Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 10, March 05, 2021

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Deputy Mayor John Falcicchio, who also serves as Mayor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t the time the mayor’s office announced that the Reeves Center redevelopment '*;=#&#B*.$<./8#()+#*'%#&'#&/#34567#;%/"%+1 project was moving forward, Falcicchio told the Washington Blade the mayor’s office Japer Bowles, who serves as coordinator of the LGBTQ+ Budget Coalition, said he would consider a proposal to assist the LGBT Center in finding a new location when the &/<#)"=%+'#?)+@./8#)/#,$&/'#()+#"=%#%R,&/<%<#;)--*/.">#;%/"%+#%R,%;"#-&/>#-)+%# G%%A%'#2%/"%+#;$)'%'1 $);&$#34567#)+8&/.9&".)/'#")#B%;)-%#,&+"#)(#&/#%R,&/<%<#;%/"%+1 A spokesperson for the mayor’s office couldn’t immediately be reached for comment D6=%'%#&+%#"=%#()+Q'*+%#()*+#)+8&/.9&".)/'#"=&"#&+%#./"%+%'"%<:I#5)?$%'#'&.<#./#+%(%++./8# )/#"=%#34567#;)&$.".)/C'#+%S*%'"#()+#&/#./.".&$#OP#-.$$.)/#;&,."&$#%R,%/'%#$./%#."%-#()+#"=%# ")# "=%# 02# 2%/"%+:# 2&'&# G*B>:# 2&,."&$# F+.<%# !$$.&/;%:# &/<# G&./B)?# H&-.$.%'# "=&"# &+%# 3456#2%/"%+#,+)\%;"#./#"=%#;.">C'#H.';&$#U%&+#JVJJ#B*<8%"1 ,*'=./8#()+#&#/%?#'=&+%<#;)--*/.">#;%/"%+#B*.$<./81 Bowles said coalition members were contacting the offices of D.C. Council members 2&,."&$#F+.<%#!$$.&/;%#=&'#)+8&/.9%<#"=%#;.">C'#&//*&$#2&,."&$#F+.<%#F&+&<%#&/<#H%'".A&$# ")#*+8%#"=%-#")#'*,,)+"#"=%#B*<8%"#+%S*%'"1#6=%#2)*/;.$#-*'"#8.A%#&,,+)A&$#()+#"=%# &$)/8#?."=#)"=%+#F+.<%Q+%$&"%<#%A%/"'#()+#-&/>#>%&+'1#G&./B)?#H&-.$.%'#.'#&#A)$*/"%%+Q ;.">C'# B*<8%"1# a%# '&.<# 2)*/;.$# -%-B%+# G)B%+"# N=."%# b0Q!"Q3&+8%c# =&'# %R,+%''%<# led nonprofit group that provides support and services for LGBTQ families, including '*,,)+"#()+#"=%#,+),)'&$1 !" #$ !%&'( ) %* %+$ ,#-%./0%1.12%* %($ ) -3&45" &6!$ 7'8 #" + % *% ! "

Levine fends off anti-trans attacks in historic confirmation hearing 4%+3'?"6&,-'T:%+8%7'/6.*&".*0+,'G6%-.*0+*+:'7%)%"&-'=*"!"#$%&'(#)*%+(*+#,#-./012/13452067589:-/;

!"#$%&' (%)*+%,-' .%-.*/0+1' *+' .$%' 2343' 4%+".%' 0+' 5$67-8"1' marked the historic first time "+' 09%+&1' .7"+-:%+8%7' 9%7-0+' had taken part in a confirmation $%"7*+:' ;07' "' 97%-*8%+.*"&' "990*+./%+.<' =6.' "&-0' ;%".67%8' ".."#>-' ":"*+-.' .7"+-:%+8%7' 106.$' "+8' */9&*#*.' "+*/0-*.1' .0' $%7':%+8%7'*8%+.*.13 4%+3'!"+8'?"6&'@!AB13C<'87"D*+:' 0+' 7*:$.AD*+:' "+*/6-' .0D"78' Levine filling social media, made $*-' )*%D-' .0D"78' "' .7"+-:%+8%7' +0/*+%%' #&%"7' =1' -*/9&1' -.".*+:' .$%' 9$7"-%' E:%+*."&' /6.*&".*0+F' with an inflection at the start of 9:;;<=>?@;A@!%:BC:D@C=!EF!&:@>DG!#$%&'()('*+,'!G@<!H::;!;EIA;@D:J! $*-'G6%-.*0+*+:3 DE!H:BEI:!@<<A<D@;D!<:BC:D@C=!EF!G:@>DG0!!K%BC::;!B@LDMC:!?A@!1%9$(N EH/%7*#"+' #6&.67%' *-' +07/"&*I*+:'.$%'*8%"'.$".'/*+07-' #"+' =%' :*)%+' $07/0+%-' .0' 97%)%+.' .$%*7' =*0&0:*#"&' 8%)%&09/%+.' "+8' .$%*7' -%#0+8"71'-%J6"&'#$"7"#.%7*-.*#-<F'?"6&'&"/%+.%83 K6%-.*0+*+:' (%)*+%' "=06.' 106.$' 6+8%7:0*+:' :%+8%7' .7"+-*.*0+<' ?"6&' #0+8%/+%8' #$"+:*+:' -0#*"&' +07/-' "+8' .$%' *8%"' /*+07-' -$06&8' .">%' $07/0+%-'E.0'97%)%+.'.$%*7'=*0&0:*#"&'8%)%&09/%+.'"+8'.$%*7'-%#0+8"71'-%J6"&' #$"7"#.%7*-.*#-3F (%)*+%<'$0D%)%7<'7%/"*+%8'90*-%8'"+8'90&*.%&1'*+;07/%8'?"6&'.7"+-:%+8%7' /%8*#"&'*--6%-'"7%'E#0/9&%J<” and said she would look forward, if confirmed, to coming to his office to work with him and discuss the issues. ETransgender medicine is a very complex, and nuanced field,” Levine -"*83' EAnd if confirmed to be assistant Secretary of Health, I would certainly be pleased to come to your office and talk with you and your staff about the standards of care and the complexity of this field.” L6.'?"6&'D06&8+,.'&%.'69<'"##6-*+:'(%)*+%'0;'$")*+:'E%)"8%8'.$%'G6%-.*0+<F' "+8'#7*.*#*I%8'$%7';07'"'97%)*06-'-.".%/%+.'*+'D$*#$'-$%<'"##078*+:'.0'?"6&<'-"*8' -$%,-'ED*&&*+:'.0'"##%&%7".%'.$%'970.0#0&-';07'-.7%%.'>*8-3F'M0+N67*+:'."&%-'0;'"' .%%+":%7' D$0' .7"+-*.*0+%8<' .$%+' 8%A.7"+-*.*0+%8<' "+8' 0.$%7' 106.$-' E/">*+:' 8%#*-*0+-' .0' "/96.".%' .$%*7' =7%"-.-<' 07' .0' "/96.".%' .$%*7' :%+*."&*"<F' "->%8' (%)*+%'*;'/*+07-'E-$06&8'=%'*+)0&)%8F'*+'/">*+:'.$%-%'8%#*-*0+-3 Levine, however, stood firm and repeated her previous response about .7"+-:%+8%7'/%8*#"&'*--6%-'=%*+:'#0/9&%J3 ?"6&<' "' 9$1-*#*"+' $*/-%&;<' #"&&%8' ;07' %+.%7*+:' *+.0' .$%' 7%#078' (%)*+%' 8*8+,.' "+-D%7' .$%' G6%-.*0+<' .$%+' #0+.*+6%8' D*.$' "+' "88*.*0+"&' 8*".7*=%' "=06.' .7"+-:%+8%7'106.$3 EO%' -$06&8' =%' 06.7":%8' .$".' -0/%0+%,-' ."&>*+:' .0' "' .$7%%A1%"7A0&8' "=06.' #$"+:*+:'.$%*7'-%J<F'?"6&'#0+#&68%83 M0/*+:' .0' (%)*+%,-' 8%;%+-%' D"-' 4%+3' ?"..1' P677"1<' #$"*7' 0;' .$%' 4%+".%' Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions, who admonished Paul to .7%".'+0/*+%%-'=%;07%'.$%'#0//*..%%'D*.$'7%-9%#.3 EIt is really critical to me that our nominees be treated with respect and that our questions focus on their qualifications and the work ahead of us, rather than *8%0&0:*#"&' "+8' $"7/;6&' /*-7%97%-%+.".*0+-' &*>%' .$0-%' $%"78' ;70/' 4%+3' ?"6&' %"7&*%7<F'(%)*+%'-"*83 Ruben Gonzales, executive director of LGBTQ Victory Institute, also #0+8%/+%8' ?"6&,-' $0-.*&*.1' .0' (%)*+%' 0+' .7"+-:%+8%7' 106.$' *+' "' -.".%/%+.<' -"1*+:' .$%' G6%-.*0+*+:' 8%/0+-.7".%-' $%' E80%-' +0.' 8%-%7)%' .0' $0&8' 96=&*#' office.” EHis remarks echo the talking points of the same organizations who said gay men deserved AIDS and that LGBTQ people should be criminalized,” Gonzalez "88%83' EHe explicitly attacked vulnerable trans youth for his own perceived political gain and it was a disgrace. Dr. Levine is an extremely qualified nominee D$0-%' %J9%7*%+#%' #"+' $%&9'H/%7*#"' %;;%#.*)%&1' ."#>&%' .$*-' 9"+8%/*#<' =6.' $%' .00>'.$*-'09907.6+*.1'.0':*)%')0*#%'.0'$".%':7069-'*+-.%"83F Aside from Paul, the questioning from senators — Democratic or Republican — stayed away from transgender issues and sought clarification on how her work "-'?%++-1&)"+*"'-%#7%."71'0;'-.".%'D06&8'.7"+-&".%'.0'.$%'70&%'-$%,-'-%%>*+:'"-' "--*-."+.'-%#7%."71';07'$%"&.$3 (%)*+%<' *+' $%7' 09%+*+:' -.".%/%+.<' D$*#$' D"-' $"&.%8' /0/%+."7*&1' =1'

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microphone difficulties, sought to demonstrate her qualifications for the role D*.$' %J"/9&%-' 0;' $%7' &0+:' /%8*#"&' 9%8*:7%%<' -6#$' "-' =%*+:' "' 970;%--07' 0;' 9%8*".7*#-'"+8'9-1#$*".71'".'.$%'?%++'4.".%'M0&&%:%'0;'P%8*#*+%3 EThroughout my medical career I’ve been particularly invested in health issues that are at the intersection of physical and behavioral health and I brought that %J9%7.*-%'.0'96=&*#'$%"&.$'"+8'"887%--*+:'-6=-."+#%'6-%'8*-078%7-<F'(%)*+%'-"*83 Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor & ?%+-*0+-'M0//*..%%<'9"*8'$%%8'*+'$%7'09%+*+:'-.".%/%+.'.0'.$%'$*-.07*#'+".67%' of Levine’s confirmation hearing. “I’ve always said our government should represent the people it serves and the nomination of Dr. Levine, who would make history as the highest ranking openly transgender official in the U.S. government, brings bring us a step closer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offices, a number of presidential and secretarial advisory committees, 10 regional health offices across the nation, and the Office of the Surgeon General and the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Joining Levine as a fellow nominee during the confirmation hearing was R*)%>'P679$1<'D$0/'?7%-*8%+.'L*8%+'$"-'+0/*+".%8';07'2343'-67:%0+':%+%7"&' after having served in the role during the Obama administration. Raising LGBTQ issues in a positive way was Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), the first out lesbian elected to the U.S. Senate, who asked Levine about improving LGBTQ health equity. In response, Levine said data collection is key, noting under her watch Pennsylvania became the first state to collect data on whether #070+")*76-'9".*%+.-'*8%+.*;1'"-'(QL5K3 “It is critically important that we include questions about sexual orientation "+8' :%+8%7' *8%+.*.1' *+' 067' 8"."' #0&&%#.*0+<F' (%)*+%' -"*83' E5$".' D06&8' *+#&68%' many studies done by health and human services in the CDC. And I think that "-'D%':%.'/07%'8"."'.$"+'D%'6+8%7-."+8'/07%'"=06.'.$%-%'$%"&.$'8*-9"7*.*%-' "+8'.$%+'D%'#"+'8%)%&09'.$%'"997097*".%'90&*#*%-'*+'078%7'.0'"887%--'.$%/3F Other Republicans during Levine’s confirmation hearing didn’t bring up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” H->%8'=1'L677'$0D'(%)*+%'#"+':*)%'"--67"+#%-'-$%'D0+,.'7%9%".'970=&%/-'$%' cited in Pennsylvania, Levine stood firm and suggested those issues were the 7%-6&.'0;'"'&"#>'0;':6*8"+#%';70/'.$%'576/9'"8/*+*-.7".*0+3 EO%' $"8' #$"&&%+:%-' D*.$' .%-.*+:<' D%' $"8' #$"&&%+:%-' D*.$' #0+."#.' .7"#*+:<' %.#3<F' (%)*+%' -"*83' EO%' $")%' "' &"#>' 0;' 9%7-0+"&' 970.%#.*)%' %G6*9/%+.<' "+8' "-' most other states do that were impacted in the spring. I think that the nation’s response has improved significantly and under President Biden’s leadership "+8'$*-'-.7".%:*#'9&"+'"+8'."->';07#%3F 4%+3' !0:%7' P"7-$"&&' @!AB"+-"-C' .00>' *--6%' D*.$' $%7' "9970"#$' .0' .$%' #070+")*76-'*+'.%7/-'0;'.7%".*+:'767"&'"+8'67="+'#06+.*%-<'-"1*+:'.7%".*+:'.$%/' the same “didn’t quite make sense.” However, Levine defended her approach, $*:$&*:$.*+:'.$%'7%09%+*+:'0;'=6-*+%--%-'D*.$'"'7%8<'1%&&0D<'"+8':7%%+'#08%8' -1-.%/'8%9%+8*+:'0+'.$%'9%7-*-.%+#%'0;'#070+")*76-'*+'8*;;%7%+.'#06+.*%-3 Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.), introducing Levine at the confirmation hearing, had a 8*;;%7%+.'.">%'0+'$%7'"9970"#$'.0'.$%'#070+")*76-<'97"*-*+:'$%7';07'.$%'7%-90+-%' and pointing out she was confirmed three times by a Republican-controlled -.".%'4%+".%'*+'?%++-1&)"+*"3 “When COVID-19 came to our state, Dr. Levine’s leadership was marked by clear science-based, communication, and her daily briefings, her early action or #0&&"=07".*)%'-.1&%'"+8'$%7'#"&/<'D%7%'7%#0:+*I%8'=1'.$%'/%8*#"&'#0//6+*.1<' "-'D%&&'"-'&%"8%7-'0+'=0.$'-*8%-'0;'.$%'"*-&%<F'M"-%1'-"*83

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Zero Democrats sponsor GOP compromise on LGBTQ rights !"#$%&"'#%()*+#'&,"'-*%.)"##'/0.'1++'12&'203)&".$.0$0#*+'/.04'5"$36+%2*)#'0)'789:;' .%(,&#'*)<'."+%(%03#'/.""<04'=03+<',*>"'6%$*.&%#*)'#3$$0.&'3$0)'%&#'."%)&.0<32&%0)'+*#&' Friday, the final list of original co-sponsors has no Democrats. Although the list of 21 co-sponsors is more than double the nine who supported the first iteration of the Fairness for All Act in the previous Congress, they’re entirely made up of Republicans. The absence of any Democrats dashes hopes from supporters the +"(%#+*&%0)'203+<'6"'*'#&*.&%)('$0%)&'/0.')"(0&%*&%0)#'*2.0##'&,"'*%#+"'0)'&,"'?@3*+%&A'12&' in the Senate. Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah), the chief sponsor of the bill, nonetheless hailed the -*%.)"##'/0.'1++'12&'3$0)'."%)&.0<32&%0)'*#'*'=*A'&0'6.%<("'&,"'(*$'0)'789:;'.%(,&#'*)<' religious freedom. BIt is hard to really love our neighbors when we are fighting with them over whose rights are more important,” Stewart said. B:,%#' 203)&.A' 2*)' *220440<*&"' 60&,' 2%>%+' liberties for LGBT individuals and religious freedom. We have wasted enough time, energy, and money fighting over who deserves which legal protections. It is time to define the federal protections for our LGBT and religious friends and neighbors.” :,"' -*%.)"##' /0.' 1++' 12&C' +%D"' &,"' ?@3*+%&A' 12&C' =03+<' *4")<' *++' *#$"2&#' 0/' /"<".*+' 2%>%+' .%(,&#' +*=' &0' "E$*)<' &,"' $.0,%6%&%0)' 0)' <%#2.%4%)*&%0)' *(*%)#&' 789:;' $"0$+"' %)' "4$+0A4")&C',03#%)(C'$36+%2'*220440<*&%0)#C'/"<".*++A'/3)<"<'$.0(.*4#C'"<32*&%0)C' credit, and jury service. A copy of the bill reviewed.by the Blade revealed the Fairness for All Act doesn’t have substantive changes from its previous iteration in terms of LGBTQ issues, other than clarity for protections based on race, color, and national origin. Stewart, in a statement to the Washington Blade, said he won’t give up on finding Democratic support for the legislation. BI am grateful to my colleagues who joined me today,” Stewart said. BWe are still =0.D%)('=%&,'03.'!"402.*&%2'20++"*(3"#'*)<',*>"',%(,',0$"#'&,*&'&,%#'6%++'=%++'3+&%4*&"+A' be bipartisan.” Stewart had signaled as of Wednesday via a spokesperson the Fairness for All Act B=%++',*>"'6%$*.&%#*)'#3$$0.&'6A'&,"'")<'0/'&,"'=""DF'*)<'=03+<',0+<'0//'0)'$+*)#'&0' introduce the legislation until after the U.S. House voted on the Equality Act, the flagship comprehensive bill to expand anti-discrimination principles for LGBTQ people under federal civil rights law. The House approved the Equality Act on a largely party-line vote last Thursday with little bipartisan support. Three Republicans voted for the Equality Act, compared to the eight who voted for the legislation in 2019. Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), the sponsor of the Equality Act in the House, told the Washington Blade on Thursday amid uncertainty of the legislation in the Senate the -*%.)"##'/0.'1++'12&'=03+<'Bvery clearly be worse than nothing.” BFor the first time in our history, it would actually put in federal statute provisions that permit discrimination against the LGBTQ community,” Cicilline said, BG&' =03+<' be a tremendous step backward, which is why it’s not supported by any major LGBT organization, all of the major LGBT organizations support the Equality Act. The Stewart bill is a tremendous step backward in our fight for full equality.” Asked if he has any issues with fellow Democrats co-sponsoring the Fairness for All Act, Cicilline held firm.

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BG'=03+<',0$"'&,*&'$"0$+"'=,0'*."'2044%&&"<'&0'"@3*+%&A'/0.'&,"'789:;'20443)%&A' =03+<' )0&' #3$$0.&' &,%#' 6%++' 6"2*3#"' %&' =03+<' $3&' %)' #&*&3&"' *)<' *3&,0.%H"' "E$."##+A' discrimination against the LGBTQ community,” Cicilline said. Among the co-sponsors are Republicans who voted for the Equality Act, including Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) and Tom Reed (R-N.Y.). Other co-sponsors are Republicans who voted for the Equality Act in 2019, but not 2021, including Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.). One Republican who voted twice for the Equality Act, Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.), isn’t a co-sponsor of the Fairness for All Act. 1+&,03(,' 60&,' &,"' ?@3*+%&A' 12&' *)<' &,"' -*%.)"##' /0.' 1++' 12&' =03+<' "E$*)<' &,"' prohibition on anti-LGBTQ discrimination under federal law, they have key differences. -0.' "E*4$+"C' &,"' ?@3*+%&A'12&' =03+<' #$"2%/A' &,"' IJJK' 5"+%(%03#' -.""<04' 5"#&0.*&%0)' Act couldn’t be raised as a defense in court against allegations of illegal anti-LGBTQ discrimination, but the Fairness for All Act would not. 1<<%&%0)*++AC'&,"'-*%.)"##'/0.'1++'12&'=03+<'$.0>%<"'*)'"E"4$&%0)'3)<".':%&+"'GG'0/'&,"' Civil Rights Act to allow stores, shopping centers or online retailers to refuse service to 789:;' $"0$+"' %/' &,"A' ,*>"' IL' 0.' /"=".' "4$+0A""#C' 63&' &,"' ?@3*+%&A'12&' $.0>%<"#' )0' such exemption. The Equality Act would clarify transgender people should have access &0'+02D".'.004#'*)<'6*&,.004#'20)#%#&")&'=%&,'&,"%.'(")<".'%<")&%&AC'=,%+"'&,"'-*%.)"##' for All Act implies that but doesn’t spell it out. The Equality Act is silent on whether its 6*)'0)'#"E'<%#2.%4%)*&%0)'=03+<'$.0,%6%&'4"<%2*+'$.0>%<".#'/.04'."/3#%)('&0'$"./0.4'*)' abortion, the Fairness for All Act specifies it would not. !"#$%&'(")%()

Bill to ban LGBTQ panic defense in Va. clears final hurdle Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is expected to sign a bill that would ban the so-called LGBTQ panic <"/")#"'%)',%#'#&*&"'*/&".'%&'."2"%>"<'/%)*+'*$$.0>*+'%)' the Virginia House of Delegates on Feb 26. “It’s done,” state Del. Danica Roem (D-Manassas), the bill’s sponsor, tweeted following the vote. “We’re banning the gay/trans panic defense in Virginia.” M%.(%)%*' =03+<' 6"204"' &,"' IN&,' #&*&"' &0' 6*)' *' <"/")#"' #&.*&"(A' &,*&' *##".&#' &,"' B<%#20>".AF' 0/' &,"' 789:;' %<")&%&%"#' 0/' >%2&%4#' &0' 6"' *' 2*3#"' *)<' 4%&%(*&%)(' /*2&0.' %)' &,"' >%0+")2"' 2044%&&"<' *(*%)#&' them. B789:;O' $"0$+"' *."' 6"%)(' >%0+")&+A' ,*.4"<' *)<' >%2%03#+A' 43.<"."<' #%4$+A' 6"2*3#"' 0/' =,0' ="' *."CF' said National LGBT Bar Association President Wesley Bizzell in a statement following the vote. “And the

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noxious LGBTQ ‘panic’ defense allows attackers to "#2*$"' &,"' 2.%4%)*+' #")&")2"#' &,*&' =03+<' 0&,".=%#"' 6"'%4$0#"<'0)'&,"4'P'63&'/0.'&,"'#"E3*+'0.%")&*&%0)' or gender identity of the victims.” :,"' 789:' 9*.' 1##02%*&%0)' ,*#' 6"")' +"*<%)(' &,"' "//0.&'&0'6*)'&,"'$*)%2'<"/")#"')*&%0)*++A'*)<'%)'NQIK' &,"'14".%2*)'9*.'1##02%*&%0)'3)*)%403#+A'*$$.0>"<' a resolution calling for an end to this legal strategy. D.C. passed a similar ban last year and Maryland has a version before the General Assembly this session. “We are grateful for the Virginia General Assembly’s 6%$*.&%#*)' >0&"#' 2+0#%)(' &,%#' +"(*+' +00$,0+"CF' 9%HH"++' said. “And for their commitment to making equal R3#&%2"' 3)<".' &,"' +*=' *' +%>%)(C' 6."*&,%)(' ."*+%&A' /0.' LGBTQ+ victims of violence.” *"$+$*&,-)&%+((./)

.$)$&#C+0152#$)(&#(&:#+08&#9"#'9""9"C#03&+#1"4&<94&4# 2&")$0+2#0"#671)89$:#;<$ Romney, Collins among targets of campaign to find 10 Republican votes !"#$%&'(#)*%+(*+#,#-./012/13452067589:-/;

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They are the first responders of our movement. M0E"&:=#'%0#%)2#29C")8&4#9"#)#2$)$&E&"$#$0#$%&#@8)4&#$%)$#%&#'0"G$#21550+$#$%&#671)89$:# ;"4#&3&"#)*$&+#)":#*&4&+)8#8&C928)$90"=#$%&#4&*&"2&#0*#$%02&#+9C%$2#'988#2$)+$#$%&+&-T Hutchins said the good news about state groups is they don’t require a significant Act out of concerns for insufficient protections for religious liberty in the legislation. 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With the filibuster in place, it won’t move without it.” At the end of the day, finding 10 Republican votes for the Equality Act to overcome R9889)E2#2)94#M0E"&:=#29E98)+#$0#$%&#5029$90"#%&G2#E)4&#51I89<=#$084#671)89$:#,$)%#%&# a filibuster would be a significant challenge even with a grassroots campaign with state would require “some religious accommodations or clarifications” before supporting the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support the bill — insufficient to reach 60,” Lazin added. “My best guess is that passage 5029$90"#$%&+&#92#1"*0+$1")$&=T#R9889)E2#)44&4-#SA%)"(*188:=#%&+&#9"#,$)%=#'&#21<<&22*188:# will occur when Democrats eliminate or revise the filibuster. The latter seems more 89(&8:-T 4&*&)$&4#01+#$+)"2C&"4&+#250+$2#I)"#[12$#8)2$#'&&(-T !"# $% !" &'!() * '+ '," -./'012'3034'+ ')" * /$!5#% ! 6&" 7(8 .% , ' +' ! !

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She was answering a question at a NOW/NY press conference 7C0:D@CHA%RB2*2A%B01%0%F8C=%=S<0:1-5=%9-9E=K%\$B=%(-D=C09-8:%84%356%7899-:-K%G%b=F8-C%84% ;B=:A%;-9B8@9%C=0E-[-:H%-9A%1B=%C=4=CC=>%98%B=C1=E4%01%0%E=1D-0:2%\3%0..=<9=>%9B09%3%;01%0% (85=%0:>%G.9-5-1F2_%39%8<=:1%;-9B%0%b0C.B%Ua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g:-:=%6=0C1%8E>A%<=8<E=% 0%L=F-:-19%311@=c_%$B=%<E0.=%;01%<0./=>2%\'B%F6%H8>2%3%9B-:/%3J5=%B-9%18C9%84%0%:=C5=A_% 1B=%10->%E09=C2 figured if they were inclined to honor me at all, they had better do it before I croaked,” Bottini organized the infamous Aug. 10, 1970 NOW/NY three-hour takeover of the 1B=%;C89=2% 7899-:-J1%B-198C6%;-9B%9B=%^09-8:0E%'CH0:-[09-8:%48C%!8F=:%;01%-91=E4%B-198C-.A%B=E<-:H% #909@=%84%(-D=C96A%@:4@CE-:H%0%D0::=C%\!8F=:%84%9B=%!8CE>%Q:-9=]_%4C8F%9B=%D01=2%#B=%0E18% 8CH0:-[=>%9B=%G@H2%MWA%UOaVA%!8F=:J1%#9C-/=%48C%R=0.=%0:>%"`@0E-96%.8FF=F8C09-:H% found and led the first chapter of NOW in New York in 1968. 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601(0>1972(>))I)5(+3(!)*+,-(5),)+L)>(=08)(8-()38)5(?@&@ !"#"!$%$&'(!)*+,-(.("(/01(203(45-2(6708)2090(:;-(8;)(#572<(0=2+3+>8508+-3( 4-5,)=(8-(<75>7)(;+>(0>1972(,0>)(+3(!)*+,-(+>(>,;)=79)=(8-()38)5(8;)(?@&@(-3("<5+9(AB@ C>8705=-(D+47)38)>(+3(E73)(FBGH(0>I)=(4-5(0>1972(+3(8;)(?@&@(J),07>)(-4(8;)(038+K/01( <)5>),78+-3(;)(>744)5)=(+3(;+>(,-73851(-4(-5+/+3@ Cifuentes on Saturday told the Blade during an interview at the offices of Resource D)38)5(!0802-5->'(0(/5-7<(8;08(<5-L+=)>(0>>+>803,)(8-(0>1972(>))I)5>(03=(2+/5038>(+3( !0802-5->'(0(!)*+,03(J-5=)5(,+81(0,5->>(8;)(%+-(6503=)(45-2(M5-:3>L+99)'(#)*0>'(8;08( he was one of the first asylum seekers in Matamoros enrolled in its Migrant Protection Protocols program, which is also known as the “remain in Mexico” program. !031( -4( 8;)( ;73=5)=>( -4( <)-<9)( :;-( :)5)( 9+L+3/( +3( 0( ,02<( 3)05( 8;)( 608):01( N38)5308+-309(M5+=/)(8;08(,-33),8>(!0802-5->(03=(M5-:3>L+99)(-3(&0875=01(;0L)(0>I)=( for asylum in the U.S., but they were forced to pursue their cases in Mexico under MPP. #;)(M+=)3(0=2+3+>8508+-3(+3(E037051(>7><)3=)=()35-992)38(+3(8;)(<5-/502@ The U.S. since last week has allowed asylum seekers in Matamoros with active MPP ,0>)>(8-()38)5(8;)(,-73851@(D+47)38)>(>0+=(8;)(?@O@(%)47/))("/)3,1(,099)=(;+2(-3(P5+=01( 03=(8-9=(;+2(:;)3(;)(,-79=(,-2)(8-(8;)(?@&@ “At the very least I have a date,” he said. “But it is difficult to know there are two more months … two more months in Matamoros.” D+47)38)>( 8-9=( 8;)( M90=)( +3( 0( <5)L+-7>( +38)5L+):( 8;08( %)>-75,)( D)38)5( !0802-5->( and other organizations in the U.S. helped him find housing and legal assistance for his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which Matamoros is located because of “crime and kidnapping.” “Organized crime activity — including gun battles, murder, armed robbery, carjacking, I+=30<<+3/'(4-5,)=(=+>0<<)0503,)>'()*8-58+-3(03=(>)*709(0>>0798(.(+>(,-22-3(09-3/(8;)( northern border and in Ciudad Victoria,” reads the advisory. D+7=0=(W+,8-5+0(+>(#02079+<0>V(,0<+809(,+81@ “Criminal groups target public and private passenger buses as well as private 078-2-J+9)>( 850L)9+3/( 8;5-7/;( #02079+<0>'( -48)3( 80I+3/( <0>>)3/)5>( ;->80/)( 03=(

#$%&'()*+,-.&#/%#$ at the offices of Resource Center Matamoros in Matamoros, Mexico, on Feb. 27. (Blade photo by Michael K. Lavers)

=)203=+3/( 503>-2( <012)38>@( X)0L+91( 052)=( 2)2J)5>( -4( ,5+2+309( /5-7<>( -48)3( <085-9(05)0>(-4(8;)(>808)(+3(205I)=(03=(73205I)=(L);+,9)>(03=(-<)508)(:+8;(+2<73+81( particularly along the border region from Reynosa northwest to Nuevo Laredo,” adds the State Department advisory. “In these areas, local law enforcement has limited capability to respond to crime incidents.” #;)(903=(J-5=)5(J)8:))3(!)*+,-(03=(8;)(?@&@(5)20+3>(,9->)=(8-(3-3)>>)38+09(850L)9( J),07>)(-4(8;)(<03=)2+,@ D+47)38)>(;0=(<9033)=(8-(9+L)(:+8;(03(73,9)(+3(Q0>(W)/0>(-3,)(;)(5),)+L)=(0>1972'(J78( ;)(3-:(<903>(8-(>801(+3(#)*0>V(%+-(6503=)(W099)1@ “I have people now,” Cifuentes told the Blade. “I now have a plan.” Cifuentes conceded it will take time for the Biden administration to fully undo MPP and -8;)5(0><),8>(-4(+8>(<5)=),)>>-5V>(;05=9+3)(+22+/508+-3(<-9+,+)>@(D+47)38)>(3)L)58;)9)>>( >0+=(;)(5)20+3>(;-<)479(0J-78(;+>(47875)(+3(8;)(?@&@ “I keep believing that it is doing its job,” he said, referring to President Biden and his administration. “I know that it is not easy.” !"#$%&'()*('%+&,-(

Q6M#R(0,8+L+>8>(+3(!103205(S-+3(<5-8)>8>(0/0+3>8(2+9+8051(,-7< Q6M#R( 0,8+L+>8>( +3( !103205( ;0L)( S-+3)=( 8;)( /5-:+3/( <5-8)>8( 2-L)2)38( 0/0+3>8( 8;)( P)J@( G( ,-7<( 8;08( -7>8)=( "73/( &03( &77( Y1+( 03=( ;)5( =)2-,508+,0991( )9),8)=( /-L)532)38@ !+3( Y;038( Z+3'( 0( =50/( [7))3( :;-( :-5I>( 08( 0( /01( J05( +3( \03/-3'( 8;)( ,-73851V>( 905/)>8(,+81'(8-9=(8;)(]0>;+3/8-3(M90=)(8;08(;)(03=(;+>(45+)3=>(5),)+L)=(0(9-8(-4(2)=+0( 088)38+-3(048)5(8;)1(=),+=)=(8-(<058+,+<08)(+3(8;)(<5-8)>8>(:;+9)(+3(=50/@(Y;038(Z+3'(:;-( identifies as queer, added this decision was deliberate. “Most of the openly gay people in Myanmar are makeup artists and cross-dressers. #;)1(=-(3-8(>803=(-78(+3(8;)(,5-:=>(:;)3(8;)1(:)05(4)209)(,->872)>'(J78(>-2)-3)( with drag costumes will,” said Khant Zin. “This is my intention.” “We want people around the world to know about the LGBT community’s contributions for the fight for democracy,” added Khant Zin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“We have to be cautious because we look different and are easily noticeable,” Maung Soe told the Blade. “We are worried we might be targeted by the police forces and counter protesters.” “We are all coming to the protests to support the greater cause,” added Maung

&-)@ Khant Sithu, a Burmese college student in New York who identifies themselves as Q6M#R'(+>(02-3/(8;->)(:;-(;0L)(/08;)5)=(+3(45-38(-4(8;)(?@O@(8-(<5-8)>8(8;)(,-7<@ “Regardless if you are gay or straight, we all vote for the political parties we like,” Sithu told the Blade. “People in Myanmar have overwhelmingly voted for Aung San &77(Y1+V>(OQT(<0581@(O-:'(8;)(2+9+8051(=+>9+I)>(8;)(>+8708+-3(03=(=)80+3)=(8;)(,+L+9+03( leaders.” #;)( ,-7<( 8-<<9)=( &77(Y1+( 03=( ;)5( /-L)532)38(9)>>( 8;03( 8;5))(2-38;>(048)5(;)5( O08+-309( Q)0/7)( 4-5( T)2-,50,1( <0581( 85-73,)=( 8;)( 2+9+8051V>( ?3+-3( &-9+=05+81( 03=( Development Party in Parliamentary elections. Suu Kyi, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, was under house arrest for nearly G_(1)05>(738+9(;)5(5)9)0>)(+3(FBGB@(&77(Y1+(+3(FBG`(J),02)(!103205V>(>808)(,-73>)9-5'( :;+,;(+>(5-7/;91()[7+L09)38(8-(<5+2)(2+3+>8)5@ &77( Y1+'( :;-( ;0>( 40,)=( /9-J09( ,5+8+,+>2( -L)5( ;)5( 5)><-3>)( 8-( 8;)( <9+/;8( -4( 8;)( %-;+3/10'( ;0>( J))3( ,;05/)=( :+8;( +99)/0991( <->>)>>+3/( :09I+)K809I+)>@( #;)( ?@&@( +>( 02-3/(8;)(,-7385+)>(8;08(;0L)(+2<->)=(>03,8+-3>(0/0+3>8(8;)(M752)>)(2+9+8051(-L)5( 8;)(,-7<@ D-3>)3>709( >02)K>)*( >)*709( 5)908+-3>( 5)20+3( ,5+2+309+U)=( +3( !103205( 73=)5( &),8+-3(Aaa(-4(8;)(,-73851V>(D5+2+309(D-=)@ Activists said Suu Kyi’s government made an unofficial pledge to amend or repeal Article 377 and other anti-LGBTQ laws during its second term in office that would ;0L)()3=)=(+3(FBF_@ !"#$%&'()*('%+&,-(.(+"#/0,(!%123

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I thought poets were stuffy bards on Mount Olympus with no connection to the F$""!&'"C#F1&8&5$)!&'"#&1#%$'(<$(+#&=#+$1)2%7#*&1)$%"9#c')!%C#!'#)2+#?@AP"C#U#5$*+#2&*+# =1&*#5&%%+(+#=&1#)2+#;!')+1#2&%!3$7"9#,!M+#*$'7C#U#;$"#$FF$%%+3#J7#)2+#5&**+15!$%!G$)!&'# &=# '&)# &'%7# )2+# D21!")*$"# "+$"&'# J<)# &=# "&5!+)7# $)# %$1(+C# $'3# =<1!&<"# $)# )2+# &'(&!'(# Vietnam War. One evening, I found a poetry book, “A Coney Island of the Mind,” by ,$;1+'5+#>+1%!'(2+))!#!'#*7#F$1+')"N#J&&M5$"+9 VD21!")#5%!*J+3#3&;'d=1&*#:!"#J$1+#)1++d)2!"#7+$1CW#>+1%!'(2+))!#;1&)+#!'#)2+#F&+*# =1&*#)2+#5&%%+5)!&'#VD21!")#D%!*J+3#4&;'CW#V$'3#1$'#$;$7#)&#;2+1+d'&#!')1+F!3#.!J%+# "$%+"*+'d5&8+1+3#)2+#)+11!)&17d!'#);&H)&'+#5$3!%%$5"9W >1&*# )2$)# *&*+')# &'C# U# M'+;# )2$)# (&&3# F&+)"C# %!M+# 1&5M# ")$1"C# $1+# F1$5)!)!&'+1"# &=# provocation: great poems speak directly to our hearts and minds, and infiltrate our DNA. >+1%!'(2+))!C# $# 1+'&;'+3# F&+)C# 3!+3# &'# >+J9# OO# $)# ?P?# $)# 2!"# L$'# >1$'5!"5&# 2&*+9# >&1# 3+5$3+"C# 2+# ;$"# )2+# F1&F1!+)&1# &=# D!)7# ,!(2)"C# )2+# L$'# >1$'5!"5&# J&&M")&1+# $'3# publishing house. Ferlinghetti wrote dozens of books from his first collection “Pictures &=#)2+#-&'+#R&1%3W#F<J%!"2+3#!'#?@TT#)&#)2+#'&8+%#V,!))%+#.&7W#F<J%!"2+3#!'#OP?@9 “A Coney Island of the Mind” has been carried in backpacks and read aloud accompanied by jazz by generations of queer and hetero students and still-hip elders. U)#2$"#J++'#)1$'"%$)+3#!')&#'!'+#%$'(<$(+"#$'3#!"#&'+#&=#)2+#J+")H"+%%!'(#F&+)17#J&&M"# !'#2!")&179 D!)7#,!(2)"C#$"#$#J&&M")&1+#$'3#F<J%!"2+1C#=1&*#)2+#(+)H(&#2$"#'<1)<1+3#;1!)+1"#$'3# readers. It’s been a place where authors could meet, talk, and find community. Since )2+#?@TP"C#!)#2$"#F<J%!"2+3#;1!)+1"#$'3#F&+)"#;2&#;&<%3#1+5+!8+#%!))%+#&1#'&#$))+')!&'# =1&*#*$!'")1+$*#F<J%!"2+1"9#U)#=&")+1+3#)2+#;&1M#&=#)2+#$<)2&1"#$'3#$1)!")"#;2&#J+5$*+# M'&;'#$"#)2+#.+$)#-+'+1$)!&'9#,!M+#*!%%!&'"#&=#$5&%7)+"C#U#8!"!)+3#D!)7#,!(2)"#;2+'#U#;$"# !'#L$'#>1$'5!"5&9#U)#=+%)#%!M+#J+!'(#&'#2&%7#(1&<'39 ,&'(#J+=&1+#F+&F%+#)$%M+3#$J&<)#J+!'(#$'#$%%7#&1#2+)+1&#(1$'3*$"#*$152+3#!'#($7# pride parades, City Lights published queer writers. Ferlinghetti became famous after he F<J%!"2+3#($7#F&+)#E%%+'#-!'"J+1(N"#F&+)17#5&%%+5)!&'#V:&;%#$'3#&)2+1#6&+*"W#!'#?@TZ9 U'# V:&;%CW# $# F&%!)!5$%# *$'!=+")&C# -!'"J+1(# ;1!)+"# +\F%!5!)%7# &=# ($7# "+\# V;2&# %+)# )2+*"+%8+"#J+#=<5M+3#!'#)2+#$""#J7#"$!')%7#*&)&1575%!")"W#$'3#&=#V;2&#;+1+#J<1'+3#$%!8+# in their innocent flannel shirts of Madison Avenue.” In 1957, Ferlinghetti was arrested. He was charged with “willfully and lewdly” printing “indecent writings.” In a significant victory for the First Amendment, Ferlinghetti was acquitted. The judge ruled that “Howl” ;$"'N)#&J"5+'+#J+5$<"+#!)#V2$3#1+3++*!'(#"&5!$%#!*F&1)$'5+9W D!)7# ,!(2)"# $%"&# F<J%!"2+3# V,<'52# 6&+*"CW# )2+# $55%$!*+3# $'3# J+%&8+3# F&+)17# collection by gay poet Frank O’Hara. His poem “The Day Lady Died” (written after the 3+$)2#&=#.!%%!+#:&%!3$7_#;!%%#*&8+#7&<#)&#)+$1"9#:!"#F&+*#5$%%+3#V6&+*CW#$'#&<)F&<1!'(#&=# love to Lana Turner, will sweep you off your feet with joy. Yet, O’Hara, as his friend queer poet John Ashberry said were dashed off “at odd moments.” Without Ferlinghetti’s 5$1+=<%#$))+')!&'#$'3#'<1)<1!'(C#;+#*!(2)#'&)#2$8+#V,<'52#6&+*"9W In 1979, Maryland’s tenth Poet Laureate Grace Cavalieri traveled to San Francisco. /2+1+C#"2+#!')+18!+;+3#>+1%!'(2+))!#!'#2!"#%&=)#$J&8+#D!)7#,!(2)"#=&1#K$3!&#6$1!"9#:+#;$"# V"!))!'(# 51&""H%+((+3CW# D$8$%!+1!C# F1&3<5+1# &=# )2+# F<J%!5# 1$3!&# "2&;# ^1+5&13+3# $)# )2+# ,!J1$17#&=#D&'(1+""_C#+*$!%+3#)2+#.%$3+9#:+#V;$"#"&#5&''+5)+3#)&#2!"#U)$%!$'#2+1!)$(+# )2$)#2+#;$"#;1!)!'(#$#J&&M#&'#U)$%!$'#;&*+'#=+*!'!")"CW#D$8$%!+1!#"$!39#VE)#ZP#7+$1"#&=# age, he was immersed in social action and making significant change.” >+1%!'(2+))!# )<1'+3# F&+)17# 2$)+1"# !')&# F&+)17# %&8+1"C# D%$1!'3$# :$11!""C# ;2&# )$<(2)# English for decades at Towson University, told me. He transformed the “reading1+"!")$')W#!')&#Va(!8+#<"#*&1+#F&+)17#F+&F%+CW#"2+#"$!39 L$1$2# .1&;'!'(# !"# )2+# =&1*+1# +\+5<)!8+# 3!1+5)&1# &=# LF%!)# /2!"# K&5MC# $# F&+)17# organization that works for justice. “We built Split This Rock on his shoulders,” Browning )&%3#*+9 /2+# (1&<F# ;$"# *&3+%+3# &'# D!)7# ,!(2)"# $"# J+!'(# V$# ($)2+1!'(# F%$5+# e# =&1# ;1!)+1"C# thinkers and activists,” she said, “and one that was welcoming of queer people from )2+#&<)"+)9W /2$'M#7&<C#,$;1+'5+#>+1%!'(2+))!C#=&1#7&<1#F$""!&'C#F1&8&5$)!&'C#$'3#F&+)17b##K9U969

>&<'3+3# !'# ?@ABC# D6ED# 2$"# *&1F2+3# =1&*# $# 5&'"+18$)!8+# &1($'!G$)!&'# !')&# $# *++)!'(#&=#5&H5&'"F!1$)&1"C#"+3!)!&'!")"C#$'3#!'"<11+5)!&'!")"#$'3#)2&"+#52++1!'(#)2+*# &'#I#F&%!)!5!$'"#;2&"+#$5)"#&=#"+3!)!&'#'&;#1+F1+"+')#)2+#J$"+#&=#)2+#K+F<J%!5$'#6$1)79# L&*+#5$%%#!)#/6EDC#)2+#6$1)7#&=#/1<*F9#/2!"#(1&<F#=$!%"#)&#$5M'&;%+3(+#/1<*F#5$<"+3# )2+#F$1)7N"#%&""+"#!'#)2+#OP?Q#*!3)+1*"C#%&")#)2+#R2!)+#:&<"+#$'3#5$<"+3#)2+#%&""#&=#);&# -+&1(!$# L+'$)+# "+$)"9#/2+# F1&J%+*# =&1# )2+# 1+$"&'$J%+# K+F<J%!5$'"# 1+*$!'!'(# !"# )2+7# M'&;#)2+7#5$'N)#;!'#;!)2#/1<*F#$'3#5$'N)#;!'#;!)2&<)#2!"#8&)+1"9#/2!"#"2&<%3#J+#(&&3# '+;"#=&1#4+*&51$)"9# I first met some conservative operatives after meeting Terry Dolan in a D.C. gay bar. He 5&H=&<'3+3#SD6ED#!'#?@AT#;!)2#D2$1%!+#.%$5M#$'3#K&(+1#L)&'+9#U)#;$"#$'#&1($'!G$)!&'# )2$)#(&)#!)"#")$1)#;!)2#3!1+5)#*$!%#"&%!5!)$)!&'"9#/+117#%!8+3#J7#)2+#*&))&#V/2+#"21!%%+1#7&<# $1+C#)2+#J+))+1#!)#!"#)&#1$!"+#*&'+79W#E)#)2+#)!*+#;+#;+1+#J&)2#!'#)2+#5%&"+)X#)2+#3!==+1+'5+# being I had worked for Bella S. Abzug (D-N.Y.) who first introduced the Equality Act in ?@AY# $'3# ;$"# ;&1M!'(# =&1# )2+# D$1)+1# $3*!'!")1$)!&'# $'3# ;&<%3# "&&'# 5&*+# &<)9#/+117# ;&1M+3# =&1# 1$J!3%7# $')!H($7# 5$'3!3$)+"# $'3# "F&M+# &<)# $($!'")# )2+# ,-./0# 5&**<'!)7# +8+'#;2!%+#(&!'(#)&#($7#J$1"#!'#4<F&')9#:+#'+8+1#3!3#5&*+#&<)#J+=&1+#37!'(#&=#EU4L#!'# ?@QZ9#:!"#&1($'!G$)!&'#3!+3#&==#'&)#%&'(#$=)+1#/+117#3!+39 [+$1"#%$)+1#U#;$"#)&#%+$1'#*&1+#$J&<)#)2+#5&'"+18$)!8+#*&8+*+')#$'3#D6ED#;2+'#)2+7# moved into offices down the hall from my office on H Street in D.C. I would go out for 31!'M"#;!)2#)2+!1#)2+'#+\+5<)!8+#3!1+5)&19#U#)$%M+3#$J&<)#D6ED#;!)2#"&*+#&=#)2+#%+$3+1"# &=# )2+# ,&(# D$J!'# K+F<J%!5$'"# ;2+'# )2+1+# ;$"# ")!%%# "&*+# "$'!)7# !'# )2$)# (1&<F9# /&3$7# J&)2#(1&<F"#$1+#%!8!'(#!'#$'#$%)+1'$)+#<'!8+1"+9#/2+7#"<FF&1)#F&%!)!5!$'"#;2&#$1+#J%$)$')# %!$1"C#"+\!")"C#1$5!")"C#$'3#2&*&F2&J+"9#,&(#D$J!'#1+5+')%7#J&$")+3#)2$)#)2+!1#")$)+*+')# against the Equality Act was inserted into the Congressional Record by the insane Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and came at the initiation of QAnon Congressperson Marjorie Taylor -1++'#;2&#)2+!1#-+&1(!$#(1&<F#!"#5%&"+#)&#$'3#"<FF&1)!8+#&=9#R2$)#$%)+1'$)!8+#<'!8+1"+# !"#)2$)#=1&*] /2+# "F+$M+1"# $)# D6ED# $%%# "++*# )&# 1+"!3+# !'# )2$)# $%)+1'$)+# <'!8+1"+9#/2+7# J+%!+8+# !'# alternate facts getting their information from FOX and NewsMax. They appear to buy into any conspiracy presented whether from QAnon or just plain liars, racists, sexists and homophobes like Donald Trump, Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz. The insanity reached a point this year when former Vice President Mike Pence and Senate Minority Leader ‘Moscow’ Mitch McConnell wouldn’t attend CPAC because they were afraid of being J&&+3# &<)# &=# )2+# 1&&*9# D6ED# $))+'3++"# ;2++%+3# $# (&%3# ")$)<+# &=# /1<*F# !')&# )2+# ballroom to bow down to their idol. Never mind their idol may soon end up in jail for tax +8$"!&'#$'3#=1$<39# It all seems otherworldly but this is a majority of today’s Republican Party. Tom Cotton ^KHE1M9_#3+'&<'5+3#)2+#`?T#*!'!*<*#;$(+C#"<((+")!'(#2+#5&<%3#(&#$%&'(#;!)2#$#`?P# *!'!*<*#!'#2!"#")$)+#&'%7#%+$1'!'(#$=)+1#2!"#"F++52#)2$)#E1M$'"$"#2$"#$%1+$37#$FF1&8+3# $'#`??#*!'!*<*#;$(+9#/+3#D1<GC#"&<'3!'(#)&)$%%7#3+1$'(+3#"51+$*!'(#$)#)2+#$<3!+'5+C# joked about COVID and his trip to Cancun as if millions of the Texans he represents $1+'N)# ")!%%# "<==+1!'(# =1&*# )2+# ;&1")# 3!"$")+1# )2+7# 2$8+# +8+1# "++'C# $'3# )2&<"$'3"# 2$8+# died from COVID. Cruz’s jokes about masks were cheered and the Orlando Sentinel 1+F&1)+3#VE)#&'+#F&!')#D6ED#&1($'!G+1"#;+1+#J&&+3#$'3#*+)#;!)2#52$')"#&=#a=1++3&*bN# ;2+'#)2+7#$"M+3#)2+#51&;3#)&#5&*F%7#^;!)2#;+$1!'(#*$"M"_9W#/2!"#!'#>%&1!3$C#;2!52#2$"# "++'#'+$1%7#);&#*!%%!&'#5&1&'$8!1<"#5$"+"#$'3#B?CPPP#3+$)2"9 Meanwhile, back in the real world, Democrats in the House of Representatives passed $# `?9@# )1!%%!&'# ")!*<%<"# F$5M$(+# )&# *&8+# )2+# 5&<')17# =&1;$13# =1&*# )2+# F$'3+*!59# U)# 5&')$!'"# *&'+7# )&# &F+'# "52&&%"C# 2+%F# ")$)+# $'3# %&5$%# (&8+1'*+')"# )&# J$%$'5+# )2+!1# budgets to avoid layoffs of teachers, nurses, and other first responders. It has money for the unemployed to buy food and pay their rent, and for small businesses to remain afloat $'3#F$7#)2+!1#+*F%&7++"9# If Democrats stick together and don’t have their usual circular firing squad they can )$M+#$38$')$(+#&=#;2$)#!"#2$FF+'!'(#$)#D6ED#)&#;!'#*&1+#L+'$)+#$'3#:&<"+#"+$)"#!'# )2+#*!3H)+1*#+%+5)!&'"9#K+F<J%!5$'"#$1+#(!8!'(#<"#)2!"#52$'5+#%+)N"#*$M+#)2+#*&")#&=#!)# =&1#)2+#E*+1!5$'#F+&F%+9

D+%+J1$)!'(#$#%&'(#%!=+#&=#F$""!&'# $'3#F1&8&5$)!&'

!"!"!#$ % &' ()*+(,-$. / 01+2 ! " ! 2 $3 1& ! 4 56! 7 47 8! " !9 '/#:+ '(*

Unhinged GOP should be boon to 4+*&51$)"#!'#OPOO

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:8/68.;&2%$0#0%(*>1&38.#2#$9&I#*71& influenced by LGBTQ sons

'%()*$+,-#..%/0&1**;1&(8&5/#$9&3*83.*&(89*()*/&%1&28""8$7*%.()&%((8/$*+& 34'5)%.%5'6#&'2.77(*&'

)*/& 2%"3%#9$& 7*51#(*<& %$0& P%"#$& Q%(*)#<& %& 3/81*24(8/& 1#$2*& LRRS& %$0& 24//*$(.+& ?8""8$7*%.()&!((8/$*+&C/*9&T$0*/7880>1&0*34(+H D)*& =#/9#$#%& U*3%/("*$(& 86& V.*2(#8$1& /*38/(1& %1& 86& W%$H& FX<& Y7#18)$& )%1& /*2*#I*0& more than $13,000 in contributions and Fatehi has received almost $50,000. A reform-minded Democrat, Underwood, who first ran for office in 2009 and was reelected in 2017, pushed to decriminalize marijuana possession in 2019. He also told ()*&=#/9#$#%$,Z#.8(&68..87#$9&.%1(&14""*/>1&3/8(*1(1&8I*/&()*&;#..#$9&86&C*8/9*&Q.8+0&%(& the hands of police officers, “I have kids, I have grandkids, and I have great grandkids, %$0& [& )4/(& 5*2%41*& ()%(& 284.0& )%I*& 5**$& ()*"H& [(& 284.0& 1(#..& 5*& ()*"& #6& 7*& 08$>(& 08& anything.” Gov. Ralph Northam signed legislation decriminalizing marijuana possession; )87*I*/<& T$0*/7880<& 7)8& )%0& %& UT[& 28$I#2(#8$& ()%(& ()/*%(*$*0& )#1& 381#(#8$& %1& 3/81*24(8/& 8I*/(4/$*0& #$& LRFG<& (8.0& ()*& =#/9#$#%$,Z#.8(& ()*& 2/#"#$%.& \41(#2*& 1+1(*"& #1& 4$6%#/&(8&A.%2;&3*83.*&%$0&#$&$**0&86&/*68/"H& :8/68.;&Z8.#2*&?)#*6&B%//+&A88$*&(8.0&()*&Z#.8(&.%1(&W4.+&)*&6%I8/*0&0*64$0#$9&()*& 38.#2*&%1&%&7%+&(8&1)#6(&13*$0#$9&(87%/0&182#%.&1*/I#2*1<&1(%(#$9&38.#2*&%/*&J13/*%0& too thin” when “tasked with being social workers, psychiatrists, addiction counselors and homeless coordinators.” While Matheny-Willard is not necessarily for “depleting the police budget,” she #1&68/&34((#$9&"8/*&"8$*+&(87%/0&28""4$#(+&1*/I#2*1&$**0*0&(8&)*.3&3*83.*&#$& 2/#1#1H& Matheny-Willard said she saw this need first-hand as both a public defender and %1&%&"8()*/&7)81*&18$&7%1&)841*0&#$&()*&:8/68.;&2#(+&\%#.&04/#$9&()*&)*#9)(&86&()*& COVID-19 pandemic and is currently in a state mental hospital. “I can list a hundred things that I’ve done on behalf of my (older) son,” she said, #$2.40#$9& *I*/+()#$9& 6/8"& 14/I*#..#$9& )#1& 3)8$*& %$0& *"%#.<& (8& 9*((#$9& (/%$12/#3(1& of his confession to a police officer, to fighting so he wouldn’t be housed with "4/0*/*/1& 7)#.*& 5*#$9& #$2%/2*/%(*0& 68/& 3*((+& .%/2*$+H& JD)*/*& %/*& ()#$91& ()%(& [>I*& already done in my personal life that I would do for people in the community.” [(&7%1&()/849)&()#1&%2(#I*&"8$#(8/#$9&%$0&3%/*$(#$9&86&)*/&2)#.0/*$&()%(&1)*&684$0& 84(&%584(&()*#/&1*@4%.&8/#*$(%(#8$&%$0&9*$0*/&#0*$(#(+H& “Before (Vetreal) told me, I found out his first year in college when he was about 19,” she explained. “I went through his phone and email.” K*/&8.0*/&18$&*I*$(4%..+&2%"*&84(&(8&)*/&7)*$&)*&7%1&%/84$0&LFH& This surveillance was also how she found out about Jai’s identity first as a lesbian %$0&.%(*/&%1&%&(/%$1&"%$H&K*<&(88<&784.0&28"*&84(&(8&)#1&"8()*/&8$&)#1&87$&%&+*%/& .%(*/H& '%()*$+,-#..%/0&1%#0&1)*&#1&14338/(#I*&86&)*/&18$1>&BCADE&#0*$(#(#*1H&D)849)&1)*& identifies as a cisgender, heterosexual Black woman who is currently married to her 19::9;<=>?@A!$@@9B;=C!1>;DED>@= #$%&#'$#()*&+,-%..#/0!>;D!A=B!@B>;F!F9;!1#%'-%&2(*#00! 18$1>&1(*36%()*/<&1)*&/*"*"5*/*0&98#$9&(8&%$&BCADE&$#9)(2.45&#$&:8/68.;&7#()&)*/& GHA9@9F!I9JB@=FC!9K!$:E;>!2>@A=;CL#E??>BDM twin sister when they were around 19. Her sister identifies as bisexual and was in a .*15#%$&/*.%(#8$1)#3&%(&()*&(#"*H& having a gun pointed at me.” '%()*$+,-#..%/0&2%..1&)*/1*.6&%&.8$9,(#"*&%..+&86&()*&BCADE&28""4$#(+&%$0&)%1&98$*& !.()849)& ()*& 1#(4%(#8$& /*18.I*0& 3*%2*64..+<& #(& "%0*& '%()*$+,-#..%/0& 9.%0& ()%(& 1)*& (8&()*&:8/68.;&BCADE&2*$(*/&68/&)*.3&7#()&1*/I#2*1&68/&)*/&8.0*/&18$H& had “the talk” with both of her sons about being what she called “overly polite” during “I contacted the LGBTQ center,” she said, and learned “they give food baskets and 38.#2*&*$284$(*/1H N)*&1%#0&1)*&#1&/4$$#$9&68/&?8""8$7*%.()&!((8/$*+&5*2%41*&1)*&7%$(1&(8&(%.;&7#()& help with rent. I learned a lot.” Now, she said it’s time for them and other social service organizations to have a *I*/+8$*& %(& ()*& (%5.*<& #$2.40#$9& ()*& BCADE& %9*$2#*1& 1)*& 7*$(& (8& 68/& )*.3& 7)*$& )*/& 3/8"#$*$(&1*%(&%(&()*&(%5.*<&3%/(#24.%/.+&(8&)*.3&BCADE&3*83.*&86&28.8/&7)8&%/*&2%49)(& 8.0*/&18$&7%1&#$&2/#1#1H& 43&#$&()*&2/#"#$%.&\41(#2*&1+1(*"H& “I am deeply committed to partnerships,” Matheny-Willard said. “I’ll put them in the “It’s a village approach that would go a long way toward crime prevention,” Matheny/88"& (89*()*/& O& 38.#2*& %$0& BCADE& 1*/I#2*& %9*$2#*1H& B*(>1& (%.;& %584(& ()#1H& !$0& $*@(& (#"*&()*+&1**&*%2)&8()*/&#$&()*&28""4$#(+<&()*+>I*&(%.;*0H&D)*+&;$87&*%2)&8()*/H&D)%(>1& Willard said. “Once everyone is at the table, we can understand each other.” “I appreciate you a lot,” Jai said to his mom during the call, after thanking her for all restorative justice. We need to talk.” 1)*&0#0&(8&14338/(&)#"&%$0&)#1&5/8()*/&8I*/&()*&+*%/1&%$0&(*%2)#$9&()*"&)87&(8&1(%+& Matheny-Willard is running against Megan Zwisohn, a “career prosecutor” with %& 5%2;9/84$0& #$& 78"*$>1& /#9)(1<& *042%(#8$& %$0& 28""4$#(+& 1*/I#2*& %228/0#$9& (8& 1%6*&04/#$9&38.#2*&*$284$(*/1H !"#$%& '%()*$+,-#..%/0& #1& %& 2%/**/& 345.#2& 0*6*$0*/& 7)8& #1& /4$$#$9& %9%#$1(& (78& 3/81*24(8/1& (8& 5*& :8/68.;<&=#/9#$#%>1& ?8""8$7*%.()&!((8/$*+& "81(.+& 5*2%41*& 86& )*/& *@3*/#*$2*1&/%#1#$9&(78&A.%2;&BCADE&18$1<&()*&8.0*1(&1)*&)%1&5**$&0*6*$0#$9&1#$2*& )*&7%1&FGH “Vetreal Winstead is my first born son,” Matheny-Willard told the Washington Blade 04/#$9&%$&*"8(#8$%.&3)8$*&#$(*/I#*7&.%1(&"8$()H&JK*&#1&LM&+*%/1&8.0<&5#1*@4%.<&%$0&)%1& a lot of mental health and substance abuse issues, mainly marijuana.” Her younger son Jai, who identifies as a 23-year-old transgender Black man, prides )#"1*.6&8$&)%I#$9&5**$&12)88.,68241*0&%$0&6%/&.*11&86&%&78//+&(8&)#1&"8()*/H& A4(& %6(*/& 5*#$9& 8$& )8/"8$*& ()*/%3+& 68/& %& +*%/<& )*& 7*$(& ()/849)& %$& 431*((#$9& *@3*/#*$2*& 8$& )#1& 7%+& (8& 78/;& 7)*$& )#1& $*7& A'-& 7%1& 34..*0& 8I*/& 5+& %& ?%.#68/$#%& police officer at 7 a.m. “I had my registration in my trunk,” Jai recalled. “I was scared to get out and get it...of

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I may not fit some ideas about gender, and I am a proud part of DC. !"#$%&'()"#*+,"-./'0")1)2'"3-45$/6 !"+1221-/("-7"0-22$%("1/")%$/($3)1-/("32-('0"$//8$226 !"9"1/":-8('"$))-%/'6( !";'(10'/)1$2"$/0"3-44'%31$2")%$/($3)1-/( !"In home and in office refinance settlements !"#13'/('0"1/"<=>"<?>"@<>"AB>"CD"E"FC



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!" #$%&'()&*'*+&, &-" . %/0123 0 45" 678 $3 ! & ,& ! "


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ciUjCOciU !"#$%&"#$"'(#)*+,-./0)1+.23'3.&3)'".0)!('&4)567 The 2021 Multicultural Womxn’s Conference hosted by OCA - Asian Pacific American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h,1:!9877&,1:!%1$!5%/%22*31"<!%1$!%!2(#"7,:5"!#1!0#**81,"&!d2bKNc2)e U#!/3:,2"3/!#/!73%/1!*#/3<!+,2,"!"53!2&*(#2,8*P2!(%:32!#1!;%039##>!%1$!K+31"9/,"3)!

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@A1A)('$%0$)B,,()C)D+%.0)E.$3'.($%+.(#) *+,3./0)@(:)=%0&"00%+. Women Influencers: A Music Conversation with D.C. artist and youth coach Emma G, 5#2"3$! 9&! O&/$7%1$! N30#/$2! EW'[]! Z"5! I")<! J)K)L! #Q13/! C7,25%! K$*#*2#1<! ,2! H#1$%&<! H%/05!M!%"!=\YF!()*)!+,%!;%039##>!%1$!_12"%:/%*!S,+3)! U5,2!6/33!+,/"8%7!3+31"<!,1!(%/"13/25,(!Q,"5!i1,#1!H%/>3"<!I5#(!"53!?,2"/,0"!%1$!I#1:9&/$! H82,0!b#823!%1$!N30#/$!@%63<!63%"8/32!%!$,20822,#1!Q,"5!K**%!T!Q5#!8232!*82,0!%1$! 2#1:Q/,",1:!"#!3*(#Q3/!"3312!"#!"8/1!"53,/!"/8"5!,1"#!2#1:2!"5%"!0%1!05%1:3!"53!Q#/7$)! K$*#*2#1!$,2082232!Q,"5!53/!:832"!Q#*31!Q5#23!*82,0!5%2!,*(%0"3$!9#"5!#6!"53,/! 7,+32!$8/,1:!"5,2!_1"3/1%",#1%7!B#*31P2!?%&!3+31")! ;#/! *#/3! ,16#/*%",#1<! +,2,"! 9&/$7%1$/30#/$2)0#*! %1$! "53! 3+31"P2! ;%039##>!(%:3)

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Embattled Golden Globes scramble for show of diversity (#$<03#',&"@&=0..+%0&/0@'&#$&*")1'

!"#$%& #$'"& ()$*+,-.& !"/*0$& !/"10.& 230.0$'+'#"$4& ,")& +/30+*,& 5$06& '70& 8"//,6""*& 9"30#%$&:30..&;.."<#+'#"$&6")/*&10&*"#$%&*+=+%0&<"$'3"/> ?$0&6005&10@"304&'70&A".&;$%0/0.&B#=0.&2)1/#.70*&+&.<+'7#$%&#$C0.'#%+'#C0&302"3'&'7+'& called into question – yet again – the legitimacy of the influential organization behind the awards, citing the body’s lack of diversity, its oft-questioned ethical and financial practices, and its penchant for bestowing its honors on the films and shows whose studios had done '70&10.'&D"1&"@&6#$#$%&+$*&*#$#$%&#'.&=0=103.>& E@&'7+'&6030&$"'&0$")%74&#$&'70&*+,.&/0+*#$%&)2&'"&'70&+6+3*.&'70&89:;&6+.&1/+.'0*&1,& the Time’s Up organization (along with many prominent Hollywood voices) on social media for omitting several strongly favored Black-led films from this year’s top categories. Finally, "$& '70& C03,& ="3$#$%& "@& '70& <030="$,4& '70& <7+3#',& 3+$& +& @)//F2+%0& 2+#*& +*& #$& '70& B#=0.& 23"</+#=#$%&'70&@+<'&'7+'4&")'&"@&'70&89:;-.&GH&=0=103.4&$"'&+&.#$%/0&"$0&#.&I/+<5> ("4& +.& '70& HG'7& !"/*0$& !/"10.& 10%+$4& '70& 89:;& 7+*& +& /"'& ="30& "$& #'.& +%0$*+& '7+$& simply handing out trophies in a ceremony that has come to be seen as the most significant 230<)3."3&'"&'70&+//F#=2"3'+$'&?.<+3.J&#'&+/."&7+*&'"&=+50&+&<"$C#$<#$%&<+.0&@"3&#'.0/@&+.&'70& sole arbiter of who gets those influential trophies. Whether or not they succeeded might 60//&7+C0&')3$0*&")'&'"&10&#330/0C+$'4&1,&'70&0$*>& 9"3& +$,"$0& 67"& ')$0*& #$& '"& KIL-.& 1#<"+.'+/& +6+3*.& 13"+*<+.'& 6#'7")'& 7+C#$%& 70+3*& "3& .00$& +$,'7#$%& +1")'& '70& <"$'3"C03.,4& '7#$%.& =#%7'& $"'& 7+C0& .00=0*& '7+'& *#@@030$'4& +'& first. Hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were in fine form, and if their sly banter contained a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culpa in the form of a pledge to move the organization toward “a more inclusive future.” B70.0&%0.')30.4&=+350*&6#'7&+&/0C0/&"@&2"=2&'7+'&=+*0&'70=&@00/&+//&'70&="30&203@)$<'"3,4& did little to encourage confidence in the organization’s sincerity. Far more effective were the awards themselves. While no Black-led films made the cut in the nominations for Best Motion Picture Drama (that award went to the Chloé Zhao-directed “Nomadland”), some did take prizes in other major categories. I"'7& "@& '70& A0+*#$%& :03@"3=+$<0& <+'0%"3#0.& #$& R"'#"$& :#<')30& S3+=+& 60$'& '"& I/+<5& 6#$$03.>&;$*3+&S+,&6+.&$+=0*&I0.'&;<'30..&@"3&703&2"603@)/&203@"3=+$<0&+.&'70&'#')/+3& jazz icon in “The United States vs. Billie Holiday,” a film that documents the decades-long 203.0<)'#"$&"@&8"/#*+,&1,&'70&;=03#<+$&%"C03$=0$'&"C03&703&+$'#F3+<#.'&."$%&P('3+$%0&93)#'>Q& The Best Actor prize, in a win that felt both inevitable and well-deserved, was posthumously +6+3*0*&'"&L7+*6#<5&I".0=+$&@"3&7#.&.0+3#$%&.'+3&')3$&#$&PR+&T+#$0,-.&I/+<5&I"''"=>Q B70&I0.'&()22"3'#$%&;<'"3&+6+3*&60$'&'"&S+$#0/&U+/)),+4&@"3&7#.&6"35&#$&PO)*+.&+$*&'70& I/+<5&R0..#+7>Q&;="$%&'70&<"=20'#'"3.&70&10+'&")'&6+.&A0./#0&?*"=&O3>4&$"=#$+'0*&@"3&7#.& 203@"3=+$<0&+.&(+=&L""50&#$&'70&T0%#$+&U#$%F*#30<'0*&P?$0&K#%7'&#$&R#+=#>Q&U#$%&D"#$0*& Zhao and Emerald Fennell (“Promising Young Women”) as one of three female nominees for Best Director – a category that has previously only included five women in its entire history. Zhao took the win, becoming the first Asian-American female to do so. B70&."/0&I/+<5&6#$$03&+="$%&'70&'0/0C#.#"$&<+'0%"3#0.&6+.&O"7$&I",0%+4&+6+3*0*&I0.'& ()22"3'#$%&;<'"3&#$&+&(03#0.&@"3&7#.&203@"3=+$<0&#$&P(=+//&;M0>Q&B70&"$/,&"'703&I/+<5&$"=#$004& Don Cheadle (for his role in “Black Monday”), lost to Jason Sudeikis (“Ted Lasso”), whose selfeffacing acceptance speech was one of the evening’s most markedly humanizing moments.

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;.& @"3& A!IBV& 30230.0$'+'#"$4& =+$,& "@& '70& categories featured films that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the fight for queer inclusivity at a high school, also ended the evening empty-handed, as did PB6"&"@&X.4Q&+&/0.1#+$F'70=0*&930$<7&*3+=+&)2&@"3&I0.'&9"30#%$&A+$%)+%0&9#/=&<+'0%"3,>& I)'& '7030& 6030& 6#$.& '""J& '70& +@"30=0$'#"$0*& +<'#$%& 7"$"3.& @"3& PI#//#0& 8"/#*+,Q& +$*& PR+& Rainey” came for films that incorporated the bisexuality of their real-life subjects; “The Life Ahead,” which featured a significant trans character, won for Best Song; and Rosamund Pike '""5&'70&+6+3*&@"3&I0.'&;<'30..&#$&L"=0*,YR).#<+/&@"3&2/+,#$%&+&/0.1#+$&%3#@'03&#$&PE&L+30&+& A"'>Q The biggest gay victory of the evening, arguably, was reserved for out film legend Jodie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oom-style interface that is now painfully familiar to us all, seeing the way their unfiltered reactions mirrored our own, recognizing the tenderness and affection we share with our /"C0*& "$0.& #$& '70& 23#C+'0& ="=0$'.& 60& .+6& '70=& .7+30& 6#'7& '70#3.& N& '70.0& %/#=2.0.& "@& common humanity felt far more significant than any of the accolades being awarded. The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

‘Let’s Get Back to the Party’ a long slog that pays off

Despite unsympathetic characters, you’ll appreciate book’s fitting end #$%&'(()%*+,-)+,'./'0'(

The place is filled with balloons. They’re floating near the ceiling, strings just out of reach for now, some on the floor. The lights seem to be on a “twinkle” setting and there are candles carefully nestled in centerpieces, so the entire room sparkles from corner to corner. The guest of honor isn’t there yet, but you are and in “Let’s Get Back to the Party” by Zak Salih, you already wish you hadn’t come. Sebastian Mote hadn’t seen Oscar Burnham in a decade, not since they were kids, but the guy across the room at the wedding reception sure looked like Oscar. If it was, Sebastian wondered if Oscar would he remember him, or their once-close friendship, or afternoons together in the basement and the things they did to one another? Oscar Burnham was truthfully more interested in a cruising app than he was in rekindling a boyhood friendship. Sebastian was every bit as boring as Oscar remembered; he was probably one of those queens whose only focus, now that gay marriage was legal, was to have a husband and a bunch of obnoxious kids. It irritated Oscar that he was forced to exchange phone numbers with Sebastian, and lame promises to hang out soon. Soon. More like not-soon, since Oscar was busy with someone he met when an app-date didn’t show up. Sean Stokes was an older man, a writer, and though Oscar professed to dislike reading, he was captivated by Sean’s explicit tales of queer life before Oscar was even born. He couldn’t get enough of Sean – and vice versa, apparently, because Sean asked for Oscar’s stories and it eventually became clear that Sean’s next book would be about Oscar. There was no denying that Oscar’s ghosting hurt Sebastian, but he rather expected it. Instead, he threw himself into a friendship with a young student at his school, daring to let himself become obsessed with 17-year-old Arthur. It was painful, hopeful, and something he could never admit to anyone else. Least of all, his boyhood pal, Oscar. At first browse, “Let’s Get Back to the Party” can seem long and wordy. It hangs on the lives of two men who are mostly not very likable, to themselves or to one another, and how they hold on to their history with fingernails on one hand, pushing each other away with the other hand. You’ll want to shake them, but the thing is, it’s hard not to want to watch them make their own lives worse: this novel is a little schadenfreudey, but with a degree of sympathy. The sympathy wins, as author Zak Salih shows sides of both Sebastian and Oscar that neither character would admit, and reasons why each becomes contemptuous with the other. The truth, for one of them, is a devastating shocker that slams the brakes on the tale but alas, getting there takes a while; you’ll want to ride that wave to this book’s fitting end. And in that end, “Let’s Get Back to the Party” really pops.

‘Let’s Get Back to the Party: A Novel’ !"#$%&#'%()*



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‘Lupe’ blazes trail in search for authenticity HBO Max film a tender, affirming look at a trans journey !"#$%!#&'()%*

HBO Max and HBO Latino premiered the darling of the film festival set, “Lupe,” on Feb. 26. The film opens with a beautiful panorama of farmland in Cuba and a young boy calling out for his caretaker and older sister. He is looking for her. “Looking for her” becomes the theme of the film, and it also became the theme in the lives of many associated with this cinematic gem. Rafael, the lead character, absorbs the toxic masculinity of his Cuban village, comfortable under the care of his sister Isabel (portrayed by Lucerys Medina). Then one day, she is missing. He (portrayed by Rafael Albarrán) has embraced his machismo as a trained boxer and sets out to New York “looking for her.” His search for Isabel is merely the journey for him on a wholly other adventure in which he discovers that the “her” he is looking for, is the woman within himself. Along the way, (adjusting pronouns) they find their sister’s companion Elsa (portrayed by Christine Rosario Lawrence) who helps them think back on their Cuban roots, a boxing student, Arun (portrayed by Kadeem Henry, who shows them that life in authenticity can come with bitter rejection and a transgender woman Lana (portrayed by Celia Harrison), who helps them envision and embrace the future. The film is tender, poignant and ultimately affirming. The scenes are simple, sometimes austere, and often deeply beautiful. Albarrán displays magnetism throughout, drawing us into the emergence of the inner life of Rafael to an external expression – often quietly with just the look in their eyes. To quote the RuPaul franchise, “If you are only watching the surface production, you are only seeing half of the story” rings true to the full story behind the realization of the movie. While a transgender journey is portrayed on screen, another has played out behind the scenes. The film was written, and directed by two white New Yorker cisgender men, André Phillips and Charles Vuolo, telling the story of a transgender woman. What could go wrong? As it turns out — nothing. Even though the production work started six years ago, well before transgender artist voices were raised asking that their stories actually include them in the making, Phillips and Vuolo already knew what they did not know. They did not know the transgender experience. They were looking for “her”: she who would take ownership of the transgender experience. They found her in Celia Harrison. They wrote a framework of the story, and turned to Celia to guide them on the real life experience that she knew to be trans. They cast Albarrán, a gay Latino man, after his second audition. Rafael was sensitive, vulnerable, and yet also brought a strong “street fight” charisma to the part. They also turned to Celia to play his best friend, even though she was not a trained actor. Unbeknownst to anyone, Rafael the actor and Rafael the character were

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beating with the same heart, and a deeply similar journey. He told me recently, “I was not prepared for was to what I was about to discover of myself. At the minute when we were on set, and I got the part and I got cast in it, I immediately understood the weight and responsibility that I had. Six years ago I identified myself as a gay man. I start to realize how ignorant I was in the themes of trans and, and all the topics that embark the trans umbrella. And all of a sudden here I am going on a journey in a movie with the characters covered in their femininity and her femininity, and how it looks like, and how it feels like. To the point that six years after the process started, I no longer consider myself, or refer to myself as a gay man. I am a non-binary human – that process started and the discovery of myself through this character.” Looking for her. In 2017, the production team recruited and brought on an executive producer, Kerry Michelle O’Brien, who was well established and famous for her production work, and had only recently identified herself as trans. She told me, “Sharan reaches out to me, shows me this piece. Even in its rough cut state, we could see what an amazing piece of work the boys have done, Raphael’s acting is just unbelievable. It just spoke volumes off the screen. It was amazing and beautiful to actually see a film in which we’re represented not as a sociopath, or serial killer, or on the game, you know, we’re actually reflected as human beings, sort of just fumbling and stumbling along and trying to find our way. We just want to be loved and be genuine and to see that evolve in Raphael to Lupe’s characters is just beautiful.” The impact did not stop with Kerry in the post-production room. She carried it on into her own life, in her own quest for her own authenticity. “I actually took it upon myself to actually become genuine with my family in the UK so I reached out to my children. Last weekend, I came out as transgender to them. I wasn’t dressed, but they were very accepting and the real beautiful point of that was my eldest took it upon herself to come out to me as bisexual at the same time. So, you know nothing but good things are coming from discussions around this movie. That was the level of impact it was me — to finally admit to myself, ‘I’m OK being the Kerry Michelle that I am, and I’m now ready to tell my family about it.” Looking for her. As Rafael Albarrán sums up, “In the end, it is not just a story about trans, about being a woman or a man — it is a story about authenticity. And I feel like that is something each one of us struggles with on our journey. Regardless of our gender or sexual orientation, it’s about being authentic with you and empower yourself however that might look like.” “Lupe” airs on HBO Max. (Rob Watson covers LGBTQ lives, culture, and politics as a contributor to the Los Angeles Blade and is the host of the Hollywood-based weekly radio podcast RATED LGBT RADIO.)


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ISSUE DATE: 21-01-08



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How has our definition of ‘home’ changed since the pandemic? RST!U"#%-"0#%4=$'"+#$"B%,"B$"%&$"0*4-+&)0+/4="#*>$-"%4'")-/4="-8%0$#$%&'()*+%+,-('.

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Joseph Hudson

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