WS WISPA Feb 2012

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Warwickshire Scouts

Issue 93 - February 2012

Atherstone Cub Scout saves grandfather’s life

A nine old Cub Scout used the fist aid skills he learned in Scouting to save his grandfather’s life. Lewis’s grandfather, Graham, who suffers from varicose veins and a mild form of haemophilia, knocked his leg whilst his grandson was visiting and began to bleed severely from one of his veins. He called out for help and quick thinking Lewis ran to the bathroom to fetch a bundle of toilet roll and used it to apply pressure to the injury and slow the bleeding. Reassuring his granddad he said ‘Don’t panic, I have learned about this at Cubs’. Flexible Scouting | Occasional Helpers | DofE update | County Activity Day

Welcome to WISPA! Well it’s a new year and Scouting has a new volunteer! I’m sure you’ll all join me in welcoming HRH the Duchess of Cambridge to the Scouting Family. It’s fantastic that alongside her Royal duties she has chosen to support Scouting by helping out at local Cub and Beaver Scout units. So what does this mean for us here in Warwickshire? Well hopefully not a mass of requests to transfer to North Wales Groups, but more an opportunity to get talking people talking about Scouting! What better way to start a conversation with a potential new leader or helper than by sharing this great news, and by pointing out what a fantastic example of flexible volunteering it is. Scouting is a movement, and we’re getting stronger and stronger every day. As leaders and supporters we need to adapt to this change, thinking of new ways of working, and hopefully being flexible where an interested adult cannot commit on a weekly basis. Help can come in a variety of different ways, with different skills on offer. Be it a future Queen, a TV adventurer, a plumber or a taxi driver – if they’re interested in helping Scouting let’s find a way to make that possible! So now we’re in 2012. What’s new? Well just before Christmas I announced the appointment of two new Deputy County Commissioner roles. Kerrie McCann and Andy Walker will be helping me to support the District Commissioners and County Manager roles. This does mean though that we will be looking to recruit some new hands into the roles of County Communications and County Secretary; so if you’re interested let us know! We are also working to ensure the County’s development continues at pace, and we’re looking at our team work plans to make sure we remain relevant. It’s an exciting time for Warwickshire! In 2012 you can look forward to a stronger County team, a focus on big events and providing leaders with more and more opportunities to improve their skills and advance through their module training and more clarity regarding the key areas of focus for the County’s development. For now though I hope you’ve had a fantastic start to the New Year, keep up the amazing work you are doing and most importantly – have fun! Andy

County Chairman Well once again here we are at the start of another New Year and all that it promises. I sincerely hope that you all had a great festive season and are refreshed and ready to begin a year full of adventure, fun and the enjoyment that comes from witnessing the impact you have on the young people of our County. In the past I have commented on the amount of time that you, as volunteers, give to Scouting activities. It never ceases to amaze me how everyone seems to find time in their busy schedules to create, and take part in, programmes that stretch and challenge the members of Groups throughout Warwickshire. Andy Shorter has been a positive influence in his role as County Commissioner but I’m sure he would be the first to acknowledge that his, and the County’s, success depends entirely on your input at Group & District level. The success of Scouting in the Warwickshire is entirely dependent on team work. The word “Team” encompassing everyone, including leader teams, committee members, occasional helpers & anyone who takes any part whatsoever in the provision of providing a safe environment for our members to enjoy their Scouting activities. On behalf of the County Executive Committee I should like to thank you all for your enthusiasm and look forward to working with you in 2012. Sid Russell | County Chairman

County Activity Day - 6th October 2012

Atherstone Cub Scout saves grandfather’s life continued Taking control As they were alone in the house, Lewis then directed his grandfather to keep the pressure on, while he got the phone to call 999 and went out to flag down the ambulance. Once the paramedics arrived, Lewis called his dad, and it was only later on, when the drama was over, that the gravity of the situation finally hit him. Graham was later taken to hospital to have minor treatment to the vein Skills learned in Cubs Lewis’s Cub Scout Leader, Kim Marston (and Warwickshire new ACC Beavers), is a paramedic and over the past two years her Group has been including the First Aid Staged Activity Badges in their Cub Scout programme. Most of the Cubs are now at level three.

1st Bulkington & the Giant Christingle! Ist Builkington were recently invited by Father Paul to attend the Christingle service at St. James Church. The Scouts were already working on elements of the faith and community zone in their programme so this was a great opportunity for them to make their own Christingle oranges to take along. Not to be missed out, the Explorers made a giant paper mache Christingle and made a real impact. Before the service Father Paul visited the Scout meeting to explain the meaning of Christingle and why it helps us understand of the meaning of Christmas. The packed service was a great start to Christmas and enjoyed by all. During the service £450 was raised in aid of the Children’s Society.

Kim expressed her admiration for the way that Lewis acted quickly and calmly in a stressful and potentially very serious situation, commenting: ‘Scouting is fun, adventurous and educational at all ages, and I can only say how very proud I am that one of our Cubs was able to use his knowledge to such good effect.’ And it was Lewis’ first aid skills and quick thinking that has earned him recognition as Youngster of the Year from the Tamworth Herald newsdesk which awarded Lewis a special certificate.

Looking for a new challenge:

Scouts with their Christingle orange in church with Father Paul

WISPA Editor: As a result of two members of the County team taking on new roles we are looking for people join the County team to take on one of three new challenges. We are also looking for a new editor for WISPA. The County County Secretary: newsletter is published four We’re looking for an enthusiastic Scouter to lead and co-ordinate the County times a year and this role involves Secretariat. Working with the County Chairman the key challenges include calling for submissions, editing co-ordinating the team of Assistant County Secretaries to ensure the efficient copy and working with the administration of the County is maintained. designer. Communication Manager: So if you fancy a new challenge If you have great communication skills then maybe the role of Communication or if you would just like to Manager is a new adventure you are looking for. Responsible for communication find out more, please contact both inside and outside Warwickshire Scouting this role is all about getting the Andy Shorter to arrange a chat right message across in the right way. (

Beaver Leaders Weekend - 24-25 March 2012

7th Warwick success at Bisley 7th Warwick attended the 35th National Scout Rifle Championships in October and had a number of successes. 3 Explorers, 5 Scouts and 5 Leaders from the Group all took part in the various competitions on offer over the weekend which saw over 800 competitors taking part. There were some notable performances: • Matthew Banks 29th Under 14 Age Group 6 Yd Air Rifle (out of 300) • Tobias Standbridge 25th Under 12 Age Group 6yd Air Rifle • Benjamin Oliver 38th Under 12 Age Group 6yd Rifle • Joseph Banks 44th Under 18 Age Group Full Bore Rifle (Beginner) • David Oliver 29th Over 18 Age Group 6 yd Air Pistol & 30th Over 18 Age Group 6 yard Air Rifle • David Standbridge 37th Over 18 Age Group 6 yard Air Rifle Plus, leader Denise Robbins proved to be the best Field Target shooter amongst the Group hitting the most targets and achieving 75th place. Five leaders contributed to the running of the weekend by undertaking a total of 37.15 hours of range officer duties between them in addition to looking after the young people. (Not unusual as every adult attending had to contribute duties as well as taking part in their own shooting competitions.) I must say that it was probably one of the most enjoyable Scouting events that I have taken part in and I can honestly say that the young people attending were a credit to the Group and District. I am trying hard to think of another sporting event that would provide an opportunity for an 11 year old Scout (my son) to take part in a competition literally alongside a young man who has represented Great Britain at international shooting events. I would thoroughly recommend the event to any other Group considering taking part, so if you would like to know more please contact me. David Oliver | 7th Warwick

Swebbelli Racing ESU gains New Sponsor Swebbelli Racing Explorer Scout Unit recently welcomed Schwalbe as their tyre sponsor for the 2012 British Pedal Car Championship season. Schwalbe is Europe’s market leading bicycle tyre brand will be supplying the team directly with its Durano tyres for the coming season in a deal which will, for the first time, allow the team to prepare the cars to the best standards possible for the start of each race. The Unit, the racing team of Rugby Explorer Scouts, last year achieved their highest overall race finish – 2nd place at the Solihull Sprints – together with two further podium finishes which led to third place overall in the championship. This is the highest ever result achieved by an Explorer Scout pedal car team in open competition. Team manager, Jacob Spencer, said: ‘It is going to be hard for the team to improve on their 2011 results, but Swebbelli are putting everything into their 2012 campaign and are working towards a full shake down of all the cars in mid-February. Having Schwalbe on board will massively improve their chances. The team has run on a shoe-string but this deal will enable us to fit new tyres at the start of each race weekend rather than run with old ones and simply have to hope they last!’

New Groups Two brand new Scout Groups are starting up in Warwick and Leamington. These new Groups will provide opportunities for more young people to enjoy the adventures of Scouting in the two Districts. Both groups are launching at Easter, after a rapid start-up beginning only in late November last year. How can they do it? We’ll have more on this in the next issue of WISPA.

Cub Leaders Weekend - 17-18 November 2012

Scouts and Guides take to the stage! Warwickshire Scouts and Guides will again be presenting WAGS at the Royal Spa Centre, Leamington Spa, from 20 - 25 February. Evening performances at 7.15pm and a matinee on the Saturday at 2:30pm. 41 years old WAGS promises to be as fresh and exciting as ever; the Beaver Scouts are superheroes, the Cubs journey to Space, the rest of the Gang give spine chilling items, comedy sketches, singing and dancing to music old and new. Plus each show will feature a Scout(s) showing off the talent we have around the County. It is year for hellos and goodbyes, Paul Clark has taken over as Producer and Helen Wilkes will be retiring after 41 years as choreographer! Tickets are available now and a booking form is enclosed, or details of how to purchase tickets can be found on the County website. WAGS is a great evening out for you, your family or the Scout Group. The Gang have been rehearsing hard and hope to see you.

Occasional Helpers & Sectional Assistants – What’s the difference? Who are Occasional Helpers? An Occasional Helper is anyone who is required to complete a Criminal Records check but who is not taking on a formal appointment in Scouting. If anyone is helping in a Section on a regular basis, they should be encouraged to become a Sectional Assistant or Scout Active Support Member rather than an Occasional Helper. What are the differences between these roles? The key differences are that Sectional Assistants and Scout Active Support Members receive a number of additional benefits including Scouting magazine, Scouting Plus, a higher level of insurance coverage and training to support them in their role. They also accrue service for their role in Scouting. What about Executive Committee Members? These are also formal appointments and should not be recorded as Occasional Helpers. It is important that they complete the Adult Application (AA) or Change of Role (CR) Form to ensure that they read and sign the charity trustee declaration. For further information look up the following resources on • Occasional Helpers on Member Resources • Criminal Records Check factsheet • Appointment Forms

Stop Press The Managers and Supporters Training weekend recently held by Warwickshire’s Training Team was a great success. Look out in the next issue for a report on this weekend.

Cub General Knowledge Quiz - 25th November 2012

Award Congratulations: Congratulations to Sarah Ives and Freya Shuttleworth of Stratford’s TRED Explorers in Stratford, both recently completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Also to Joshua Doick of Nuneaton District DofE Unit, on the completion of his Silver Award.

Flexibility is the key! Not many people will have missed the news that HRH The Duchess of Cambridge has become Scouting’s newest volunteer and will help at local

Nuneaton & District Scout & Guide Gang Show 2012 Nuneaton Scouts collect their Santa outfits ready for the show. Performances evenings Tuesday 20th March to Saturday 24th, plus Saturday matinee at the Nuneaton Abbey Theatre. Tickets available from Sandra Walsh on 02476 490449.

Cub packs and Beaver colonies in North Wales. What a great talking point to engage parents, friends and others in a conversation about volunteering time for Scouting. In 2011 we had significant success in all Districts recruiting occasional helpers, particularly to support Groups at Get In. Have you kept in touch with those supporters? Why not plan to include them in activities this year? On hearing the news about Scouting royal recruit Chief Scout Bear Grylls said: ‘The Duchess has an incredibly busy life, which makes it all the more inspiring that she has chosen to volunteer alongside us. Over the last few years it has been our mission to make it easier for adults who volunteer with us to give as much or as little as they are able – it is how we change our society: many people doing a little bit.’

Nuneaton Beavers Christmas Party Beavers from around Nuneaton gathered together at the 1st Nuneaton HQ for a day of fun with Mr Wolley who taught them lots of circus skills. Later they had a visit from Santa who gave them all a present.

In Warwickshire we have continued to grow both young people numbers and our adult leadership, yet we still have significant waiting lists. ‘Many hands make light work’ so with the demands of modern life often meaning it’s harder for people to find time to volunteer think about sharing roles between several adults to make it work.

New DC for Leamington Tim Thorpe is approaching the end of his term as DC for Leamington District. His successor was announced by the County Commissioner at the recent District Awards Evening. Ann Howe, who is currently a Beaver Scout Leader in Leamington and is the County’s Special Needs Advisor, will take on the new challenge over the next few months.

Bear Trek - 17-18 November 2012

Explor11 Volunteering within Scouting All levels of the Award Scheme require young people to volunteer their time within the community. Scouting can offer our young people many opportunities but we are also asked to provide volunteer placements to young people who are not members of Scouting. The following information will be useful to leaders of all sections if you are asked to sign-off a book for DofE. The requirements to complete the community service section are as follows: The candidate will need to attend as a helper or young leader for anything between 3 and 18 months, depending on the award level. They are required to undertake some form of training in order to complete this section satisfactorily. Young Leaders already within Scouting If you choose to do your Volunteering as a Young Leader / adult leader then you will need to have completed either Module A of the Young Leaders’ Scheme or the Getting Started Modules of the Adult Training Scheme. In addition you will need at each level to complete at least 2 hours of training appropriate to your role (this is not cumulative). Non-members completing the Volunteering Section within Scouting Non-members may only work within Scouting (as non members) for the period required for this section as either a young leader or adult leader working directly with a section. During this period they may operate as any other young leader with that section and will be required to complete the training requirements (module A or Getting Started + 2 hours of training appropriate to the role). Throughout this period they will be insured and may operate within the section as if they were members (this includes taking part in camps etc, but does not include taking part in the wider Explorer Scout programme or acting as service crew at a campsite). An over-18 wanting to take this option is required to undergo the normal safeguarding checks (personal enquiry and CRB).

Late last year, hundreds of Explorers from all corners of the County descended on Dale Street Church in Leamington for an amazing evening just for Explorer Scouts. Each District provided an activity base with other bases provided by outside agencies. Explorers got an insight into everything from soap box racing to sexual health, D of E to Crazy Golf. It was an opportunity to make new friends and meet many old friends whilst enjoying superb refreshments. It was also an opportunity for the Jo-ann to hand over the reins of the section to Steve Bennett, the new ACC Explorer Scouts. Jo-ann was presented with a bouquet of flowers as a token of appreciation. Also during the evening Regional Commissioner, Dave Bramston, presented two Queens Scout Awards to Debbie and Danielle Finnessy. This was an excellent event made possible by a wide number of ADCs, leaders and supporters. Thank you to everyone who made it possible.

If anyone has a volunteer helper or young leader working towards their DofE and needs some help in supporting them please contact me. Helen Heenan | County DofE Advisor

Motivate 2012 - 21-23 September | Beaver Fun Day - 16 June 2012

County useful numbers:

Dairy Dates:

See website for info

8 Apr - Submission of papers – County Exec 18 Apr - County Exec meeting 24/25 Mar - Beaver Leader weekend 26/27 May - Scout Leader weekend 16 Jun - County Beaver Fun Day 21/23 Sep - Motivate 2012 6 Oct - County Activity Day 17/18 Nov - Bear Trek For more information & specific training details please consult the County website calendar.

County Activity Day Saturday 6th October 2012 Remember what a great time we had at Get In? Well we’re back for more action! An exciting day of fun and activity for all members of Warwickshire and Solihull Scouting. Something for everyone from the youngest Beaver Scout to the oldest Leader. Book the date into your programme diary now, more information and booking details will be circulated very soon.

MOTIVATION 21-23 September 2012

Next Issue May 2012 - submissions by 7th April 2012 - all articles & adverts. Contact: Alan Peedle 5 Broomybank, Kenilworth. CV8 2SF | 01926 851195 |

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