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Prominent LGBTQ nightlife figure Allen Carroll dies at 79 I+$/934#%-.(.%12'3$#''4)$%+5$#7%A3#/<#"7;'BC#:*#9',%?6)'#%@ !"#$%&#'()!!*+%#,+-#.#/01233456784913/4:;-06<
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E3:N'%)$7%-+$%O4#3/6,%)$+96#*%"+$/934#%<*3#$7%+<%()**+"";',%')37%()**+""%)$7%&#$'#$% $#P9% +8#$#7% L6#% Q96#*% C37#,% 3$393)""0% )'% )$+96#*% "#'13)$% 1)*,% 3$% 96#% 4377"#% 9+% ")9#% @GF>'%3$%)%")*/#%5)*#6+2'#%123"73$/%)9%96#%3$9#*'#:93+$%+<%E)"<%)$7%Q%C9*##9',%C.O.%3$% )$%)*#)%56#*#%+96#*%/)0%:"21'%5#*#%"+:)9#7. L6#%95+%')37%()**+""%)$7%&#$'#$%")9#*%:6)$/#7%96#%:"21;'%$)4#%9+%A3#/<#"7;'%)$7% 8*+4+9#7%39%)'%)%:"21%<+*%)""%'#/4#$9'%+<%96#%IJKLM%:+442$390.%R$%)77393+$%9+%39'%")*/#% dance floor the club became known for its popular drag shows featuring longtime 8#*<+*4#*%-+$$#""%S+13$'+$,%56+%<+*%0#)*'%6)'%2'#7%96#%7*)/%$)4#%O"")%H39T/#*)"7. S+13$'+$%)$7%O4#3/6%')37%96)9%3$%@GUG,%()**+""%)$7%&#$'#$%:+$V#*9#7%)%*++4%3$%96#% '8*)5"3$/%A3#/<#"7;'%123"73$/%96)9%6)7%+$:#%1##$%2'#7%)'%)%*#'9)2*)$9%3$9+%)%'#8)*)9#% )7W+3$3$/%1)*%:)""#7%C#:*#9',%563:6%<#)92*#7%$27#%4)"#%7)$:#*'. Ziegfeld’s-Secrets remained at the Half and O Street location until 2006, when it and 96#%+96#*%:"21'%)9%96)9%"+:)93+$%5#*#%73'8"):#7%10%96#%:+$'9*2:93+$%+<%96#%X)'63$/9+$% Y)93+$)"'%1)'#1)""%'9)7324.%R9%9++N%95+%0#)*',%+$#%0#)*%)<9#*%&#$'#$%8)''#7%)5)0%3$% 2007, for Carroll to secure a new location for the club at 1824 Half Street, S.W., the "+:)93+$%+<%96#%<+*4#*%/)0%7)$:#%1)*%?3#*%G.% C9#V#$%-#"2*1),%96#%A3#/<#"7;'BC#:*#9'%/#$#*)"%4)$)/#*,%8)*9%+5$#*%)$7%"+$/934#% <*3#$7% +<% ()**+"";',% ')37% 96)9% <+*% )1+29% 95+% 0#)*',% ()**+""% +8#$#7% )$7% +8#*)9#7% 96#% Phase 2 lesbian bar in the Dupont Circle area in a building that was the former home 9+%96#%/)0%7)$:#%:"21%K)7")$7'%96)9%5)'%")9#*%*#$)4#7%!8#P. In March 2020, like all other bars and restaurants in the city, Ziegfeld’s-Secrets :"+'#7%2$7#*%Z)0+*%Z2*3#"%K+5'#*;'%9#48+*)*0%6#)"96%#4#*/#$:0%+*7#*%3$%*#'8+$'#% 9+%96#%(Q[R-B@G%8)$7#43:.%L5+%4+$96'%")9#*,%()**+""%8+'9#7%)%4#'')/#%+$%96#%:"21;'% H):#1++N% 8)/#% )$$+2$:3$/% 39'% 8#*4)$#$9% :"+'3$/% )9% 96#% E)"<% C9*##9,% C.X.% "+:)93+$% )<9#*%96#%123"73$/;'%+5$#*%+*7#*#7%96#%123"73$/%V):)9#7%2$7#*%)%8*+V3'3+$%+<%96#%"#)'#% 9+%1#/3$%:+$'9*2:93+$%+<%)%$#5%63/6B*3'#%:+$7+43$324%8*+W#:9. Delurba said at the time the club hoped to find a new location to reopen, but any *#+8#$3$/%5+2"7%6)V#%9+%5)39%2$93"%96#%(Q[R-%*#'9*3:93+$'%5#*#%"3<9#7. -#"2*1)% :)""#7% ()**+""% )% 7#73:)9#7% )7V+:)9#% <+*% 96#% IJKLM% :+442$390% 56+% '288+*9#7% IJKLM% *3/69'% :)2'#'.% S+13$'+$,% 56+% <+*% 0#)*'% '#*V#7% )'% 43'9*#''% +<% :#*#4+$0% )$7% 6+'9% <+*% 96#% :"21;'% 7*)/% '6+5',% $+9#7% 96)9% ()**+""% <+*% 4)$0% 0#)*'% )**)$/#7%<+*%)%A3#/<#"7;'BC#:*#9'%:+$93$/#$9%3$%-.(.;'%)$$2)"%()839)"%?*37#%?)*)7#. “It was Sunday, July 4, 1980, when I performed my first drag show to Allen and (6*3',\%S+13$'+$%8+'9#7%+$%63'%H):#1++N%8)/#%963'%5##N.%]L6)$N%0+2,%-)770%!""#$,% <+*%1#"3#V3$/%3$%4#%)$7%/3V3$/%4#%)%8"):#%9+%:)""%6+4#%<+*%D>%0#)*'.%R%'6)""%)"5)0'%1#% /*)9#<2"%)$7%9*#)'2*#%96#%4)$0%5+$7#*<2"%4#4+*3#'%5#%'6)*#7%9+/#96#*,\%S+13$'+$% 5*+9#.%]Z)0%0+2%$+5%S#'9%3$%?#):#%<+*#V#*.\ Longtime D.C. nightlife advocate Mark Lee called Carroll an important figure in the :390;'%$3/69"3<#%)$7%6+'839)"390%3$72'9*0. “Similar to many D.C. bar and restaurant owners, Allen Carroll was first a local $3/69"3<#% 6+'839)"390% '9)<<% #48"+0##% 56+% 5+2"7% ")9#*% /+% +$% 9+% +5$% )$7% +8#*)9#% 42"938"#% V#$2#'% 3$% 42"938"#% "+:)93+$'% +V#*% 4)$0% 0#)*',% '#*V3$/% 1+96% /)0% 4#$% )$7% "#'13)$',\%I##%')37.%]!""#$;'%:+$9*31293+$%9+%:+442$390%$3/69"3<#%5)'%"+$/'9)$73$/%)$7% significant and his legacy will long remain a substantial part of local LGBTQ history,” I##%)77#7. 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D.C. launches assistance program for homeless LGBTQ seniors Mayor’s LGBTQ Affairs Office partners with Mary’s House !"#$%&#'()!!*+%#,+-#.#/01233456784913/4:;-06<
The D.C. Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ Affairs announced last week that it is reaching out to the community for help finding homeless or !unstably housed” LGBTQ seniors 62 years of age or older for a recently launched city program to provide them with rental assistance for safe and secure housing. The announcement says the program, known as Housing Older People Efficiently, or HOPE, is being operated jointly by the Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ Affair and the D.C. Housing Authority in partnership with the D.C.-based LGBTQ organization Mary’s House for Older Adults. Through a funding allocation of $348,964 approved by the D.C. Council for fiscal year 2021, the program has been given subsidized rental vouchers for 15 individual LGBTQ seniors or LGBTQ senior households. Sheila Alexander-Reid, who serves as director of the Mayor’s LGBTQ Affairs Office, and LeAndrea Gilliam, who’s coordinating the housing program for the office, each called the program a first step in addressing an often-hidden problem of homeless LGBTQ seniors in the city. !I can just say personally in interacting with all the clients and applicants that I have worked with so far, I know that they are very grateful,” said Gilliam. !And we have created an opportunity to improve the quality of life of LGBTQ residents through the D.C. Housing Authority and through this collaboration and partnership that we have.” Gilliam and Alexander-Reid said Mary’s House, which is in the process of opening one or more group houses for LGBTQ seniors in the District, has helped the program locate LGBTQ seniors in need of housing assistance. According to Gilliam and Alexander-Reid, the program is currently only available to LGBTQ seniors who are homeless or unstably housed, which the two said refers to someone who is homeless but staying temporarily with a friend or relative in a !couch sleeping” situation. They said the program is also available to a homeless person who has been placed in one of the city’s group transitional housing facilities on a temporary basis and that requires the person to find permanent housing elsewhere. Under the HOPE program for LGBTQ seniors, Gilliam said participants are required to pay a share of the rent equal to 30 percent of their income, which often comes from Social Security
benefits. But if the individual has no income or if their Social Security payment is below a certain amount, the program pays the full rent. The D.C. Housing Authority, which administers housing voucher and housing assistance 2:;<=>!&?@>A!3;A>BCADE!:DC!1/+!.;0! programs for people in need in addition to #$%&#'())*+!>:BC!>FA!G:>!F?HAI@J! LGBTQ seniors, arranges for landlords to accept EFA!9K!:HH;?LAC!F?@>BDM!L?@NFA;>! people enrolled in the program and sends staff G?@JC!OA!N?D>BCA;AC!:!>E:;EBDM!H?BDE0 (Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key) members to visit the apartments to ensure they meet city standards. The DC Housing Authority also ensures that the rent charged by the landlords is within normal market range, AlexanderReid and Gilliam said. The two said LGBTQ seniors who are approved for the program are responsible for finding an apartment on their own, but the program will assistant them with a list of available apartments and their locations if they cannot immediately find a place. Gilliam said there are about six remaining rent subsidy vouchers left out of the 15 that are available for the fiscal year, which ends Oct. 1. !But we have applicants for those six slots,” said Gilliam. She said the application process is ongoing and not all of those applicants will be approved, enabling others who learn about the program to come forward and apply for one of the remaining vouchers. Japer Bowles, who serves as coordinator of a coalition of local LGBTQ organizations that lobbies the D.C. Council and Mayor Muriel Bowser for city funding for a wide range of LGBTQ programs, said the coalition had asked the Council to fund 20 rather than 15 vouchers for the LGBTQ seniors housing assistance program. Mary’s House president and CEO Dr. Imani Woody told the Blade that she was hopeful the 15 approved vouchers for fiscal year 2021 would be considered a starting point, with more funding for additional vouchers for next year. !We need at least 30 vouchers,” Woody said in referring to the number of LGBTQ seniors facing homelessness in D.C.
Md. Assembly adjourns after passing panic defense, name change bills Other LGBTQ non-discrimination measures fall short !"#=()$)=#>*?#@$%%AB?
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The Maryland General Assembly adjourned its 2021 session last week by passing landmark pandemic, policing, and criminal justice-related legislation that includes a bill to ban the socalled LGBTQ panic defense. “The Maryland General Assembly did important work this session to ensure the safety and equitable treatment of the LGBTQ+ community,” state Sen. Shelly Hettleman (D-Baltimore County), sponsor of two bills now awaiting Gov. Larry Hogan’s signature, told the Washington Blade. Senate President Bill Ferguson (D-Baltimore City) told the Washington Post on Tuesday one of the questions the legislature faced this
session was “Where do we go as a society?” This guiding question led legislators to repeal the police officers’ bill of rights and to end life without parole sentences for juvenile offenders in the state, partly in response to ongoing protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police officers. “I’m incredibly proud of the work of the Maryland General Assembly this year,” state Del. Julie Palakovich Carr (D-Montgomery County) told the Blade. “From day one, Speaker Adrienne Jones made clear that we would be tackling long-standing and systemic inequalities. From the passage of substantive police reform to addressing inequities in public health to removing barriers for minority-owned businesses, the legislature has acted to make Maryland a fairer and more just place.” During this session, the General Assembly also passed LGBTQ-related bills that updated gender expression in the state’s hate crimes law, waived the publication requirement for name change requests, and joined D.C. and Virginia in banning the LGBTQ panic defense. “Passage of SB 220/HB 128 clarifies the definition of gender identity in our hate crimes statute,” Hettleman explained in an email. “We also helped to protect the safety of the (LGBTQ) community by eliminating an antiquated provision in law that required publication of name changes.” In the House of Delegates, the hate crimes update was sponsored by state Del. Vaughn ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$34'-!567!585 9 ! " ! -+ 1$ -! (/ #%
M. Stewart, III, and the name change bill was sponsored by state Del. Emily Shetty. Both lawmakers are Democrats who represent Montgomery County. State Sen. Clarence Lam (D-Baltimore and Howard Counties) and Palakovich Carr sponsored the bill to ban the LGBTQ panic defense, which successfully passed the General Assembly this session and also waits to be signed into law. “Finally, we got rid of the so-called ‘panic defense’ that may no longer be used to mitigate a crime or be used as a defense in assault cases,” Hettleman said in praise of her colleagues’ work. FreeState Justice and the National LGBT Bar Association released a joint statement on April 8 that also praised Lam and Palakovich Carr for “their strong and effective advocacy in support of this measure.” “For over a decade, the National LGBT Bar Association has worked to ban this defense throughout the United States,” National LGBT Bar Association Director D’Arcy Kemnitz said in the statement. “And we are extremely pleased that Maryland will soon become the 14th jurisdiction to speak out against this relic from the darkest of ages. We look forward to the legislation becoming law with Gov. Larry Hogan’s signature.” Other LGBTQ nondiscrimination measures, however, faced scheduling and other challenges in their committees this session, some of which prevented them from coming up for a vote. The Youth and Families Protection Act sponsored by state Del. Gabriel Acevero (D-Montgomery County) and state Sen. Mary Washington (D-Baltimore City), the Senior Bill of Rights sponsored by Acevero, the Birth and Marriage Certificate Modernization bill sponsored by state Del. Lisa Belcastro (D-Baltimore County), the Automatic Expungement bill sponsored by state Del. Melissa Wells (D-Baltimore City), and the Inclusive Schools Act sponsored by state Del. Jheanelle Wilkins (D-Montgomery County) and state Sen. Cory McCray (D-Baltimore City) all failed to advance despite heavy lobbying efforts by FreeState Justice and partner organizations. Del. Regina Boyce (D-Baltimore City) also sponsored the Imari’s Business Pride Act that did not pass. It was named for a transgender person who launched a gender-affirming clothing line for trans men and died in 2020. State Del. Lily Qi’s (D-Montgomery County)’s bill that would have created a statewide commission on LGBTQ affairs did pass the General Assembly this session and joins the others awaiting Hogan’s signature.
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IB$&%A94#9.:%=&."4"91% 4*"=6%IB$*#%&N3&/"&1.&%9;%;9/0"12%.*0*/*=&/"&8%>&"12%3*/#%9;%*%#&*08%*1=%="4.9L&/"12% *+49%/&"1;9/.&4%#$*#%*1#"J#/*142&1=&/%="4./"0"1*#"91%"4%"++&2*+6%E9#*>+,8%#$&%EF--%*+/&*=,% 490&#$"12% ,9)% +9L&% "4% 49% L*+)*>+&8% *1=% 19% :"=% 4$9)+=% >&% #)/1&=% *<*,6% 'L&/,% .$"+=% $*4%39+"."&4%#9%*++9<%;9/%#/*142&1=&/%4#)=&1#J*#$+&#&4%#9%.903&#&8%*1=%19#$"12%"1%#$&% =&4&/L&4%&()*+%="21"#,8%/&43&.#8%*1=%9339/#)1"#,8%*1=%#$*#K4%<$,%PK0%<9/:"12%$*/=%"1%#$&% Equality Act would change that.” Senate to pass the Equality Act.” EFB'%="=1K#%/&4391=%!&=1&4=*,%#9%*%;9++9<J)3%"1()"/,%91%<$&#$&/%#$*#%0&*14%#$&% Merkley said his focus is finding the 60 votes in the Senate needed to end a filibuster #/*142&1=&/%439/#4%"44)&%<9)+=%>&%*%/&=%+"1&%"1%#*+:4%9L&/%#$&%'()*+"#,%-.#6 91%#$&%+&2"4+*#"91%*1=%2&#%#$&%0&*4)/&%#9%#$&%=&4:%9;%^/&4"=&1#%A"=&18%<$9%.*03*"21&=% -1=,% D*//*8% &N&.)#"L&% ="/&.#9/% 9;% #$&% E&<%Y9/:J>*4&=%B/*142&1=&/% ?&2*+% Z&;&14&% on signing the legislation into law within his first 100 days in office. [% '=).*#"91% M)1=8% 4*"=% "1% /&43914&% #9% *1% "1()"/,% #$&% 1&&=% ;9/% *++9<"12% #/*142&1=&/% “I am deeply committed to working on a bipartisan basis to find the necessary votes *#$+&#&4%#9%.903&#&%.914"4#&1#%<"#$%#$&"/%2&1=&/%"=&1#"#,%<"++%>&.90&%*33*/&1#%*4%#*+:4% #9%3*44%#$"4%+*1=0*/:%+*<%*1=%/&3+".*#&%#$&%>"3*/#"4*1%4)..&44%9;%#$&%U]Rf%'03+9,0&1#% .91#"1)&6 Non-Discrimination Act,” McLennan said. “Those conversations are ongoing. I am IM9/% *% =&.*=&% 19<8% #$&% EF--% $*4% 0*"1#*"1&=% *1% "1.+)4"L&% 39+".,% #$*#% *++9<4% ;9/% 2*#$&/"12%;&&=>*.:%*1=%<9/:"12%<"#$%.9++&*2)&4%91%>9#$%4"=&4%9;%#$&%*"4+&%O%*1=%<"#$% transgender athletes to participate fully in sports. We are confident that as we continue civil rights organizations — to find a path forward that will bring senators together behind #9%.+*/";,%#$"4%"44)&8%"#%<"++%>&.90&%.+&*/%#$*#%19#%91+,%"4%="4./"0"1*#"91%*2*"14#%#/*142&1=&/% a vision of full equality for LGBTQ Americans.” students both harmful and wrong, it is also already illegal.”
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Chauvin guilty of murder in George Floyd case
world already knew: The killing of Mr. Floyd !"#$%%&'()*$+",-./")%"0-&+1'/"2)%3$24&1"'" was a violent and intentional act that, at its former police officer who killed George Floyd core, was the result of systemic racism that still *'+4"#'/5 exists in far too many areas of law enforcement Prosecutors charged Derek Chauvin as well as in our larger society.” with second-degree unintentional murder, 6The verdict provides a small ray of hope third-degree murder and second-degree that we can and must do more to address the manslaughter after he kneeled on Floyd’s issues that make this kind of systemic violence neck for more than nine minutes on May 25, against Black people — and in particular 2020. Black men — all too common,” added the Los The jury found Chauvin guilty on all three Angeles LGBT Center. 2)-%4+5 California Gov. Gavin Newsom in his 6Today, humanity won over indifference,” +4'4&7&%4"+'$1"6the hard truth is that, if George said Human Rights Campaign President Floyd looked like me, he’d still be alive today.” Alphonso David in a statement. 6This verdict 6No conviction can repair the harm done will not bring George Floyd back, but it does to George Floyd and his family, but today’s hold one officer accountable for the killing of verdict provides some accountability as we one Black person.” work to root out the racial injustice that haunts National LGBTQ Task Force Executive our society,” he said. 6We must continue the Director Kierra Johnson in her statement work of fighting systemic racism and excessive +'$1" 6the world today saw accountability for use of force.” the murder of George Floyd. Not justice, but ./0/1)2(&3+,%!I<J!FAKLEFB>=!AK!<;;!B@M>>!FANKBJ!B@EJ!I>>O! D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser had a similar accountability.” Other LGBTQ activists echoed EK!B@>!OE;;EKP!AQ!)>AMP>!R;AD=0!!(Photo courtesy of Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office) sentiment in response to the Chauvin Johnson’+"+&%4$7&%4+5 2)%3$24$)%5 6Our hope is that this verdict brings some measure of relief, comfort, and a starting 6Today, we take this verdict for what it is — justice that came too late for George Floyd, point for healing for Floyd’s loved ones, and for Black families and communities who accountability for Derek Chauvin, and a reminder of the urgent work we must all commit have particularly borne the weight and trauma of a country finally forced to begin to do together,” said Bowser in a series of tweets. reckoning with our history of racism,” said GLAD Executive Director Janson Wu. !"#$%&'()*('%+&,-( The Los Angeles LGBT Center in its statement said 6the verdict reinforces what the
NGLCC executive to run for Pa. House of Representatives
National LGBT Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President Jonathan Lovitz on Monday announced he is running for the 8&%%+/*3'%$'"9)-+&"):";&(.&+&%4'4$3&+5 “I’m a proud union member, LGBTQ+ community leader, the son of a small business owner and public school teacher, and dedicated public servant who has passed more than 25 laws in 13 states, including right here in Pennsylvania, creating opportunity for small business
owners and minority communities,” said Lovitz in an email that announced his candidacy. “At a time when our economic recovery is the key to solving the systemic social injustices facing our city, a progressive business leader is exactly what is needed representing the business hub of Philly in Harrisburg,” added Lovitz. Lovitz, who lives in Center City, would represent District 182 if he is elected. State Rep. Brian Sims (D-Philadelphia), who currently represents the district, in February announced he is running for lieutenant governor. “This race also offers the historic opportunity for the first LGBTQ-held seat in Pa. (Rep. Brian Sims, now running for lt. governor) to transfer to another LGBTQ state representative,” said Lovitz. !"#$%&'()*('%+&,-(
Firm working to cure HIV lands LGBTQ investment A multi-million-dollar investment company called Gaingels that specializes in supporting other companies that are LGBTQ supportive or LGBTQ run has invested in the Rockville, Md.-based American Gene Technologies (AGT) firm that is about to begin human testing for a medical treatment it believes can lead to a cure for HIV. In a joint statement released on April 15, the two companies announced that the New York City-based Gaingels made a financial investment in AGT to support AGT’s Phase 1 clinical trial of a product the company calls AGT 103-T, which it says is a genetically modified cell product made from a person’s own cells. AGT has shown in laboratory tests, which were confirmed last August by the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), that AGT 103-T was highly effective in enabling infection-fighting human T-cells to completely neutralize HIV from damaging the body’s immune system and causing AIDS-related illness. The first volunteer patient for the clinical trial was expected to receive the treatment next month. “As the largest investor network focused on supporting and investing in the best venture-backed companies that embrace and value diverse leadership, including LGBTQ+, Gaingels is proud of participating in AGT’s financing,” said Lorenzo Thione, Gaingels’ managing director in a statement. “Its mission hit uniquely close to home for the LGBTQ+ community given AGT’s focus on creating a functional immunity and thus an effective cure for HIV,” Thione said. “We are resolved on helping the company grow and scale and achieve this uniquely ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$34'-!567!585 9 ! " ! ($* ' + ($ -! (/ #%
ambitious and important goal, while strengthening its prospects of success by building a culture that reflects the diversity of its executive teams, staff and customers,” he said. Thione told the Blade that Gaingels has a non-mandatory policy of encouraging companies it invests in to adopt LGBTQ nondiscrimination policies for their employees and to support LGBTQ equality and nondiscrimination in their public positions. When asked about the Gaingels LGBTQ nondiscrimination policy, AGT CEO Jeff Galvin told the Blade this week in a Zoom interview that AGT has always had a strong nondiscrimination policy that covers all employees, including LGBTQ workers. “Yes, they didn’t even have to ask us to do that,” said Galvin. “That’s always been our policy,” he said. “This is an environment here where everybody feels safe. We have an exceedingly diverse community here,” Galvin told the Blade. “Of course, we have some gay people in the company. We don’t care whether they tell us, whether they display it outwardly, whether they bring their boyfriend or girlfriend to events,” he said. “If people want to cross dress around here, we couldn’t care less.” Galvin continued. “If it turns out that one of the boys here was actually born a girl or one of the girls was actually born a boy, the only thing we care about is our mission.” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved AGT’s request to begin human clinical trials for its AGT 103-T treatment last August. './(#$"00%,.(1,*
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What’s next: civil rights, 8&)!'(#1!(2)"?#!**!(1$)!&'?# !'=1$")1<5)<1+@ 6$""!'(#%+(!"%$)!&'#!"#>+7#)&# Democratic hopes in 2022
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Khalil El-Ghoul
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HONORED to serve YOU! !"#$%&$'($)&*'+,)$"#$'*&-$.)!"#$%&'!()*)$$+
!"#$%&'()*"(+,-./(01223&%)4( %&(506(75(8(9:( ;1#(1$"#(<=(>?:@!
202-277-4675 / 202-326-1300 BillPanici@aol.com • BillPanici.com “I sell homes the old-fashioned way . . . one-at-a-time.” > ? ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$34'-!567!585 9
10 202.262.7762 michael.moore@compass.com
Michael’s average days on market
103.4% Leveraging repeat business and a steady stream of referrals, Michael’s past performance has paved the way for the success he enjoys today. Adopting a hands-on approach, Michael ensures that each transaction is seamless from start to finish.
Michael’s average list to sale price
Michael loves that in real estate, no one day is the same, and he’s prepared for anything — whether it be an unexpected barrier to tackle or a new chance to go above and beyond for his clients.
Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland. 1232 31st Street NW, Washington, DC 20007 |202.448.9002
! " # $ %& ' ( )& ' * ' + & , &-! . / $ 0 123 0 4 % ! 5 6783 9& , & ! "
/012%34%506%!78%9!7%:223:;%<0=863<%>? !"#$%&'()"*+())",'-$./--"*'++$& !"#$$%&'()*+((,%&)-%."/#012% 3+045+6)*-%#*7%3+0#$)86#1)*-%946%!'00+((%)*%#%:;<%;3= ! "#$%&'%()&*#$+,-.&/01,-#11&#23#%41 ! 5$%4,6,3$4#&,-&,-'(%)$4,7#&6044,-.8#+.#&9(%:1;(31 ! <$,-&,-1,.;41&,-4(&4;#&*$4#14&4%#-+1=&3%(60%#)#-4& (33(%40-,4,#1=&$66#11&4(&6$3,4$*&$-+&)(%#>
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E-6.G$%&'()*'=B644'E*$B$%& /H"I*%'234$%*44'J1%*-48
Fostering Early Entrepreneurship /K"3()'6%C'K"3%&'DC3B(48
"(14#+&/A ?-&3$%4-#%1;,3&9,4;@
#$%&'()*+,-./0123415&674809:9; ! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$34'-!567!585 9
:#&%$#'(&(#$0pportunity s(/%%$8,0-8/,.$ Short- and long-term benefits for both sellers and buyers #$%&'()%*+,--
!"#$%&'($)#&*$"&'$+##,$-"&%%#,./,.$&-*0''$("#$+0&*12$+3($0,#$&*#&$("&($"&'$-0,(/,3#1$ to thrive is the real estate market. Low interest rates and a year filled with unique changes have prompted people to think differently about where they live – and they’re taking action. As of late, the housing market is chock full of opportunities for both sellers and buyers. Regardless of whether one is taking the leap into homeownership for the first time or prepping to downsize for retirement, this is a market anyone and everyone should consider tapping into. !"#*#$"&'$,#4#*$+##,$&$+#((#*$(/5#$(0$'#%%$)03*$"05#$("&,$*/."($,067$!"&,8'$%&*.#%)$ (0$ %06$ /,(#*#'($ *&(#'2$ +3)#*$ 1#5&,1$ -0,(/,3#'$ (0$ '0&*7$ 9($ ("#$ '&5#$ (/5#2$ /,4#,(0*)$ is historically low as many would-be sellers have opted to stay put in the last year. According to the latest Realtors Confidence Index Survey by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the average house is now receiving 4.1 offers after just 20 days on the market. Buyers are clearly eager to purchase, and because of the shortage of inventory available, they’re often entering bidding wars. This is one of the factors keeping home prices strong and giving sellers leverage in the negotiation process. Homeowners who are in a position to sell shouldn’t wait to make their move. As our world inches closer to normal, more inventory will be hitting the market soon. By listing this spring, you will get your house on the market when conditions are still most favorable. With low inventory and high buyer demand, homeowners can potentially earn a greater profit on their houses and sell them quickly in the fast-paced spring market. Not to mention the opportunity to get by with that older water heater and home systems at large. Many buyers in this area tend to waive contingencies on their offer, clearing the path to a smoother and quicker closing. While the challenges for buyers are very real, there is one massive factor to keep buyers motivated: interest rates. We’re continuing to see historically low averages in interest rates, and those rates are only projected to tick back upwards in the coming years. Last year saw interest rates come significantly down, and we’re still seeing an average of 3% on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages. Compare that to just three years ago when we were a whole 1.5% higher with averages of 4.5%. With low interest rates nationally and the D.C. area’s strong home value appreciation rates, the investment of homeownership is a real possibility for more people. Over the span of the next five years, homeowners in the District are presented with a great opportunity to grow their net worth by more than $100,000 based on the current average sales price of $699,732 and projected rates of appreciation over the next five years. These conditions won’t last forever though, so take advantage of the opportunity when you can. After a year of shifting sands, the housing market has emerged stronger than ever – with some unusual quirks. Opportunity is lending itself to short- and long-term benefits for both sellers and buyers. If your situation allows, this market may provide uniquely profitable opportunities for your real estate transaction. For more information or to talk &+03($+3)/,.$0*$'#%%/,.$*#&%$#'(&(#2$./4#$5#$&$-&%%$&($!"#$%&'$(!#!7
Zach Twigg
!"#$#%!&'("')#*'$%+,-#!(#./0/#$()#1!-2!(!$#3!+4#5')!6#7-,89:#;;0#$+#<'%%'-#=!%%!$>"#0$9!+$%# ?-,9'-+!'"/#0$%%#,-#+'@+#4!>#$+#ABCDEFGDHACA:#'>$!%#4!>#$+#6$&4IJ')!6/&,>:#,-#K,%%,3#4!># ,(#L("+$2-$>M#6$&4N+3!22#O$&'J,,P#4++9"MQ333/K$&'J,,P/&,>Q6$&4/+3!22/-'$%+,-
202 .74 4.6 4 6 3
Notable Listings
1942 Calvert Street NW 3 Units ≠ 5 Bedrooms / 4 Bathrooms
1449 S Street NW 4 Bedrooms / 3.5 Bathrooms
1201 Woodlea Mill Court, McLean 5 Bedrooms / 6 Bathrooms
608 Brookes Ridge Court 4 Bedrooms / 4.5 Bathrooms
416 L Street SE 4 Bedrooms / 3.5 Bathrooms
1306 T Street NW 2 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms
319 L Street SE 3 Bedrooms + Den / 2.5 Bathrooms
5209 Jay Street NE 3 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms
490 M Street SW Unit E707 1 Bedrooms / 1 Bathrooms
! " # $ %& ' ( )& ' * ' + & , &-! . / $ 0 123 0 4 % ! 5 6783 9& , & ! "
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"-/'*7('4")()'+8'6($3+%")'+$',+%.1-): F.)*' 4(' ).$(' *+' )(%(,*' 6$+/.,*)' *7"*' %++9' %#9(' ".*7(-*#,' )*+-(' (0(-' .6+-' ,"$(8.%' #-)6(,*#+-2' "-/' "$(' /()#3-(/' *+' 5#*7)*"-/' *7(' (%(1(-*):' !+$' (="16%(2' *7(' ,7+#,()' "0"#%"4%('8$+1'M$+\#"'"$('"$*8.%%&',$"8*(/'*+'6$+/.,('"'$("%#)*#,2'/$"1"*#,'(88(,*2'1#1#,9#-3' stones from unique geographic regions in a range of cuts. Unlike other options on the 1"$9(*2'*7(#$',+%+$)'6($1("*('*7$+.37+.*'*7('(-*#$(')*+-(2'3#0#-3'(0($&'1"-.8",*.$(/' )*+-('"'$("%#)*#,'%++9'5#*7'7.()'*7"*'%")*'8+$'&("$):'L+'%("$-'1+$(2'0#)#*'6$+0#":,+1])*+-(: D#*7'"'8(5')*&%#)7'.63$"/()2'&+.',"-'3(*'&+.$'6"*#+'#-'*#6'*+6')7"6('8+$').11($:
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1834-1836 KENDALL ST NE
AVA I L A B L E R E S I D E N C E S: 1836 KE N N DALL ST N E 2 | 3 B D | 3 5 B A 1834 KE N N DALL ST N E 1 | 3 B D | 3 5 B A
Presenting to the Market: The Flats at Kendall An architectural masterpiece in the heart of Ivy City, The Flats at Kendall were built to stand out. Fusing classic charm with contemporary flair, both units listed are timeless homes that will never go out of style. The development’s Art Deco exterior sets the tone for what you’ll find within each unit: a one-of-a-kind home that’s as welcoming as it is exquisite. Set over 1,900 square feet and two floors of flexible living space with built-in surround sound, both units boast 3 master suites, an open den, and 3.5 baths. The perfect complement to each home’s open and light-filled ambiance, soaring ceilings and grand 8 foot doors are designed to elevate and enchant. The state-of-the-art kitchen is equipped with sleek light fixtures and modern appliances, while all three spacious and sunlit bedrooms invite you to make yourself at home. Store prized belongings in the expansive closet your clothes deserve, start your mornings from the comfort of the spa-like bathroom, and take advantage of the alcove around the corner, your new home office where procrastination has finally met its match.
Location Located just steps from the storied Union Market and the upcoming New City development, these homes are fit for the most discerning urban buyer with impeccable taste. Dig in to Michelin-approved fare at the iconic Ivy City Smokehouse, sample the vibrant brewery scene, head to La Puerta Verda for hip Mexican eats, catch a show at Echostage, and run everyday errands with ease. The can’t miss opportunity of the spring season, there’s no place like The Flats at Kendall.
For More Information Contact us to learn more about all available units. 202.280.2060 | jsmira@compass.com 202.302.3797 | jpatel@compass.com
Jenn Smira
Jill Patel
R E A LT O R ® D C
J S M I R A @ C O M PA S S.C O M 202.340.7675
J PAT E L @ C O M PA S S.C O M 202.302.3797
Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland. 1313 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 | 202.386.6330
! " # $ %& ' ( )& ' * ' + & , &-! . / $ 0 123 0 4 % ! 5 6783 9& , & ! "
When you want “working from home” to mean “working at the beach,” we are here to help!
16 698 Ki ngs Hi ghway St e . A , L e w e s , D E 19958 • ( 3 02) 645- 6 664 • L e e A n n Gr o u p . c o m
! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$34'-!567!585 9
When you want “working from home” to mean “working at the beach,” we are here to help!
Unmatched in style and rich in potential, this Coastal Delaware design sanctuary is now available to be yours! ì Peaceable: The Millman Homesteadî is an incomparable setting in Coastal Delaware, offering unique opportunity. Minutes to dining, nightlife, shopping, beaches, entertainment and natural beauty of Delawareí s beach resorts, this idyllic property is impeccably curated with a remarkable & freshly painted 4≠ bedroom, 3.5≠ bath main home, sprawling manicured grounds, in≠ ground pool, and 2 guest cottages (a pool house & a log cabin) each with full baths, all of which can be used as your personal estate or potentially as a 16239 Willow Creek Rd, Lewes | MLS: DESU179838 | List Price: $2,000,000 tranquil bed & breakfast retreat. Intrinsic colonial character welcomes you, modern; cosmopolitan chic draws you in. Truly unparalleled in the region, the long list of features includes stunning grounds with secret gardens, lush landscaping, and fabulous, event≠ worthy pool/patio & entertaining areas for gatherings that deserve the perfect venue. Your own Peaceable Kingdom awaits you here.
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Great potential in Downtown Historic Lewes! Perfect in≠ town location, walkable to all the Lewes attractions, shopping, & dining and just a short bike ride to the beaches! Being sold ë as≠ isí this home offers 4 levels of interior space that includes an unfi nished basement & fl oored walk≠ up attic, and is situated on a large corner lot with a huge back yard, lending room to build a detached garage accessible via Coleman Ave. This home awaits your vision,
406 Kings Highway, Lewes | MLS: DESU180582 | List Price: $850,000
Call Today! 302≠ 645≠ 6664
16 698 Ki ngs Hi ghway St e . A , L e w e s , D E 19958 • ( 3 02) 645- 6 664 • L e e A n n Gr o u p . c o m
! " # $ %& ' ( )& ' * ' + & , &-! . / $ 0 123 0 4 % ! 5 6783 9& , & ! "
A PA RT M E N T S N OW L E A S I N G 90 1 W D C .C O M | 8 44 .462 .5 8 97
Floor Plan A06 Ref
14'-7" 14'7" x 9'-1" 9'-1" 0"
9 0 1 W STRE E T N W, WAS H I N GTON, D C 2 0 0 0 1
! " ! " !#$ %&'( )*+ ( ,-$./01+2!"!$34'-!567!585 9
This year’s Oscars might be historic — but does anyone care? M5H+)$+%-2;5-++$%8(',5->%XYENZ%)+=)+$+-"("52!3%4-5/%&.)6%7'/0
!"#$% &$'()% *++,+-./% 0)+% 123% +4'5"+.6 7-8+$$% 123#)+% ('"3(881% 2-+% 29% ":+% -2;5-++$<% 2..$% ()+% =)+""1% >22.% ":("% 123#)+% -2"% ?% @3"% ":+% 0'(.+;1% 29% A2"52-% B5'"3)+% 0)"$% (-.% C'5+-'+$<% *:5':% 5$% >+()+.% 3=% "2% =)+$+-"% 5"$% =)+$"5>523$% (--3(8% film awards for the 93rd time on C3-.(1% -5>:"<% )+(881<% )+(881% *(-"$% 123%"2%@+/%D:1%+8$+<%(%*++,%(:+(.% 29% ":+% E5>% F5>:"<% *238.% ":+1% )288% 23"% ":+% $:2*#$% =)2.3'+)$% 92)% (% =)+$$%'2-9+)+-'+%"2%.)2=%:5-"$%":("%":+%3='2;5->%@)2(.'($"%*238.%G822,%85,+%(%;2H5+I% (-.%5-'2)=2)("+%$("+885"+%:22,3=$%9)2;%G;38"5=8+%82'("52-$6I%!"%*($%(%'8+()%@5.%"2%.)3;% 3=%+4'5"+;+-"/ % A2)+% .+"(58$% '(;+% A2-.(1<% *:+-% (% 8+""+)% 9)2;% ":("% $(;+% ")52% ?% =)2.3'+)% C"+H+-% Soderbergh (himself an Oscar winner for directing “Traffic” in 2000) and co-producers J+$$+%K2885-$%(-.%C"('+1%C:+)%?%*+-"%23"%"2%":+%-2;5-++$/%0$%5"%"3)-$%23"<%":+%'+)+;2-1% will be held at LA’s historic Union Station (site of Saturday’s press conference), which will be treated “as an active movie set” in terms of COVID-related safety protocols, with G(..5"52-(8% +8+;+-"$I% 29% ":+% $:2*% @+5->% 5-'2)=2)("+.% 85H+% 9)2;% L2881*22.#$% M28@1% Theatre via satellite hook-up. More interestingly, the letter revealed, “The first—and most obvious—point we want "2% >+"% (')2$$% *5":% ":5$% 1+()#$% $:2*% 5$% CN&O!PC% A0NNPO/I% !-% ,++=5->% *5":% ":("% ":+;+<% -2;5-++$% ()+% )+Q3+$"+.% "2% $3@;5"% "2% (% @)5+9% 5-"+)H5+*% "2% G"+88% ":+% $"2)1% 29% 123)% =(":% to April 25,” as part of an effort to “highlight the connections between all of us who *2),%5-%":+%;2H5+$%(-.%$:2*%":("%":+%=)2'+$$%5$%3-5Q3+81%5-"5;("+<%'288(@2)("5H+<%(-.% fun.” The emphasis on “story” was further reflected by instructions about messaging 5-%":+%$=++':+$%RG!9%123#)+%":(-,5->%$2;+2-+<%$(1%":+5)%-(;+<%-2"%":+5)%"5"8+S%;(,+%5"% PERSONAL”) and a dress code described as “a fusion of Inspirational and Aspirational.”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scars have chosen an impressive number of Black-led films and Black artists among (-%2H+)(88%$8("+%":("%299+)$%":+%;2$"%.5H+)$+%85-+3=%29%-2;5-++$%5-%5"$%:5$"2)1/%D2;+-% ()+% (8$2% )+=)+$+-"+.<% ":(-,$% "2% ":+% 5-'83$52-% 29% P;+)(8.% V+--+88#$% GB)2;5$5->% W23->% Woman” among the Best Picture contenders and the first-ever two nominations for women – Fennell and Chloé Zhao (“Nomadland”) – as Best Director. Additionally, Zhao, who is Chinese) is the first woman of color ever nominated in that category, Steven Yuen (“Minari”) became the first Asian-American to receive a Best Actor nod, and in the same category, Riz Ahmed (“The Sound of Metal”) became the first person of Pakistani .+$'+-"%"2%@+%-2;5-("+.%5-%(-1%('"5->%'("+>2)1/ !-% ":+% ;5.$"% 29% (88% ":5$% 5-'83$52-<% :2*+H+)<% ":+% XYENZ% '2;;3-5"1% ?% ")(.5"52-(881% (% $")2->:28.% 92)% $2;+% 29% &$'()#$% ;2$"% ().+-"% 9(-$% ?% :($% ":5$% 1+()% @++-% 8()>+81% 8+9"% empty-handed, once again. Besides two Best Actress nods for women playing bisexual ':()('"+)$%R[528(%M(H5$%(-.%0-.)(%M(1<%92)%GA(%O(5-+1#$%E8(',%E2""2;I%(-.%GN:+%7-5"+.% States vs. Billie Holiday,” respectively), there are no major nominations for films with significant LGBTQ content – though it’s worth noting that the aforementioned “Young D2;(-I% 9+("3)+$% ")(-$% ('")+$$% X(H+)-+% K24% 5-% (% =)2;5-+-"% $3==2)"5->%
1*./('#%2(,-*2./,!"#!$%&'()*(#)+!",!(! *-()"#.!/&#0-#)-1!2&1!3-,0!4/01-,,!&#!56#)(78 9:;&0&!/&610-,7!5-(1/;*".;0<
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!"#$% !"#$ %&'&($ )(*+,-&./+($ &(0$ 123.2,#$ 1#(.#,! "#$%$! &! '()%*&+! $,)--.(./! #0! 12&3&4#! Love Story” for its April Animezing! film series. This free anime film features the story #0!5#*./!2&3&4#!6"#!($!-7,(%-8!%"&%!"(/"!$,"##+!($!-.8(./9!:*%!0-&)$!/-%%(./!#+8-)!&.8! losing touch with friends. For more information, visit watch.eventive.org and the JICC Facebook page.
!"#$ 4#.,+$ 5616$ 5#-+7,&./7$ 8+7/&3/9.9$ +*$:-#,/7&! "#$%! &! '()%*&+! $#,(&+($%! 0-3(.($%! reading group today at 2 p.m. Visit actionnetwork.org or their Facebook page for more information on this free event. ;+,#9.<3&(#.! "#$%$! &! '()%*&+! ;+#:&+! <&)%"! =&5! >-%)#! =&.,-! ?&)%5! :-/(..(./! %#8&5! at 3 p.m. and running until Sunday at 3 a.m. This free event celebrates Earth Day with a 12-hour virtual music and dance marathon featuring Funk, Disco, New Wave, Glam Rock and other dance music video genres from the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s. For tickets and information, visit retroearthday.eventbrite.com.
The inaugural Sinhalese and Tamil New Year event organized by the 8,/$ =&(>&($ :-#,/7&($ :7./+($ 1+&3/./+( is today at 2 p.m. via Zoom. This free event honors a segment of the AAPI community through a virtual cultural celebration. For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page. =#?$@&(A$B2. Virtual Trivia: “The Haunting of Hill House and Bly Manor” is today at 3 p.m. Tickets for this event range in price from $5 to $10. For more information and for "-+@!0#)3(./!%-&3$9!-3&(+!events@lezhangoutpod.com.
!"#$ 51C&,#&$ !,&(9-&9723/(#$ 8+7/#.D! '()%*&+! %)&.$3&$,*+(.-! &.8! .#.:(.&)5! ,"&%9! chill and game night is tonight at 5 p.m. For more information about this free event, visit dcats.org. 8BE/:$5/9&''#&,$;#&,: A Concert for Lesbian Visibility Day is tonight at 8 p.m. via Facebook. For details on this lesbian musical celebration, visit soniadisappearfear.com and facebook.com/disappear.fear.
=+F#$G3++-9H$:($@I1$1++>/(A$13&99 is tonight at 6 p.m. Events for this virtual class with local Chefs Erik Bruner-Yang and Marcelle Afram includes a mealkit pick up at 1351 H St., N.E. Further instructions will be sent via email prior to the event. For more information, visit hrc.im/loveblooms or email zack.hasychak@hrc.org. <J<$ =/F#K! @)-$-.%$! &! 8($,*$$(#.! #.! @#'-)%59! @#+(,(./9! (.,&),-)&%(#.! &.8! -.0#),-8! masculinity with “Bird Uncaged” author Marlon Peterson tonight at 8 p.m. During a period of incarceration, Peterson, a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Racial Equity and a 2015 recipient of the Soros Justice Fellowship, immersed himself in anti-violence activism, education and prison abolition work. Visit politics-prose.com for more information on this free event. 5616$L&D-#,9 hosts virtual events every Tuesday for LGBTQ gamers in and around the D.C. region. For more information, visit facebook.com/groups/dc.gaymers.
!"#$%+M$132M, a weekly LGBTQ job support program hosted by the D.C. Center, is tonight at 6 p.m. via Zoom. For more information, visit thedccenter.org/careers.
;&7#M++>$=/F# presents Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing and Criticism tonight at 7:30 p.m. This discussion on the blending of theory and philosophy with autobiography and memoir features a talk by Che Gossett, a Black femme critical theoriest and a graduate fellow at the Center for Cultural Analysis at Rutgers University. For more information on this free virtual discussion, visit the Facebook event page.
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OUT & ABOUT !"#$%&'#("%)'*#+%(*+,-++*'#%'#%."/01%2"3%",0*4*+5 P&P Live! presents a virtual discussion between Kate Aronoff, author of “Overheated: How Capitalism Broke the Planet and How We Fight Back,” and award-winning actor and activist Jane Fonda on Friday, April 23 at 6 p.m. Fonda, who sits on the boards of V-Day: Until the Violence Stops and the Women’s Media Center, also authored the book “What Can I Do? My Path from Climate Despair to Action.” She and Aronoff will discuss how Democratic majorities can both curb @#++*%-)$A! @#6-)! &.8! %)&.$0#)3! %"-! -,#.#35! (.%#! &! $*$%&(.&:+-! #.-! 6(%"! 3(++(#.$! #0! better jobs. For more information on this free event, visit politics-prose.com.
James Baldwin film part of ‘Men of Change’ drive-in exhibit The Smithsonian’s Anacostia Community Museum and the Smithsonian’s Traveling Exhibition Service presents a series of short films as a free drive-in movie night on Saturday, April 24 at 8:30 p.m. at Union Market (1309 5th St., N.E.). This collection of short artistic films titled “Men of Change: Taking it to the Streets” features an articulation of the Black male experience as captured in depictions of James Baldwin, Alvin Ailey, Miles Davis, Dick Gregory and more. The parking lot opens and check in begins at 7 p.m. The lot closes ten minutes prior to showtime at 8:20 p.m. The exhibit begins at 8:30. This free event is supported by the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities and the Smithsonian Women’s Committee. For more information visit si.edu or the event page on Facebook.
D.C.’s Out for Statehood pushes Congress for representation
The D.C. Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ Affairs unveiled on April 16 an LGBTQ movement for D.C. statehood called Out for Statehood to further argue to Congress the case for equal representation. 2"($!3#'-3-.%!6&$!8-'-+#@-8!&.8!0&,(+(%&%-8!6(%"!$*@@#)%!0)#3!B%#)5!=($%)(,%!&.8! Team Rayceen to share the stories of D.C.’s many LGBTQ residents across all eight wards about what statehood means to them and their community. For more information on this effort, visit the Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ Affairs on social media and at lgbtq.dc.gov.
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‘City in Transition: The Quadrant Series’
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COUNSELING FOR LGBTQ People. '?@ABA@CDEFGHCIEJ!GHC?KJEA?L!MANO! a volunteer peer counselor. GMCC, KJPBAGA?L!KA?GJ!9Q=60! 585RST8RTUU90! gaymenscounseling.org. (H!VJJK7!@H?DNAH?!PJWCJKNJ@0
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