Life Together Magazine Spring 2009

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Committed To Valued Leaders Campaign PAGE 4

Sustainable Wartburg PAGE 6

Commencement Highlights PAGE 8

President’s Perspective

President Larson presents diploma to Master of Divinity graduate Adam Barnhart.

“You have walked. Now walk on, with God, looking always into justice and mercy. How beautiful it will be when the world see us, all of us, so walking with you.”


LifeTogether | Spring 2009

Commencement Sunday, May 17, 2009, was an inspiration. Again, a full house of witnesses celebrated the sending of over 50 degreed and certified new valued leaders into God’s mission in Jesus Christ. The graduates chose as their class theme the popular verse from Micah 6:8; “and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”. As each graduate walked across the stage to receive her or his diploma, “walking” indeed was an apt metaphor for the long life of service that lay ahead of each new valued leader. As I said to the graduates in the class charge, their walk of faithfulness and service would be a witness to the abundant and deep life with God that God so desires with all people. And it will take a tempered and compassionate walk so to beckon people to the better life and life eternal that God offers. Quoting Lily Tomlin (“The problem with the rat race is that the winner is still a rat.”), I said further: “I think Ms. Tomlin got the ‘sinner’ part of what it means to be human. And I think she intuited that there is an alternative. Walking humbly offers a divine alternative to the rat race. It will mean a life dedicated to others. It will mean a life that loves Jesus and creatively loves Jesus’s brothers and sisters without your having to hyperventilate or impose your self. There is genius in your verse. Go with it. You have walked. Now walk on, with God, looking always into justice and mercy. How beautiful it will be when the world see us, all of us, so walking with you.” As I shook each hand and delivered each diploma, I quietly thanked God for each new graduate who would go on to serve as a pastor, diaconal minister, associate in ministry or another vocation as God’s baptized. I thanked God too for all the people from around the world who gave of their love, time, talent and money to see these new leaders through. And I thanked God, as I do every day, for leading this seminary and all places of theological education and leadership formation through tough times so to see this day, and so to see many more such days in years to come. Last fall, as you the reader most likely know, Wartburg committed to restructuring in light of the economic malaise that has so affected our nation. Our endowment was hurt badly and our expenses were high. So we pared programs and released dear colleagues to reposition ourselves for the long-term future. We also announced a new campaign to shore up our foundations and to secure our vocation as the singular “Life Together” seminary with routinely full enrollment. The Board of Directors, Administration, Faculty and Staff are together newly energized to see us succeed. We have renewed energy and amplified commitment to Wartburg’s place as a vibrant seminary and for the vibrancy of all theological education. All so that students can and will continue to “walk,” to be God’s feet and hands for people around the globe.

Wartburg has come a long way already since last Fall. Hundreds of new friends already have come to Wartburg’s side to walk with us. We have met a deficit budget this year, when last Fall we thought we’d be much worse off. We expect to celebrate a balanced budget next year and regularly thereafter. We expect to continue to serve as an exemplary community-based leadership formation under the gospel of Jesus Christ. But we can only do so when you also walk with us. We have a goal of growing our friendship by another 2600 such “daily walkers” who give Wartburg at least $25 per month for unrestricted operations. Would you please prayerfully consider such a commitment? And would you please introduce others to this unique seminary, others who also would walk daily with us in prayer and commit $25 monthly? There are other goals in Wartburg’s Committed to Valued Leaders Campaign that we hope you will also consider. But a key priority is to grow our circle of friends. When we reach our goal of 5000 such monthly gifts on average we will not only have a field of walkers, we will celebrate a parade that ensures Wartburg’s mission. And we will thank God and you for the parades that will continue annually across the commencement stage into new service for Jesus Christ in God’s mission places. Your brother in Christ, DUANE LARSON, PRESIDENT Wartburg Theological Seminary

Together Spring 2009, Vol. 14 No.1 Wartburg Theological Seminary 333 Wartburg Place PO Box 5004 Dubuque, IA 52004-5004 Phone: 563-589-0200 FAX: 563-589-0229 The Rev. Dr. Duane H. Larson, President Beth Nelson Chase, Vice President for Mission Support Janelle Koepke, Editor Principle Gifts Director, Mission Support Amy Heitman, Design Indigo Design Company

Life Together is a publication of

inside this issue 2 President’s Perspective 3 Inside This Issue 4 Committed to Valued Leaders Campaign

6 Sustainable Wartburg 7 Path of Internship

8 10 12 14 18

Commencement 2009 Alumni In The News Faculty and Staff News Class Notes Upcoming WTS Events

Wartburg Theological Seminary for our alumni and friends. Permission is granted for additional use in congregations. Founded in 1854 and located in Dubuque, Iowa since 1889, Wartburg Theological Seminary is one of 8 seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Mission Statement Wartburg Theological Seminary serves the mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America by being a worship-centered community of critical theological reflection where learning leads to mission and mission informs learning. Within this community, Wartburg educates women and men to serve the church's mission as ordained and lay leaders. This mission is to proclaim and interpret the gospel of Jesus Christ to a world created for communion with God and in need of personal and social healing.

on the cover Lauren Carlson, middler Master of Divinity student, is originally from North Carolina. During the next academic year Lauren will be serving as an intern in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

LifeTogether | Spring 2009


Wartburg Theological Seminary Announces Committed to Valued Leaders Campaign Wartburg Theological Seminary Board of Directors recommended and enthusiastically approved the $20 million campaign for 2008-2013, at the November Board meeting last fall. This campaign renews the commitment of our mission and vision in forming valued leaders for God’s mission in the world as we meet the current and future needs of financial support for theological education at Wartburg Theological Seminary. This renewed commitment is outlined on the following page. 4

LifeTogether | Spring 2009

Annual Fund $7.5 million Wartburg Seminary seeks to strengthen and increase the base of support by inviting others to join current alumni and donors of theological education over these next years. An increasingly diverse donor base will raise awareness for the importance of theological education for the present and future of the whole church and will bring strength in conveying the message of the vital need for valued leaders in our congregations. We will ask new individuals, families, congregations and communities to add their voices and resources as we attain a strong annual fund goal of $1.5 million each year and increase the base of donors to 5,000.

Debt Reduction $4 million Wartburg Theological Seminary has “invested” in the future of the seminary by completing capital projects in these last years for updated student housing and classrooms that were essential to provide. This “good investment” has resulted in a positive increase in enrollment at Wartburg Theological Seminary and an ability to provide “green technology and ecology” in our living environment through our geothermal practices. Despite all of the improvements that have come from this “good investment”, we now must focus on reducing this debt.

Student Scholarships $4 million Student Scholarship addresses current student need and focuses our scope and ability to provide the quality education that is valued in our Lutheran tradition. It is also an acknowledgement of the true costs of theological education and invites greater conversation throughout the church. We also believe this campaign goal can be a topic for every ELCA congregation whether in direct support of a current seminarian or the hope of this in the future.

Endowed Faculty Chairs $3 million ($1.5 million each) Endowed chairs produce the ability of honoring the esteemed past and current faculty of Wartburg Theological Seminary by providing for these teaching positions in a new way and thus ensuring a strong cash flow for personnel costs. The Frank and Joyce Benz Endowed Chair in Scripture was announced at commencement, 2008, with the other chair yet to be established.

Strengthening the Base As part of the Committed to Valued Leaders Campaign, Wartburg is striving to build our base to 5,000 donors giving at least $25 per month or $300 per year for the next five years. This would result in a total of $1.5 million toward the annual fund each year. Help us reach this goal by being a part of the Strengthening the Base Initiative and sharing the Wartburg story with those who value theological education.

Goal: 300 new donors by 9/30/09

Technology $1.5 million Technology upgrades and campus wide integration for internet and other capacities are the vision of this campaign success. Our current and future relies on our ability to anticipate on-line and other modes of education that supplement our unique communitarian, residential practice and values. Upgrades to technology will also enhance our mission of stewarding God’s creation by allowing the campus to move toward a zero-waste initiative that will significantly reduce our paper waste in the classroom as well as offices throughout campus.

Please contact the Office of Mission Support by calling (563)589-0336 or email if you would like to receive our campaign booklet which further details the campaign and mission of Wartburg Theological Seminary.

LifeTogether | Spring 2009


Wartburg Theological Seminary is “going green” in the following areas: Wartburg has been a leader in taking steps to make our physical plant more sustainable and to reduce our carbon footprint. Wartburg is celebrating its 155th year and our main campus buildings were built in 1912. Even working with Wartburg’s signature old limestone buildings, we have transitioned our main physical plant (classrooms, community space, offices, and dormitory) to:

Sustainable Wartburg While orange and black are the proud colors of the Wartburg Seminary community, “green” is getting plenty of attention. It is more than a trend, more than rhetoric thrown around to earn votes, and definitely more than just a way to save money (though it might do that, too). “Green” is the color of Wartburg’s growing commitment to stewardship of God’s creation, thinking critically, reflectively, and theologically in community about our responsibility for the things which God gifts us. This commitment is experienced by students who find included in their courses on ethics, theology, preaching, and mission, issues of environmentalism posed in light of stewardship and God’s faithfulness to creation. This commitment is strived for by the staff, faculty, and board of directors as they discover new and exciting ways for a sustainable campus. This commitment is entered into by partnering with others ventur-


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ing toward sustainable living such as the City of Dubuque, Dubuque Area Campus Sustainability Network, and the Green Seminary Initiative. The Wartburg Seminary Community sees the commitment to reduce its carbon footprint and conserve its resources as ethically, theologically, communally, and financially responsible, as well as doxologically, giving thanks to God who gifts us with all we need.

• More efficient lighting (T8 bulbs with electronic ballast). • Geothermal heating and cooling in 2001 with the new construction, including • Variable Frequency Drives on the main circulation pumps to reduce energy use and • Energy Recovery Units, which with a small electronic motor re-circulates exhaust air with incoming air allowing us to use no auxiliary heat sources when the outdoor temperature is above 40F. • High Pressure Sodium lighting for all of our outdoor lighting to reduce energy consumption. • High efficiency furnaces and energy efficient refrigerators in our student housing. • Front load, low water consumption washing machines with the energy star. Wartburg is committed to recycling. • Campus-wide we have been committed to recycling since the early 1990’s, reducing the amount of waste sent to the landfill by at least 50%. • There is a Federal Work Study student dedicated to campus recycling. • Through our Maintenance Shop, we recycle appliances, steel, aluminum, and copper. Wartburg is committed to reducing waste and using environmentally friendly products. • Wartburg faculty members have made the decision to move towards zero-waste in the classrooms by eliminating the use and need for handouts, etc. • Wireless computer connections have been installed in many of the classrooms to facilitate the faculty’s zero-waste initiative. • Wartburg food service has begun to compost kitchen waste. • Housekeeping is committed to using “green” cleaning products. Wartburg is committed to reducing energy consumption across campus: • IT has moved to switching off computers and monitors at the end of the workday – desktop computers are programmed to turn on and perform updates automatically prior to the workday. • IT is transitioning to energy efficient flat screen LCD monitors.

Wartburg Theological Seminary Internship Spotlight Intern: Rick Brenton Hometown: Kansas City, Missouri Previous Careers: Semi-professional football player in Manitowoc and Delavan, Wisconsin, as well as in Kansas City, MO, food and beverage industry worker, and bus operator for the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority. Internship Site: Zion Lutheran Church in Rockford, IL

Rick Brenton is currently serving as intern at Zion Lutheran Church in Rockford, Illinois. He is only a few months away from ending his internship and comments, “It has all been a challenge but very rewarding and truly a growth experience for me.” Rick came to Wartburg Seminary three years ago and is thankful for how well he was academically prepared for internship. He is constantly able to draw on the knowledge he learned from faculty and his fellow classmates. Now that he is on internship, he’s learning about ministry in the best way possible, by being immersed on a day-to-day basis. Zion Lutheran Church is a large congregation worshipping an average of 350 each week, with a full-time staff of 10, including 2 interim pastors. Over 25 years ago, Zion Lutheran Church formed an organization called Zion Development Corporation as the result of outreach programs at the church. Since 1982, ZDC has been a good neighbor to thousands of people who live, work, worship, and play in Midtown, including seniors, people coming out of homelessness, families, employees, business customers, and churchgoers. Over the past 25 years, ZDC has invested more than

$25 million in housing and economic development projects in the area. Because of this unique partnership between Zion Lutheran Church and Zion Development Corporation, Rick’s internship experience has been an eye opening experience. The highlight of Rick’s week is working with kids in the WOW (Worship on Wednesdays) program. This is a community program which incorporates after-school programming with a half-hour of worship and a hot meal. Rick said, “Many of these kids come from difficult homes and this may be the only hot meal they receive all week. What a blessing to spend time with them planting seeds of hope and love in Christ.” Throughout his internship experience Rick has felt an affirmation in his call to ministry. He reflects, “Coming back to school at the age of 53 was no easy task. I had great apprehension even though I felt God calling me. After college, I always felt like I was searching for something to fulfill me but up until this point I have never found anything as fulfilling as the ministry here at Zion. Now I have confidence and assurance that this is exactly what God has called me to do.”

LifeTogether | Spring 2009


Commencement Weekend 2009 Wartburg Theological Seminary’s 155th Commencement was held May 17, 2009 at St. Joseph the Worker Church. Dr. Martin E. Marty delivered the commencement address titled “The Faces of Ministry: ‘In-Your-Face,’ ‘About Face,’ and ‘Face to Face.’” Fifty-one Wartburg Theological Seminary students were awarded the following degrees or certificates: Master of Divinity Degree (27), Master of Arts Degree (5), Master of Arts in Theology, Development and Evangelism (7), Master of Sacred


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Theology Degree (1), and TEEM Certificates (11). Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degrees were awarded to Rev. Dr. Charles H. Maahs ‘62, Rev. Dr. Hong-ki Kim ’83, and Dr. Martin E. Marty, commencement speaker.

40/50 Year Reunion Members from the classes of 1969 and 1959 celebrated their forty and fifty-year reunions over commencement weekend. Classmates and spouses gathered on Saturday for a time of reacquainting and reminiscing and were honored during the commencement exercises on Sunday.

Class of 1959: Front row left to right: William Behrens, Paul Baehmann, Eric Schulze, Howard Buenting, John Dienes, Glen Gronlund, Allan Sager, Robert Grendahl, Roger Fjeld, Gerald Brown. Back row left to right: David Redman, Walter Hed, Donald Beckman, Marvin Mueller, Robert Adix, William Rosenow, Al Koeneman, Thomas Loftus, Edward Paape, Calvin Goerdel, Reuben Schnaidt.

Senior Class Gift The Class of 2009 has chosen to continue a long-standing tradition at Wartburg Theological Seminary by committing over $15,000 in pledges and gifts toward the seminary. Members of the class have chosen to designate their gift toward providing new picnic tables on campus and also supporting one of Wartburg’s greatest needs, the annual fund. This gift truly is a commitment to the life of the seminary. Thank you Class of 2009!

Class of 1969: Front row left to right: Stanley Eckermann, Charles Ager, David H. Andreae, Leonard B. Ellison, James E. Reents, Carroll D Lang. Back row left to right: Ronald Koplitz, Jay Kamrath, Curtiss Pedder, Bennet Henrickson.

LifeTogether | Spring 2009


Rev. A. Duane Manson Recognized for Establishment of Scholarship Program for Wartburg Seminary Students The Rev. A. Duane Manson, a 1958 graduate of Wartburg Theological Seminary, has created a lasting legacy for students at the seminary through a scholarship program designed to send as many as five students per year to the Institute of Liturgical Studies held at Valparaiso University in Indiana. Rev. Manson began attending the Institute when he was a student at Wartburg Seminary and in the sixtyone year history of the Institute he has attended forty-seven times. His passion and dedication for furthering education about liturgy in the church led him to create this scholarship. Rev. Manson said, “It is not the outward amenities of the worship alone, such as a beautiful church, but the liturgy, hymns, and sacraments that create a meaningful worship setting. The worship life of a congregation is a balanced integration of both.” At this year’s Institute of Liturgical Studies, held April 20 - April 22, 2009, Rev. Manson was awarded the Mentor Award after recommendation from their advisory committee under the direction of Dr. Lorraine Brugh, Director of the Institute and Chapel Music at Valparaiso University. Duane was the first recipient of the Mentor Award, which he received for his contribution to worship renewal and the liturgical scholarship program. Rev. Manson believes that by offering opportunities for Wartburg Seminary students to attend the Institute they will be able to further explore the concepts of the Lutheran worship service from the many varied theological lectures and worship experiences that are available at the Institute each year. He said, “Students are exposed not only in traditional ways of


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worship but in creative ways as well and this sets forth a foundation on which to build their pastoral careers in helping integrate sound liturgical practices into congregations or other settings.” Dr. Thomas Schattauer, Professor of Liturgics, Dean of the Chapel at Wartburg Theological Seminary and member of the Institute’s advisory committee said, “I am delighted that so many of our students, thanks to Duane Manson's commitment; have the opportunity to attend the Institute each year. The plenary speakers, topical workshops, and richly musical and well-crafted liturgies contribute to an expanded liturgical imagination that will shape them in their own leadership of a congregation in its worship life. I am pleased to see so many of our graduates returning to the Institute on a regular basis after first attending during their seminary years. Like every investment in our students, Duane's support for scholarships to the Institute is a gift that multiplies in its effect upon their ministry and the congregations they serve.” Prior to retirement in 1998, Rev. Manson served congregations in Alvord and Ossian, Iowa and later served as chaplain for Luther Manor Nursing Home, Dubuque, Iowa, along with being an adjunct instructor at Wartburg Seminary and the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. After retirement he continued to serve in interim parish ministry as well as serve as a cruise chaplain for Norwegian Cruise Line until 2008. Rev. Manson celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination in 2008 at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Dubuque, Iowa, where he is a member.

Rev. A. Duane Manson; photo circa 1980.

“Students are exposed not only in traditional ways of worship but in creative ways as well and this sets forth a foundation on which to build their pastoral careers in helping integrate sound liturgical practices into congregations or other settings.” REV. A DUANE MANSON

In the midst of going to print with this issue of Life Together, the seminary received word that The Rev. A. Duane Manson passed away on May 25 at the University of Iowa Hospital in Iowa City, IA. Services in celebration of his life were held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church on May 30, 2009. We are grateful for his life and ministry, remembering his family in our prayers.

Ethiopian Church Honors Loren Bliese ’60 ELCA NEWS SERVICE ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (ELCA) For more than 40 years the Rev. Loren F. Bliese, a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), worked in Ethiopia – planting churches, helping to educate future pastors and overseeing the translation of the Bible into more than 20 Ethiopian languages. His service to the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) was recognized here during the church's 50th anniversary celebration Jan 17-18. The church's seminary where Bliese taught awarded him an honorary doctorate in language development. Bliese, 73, retired to Harrisburg, Ore., in 2006 after 44 years of service in Ethiopia. He still serves as a parttime volunteer missionary here through ELCA Global Mission, spending up to five months a year here, he said. After he earned degrees at Texas Lutheran College (now University), Seguin, and Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa, Bliese went to Ethiopia in 1960 as an evangelist of the former American Lutheran Church. “At that time there was a lot of publicity about Ethiopia, and that's how I ended up here. I liked the idea of serving God in a way that (God) opened the door for me. I've developed many fond friendships with students and coworkers over the years,” he told the ELCA News Service in an interview. Texas Lutheran University is one of 28 ELCA colleges and universities; Wartburg is one of eight ELCA seminaries. Bible translation was a significant part of Bliese's contribution in Ethiopia. For 27 years he was the United Bible Societies' translation consultant for Ethiopia and Djibouti. Bliese

helped “train the translators,” he said, including review of their work and administering projects related to the Bible Society of Ethiopia. During his career in Ethiopia, Bliese learned the Amharic and Afar languages. Bliese began his ministry as a church planter, helping to start EECMY congregations in Waldia, Worgesa, Wuchale and surrounding areas. He started an EECMY outreach to the Afar ethnic group in 1963, including service through a mobile clinic in the nomadic area and building a literacy school. He initiated literacy work in

Loren Bliese, Wartburg Seminary Alumni ’60 accepts an honorary doctorate from the Ethiopian Church for over 40 years of service to the country as pastor, bible teacher, and translator. Photo: ELCA News Service

“During that time there was always tension,” Bliese recalled. “Travel was dangerous, and you never knew if you were going to get thrown out.” Some churches were closed, and it was difficult for church leaders and members to

“At that time there was a lot of publicity about Ethiopia, and that's how I ended up here. I liked the idea of serving God in a way that (God) opened the door for me.” the Wuchale area and by 1976 was administering 70 literacy centers of EECMY. A famine in the early 1970s resulted in relief feeding programs connected to many of the literacy centers, organized by Bliese and his wife Edith, who are parents of four adult children. Bliese served as the principal of the Mekane Yesus Theological Seminary for two years. After completing course work in 1977 for a doctorate in linguistics at the University of Texas, Austin, Bliese returned to Ethiopia to write a dissertation on Afar grammar. He wrote and published articles, and for nearly 20 years Bliese taught courses in Old Testament at the seminary. His career in Ethiopia included many difficult years. Following the overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie I, Ethiopia was under the control of a Marxist regime from 1977 to 1991.

talk with one another, he said. More than once, Bliese said, he was held temporarily at gunpoint for one reason or another. Bliese was one of four people honored. Other honorary degree recipients were Ato Emanuel Abraham, president emeritus, EECMY; the Rev. Tesgara Hirpo for translation work in the Oromo language; and the Rev. Neils Reimer, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), for translation work in the Anuak language. Ethiopian President Girma W. Giyorgis, and leaders of the EECMY and the Mekane Yesus Seminary presented the honorary degrees.

LifeTogether | Spring 2009


Faculty/Staff Updates James L. Bailey, Professor Emeritus of New Testament, together with his wife Judy, participated in a study tour to Israel, West Bank, and Jordan led by Professors Esther Menn and Barbara Rossing of the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. The trip occurred January 6-20, 2009, and involved visits to archaeological and traditional sites as well as presentations by Israelis and Palestinians working to create a just and peaceful future for the Holy Land. Jim and Judy are willing to show photos and speak about their recent trip. Early year Jim led a bible study on 1 Corinthians with a group at Grandview Methodist Church in Dubuque. He led a similar study with staff members and guests at Holden Village near Chelan, Washington, during the two and onehalf weeks prior to Easter. He used the text "Community at Risk: I Corinthians," the Augsburg Adult Bible Study he authored in 2006. Norma Cook Everist, Professor of Church Administration and Educational Ministry, led a plenary session on "Integrative Theological Formation" at a global consultation of Lutheran World Federation, "Theology in the Life of Lutheran Churches" March 25-31 in Augsburg, Germany. She also presented a paper "Doing Theology in the Languages of People's Daily Lives." Everist has launched a new blog "Conversations on the Church's Vocation in the Public World" (http://normacookeverist. presenting regular commentary on such issues as American Civil Religion, Church and State, Collaborative Leadership, Theology and Ecclesiology, Power and Partnership, The Priesthood of all Believers, Gender, Race and Class, Educational Ministry, Church Conflict. She welcomes posting of readers' comments and encourages sharing the blog with others. Nate Frambach, Associate Professor of Youth, Culture and Mission, led a workshop and facilitated conversation with members from Lincoln, Nebraska ELCA congregations based on his recent book Emerging Ministry: Being Church Today (Augsburg Fortress, 2007), April 4-5, 2009. Frambach served as the keynote speaker for the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod assembly April 24-26 in Tulsa, OK.


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Frambach’s three presentations were based on the assembly theme this year, “God’s Work, Our Hands: Throughout All Generations.” He also continues to serve on the Board of Directors of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network and currently coordinates the Vision 2.0 team. The purpose of the Vision 2.0 team is to help the network become a more diverse and inclusive culture that welcomes and honors the voices and gifts of all people. Samuel D. Giere, ’97, Assistant Professor of Homiletics, is a contributor to, an online resource for preachers. He supplied the "Preaching Helps" for Holy Week through Pentecost in the Spring 2009 issue of Currents in Theology in Mission. Giere also contributed to the Lutheran Study Bible (Augsburg Fortress, 2009), writing the introduction and notes for Ezekiel and, coauthoring an article on the origins of Canon with fellow professor, Duane Priebe. David Lull, Professor of New Testament, will be lecturing at the 2009 Luther Academy of the Rockies, June 22 – July 2, 2009, where he will connect New Testament texts with temples, theaters, monuments, and inscriptions in and around cities of Paul’s missionary journeys in what is now modern day Turkey. Craig Nessan, ’78, Academic Dean and Professor of Contextual Theology, gave a presentation on Transforming Leadership and the Evangelizing Church in Phoenix, Arizona on Feb 14, 2009 and at the Congregations Together in Mission event in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on March 14. Nessan was a Hein-Fry Lecturer on Interpreting Scripture Lutheranly: Between the Undertow and a Tsunami, Florida-Bahama Synod/ California Lutheran University, and Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in March and April. He published a foreword to the book, Paul Schneider: Witness of Buchenwald (2008), a chapter in the book, Wilhelm Loehe (1808-1872): "Loehe in America: Two Historical Trajectories in the Missouri and Iowa Synods" (2008), and the journal article: “Lernendes Begleiten: Die Arbeit der Iowa Synode unter Indianern im 19. Jahrhundert.“Confessio Augustana: Special Edition for Loehe Year 2008.

Thomas Schattauer, Professor of Liturgics and Dean of the Chapel, published "The Missional Shape of Worship" in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, (Summer 2008). He also attended the second triennial conference of the International Loehe Society, Neuendettelsau, Germany, July 22-26, 2008; and gave a paper entitled "Reclaiming the Christian Assembly as Communio: The Significance of the Lord's Supper in the Work of Wilhelm Löhe." He served as an ecumenical participant/consultant at the annual meeting of the Association for Reformed and Liturgical Worship, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia, July 30-August 1, 2008, on the formation of liturgical leaders; consultation will continue through summer 2009. The Historical Research Seminar, North American Academy of Liturgy held in Baltimore, Maryland, January 2-5, 2009, devoted a session to the discussion of Schattauer's 2007 article on liturgical studies published in the International Journal of Practical Theology. Schattauer was a keynote speaker and preacher at the annual liturgical conference "Liturgy and Hospitality" at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, January 9-11, 2009, his presentations included: "In Search of Welcome: Some Biblical-Liturgical Reflections on Hospitality." He also presented the paper "God's Mission in the Practice of Assembly" at the Lutheran World Federation Consultation held in Augsburg, Germany, March 25-31, 2009; he was also principal planner of conference worship. Kristine Stache, Assistant Professor of Youth & Young Adult Ministries, will be lecturing at the 2009 Luther Academy of the Rockies, June 22 – July 2, 2009, where she will present “Participating in God’s Life in the World: Implications for Congregational Ministry.” Rev. Ginger AndersonLarson, ’84, Acting Director for Contextual Education and Director for Candidacy, served as retreat leader for the Western Iowa Synod Spirituality Retreat in January, using the theme, “Spiritual Formation in the Parish.” The April 2009 issue of Lutheran Woman Today, included an article by her, “God’s Clues,” in an edition focused on God’s plans for our life.

Welcome New Staff Janelle Koepke The Office of Mission Support welcomes Janelle Koepke, Principle Gifts Director. Janelle’s development experience includes Development Director for Area Residential Care in Dubuque as well as most recently serving as Director for Annual Giving at the University of Dubuque. Janelle and her husband Shane moved to Dubuque when her husband accepted a call to ministry and became a student at Wartburg Theological Seminary. Shane is now ordained and serving an area parish, and likewise Janelle is now called to serve Wartburg in the role of building relationships with alumni and donors.

Karla K. Wildberger The Admissions Department Welcomes Reverend Karla K. Wildberger, Associate Director of Admissions. Karla was ordained in 1993 and has served in parishes in South Dakota, California, and Virginia. She also had the privilege of doing work for the Lutheran Church in Great Britain and the Lutheran Church in Australia while living overseas with her husband, Dean Boles, when he was in the US Air Force. Before coming to Wartburg, she was called to social ministry in Tucson, AZ. Welcome Karla!

Wartburg Seminary Transitions As this semester draws to an end, there are many who are making transitions in relation to their work at Wartburg Seminary. Some are leaving, some have already departed, and some will continue in different capacities. The Wartburg community gives thanks for the many contributions of these people and will pray for God’s blessing upon them in the transition they make.

Staff Lorice Amlin, Admissions Assistant, previously Front Desk Annie Barnhart, Technical Services Assistant Jennifer Carnahan, Enrollment Services Coordinator Shelli Koester, TEEM & Online Learning Coordnator Christy Martin, Front Desk Diane Lampe, Grant/Foundation Research & Life-Long Learning Coordinator Ellen Gukeisen, Program & Events Coordinator, CYM Kathy Teig, Adminstrative Assistant. to the President & Human Resources Ginger Anderson-Larson, Director of Candidacy & Acting Director of Contextual Education, previously Spiritual Director

E-Life Together Would you like more frequent updates about the life of Wartburg Theological Seminary? Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter which features articles about the seminary as well as a list of upcoming events.

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Faculty Paul Baglyos, Assistant Professor of Rural Ministry & Director for the Center of Theology and Land Paul Chung, Assistant Professor of Lutheran Confessions and World Christianity, who takes up a new position at Luther Seminary Fritz Lampe, Assistant Professor of Community Development & Witness & Director of the Master of Arts in Theology, Development, and Evangelism Beth Leeper, Associate Professor of Church History Norma Cook Everist, Professor of Church Administration & Educational Ministry, whose position has been changed to Distinguished Senior Faculty Kris Stache, Assistant Professor of Youth and Young Adult Ministries & Director of the Center for Youth Ministry, whose position has been changed to Director of TEEM & Adjunct Professor of Distributed Education

Moving? We want to stay in touch with you. Please remember to send us your mailing address and email address updates when you move.

LifeTogether | Spring 2009


Wartburg Theological Seminary Class Notes ’38



Rev. Bruno Schlachtenhaufen died March 31, 2009 in Sun Prairie, WI. He previously served American and St Paul, Rockwell City, IA; St Paul, Ottumwa, IA; Firth, Waterloo, IA; Decorah, Decorah, IA; Bishop in Iowa District of the American Lutheran Church, Des Moines, IA; Trinity, Loyal, WI; Church Director for the Seminary Appeal for the T.A.L.C Seminaries.

Dr. Victor Gold died September 17, 2008 in Oakland, CA. He served St. Paul’s Freer, TX; Immanuel, Alice, TX; St Paul’s, Baltimore, MD; Supply Pastor in the Maryland Synod; Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Hamma Divinity School, Springfield, OH; Trinity, Kalamazoo, MI; Professor of Old Testament at Pacific Lutheran Seminary, Berkeley, CA.



Rev. Edward W. Kasten died August 9, 2008 in Seattle, WA. He was Lutheran Minister for many years at churches in ID, OR and WA.

Rev. Edward P. Gabel died last June 22 at Good Samaritan Home, Flanagan, IL. During his ministry he was pastor of St. Peter’s, Coatsburg, St. Paul’s, Streator, St. Paul’s Evangelical, Peoria, Cross and Crown, Arlington Heights, St. John’s, Danforth, all in Illinois and chaplain at Good Samaritan Home, Flanagan. He served on several district and community organization board of directors. Rev. Oscar Johnson, Trinity, Blair died August 17, 2008 in Iowa City, IA. He served Salem, Brooklyn, NY; English, Avoca, IA; Northwest Trinity, Detroit, MI; Immanuel, Harlen, IA; St. John, Carnegie, PA and Cedar Falls Lutheran Home, Cedar Falls, IA.

Rev. Russell P. Jensen died September 27, 2008. He served Zion, Ithaca, NE; Nazareth, Davey, NE; Chaplain, WI Correction Institution, Fox Lake, WI; Bethany Kimballton, IA; St Paul, Thornton, IA; chaplain, LSS of MN; LSS North Ridge Care Center, Minneapolis, MN. A. Duane Manson was honored on the 50th anniversary of his ordination in a special worship service with dinner and program following on October 25, 2008 at Holy Trinity, Dubuque, IA where Manson is a member. Rev. Darrell Gerrietts, Assistant to the Bishop, Northeastern Iowa Synod was the preacher for the occasion.

’40 Rev. William E. Riekert died March 23, he served at Emmanuel and Christ, Biggar SK and Kindersly, Haultain, SK from 1940-1943; Zion, Winnipeg, MB from 1943-1947; Christ/St. John, Neudorf, SK and St. John, Killaly, SK from 1947-1957; Trinity, Regina, SK from 1957-1972; Faith, Nepean, ON from 1972-1983 when he retired.

’44 Rev. Erwin Chell died July 31, 2008 in Canon City, CO. After graduation he lived an extraordinary life of service with 12 years of missionary work in India, followed by 25 years of work for the Good Samaritan Society, a nonprofit organization providing housing and care for the elderly around the United States. He worked for Good Samaritan Society until he retired. Rev. Allan D Hansen died in Silverton, OR.

’45 Rev. Warren Ralph Graham died January 27, 2009. He served the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons as a Chaplain in FL, NY, OK, CO & IN for 30 years and service as Administrator of Religious Services of the S.E. Region. Rev. Graham was a member of the faculty of the Iliff School of Theology , served St Paul’s, Denver, CO; on faculty of the Anderson School of Theology in Anderson, IN; Trinity, Terre Haute, IN; Supervising Pastor in Clinical Pastoral Education at Wartburg Seminary, Executive Project Director of the American Protestant Correctional Chaplains Association and served the Southeastern Synod as an interim pastor for several years following his official retirement.

’50 Rev. Gottfried H. Hoffman died last January in La Mesa, CA. A veteran of World War II, Rev. Hoffman was founding pastor of St. Luke’s, La Mesa and served his entire ministry there.

’51 Rev. Richard E. Burrack died August 17, 2008 in Carroll, IA. In ministry he served American, Grundy Center, St. John, Plainfield and Immanuel, Ionia, all in Iowa; St. John, Fort Wayne, IN; Christ, Stockton, IL. Survivors include sister Marilyn and Roger Fjeld, president of Wartburg Seminary 19831999.

’52 Our sympathies to Rev. Edwin Schmidt on the death of his wife Jean.

’54 Our sympathies to Rev. Daniel L. Zimmermann on the death of his wife Eveyln in February 2008.

’55 Our sympathies to Rev. Kenneth Pohlmann on the death of his wife Katharine.


LifeTogether | Spring 2009

’59 Rev. Ronald Retzlaff died December 22, 2008. During his ministry he served St Matthew, Galena, IL; Trinity, Waterloo, IA and Holy Redeemer, Warren, MI and as chaplain at Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI. He was retired in Rochester, MN where spouse LaVern now resides. Rev. William A Roesler died November 2006 in Calgary, AB Canada. He moved to Canada in 1968 where he pastored Redeemer, Saskatoon, Canada until 1989; Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, Calgary, Canada until 1999, when he died at 72 _ he was serving First, Calgary, Canada as a part time assistant pastor. Rev. Roger Tellock died September 25, 2008 in Clintonville, WI. He served in Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada; St. Pauls’s, Curtiss and Our Savior’s, Holway (Medford); St. Luke’s, Sheboygan Falls, WI; St. John’s, Stone Bank (Oconomowoc), WI. He semi-retired in 1991 and became a member of St. John’s in Marion where he served as a Sunday Supply and Visitation Pastor. Another strong interest to Rev. Tellock was serving as a police chaplain. He served for Clark County, Sheboygan County, Waukesha County and Waupaca County. Rev. Dr. Alton Zenker died November 12, 2008 in Hot Springs Village, AR. He served Flasher/Carson, ND; Linton, ND and Thomasboro, before becoming assistant to the bishop in Illinois district ALC and assistant to the bishop in Springfield. He later served as the bishop for six years in Central/Southern Illinois Synod, Springfield, IL. He also served as an officer for various pastoral-conference groups, including: conference chair faculty for Bible camps and leadership training schools, advisor for Soil Conservation District, board of directors at

Linton Hospital, youth advisor for KEM Electric Cooperative, the ALC representative to the Colloquium of the Church in Future Society and ALC fact-finding tour to Central America.

’60 Rev. Loren F. Bliese, February 4, 2009 ELCA News Service: Bliese, retired in 2006 after 44 years of service in Ethiopia. He still serves as a part-time volunteer missionary there through ELCA Global Mission. Bliese's service to the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) was recognized in Ethiopia during the church's 50th anniversary celebration January 17-18, 2008. Mekane YesTheological Seminary awarded him an honorary doctorate in language development. Dr Walter Pilgrim died October 27, 2008 in Steilacoom, WA. He was retired from his position as professor of religion at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA. He was the author of numerous theological books and articles.

’61 We thank God for the improvement through treatment for Rev. LeRoy Remmers paralyzed vocal chord. Also we would like to extend our sympathies to LeRoy and Janet on the death of their son, Paul.



Rev. David E. Brunscheen died October 4, 2008 in Anamosa, IA. He served seven parishes and retired after serving at Lutheran Church of the Cross, Evergreen, CO. Elroy H. Dannewitz died August 13, 2008 in Ottawa, IL. Elroy farmed, was an auctioneer and owned a Chrysler Plymouth Dealership in Somonuak. He was a member of Christian Men’s Group, Prison Ministry, and Golden Kiwanis Club of Ottawa. He was named a Distinguished and honored Citizen by an act of congress December 1970. Our sympathies to Rev Duane R Everson on the death of his wife Barbara. Rev. Ralph Marquardt has retired and accepted a position at as Chaplain at a Nursing Home. He previously served Dallas/New Scandavia, Dallas, WI. Rev. Michael L. Sherer and spouse Kathy now reside in Waverly, IA. Michael was honored with the “Pen and Quill” Award of the Metro Lutheran, the pan-Lutheran newspaper of the metropolitan Twin Cities, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Michael was publisher of the Metro Lutheran for 11 years, having retired in late 2007.

Rev. Mark Becker has accepted a call at St. Paul, Stillwater, MN. He previously served Lutheran Church of Peace, Maplewood, MN. Rev. David E. Hughes died January 2009 in Richfield, MN.

’68 Dr Phillip Baker retired from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary.



Dr. Naaman Laiser died October 12, 2008 in Tanzania.

Rev. Alfred Kruse retired. Most recently he was pastor of St. Matthew, Readlyn, IA. Rev. Donald S. Schumacher died July 9, 2008 in Badger, SD. He served at Immanuel, Zap, ND; Zion, Elgin, ND; Trinity, Steele, ND; Dawson, Dawson, ND; St. John, Dimock, ND; Badger and Trinity both in SD.

’65 Rev. Jim Cherry was named the National Smokejumper Association Volunteer of the Year in 2008. Cherry led three trail and structure rehabilitation projects in 2008 alone; rehab of a bunkhouse and lookout at Seeley Lake, MT and a trails project in Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. He has also served on the NSA board since 2000, is a dedicated fundraiser for the Trail Project, raising over $10,000, and has driven over 15,000 miles in support of NSA activities in the last year. Cherry retired from the ministry in 1996 but comments that his volunteer work, “infuses me with life, with energy”. Our sympathies to Rev. Charles Eckert on the death of his wife, Nita. Rev. Donald D. Lehmann retired November 30, 2008 and was honored at a special congregational celebration on Sunday, November 16th. Pastor Lehmann most recently served Our Savior’s, Sioux Falls, SD.

’66 Rev. Clyde “Joe” Beissel retired from Augustana Home, Minneapolis, MN. Rev. Donald M. Schoeppler died January 15, 2009 in Albert Lea, MN. He served First, McGregor, IA; Christ, Pickrell; Immanuel and Coleridge in Fulda, MN; St. Luke, Traer, IA. He retired in June 1995.

’70 Linda Peterson, wife of Rev. Terry Peterson, died September 21, 2008. Rev. Larry Rehlander retired to Minnesota, he previously served Zion, Rake, IA. Pastor Larry Trachte will retire in May after 35 years in Campus Ministry at Wartburg College. The Trachte family has established the Pastor Trachte Thanksgiving Scholarship to commemorate his career at Wartburg, and several events throughout the year will celebrate his ministry, including a Homecoming reunion of persons he has married and baptized. Anyone may attend the reunion.

’74 Rev. Steven M. Hanson died August 26, 2008 in Bakersfield, CA. He was serving Emmanuel, Bakersfield, CA as much as possible during the past 18 months as he underwent surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy treatments for the cancer. Prior to Bakersfield, he served First, Orland, CA; Interim Pastor at Faith, Murphys, CA and Atonement, Sacramento, CA, Lutheran Church of the Cross, Sacramento, CA; Interim Pastor at St Timothy, Lakewood, CA; Pastor of a three point parish, McVille, Center Mapes, and Our Savior in Kloten, ND; two point parish, Salem and Union American, Freeman, SD; Assistant Pastor of Trinity in Vermillion, SD.

’76 Rev. Dr. Connie Kleingartner died August 21, 2008 in Chicago after an 18 month long battle with cancer. She served 18 years as a parish minister and as Assistant to the Bishop of Iowa for the ELCA, she then joined the staff at Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago, IL, she eventually became Director of Field Education and Coordinator of Candidacy and Logos Associate Professor of Evangelism and Church Ministries.

’77 Bishop Andrea DeGroot-Nesdahl has accepted a call at the ELCA, Office of the Bishop. Rev. Ronald Nelson has accepted a call at St Paul, Sheldon, IA. He previously served Emmanuel, Shenandoah, IA.

’78 April Ulring Larson has been named pastor of First, Duluth, MN. She completed her term as bishop of the La Crosse Area Synod on September 30, 2008.

’79 Rev. Dr. Denver W. Bitner, was recently named the new president and CEO of Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI). Bitner formerly served as the senior pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Rockford.



Mr. David O. Solberg “unretired” on October 14, 2008 and returned to the FargoVA as Program Supervisor of Stubstance Abuse Services.

Rev. James Hilleson has accepted a call as Director of Pastoral Care, Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, IN. He previously served Lutheran Church of the Cross, Muncie, IN. Rev. David Miller has accepted a call as Senior Pastor to St. Timothy, Naperville, IL.

’72 Rev. Richard C. Salge retired November 1, 2008. His last parish served was St. John, Mapleton, MN for almost 26 years.

’81 Lt Col Timothy Eggleston was reassigned in June 2008 to the Office of the Army Chief of Chaplains to serve as the Personnel Actions Officer.

LifeTogether | Spring 2009


Rev. Bill Gruenstern has accepted a call to Church of Our Saviour, Fond du Lac, WI. Our sympathies to Donald Johnson on the death of his daughter Laurel Johnson. Rev. Paul Leslie accepted a call at Zion, Grand Rapids, MN. He previously served Voyagers Lutheran Ministry, Cook, MN.

’84 Maj. Rev. Larry Lee Handeland died September 10, 2008 in Lincoln, NE. He served at Wausau Regional Medical Center, Wausau, WI; St. Luke’s Medical Center, Sioux Rapids, IA; Director of hospital Ministry at Yokota Air Force Base in Japan. He retired from the United States Air Force on May 16, 2005, after serving 38 years as a Chaplain and Medic in the Navy, Marines and Air Force. Throughout his pastoral career, he served congregations in NE, TX, IA, CA, Japan and Germany. Dr. James R. Nieman recently published his fourth book, Knowing the Context in Fortress Press’s Elements of Preaching Series. In the book Nieman offers practical and insightful ways for preachers to be more deliberate and systematic in their study of the context in which they preach. James is professor of practical theology at Hartford SeminaryHartford Institute for Religion Research, Hartford, CT.

’85 Rev. Patrick R. Appleget is now chaplain at the Citadel and pastor of St. Barnabas, Charleston, SC. He previously served at Ft. Knox, KY. Rev. Jerry Olson retired summer 2008. Chaplain Lt Cdr John O. Reitz died September 13, 2008 in Seattle, WA following a liver transplant. He served St Stephen’s, Shreveport, LA. He soon was commissioned as a Naval Officer and served 20 years including duty at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Camp Lejeune, NC, Naval Hospital Bremerton, CREDO Pacific NW and Naval Submarine Base Bangor as well as being deployed on the USS Roanoke, USS Camden and USS Carl Vinson.

and GLBT pastors. It has been endorsed as well by Lutherans Concerned/North America, Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, Soulforce, The Institute for Welcoming Resources of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, More Light Presbyterians, and The Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual Minorities. It can be found online at David works in campus ministry and is an adjunct instructor in Theology at the College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, MN.

’87 Rev. Dennis Andersen, Pastor of Bethany, Seattle, WA, has been appointed to the Vestry of St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral. He has returned from a sabbatical in Europe funded by the Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Program. Rev. Beth Olson, Waverly, IA has two essays published in Sundays and Seasons, 2009. She wrote “Celebrating the Time after Epiphany with Children”, as well as “Celebrating November with Children.” Additionally, she has crafted a month’s worth of prayers for Bread for the Day 2007-2009. Pastor Olson continues on family leave though she is active as a supply pastor, substitute teacher, sixth grade confirmation class teacher and homemaker. Our sympathies go to Rev. Joe Brown Thunder on the death of his wife Shirley. Rev. Gary Veit has accepted a call at St. Paul, Taylor, TX.

’88 Rev. Terrie Rae Anderson retired from Family of Grace, Auburn, WA. Rev. Bruce Falksen has accepted a call at Good Shepherd, Princeton, MN. He previously served Red Oak Grove, Austin, MN. Our sympathies go to Rev. Gary Froseth, on the death of his father, Laverne.

’89 Rev. Lowell Halverson retired last July. He most recently was pastor of the Belmond, IA parish of St. Olaf, St John and Trinity Lutheran Churches. Pastor Halverson now resides in Eau Claire, WI.

’86 Our sympathies go to Rev. Dr. Patricia Johnson, on the death of her husband, J. Theodore. Our sympathies go to Rev. Tom McFarland, on the death of this father, Harvey. Rev. Norman Paskowsky has accepted a call at Peace, Burlington, ND and Saron, Minot, ND. Norman has also served as a member of the Western ND Synod’s Worship Team which introduced the ELW into his Synod. We also would like to send our sympathy to Norman on the death of his wife DaNae. David R. Weiss has published To the Tune of a Weloming God, a collection of his essays and hymns written over the past decade as an ally fervently working for a church that welcomes all. The book, published by Langdon Street Press, has received strong advance praise from a number of professors, bishops,


LifeTogether | Spring 2009

’91 Rev. Alan W. Buresh now serves University Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, WI. He previously served First, New Richmond, WI. Rev. Norma J Vander Meer has accepted a call to Christ the King, St. Peters, MO. She “semi-retired” in Dec, 2006 and served a contracted Interim position at Atonement, Florissant, MO.

’92 Rev. Gloria Keiser Dovre has been called as an assistant to Bishop Michael L. Burk, ’86 of the Southeastern Iowa Synod. Most recently she was co-pastor of Palestine, Huxley, IA with spouse Donald Keiser Dovre.

’93 Rev. JoAnn Fabie retired from Peace, Waunakee, WI. Rev. Mary Jo Maass will tutor English at Usangi Leadership and Training College and teach Bible at Usangi Girls’ Secondary School in the Para Diocese, Tanzania for the spring term beginning in January 2009. Pare Diocese is the companion synod of the Southeastern Iowa Synod. Rev William Wrieden, Jr retired May 1, 2008. He served Prince of Peace, Lincoln, NE; Grace, Elroy, WI; Bethesda, Bayfield, WI; Immanuel, Cornucopia, WI. Internship site was Immanuel, Seattle, WA.

’94 Ms Barbara Zeller died October 4, 2007 from a brain tumor.

’95 Rev. Kenneth Gibson has accepted a call at Grace, Woodstock, IL. He previously served as Vice President for Development at Hillcrest Family Services in Dubuque, IA.

’96 Rev. Julie K. Higgs has been called to the staff of the Southeastern Iowa Synod as an assistant to Bishop Michael L. Burk, ’86. For the past 6 years she has been the pastor at Trinity, Pleasant Valley, IA. Rev. M DeWayne Teig has accepted a call to Our Savior, Radcliffe, IA. Previously he was Wartburg’s Dean of Students and Director of Candidacy.

’97 Rev Margaret M. Pfaff retired in August 2008 from Grace, Round Rock, TX.

’98 Rev. Chad E. Brucklacher now serves with Lutheran Campus ministry at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. He previously served with spouse Rev. Sonja Brucklacher at Prince of Peace, Gillette, WY. Our sympathies to Ms. Gayla Crosmer on the death of her father-in-law. Rev. Mark K. Johnson has accepted a call at Family of Grace, Auburn, WA. He previously served Highland, San Bernadino, CA.

’99 Rev. Scott Schmidt now serves All Saints, Byron, IL after serving for nine years at Trinity, Manlius, IL. Rev. G. Kim Wills has accepted a call as pastor of Zion St. John, Sheffield, IA. Most recently he was pastor of Peace, Pella, IA.

’02 Rev Tony Haglund has accepted a new call to serve as Senior Pastor of Canton, Canton, SD. He previously served Holy Cross, Abberdeen, SD.

’05 Chaplain Lori Kleppe is currently serving as a chaplain in the US Navy Chaplain Corps at the United States Coast Guard Academy. She was promoted to LT on January 2, 2009.

’06 Our sympathies to Rev. Cynthia Johnson on the death of her mother. Rev. Jeremy Walloch has accepted a call at Martin Luther, Giddings, TX. He previously Trinity, Moorhead, MN.

’07 Rev. Sandra Burroughs accepted a call at St John, Sumner, IA and St Peter, Oran, IA. She previously served Living Saviour, Charlotte, NC. Rev. Deena Laird died April 20, 2008 due to complications from surgery. She was serving St. Peter LC, Arenzville, IL and St. John, Bluffs, IL. Rev. Ryan Radtke was ordained August 24, 2008. He accepted a call at American, Worthington, MN. Rev. Elizabeth Retz was ordained September 18, 2008 at Peace, Ryan, IA. She has accepted a call to Edgewood, Fruitport, MI.

’08 Rev. Benjamin Ahles-Iverson was ordained December 20, 2008. He has accepted a call at Trinity Peace, Taylor, WI. Rev. Leta Behrens was ordained August 3, 2008. She has accepted a call at First, Longmont, CO. Rev. Jacob DeBoer was ordained August 16, 2008. He has accepted a call at Trinity Lutheran, Steele, ND. Rev. Judy Gelinske was ordained November 13, 2008. She has accepted a call at Kongsvinger and St. John’s, Donnelly, MN. Rev. Ruth Kaden has accepted a call at St John’s, Jamestown, ND. Rev. Ted Mosher was ordained August 16, 2008. He has accepted a call at Good Shepherd, Lawrence, KS. Rev. Beth Schultz Byrnes was ordained November 16, 2008 at Trinity, Cedarburg, WI. Rev. Scott Stolberg was ordained August 27, 2008 at Grace, Loves Park, IL. He has accepted a call at First Lutheran, Fargo, ND. Hanne Tommelstad is interning at United Lutheran, Eugene, OR. Rev. James Wendt was ordained on November 16, 2008. He has accepted a call at Our Savior, Marinette, WI. Rev. Kendra Wilde was ordained July 12, 2008 at Queen Anne, Seattle, WA. She has accepted a call at Our Redeemer, Helena, MT. Rev. Kathleen Wohlers has accepted a call at Meridean, Mondovi, WI.

Is there someone you know who may be thinking about a vocation in ministry?

Upcoming Visit Weekends: 2009 November 14-16 2010 March 13-15 November 13-15

Do you recognize gifts for ministry in someone you know or in a member of your congregation? Tell them about Wartburg Seminary’s “Considering Your Call”, Conference on Ministry weekend. The weekend is designed to help individuals explore a call to life in ministry. Wartburg wants to be a part of their discernment process. As we strengthen our base, plant a seed!

Contact Admissions at (563)589-0203 or 1-800-225-5987 or email to schedule a campus visit.

LifeTogether | Spring 2009


Upcoming WTS Events

JUNE 22 – JULY 2, 2009

Luther Academy of the Rockies The annual Luther Academy of the Rockies is held in Allenspark, Colorado at the Meeker Park Lodge. Wartburg Seminary faculty presenters for this year’s continuing education event are Dr. Paul Chung, Assistant Professor of Lutheran Confessions and World Christianity, Dr. David Lull, Professor of New Testament, and Dr. Kristine Stache, Assistant Professor of Youth & Young Adult Ministries.

ropes adventure, service, and community life-including biblical and theological study, and dynamic worship and music. This year’s WYLS will include a trip to New Orleans to provide leadership at the ELCA National Youth Gathering. Seminary faculty and students serve as guides, walking alongside youth in this journey. Nominations are still being accepted. Call 563-589-0220 or for more information.

OCTOBER 14 – 15, 2009

NOVEMBER 14 – 16, 2009

Considering Your Call – Conference on Ministry The Conference on Ministry is an opportunity to experience Wartburg’s campus life, connect with others in the discernment process, meet current students, faculty and staff, discuss your gifts and call to ministry with others and learn more about the ELCA Candidacy Process. We invite you to explore your call to ministry and experience the community at Wartburg Seminary.

WTS Homecoming – Save the Date!

JULY 15 – 29, 2009

WYLS – Wartburg’s Youth Leadership School (WYLS) participants consider the questions “The Ultimate You: Who claims you? Who Calls You? Who sends you?” Through the setting of intentional Christian community, high school students are challenged to live out the gospel and ask themselves, “How am I being called to lead?” 24 youth will gather this summer for this ultimate faith journey as they share in a high


LifeTogether | Spring 2009

Just because we don’t have a football team doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate Homecoming! This year’s Wartburg Theological Seminary Reunions will celebrate the class years ending in 4 and 9 (i.e. 1979, 1984, 1989, etc.) This fall event will replace the previously held Summer Reunions and will include events for the entire family. Materials will be sent during the summer months with more details.

OCTOBER 16, 2009

Scholarship Luncheon The Annual Scholarship Luncheon honors donors who have contributed scholarships for students during the current academic year. This is an opportunity for students to meet and thank those who are providing financial support for their seminary education.

SEPTEMBER 17, 2009

Kathryn Koob “Love Your Enemies, Expect Nothing In Return”

OCTOBER 15, 2009

Marcus Borg “Name here”

NOVEMBER 12, 2009

Tom Long “Preaching Advent and Christmas”

Leave a Legacy

at Wartburg Theological Seminary By including Wartburg in your will today, the impact of your gift will live on through generations of students answering God's call to ministry.

For more information about providing for the future of Wartburg Seminary, please contact: Office of Mission Support, Beth Nelson Chase, Vice President for Mission Support (563) 589-0321 or

ONLINE MASTERS SEMINARY COURSES for 2009-2010 Do you know someone who would be a good candidate for ministry and would suggest take a Masters course or two to get started in seminary? Is this someone who can’t leave home to come to Dubuque yet? If so, suggest to them that they consider taking one or more of the following online courses: FALL SEMESTER 2009: Early and Medieval Christianity, Dr. Elizabeth Leeper (3 semester hours) Belief Systems: Religion, Anthropology, and the Human World, Dr. Fritz Lampe (3 semester hours) SPRING SEMESTER 2010: Systematic Theology, Dr. Duane Priebe (3 semester hours) Lutheran Confessions, Dr. Ralph Quere (3 semester hours) All these courses meet requirements in Wartburg Seminary’s various Master of Arts and Master of Divinity degree program. For more information about these courses (including more about what the course covers and cost), visit or contact the Registrar, Kevin Anderson, at

Theological Education for Emerging Ministries (TEEM) is a program of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to prepare candidates for ordained ministry in ethnic-specific, multicultural, rural, inner-city or deaf community contexts. Students enrolled in the TEEM program take a combination of online and intensive on-campus classes. Wartburg Theological Seminary awarded 11 certificates to TEEM candidates at 2009 Commencement. FALL 2009 ONLINE COURSES FOR CEU AND CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS:

Certification Schools Schedule NOVEMBER 2-20, 2009 Week 1: LUTHEROCK, Newland, NC Weeks 2 & 3: LUTHERIDGE, Ashville, NC

Youth & Family Ministry Certification School is a 15-day training opportunity providing Biblical and theological foundations for youth workers, as well as hundreds of practical ideas for connecting with children, youth, parents, and other caring adults.

JANUARY 11 - 29, 2010 First Half: Vero Beach, FL Second Half: Luther Springs, Hawthorne, FL

MAY 3 - 21, 2010 Wartburg Theological Seminary

ENGAGING THE LETTERS OF PAUL Dr. Ray Pickett GOD AND THE WORLD IN CHRIST: THE CHRISTIAN NARRATIVE Dr. Duane Priebe HEBREW BIBLE 1 Rev. Kristine Ruffatto For more information please contact: Kristine Stache, Adjunct Professor of Distributed Education Director of WTS TEEM Program (563) 589-0200

NOV 1 - 19, 2010 Rainbow Trail, Colorado

For more information: Center for Youth Ministries, 563-589-0220,

LifeTogether | Spring 2009


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Calendar Of Events JUNE 22 – JULY 2, 2009

OCTOBER 15, 2009

Luther Academy of the Rockies

Tri-State Forum

JULY 15 – 29, 2009

OCTOBER 16, 2009


Scholarship Luncheon

SEPTEMBER 17, 2009

NOVEMBER 12, 2009

Tri-State Forum

Tri-State Forum

Kathyrn Koob

Tom Long

OCTOBER 14 – 15, 2009

NOVEMBER 14 – 16, 2009

WTS Homecoming

Considering Your Call – Conference on Ministry

Classes ending in 4 & 9

Marcus Borg

(i.e. 1979, 1984, 1989, etc.)

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