Washingtonblade.com, Volume 52, Issue 16, April 16, 2021

Page 1

!"#$%&'()*+#,-*#).#/)"#/'.0"1 All eyes on Sen. Manchin as fight continues for landmark LGBTQ bill, PAGE 12

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Hanna named chief medical officer at Inova Mount Vernon !"#$%&%'#'()%*)&%+*

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0 8 • WA SHIN GTO N BLADE.COM • APRIL 16, 202 1

A P R I L 1 6 , 2 0 2 1 • WA S H I N GTO N B L A D E.CO M • 0 9

Va. House of Delegates candidate defends anti-trans comments Says service members who undergo sex reassignment ‘unfit for duty’ !"#$%&'()*#+,#*(-)./

=As a Christian, I believe all people are created equally !"#$%&$'$(")*+,-"*."/-0-&(1-,"2('3$3(1-"*'"4(1+%3(5" and beautifully in God’s image. He makes no mistakes,” ,($3" 1%(',&-'3-%" ,-%6$2-" 7-78-%," 9:*" +'3-%&*" ,-;< he added. =Because of that high and holy standard, the %-(,,$&'7-'1",+%&-%5"(%-"=unfit for duty.” 7*,1"0*6$'&"1:$'&"E"2('"3*"(,"(".-00*9",$''-%"$,"1*",?-(@" =>-":(6-"*+%"6$2-"?%-,$3-'1",(5$'&"1:(1"6-1-%(',"(%-" the truth in love. I do not want to offend another person, not special citizens. They are.” said Tim Cox during the nor do I want to offend a righteous and loving God. I -6-'1"1:(1"1**@"?0(2-"(1"AB"/$,1$00$'&"$'"C('(,,(,"(.1-%" 2(''*1" 1(@-" ?%$3-" $'" *%" $3-'1$.5" 9$1:" 75" ,$'" 8-2(+,-" he discussed his own service in the U.S. Navy. =!'3"$'" Christ died on the cross in my place, forgave my sins, ,*7-" *." 1:-,-" ?0(2-," 1:-5" 3$3" '*1" :(6-" 1:-" .+'3," 1*" and has given me new life.” 3*" 1:-" -;-%2$,-," 1:(1" ,*7-" *." 1:-,-" 6-1-%('," '--3-3" Cox told the Blade that =1(;" %-6-'+-" $," 6$1(0" .*%" *+%" 1*"%-&($'"7*6-7-'1"*."1:-$%"0$78,"('3"5-1"9-D%-"3*$'&" national defense and domestic tranquility.” He added, transgender reassignment surgery. That is gross and however, that =.*%2$'&" 1(;?(5-%," 1*" .+'3" :(%7.+0" disgusting and that makes you unfit for duty.” ,+%&-%$-," F" 9:-1:-%" .*%" ,-;" 2:('&-" *%" (8*%1$*'" F" $," The Washington Blade obtained an audio clip of something I cannot do. Additionally, it is a disservice to Cox’s comments hours after he made them. our servicemembers who have sacrificed life and limb Cox on Sunday defended his comments in a post on .*%"*+%"2*+'1%5"1*"3$6-%1".+'3,"1:(1"2*+03"*1:-%9$,-"8-" his Facebook page. #$%&'()!!:3;<=<!>?@!*?A!1<B!C<D!E?DF?G?@!H@IJK<<L!M@FJN used to help their family or improve their treatment.” =E" 9$00" (09(5," ,1('3" 85" *+%" 6-1-%('," ('3" 1:*,-" 9:*" Cox described the event as =("?%$6(1-05<.+'3-3"('3" have sacrificed life and limb for our country,” he wrote. publicly-advertised event.” He also noted his campaign posted his =2*77-'1,"$'"1:-$%" =The loony left wants to use your tax dollars to pay for transgender reassignment entirety” on Facebook. surgeries. They want to neuter the military literally and figuratively while weakening our Cox is seeking the Republican nomination in the race for the seat that state Del. Hala nation’s line of defense. This is bad policy. It hurts people and the left knows it. That is Ayala (D-Prince William County), who is running for lieutenant governor, announced she why they are attacking me and other conservative leaders.” will vacate. State Del. Danica Roem (D-Manassas), who is the first openly trans person =Instead of paying for surgeries that make servicemembers unfit for duty, our tax dollars should help veterans who have sacrificed while actually on duty,” added. =>:(1" seated in a state legislature in the U.S., has represented the 13th District, which includes portions of Prince William County, in the House of Delegates since 2018. nation, in its right mind, forces its citizens to pay to hurt people and its military?” President Biden on Jan. 25 signed an executive order rescinding his predecessor’s Cox on Monday once again defended his comments in an email to the Blade. =E" ,1('3" 85" 75" 2*77-'1," ('3" 9('1" 1*" 7(@-" 20-(%" 1:(1" E" 8-0$-6-" $1" $," (" &%*,," ban on trans service members. The Virginia Values Act, which added sexual orientation and gender identity to mismanagement of taxpayer funds to render a servicemember temporarily unfit for Virginia’s nondiscrimination law, took effect last July. Cox’s comments also coincide with duty,” he said. =I do not (repeat, NOT) believe that people who identify as transgender bills in Mississippi, Arkansas and elsewhere that specifically target trans youth. are gross or disgusting.”

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NCAA ‘unequivocally supports’ trans student-athletes S#-&;-6#.$','2'-6"#$&*$2#41.2'/1,#$'//'6E.$'6(&..$6&;-/(B !"#!$%&'#()*)+,-)

<&(#$1-62;.1,#$A'/"$*&($/('-.4#-)#($A'(/161A'/1&-$1-$6&22#4#$.A&(/.DJ$ !"#$ %&'()$ &*$ +&,#(-&(.$ &*$ /"#$ 0'/1&-'2$ 3&22#41'/#$ 5/"2#/16$ !"#$ ./'/#<#-/$ '2.&$ -&/#)Y$ IOur approach — which requires 5..&61'/1&-7$803559$:"16"$(#4;2'/#.$./;)#-/$'/"2#/#.$*(&<$<&(#$ /#./&./#(&-#$.;AA(#..1&-$/(#'/<#-/$*&($/('-.4#-)#($:&<#-$ /"'-$ =7>?@$ 0&(/"$ 5<#(16'-$ 1-./1/;/1&-.$ '-)$ 6&-*#(#-6#.$ The NCAA announced that it ‘firmly and unequivocally supports the opportunity for /&$ 6&<A#/#$ 1-$ :&<#-K.$ .A&(/.$ Z$ #<H('6#.$ /"#$ #,&2,1-4$ &*$ "14"#($ 2#'(-1-47$ (#2#'.#)$ '$ ./'/#<#-/$ .;AA&(/1-4$ /"#$ transgender student-athletes to compete in .61#-6#$ &-$ /"1.$ 1..;#$ '-)$ 1.$ '-6"&(#)$ 1-$ A'(/161A'/1&-$ &AA&(/;-1/B$*&($/('-.4#-)#($./;)#-/C'/"2#/#.$/&$6&<A#/#$ college sports. This commitment is grounded in A&2161#.$&*$H&/"$/"#$P-/#(-'/1&-'2$T2B<A16$3&<<1//##$ 1-$6&22#4#$.A&(/.D our values of inclusion and fair competition.’ '-)$ /"#$ [D\D$ T2B<A16$ '-)$ M'('2B<A16$ 3&<<1//##D$ !"#$ ./'/#<#-/$ 6&<#.$ '*/#($ :##E.$ &*$ 2#41.2'/1,#$ P-62;.1&-$ '-)$ *'1(-#..$ 6'-$ 6&#]1./$ *&($ '22$ ./;)#-/C '6/1&-.7$ <&(#$ /"'-$ FG$ HB$ 5A(12$ =G7$ 1-$ A'(/$ )1(#6/#)$ '/"2#/#.7$1-62;)1-4$/('-.4#-)#($'/"2#/#.7$'/$'22$2#,#2.$ '/$ H'((1-4$ A'(/161A'/1&-$ HB$ /('-.$ '/"2#/#.$ 1-$ "14"$ &*$.A&(/DJ .6"&&2$ '-)$ 6&22#41'/#$ .A&(/.D$ !"#$ 0355$ .'1)$ /"'/$ P-$'$/:##/7$/"#$0'/1&-'2$3#-/#($*&($L#.H1'-$R14"/.7$ Ifirmly and unequivocally supports the opportunity '-$ L+%!X$ 2#4'2$ '),&6'6B$ 4(&;A$ 'AA2';)#)$ /"#$ *&($ /('-.4#-)#($ ./;)#-/C'/"2#/#.$ /&$ 6&<A#/#$ 1-$ 0355K.$ '6/1&-^$ IP-62;.1&-$ _$ *'1(-#..$ 6'-$ 6&#]1./$ 6&22#4#$ .A&(/.D$ !"1.$ 6&<<1/<#-/$ 1.$ 4(&;-)#)$ 1-$ *&($ '22$ ./;)#-/C'/"2#/#.7$ 1-62;)1-4$ `/('-.4#-)#($ &;($,'2;#.$&*$1-62;.1&-$'-)$*'1($6&<A#/1/1&-DJ '/"2#/#.7$ '/$ '22$ 2#,#2.$ &*$ .A&(/D$ !"'-E$ a0355$ *&($ !"#$'6/1&-$HB$/"#$0355$%&'()$6&<#.$'*/#($2'./$ ./'-)1-4$ ;A$ *&($ /"#$ 1-62;.1&-$ &*$ `/('-.$ '/"2#/#.D$ :##EK.$ ,1(/;'2$ IL#/$ !"#<$ M2'BJ$ 6&-*#(#-6#$ :"#-$ b#$2&&E$*&(:'()$/&$6&-/1-;1-4$/&$:&(E$:1/"$B&;$/&$ 0355$ M(#.1)#-/$ N'(E$ O<<#(/$ (#2#'.#)$ '$ 2#//#($ `L#/c1).M2'BDJ &AA&.1-4$ '-/1C/('-.4#-)#($ 2#41.2'/1&-$ H;/$ )1)$ -&/$ !"#$0355$'2.&$'))(#..#)$/"#$)#<'-)$*&($<&,1-4$ provide specific measures for states that have passed 6"'<A1&-."1A$'-)$&/"#($6&<A#/1/1,#$#,#-/.^ 2#41.2'/1&-$&($'(#$6&-.1)#(1-4$/"#$A&..1H121/B$&*$A'..1-4$ Ib"#-$ )#/#(<1-1-4$ :"#(#$ 6"'<A1&-."1A.$ '(#$ "#2)7$ '-/1C/('-.4#-)#($2#41.2'/1&-D$ 0355$ A&216B$ )1(#6/.$ /"'/$ &-2B$ 2&6'/1&-.$ :"#(#$ "&./.$ 6'-$ P-$'-$#<'127$Q;<'-$R14"/.$3'<A'14-$L#41.2'/1,#$S1(#6/&($ 6&<<1/$ /&$ A(&,1)1-4$ '-$ #-,1(&-<#-/$ /"'/$ 1.$ .'*#7$ "#'2/"B$ 3'/"(B-$ T'E2#B$ -&/#)$ /"'/$ <&(#$ /"'-$ UU$ '-/1C/('-.4#-)#($ '-)$*(##$&*$)1.6(1<1-'/1&-$."&;2)$H#$.#2#6/#)D$b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Biden seeks to ramp up funds to beat HIV/AIDS !"#$%&#'() *%&#'+) ,'-#%.%'/) .0(#) .0$() 1##2) 3%$) %'%(%0.) 4,&/#() "#5,#$() (6) 76'/"#$$) %') the first year of his administration, called for ramping up funds to beat the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States, signaling he’d continue the PrEP-centric initiative that began in the previous administration. In the preliminary budget request for fiscal year 2022, known in Washington parlance 0$)(3#)8skinny budget” in anticipation of broader request at a later time, Biden seeks an increase of $267 million for Ending the HIV Epidemic, building on the more than $400 million Congress has appropriated for the program since 2019. As it was launched in the Trump administration, the initiative sought a 90 percent decrease in new incidents of HIV infections across the United States by 2030, although Biden campaigned on beating that goal by five years and ending the domestic HIV epidemic by 2025. Carl Schmid, executive director of the HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute, hailed in a statement the proposed increased funds for the initiative, but said it falls short of the amount advocates in the fight against HIV/AIDS were seeking. 8While it falls short of what the community has requested, if this funding is realized it will continue the momentum already created and make further progress in ending HIV in the U.S. Efforts to end HIV will help eradicate an infectious disease that we have been battling for the last 40 years and help correct racial and health inequities in our nation,” Schmid said. Counterintuitively, Trump had sought more funds to beat HIV/AIDS in his final year in office than Biden has in his first year in office. Last year, President Trump’s budget called for an increase of $412 million for the second year of the initiative for a total of $716 million while Congress settled on an increase of approximately $137 million. Biden seeks increased funds for HIV/AIDS at a time when advocates in the fight against HIV were at a crossroads at the start of a new administration. Questions had persisted about whether or not the Biden administration would continue the initiative, which was the brainchild of health officials in the Trump administration. !"#$%&'(")%()

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WH defers to Justice Dept. on legal action against anti-trans laws White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said last week that President Biden would continue to advocate for equal justice under the law for LGBTQ people amid a flurry of new state laws against transgender youth, but stopped short of committing to legal action against them. Psaki, in response to an inquiry from the Washington Blade on whether Biden would reach out to the attorney general on the anti-transgender laws, deferred to the U.S. Justice Department on the matter. “I can’t stand here and predict legal action,” Psaki said. “Obviously, that would be a decision that would be made by the Justice Department and the attorney general.” But Psaki, who has previously stated transgender rights are human rights, reaffirmed Biden’s advocacy for LGBTQ people, including transgender people. “What I can say is that the president’s view is that all persons should receive equal treatment under the law no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation,” Psaki said. “That’s fundamental to how he will make laws — advocate for laws, I should say — how he will communicate about his views on the rights of transgender individuals in the country, and certainly what his view is as it relates to the actions by the government.” Asked by the Blade in a follow-up question why Biden shouldn’t reach out to the attorney general on legal action, Psaki replied, “He certainly can. I don’t have anything to predict for you at this time.” Transgender advocates are looking to the courts to strike down the rash of anti-transgender laws in the states, including a measure in Arkansas criminalizing transition-related care for transgender youth, including hormones and puberty blockers. The Arkansas Legislature enacted the measure into law this week by overriding a veto by Gov. Asa Hutchison, although legal advocates have threatened to sue to seek relief. The Justice Department under the Obama administration had initiated lawsuits against anti-trans laws and discrimination. Under former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, the Justice Department in 2015 filed a lawsuit against Southeastern Oklahoma State University for allegedly discriminating against a professor for being transgender and retaliating against her when she complained. Later, former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch in 2016 filed litigation against North Carolina over House Bill 2, which prohibited

transgender people from using restrooms in governmentowned buildings consistent with their gender identity. In related news last month, the Defense Department announced an updated policy to fully reverse President Trump’s transgender military ban, allowing for enlistment regardless of gender identity and access to transition-related care through the U.S. military’s health care system. White House Press Secretary #%*&+,-.(&&A%B:;;?!BCD@E:;!F=C!1%3$(G Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said the new policy in the form of two instructions would “restore the department’s original 2016 policies regarding transgender policies,” which harkens back to the implementation of open service during the Obama administration before Trump reversed it by tweet in 2017. “They provide a means by which to access into the military in one’s selfidentified gender, provided all appropriate standards are met,” Kirby said. “They provide a path for those in service for medical treatment, gender transition and recognition of one’s self identified gender and seek to protect the privacy of all service members and to treat them with dignity and respect at all times.” Kirby said the new policies would take effect in 30 days, but in the meantime, the interim guidance issued by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at the start of the Biden administration prohibiting the discharges of troops for being transgender would remain in effect. “The secretary of defense strongly believes that the all volunteer force thrives when it is composed of diverse Americans who can meet the high standards for military service in an inclusive force that strengthens our national security posture,” Kirby added. !"#$%&'(")%()

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Ivan and Sergey said a USCIS asylum officer !"#$% &'% (% "()% *(+% ,-#% "$.,% /0% &+% (% 1&22(".% &+%Q(2&<#$+&(%&+7.$1&.,.;%7-.*%&+%K/"/'7%?@AB8 +.($%3/''&(4'%5$(2%6#/+7(&+'8 “Our status is still pending,” said Ivan. “We 6&2&7($)% '.$1&9.% &+% 3/''&(% &'% 9#*0/2'#$):% -(1.+47%$.9.&1.;%7-.%;.9&'&#+%#<%#/$%(002&9(7&#+8J (+;% !"#$% ,('% '7/;)&+"% &+% 7-.% 9&7)% #<% =&>-+)% Victoria Palmer, a USCIS spokesperson, in =#1"#$#;% &+% ?@AB% ,-.+% $.9$/&7.$'% 7#2;% -&*% 7#% (+% .*(&2% 7#% 7-.% D2(;.% #+% 6($9-% S@% ;.92&+.;% .+2&'78%!"#$:%,-#%('C.;%7-.%D2(;.%+#7%7#%0/E2&'-% to comment on specific asylum cases in Guam his last name, said officials sent him to a mental G;/.%7#%0$&1(9)%$.'7$&97&#+'8J -#'0&7(2%(<7.$%-.%<(&2.;%(%0')9-#2#"&9(2%.F(*8 Palmer noted “USCIS asylum officers have GH-.)% $.(2&>.;% I% ,('% "()% E.9(/'.% I% ;).;% *)% been unable to travel to Guam to conduct -(&$:%I%,.($%*(C./0%(+;%'7/<<%2&C.%7-(7:%02/'%I%-(1.% &+7.$1&.,'% #<% 7-#'.% ,-#% -(1.% (002&.;% <#$% .($$&+"':J%'(&;%!"#$8 affirmative asylum” because of “pandemic!"#$% 7#2;% 7-.% D2(;.% -.% ;&;% +#7% "#% 7#% 7-.% $.2(7.;%7$(1.2%$.'7$&97&#+'8J -#'0&7(2:% (+;% 7-.% *&2&7($)% E."(+% 7#% 2##C% <#$% “USCIS asylum officers also conduct credible him after he fled the city. Egor flew to Guam in <.($% '9$..+&+"'% <#$% &+;&1&;/(2'% '/EP.97% 7#% (+% 6()% ?@AB% (+;% ('C.;% <#$% (')2/*% (7% 7-.% &'2(+;4'% .F0.;&7.;% $.*#1(2% #$;.$% ,-#% ,&'-% 7#% (002)% K+7#+&#%D8%L#+%M(7%I+7.$+(7&#+(2%K&$0#$78 <#$% (')2/*:% <.($% 0.$'.9/7&#+% #$% 7#$7/$.% #$% <.($% GI%C+.,%I%9#/2;%"#%-.$.%(+;%(002)%<#$%(')2/*% $.7/$+&+"%7#%7-.&$%-#*.%9#/+7$):J%M(2*.$%7#2;%7-.% at the international airport in Guam,” Egor told #$%&'$ fled Russia with her child and now ex-wife in 2015. D2(;.8% GD.9(/'.% 9$.;&E2.% <.($% &+7.$1&.,'% *()% 7-.% D2(;.% ;/$&+"% (% 7.2.0-#+.% &+7.$1&.,% <$#*% E.% 9#+;/97.;% E)% 7.2.0-#+.:% 7-.% T#'% K+".2.'% Guam. “That’s what I did pretty much.” Asylum Office has forged an arrangement with the USCIS Guam Field Office to assist Guam is a U.S. territory in the western Pacific Ocean that is at the southern end of the asylum officers conduct credible fear interviews telephonically. As currently planned, 6($&(+(%I'2(+;'8 7-&'%.<<#$7%&'%<(&$2)%92#'.%7#%E.&+"%9#*02.7.;8%I+;&1&;/(2'%<#/+;%7#%-(1.%(%9$.;&E2.%<.($%#<% Egor is one of the upwards of 300 Russian asylum seekers in Guam. They cannot leave 0.$'.9/7&#+%7-.+%"#%E.<#$.%(+%&**&"$(7&#+%P/;".%,-#%-('%7-.%(/7-#$&7)%7#%"$(+7%7-.*% 7-.%&'2(+;%/+7&2%7-.&$%9('.'%($.%;.9&;.;8 any form of protection for which they qualify.” Russian citizens until 2020 were able to travel to Guam without a visa. Egor and other Palmer referred the Blade to U.S. Customs and Border Protection in response to Russian LGBTQ asylum seekers with whom the Blade has spoken took advantage of this questions about travel restrictions for asylum seekers in Guam. The agency has yet to visa-free travel to flee their homeland. 6($&+(:%,-#%(2'#%('C.;%7-.%D2(;.%+#7%7#%0/E2&'-%-.$%2('7%+(*.:%(+;%-.$%7-.+N"&$2<$&.+;:% respond to a request for comment. Joshua Tenorio, Guam’s openly gay lieutenant governor, noted to the Blade during a Julia Mavrodieva, arrived in Guam on Nov. 21, 2015, with their child. 6($&+(% #+% 6($9-% ?O% 7#2;% 7-.% D2(;.% ;/$&+"% (% 7.2.0-#+.% &+7.$1&.,% 7-(7% -($(''*.+7% 6($9-%B%7.2.0-#+.%&+7.$1&.,%7-(7%7$(1.2.$'%*/'7%92.($%QDM%#+%7-.%&'2(+;%E.<#$.%7-.)%9(+% (+;% 7-$.(7'% 0$#*07.;% -.$% (+;% 6(1$#;&.1(% 7#% 2.(1.% 7-.&$% -#*.% &+% 5<(% +.($% 7-.% 5$(2% fly to Hawaii, South Korea or Japan in order to travel to the mainland U.S. “What they’re saying is had they been in any of the states, they would be able to file Mountains. Marina said she and Mavrodieva decided to flee the country over concerns their asylum papers and be able to travel within the United States,” Tenorio told the that officials would take their child away from them because they are lesbians. Blade. “But because they did it in Guam, they are not being able to do that because they “LGBT is not good there and also it’s the law in Russia that I cannot show my daughter 9#/2;+47%92.($%7-.%&**&"$(7&#+%9-.9C:%.1.+%7-#/"-%)#/4$.%+#7%92.($&+"%&**&"$(7&#+8J our relationship,” said Marina. “If the government knows that I have an LGBT family, like GI74'%(%'7$(+".%$.(2&7)%<#$%/'%E.9(/'.%,.%($.%(%7.$$&7#$):J%-.%(;;.;8 7,#%,#*.+%(+;%(%9-&2;:%7-.)%9(+%7(C.%*)%;(/"-7.$%(,()8J !"#$%&'%7-.%#+2)%(')2/*%'..C.$%,&7-%,-#*%7-.%D2(;.%'0#C.%,-#%,('%;.7(&+.;%/0#+% 6(1$#;&.1(%.9-#.;%6($&+(%&+%(%'.0($(7.%7.2.0-#+.%&+7.$1&.,8 GH-(74'%,-.+%,.%7-#/"-7%&<%,.4$.%+#7%"#&+"%7#%2.(1.%+#,:%7-.)4$.%P/'7%"#&+"%7#%7(C.% arrival in Guam. He said he spent five days in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody 7-.%9-&2;%(,()%<#$%'/$.:J%'(&;%6(1$#;&.1(8%GI74'%P/'7%(%*(77.$%#<%7&*.%,-.+%7-.)%;.9&;.%7#% before his release on a $5,000 bond. Egor said a prisoner at the facility where he was ;#%7-&'8J 6(1$#;&.1(%(+;%6($&+(%(002&.;%<#$%(')2/*%('%(%<(*&2)%(<7.$%7-.)%2."(22)%*($$&.;%&+% -.2;%(''(/27.;%-&*8 !"#$% $.9.&1.;% -&'% ,#$C% (/7-#$&>(7&#+% &+% R/+.% ?@?@8% H-.% #7-.$% (')2/*% '..C.$'% ,&7-% Guam on Dec. 4, 2015. H-.%,#*.+%,#$C.;%,&7-%(%3/''&(+N'0.(C&+"%0($(2."(2%&+%Q(2&<#$+&(%,-#%-.20.;%7-.*% whom the Blade has spoken say they are also able to legally work in Guam as they await 7-.%#/79#*.%#<%7-.&$%9('.'8 with their Form I-589, a formal application for asylum. Mavrodieva said they did not 6(1$#;&.1(% #,+'% (% 9#+'7$/97&#+% 9#*0(+)% ,-.$.% 6($&+(% 9/$$.+72)% ,#$C'8% I1(+% (+;% speak with him for seven months, but he told them in July 2016 that U.S. Customs and Sergey have begun a woodworking and pet care business. Immigration Services had accepted and processed it. “I like Guam and stuff, but the thing is you’re in limbo,” Mavrodieva told the Blade. “It’s H-.%,#*.+%;&1#$9.;%&+%R/2)%?@AB8%6($&+(%(+;%-.$%9-&2;%-(;%7-.&$%(')2/*%&+7.$1&.,%(% E..+%).($'8J month later, but Mavrodieva is still awaiting hers because she had to file her own asylum Some of the Russian asylum seekers in Guam earlier this year staged a hunger strike in (002&9(7&#+%(<7.$%7-.%;&1#$9.8 front of the official seat of the island’s government to highlight their plight. Sergey and Ivan are a gay couple from Yakutsk in Siberia. Tenorio on March 12 met with Mavrodieva, Marina, Egor, Ivan, Sergey and other Ivan told the Blade on March 23 during a telephone interview that Sergey was Russian LGBTQ asylum seekers. Melissa Taitano, board chair of Equality Guam, an attacked in 2011 “because he had earrings.” Ivan said he and Sergey decided to move LGBTQ rights group on the island, also attended the meeting. to St. Petersburg “because we thought it was a different place, but it turned out to be GI7%,('%0(&+</2%7#%-.($%,-)%7-.)%2.<7%3/''&(%(+;%7-.%C&+;%#<%&+P/'7&9.'%(+;%&+;&"+&7&.'% 0$.77)%*/9-%7-.%'(*.%.F0.$&.+9.8J I1(+%'(&;%(%<$&.+;%,('%E.(7.+%(7%(%'/E,()%'7(7&#+%(<7.$%7-.)%(77.+;.;%(+%.1.+7%(7%(% and beatings, really, physical beatings, that they underwent and then to find out that they were in Guam and they were a part of community, even as refugees,” Tatiano told gay nightclub. Sergey told the Blade he was harassed at work after he and Ivan moved 7-.%D2(;.%#+%K0$&2%U%;/$&+"%(%7.2.0-#+.%&+7.$1&.,8 7#%6#'9#,8 “Our reaction was to want to help,” she added. GH-.)% C&+;% #<% *(;.% *.% 9#*.% #/7% ('% "():J% -.% '(&;:% '0.(C&+"% 7-$#/"-% (% <$&.+;% ,-#% Tatiano — a professor at the University of Guam who has a background in archival &+7.$0$.7.;%<#$%-&*%(+;%I1(+8%GI7%,('+47%1#2/+7($)8J '7/;&.':% &+;&".+#/'% &''/.'% (+;% 9/27/$(2% *.*#$)% V% '(&;% '-.% ;.9&;.;% 7#% ;#9/*.+7% 7-.% The couple arrived in Guam in April 2017. asylum seekers’ stories in a short film that is slated for release in early June. Tenorio’s Ivan and Sergey said Immigration Equality told them to apply for asylum in the U.S. office is also working to provide them with legal assistance in an attempt to expedite by mail, and they did so 45 days after they arrived in Guam. The couple married on the 7-.&$%9('.'8 island in December 2017, and soon began to receive threats because Russian media GK<7.$%I%*.7%,&7-%7-.*:%I%$.(22):%$.(22)%-(1.%P/'7%E..+%7-&+C&+"%'#%*/9-%(E#/7%7-.*:J% $.0#$7.;%#+%7-.&$%,.;;&+"8 GM.#02.%&+%3/''&(%E('&9(22)%2.($+.;%(E#/7%7-&':J%'(&;%I1(+8%GI7%"#7%0/E2&9%(+;%I%'7($7.;% H.+#$&#%7#2;%7-.%D2(;.8%GI4*%P/'7%0/77&+"%*)'.2<%&+%7-.&$%'-#.'%(+;%7-&+C%7#%*)'.2<:%"#'-:% -#,%9(+%)#/%P/'7%(E$/072)%2.(1.:%'7($7%(22%#1.$8J ".77&+"%7-$.(7'%(+;%'7/<<8%I7%,('+47%1.$)%+&9.8J ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$34'-!567!898 5 ! " ! ' (* / 4 ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%

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O+5+')%7N# *7# 5&<"!'# @$1"2$# $"R+3# *+# !=# K# ;!"2+3# K# 3!3'P)# 2$8+# $# 3!"$G!%!)79# KP8+# G++'#%&;#8!"!&'#"!'5+#G!1)29#Q%*&")#3$!%7N#$#=$*!%7#*+*G+1N#=1!+'3N#&1#")1$'(+1#)+%%"# *+#*7#%!=+#*<")#"<5R#G+5$<"+#KP*#G%!'39#K#%&8+#@$1"2$9#.<)N#JK#3&'P)#;$')#)&#G+#'&'B 3!"$G%+3NM#K#)&%3#2+1N#J*7#3!"$G!%!)7#!"#F$1)#&=#;2&#K#$*9#K)P"#F$1)#&=#;2$)#*$R+"#*+# `$)2!bM JK#%!R+#G+!'(#;2&#K#$*NM#K#$33+39 C27#$*#K#F1&<3#)&#G+#*7"+%=#!'#$#5<%)<1+#)2$)#&=)+'#")!(*$)!a+"#*+#G+5$<"+#&=# my disability and sexuality? The roots of my pride go back to a group of teens who %!")+'+3#)&#1&5R#*<"!5N#"*&R+3#F&)#$'3#*$3+#&<)#$)#H$*F#?+'+3N#$#"<**+1#5$*F# for disabled teenagers in the Catskills in the 1960s and 1970s. /2+#")&17#&=#)2&"+#5$*F+1"#$'3#2&;#)2+7#*&8+3#&'#=1&*#)2+!1#J*!'!BC&&3")&5RM# )&# 52$'(+# )2+# ;&1%3# !"# )&%3# !'# )2+# X"5$1B'&*!'$)+3# 3&5<*+')$17# JH1!F# H$*FI# Q# 4!"$G!%!)7#O+8&%<)!&'9M#/2+#3&5<*+')$17N#F1&3<5+3#G7#.$1$5R#$'3#@!52+%%+#XG$*$N# !"#3!1+5)+3#G7#^!5&%+#^+;'2$*#$'3#?!*#,+.1+52)N#$#=&1*+1#H$*F#?+'+3#5$*F+19# The doc, featuring rock music, raging sexuality and disability pride will give you, '&'B3!"$G%+3N#3!"$G%+3N#2+)+1&#&1#S<++1N#$#5&')$5)#2!(29#### You’ll learn from “Crip Camp” about how more than 100 disabled protesters, 2+)+1&# $'3# S<++1N# %+3# G7# H$*F# ?+'+3# $%<*"N# )&&R# &8+1# $# >$'# Z1$'5!"5&# =+3+1$%# G<!%3!'(#=&1#'+$1%7#$#*&')2#!'#YTcc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`1!")+'# ?&!'+1# &=# J.+!'(# :+<*$''I# Q'# d'1+F+')$')# @+*&!1#&=#$#4!"$G!%!)7#O!(2)"#Q5)!8!")NM#"$7"#!'#JH1!F#H$*F9M .<)N#$)#H$*F#?+'+3N#)2+1+#;+1+#*$R+B&<)#"+""!&'"#G+2!'3#)2+#G<'R"N#"2+#$33"9 ,!&'+%#?+PC&&37$13#;$"#$#5&<'"+%&1#$)#?+'+39#/2+#3!"$G%+3#)++'"#$)#?+'+3#=$5+3# "&*+#&=#)2+#"$*+#3!"51!*!'$)!&'#)2$)#2+#+'5&<')+1+3#$"#$#.%$5R#*$'N#?+PC&&37$13# "$7"9## _+$1"#%$)+1N#)2+#"++3"#&=#"+%=B1+"F+5)#F%$')+3#!'#)2+#)++'"#$)#?+'+3#G&1+#=1<!)9 :+<*$''N#;2&#2$"#F&%!&#$'3#<"+"#$#;2++%52$!1N#!"#$#=&<'3+1#&=#)2+#3!"$G!%!)7#1!(2)"# *&8+*+')9#K'#QF1!%#YTccN#"2+#$'3#A)2+#%$)+E#3!"$G%+3N#%+"G!$'#$5)!8!")#`!))7#H&'+#%+3# $# *&')2B%&'(# 3!"$G!%!)7# 1!(2)"# F1&)+")9# /2+# )$R+&8+1# ;$"# "<FF&1)+3# G7# )2+# .%$5R# 6$')2+1"#$'3#)2+#,-./0#5&**<'!)79 JH1!F#H$*FNM#)21&<(2#$152!8$%#=&&)$(+#$'3#!')+18!+;"#;!)2#:+<*$''N#H&'+N#S<++1# disability activist and writer Corbett O’Toole and others, conveys the significance &=#)2!"#2!")&1!5#"!)B!'9#Q"#$#1+"<%)#&=#)2!"#)$R+&8+1N#&'#QF1!%#eUN#YTccN#)2+#1+(<%$)!&'"# implementing “Section 504” of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 were signed. “Section 504” says if you receive federal funds, you can’t discriminate against people because they’re disabled. For example, an employer receiving federal funds 5$'P)#3+'7#7&<#+*F%&7*+')#G+5$<"+#7&<P1+#3!"$G%+39#/2!"#;$"#*$''$#=1&*#2+$8+'# for we who’d been excluded. Section 504 was a precursor to the Americans with 4!"$G!%!)!+"#Q5)9 The 504 sit-in was the Stonewall of the disability rights movement. Like many, I ;$"'P)#)2+1+#$)#)2+#"!)B!'9#_+)N#K#;&<%3'P)#G+#&<)#$'3#F1&<3#)&3$7N#!=#'&)#=&1#"+5)!&'# 504 or Camp Jened.

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Va. marijuana legalization takes effect July 1 G:B#,(."**)**%"&("0(3+&&+D%*(B.(,"("&)("B&3)($%,7"B,(.)&+#,E !"##"$%&'(#)'%*#+,%-)(+../"-+#("0(1)2"3/+,%3(4"-5(6+#.7( 8"/,7+29*(+2)&:2)&,*(,"(;)&+,)(<%##(=>?@(+&:(A"B*)(<%##( 2312, Virginia became the first southern state to legalize the ."**)**%"&(+&:(B*)("0(2+/%CB+&+(DE(+:B#,*5 ;)&+,)(<%##(=>?@F(%&,/":B3):(DE(;)&5(G:+2(HDD%&(I1JK?L( +&:( ;)&+,)( M/)*%:)&,( M/"( N)2."/)( ;)&+,"/( O"B%*)( OB3+*( I1J=PLF( +&:( A"B*)( <%##( QK=QF( .+,/"&):( DE( A"B*)( R+C"/%,E( O)+:)/( 1)#)'+,)( S7+/&%)#)( A)//%&'( I1J>@LF( )*,+D#%*7( +( statutory timeline for the legalization of the commercial 2+/%CB+&+( 2+/T),( %&( U%/'%&%+5( N7)( 2)+*B/)( +#*"( .)/2%,*( 0"/(,7)(.)/*"&+#(."**)**%"&(+&:(3B#,%-+,%"&("0(3+&&+D%*(DE( ,7"*)(+')*(Q=("/("#:)/5 O+*,( $))TF( 4"-5( 8"/,7+2( /)3"22)&:):( 37+&')*( ,"( ,7)(#)'%*#+,%"&(,"(.)/2%,(,7)(.)/*"&+#(B*)(./"-%*%"&*("0(,7)( #+$(,"(,+T)()00)3,("&(VB#E(=F(Q?Q=(/+,7)/(,7+&("&(V+&B+/E(=F( Q?Q>F(,7)()&+3,2)&,(:+,)(%&%,%+##E(+../"-):(DE(#+$2+T)/*5( G(2+C"/%,E("0(,7)(#)'%*#+,B/)(3"&3B//):($%,7(,7+,(37+&')5 N7)/)0"/)F(D)'%&&%&'(VB#E(=F(Q?Q=F(+:B#,*($%##(D)(.)/2%,,):( ,"(."**)**(B.(,"("&)("B&3)("0(2+/%CB+&+(+&:(,"(3B#,%-+,)(B.( ,"(0"B/(3+&&+D%*(.#+&,*(.)/(7"B*)7"#:($%,7"B,(.)&+#,E5 N7)( ,%2)#%&)( DE( $7%37( *,+,)( /)'B#+,"/*( 7+-)( ,"( )&+3,( ./"-%*%"&*( #%3)&*%&'( 3"22)/3%+#( 3+&&+D%*( ./":B3,%"&( +&:( *+#)*(/)2+%&*(VB#E(=F(Q?Q>5 Commenting on final passage, NORML Development 1%/)3,"/(V)&&(R%37)##)(M):%&%F($7"(+#*"(*)/-)*(+*()W)3B,%-)( director of Virginia NORML, said: “This is an incredible victory for Virginia. Legalization will bring an end to the ,7"B*+&:*( "0( #"$J#)-)#( 2+/%CB+&+( %&0/+3,%"&*( "33B//%&'( +&&B+##E( %&( ,7)( S"22"&$)+#,7( X( )&:%&'( +( :%*3/%2%&+,"/E( ./+3,%3)(,7+,(0+/(,""("0,)&(,+/'),*(U%/'%&%+&*($7"(+/)(E"B&'F( .""/F(+&:(.)".#)("0(3"#"/5Y

Majority Leader Charniele Herring added: “It is a huge day for equity in the Commonwealth. Virginia is now the first state in the South to legalize recreational marijuana use, and I am so proud to have been able to carry this monumental #)'%*#+,%"&5Y Sen. Ebbin said, “The passage of SB1406 caps off years of *,/B''#)(,"(/)0"/2("B/(D/"T)&(+&:("B,:+,):(2+/%CB+&+(#+$*( +&:(D)'%&*(,7)(:)#%D)/+,)(*,).*(,"(/).)+#(,7)(7+/2*("0(,7)( failed prohibition. I am thankful to NORML, the governor, +&:(2E(3"##)+'B)*(0"/(2"-%&'(,7%*(QPK(D%##(0/"2(%&3).,%"&( ,"(.+**+')("-)/(,7)(#+*,(0"B/(2"&,7*F(+&:(#""T(0"/$+/:(,"( 3"&,%&B%&'( ,"( .+/,&)/( $%,7( ,7)2( ,"( )*,+D#%*7( +( /)'B#+,):F( )ZB%,E(0"3B*):F(+:B#,JB*)(2+/T),.#+3)(%&(,7)(3"2%&'(E)+/*5Y Newly released statewide polling data finds that 68 .)/3)&,("0(/)'%*,)/):(-",)/*(%&(U%/'%&%+F(%&3#B:%&'(2+C"/%,%)*( of Democrats and Republicans, support legalizing 2+/%CB+&+(0"/(+:B#,*5 G::%,%"&+#( +2)&:2)&,*( +::):( DE( 4"-5( 8"/,7+2( $%##( +##"$( ,7)( *)+#%&'( "0( /)3"/:*( /)#+,):( ,"( 3/%2)*( %&-"#-%&'( ,7)( 2%*:)2)+&"/( ."**)**%"&( "0( 2+/%CB+&+( $%,7( ,7)( %&,)&,(,"(:%*,/%DB,)5(N7"*)(/)3"/:*($%##(D)'%&(,"(D)(*)+#):( *,+/,%&'( "&( VB#E( =F( Q?Q=5( ;).+/+,)( #)'%*#+,%"&( )&+3,):( %&( Q?Q?( ./)-%"B*#E( *)+#):( /)3"/:*( /)#+,):( ,"( 2%*:)2)+&"/( 2+/%CB+&+(."**)**%"&5 Records specific to the simple possession of marijuana +&:["/( 2%*:)2)+&"/( ."**)**%"&( $%,7( %&,)&,( ,"( :%*,/%DB,)( /)3"/:*($%##(D)(+B,"2+,%3+##E()W.B&'):(&"(#+,)/(,7+&(Q?Q\5( Those with records specific to crimes involving the felony ."**)**%"&( "0( 2+/%CB+&+( $%,7( ,7)( %&,)&,( ,"( :%*,/%DB,)( 2+E( D)'%&( ,"( .),%,%"&( ,7)( 3"B/,*( 0"/( +&( )W."B&'%&'( "0( ,7)%/( /)3"/:*(%&(Q?Q\5

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6"30#01"$(0..07'-$0(5','-5-$508"$). $()19)105"$/01'2+0.0 G*(,7)(3"B&,/E(2"-)*(0"/$+/:($%,7(*$)).%&'(37+&')*(%&(3+&&+D%*(."#%3E(/)0"/2F(#"3+#*( %&(1)#+$+/)(+/)(,+&'#%&'($%,7(3"/."/+,)F(2B#,%J*,+,)(2):%3+#(2+/%CB+&+(.)/2%,(7"#:)/*(,"( pass a bill for full legalization. G:B#,JB*)( +3,%-%*,*( +&:( /)'%*,)/):( 2):%3+#( .+,%)&,*( $)/)( *,B&&):( ,"( 7)+/( ".."*%&'( ,)*,%2"&E(0/"2(1)#+$+/)9*(2):%3+#(2+/%CB+&+(".)/+,"/*5(M+,%)&,*(+#/)+:E(:)+#($%,7(#%2%,):( +33)**(+&:(3"*,#E(./":B3,*5(8"$F(2+&E(*))(,7)()*,+D#%*7):(%&:B*,/E(-"%3%&'(".."*%,%"&( as simply obstructing the progress of adult-use legislation. In response, some patients are &"$(*,+'%&'(+(D"E3",,("0(,7)(/)'B#+,):(:%*.)&*+/%)*5 During the first committee hearing for HB150, Delaware’s adult-use bill, four of the *,+,)9*( *%W( 3B//)&,#E( #%3)&*):F( 2B#,%J2%##%"&( :"##+/( 2):%3+#( 3+&&+D%*( 0+3%#%,%)*( "00)/):( &)'+,%-)(,)*,%2"&E5 Zoë Patchell, executive director of Delaware CAN responded: “This market belongs to the long-time consumers, patients, and activists. We create the demand, we’ve been the "&)*(:/%-%&'(,7)(/)0"/2()00"/,*F(+&:($)(.+E(,7)(./%3)*(+,(:%*.)&*+/%)*5(S+&&+D%*(%*(2"/)( ,7+&( +( 2+/T),( ]( 3+&&+D%*( %*( +( 3"22B&%,E5(N7)*)( 3"2.+&%)*( 3+&&",( /)+*"&+D#E( 0+,7"2( that we are going to purchase cannabis from any entity that has proven to put profits over .+,%)&,*5(G&:(&"$(,7)E(*))2($%##%&'(,"(.B,(3"&*B2)/*9(#%-)*(+&:(0/)):"2(+,(/%*T(CB*,(,"( 7"#:("B,(0"/(+&(B&0+%/(+:-+&,+')(%&(,7)(%&:B*,/E5Y These included publicly traded Columbia Care, “Fresh Delaware” aka CCRI, CannTech Research Inc., and the owner of EZY Venture aka “The Farm.” N7)E( +##( $)&,( "&( /)3"/:( 3"&:)2&%&'( A<=\?F( +&:( .B*7%&'( +( 0+#*)( &+//+,%-)( +D"B,( "-)/*B..#E5(N7)(3"/)(:)2+&:(0/"2(,7)(.)/2%,(3+/,)#($+*(*"2)(./",)3,%"&(0"/(,7)%/(./%-+,)( DB*%&)**(%&,)/)*,*($%,7('B+/+&,)):(+:B#,JB*)(#%3)&*)*5 S/%,%3%*2( 0/"2( ,7)( 2):%3+#( 2+/%CB+&+( ".)/+,"/*( 3#+%2):( ,7+,( A<=\?( "00)/*( ,""( 2+&E( &)$(3B#,%-+,%"&(+&:(/),+%#(#%3)&*)*F(B&:)/#%&):(DE(:)).(E),(B&0"B&:):(0)+/*(,7+,(,7)(&)$( 3"2.),%,%"&($"B#:(.B,(,7)%/(3"2.+&%)*("B,("0(DB*%&)**5 Patchell noted, “We are not going to sit back while multi-state corporate entities, that already monopolize East Coast medical markets, work to undermine our social equity and 2%3/"J#%3)&*)(./"-%*%"&*5Y !"#$$#%&'(")*+),-($-.'(&$(+/-(0*#1-(&'(2,34&1-1(&$(2#,+$-,'/&2(.&+/(56789:( ;&'&+(!"#$%&"#'(<3,(=3,-(&$<3,=#+&3$:>

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‘Profits out of the hands of criminals,’ tweeted Canadian Prime Minister AB/C%D#C.BE)(B on the day cannabis became legal in Canada. (Washington Blade photo by Michael K. Lavers)

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curaleaf.com @curaleaf.usa Must be 18 years or older to view content. Medical cannabis is for certified patient use only. Consumption of medical cannabis may impair your ability to drive a car or operate machinery. Please use extreme caution. There may be health risk associated with cannabis use, especially during pregnancy or reastfeeding. Accidental consumption of cannabis by children or animals may result in severe adverse reactions. Keep cannabis out of the reach of children and animals.

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4$*,##$0/56255/+($+*$7,8$43/5"&$9+3&$%+(#5:$;++<$=>3&-/(?@A$!"#$B#623/&,$!"#+CB+3/./65$ +*$>/,#$&(0$7#5/,#$/($D3&6<$E&3#$F+5'#3$B#,*+,-&(6#G!*%!'/&*.3'!('!6!"787!/&!'3$!90#*-(&! American History and Culture Museum Facebook page. This conversation explores the ways male gospel performers negotiate identity in Black religious spaces. For more information, explore the event calendar on si.edu. 7%$!,&H/5$)53&(0$&(0$I%$!,#$present Nicks Flix: Mac Attack Saturday, April 17 at 9 p.m. via Twitch. This free virtual event features all Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks music videos. For more information, visit DJ Travis Island on social media or twitch.tv/djtravisisland. !"#$JK."$4((/H#,5&,L$7#'#6"#$E+0#$7&(6#$B&,.L$hosted by the Black Cat via Twitch is tonight at 9 p.m. This free virtual event, also celebrating 20 years of FYM Productions, streams live and features a special 4-hour DJ set of deep-cuts and favorites. For more information, visit twitch.tv/fymproductions/ and the Facebook event page.


4$D3&6<$3#5;/&($'##,$52''+,.$?,+2'$hosted by the Beta Kappa Chapter of the Beta Phi Omega Sorority is today at 1 p.m. via Zoom. For more information, visit thedccenter.org. !"#$4-#,/6&($)(0/&($E25#2- presents Indigenous Poetry: Resilience, a free on-demand event via the SmithsonianNMAI YouTube channel. During the presentation, Indigenous poets offer inspiration while reciting their works about resilience. More information is available at si.edu.


!"#$-+(."3L$F#(0#,M2##,$71$52''+,.$?,+2' meeting for people who identify outside of the gender binary is tonight at 7 p.m. More information is available at genderqueerdc.org or at thedccenter.org.


N+(+,&$%"&O$&2."+,$+*$=P+Q$.+$R&/5#$&$>#-/(/5.$N+(OG discusses issues of motherhood, culture and masculinity on P&P Live tonight at 6 p.m. The book follows one mother’s journey to raise a feminist son as a single immigrant woman of color in America. For more information, visit politics-prose.com.


D++<E#($71, an informal group of men who are interested in gay literature, meets today at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. This group consists mostly of members in the DC area, but visitors for other places are welcome to drop in and join the discussion. For more information, visit bookmendc.blogspot.com. BSB$9/H#T presents “Crying in H Mart” author Michelle Zauner tonight at 7 p.m. Zauner, a singer, songwriter and guitarist shares her story about growing up as one of the few Asian American kids in her school in Eugene, Oregon, precious moments spent with her grandmother in Seoul, Korea, and the feeling of losing her “Koreanness” even while finding musical success. Free tickets and information about this discussion are available at politics"#/%$7-/87!


!"#$71$B2;3/6$9/;,&,L presents “On Poetry and Activism: an Evening with Clint Smith” tonight at 6 p.m. via Facebook and YouTube. This award-winning author’s work has appeared in the New Yorker, Poetry Magazine, The Paris Review and more. He currently teaches writing and literature at the DC Central Detention Facility and his debut nonfiction book “How the Word is Passed” explores how historical sites recon with their relationship with the history of slavery. More information is available at dclibrary.org and on the event’s Facebook page.

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OUT & ABOUT !"#$%&"'()"&&"*$+(,-+#$."'(/%+#+(01$.-2$&(3%.$-( The 5th annual National Cannabis Festival, presented by the World Music Festival, hosts a Dazed & Amused Movie Experience Saturday, April 17 at 8 p.m. until Sunday, April 18 at 1 a.m. in the RFK Stadium Lot (2400 East Capitol St., N.E.). General admission, VIP and double-header tickets are on sale for either one or both of the features, which include “How High” at 8 p.m. and “The Big Lebowski” at 11 p.m. Tickets range from $45 - $165. The National Cannabis Festival raises awareness about the need for federal legislation and criminal justice reform while creating a platform for equity in the cannabis industry. The full 2021 festival, headlined by Method Man and Redman, has been postponed due to the pandemic. A new date will be announced on June 1. To participate in the drive-in event, one ticket per vehicle is required, and participants must arrive in vehicles and adhere to pandemic guidelines to gain entry. Face masks and social distancing are required when outside of your vehicle. All activities are scheduled to run rain or shine. Gates open at 7 p.m. and early arrivals can enjoy a pre-party with a live DJ presented by Byrdland Records. Blunt Factz hosts cannabis trivia where attendees can win prizes and other swag. Food vendors will be on hand to sell Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, CBD popcorn from Pink Fox and other munchies. However, cannabis consumption is forbidden at the RFK site. More information is available at nationalcannabisfestival.com and via the event’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter sites.

4$1#5"'(6"#$&7(8'"9(:-"#51-+(;-&0-1(0$.-1+-("<#%1+ “¡NAILS!,” a play about a young Latina lesbian who is mortified by her quickly growing nails, is presented in a virtual reading and discussion presented by Rorschach Theatre on Wednesday, April 21 at 7 p.m. via Facebook. In this queer play, Catalina wants to ask her crush Serena out but her fingernails are growing at a magical pace. Her deep concern explores cultural clashes for queer people of color using the genre conventions of Latinx magical realism, queer camp and comedy. The enhanced stage reading features multiple gender diverse actors, including Savina Barini (they/them), Scott Whalen (he/they), Graciela Rey (she/ her), Jordyn Stroman (he/his), Jesús I. Valles (they/them) & Malachi Sauls (he/ they). Following the reading, playwright Eliana Pipes and others on the production team will discuss how to transform this work in progress into a musical. For more information, visit elianapipes.com.

=>-"</$&;(:%1(#/-(?%%&@(A"#</(8"1#9(B81$'(CD The Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ Affairs and DC Public Library present a virtual viewing of the #DCQueerFlix “Reaching for the Moon” Friday, April 30 at 7 p.m. This biographical drama, inspired by two Brazilian works, imagines American Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Elizabeth Bishop’s relationship with then-partner, Brazilian architect Lota de Macedo Soares, in the 1950s. The film is free for DC Library patrons to view via Kanopy, but a DC library card is required. The watch party begins when all participants hit play together, then chat live on Twitter using the hashtags #DCQueerFlix and #ReachingForTheMoon. More information is available on the event’s Facebook and Eventbrite pages.

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Join us for our annual fundraiser, Spring Affair, which will be held virtually on May 1, 2021. There will be a silent auction, fabulous entertainment, and it will be hosted by our special guest emcee, Tony Award≠ winner Alan Cumming!

MAY 1, 2021 7:00PM ET Free with registration VIP Packages available Visit GMCW.org to register

Hosted by Tony Award≠ Winner


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‘LAST CALL: A TRUE STORY OF LOVE, LUST, AND MURDER IN QUEER NEW YORK’ !"#$%&'#()**'#+#,-./.0# 1*%23&'#!&&45#+ 6.7-// +#.87#92:*5

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, - ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$34'-!567!898 5

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Jeff Hammerberg

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Consultant & former MPD Officer

Consultant & MPD Officer




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