The Warsaw Voice magazine, Winter 2020, Nov.30, issue 1224

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ot long ago people said that the busy bees of Polish business were big cities like Warsaw, Poznań, Wrocław and the Silesian conurbations. Meanwhile, there is a place in central Poland where business takes on a completely different meaning. It is Kujawsko-Pomorskie province, specifically Inowrocław. Good for investment, modern and ecological - these are the characteristics attributed to this dynamically developing city. This is confirmed by the entrepreneurs who have businesses here, who list many benefits of establishing their companies in this particular city. Economic growth is made possible, among other things, by the professional support offered by the city authorities.

Closer than you think

More than 6,000: this is the number of entrepreneurs who have picked Inowrocław. The city owes its strong position to the printing, food, spa, transport, mining, chemical and plastics industries. Services and trade are also developing well. One extremely important issue for all entrepreneurs is infrastructure, which fosters business development. Entrepreneurs locating their businesses in Inowrocław offer their products and services not only locally; many of them also operate on world markets. Inowrocław is located in central Poland, at the crossroads of major trade and transport routes (road and rail). It lies on the shortest route from Wielkopolska to Masuria, in close proximity to two freeways: the A1 and A2, thanks to which it has access to all regions of Poland and the biggest cities in the country. These features enable companies to expand their operations beyond the borders of the province, giving Inowrocław a competitive edge over other parts of Poland in terms of investment.

Pro-business approach

Stacks of papers, applications, files, signatures. Not here! At Inowrocław City Hall every investor is supported by the Investor Assistance Office, both during the whole administrative procedure


Winter 2020

and later. The City of Inowrocław also offers potential investors and entrepreneurs real estate tax exemptions in the form of de minimis aid. What is eligible for exemption? For example: ‣ newly constructed buildings, structures or parts thereof and the land occupied by them, ‣ newly acquired land, buildings, structures or parts thereof and the land occupied by them, related to the implementation of new investments and the creation of new jobs in the city of Inowrocław. Relationship building, responsibility and cooperation are values that will bring together those who plan to start a business in Inowrocław. Every investment project can count on support and assistance from the city, and thanks to cooperation with business-related institutions and the attractive terms they offer, more and more investors use them. Among other things, this is due to cooperation with business environment institutions and with regional and national support institutions, to mention the Prince Kazimierz Kujawski Higher School of Entrepreneurship in Inowrocław, the Higher School of Economics, the Polish Agency of Investment and Trade, the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, the Toruń Regional Development Agency, the Centre for Investor and Exporter Assistance in Toruń, the Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency, the Polish Foundation for Enterprise Development, the Kujawy Expert Foundation and the County Labor Office. The city offers land comprehensively prepared for investment, divided into four zones: Northern, Western, Solanki Investment Area and service areas. Each of these zones is designed for a different type of business. All necessary information, including about the designated purpose in the local zoning plan, is available from or directly from the Investor Assistance Office.

Business with a mission

The times when all that mattered in business was making money are gone. A responsible and sustainable approach to business is expected in an era of increased environmental awareness. This is exactly what is happening in Inowrocław, a city where ecology is the focus of attention. Inowrocław is one of the best-known health resorts in Poland. The Brine Park on almost 85 hectares together with one of the largest graduation towers in Poland influence the rapidly developing spa business and tourism. Spa owners are constantly investing in the development of accommodation infrastructure; more and more spa centers, hotels and guesthouses are being built. As befits an ecological city, Inowrocław also has 100% ecological public transport, which makes it a leader in Poland. If you are interested to see what investors are offered in a place where you can make your business dreams come true, visit our site and find out more.

The Warsaw Voice

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