New encryption algorithm based on network PES8-1 using of the transformations of the encryption alg

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ISSN 2320 2610 Volume 4, No.1, January – February 2015

Gulom Tuychiev, International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cryptology and Information Security, 4 (1), January – February 2015, 01 - 05

International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cryptology and Information Security Available Online at

New encryption algorithm based on network PES8-1 using of the transformations of the encryption algorithm AES Gulom Tuychiev National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, e-mail: Each round consists in applying successively to the State the SubBytes(), ShiftRows(), MixColumns() and AddRoundKey() transformations. The first round does the same with an extra AddRoundKey() at the beginning whereas the last round excludes the MixColumns() transformation.

ABSTRACT In this article developed a new block encryption algorithm based on network PES8-1 using of the transformations of the encryption algorithm AES, which is called AES-PES8-1. The block’s length of this encryption algorithm is 256 bits, the number of rounds are 10, 12 and 14. The advantages of the encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 are that, when encryption and decryption process used the same algorithm. In addition, the encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 encrypts faster than AES. Unlike encryption algorithm AES-RFWKPES8-1 [5] in the encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 in the round function is applied round keys and AddRoundKey() transformation.

The SubBytes() transformation is a nonlinear byte substitution that operates independently on each byte of the State using a substitution table (S-box). Figure 1 illustrates the SubBytes() transformation on the State. t 0 t 4 t 8 t12 t1 t 5 t 9 t13 t 2 t 6 t10 t14 t 3 t 7 t11 t15

Keywords: Advanced Encryption Standard, Feystel network, Lai–Massey scheme, round function, round keys, output transformation, multiplication, addition, multiplicative inverse, additive inverse.















s 2 s6 s10 s14 s3 s7 s11 s15

In the ShiftRows() transformation operates on the rows of the State; it cyclically shifts the bytes in each row by a certain offset. For AES, the first row is left unchanged. Each byte of the second row is shifted one to the left. Similarly, the third and fourth rows are shifted by offsets of two and three respectively. Figure 2 illustrates the ShiftRows() transformation.

In September 1997 the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued a public call for proposals for a new block cipher to succeed the Data Encryption Standard (DES) [6]. Out of 15 submitted algorithms the Rijndael cipher by Daemen and Rijmen [1] was chosen to become the new Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in November 2001 [2]. The Advanced Encryption Standard is a block cipher with a fixed block length of 128 bits. It supports three different key lengths: 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits. Encrypting a 128-bit block means transforming it in n rounds into a 128-bit output block. The number of rounds n depends on the key length: n = 10 for 128-bit keys, n = 12 for 192-bit keys, and n = 14 for 256-bit keys. The 16-byte input block ( t 0 , t1 , …, t15 ) which is transformed during encryption is usually written as a 4x4 byte matrix, the called AES State. t4

s1 s5 s9 s13


Figure 1: SubBytes() transformation



s0 s 4 s8 s12


s 4 s8 s12

s '0 s ' 4 s '8 s '12


s5 s9 s13

cyclically shifts s '1 s '5 s '9 s '13


s6 s10 s14

cyclically shifts s ' 2 s '6 s '10 s '14


s7 s11 s15

cyclically shifts s '3 s '7 s '11 s '15

Figure 2: ShiftRows() transformation. The MixColumns() transformation operates on the State column-by-column, treating each column as a four-term polynomial. The columns are considered as polynomials over GF( 28 ) and multiplied modulo x 4  1 with a fixed polynomial a(x ) , given by a( x)  3x 2  x 2  x  2 . Let p  a ( x)  s ' :  p4 i  02 03 01 01 s '4 i        p4 i1   01 02 03 01 s '4 i1 , i  0...3  p4 i 2  01 01 02 03 s '4 i 2        p4 i 3  03 01 01 02 s '4 i 3 

The structure of each round of AES can be reduced to four basic transformations occurring to the elements of the State.


Gulom Tuychiev, International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cryptology and Information Security, 4 (1), January – February 2015, 01 - 05 As a result of this multiplication, the four bytes in a column are replaced by the following: y 4i  ({02}  s' 4i )  ({03}  s '4 i1 )  s' 4i 2  s '4 i3 y 4i1  s '4 i ({02}  s' 4i 1 )  ({03}  s' 4i 2 )  s' 4i 3 y 4i 2  s ' 4i  s '4 i1 ({02}  s' 4 i2 )  ({03}  s '4 i 3 )

K 9 (i1)7 , i  1...n  1 and K 9 n8 , K 9 n9 , ..., K 9 n 23 are equal to


y 4i 4  ({03}  s' 4 i )  s ' 4i 1  s' 4 i2 ({02}  s '4 i 3 ) . Figure 3 illustrates the MixColumns() transformation. s '0 s ' 4 s '8

s '12


p 4 p8


s '1 s '5 s '9

s '13


p5 p9


s ' 2 s '6 s '10 s '14


s '3 s '7 s '11 s '15

p 2 p6 p10 p14 p3

p7 p11 p15

Figure 3: MixColumns() transformation. In the AddRoundKey() transformation, a round key is added to the State by a simple bitwise XOR operation. Figure 4 illustrates the AddRoundKey() transformation. p0 p4 p8


k0 k 4 k 8 k12

p'0 p' 4 p'8


p1 p5 p9


k1 k 5 k 9 k13

p'1 p'5 p'9


p2 p6 p10 p14  k 2 k6 k10 k14  p' 2 p'6 p'10 p'14 p3 p7 p11 p15 k 3 k7 k11 k15 p'3 p'7 p'11 p'15 Figure 4. AddRoundKey() transformation Description networks PES8-1 and RFWKPES8-1 given in [3, 4] and, similarly as in the Feistel network, when it encryption and decryption using the same algorithm. In the network used one round function having four input and output blocks and as the round function can use any transformation. Unlike network RFWKPES8-1 in the network PES8-1 in the round function is applied round keys.

Figure 5. The scheme n-rounded encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1

In this paper developed block encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 based network PES8-1 using transformation of the encryption algorithm AES. The length of block of the encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 is 256 bits, the number of rounds n equal to 10, 12, 14 and the length of key is variable from 256 bits to 1024 bits in steps 128 bits, i.e. key length is equal to 256, 384, 512, 640, 768, 896 and 1024 bits.

Consider the round function of the encryption algorithm 0 1 2 3 AES-PES8-1. Initially 32-bit subblocks T , T , T , T ,

are partitioned into 8-bit subblocks, i.e., on bytes:

t 0  sb0 (T 0 ) , t1  sb1 (T 0 ) , t2  sb2 (T 0 ) , t3  sb3 (T 0 ) , t 4  sb0 (T 1 ) , t5  sb1 (T 1 ) , t 6  sb2 (T 1 ) , t 7  sb3 (T 1 ) ,


t8  sb0 (T 2 )


t9  sb1 (T 2 )


t10  sb2 (T 2 )


t11  sb3 (T 2 )


t12  sb0 (T 3 )


t13  sb1 (T 3 )



2.1 The structure AES-PES8-1.





t14  sb2 (T ) , t15  sb3 (T ) , here sb0 ( X )  x0 x1...x7 , sb1 ( X )  x8 x9 ...x15 sb2 ( X )  x16 x17 ...x23 , ,


sb0 ( X )  x24 x25 ...x31 and X  x0 x1...x31 . After which the In the encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 as the round function used SubBytes(), ShiftRows(), MixColumns(), AddRoundKey() transformation of the encryption algorithm AES. The scheme n-rounded encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 shown in Figure 5, and the length of subblocks X 0 , X 1 , ..., X 7 , length of round keys K 9 (i1) , K 9 (i1)1 , ...,

8-bit subblocks t 0 , t1 , ..., t15 are written into the array State and are executed the above transformations SubBytes(), ShiftRows(), MixColumns(), AddRoundKey().


Gulom Tuychiev, International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cryptology and Information Security, 4 (1), January – February 2015, 01 - 05 In AddRoundKey () transformation as the key k0 , k1 , ..., k15

and calculated 32-bit subblocks T , T , T , T . This step

selected 128-bit round key K 9 (i1)8 . Initially the key K 9 (i1)8 is

can be represented as follows:

partitioned into 32-bit keys K 90(i1)8 , K 91(i1)8 , ..., K 93(i1)8 .

T 0  ( X i01  K 9 (i 1) )  ( X i41  K 9 ( i 1) 4 ) ,

These keys are partitioned into 8-bit subblocks as follows: k0  sb0 ( K 90( i1)8 ) , k1  sb1 ( K90(i1)8 ) , k2  sb2 ( K 90(i1)8 ) ,

T 1  ( X i11  K 9 ( i1)1 )  ( X i51  K 9 ( i 1)5 ) ,

k3  sb3 ( K90( i1)8 ) ,

k4  sb0 ( K91( i1)8 ) ,

k5  sb1 ( K 91(i1)8 ) ,

k6  sb2 ( K91( i1)8 ) ,

k7  sb3 ( K91( i1)8 ) ,

k8  sb0 ( K92(i1)8 ) ,

k9  sb1 ( K 92(i1)8 ) ,

k10  sb2 ( K 92(i1)8 ) , k11  sb3 ( K 92(i1)8 ) ,



, T


is split into 8 bit

0 1 2 3 the encryption algorithm are Y , Y , Y , Y . 0 1 2 3 4) subblocks Y , Y , Y , Y are summed to XOR

with subblocks X i01 , X i11 , …, X i71 , i.е. X i j1  X i j1  Y3 j , X i j14  X ij14  Y3 j , j  0...3 , i  1 .


Y 2  p '8 || p '9 || p'10 || p '11 , Y 3  p'12 || p '13 || p '14 || p '15 .

5) at the end of the round subblocks are swapped, i.e., X i  X i j14 , X ij  4  X ij 1 , j  0...3 , i  1 .

The S-box SubBytes() transformation shown in Table 1 and is the only nonlinear transformation. The length of the input and output blocks S-box is eight bits. For example, if the input value the S-box is equal to 0xE7, then the output value is equal 0xCB, ie selected elements of intersection row 0xE and column 0x7.

6) repeating steps 2-5 n times, i.e., i  2...n we obtain subblocks X n0 , X n1 , …, X n7 .


7) in output transformation round keys are multiplied and summed into subblocks, i.e. X n01  X n0  K9 n , X n11  X n1  K9 n1 , X n21  X n2  K9 n 2 , X n31  X n3  K9 n3 , X n41  X n4  K9 n4 , X n51  X n5  K 9 n5 , X n61  X n6  K9 n6 , X n71  X n7  K9 n7 .

Table 1: The S-box of encryption algorithm AES-RFWKPES8-1 0x0 0x7F 0x50 0x23 0x4A 0xC7 0xC9 0x16 0xE0 0xBF 0x05 0xA0 0x4F 0xAE 0x21 0xF3 0xA4


subblocks t 0 , t1 , …, t15 and performed SubBytes(), ShiftRows(), MixColumns(), AddRoundKey() transformations. Output subblocks of the round function of

0 1 2 3 writes on a 32-bit subblocks Y , Y , Y , Y as follows:

0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 0x9 0xA 0xB 0xC 0xD 0xE 0xF


3) subblocks T , T , T

After the AddRoundKey() transformation we obtain 8-bits subblocks p'0 , p'1 , ..., p'15 . The resulting 8-bit subblocks are

Y 1  p ' 4 || p' 5 || p '6 || p '7


T 3  ( X i31  K 9( i 1)3 )  ( X i71  K 9 ( i1)7 ) , i  1

k16  sb3 ( K93( i1)8 ) .



T 2  ( X i21  K 9 ( i1) 2 )  ( X i61  K 9 ( i1)6 ) ,

k13  sb0 ( K 93(i1)8 ) , k14  sb1 ( K93( i1)8 ) , k15  sb2 ( K 93(i1)8 ) ,

Y 0  p ' 0 || p '1 || p ' 2 || p '3


0x1 0xFF 0x53 0x09 0xDD 0x00 0x45 0x04 0x92 0x01 0x29 0x40 0x79 0x6A 0x9E 0xCF 0xBB

0x2 0xCE 0x2A 0x24 0x37 0x93 0xDF 0x8A 0x97 0x81 0x33 0x0B 0x86 0x8B 0x0A 0x15 0x62

0x3 0x10 0xAC 0xF1 0x48 0x99 0x2D 0xB5 0xDE 0x7E 0xC8 0xBD 0x88 0xBA 0xB9 0xA8 0x52

0x4 0xAD 0xE6 0xD5 0xB0 0xCA 0x4D 0xED 0x77 0x17 0x64 0x8F 0xF7 0x25 0xDC 0x1D 0x68

0x5 0x34 0xAB 0xCD 0xE2 0xF2 0x5A 0x1A 0xD3 0xB1 0x2F 0x63 0xD0 0x54 0xA5 0x0E 0x1C

0x6 0xA1 0x78 0x6B 0x19 0xD1 0x9F 0x13 0x22 0x02 0x5E 0xD8 0x60 0x59 0x38 0x8D 0xBE

0x7 0xF4 0x84 0xEC 0x3C 0xE8 0x82 0xBC 0x42 0x14 0x31 0x6D 0xF0 0x8E 0x28 0xCB 0x4E

0x8 0x69 0x65 0xFC 0x30 0x9A 0x67 0x51 0x12 0xA7 0x2B 0x1B 0xDB 0xEB 0x56 0x6F 0xC4

0x9 0x8C 0x83 0x2E 0xD2 0x58 0x03 0x9C 0x70 0x07 0x57 0x6C 0x0F 0x9B 0xAF 0x0C 0x46

0xA 0xEA 0xC1 0x66 0x7A 0xAA 0x3B 0xF6 0x74 0xD6 0x87 0x36 0x11 0xB4 0x5C 0x95 0xC0

0xB 0x7C 0x4C 0xD7 0x89 0xB6 0x71 0x85 0x1E 0xE4 0x6E 0x2C 0xC2 0x5F 0xD4 0xB8 0x7B

0xC 0x73 0x80 0x72 0x91 0x55 0xF5 0xB3 0xFB 0x90 0xE1 0x0D 0xC3 0xA6 0xC6 0xC5 0xCC

0xD 0xF9 0x7D 0x5D 0xA2 0xDA 0x49 0xB7 0x20 0x3E 0x44 0x98 0x43 0x41 0x61 0x75 0x26

0xE 0xD9 0x08 0x3A 0xE5 0xE9 0xF8 0xFA 0xFE 0xE3 0xEE 0x35 0x1F 0x4B 0x76 0x06 0xFD

0xF 0x9D 0x32 0x3D 0xE7 0xEF 0x96 0xA3 0x3F 0x5B 0x27 0x39 0x94 0x18 0xA9 0xB2 0x47

8) subblocks X n01 , X 1n1 , …, X n71 are summed to XOR with X

j n1

the round key K 9 n16 , X

j n1

K 9 n17 , …,

K 9 n 23 :

 K9 n16 j , j  0...7 . As cipher text plaintext X

receives the combined 0 1 7 X n 1 || X n 1 || ... || X n1 .



2.2 Key generation of the encryption algorithm AES-RFWKPES8-1.

Consider the encryption process of encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1. Initially the 256-bit plaintext X partitioned into subblocks of 32 bits X 00 , X 01 , …, X 07 , and performs the following steps: 1) subblocks X 00 , X 01 , …, X 07 summed by XOR

In the n-round encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 in each round we applied eight round keys of the 32 bits and output transformation eight round keys of 32 bits. In addition, before the first round and after the output transformation we used eight round keys of 32 bits. . Total number of 32-bit round key is 8n  24 , and 128-bit round key is equal to n. If 128-bit round key convert to four 32-bit keys, the total number of 32 bit keys equal to 12n  24 . In Figure 5 encryption used encryption round keys K ic instead of K i , while decryption

respectively with round key K 9 n8 , K 9 n9 , …, K 9 n15 : X 0j  X 0j  K9 n8 j , i  0...7 .

2) subblocks X 00 , X 01 , …, X 07 multiplied and summed

used decryption round keys K id .

respectively with the round key K 9 (i1) , K 9 (i1)1 , …, K 9 (i1)7


Gulom Tuychiev, International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cryptology and Information Security, 4 (1), January – February 2015, 01 - 05 When generating round keys like the AES encryption algorithm uses an array Rcon: Rcon=[0x00000001, 0x00000002, 0x00000004, 0x00000008, 0x00000010, 0x00000020, 0x00000040, 0x00000080, 0x00000100, 0x00000200, 0x00000400, 0x00000800, 0x00001000, 0x00002000, 0x00004000, 0x00008000, 0x00010000, 0x00020000, 0x00040000, 0x00080000, 0x00100000, 0x00200000, 0x00400000, 0x00800000, 0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0x04000000, 0x08000000, 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000].

Decryption round keys applied to the first round and after the output transformation associated with the encryption round keys as follows: K12d 'n8 j  K12c ' n16 j , K12d 'n16 j  K12c ' n8 j , j  0...7 . c

K ,..., K

c' Lenght1

K 9cn j  K12c ' n  j ,

K  {k 0 , k1 ,..., k31} K

c' Lenght1

c' 1


c 0

c' 1

 {kl 32 , kl 31 ,..., kl1} and K  K '|| K || ... || K c' 0

c' 1

Then we calculate K L  K  K  ...  K

c' Lenght1

c' Lenght1


K  SubBytes32( K

, )^ SubBytes32( K

)^ K L . After

each round key generation the value K L is cyclic shift to the left by 1 bit.

( K 12d 'n , K 12d 'n1 , K 12d 'n2 , K 12d 'n3 , K 12d 'n4 , K 12d 'n5 , K 12d 'n6 , K 12d 'n7 )  ( K 0c ' , K 1c ' , K 2c ' , K 3c ' , ( K 4c ' ) 1 , ( K 5c ' ) 1 , ( K 6c ' ) 1 , ( K 7c ' ) 1 ).

Likewise, the decryption round keys of the first, second, third, and n–round associates with the encryption round keys as follows: (K K


d' 12 ( i1)  7


d' 12 ( i 1)1



d' 12 ( i 1 )8

c' 12 ( n i 1 )1

, K

d' 12 ( i1)  2



d' 12 ( i1) 9

c' 12 ( n i 1)  2

d' 12 ( i 1 ) 3


, K


d' 12 ( i 1)10

c' 12 ( n i 1) 3

d' 12 ( i 1 ) 4



d' 12 ( i1) 11

, (K

d' 12 ( i 1 ) 5


)  ( K

c' 12 ( n  i1 ) 4


) , (K

d' 12 ( i 1) 6

c' 12 ( n  i1 )

, K

d 9 n j


d' 12n  j


, j  0...7 ,

It is known that the resistance of AES encryption algorithm is closely associated with resistance S-box, applied in the algorithm. In the S-box encryption algorithm AES algebraic degree of nonlinearity deg  7 , nonlinearity NL  112 , resistance to linear cryptanalysis   32 / 256 , resistance to differential cryptanalysis   4 / 256 , strict avalanche criterion SAC= 8, bit independence criterion BIC = 8.



c' 12 ( n i 1) 5

|| K

j  0...7

, d' 12i 11

As in the encryption algorithms based on the Feistel network, the advantages of the encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 are that, when encryption and decryption using the same algorithm and as a round function can be any transformation, including one-way function. When decryption the encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 encryption round keys are used in reverse order, thus on the basis of operations necessary to compute the inverse. For example, if the round key is multiplied by the sub-block, while decryption is necessary to calculate the multiplicative inverse, if summarized, it is necessary to calculate the additive inverse.

Decryption round keys are computed on the basis of encryption round key and decryption key the output transformation associated with of encryption keys as follows:

d' 12 ( i 1 )

|| K

d' 12i 10

Using SubBytes(), ShiftRows(), MixColumns(), AddRoundKey() transformation of AES encryption algorithm as the round function network PES8-1 is developed block cipher algorithm AES-PES8-1. In the encryption algorithm AES-RFWKPES8-1 [5] as the round function applied SubBytes(), ShiftRows(), MixColumns() transformation. In the algorithm, the number of rounds of encryption and key length is variable and the user can select the number of rounds and the key length in dependence of the degree of secrecy of information and speed encryption.

otherwise c' i  Lenght1

|| K

d' 12i 9

associated with K id '


. If K L  0

K ic '  SubBytes32( K ic' Lenght1 )^ SubBytes32( RotWord 32( K ic' Lenght )) c' i  Lenght


d' 12i 8

j  0...15 .


When generating a round key K ic ' , i  Lenght...12n  23 , we used transformation SubBytes32() and RotWord32(), here SubBytes32()-is transformation 32-bit subblock into S-box and SubBytes32( X )  S (sb0 ( X )) || S (sb1 ( X )) || S ( sb2 ( X )) || S ( sb3 ( X )) , RotWord32()-cyclic shift to the left of 1 bit of the 32 bit subblock. When the condition i mod 3  1 is true, then the round keys are computed as

c' i

d 9i 8

d i

K 9dn8 j  K12d 'n8 j , j  0...15 .

then K L is chosen as 0xC5C31537, i.e. K L  0xC5C31537 .

^ Rcon[i mod 32]^ K L

K 9di j  K12d 'i j



K  {k32 , k33 ,..., k63}

j  0...7 , K 9cn8 j  K12c ' n8 j ,

Likewise, decryption round key K

, Lenght  l / 32 , here K  {k 0 , k1 ,..., kl 1} ,

c' 0


K 9ci j  K12c 'i j , j  0...7 , K 9ci8  K12c 'i8 || K12c ' i9 || K12c 'i10 || K12c ' i11 ,

The key encryption algorithm K of length l ( 256  l  1024 ) bits is divided into 32-bit round keys K 0c ' , c' 1


Encryption round key K i associated with K i

) 1 ,

( K 12c ' ( ni1)7 ) 1 , ( K 12c ' ( ni1)7 ) 1 , K 12c ' ( ni )8 , K 12c ' ( ni )9 , K 12c ' ( ni )10 , K 12c ' ( ni )11 ), i  1...n.


Gulom Tuychiev, International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cryptology and Information Security, 4 (1), January – February 2015, 01 - 05

In the encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 resistance S-box is equal to resistance S-box encryption algorithm AES, i.e., deg  7 , NL  112 ,   32 / 256 ,   4 / 256 , SAC=BIC=8. Research indicates that the speed of the encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 higher than AES. 14 rounder encryption algorithm AES-PES8-1 1.17 times faster than a 14 rounder encrypts AES. 4. CONCLUSIONS It is known that as a network-based algorithms Feystel the resistance algorithm based on network PES8-1 closely associated with resistance round function. Therefore, selecting the transformations SubBytes(), ShiftRows(), MixColumns(), AddRoundKey() of the encryption algorithm AES, based on round function network PES8-1 we developed relatively resistant encryption algorithm. REFERENCES 1.






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