Warwickshire Scouts WISPA August 2010

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Warwickshire Scouts


Issue 87 - August 2010

Warwickshire is now Youth Led

Following the announcement on 9th July WISPA is pleased to confirm that Andy Shorter (pictured centre front) has accepted the role of County Commissioner for Warwickshire and will take over from David Bramston in midAugust after a period of induction.

Andy says 'At 25 years old I'm probably one of the youngest County Commissioners to have been appointed so I've got some challenges ahead of me, and I've a lot to learn. However, I know we have a fantastic team here in Warwickshire, delivering top class Scouting to young people, so I really can't wait to work with you all!'

Andy currently holds a number of appointments in Warwickshire, including Assist. Explorer Scout Leader in Nuneaton, Nuneaton Districts' representative on the County Executive and Warwickshire Jamboree Unit Leader.

Pictured with Andy are some of the more recent County appointments; Jane Newbould ACC International, Mike Barrett County Network Commissioner and John Walsh DC for Rugby. All of whom are under 35 years old and reflect Warwickshire's commitment to being a youth led movement.

New CC Announced | GSL Support Days | AGM 2010 | County Camp 2011

County Outlook

This is my last WISPA article. It is almost as sad as when I wore my uniform to an event the other week with no Warwickshire badge on it. The first time for 41 years (apart from when my PL Brett tore it off my uniform in a fit of rage, but that was 38 years ago and my mum soon sewed it back on again). Me and that Bear have been miles and now he's gone. Anyhow to the future, Andy has started his induction and will soon be in a position to take over from me. I wish him every success and look forward to working with him in my new capacity. Stratford's 100 year celebration was a great day attended by Tim Kidd. He proved a great hit with our young people and congratulations to all who made the event happen. The Jamboree Unit has had two training camps, they seem a great bunch and are enjoying being together.

Chairman's Corner We have been saying for some time there were going to be a number of changes to the way the County was run and how true that statement has proven to be. You know Dave Bramston has been awarded the role of Regional Commissioner and so Warwickshire, after working through an in depth selection process, has a new County Commissioner - Andy Shorter. I am sure that all who have experienced Dave's style of leadership will affirm he is very much a 'hands on' type of guy who has promoted his vision of the future for Warwickshire Scouting with enthusiasm. His Friday afternoon calls were a feature of his style and he always managed to keep in touch with the frontline of Scouting, the members and leaders. I'm sure you will all join me in wishing him the same success in his new role as he had with Warwickshire. (Although it may take him some time to bring his other counties up to our standards)!

One last favour if you are a GSL. Please get yourself booked on the DC/GSL day on the 12th February 2011 ASAP. Places are going fast and you will gain much from attending. If you are a leader please ask your DC/GSL if they are booked on, if the answer is no, offer to do it for them!

Onto the future, I'm positive that in Andy we will experience a different style of management. To achieve his goals he will need our support, especially in the early days. I have no doubt we are in for an exciting time as the handover takes place but, as always, I'm sure we will embrace the change.

I have really enjoyed my time as County Commissioner, it has not always been easy but the support you have given me has been amazing. We have had a few downs but mainly we have had great fun and laughs making Warwickshire the place to enjoy “Premier Scouting.� The Warwickshire County team are a bunch we should be rightly proud of.

All adults in Warwickshire have an ideal opportunity to join us in celebrating Dave's time as our CC as well as welcoming Andy at the County AGM. It will be held on 22 September at Volvo, Wedgenock Lane Warwick from 7.30pm. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible there.

Thank you and keep up the great work.

Sid Russell | County Chairman


PS Dave....Did I mention we increased our membership 4.1% last year!

County AGM 22nd September

Celebrating Dave's years as

5 CC

When Dave Bramston was appointed in 2005 he had a clear vision of turning Warwickshire into a well focused County delivering 'premium' Scouting. He has striven to appoint the right people to the right roles and never shied away from 'difficult decisions'. Those who work closely with him have found his style refreshingly direct. He makes everyone feel supported through regular personal contact and he has worked tirelessly for Warwickshire. He could never do anything that wasn't ‘right’ and his many hours of work are probably known best to Jo-ann & Gemma, who have supported him all the way. Dave's biggest strength is his empowerment of the people around him. He sees their positive points and builds on them, enabling different characters to work together in his team. Looking back over the past 5 years that empowerment has resulted in a variety of county wide or section specific high profile events. These range from the Centenary Celebrations at Warwick Castle, 5 District camp, Scouting 101, LookOut to Explor09. He has brought the County to a point where these events are the norm. ‘Get In...’ being a prime example of Dave's style which has put DC's front and centre of creating this camp. Warwickshire has grown every year since David has been CC, with many new sections and several Groups opening. The old cry of 'we can't get leaders' is fading each year. Dave cares for everyone as fully rounded people not just as Scouters. He measures a meetings' success by the volume of laughter. He always advocates a work life balance with family first, followed by work and fitting Scouting in if there is any time left. He believes passionately in the value of Scouting for young people, reckoning that he owes a lot for what it did for him in his youth. He has been a strong advocate in ensuring young people's voices are heard and valued and at most high profile events young people are fully involved.

Dave has achieved his vision and much more. We wish him every success in the future and a huge THANK YOU from everyone in Warwickshire.

Leamington Cubs Pirate Fun!

Beaver Medieval Fun Day Warwickshire Beaver Scouts enjoyed a fantastic & sunny day of fun in July at Coton in Rugby. Leaders worked hard from early morning to set up bases ready for the 250 Beavers attending. The Beavers enjoyed a wide range of activities including chocolate apple eating, water bomb blasting, Falconry, medieval food tasting, go cart racing, dragon riding, bouncy castles, sling shots and lots more. The day was brilliantly organised, so a huge thank you to all the Districts for providing bases, they were fantastic and a great example of District working together. Thanks to the Leaders and Helpers, without you the boys and girls would not be able to take part in such fantastic days having wonderful Scouting adventures. Thanks also to the Fellowship for the much needed refreshments. We all made lots of 'Friends' and we certainly had lots of 'Fun'. We came 'Prepared' to have a really good time and that is what we had. Brilliant!

Linda Jones | ADCB Leamington

187 Cubs from Leamington District spent a weekend under canvas recently at Rough Close, for the pirate themed Cub camp. 11 packs attended, taking part in a range activity bases, such as: canon making, cooking on an open fire, a gun-carriage run, a water slide relay and making lots of pirate things. On the Saturday night we dressed up as pirates and took part in the Leamington Cubs Have Talent with pirate based acts. Great fun was had by all! Mike

Cubs 'Fun in the Sun' 208 Cubs escaped to a land locked beach at the Alfrey Activity Centre for sun, sea and fresh air. Unfortunately the tide was out all weekend! With over 20 different activities to offer from climbing to a greasy pole, water cannons to a, Bush Tucker trial and not forgetting a beach patrol and our very own beach to build giant sandcastles. Thanks to Barretts and the team for racking out the 20 tonne of sand. If you are interested in helping out at these events or finding out more about what we do at the activity centre, then email: manager@broadwatersc.co.uk

| 24th September - WANG | Network Forum | Dale Street Church, Leamington Spa | 7 - 9.30pm

Nuneaton North investing Lucy whilst she tested her balancing skills standing up in a canoe!

Asthma - Children with Asthma should be able to join in with everything A boy died of asthma after being left for hours at school. Do take symptoms seriously and don't leave the youngster unattended for hours! • Asthma is usually well controlled, but can be sudden and serious; • The presenting symptom of asthma in children is usually persistent cough; • Scouts go outdoors, but common triggers are exercise, pollens, grass cuttings and smoke. Advice adapted from Asthma UK: Immediate access to reliever medication is essential. Youngsters should carry their own inhaler as soon as everyone agrees they are mature enough. When out or away, leaders should carry a labelled spare. What to do if someone has an asthma attack: • Keep calm. • Encourage the young person to sit up and slightly forward - do not hug or lie them down. • Make sure the young person takes two puffs of reliever inhaler (usually blue) immediately. • Ensure tight clothing is loosened. • Reassure. If there is no immediate improvement: Ensure the young person takes one puff of reliever inhaler every minute for five minutes or until symptoms improve.

Call 999 if: • The young person's symptoms do not improve in 5-10 minutes. • The young person is too breathless or exhausted to talk. • The young person's lips are blue. • You are in doubt. Ensure the young person takes one puff of their reliever inhaler every minute until the ambulance arrives. Remember - people with Asthma should be able to join in with everything. See also Factsheet FS250018 Anne Howe | Special Needs Co-ordinator

Stratford Celebrate 100 years! Stratford District recently gathered for a wonderful day of fun, challenges in baking sunshine. Activities ranged from circus skills to stocks and ended with a centenary afternoon tea with cakes laid out in the shape of 100. Guests included Tim Kidd Chief Commissioner for Scouts (England), David Bramston and a number of local councillors. Tim Kidd said “What a wonderful experience and a great start to the Centenary year in Stratford on Avon”. Gill Turner District Commissioner said “A fantastic day with so many boys and girls in scouting enjoying a challenging fun day”. And Beaver Scout was heard to say “It was all so great, wonderful when can we do it again”. For Adult Training Dates check www.warwickshirescouts.org.uk/calendar/

Group Scout Leaders & DC Forums All GSL’s and DC’s in Warwickshire are encouraged to end one of these workshops. The purpose is to hear from the UK Chief Commissioner about progress towards our 2018 vision and to hear your views and to help shape the future work and support.

DC's and GSL's Working Together Designed to focus the thoughts of DCs and GSLs on the way the two roles work together and the value in developing a strong working relationship.

Role of the GSL -To help you understand the role if you are newly appointed. It will help you review and refresh your approach to the role if you have been a GSL for some East Midlands - 20th Nov 10 time. Using practical and real examples and input from other GSL we will look at six key West Midlands -12th Feb 11 areas that will help to make you more Attendees will have the option of attending 3 of the effective, your role more enjoyable and your leaders feel better supported. following workshops: Engaging With Parents - provide with practical new ideas to encourage better support from parents /guardians. This session will use real-life examples of how resources, approaches and events can help you recruit quality new adults in a variety of roles. The session also highlights the impact of using parents to effectively involve other parents and adults to volunteer.

Please note that the session content will be able to be delivered at either entry level or advanced level for those who have been post a while. www.scouts.org.uk/gslanddcdays

Effective Reviews - Opening up debates and concerns around the review process to help you unpack what you need to do to carry out positive reviews that help contribute to supportive working relationships and set positive goals for the future.

Kenilworth Scouts Big Adventure

Kevin Perks gets to grips with activities!

On 26th June we held a Human Monopoly event for Scout Troops. Scouts spent 2 hours visiting properties on the Monopoly board around Kenilworth before returning to Castle Farm for more fun. On arrival at each property the Scouts answered a question to gain points and leaders were placed around town with Chance & Community Chest cards. Afterwards, parents came along for a Big Adventure BBQ. During which a Scout v Parents rounders match took place. It was amazing to see Scouts compete against each other and then be united together during the rounders match. During the evening parents learnt more about Scouting and what we do as Leaders. The evening was a great success and plans are in place to run it annually for the Scout section. For more information contact: Chris Barnwell 01926 851693 WASU BARBECUE - 4th September - see ACTIVE SUPPORT web page

News: Water Orton & Coleshill Carnival Fun

Safeguarding Up-date:

Water Orton Beavers & Cubs plus Coleshill Scouts decorated a float for the local carnival in June. This was the second time the two groups had worked together as they meet in the same HQ in Water Orton.

Updated Child Protection Policy: January 2010 edition of POR includes a number of changes to the Child Protection Policy in areas such as the use of alcohol on Scouting activities* and the creation of the Safeguarding Awareness Coordinator role (that's me!)

All 22 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts had a great time on the back of the lorry. There can't be many Groups who have pitched a patrol tent on the back of a lorry!

New Yellow Card - 4th edition: An updated Yellow Card now incorporates 'neglect'. You should get yours with the August/September issue of Scouting along with an article highlighting the change.

Trevor Weston | GSL Neather Whitacre

Safeguarding training at appointment review: All those subject to an appointment review must have completed safeguarding training within the period of their appointment. Please ask your training manager to book me in to deliver training to you locally! Keeping Children Safe - online: This training package is now available online for just ÂŁ4 (plus VAT) and can be used as an alternative to receiving the safeguarding training.

WAGS 40th Show - we need a cast!

ThinkUKnow training: I am trained to deliver these materials to Scouts (and leaders to raise awareness). Over 3,000 young people in Scouting have now completed ThinkUKnow.

The next WAGS show in 2011 will be our 40th. The programme is well advanced and plans for rehearsals in the autumn are coming together. The show will not be a trip down memory lane but looking forward to the next 40 years. But we can't do the show without a cast. Any of our members can take part in the show.

Please do make contact with me: haywardhouse@sky.com

Dates for Auditions/first rehearsals are given below.

a Scouting activity & must not permit young people (aged under 18 years) to consume alcohol on Scouting activities.

Wed 22 September 7.30 pm - Dance Team (aged between 14 and 25 on 26 September 2010) Sun 26 September 2pm - Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Network Scout, and Leaders

Mike Hayward Safeguarding Awareness Coordinator

*Adults must not consume alcohol when they are directly responsible for young people on

Sun 7 November 2pm - Cubs Beavers - January date to be announced For more information see the WAGS page on www.warwickshirescouts.org.uk or contact me on wagscontact@aol.com Nigel Hailey

Motivat10n - Explorer Camp - 17/19 Sept 2010

John Gordon Richards - 1928-2010

Diary Dates:

Gordon joined 3rd Nuneaton as a Wolf Cub in the 1930's, becoming a Rover Scout before enlisting into the army aged 17. During his life he 'Scouted' in Nuneaton, Sheffield and Chesterfield before moving back to Atherstone with Alma, his wife. By 1971 Gordon was DC for Atherstone before being appointed CC of Warwickshire in the mid-1980's. In time he set up our County Scout Fellowship with Les Alfrey and he was also an early member of the Griffin Fellowship. In 1990, while also holding the role of County Chairman, Gordon was made an Honorary Scouter of Warwickshire as a thank you. His outstanding work in Scouting was rewarded in 1994 with the Silver Wolf. One of Gordon's main interests in his latter Scouting years was his Museum of Scout & Guide memorabilia. With the help of the County Fellowship this was exhibited all over the county before coming to rest at the Alfrey Activity Centre. The full tribute to Gordon can be read on the County website.

2010 4 Sept - WASU BBQ 17-19 Sept - Motivat10n | Explorers 22 Sept - County AGM, Volvo Warwick 24 Sept - WANG | Network 2 Oct - Frank Latcham Trophy | Cubs 1-3 Oct - NKA Weekend | Alfrey Centre 9-10 Oct - Cub Leaders Weekend 13-14 Nov - Bear Trek Scouts 21 Nov - E.Midlands ACC Development Advice & Support Days 20 Nov - E.Midlands - Group Scout Leaders & DC Forums 2011 12 Feb - W.Midlands GSL & DC Forums 13 Feb - W.Midlands ACC Development Advice & Support Days For more information & specific training details please consult the County website calendar.

Geoff Russell | County Scout Fellowship

County useful numbers: County Commissioner CC Designate

David Bramston Andy Shorter

01926 498168 02476 328166

County contacts can be downloaded by login to www.warwickshirescouts.org.uk - members directory

MOTIVAT10N motiv8-2010

Notice of Annual General Meeting | Wed 22nd September - 7.30pm Volvo, Wedgenock Lane, Warwick CV34 5YA | Everyone Welcome

Do you want to:

£30 per person (Fully Catered)

• • • •

Team build with the leaders in your Group? Learn some new skills? Swap programme ideas with other leaders? Try all those activities you don't get chance to when you're at camp? • Validate training module or gain some continued learning? We've got a weekend every bit as fun and exciting as those we arrange for Cubs & Scouts only there's one little difference - it's not for kids, it's for you the adults!

17 to 19 September 2010 FINAL PAYMENT NOW DUE Cub Leaders & Helpers Training Weekend for all adults at Alfrey Activity Centre 9th-10th October 2010

FREE for more information call Graham on 01926 431384


Next WISPA deadline: NOTE DATE CHANGE: 1st October2010 - all articles & adverts. If your Group needs a website. Contact: Alan Peedle - 5 Broomybank, Kenilworth CV8 2SF | 01926 851195 | alan@acstededesign.co.uk

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