and thrifting, especially Mrs. Gemmell for stepping in to make us look great! To my fine arts team for being the best

fine arts team around and my partners in crime. And finally, to my wonderful husband and family for knowing just what I need, when I need it and being by my side through everything God puts before us. To the audience, “With a Little Bit of Luck,” we will take you from “On the Street Where You Live,” to the streets of London. “Wouldn’t it Be Loverly,” if you found something in this performance that touches your heart and thoroughly entertains you, to where you go home thinking, “I Could Have Danced All Night!”

Mrs. Gaige


About the Wroiters


The collaboration of librettist-lyricist Alan Jay Lerner and composer Frederick Loewe defined wit and glamour in the golden era of the Broadway and Hollywood musical. The duo were winners of multiple Oscars, Tonys, Golden Globes and Olivier Awards for their incomparable works. Alan Jay Lerner (1918-1986) and Frederick Loewe (1901-1988) wrote some of the most stylish, sophisticated theater music of the 20th century. The collaboration didn’t come until relatively late in the career of each. New York-born, Harvard-educated Lerner wrote material for radio and for individual performers in the ‘30s. Loewe, born in Berlin, came to the U.S. in 1924 and gradually worked his way into theater music. The two were introduced in 1942. They scored their first hit, the fantasy Brigadoon, in 1947. The Lerner-Loewe formula was to combine Loewe’s lush, melodic music, redolent of Viennese waltz, with Lerner’s witty, literate lyrics. This they did in some of the most popular and best-remembered musicals of the ‘40s, ‘50s, and ‘60s, notably Paint Your Wagon, My Fair Lady, and Camelot (plus the musical film Gigi).

Biography by William Ruhlmann

Acts & Musical Numbers The place is London, the time is 1912.

Scene 1: Scene 2: Scene 3: Scene 4: Scene 5: Scene 6: Scene 7: Scene 8: Scene 9: Scene 10: Scene 11:

Scene 1: Scene 2: Scene 3: Scene 4: Scene 5: Scene 6: Scene 7:


A cold March night.

A T EN E M E N T S E CT IO N – T O T TEN H AM COURT ROAD . Immediately following. H I G GIN S ’ S T UDY. Immediately following. A T EN E M E N T S E CT IO N – T O T TEN H AM COURT ROAD . Three days later. H I G GIN S ’ S T UDY. Later that day. N E A R T HE R ACE M E E T IN G, AS COT. A July afternoon. I NSI D E A CL UB T E N T, AS CO T. Immediately following. O U T S IDE HIGGIN S ’ HO US E , W IMP OL E STREET. Later that afternoon. H I G GIN S ’ S T UDY. Six weeks later. T H E P R O M E N ADE O F T HE E M BASSY. Later that night. T H E B AL L R O O M O F T HE E M B ASSY. Immediately following.


3:00 the following morning. O U T S IDE HIGGIN S ’ HO US E , W IMP OL E STREET. Immediately following. F L O W E R M A R K E T O F C O V E N ANT GARDEN 5:00 that morning. U PSTAIR S HAL L O F HIGGIN S ’ HOUSE. 11:00 that morning. T H E CO N S E R VAT O RY O F M R S . H IGGIN S’ H OUSE. Later that day. O U T S IDE HIGGIN S ’ HO US E , W IMP OL E STREET. Immediately following. H I G GIN S ’ S T UDY. Immediately following.

Cast & Crew


Mrs. Eynsford-Hill............................................................................ Emma Hilton Eliza Doolittle .........................................................................................Katie Davis Eliza Doolittle Understudy ......................................................... Emileigh Gaige Freddy Enysford-Hill ....................................................................Peter Gasparini Colonel Pickering ....................................................................Alejandro Rodarte Henry Higgins .......................................................................................Josh Martin Harry ...........................................................................................Andrew O’Harrow Jamie.........................................................................................................Bryce Gaige Alfred P. Doolittle ...................................................................................Noah King Mrs. Pearce ...................................................................................... Emileigh Gaige Mrs. Pearce Understudy ...............................................................Madeline King Mrs. Hopkins ........................................................................................... Gracie Pitt Mrs. Higgins ................................................................................ Tammy Gemmell L0rd Boxington ............................................................................... Matthew Class Lady Boxington .................................................................................Grace Weaver Flower Girl ...................................................................................... Breanna Hailes Professor Zoltan Karpathy ...............................................................Noah Martin Queen of Transylvania ........................................................... Tyler Grace Krupa Bartender .......................................................................................... Matthew Class ENSEMBLE –––– including Servants, Maids, Lords and Ladies, Cockney Neighbors, and more: Annabelle Anderson, Michael Braudis, Sami Butler, Alliya Chaffin, Brittany Clark, Micah Cook, Melannie Corrales, Maddie Friesz, Kacey Fry, Sarah Hayes, Lauren King, Madeline King, Kira Kremske, Juliana LaRosa, Elise McKinney, Sami Oyer, Bella Park, Nicole Richmond, Alia Schirmer, Kate Thorington, Jadyn Till, and Kaeris Wiley ORCHESTRA –––– Bassoon: Joshua Ingeneri Euphonium: Gavin Williamson French Horn 1: Russell Gunthner Keyboard: Jeffrey Chodil Trombone 1: Sheldon Naja Trumpet 2: Mary Mcree Violin: Orinta Delain

Clarinet: Kaitlyn Brock Flute/Piccolo: Tony Fuoco French Horn 2: Jacob Filides Percussion: Michael Greenberg Trumpet 1: Michael Martell Tuba: Grayson Hinrichs

BACKSTAGE CREW –––– Jessica Hall, Jessie Hayes, Anna Kerper, Ciara Lalino, Mason McDonald, Petie Rice, Dani Smith, Gabriela Szostak, Marissa Taylor


Cast Biographies


ANNABELLE ANDERSON (Ensemble) is a Freshman

at Calvary Christian High School (CCHS). This is her first performance at CCHS and she loves performing in front of audiences at Saint Paul’s School (SPS), on stage at Ruth Eckerd Hall (REH), the Murray Theatre and the Capitol Theatre. She has been featured in: High School Musical, SPS/REH (Taylor McKessie), The Little Mermaid, REH (Maid, Sea Creature, and Front of Ship), Godspell Junior, SPS/REH (Seed), On Broadway, SPS/REH (Annie), and Peter Pan, SPS (Lost Boy). Off the stage, she enjoys reading, dancing, and cheering for the JV Football and JV Basketball teams as a CCHS cheerleader. She is a member of the Key Club, Photography Club and the Calvary’s Film Society. Annabelle is actively involved in Girl Scouts of West Central Florida (GSWCF) Media Girlz (Official faces and voices of Girl Scouts), the GSWCF C.E.O. Advisory Board, and founded the Girl Scouts U Rock Kindness Silver Award project. She would like to thank her family for encouraging her to be center stage, to always smile and to spread kindness where ever she goes. Big hugs to the cast, crew, and directors of My Fair Lady for the amazing support and awesome work. Annabelle’s favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 16:24, “Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” MICHAEL BRAUDIS (Ensemble) is a sophomore at Calvary. This is his first Calvary production. Off the stage, he enjoys drawing and photography. He is a student leader at Calvary. He would like to thank his parents and the Gemmell family for their continued support, and the cast, crew, and all of those who have helped with this production. SAMI BUTLER (Ensemble) is a Sophomore at Calvary. Sami performed in Oklahoma! last year and many other shows, including Into the Woods, The Little Mermiad, Peter Pan, and The Wizard of Oz. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family, going to the beach, sailing, shopping, and singing. Sami is a member of the Calvary Swim Team, the Wild Warrior Fan Club, the Junior State of America Club, the Science National Honor Society, the Mu Alpha ThetaHonor Society, and

the Calvary Choir. Sami would like to thank her mom and her family for always being supportive and wonderful, and Mr. M. for pushing her to become an immensely better vocalist. Lastly, Sami’s favorite Bible verse is Psalm 37:3-4, which says “Trust in the Lord and do good. Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” ALLIYA CHAFFIN (Ensemble) is a sophomore at Calvary.

She has performed in many theatrical roles. She has been featured in Beauty and the Beast (Mrs. Potts), The Little Mermaid (Andrina), Bye Bye Birdie (Mayor’s Wife), and many other roles. Off stage, she enjoys fishing and cheerleading for Calvary. She would like to thank her directors, family, and friends for their continuing support.

MATTHEW CLASS (Lord Boxington) is a junior at Cal-

vary. He is new to theatre with his first theatrical performance being the fall play, Much ado about Nothing, where he played Claudio. Off the stage, Matthew enjoys spending time with family and friends. He is also a part of the Warrior Cross Country team. He would like to thank his family for their support and for encouraging him to try new things and the Drama II class for being a lot of fun and letting him feel welcomed. Matthew’s favorite Bible verse is Deuteronomy 7:9; “Know that Yahweh your God is God, the faithful God who keeps His gracious covenant loyalty for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.”

BRITTANY CLARK (Ensemble) is a senior at Calvary. She has performed at the State Thespian level, achieving a superior in the duet scene category. Her former roles include Gertie Cummings (Oklahoma!), Ermengarde (Hello, Dolly!), Dora Bailey (Singin’ In The Rain), Elizabeth Crews (The Dancers), The Fairy in last years fall show Ashgirl, and Beatrice in Shakespeare’s Much ado about Nothing. She is also in Calvary Choir and the Vice President of Calvary’s Thespian troupe 7842. She would like to thank her amazing family for their constant support, her friends, Autumn Mattox, Gracie Pitt, Hannah Hockman, Jacob Key, and Gillian Dittmer for encouraging her to be her best, her amazing boyfriend Peter Gasparini for always believing in her and supporting her, and the amazing cast and crew of My Fair Lady. Brittany’s favorite Bible verse is John 13:7 “Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”

MICAH COOK (Ensemble) is a freshman at Calvary. She has performed in many roles at her previous school, Skycrest Christian, and at many summer camps. She has performed in The Little Mermaid (jellyfish 1, puppet fish, princess 3), Skid Marks (Natalie), Dear Edwina ( periwinkle, puppet fish, pig, dancer), Hairballs (Cass), Shrek (Storyteller/Rupunzel) Frog and Toad (mouse), and Lion King (Sarabi). Offstage Micah loves dancing and singing. She is in the Calvary Warriors colorguard, as well as cheerleading teams. Micah is also in JSA club and Film society. Micah would like to thank her parents and brothers for their encouragement. Her favorite Bible passage is Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they.” MELANNIE CORRALES (Ensemble) is a freshman at Calvary. She has been a part of many musicals at her previous school, Skycrest Christian School. She has been a part of Christmas in Snowflake County (Mayor Hallmark), The Little Mermaid Jr. (Andrina), Dear Edwina Jr. (Aphrodite), and Shrek the Musical Jr. (Storyteller as Merida). Off the stage she loves listening to music, playing basketball for the Warrior basketball team, spending time with friends and family, and watching movies. She is also part of Calvary’s Odyssey of the Mind team and enjoys being creative while solving problems. She would like to thank God for giving her the opportunity to attend Calvary and be a part of many great activities, and would like to thank her parents, teachers, and friends for being supportive through it all. Melannie’s favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11; “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” KATIE DAVIS (Eliza Doolittle) is a Junior at Calvary. She has

performed in various theatrical productions all her life, including at Patel Conservatory at the Straz Center, Ruth Eckerd Hall and Calvary. Some of her recent shows and roles include Beauty and the Beast (Belle), Bye Bye Birdie (Rosie Alvarez), Godspell (Katie Davis), The Little Mermaid (Ariel), Ashgirl (Pridefly), and Hello, Dolly! (Ernestina Money). She has been a student at the Marcia P. Hoffman School of the Arts at Ruth Eckerd Hall since she was 8. She now is a part of productions at Patel Conservatory at the Straz Center. Some of her hobbies are taking classes for musical theatre, dancing and acting, seeing local shows with friends, going to Disney World, and she is also a member of Calvary’s Thespian Troupe 7842. She really wants to thank her whole family, especially her mother for her constant love and support, the whole cast and crew, her thoughtful friends, and

her Heavenly Father for always supporting her in her passion. She would like to especially thank her boyfriend, Bailey. She thanks him for being her best friend, confidence booster, and the best part of her day. “I love you will all of my heart, Bailey. Thank you for just being you.” One of Katie’s favorite Bible verses is Proverbs 4:23, “Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.” MADDIE FRIESZ (Ensemble) is a junior at Calvary. She has performed in various plays and musicals, both here at Calvary and at her old school, Northbay Christian Academy. She has played a role in Peter Pan (Tinker Bell), Goldilocks on Trial (Mama Bear), Hello, Dolly! (Ensemble), and Oklahoma! (Ensemble). She also enjoys leading worship at Calvary Christian High School on the student-composed worship team and at her church, Harborside Christian Church, and hanging out with her friends. She would like to thank her family for their constant support and her friends for always being her rock. Maddie’s favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 10:31 which reads; “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” KACEY FRY (Ensemble) is a senior at Calvary. She has

performed in many roles such as Mary Katherine in The Dancers by Horton Foote, Cosmo’s Girl in Singing in the Rain, Envy Snake in Ashgirl, and was the stage manager for Hello, Dolly! Off the stage, Kacey enjoys spending time with her family and friends, working at Chick-fil-A, and going to youth group. She is also the Chaplain of Troupe 7842. She would like to thank her family for all of the support, her friends for making her laugh all the time, everyone who has helped make this musical amazing, and Jesus for everything He has done for her. Her favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” BRYCE GAIGE (Jamie) is a freshman at Calvary. He has

performed in many theatrical roles; Disney’s Mary Poppins (Michael Banks) and Disney’s Beauty and the Beast (Chip) at Clearwater High School, Suessical the Musical (Thing #1), and Hairspray (Peter Pingleton). Off the stage, he enjoys dancing. He is also a member of The Warrior Marching Band in Color Guard. He would like to thank his parents, siblings, Noah King, and Jesus for their continued support. Bryce’s favorite Bible passage is Romans 12:2; “Do not be conformed to this age but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may discern what is the good pleasing and perfect will of God.”

EMILEIGH GAIGE (Mrs. Pearce) is a senior at Calva-

ry and president of the International Thespian Society Troupe 7842. She has performed in many theatrical roles, at Calvary, Clearwater High School, and Ruth Eckerd. She has been featured in Beauty and the Beast (Silly Girl), Shrek (Gingy), Suessical the Musical (Bird Girl), Hello, Dolly! (Minnie Fay), and recently in Oklahoma! (Ado Annie Carnes). She had received Critic’s Choice for the two years in a row for dance as well as a superior solo, and a honorable mention (superior) small and large group. Off stage, she loves to dance and play musical instruments. She is also a member of the Story Telling through Movement class, and Marching Band as the Drum Major. She would like to thank her parents and siblings for their continued support, her mom, Mr. M, and Mr. Seals for all the time they have put into this musical. She would finally like to thank the cast and crew of My Fair Lady. Emileigh’s favorite Bible passage is Romans 8:28; “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” PETER GASPARINI (Freddy Enysford-Hill) is a senior at

Calvary. He has been in many theatre productions since middle school; such as The Little Mermaid Jr. (Prince Eric), Hello, Dolly! (Barnaby Tucker), The Ash Girl (Otter), Oklahoma! (Will Parker), Shakespeare’s Much ado about Nothing (Benedick), and many others. He was also featured as Lance in the YouTube show, School Bus Diaries. Peter enjoys being involved in Calvary Film Society, singing in the Calvary Choir, and hanging out and making short films with friends. He would like to thank his family for being so supportive and enthusiastic, his best bud Nate Kuhlman, his beautiful and talented girlfriend Brittany Clark, Mr. Seals, and God Himself. One of Peter’s favorite Bible passages is James 1:12, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” TAMMY GEMMELL (Mrs. Higgins) is a sophomore at Cal-

vary. She has preformed in a Calvary production Much ado about Nothing. Off stage she enjoys watching and playing tennis. She would like to thank her parents and siblings for their constant support. A special thanks to the cast, crew, and directors. Tammy’s favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 31:25; “She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.”

BREANNA HAILES (Flower Girl) is a freshman at Calvary.

She has performed in many theatrical roles, but this is her first time performing at Calvary. She has been featured in Frozen (Anna), The Little Mermaid (Ensemble), and was a part of the movie Blue Like Jazz, based off the book by Don Miller. Offstage, Breanna enjoys cheering for Calvary, volunteering at her local theatre, and volunteering with kids at her church. She would like to thank her parents, grandparents, and friends for their continuous support, her sister for igniting her love for theatre, and the cast, crew, and directors of My Fair Lady. Breanna’s favorite Bible passage is Proverbs 12:11; “The one who works his land will have plenty of food, but whoever chases fantasies lacks sense.” SARAH HAYES (Ensemble) has previous experience

acting in middle school. Off stage she enjoys spending time with her friends and drawing. She would like to thank her parents for continued support, her Papa for always making sure she is having fun even when it is serious and her friends for settling her nerves at stressful moments in life. Her favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:7; “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” EMMA HILTON (Mrs. Enysford-Hill) is a freshman at Cal-

vary Christian High School. She has performed in Guys and Dolls (Missions extra) at her previous school, Counrtyside Christian Academy. Off stage, Emma enjoys playing volleyball, and spending time with friends and family. She is a member of the Robitics club as well as the Photography club. She would like to thank her family and friends for all of their love and support. Emms’s favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8; “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.” LAUREN KING (Ensemble) is a junior at Calvary. She has been featured in Oklahoma! (Laurey), The Ash Girl (Angerbird), and Hello, Dolly! (Ensemble). She has also earned Superiors in competitions such as the FVA Solo and ensemble festival, along with Thespian Districts and State superiors for duet musicals and

small/large group. Off the stage, she is involved the National Honors Society and the Student Leader Program, and is a CCHS Varsity Cheerleader. She also enjoys singing in the Calvary Choir and Warrior Voices. She would like to thank her mom and dad for loving and supporting her along with her sisters, Madeline and Sammie, for always being there for her and making her laugh. She would also like to thank her friends for their constant love and encouragement. Lastly, Lauren’s favorite Bible verse reads, “So I take pleasure in weaknesses, insults, catastrophes, persecutions, and in pressures, because of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” –2 Corinthians 12:10 MADELINE KING (Mrs. Pearce Understudy) is a freshman

at Calvary. She has performed many theatrical roles at her middle school, such as Aladdin (Iago), Beauty and the Beast (Madame de la Grande Bouche), and Peter Pan (Silvermist). When she’s not onstage, she enjoys dancing, and she cheered for the Calvary JV football team. She is also on Regionals competitive cheer team for the school. In addition to musical theater, Madeline participates in choir, and is one of the two freshman in Calvary Choir. She would like to thank her mom and dad for always supporting her in all she does. She would also like to thank her younger sister, Samantha, for always encouraging her to follow her dreams, and her older sister, Lauren, for always inspiring her to be the best person she can be. Finally, she would like to thank the crew, cast, friends she made, and directors who made this show possible. Madeline’s favorite Bible verse is John 13:7, “Jesus replied, ‘You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.’” NOAH KING (Alfred P. Doolittle) is a senior at Calvary. He has performed in many theatrical roles at Calvary. He has been featured in Oklahoma! (Jud Fry), Singin’ in the Rain (Sam the Butler), Hello, Dolly! (Manny Babanabanum), and The Oil Well (Second Man William Scott). Off the stage, he enjoys spending time with family and hanging with friends. He is also a member of the American Sign Language Honor Society, Worship Through ASL Team, Calvary Choir’s Warrior Voices, and was the manager for the Warrior Bowling Team. He would like to thank his parents and friends for their continued support, his teachers for their encouragement, and the cast, crew, and directors of My Fair Lady. Noah’s favorite Bible passage is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future!”

KIRA KREMSKE (Ensemble) is a sophomore at Calvary. She is currently a member of the Calvary Choir. Last year she won the academic achievement award for Beginning Choir. She acted in several different short plays growing up including Peter Pan where she played Wendy’s Mother. She was also in her middle school’s plays in 7th and 8th grade. Off stage, she enjoys singing and playing the piano and ukulele. She was on the Calvary swimming and basketball team last year and this year is planning on trying out for the tennis team. She would like to thank her parents for all of their encouragement and support and also her siblings for always being there for her. Kira’s favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11; “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you and hope and a future.” TYLER GRACE KRUPA (Queen of Transylvania) is a Fresh-

man at Calvary and is super excited to be part of her first CCHS production. She has been featured in Lion King Jr. (Zazu) and Once Upon a Mattress (Lady Rowena). Outside of theater, Tyler Grace is on the Warrior Bowling team, and is also a member of the Warrior Tech Team. She also enjoys editing videos and spending time with her friends outside of school. Tyler Grace would like to thank her parents, friends, mentors (especially Abby and Gracie), and teachers. Her favorite Bible passage is Proverbs 31:25-26: “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

JULIANA LAROSA (Ensemble) is a sophomore at Calvary. She has performed in a variety of plays, such as Shakespeare’s Much ado about Nothing as Hero, Guys and Dolls as Adelaide, and was part of the ensemble in Calvary’s recent play Oklahoma! Off stage, Juliana enjoys traveling, learning new languages, and has been part of Calvary’s track and field team. She would like to thank her family and friends, especially her brother, Giovanni LaRosa, (A junior at Calvary), and her friend Joy. Juliana’s favorite Bible verse is: 2 Corinthians 5:6, “For God, who said, “Let the light shine out of darkness”, made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” JOSHUA MARTIN (Henry Higgins) is a senior at Calvary. He has performed in

many theatrical roles at Calvary. He has been featured in Oklahoma! (Carnes), Hello, Dolly! (Cornelius Hackl), and the Oil Well (Man). When he’s not on stage,

Joshua enjoys spending time with his friends and family. He is also a member of Calvary’s Film Society and enjoys watching and anazlyzing movies. He would like to thank his mother and the rest of his family for their continued support through the years and the rest of the senior Thespians for four solid years of theatre together, and God for theatre. Joshua’s favorite Bible passage is Ephesians 2:4-5; “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” NOAH MARTIN (Bartender, Professor Zoltan Karpathy) is

a sophomore at Calvary. He has done three musicals, Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, and Oklahoma! When he isn’t memorizing lines or improving he enjoys; cooking (dessert only), binge watching shows, and looking for those Gucci deals. He would like to thank his family, Taco Baco, the cast of My Fair Lady, and all his adoring fans that he definitely has. Noah’s favorite Bible verse is Micah 7:8.

ELISE MCKINNEY (Ensemble) is a freshman at Calvary. She has performed in a couple of performances at theatres such as Ruth Eckerd and in St. Pete. She enjoys the excitement of theatre and hopes to go back to regularly acting like she used to and hopes to become more involved with it at school. Off stage, she enjoys playing ukulele, singing, playing volleyball at the community center and going on bike rides with her mom. She would like to thank her parents for all their love and support. Elise’s favorite Bible verse is Ecclesiastes 3:12; “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.” ANDREW O’HARROW (Harry) is a sophomore at Calva-

ry. He plays football and enjoys music and drama. He has been in many productions such as Once Upon a Mattress, when he played the role of Dauntless in Harry Potter, playing Harry and Mike Teavee in Willy Wonka. He has been in one CCHS production so far, where he played a farmer in Oklahoma! He is anticipating many more productions to come at Calvary. His favorite Bible verse is Romans 1:16; “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”

SAMI OYER (Ensemble) is a freshman at Calvary. She has performed in all of her middle school musicals at Skycrest Christian School. She has been in The Little Mermaid jr. (sea chorus, bass), Dear Edwina (napkin, kid 5, plate), Shrek jr. (Gingerbreadman, sugarplum fairy), and The Lion King jr. (Timon). Off the stage she likes to dance, volunteer with kids, and play soccer. She would like to thank her parents and grandmother for supporting her dreams. Her favorite Bible verse is Matthew 6:28 “And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin.” BELLA PARK (Ensemble) is a freshman at Calvary. She has performed in many theatrical roles in local theater and at Skycrest Christian School. She has been featured in Skidmarks (Tess) and The Lion King (Zazu) among other shows. Off the stage, she enjoys sailing, writing, and playing soccer for the Calvary soccer team. She would like to thank her family for the continued support in acting, her closest friends for their encouragement, and the cast, crew, and directors of My Fair Lady. Bella’s favorite Bible verse is Isaiah 40:8, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” GRACIE PITT (Ensemble) is a junior at Calvary. She has per-

formed in multiple roles at Calvary. She has been featured in Hello, Dolly! (ensemble), The Ash Girl (Greedmonkey), and Oklahoma! (ensemble). She has also written and acted in a pantomime for the Celebration of the Arts. Outside of school she swims with the Calvary Aqua Warriors. She would like to thank her family and friends for all of their continued support. She would also like to thank the cast of My Fair Lady for all of the hilarious memories. Gracie’s favorite Bible verse is Psalm 147:4; “He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite.”

NICOLE RICHMOND (Ensemble) is a freshman at Calvary. She has been in a multitude of plays at her former school, St. Pete Christian, and has worked with American Stage on improv for about three years. She also played the role of Marty in the musical Grease when performing at the Venue Community Theater. Outside of acting, she enjoys watching movies, singing, bowling, playing bass guitar, and practicing piano. Her favorite Bible verse is Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” This verse reminds her to not worry or stress about the future, but to live in the moment, and to live everyday to the fullest.

ALEJANDRO RODARTE (Colonel Pickering) is a Sophomore at Calvary Christian High school. Alejandro likes to sing and act, which led him to the role of Colonel Hugh Pickering. Alejandro is a member of the Warrior Voices and was a farmer in the production Oklahoma! He will be returning next year for the next production with perseverance and heart. Alejandro would like to thank God and his family for inspiring him to go into the fine arts. His favorite verse is John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” ALIA SCHIRMER (Ensemble) is a freshman at Calvary. She has performed in a few plays/musicals and competed in many different fine art competitions. Off the stage she enjoys reading, going to the beach, and watching Netflix. She would like to thank her parents and brother for their constant support, and the cast, crew, and directors. Her favorite Bible verse is Phillipians 4:7; And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. KATE THORINGTON (Ensemble) is a sophomore at Cal-

vary. She has performed in two middle school musicals, Peter Pan (Fairy), Beauty and the Beast (Belle), and performed in the Ensemble of Calvary’s last spring musical Oklahoma! Kate also enjoys Choir and Spanish and is apart of Calvary’s cheer team. She would like to thank her family, especially her sister who has given her a love for theatre. Kate’s favorite Bible verse is Romans 15:13; “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” JADYN TILL (Ensemble) is a junior at Calvary. She is

a member of the Calvary Vocal Chamber Ensemble, the Warrior Voices, she is a student and Section Leader in the Calvary Choir, and she was an ensemble member in the Calvary Spring Musical, Hello, Dolly! Off the stage, she enjoys listening to music, singing on the praise and worship team for Calvary’s Student Ministry, and cheering for the Warrior basketball and football teams. Jadyn is a member of the National Honors Society and loves to achieve academic excellence in all of her school classes. She would like to thank her mom and her grandma for their continued support and sacrifice, and all of her friends for being encour-

aging, loving, and inspirational. Jadyn’s favorite Bible verse is John 14:27; “Peace I leave with you; my Peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” GRACE WEAVER (Lady Boxington) is a freshman at Calvary. My Fair Lady is her first musical production at Calvary, but she was featured in Aladdin (Genie) and Beauty and the Beast (ensemble) in middle school. Offstage, she loves being a student leader at Harborside Christian Church and playing softball. She is also a member of Calvary’s Spanish Competition Team. She would like to thank God for blessing her with a loving family, amazing friends, and a fantastic cast, crew, and directors of My Fair Lady. Grace’s favorite Bible verse is Psalm 71:14, “As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.” KAERIS WILEY (Ensemble) is a sophmore at Calvary.

She performed in the fall show Much ado about Nothing as Leonata. This is her first musical with Calvary. Off the stage, she enjoys playing softball and lacrosse. She would like to thank her parents and grandparents for their continued support, her brothers for their encouragement, and the cast, crew, and directors of My Fair Lady.

Best of luck!

Students in Pit Orchestra

Bassoon: Joshua Ingeneri Percussion: Michael Greenberg French Horn: Jacob Filides Tuba: Grayson Hinrichs Trumpet 2: Mary McRee Trombone 1: Sheldon Naja Clarinet: Kaitlyn Brock Euphonium: Gavin Williamson

Artists & Designers DIRECTOR: Mrs. Anne Marie Gaige MUSIC DIRECTOR: Mr. Brandon Martell CHOREOGRAPHER: Mrs. Anne Marie Gaige COSTUME LEAD: Mrs. Angie Gemmell COSTUME ASSISTANTS: Mrs. Sherri Thorington, Mrs. Joy Weaver,

Mrs. Krupa, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs. Schirmer, Mrs. Delgato, Mrs. Martin, and Mrs. Hailes SET CONSTRUCTIONS: by SpeedPro Imaging BACKSTAGE DIRECTOR: Mr. Brandon Ray LIGHT AND SOUND: The talented folks at The Palladium

Behind the Scenes LIGHT AND SOUND STUDENT ASSISTANT: Tyler Grace Krupa BACKSTAGE MANAGER: Jessie Hayes MAKEUP: Ciara Lalino FOOD AND BEVERAGE: Mr. and Mrs. Weaver

Special Thanks Head of School, David Kilgore; Director of Fine Arts, Jon Seals; Band Director, Michael Martell; Director of Admissions, Donella Woodbury; Director of Development, Stephanie Smith; College Hunks Moving Junk; SpeedPro Imaging, St. Petersburg; Damon Dougherty, The Palladium; Mr. and Mrs. Weaver.

From the Director of Fine Arts Since last December I have had the privilege of witnessing our students transform themselves from 21st century Floridians into the Edwardian era Londoner’s of My Fair Lady, Calvary Christian High School’s 2018 Spring Musical. Over 100 years, and the Atlantic Ocean separate them from the characters they portray and it is surprising to see both the similarities and differences between then and now, there and here. Perhaps that is in part the brilliance of Lerner and Loewe’s adaptation of George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion. Similar to the transformation that Eliza Doolittle undergoes, the process has been captivating to watch students discover layers of themselves and their characters in such a short period of time. This is evidence for just how hard these students have worked in preparation, focused on bringing you their best for only two brief performances. So it is a great encouragement for them to see you in the seats this evening and I know for many of you reading this program, you have been with them since the beginning; helping rehearse lines late at night, shuttling back and forth for rehearsals, and hundreds of gestures both large and small. Thank you for your time, resources, and patience. The lessons learned and relationships forged and strengthened during the preparation for a production like this are far more important than any particular performance. I am proud of our Drama Program and grateful for all those who make it possible, including the dedicated parent volunteers and that spend countless hours in service. I’d like to give a special thanks to our Head of School, Mr. Kilgore, for his continued support and enthusiasm for fine arts at CCHS. Congratulations to the cast and crew of My Fair Lady, and to Director Mrs. Anne Marie Gaige!

Jon Seals


The Chappell family proudly supports Calvary Fine Arts!



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Calvary Christian HIGH SCHOOL


Go Warriors!

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Congratulations to our Westlake graduates on their performances in My Fair Lady! Break a leg! Kaitlyn Brock Alliya Chaffin Katie Davis Lauren King Madeline King Noah Martin Kate Thorington Grace Weaver Westlake is a ministry of Palm Harbor United Methodist Church.

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