A Simple Compact UWB antenna with Band Notched Characteristics

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ISSN 2320 2599

Volume 3, No.5, September - October 2014 Trupti N.Pawase et al., International Journal of Microwaves Applications, 3(5), September - October 2014, 26 - 29

International Journal of Microwaves Applications Available Online at http://warse.org/pdfs/2014/ijma01352014.pdf

A Simple Compact UWB antenna with Band Notched Characteristics Trupti N.Pawase1, Prof.R.P.Labade2 1

Dept. Of Electronics & Telecommunication, Amrutvahini College Of Engineering, Maharashtra, India, tpawase@gmail.com 2 Dept. Of Electronics & Telecommunication, Amrutvahini College Of Engineering, Maharashtra, India, rplabade@gmail.com 


relative dielectric constant of 4.4, thickness of 1.6mm and loss tangent of 0.02. The proposed antenna has dimension of 30mm x 33mm ( Wsub X Lsub).The width of feed line is fixed at 2.8mm to achieve the characteristic impedance of 50Ω. On the upper surface of substrate rectangular patch with the size of Wp X Lp is printed. On the other side of the substrate, the conducting ground plane with a length of Lg. The gap distance between the radiating patch and ground plane (d=Lf-Lg) is another effective parameter on the impedance matching[5]. By adjusting it, the electromagnetic coupling between the lower edge of the patch and ground plane can be properly controlled [6].In this design gap distance is fixed at 1mm. The optimized dimensions of proposed antenna are as follows: Wsub=30mm, Lsub=33, Wp=13mm, Lp=19, Wf=2.8mm ,Lf=10.5mm, Lg=9.5mm.Using these dimensions the antenna satisfies the requirement of UWB antenna from 3.1GHz -10.6GHz .

A compact monopole, small sizes, low profile and planar micro strip rectangular patch ultra-wideband (3.1-10.6GHz) antenna with band notched for Wi-max (3.1-4.7GHz) is presented in this paper. To prevent possible interference between UWB and other wireless system such as Wi-max two notching structures designed on radiating patch. The obtained Reflection Coefficient and VSWR results are good in ultra wideband region (3.1-3.9GHz) except in band notch Wi-max region (3.1-4.7 GHz).The proposed antenna has been designed on a FR4 substrate with dielectric constant (ɛr) = 4.4, loss tangent (tan δ)= 0.02.The antenna is simulated using CAD FEKO 6.3 suit electromagnetic simulator using MOM (Method of moment) Key words: UWB, CAD FEKO, Wi-max, Band Notched 1. INTRODUCTION Ultra wideband (UWB) system has gained a lot of attention in the wireless world because of their advantages including high speed data rate, low spectral power density, high precision, low complexity and low cost. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) allowed the 3.1 -10.6 GHz unlicensed band for UWB communication in February 2002[1]. However over the designated frequency band, there exist some narrow bands for communication systems, such as Wi-MAX (3.3-3.7 GHz) ,WLAN (5.15-5.825 GHz) and satellite communication systems at 7.2 GHz[11].They may cause communication interference with UWB system[11]. This problem is solved by notching the existing frequency band from UWB frequency spectrum so that interference does not occur which is shown in various papers. Recently various academic and industrial fields also showed their interest to explore various UWB antennas and notching technique [9]-[10].

Figure 1: Configuration of proposed antenna (a) Top View (b) Bottom View To reduce the interferences from the Wi-MAX system, the band notched function is desirable in the UWB system[4]. By etching a pair of two symmetrical L- shaped slots in the of for Wi-MAX is created. This configuration is shown in Figure 1. The notch frequency given the dimension of the band notched feature can be postulated as:

2. ANTENNA DESIGN Figure 1 shows the geometry of the proposed UWB antenna with notch bands, which is printed on FR4 substrate with


Trupti N.Pawase et al., International Journal of Microwaves Applications, 3(5), September - October 2014, 26 - 29

fnotch =


where ‘L’ is total length of the notching element, ℰeff is the effective dielectric constant and c is speed of light[4]. We take equation (1) into account in obtaining the total length of two symmetrical L shape slots and then adjusted geometry for the final design. Geometry of two elements with length Ln and width Wn is shown in the Figure 2. The dimensions of notching element are: Ln=10mm and Wn=4mm with the thickness of 0.5mm.Hence the total length of Wi-MAX notch structure is Ltotal= Ln+Wn.

Figure 4: Simulated VSWR of the proposed antenna The obtained reflection coefficient is below -10dB for UWB range except Wi-Max notch band as shown below figure. VSWR and Reflection Coefficient graph shows antenna is giving good band notch characteristic with the center frequency 3.5 GHz.

Figure 2: Symmetrical two L-shape element 3. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this section ,UWB antenna with two symmetrical L-shape notches designed and simulated by using CAD-FEKO simulation software version 6.2.[8] To obtain Wi-MAX notch (3.3 -3.7GHz) in UWB antenna we designed rectangular Patch antenna and simulated to observe different standard results of antenna. Figure 3 shows Geometry of antenna designed on CAD FEKO version 6.2 with parameters calculated and different results are analyzed.

Figure 5: Simulated Reflection Coefficient of proposed antenna The performance of UWB response with Wi-MAX notched characteristics depends on a number of parameters such as gap between radiating patch (g), width(Wn) and length(Ln) of notching element, thickness of notching element(t_ notch) and feed width(fw) variation. The parameters which have significant effect on UWB response with Wi-MAX band notched characteristics are discussed and their parametric studies are mentioned in this section. The gap between radiating patch and ground plane ‘g’ affects impedance bandwidth[4].The optimum UWB impedance bandwidth with single band notched characteristic is obtained at g=1mm. Simulated VSWR at different gap (g) is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 3: Geometry of Antenna on CAD FEKO Figure 4 shows simulated VSWR characteristics for UWB band notched structure which should be less than or equal to 2 for entire UWB range except 3.1-4.7 GHz which is Wi-MAX band.


Trupti N.Pawase et al., International Journal of Microwaves Applications, 3(5), September - October 2014, 26 - 29

Figure 8: Simulated VSWR for various Feedline width(fw) (i)2mm (ii)2.5mm (iii)2.8mm (iv)3mm (v)3.5mm Figure 6: Simulated VSWR vs frequency at different gap ‘g’ (i) 0.5mm (ii) 1mm (iii) 1.5 (iv)2mm For same gap distance Reflection coefficient simulated results are shown in Figure 6. By observing both Figure 5 and Figure 6 it is obtained that for gap distance=1mm good VSWR and reflection coefficient obtained in UWB region except Wi-MAX band notched region. To reject the interference of the Wi-MAX system from UWB we designed this structure and it showing good impedance matching. The simulated Reflection Coefficient at different gap distance ‘g’ is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 9: Simulated Reflection Coefficient for various Feed line width (fw) (i)2mm (ii)2.5mm (iii)2.8mm (iv)3mm (v)3.5mm

For Feed width of 2.8mm it is observed that we obtained VSWR <2 for entire UWB except notched region. Same analysis done for varying thickness of notching L shape element and obtained VSWR is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 7: Simulated Reflection Coefficient vs frequency at different gap ‘g’ (i) 0.5mm (ii) 1mm (iii) 1.5 (iv)2mm Feed line is also main parameter to analyze antenna characteristics. For the impedance matching we simulated for different feed width ‘fw’ and taken VSWR ,Reflection Coefficient results as shown in Figure 8 and figure 9 respectively.

Figure 10: Simulated VSWR at different thickness of two L-shape notching element (t_notch) (i) 0.25mm (ii) 0.35mm (iii) 0.4mm (iv) 0.5mm (v) 0.6mm Figure 11. shows the comparison of the simulated current distribution on the notched antenna at 3.2, 3.5 and 5.5 GHz. It can be observed that at (i) 3.2 GHz the majority of the surface current is concentrated around where notch was cut and on feed line. Whereas current is weak outside of the patch. At the center frequency of notch band that is 3.5 GHz 28

Trupti N.Pawase et al., International Journal of Microwaves Applications, 3(5), September - October 2014, 26 - 29 surface current distribution increased than the 3.2 GHz and current concentrated on the edges of interior and exterior of the notched structures. The outer current distribution also improved and current direction changes as shown in the figure 10. Simulation at 5.5 GHz shows that antenna is UWB antenna which having current distribution on all the geometry.

between UWB and Wi-MAX frequency band. Antenna operates satisfactorily from 3.1 to 10.6GHz for VSWR< 2 except for Wi-MAX band (3.1 -4.7GHz).Efficiency of proposed antenna is 70% for entire UWB range except at notch band. The results and discussion proves that the designed antenna is excellent in performance and provides desired band notch characteristics. REFERENCES 1.

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Figure 11: Simulated Surface current distribution (i) 3.2 GHz (ii) 3.5GHz (iii) 5.5GHz Antenna efficiency of antenna is above 70% and it decreases drastically in Wi MAX notch band (3.1-4.7 GHz).Antenna efficiency shown in Figure 12

Figure 12: Antenna efficiency over frequency for single notch antenna 4. CONCLUSION A compact printed, low cost, simple monopole antenna with single notch characteristics is proposed and investigated. Designed antenna minimizes the potential interferences 29

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