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Judge releases Ruby Corado seven days after arrest
F,&8$&"5'/'"3*40"%;&$:1,&":2'&+$%"@;12"#&'*%7"8,-$0"('*-%$&;-+ !"#$%&#'()!!*+%#,+-#. /01233456784913/4:;-06<
!"#$%$&'(")*%+$",-".*$/%'0",&%$&$%"12$"&$($'/$",#"3*40"5,&'6 %,7"#,*-%$&"'-%"#,&8$&"$9$:*1;<$"%;&$:1,&",#"5'/'"3*407";-1,"12$" :*/1,%0",#"2$&"-;$:$";-"3,:=<;(($7">%?7"'#1$&"'+&$$;-+"@;12"'&+*6 8$-1/"40"5,&'%,A/"%$#$-/$"'11,&-$0"12'1"/2$";/"-,1"'1"2;+2"&;/=",#" fleeing to El Salvador.
The decision by U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Robin M. >$&;@$'12$&"1,",&%$&"5,&'%,A/"&$($'/$"'1"B"'?8?",-"C$%-$/%'07" >'&:2"DE7":'8$"/$<$-"%'0/"'#1$&"12$"FGH"'&&$/1$%"5,&'%,"/2,&16 ly after she returned to the U.S. from El Salvador. She has been :2'&+$%"@;12"4'-="#&'*%7"@;&$"#&'*%7"'-%"8,-$0"('*-%$&;-+7" '8,-+",12$&":2'&+$/7"&$('1$%"1,"'(($+'1;,-/"12'1"/2$"$84$II($%" '1"($'/1"JDKL7LLL"#&,8"5'/'"3*40"12'1"12$"MNG.O":,88*-;10"/$&6 vices group had obtained from federal COVID-19 relief programs.
5,&'%,"2'%"4$$-"2$(%";-")';("/;-:$" the time of her arrest on March 5. She 'PP$'&$%"4$#,&$">$&;@$'12$&"('/1" F&;%'07">'&:2"Q7"#,&"'"%$1$-1;,-"2$'&6 ;-+";-"@2;:2"12$")*%+$"/';%"/2$"@'/" -,1"&$'%0"1,"&*($",-"@2$12$&"5,&'%," /2,*(%":,-1;-*$"1,"4$"2$(%"*-1;("12$" 1;8$",#"2$&"1&;'(",&"&$($'/$%? >$&;@$'12$&"/:2$%*($%"'"/$:6 ,-%"%$1$-1;,-"2$'&;-+",-".*$/%'07" >'&:2"DR7"1,"+;<$"5,&'%,A/"%$#$-/$" '11,&-$0"8,&$"1;8$"1,"/*48;1"'"&$6 ($'/$"P&,P,/'(7"@2;:2"@'/"$9P$:1$%" 1,":'(("#,&"5,&'%,"1,"4$"&$($'/$%";-1," 12$":*/1,%0",#"'"#'8;(0"8$84$&"12'1" @,*(%";-:(*%$":,-%;1;,-/"'//*&;-+" that Corado would not be a flight &;/=?
/2,&1(0"4$#,&$"5'/'"3*40"/2*1"%,@-";1/",P$&'1;,-/7"'#1$&"-$@/" 8$%;'"&$P,&1/"/*&#':$%"12'1"5,&'%,"@'/"*-%$&";-<$/1;+'1;,-"#,&" financial improprieties at Casa Ruby that led to its shutdown. He also pointed to a criminal complaint and arrest affidavit charging 5,&'%,"@;12"G'-="F&'*%7"C;&$"F&'*%7"M'*-%$&;-+",#">,-$1'&0"H-6 /1&*8$-1/7"'-%"F';(*&$"1,"F;($"3$P,&1",#"F,&$;+-"G'-="!::,*-1"V"'((" &$('1$%"1,"'(($+'1;,-/"12'1"/2$"$84$II($%"#*-%/"#&,8"5'/'"3*40" that came from at least two federal COVID pandemic relief pro+&'8/?
UC;12,*1"S*$/1;,-7"12$",##$-/$/"%$/:&;4$%";-"12$"5,8P(';-1" '&$"/$&;,*/"'-%":'&&0"/*4/1'-1;'("P$-'(1;$/7T"G,&:2$&1"/1'1$/";-"2;/" 8$8,";-"/*PP,&1",#"P&$1&;'("%$1$-1;,-?"U.2$"'8,*-1",#"#$%$&'(" 8,-$0"/1,($-"40"12$"%$#$-%'-1"V"'1"($'/1"JDKL7LLL"V"'-%"%$P,/6 ;1$%";-1,"2$&"P$&/,-'("4'-="'::,*-1/" in El Salvador is both substantial '-%"1&,*4(;-+7"P'&1;:*('&(0"+;<$-"12'1" 12$/$"#*-%/"@$&$";-1$-%$%"#,&"12$" benefit of District youth in need of 2,*/;-+"'-%",12$&"/$&<;:$/7T"2$"/';%7" &$#$&&;-+"1,"5'/'"3*40A/"(,-+/1'-%6 ;-+"P&,+&'8/";-"/*PP,&1",#"MNG.O" 0,*12?

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The niece to whom Corado will be released, Jessica Dieguez, 1,(%"12$":,*&1"5,&'%,"@,*(%"4$"/1'0;-+"'1"2$&"'-%"2$&"2*/4'-%A/" 2,8$";-"3,:=<;(($?"!#1$&"4$;-+":'(($%"40"12$")*%+$"1,"12$"@;1-$//" stand to testify, Dieguez said she would do her best to ensure that 5,&'%,":,8P(;$/"@;12"12$"1$&8/",#"2$&"&$($'/$7"@2;:2"12$")*%+$" /';%":,-/;/1/",#"2,8$"%$1$-1;,-?".2$"&$($'/$"1$&8/"&$S*;&$"12'1" while she awaits her trial, Corado must remain at Dieguez’s home $9:$P1"#,&":,*&1"'PP$'&'-:$/",&"8$%;:'("&$('1$%"<;/;1/"1,"'"2$'(12" :'&$"#':;(;10?
“Defendant is to be released on 3/13/202 to a 3rd party Custodian,” the court docket for the Corado case states. “Defendant '-%"5*/1,%;'-"/@,&-"1,":,-%;1;,-/",#"&$($'/$7T";1"/1'1$/?".2$")*%+$" said Corado will be placed on GPS monitoring and will not have '::$//"1,"2$&"P'//P,&1?
".2$"%,:=$1"/2,@/"5,&'%,A/"-$91":,*&1"'PP$'&'-:$"#,&"'"/1'1*/" 2$'&;-+";/"/:2$%*($%"#,&"!P&;("DR"'1"D"P?8?"4$#,&$"'-,12$&")*%+$7" Magistrate Judge Zia M. Faruqui.
“The government has failed to set forth sufficient facts to find that Ms. Corado is a serious risk of flight,” Federal Public Defender Service attorney Diane Shrewsbury stated in an amended motion ;-"/*PP,&1",#"5,&'%,A/"P&$1&;'("&$($'/$?"U>/?"5,&'%,"'/=/"12$"5,*&1" to find that there are conditions that will reasonably ensure her 'PP$'&'-:$"'-%"$-/*&$"12$"/'#$10",#"12$":,88*-;10"'-%"1,"&$6 lease her under those conditions,” Shrewsbury stated in her court 8$8,&'-%*8?
Meriweather’s decision came after prosecutors with the Office of the U.S. Attorney for D.C. called on the judge to order Cora%,"2$(%";-":*/1,%0"*-1;("12$"1;8$",#"2$&"1&;'(",-"+&,*-%/"12'1"/2$" would be a flight risk. Assistant U.S. Attorney John Borchert, the ($'%"P&,/$:*1,&";-"12$":'/$7"/1'1$%";-",&'("'&+*8$-1/",-">'&:2"Q" and in a 12-page Memorandum in Support of Pretrial Detention, @2;:2"2$"('1$&"*P%'1$%7"12'1"5,&'%,"P,/$/"U'"*-;S*$"'-%"/$&;,*/" flight risk.”
Among other things, he said Corado fled to El Salvador in 2022
Shrewsbury argued that a prepon%$&'-:$",#"#':1,&/"/2,@/"12'1"5,&'6 do would not be a flight risk. The '11,&-$0"%;/:(,/$%"12'1"5,&'%,"&$6 turned to the U.S. from El Salvador in February 202 to remain in the D.C. '&$'"P$&8'-$-1(0"'#1$&"2'<;-+"(;<$%" in the D.C. area for 35 years. She said Corado went to El Salvador in 2022 to start an international arm of Casa Ruby and did not go there to flee from law enforcement. “She was prepared to resume her life in the United States when she returned in February,” Shrewsbury states in her court memo. U!1"12$"1;8$",#"2$&"'&&$/17">/?"5,&'%,"%;%"-,1"2'<$"'"&$1*&-"1;:=$1" to go back to El Salvador,” she said. “She was in the process of securing a new job in the United States. Additionally, Ms. Corado has significant family and friends in the D.C. area, including her sisters, 2$&"#'12$&7"2$&"/;/1$&6;-6('@7"'-%"-*8$&,*/"#&;$-%/7T"12$"P&$61&;'("&$6 ($'/$"8$8,":,-1;-*$/?
“She is married to a U.S. citizen, who grew up in the D.C. area '-%":,-1;-*$/"1,"2'<$"#'8;(0"2$&$7T"12$"8$8,"/'0/?"UH-"'PP&,9;6 8'1$(0"RLLW7">/?"5,&'%,"&$:$;<$%"($+'("P$&8'-$-1"&$/;%$-1"/1'6 tus” in the U.S., it says, further confirming her intention of remaining in the U.S. Shrewsbury said at the time of her arrest, Corado’s passport from El Salvador was confiscated, further ensuring that she would not flee to another country if released.
.2$"'11,&-$0"'(/,"'&+*$%"12'1"5,&'%,A/"/1'1*/"'/"'"1&'-/+$-%$&" woman placed her in danger of possible sexual assault at the D.C. Jail, where she was placed in protective custody in the male hous;-+"/$:1;,-",#"12$")';(?
Shrewsbury’s motion and memo calling for Corado’s release, first filed in court on March 8, used the male pronouns of “he,” U2;87T"'-%"U2;/T";-"#,*&"/$P'&'1$"P'+$/",#"12$"8$8,"1,";%$-1;#0" 5,&'%,?"5,*&1"&$:,&%/"/2,@"12'1",-">,-%'07">'&:2"DD7",-$"%'0" before the follow-up detention hearing, Shrewsbury filed a sec,-%"'8$-%$%"<$&/;,-",#"12$"8$8,&'-%*8"12'1":2'-+$%"12$"8;/6 +$-%$&$%"P&,-,*-/"1,"#$8'($"P&,-,*-/?
After the court hearing on Tuesday, Shrewsbury told the Blade 12$"8;/+$-%$&$%"P&,-,*-/"@$&$"10P,+&'P2;:"8;/1'=$/"'/"/2$" wrote her motion late at night. She said she was sorry about the 8;/1'=$7"@2;:2"/2$"/';%"@'/"S*;:=(0":,&&$:1$%"@;12"12$"*P%'1$%" %,:*8$-1? 5,&'%,7"@2,"@'/"$/:,&1$%";-1,":,*&1"'1"4,12"2$'&;-+/"@$'&;-+" '-",&'-+$"P&;/,-")*8P"/*;17"%;%"-,1"/P$'="'1"12$"2$'&;-+/?

Christine Roland Garner

Let me put my 36 years of experience to work for you!

Since 1988

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Clarification reached for Fla. Don’t Say Gay’ law
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Biden campaign previews messaging on Trump’s -0.%$-#-3#:;4<=#.+20-*
Officials warn of the dangers if the former president returns to the White House
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!"#$"#%&'()*+,%#+"-%.,+%/#/+-0#-0%#1$*0+"2-3"#4($5%#($*-# Thursday, officials with the Biden-Harris reelection campaign explained their strategy for reminding voters of how the rights of LGBTQ Americans were under attack during former President Donald Trump’s first term in office, while also demonstrating how and why a second term would be far /3.*%6
The officials said the LGBTQ-focused messaging in the months ahead will be informed to a large extent by Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation’s 881-page blueprint for Trump’s return to power that would reshape American government by advancing a Christian nationalist agenda.
“We at the campaign are using Project 2025 as an umbrella term for anything and everything that is being proposed by Trump and folks who are aligned with Trump,” an official said.
With respect to Trump’s record, he said the campaign will point out instances in which the former president, for example, opposed legislation that would have advanced LGBTQ-inclusive nondiscrimination protections, appointed judges “who continually are taking away rights,” and targeted healthcare protections “at a governmental level for LGBTQ Americans.”
A campaign memo obtained exclusively by the Blade notes that “As president, Donald Trump and his administration treated the LGBTQ community with contempt,” such as by
7 Opposing the legislation to guarantee nondiscrimination protections, while rolling back nondiscrimination employment protections for LGBTQ Americans,
7 Appointing anti-LGBTQ judges who want to rip protections away from LGBTQ Americans,
7 Erasing health care protections for LGBTQ Ameri'$"*8
7 Banning transgender troops from serving, and
7 Attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would end protections for those with preexisting con5+-+3"*6
In a second Trump term, the official said, those involved in drafting the Project 2025 document have detailed precisely how they would direct “government agencies to openly allow discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity,” imperiling “decades and decades of progress.”
The campaign memo states that, “Trump’s Project 2025 will be even worse for LGBTQ Americans, going beyond the Don’t Say Gay’ bill. A second Trump presidency will make it a mission to erode LGBTQ Americans’ rights, and undermine their existence.” For instance, the document notes, Trump would
7 Remove nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ Americans,
7 Overturn same-sex marriage and protections against anti-sodomy laws,
7 Reverse Title I to remove protections for transgender *-)5%"-*8
7 Ban and expel transgender military members,
7 Book bans,
7 Restrict IVF and surrogacy, and
7 Appoint more extreme judges who will repeal LGBTQ .+20-*
The campaign intends to show voters how the deluge of anti-LGBTQ laws that were introduced and passed at the local and state level over the past few years offer “a preview” of “what we would, unfortunately, see in a second Trump admin-
istration,” the official said.
He stressed that these laws go further than targeting the rights of LGBTQ Americans but in many cases seek “to really undermine their existence in public” and do not constitute “one-off” issues in states like Florida, Alabama or Tennessee, but rather a blueprint for national policy that “Trump and Project 2025 would bring to Americans.”
The official added that these right-wing legislators are abetted by right-wing judges, including U.S. Supreme Court justices, who have stated their interest in challenging samesex marriage and reviving sodomy laws that were declared unconstitutional more than 20 years ago.
The damage by Trump-appointed jurists, he noted, has ranged from rulings challenging safe and effective abortion medication that has been approved for more than 20 years to overturning Covid protections for workers enforced by OSHA.
The campaign official also expressed plans to show how extreme Republican efforts to restrict medically-assisted family planning could carry devastating consequences for LGBTQ families in particular.
The Alabama Supreme Court’s extension of personhood rights to frozen embryos in a ruling last month, which portends the risk of lawsuits targeting clinics that offer in-vitro fertilization, has put elected Republicans on the defense for their support of restrictions on IVF.
“This is a real threat to how people choose to grow their families,” he said.

Part of the work of the campaign, a second official said, will be to disabuse voters 39#-0%#+5%$# that Trump, perhaps be'$)*%#0%#+*# from New York, or be'$)*%#0$*# been married multiple times and has previously proclaimed to be pro-choice, is progressive on “social issues.”
“You have to look at his record and the people that he surrounds him with and what they want to do,” he said. “And the bottom line here is that when it comes to a lot of these issues, he has created the conditions legally, executively, and culturally to attack and undermine LGBTQ Americans.”
As an example, he pointed to the Trump-appointed judges on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals who are considering a case that could reverse a federal mandate for health insurers to cover lifesaving pre-exposure prophylaxis medications that prevent the transmission of HIV.
The first official added, “there is this false perception that Donald Trump is socially liberal, but his record and the people that he’s choosing to fill his administration, what he did as president, and what these allies and he are planning to do in a second Trump administration, go against that perception.”
For voters, he said, it can be “hard to digest all these things and some of this stuff is easier to explain than others, but that’s also why we’re making this effort in the first place” beginning with constituency papers and memos and then the
campaign will “continue to hammer this message until November.”
Since the Jan. 6 insurrection and the decision by the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority in 2022 that overturned the constitutional right to abortion first established with Roe v. Wade in 19 3, the second official said, “there’s more opportunity for us to expand our electorate and reach voters that frankly are outraged by the assault on these basic fundamentals of the United States.”
“Equality voters are not just our community,” the first official said, but rather a “broad and diverse” group who constitute “a high propensity population, especially in some of these battleground states .”
The campaign is confident that LGBTQ rights are “one of many issues that will motivate folks” to vote, he added.
In terms of the mediums through which the campaign will deliver the message, the second official noted that this involves “managing a highly personalized highly fragmented media environment in which we really have to fire on a lot more cylinders than in a traditional campaign even 10 years ago,” which was “kind of TV-heavy.”
As a result, he said, “you’re seeing a ton of different and diverse ways that we are reaching folks,” from TikTok to Truth Social, the right-wing social media platform founded by Trump, and “paid media that’s skewing heavily toward digital.”
LGBTQ rights are “intimate and personal to the president,” the second campaign official said. So, on these matters “you’re going to hear from all of our principals, all of our campaign officials, especially at key moments that are high impact for LGBTQ Americans, including Pride Month.”
“This is a campaign that continues to really represent the diversity of our community, including in inner leadership,” he $55%56
In November, the Blade interviewed six senior LGBTQ Biden campaign officials for a series of stories about their work on the reelection effort.
Beyond highlighting the dangers presented by Trump, the campaign will continue to show LGBTQ people that Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the administration “will stand up for you and respect your dignity,” the first official *$+56
“That’s the contrast,” he said. “That’s the choice in this election. We’re going to highlight the history both the Vice President and the President have had supporting LGBTQ rights and implementing them as part of the Biden-Harris agenda and record.”
Biden-Harris 202 Senior Spokesperson Kevin Munoz shared the following statement on Donald Trump’s plans to eliminate LGBTQ rights
“The freedom-loving Republican party isn’t so free under Donald Trump’s reign. They’ve told us what we can and can"3-#.%$58#/03#/%#'$"#$"5#'$""3-#(3,%8#$"5#$.%#%,%"#-%((+"2# us who we can or cannot be. Donald Trump’s Project 2025 would make it their mission to nationalize the draconian, anti-LGBTQ nightmare we’ve seen at the state level and go even 9).-0%.6#
In Joe Biden’s America, the government works for all the American people – not just the people Donald Trump approves of. President Biden is fighting for a more equal, just future, while Donald Trump and his MAGA cronies can’t seem to even acknowledge our existence. We’ll fight in this election like our lives depend on it – because they do.” !" !"!#$%&'()*+(,-$./01+2!"!2$31&!456!7879!"!($*'+($-!(/#%

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Iconic LGBTQ and AIDS activist David Mixner dies at
Marched with MLK, protested Vietnam War, fought for AIDS funding !"#!$%&'#()*)+,-)#.#(%-#/01!!2$%#3$4
One of the most influential LGBTQ and HIV/AIDS activ ists and political strategists in the LGBTQ movement has died. David Benjamin Mixner, , was a longtime formi dable presence in both Democratic progressive political circles and within his beloved LGBTQ community.

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In a Facebook post on his personal page late Monday a simple statement read "It is with a heavy heart that I share the news of David’s passing today.” News of Mix ner’s death quickly spread as friends, longtime political acquaintances and people whose lives he had impacted commenced to populate his page and others with reflec tions on his impact.
Neil Giuliano, the first directly elected openly gay may or of a large city in the U.S. as mayor of Tempe, Ariz., who then went on to serve as president of GLAAD and later headed the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, was a long time friend of Mixner. He wrote
"We said goodbye in NYC on Feb. 19, knowing time was short. Today my dear friend, confidant and father fig ure for the last 28 years (though only 11 years my senior) has passed on from his earthly presence with us. He will absolutely rest in power, for the cause of peace.’
"David Mixner contributed to my 199 campaign for mayor even before we met. When I asked a local gay ac tivist why this monumental LGBT figure was interested in donating to the closeted candidate in AZ, because I hadn’t done anything for gay rights, I was told he knows you will.’
"And boy, I don’t know how, but he knew me better than I knew myself; back then, and to this day.
“ The two and half hours we shared on Feb 19th will forever remain among the most profound and powerful of my life, we covered it all. While preparing for death, David, one final time, taught and inspired me forward in life.”
Biographical write-ups on Mixner, including the ar chives of the LGBTQ history publication Outwords, show he was born and raised in the small town of Elmer, N.J. While in high school he first became involved in social justice causes by supporting the civil rights movement and joining local protest rallies in support of racial justice.
After graduating from high school, he went to Missis sippi to join civil rights protests organized by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other southern civil rights activists. In
196 , he enrolled as a student at Arizona State Universi ty, where he became involved in local union organizing before leaving Arizona to enroll in the University of Mary land, according to Outwords.
In 1968, he went to Chicago to join anti-Vietnam War protesters outside the Democratic National Convention, and according to his own account, was beaten by police that led to a leg injury that required his use of a cane for many years.
"He fought to end the War in Vietnam, and eventually landed in Los Angeles, where he helped to form Munic ipal Elections Committee of Los Angeles (MECLA), the nation’s first gay and lesbian political action committee,” Outwords reported. "Soon after, David helped defeat California’s potentially disastrous Proposition 6, which would have made it illegal for homosexuals to teach in public schools, by getting then-Governor Ronald Reagan to come out publicly against the measure,” which voters defeated by a wide margin.
The Washington Blade reported on Mixner’s support for Bill Clinton’s election as president in 1992 in his role as a friend of Clinton during the days when the two planned protests against the Vietnam War. Mixner, who raised money for the Clinton campaign and helped line up support for the then Arkansas governor from LGBTQ organizations throughout the country, was named by the Clinton campaign to serve on the campaign’s leadership committee.
But soon after Clinton’s election, Mixner spoke out against the new president’s decision to break his prom ise to issue an executive order to lift the ban on gays, lesbians, and bisexuals from serving in the U.S. military. Many LGBTQ activists, while disappointed, said Clinton was forced to support the controversial compromise of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ after military leaders, including the popular Army Gen. Collin Powell, came out against lifting the ban, with both Democratic and Republican members of Congress also speaking out against a full lifting of the ban.
Mixner drew national attention when he helped orga nize a protest against Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ outside the White House in which he was among those arrested after denouncing his onetime friend Clinton for backing the policy. News of Mixner’s public break with the president resulted in the downfall of his once thriving political con sulting firm.
"David’s political consulting career was over, and by the end of the Clinton presidency, he was pawning his watches to pay rent,” Outwords reported.
But Outwords and other publications and LGBTQ advocates have said Mixner re-invented himself many times, as a champion LGBTQ rights advocate, an author, performer, and organizer of the 2009 Equality March on Washington for LGBTQ rights that drew more than 200,000 participants from across the country.
His 201 play, entitled 1969, was staged at a popular theater in New York City and received positive reviews. His one-man play in 2018 called Who Fell into The Out house’ also received positive reviews and raised 1 5,000 for homeless LGBTQ youth, Outwords reported.
Mixner has also been praised for his longtime role as an AIDS activist who for many years helped raise funds for organizations supporting people with HIV/AIDS. In 198 , he joined one of the first HIV/AIDS protests outside
the White House during the Reagan administration and was among more than 60 of the protesters arrested.
Among his many LGBTQ rights endeavors, Mixner is also credited with co-founding in 1991 the Gay and Les bian Victory Fund, now called the LGBTQ Victory Fund, which became the nation’s first organization to devote all of its efforts to help elect LGBTQ people to public office.
“With support for candidates underway, his vision of a government and democracy representative of its peo ple expanded beyond elections, and moved to ensure we were represented in political parties and presidential administrations as well,” said Victory Fund President and CEO Annise Parker in a statement responding to Mixner’s passing.
“Today, we lost David Mixner, a founding father of LGBTQ Victory Fund and our movement for equality,” Parker said. “David was a courageous, resilient, and un yielding force for social change at a time when our com munity faced widespread discrimination and an HIV/AIDS crisis ignored by the political class in Washington, D.C.,” Parker’s statement says.
“David gave his time, energy and money to building a new political reality in America – having the foresight and dedication to see it through in the most difficult times,” Parker states. “David embodied the spirit of activism and resistance in everything he did – and always with humor and a smile. He has changed not just America, but the world.”
Jeremy Bernard, a prominent Democratic fundraiser and gay rights advocate who served for eight years on the Democratic National Committee and served in the Obama-Biden administration as the White House social secretary, wrote in his tribute to his friend with a photo on March “My dear friend has always been there for me and so many others Love ya David ”
In September of 2023, Mixner traveled from his home in New York City to Rehoboth Beach, Del., to attend an event in which he was honored for lending his name to an LGBTQ student scholarship created by CAMP Rehoboth, the LGBTQ community services center.
CAMP Rehoboth officials said they wanted to honor Mixner’s legacy with the David Mixner LGBTQ Student Scholarship, an endowed fund that supports students as interns at CAMP Rehoboth, where they do important work for the LGBTQ community.
On Tuesday, the Ali Forni Center, a New York Citybased organization that provides services and support for homeless LGBTQ youth, announced it has created the David Mixner Memorial Fund “to honor the life and lega cy of this legendary fighter.”
Javi Morgado, a member of the Ali Forni Center board and a longtime friend of Mixner, said in a statement that Mixner raised more than 1 million for the organization since its founding in 2002.
“David’s final wish was that donations be made in his honor to this fund to support and protect LGBTQ youth from the harms of homelessness,” Morgado said. “I can think of no better way to honor the impact of our friend David than through activism and philanthropy,” he said, adding that donations can be made at aliforneycenter. org.
Circumstances surrounding Mixner’s death in New York City and information related to a memorial or funeral service couldn’t immediately be determined.

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Gay couple seeks recognition of Fla. marriage in Turks and Caicos
!" gay couple has filed a lawsuit against the Turks and Caicos Islands’ government after it refused to legally rec ognize their marriage.
Richard Sankar, a Realtor who has lived in the British territory for 2 years and is a Turks and Caicos citizen, married Tim Haymon in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in 2020.
Haymon, who is American, in August 2021 applied for a spousal exemption under the Turks and Caicos’ immigra tion law on the basis of his status as a spouse that would have allowed him to legally live and work in the territory.
The Turks and Caicos’ Director of Im migration denied the application be cause its definition of marriage used does not include same-sex couples.
Haymon and Sankar filed their lawsuit in October 2021.
$I am suing for the right to recognize our marriage,” Haymon told the Washington Blade on March 2 during a Zoom interview from Sydney where he and Sankar were on vacation. $Just like any other spouse coming to the Turks and Caicos Islands and marrying a Turks and Caicos islander, we’re just wanting the same rights.”

Stanbrook Prudhoe, a law firm in the Turks and Caicos, represents Haymon and Sankar.
The trial court, which is also known as the Supreme Court, heard the case in November 2022.
The court on March 1 said the work permit exemption refusal violates the Turks and Caicos’ constitution that bans discrimination based on sexual orientation. It has yet to release the ruling itself.
The Turks and Caicos are a group of islands that are located roughly 650 miles southeast of Miami.
Consensual same-sex sexual rela tions have been decriminalized in the British territory since 2001. The con stitution states $every unmarried man and woman of marriageable age (as determined by or under any law) has the right to marry a person of the op posite sex and found a family.”
Then-Cayman Islands Grand Court Chief Justice Anthony Smellie in 2019 ruled same-sex couples can legally marry in the Cayman Islands. The Caymanian Court of Appeal later overturned the deci sion, and the British territory’s Civil Partnership Law took effect in 2020.
Then-Bermuda Supreme Court Justice Charles-Etta Simmons in 201 issued a ruling that paved the way for gays and lesbians to legally marry in the British territo
ry. The Domestic Partnership Act a law then-Gov. John Rankin signed that allows same-sex couples to enter into domestic partnerships as opposed to get married took effect in 2018.
Bermuda’s top court later found the Domestic Partner ship Act unconstitutional. The Privy Council, a British ter ritories appellate court in London, upheld the law. It also ruled same-sex couples do not have the constitutional right to marry in the Cayman Islands.
Haymon and Sankar told the Blade they expect the Privy Council will eventually hear their case.
$We are prepared for that,” said Sankar. $Our attorneys are prepared for that.”
Haymon added he hopes their lawsuit will inspire other same-sex couples in the Turks and Caicos to fight for le gal recognition of their relationships.
$We hope that one of the locals will now take up the flag and say I want to marry my partner,” he said.
Same-sex couples can legally marry in Cuba, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Saba, St. Martin, St. Barts, St. Eustatius, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Bonaire.
Aruban lawmakers are currently considering a mar riage equality bill. The Dutch Supreme Court in the com ing months is expected to rule on the Aruba and Cura%&'" case.
Prominent Angolan activist found dead in his home
Authorities in Angola on Feb. 26 found a prominent ac tivist dead in his home.
Associa o ris Angola in a Facebook post wrote Car los Fernandes, the group’s executive director, “was found lifeless in his residence” in Luanda, the country’s capital. Angolan media reports indicate authorities continue to investigate his death, but they suspect he was strangled. His funeral took place on March 1. Activists throughout the country have organized candlelight vigils and other events to honor Fernandes.
“His departure leaves a huge void in our community and a deep mourning in our hearts,” said Associa o ris Angola.
Angolan lawmakers in 2020 decriminalized consensual same-sex sexual relations and banned violence and dis crimination based on sexual orientation in the former Por tuguese colony. Fernandes was among the activists who championed these advances.
The State Department’s 2022 human rights report notes violence and discrimination based on sexual ori entation and gender identity remains commonplace in Angola. Angolan media reports indicate Fernandes is the second LGBTQ person found dead with signs of strangu
lation in recent weeks.

“Carlos Fernandes led the first LGBTQI group in An gola, and tirelessly advocated for human rights and end ing the threat of HIV/AIDS,” said U.S. Agency for Interna tional Development Samantha Power in a March 6 post to her account.
U.S. Ambassador to Angola and S o Tomé and Pr nci pe Tulinabo Mushingi in a statement noted his embassy “was proud to partner with Mr. Fernandes over the past decade.”
“We are grateful for his important contributions to our programs supporting human rights, fighting against stig ma and discrimination, expanding access to health and education resources for LGBTQI communities, com batting human trafficking and more,” said Mushingi. “In particular, his contributions to our PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) program expanded protection and treatment for HIV/AIDS to previously un reached communities.”
PEPFAR echoed these sentiments, noting Fernandes’ “contributions expanded protection and treatment for HIV/AIDS to previously unreached communities.”
“Carlos Fernandes is remembered as a resolute, strong, welcoming person,” said Mushingi. “As a true pioneer in the fight against discrimination, he created a family among the LGBTQI community in Angola, and his legacy as an activist will be carried on by generations of LGBTQI Angolans.”
Ethiopia’s largest church condemns LGBTQ community
Ethiopia’s largest church has condemned the LGBTQ community’s existence.
According to the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, which is one of the world’s oldest religious de nominations, the LGBTQ community is synonymous with the West and not with Ethiopia or Africa. The church in a statement said the right to various gender identities, what it describes as gender conversion therapy and allowing same-sex relationships leads to complex religious, social and cultural problems.
“The Permanent Synod calls for the faith, culture and ethics that has been preserved with many sacrifices to con
tinue to have its place of honor and by ensuring that sin and evilness is not exposed to this disgusting act,” reads the statement.
“Homosexuality is not at all equal to a normal natural phenomenon that can be expressed by gender rights and it is the spiritual mission of our church to oppose it know ing that this violates the religious, social and psychologi cal assets of our country, the federal government should strongly oppose this,” it adds. “Actions that increase homo sexuality, transgender, bisexual sex and so on are all issues and practices that are not accepted in our country by reli gion, law, social values and ethical guidelines.”
The church in its statement “strongly warns those who promote homosexuality, spread and do hidden activities to refrain from their actions.”
Activists condemned the statement.
“Maybe someday, homophobic individuals will under stand that one’s sexual orientation can’t be prayed away,” said Mahdi Liima, founder of the Tigray Art Collective, an organization that works in the Tigray region and through out Ethiopia. “Queer Ethiopians are present in all religions. Surprisingly, I have met many who are active members of their faith and embrace them as beautiful humans.”

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There were words. There were pictures. There were filthy questions and even filthier respons&"3#C(>#9*(67#.8$<#$#+((1#"&B.!*+#'(*)(#(>+8.#.(#0&7#/(%#.8("D(#1$00-&3#
One man was 33. The other, 2 . And while it comes as no shock that I was the 33-year-old, it may be more surprising to learn it was the 2 -year-old who grabbed the reins.
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Now I’m no prude (in fact, many would call me a downright whore) but this young man articu-$.!*+#8!"#9!*9"#$*1#/&.!"8&"#!*#">'8#1&.$!-#0-&6#A<#A!*13#D8&*#1!1#8&#-&$%*#68$.#8&#-!9&1E#K.#LM7# $--#5#6$*.&1#6$"#.(#.(@#$#+><#$*1#-&$)!.8#$"#-!..-&#'(AA>*!'$.!(*#(%#$..$'8A&*.#$"#@(""!0-&3# K.#NN7#5#6$"*H.#">%D$.#$#/&6#(/#.8&#!.&A"#8&#-!".&1#&)&*#A&$*.3## =&%8$@"#5#"8(>-1*H.#0&#">%@%!"&1#68&*#<(>*+#A&*#O#$*1#.8&#<(>*+&%#+&*&%$.!(*#$'%(""#.8&# LGBTQ spectrum in general have already figured out their sexual interests. I arrived in D.C. from Idaho in 2008 as a fresh-faced 18-year-old; I came out three years later in 2011. Attitudes toward queerness have shifted substantially since then, and these days it is undeniably easier /(%#<(>*+&%#@&(@-&#.(#&B@-(%&#.8&!%#"&B>$-#$*1#+&*1&%#!1&*.!.!&"#P68!'87#0<#.8$<7#!"#/$*.$".!'Q3# R>.#.8!"#'(*)&%"$.!(*#-&/.#A(*1&%!*+I#D8$.#1(#5#-!9&E#5#8$)&*H.#"(>+8.#(>.#.8$.#A$*<#*&6#
sexual experiences, and while fetishes, kinks, and sexual desires can seem trivial, they’re inextri'$0-<#!*.&%.6!*&1#6!.8#+&*1&%#$*1#%&-$.!(*"8!@"3#5/#5#'$*H.#$%.!'>-$.D$.#5#-!9&#!*#.8&#"$'9#P(%#!*# public, if I dare), then how do I know what I’m seeking from a long-term partner, or if that’s even 68$.#5#6$*.E#
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But losing my old career also left an existential-sized hole in my identity. So, as I sexted this 2 -year-old with newfound awareness of my limitations, I decided this must change.
How As I said, I work at a gay bar in one of the queerest cities in America. Now more than &)&%#5HA#">%%(>*1&1#0<#.8("D(#$%&#:;RTW#$*1#&)&%<#"8$1&#!*#0&.6&&*3#D8<#*(.#-&$%*#/%(A# .8("&#$%(>*1#A&7#68&.8&%#<(>*+&%7#(-1&%7#(%#$%(>*1#.8&#"$A&#$+&7#0>.#68("&#&B@&%!&*'&"# are no less queer Why not carve out time to have in-depth discussions and discover what the @(""!0!-!.!&"#$%&E#
If being queer means to go against the established norms of gender and sexuality, then .8&%&H"#".!--#@-&*.<#(/#.&%%!.(%<#/(%#A&#.(#&B@-(%&3#X(#-(*+&%#'$*#Y0(..(AH#(%#Y.(@H#0&#A<#(*-<# (@.!(*"3#
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The benefits of being sober are plentiful, along with the numerous health perks, such 3,$-(%%('$K+38.%*$,8((&?$="'($=(/%38$38('%/(,,?$3/<$8(,,(/(<$3/L.(%*$"'$<(&'(,,."/1$D(%?$ there is one benefit that is not necessarily always spoken about. H(./>$,"-('$"/$0%1$23%'.)45,$63*$"'$3/*$<3*$'(=":(,$388$)93/)(,$";$.=&3.'(<$<'.:./> M/;"'%+/3%(8*?$<3*,$%93%$&'"="%($9(3:*$38)"9"8$+,($=3*$./)'(3,($%9($)93/)(,$";$<'+/4$ "'$<'+>>(<$<'.:./>1$C"'$(L3=&8(?$./$N3,9./>%"/$0%3%(?$.=&3.'(<$<'.:./>$93,$-((/$./A volved in roughly half of fatal crashes for decades. In 2022, 52 of traffic fatalities involved an impaired driver, according to the Traffic Safety Commission. @"'(":('?$<'.:(',$3>(,$OP$%"$QR$=34($+&$"/(A%9.'<$";$.=&3.'(<$<'.:(',$./$;3%38$)'3,9A (,?$3/<$3/"%9('$ORS$3'($3>(,$QP$%"$TR1$B;$*"+$3'($)(8(-'3%./>$0%1$23%'.)45,$63*$,"-('?$ %34($%9($/()(,,3'*$&'()3+%."/,$3/<$8""4$"+%$;"'$"/($3/"%9('1$B;$*"+$)9"",($%"$)"/,+=($ 38)"9"8?$<'./4$'(,&"/,.-8*?$4/"#$*"+'$8.=.%,?$3/<$<"$/"%$<'./4$3/<$<'.:(1

JUNE 16, 2024 AT 5:00PM
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@9$/0"$)*+",$#24/,$/&$.&33B$#0A$4&/$2,($."&.3"$0&#$/0"A$9""3$21&>/$;&"$6?$H2-"C$ )0"*'$/0&>70/,$&4$@QRC$=0&>3-$/0"$I4*/"-$=/2/",$,>..&'/$!D)GS$,0&>3-$#"$,>..&'/$ Ukraine, and Israel Should the border be closed, or should we just curtail immi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
The New York Times has said it reports, “all the news that’s fi t to print.” Maybe /0"A$02-$1"//"'$'"/0*4($#02/$/02/$+"24,B$&'$,/2'/$'".&'/*47$/0"$4"#,$/02/$+2(",$2$ -*99"'"45"?$)0"$+*33*&4,$&9$D+"'*524,$#0&$1"3&47$/&$2$.&3*/*523$.2'/A$026"$02-$/0"*'$ chance to determine who they want to represent them. The two major parties will 026"$5&46"4/*&4,$/0*,$,>++"'$/&$9&'+233A$24&*4/$/0&,"$524-*-2/",?$@/$*,$4&/$>.$/&$/0"$ !"#$%&'($)*+",$/&$/"33$/0"+$#0A$/0"A$2'"$#'&47B$1>/$/&$/"33$233$/0"$."&.3"$#02/$/0&,"$ candidates’ positions are on the important issues of the day. )0"$)*+",$*,$4&/$/0"$&43A$.2."'$#*/0$,("#"-$'".&'/*47?$)0"$H2,0*47/&4$M&,/$-&",$ /02/$2,$#"33B$24-$,>'"3A$/0"'"$2'"$&/0"',?$:213"$4"#,$-&",$*/?$)0"A$026"$233$7*6"4$>.$ '".&'/*47$&4$925/,$/02/$+2//"'B$'2/0"'$132/0"'*47$&4$21&>/$/0"*'$&.*4*&4,?$G4$=>."'$ )>",-2AB$/0"$5213"$,0&#$0&,/,$/23("-$2-$42>,"2+$21&>/$27"$*4$'"32/*&4$/&$8*-"4B$ #*/0&>/$&4"$+"4/*&4$&9$2$'"23$*,,>"?$)0"'"$#2,$2$/*+"$#0"4$/0'""$)Q$4"/#&'(,B$D8:B$ CBS, and NBC, seemed to report the news without a specifi c bias, and let the Amer*524$."&.3"$+2("$>.$/0"*'$$+*4-,$21&>/$#02/$/0"A$/0&>70/?$@4$24A$"6"4/B$@$0&."$ )0"$!"#$%&'($)*+",$/2(",$/&$0"2'/$233$/0"$5'*/*5*,+$*/$*,$7"//*47B$24-$1"7*4,$/&$'".&'/$ &4$/0*,$>.5&+*47$.'",*-"4/*23$"3"5/*&4B$2$5'>5*23$&4"B$*4$2$+>50$+&'"$'"3"624/$#2A?


Tiger’ burning bright an interview with Mary Timony
<.-+;'()51$+#16-,"710)$4("3)(3101)2.4#-0'&)81)&*1)(+$1)2"&*.4&)*1, !"#$%&$$#'()*+%,

%&'()*+,-)&.)"$+/"01)2*+&)&*1)34,,10&)51$+#16-,"710) $4("3)(3101)2.4#-)81)#"91)2"&*.4&):+,;)<"$.0;=)!,.$) >#1+&1,6?"001;)&.)@+"$A)5,.$)B0/1#)C#(10)&.):"&(9"A)&*1) influence of Mary Timony is in every note being played, 171,;)2.,-)81"0/)(40/=)C0)*1,)012)(.#.)+#84$A)DE0&+$1) <*1)<"/1,F)G:1,/1HA)2"&*)"&()(#;)0.-)&.)I.0"):"&3*1##A)<"$.6 ny has brought her many years of musical experience to &*1)5.,1A),1(4#&"0/)"0)2*+&)"()1+("#;)*1,)$.(&)+331(("8#1) release. Beginning with the incredible six-plus minute opener “No Thirds” and continuing through the first sin/#1A)DJ.$"0.1(AF)+0-)/.,/1.4()04$81,()"03#4-"0/)D<*1) Guest,” “The Dream,” and “Not The Only One,” Timony is assured to keep listeners purring along. Timony made &"$1)5.,)+0)"0&1,7"12)(*.,&#;)815.,1)&*1)+#84$)2+(),16 #1+(1-=
!"#$%&' :+,;A)%'-)#"91)&.)81/"0)8;)&+#9"0/)&.);.4)+8.4&) ;.4,)$4("3+#)#"71()"0)J=K=)+0-)L.(&.0=)%)210&)&.)3.##1/1) "0)L.(&.0)"0)&*1)1+,#;)MNOP()+0-)2+()3.0(&+0&#;)+$+Q1-) 8;)&*1)8+0-().5)&*1)1,+)(43*)+():"((".0).5)L4,$+A)@46 man Sexual Response, and Til Tuesday. I moved to D.C. in &*1)$"-6MNOP()&.)/.)&.)/,+-)(3*..#A)+0-)+&)&*1)&"$1A)&*1) $4("3)(3101)&*1,1)2+()-.$"0+&1-)8;)/.6/.)$4("3A)+0-)+) ($+##1,)"0-"1)$4("3)51+&4,"0/)LR<<S)+0-)&*1)#+&1)<.$$;) ?1101A)+$.0/).&*1,(=)T*+&)-.);.4),1$1$81,)+8.4&)&*1) music in D.C. as someone who grew up there (#)*'+,(-.*&)<*+&'()"0&1,1(&"0/=)T1)9"0-).5)-"-)+) (2"&3*1,..=)%'$)5,.$)J=K=)+0-)%)$.71-)&.)L.(&.0=)G%0)J=K=H) %)#1+,01-A)+()+)&110+/1,A)+8.4&),.39)(*.2()+0-),.39)$4("3) from being involved in the punk scene, the post-hardcore (3101).5)9"-()*1,1=)<*.(1)+,1)&*1)(*.2()%)210&)&.)"0)*"/*) (3*..#=)L+("3+##;A)&*1)J"(3*.,-)GU13.,-(H)8+0-()+0-)(&455=) %)(+2)171,;)("0/#1)!4/+Q")(*.2)5,.$)2*10)&*1;)(&+,&1-) in ’8 . Before that, whatever was happening in 1985, *+,-3.,1)(*.2()8;)>2"Q)+0-)>.4#("-1)+0-)?"0/5+31)+0-)%) #.71-)%/0"&".0=)C&*1,)&*+0)&*+&A)%)2.4#-)/.)(11)8#41/,+(() .4&)"0)V",/"0"+)+0-)%)#.71-)/.6/.=)%)2.4#-)/.)&.)(11)G/.6 /.)8+0-(H)U+,1)R((1031)+0-)<,.48#1)!409=)%)2+()71,;)"0&.) &*+&)(&455W)&*+&)2+(),1+##;)1X3"&"0/=)%)&*"09)%)#"91-)/.6/.)&*1) $.(&).4&).5)+##).5)"&A)+3&4+##;)Y#+4/*(Z=)%)2.4#-)/.)&.)JK) Space and 9 30 (Club), mostly for local (acts). I don’t think %)171,)(+2)LR<<SA)84&)%)2+()+)&110+/1,)&*10=
!"#$%&' T+()&*1)+3&"71)$4("3)(3101)"0)L.(&.0)"0)&*1) early 1990s part of the appeal for you when it came to relocating to Boston to attend Boston University +,(-.* The reason why I went there was because I wanted to go to a music program that was in a big uni71,("&;A)"0)3+(1)%)-"-0'&)2+00+)(&4-;)$4("3)&*1)2*.#1)&"$1A) which is exactly what happened. I studied classical guitar for a year and then I didn’t really like the program much, (.)%)&,+0(51,,1-)&.)(&4-;)R0/#"(*=)%)5.40-).4&)+8.4&)&*1) GL.(&.0H)$4("3)(3101)5,.$)5,"10-(=)T1)210&)&.)<*1):"-6 -#1)R+(&)G0"/*&3#48H)+0-)<<'()G<=<=)<*1)L1+,'()0"/*&3#48H=) Then after college, I ended up living right down the street 5,.$)<*1):"--#1)R+(&)+0-)%)2+()&*1,1)3.0(&+0&#;=
!"#$%&' Good old Central Square As a performer playing in bands including Autoclave, Helium, and Ex @1XA)+0-)+()+)(.#.)+,&"(&)2"&*)*1,).20)8+0-A)"&'()0.&)406 reasonable to say that Mary, you are someone who plays 21##)2"&*).&*1,(=) +,(-.* Big laugh.
!"#$%&'What makes you such a good team player +,(-.* I didn’t know I was laughs . I’ve gone back +0-)5.,&*)81&2110)-."0/)(.#.)(&455)+0-)81"0/)"0)8+0-(=) Mostly, I’ve done projects where I’ve written a bunch of (.0/()+0-)%'$)&,;"0/)&.[%)*+710'&)-.01)+)&.0).5)3.##+86 .,+&"71)(&455),1+##;=)RX)@1X)2+()540)813+4(1)"&)2+()$.,1) 3.##+8.,+&"71=)T"#-)!#+/A)&*1)(+$1)&*"0/A)&.&+##;)MPP\)3.#6 #+8.,+&"71)"0)171,;)2+;=)L4&)@1#"4$)2+(),1+##;)$;)&*"0/A) but I got some great people that totally influenced it. I’ve always been doing my own thing but tried to find really good people. Music really is about connection. It’s never as good if it’s only one person’s vision. Usually, if it’s good "&'()/..-)813+4(1).5)&*1)3.0013&".0)81&2110)&*1)$4("6 3"+0(=):4("3)"()+)(.3"+#)+,&)5.,$A)%)&*"09=
!"#$%&' DE0&+$1)<*1)<"/1,F)"()&*1)&").5);.4,)012)+#6 84$=)%0)MNNNA)I.0"):"&3*1##)&"-)*1,)+#84$)D<+$"0/)<*1) Tiger.” Are you, in any way, making a nod to Joni +,(-.* A little bit because I am a huge fan. I have 8110)("031)%)2+()MO=)L4&A)"&)(.,&).5)3+$1)&.)$1)813+4(1) %)*+71)+)(.0/)3+##1-)&*+&).0)&*1),13.,-)+0-)%'$)(4,1)&*+&) probably came from ripping off Joni Mitchell. Then I just &*.4/*&)&*+&'()+)3..#)0+$1)5.,)+),13.,-=)<*10)%)&*.4/*&A) DC*A)(*"&]F)Y^+4/*(Z)%&'()+#,1+-;)8110)&+910])<*10)%) &*.4/*&)+8.4&)"&)+0-)&*10)%)5.,/.&)+8.4&)"&=)<*10)%)&*.4/*&) about it again and finally, I was like, “It’s OK. It’s a little bit -"551,10&=F)B0-)%)#.71)*1,]
!"#$%&' %'$)34,,10&#;),1+-"0/)B00)_.21,(')8..9) D<,+76 eling On the Path of Joni Mitchell,” which comes out in I401=
+,(-.*& Oh, I’m definitely going to have to read.
!"#$%&' Yes, please add that to your reading list. “Untame The Tiger” is your first new solo studio album in 15 ;1+,(=)B,1)&*1,1)&*"0/();.4)2,"&1)+0-)("0/)+8.4&).0);.4,) solo records that might be out of place on an album you would record with another one of your musical outfits +,(-.*& Yes. That’s why this ended up being a solo ,13.,-=)%)/41(()"&)2+()813+4(1).5)&*1)&40"0/).5)$;)/4"6 tar. They were more or less finished songs. I wanted the songs to sound kind of acoustic. I also wanted to play 2"&*)+)8403*).5)$4("3"+0()2*.)%),1+##;)#.71=)B##)&*.(1) things just made it seem like a solo record. If I’m writing 5.,)+)8+0-A)#"91)RX)@1XA)2*"3*)"()8+("3+##;)&*1).&*1,)8+0-) that I do right now, they’re not finished. I bring them in (to &*1)8+0-)$1$81,(H)2"&*)&*+&)8+0-)"0)$"0-= !"#$%&'%)#.71)&*1)#4(*)"0(&,4$10&+#)(13&".0).0)D<*",-(F) and the psychedelic sounds of “Looking For The Sun” +0-)D<*1)`41(&=F)T1,1)&*1,1)&*"0/();.4)21,1)#"(&10"0/)&.) 2*"#1)2,"&"0/)&*1)(.0/()5.,)DE0&+$1)<*1)<"/1,F)&*+&)21,1) inspiring to you +,(-.*&)%)2+()#"(&10"0/)&.)+)#.&).5)$4("3A)+)&.0).5)(&455=) I don’t ever try to purposely emulate anything very often, but I can’t help it. I’d rather be influenced by stuff with.4&),1+##;)&*"09"0/)+8.4&)"&)&..)3.0(3".4(#;=)%)+#2+;()*+71) #.71-)#"(&10"0/)&.)<*1)^15&)L+091'()"0(&,4$10&+&".0)+0-) The Moody Blues’ string parts. Most of the string parts 3.$1)5,.$)&,;"0/)&.)1$4#+&1)<*1):..-;)L#41()Y#+4/*(Z).,) <*1)^15&)L+091=)%'$).8(1((1-)2"&*)<*1)^15&)L+091= !"#$%&'“Walk Away Renée,” right +,(-.*&)S1(=)<*"()/4;A):"3*+1#)L,.20A)2+()(43*)+)/16
0"4(=)@1)2,.&1)(.)$43*)(&455)+()+)&110+/1,=)@"()-+-)2+() a string arranger. Anyway, I love those string parts. I was listening to this prog-rock band The Strawbs and this ear#;)GU.00"1H)J".)8+0-)R#5=)G<*1)!#;"0/H)L4,,"&.)L,.&*1,()+0-) The Byrds, too. I love Fairport Convention and Steeleye Span. Richard Thompson and I was really obsessed with `1,,;)U+551,&;'()1+,#;)(.#.),13.,-)3+##1-)DK+0)%)@+71):;) Money Back ” I love that record. I was listening to it a ton 2*10)%)2+()+,,+0/"0/)&*1)(.0/(=

-)%.#/+-,0.!"#!$%&'!(")*!%!+,(!%-$./0!!12*3)3!$4!5*6"#!76%849 /0 !:!;<=>?@7AB@CD<EF05BG!:!G<H5>!IJK!LMLN
!"#$%&'T*;)2+()&*1)(.0/)DJ.$"0.1(F)(1#13&1-)+()&*1) first single from “Untame The Tiger ”
+,(-.*& I don’t know. I let other people tell me Y#+4/*(Z=)%),1+##;)*+&1)(1a4103"0/),13.,-()+0-)%)*+&1) choosing singles. I’m just too close to it. I can’t tell what people are going to like or not. A lot of times, the ones that I like are not the ones that other people like. I asked (the people at) the label and they suggested that. I think it’s more poppy sounding. Dave Fridmann mixed that one +0-)DJ.0’t Disappear” and he’s a genius mixer. and these mixers are always very pleasing and accessible sounding. %)&*"09)&*+&)*+()(.$1&*"0/)&.)-.)2"&*)"&A)&..=
!"#$%&' R+,#"1,A)21)&+#91-)+8.4&);.4,)#.0/)*"(&.,;).5) playing music with others, which reminded me of your guest spot singing “All Dressed Up In Dreams,” written by gay singer/songwriter Stephin Merritt for his band The b&*(')DWasps')Nest F)+#84$=) +,(-.*&)@1'()(43*)+)/10"4(]
!"#$%&'How did that come about +,(-.*&)T*10)%)$.71-)&.)L.(&.0A)5.,)+);1+,)%)#"71-) 2"&*)K#+4-"+)G`.0(.0).5):1,,"&&'()8+0-)<*1):+/01&"3) Fields), who is his drummer. I lived in a group house in Cambridge. I was friends with Claudia, and Stephin lived +)512)8#.39()+2+;=)>*1)&.#-)$1)*1)2+()$+9"0/)&*"(),13.,-) 2"&*)/41(&)("0/1,()&*1;)2+0&1-)&.)/.).71,)+0-)("0/).0)"&=) %)210&).71,)&*1,1).01)-+;)+0-)*1)&+4/*&)$1)&*1)(.0/)+0-) %)(+0/).0)"&=))%)&*"09)*1'().01).5)&*1)81(&)(.0/2,"&1,().5)&*1) last 50 years or whatever.
!"#$%&' I completely agree. As someone who has collaborated with Stephin, are you aware of an LGBTQ following for your own music +,(-.*&)%)-.0'&)90.2=)%)&*"09)$+;81)+)#"&)8"&=)%'-)#.71) &*+&=)%)#.71)171,;8.-;)2*.)3+0)3.0013&)2"&*)"&A)813+4(1) all I’m trying to do is connect with people.

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71813)*AG'0*&..(&4* F$-*#&7#9#:$+/-0)*:,6:)*+55*E&<*WBND(."*G?*6(4#,.&',./*=,'0*'0"* $&%&-"*&.-*5")',9&41*c,),'*6&$,'&4$%,-"1+%/*5+%*-"'&,4)1*!0"*&..(&4*I%,-"*+.*'0"*I,"%*=,'0* fireworks celebration is slated for Saturday, June 8, 2-9 p.m. at the Wharf. Visit $%,-"+.N '0"$,"%-616+#*5+%*-"'&,4)1

!"##"$% #& '()(!(

ROBINSONFROMone of America’s freshest, most challenging voices, queer Afro-LatinX playwright Rachel Lynett (2021 Yale Prize Winner) comes a doublebill world premiere about women of color rising to power in our nation, tough love from the ancestors, and the hilariously picayune politics of community gardening.

RACHEL LYNETT !0"%7-(8/#

MARIELE ATIENZA !"#$%&'()*&+&',(-"

KENDRA HOLLOWAY ./"-0,##"&1"$$&+&2)(#"&

FATIMA QUANDER ./"-03)3&'(#4/300&+&56-(&

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-.(,"%/(/:.%&'6(K,(+%00(3-(#(,#$-()&(%,/(/%/,-.(.-/,#1.#&,(\#.( Chinois in Mount Vernon Square. Bar Japonais will bring together French and Japanese influences. Developed in ,"-(%b#$#B#(/,B0-4(,"-(.-/,#1.#&,(+%00("#D-(;#:#&-/-J0-#&J %&'(*))8(#&8(S.-&9"J0-#&%&'(9)9$,#%0/4(#&8("#/(+--$0B( -D-&,/(%&(,"-(+).$/6
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Saturday, Mar. 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, Mar. 17 at 2 p.m.
One of opera’s most beloved works
Sunday, Mar. 24 at 7 p.m.
Traditional Irish step dance fused with contemporary movement
Saturday, Apr. 13 at 8 p.m.
Celebrate 100 years of this revolutionary ensemble
Saturday, Apr. 20 at 8 p.m.
Featuring more than 100 indigenous artists in a breathtaking performance


Previewing queer movie and TV highlights for spring
New options coming despite recent Hollywood strikes
By JOHN PAUL KING!"#$%&''()&&*$+)+,*-$-#+-&.$"+-$/&0#$1&$+.$#.*$+1$'+-12$ which means we can finally look forward to some fresh new movies hitting screens over the next few weeks. And although the actors’ strike of 2023 has led to inevitable delays in bringing new content to our televisions for the spring, there are a few titles to watch for there, as well.
Girls 5Eva: Season 3 (March 14, Netflix)
The under-the-radar cult hit musical comedy series from Peacock, following a Y2K-era girl group that reunites to take advantage of a wave of millennial nostalgia, returns for a third season after being resurrected by Netflix. Lauded for its sharp and funny skewering of pop culture and the music industry and cut from the same zany, absurd cloth as “The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” (much of its creative team are veterans of that hit show), it’s the kind of giddy-but-smart, rapid-fire comedy that begs to be binged. Starring Sara Bareilles, Busy Philipps, Renée Elise Goldsberry, and Paula Pell as a divorced lesbian dentist, fans will surely be logging on to watch as soon as it drops, but new viewers are encouraged to jump on board for this one, too.
Love Lies Bleeding (March 15, theaters)
Rumbling into theaters after an auspicious premiere at this year’s Sundance Festival, this pulpy 1980s-set lesbian-themed thriller from director Rose Glass (“Saint Maud”) is touted as “an electric new love story” and promises to take viewers on a wild ride with its story of a reclusive gym manager (Kristen Stewart) from a criminal family who falls in love with an aspiring bodybuilder (Katy O’Brian) on her way to Las Vegas to follow her dreams; unfortunately, their romance sparks unexpected violence, dragging the new lovers deep into a dangerous web of crime and intrigue. Though it was given limited release in New York and Los Angeles on March 8, it expands wide on March 15. Also starringJena Malone, Anna Baryshnikov, and Dave Franco, with Ed Harris as Stewart’s crime boss father. Consider it a must-see.
!"##"$%&'()*$++,+-.$/0#01"2$1*"'1"(3$ with national expansion to follow)
From the UK comes this taut noir-ish thriller about a prominent London drag artist (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett) who, while stepping out one night after a show to buy cigarettes, is brutally attacked by a man (George MacKay) and his gang of friends. Left traumatized by the experience, he retreats into isolation – but when he recognizes his attacker in a chance meeting at a gay sauna, he begins an affair with the closeted bully, hoping to enact a plan of revenge. Co-writer/directors Sam H. Freeman and Ng Choon Ping developed the film as an expansion of their award-winning 2021 short film of the same name, and the resulting debut feature premiered to enthusiastic acclaim at the 2023 Berlin Film Festival. Also starring Aaron Heffernan, John McCrea, and Asha Reid.
Ripley (April 4, Netflix)
This long-awaited eight-episode limited series adapts lesbian literary icon Patricia Highsmith’s novel “The Talented Mr. Ripley” for yet another screen incarnation – there have been at least four so far, most famously the 1999 feature film version starring Matt Damon, Jude Law, and Gwyneth Paltrow – and stars queer Irish actor Andrew Scott (BBC’s “Sherlock”, “Pride”, “All of Us Strangers”) as the title character, who is sent by a wealthy man to persuade his son to return home from an extended trip to Italy. Once there, however, the ambitious Ripley finds himself irresistibly drawn into the privileged life of
leisure led by young Dickie (Johnny Flynn) and his girlfriend Marge (Dakota Fanning), and he embarks into “a complex life of deceit, fraud and murder.” Shot in an elegant black and white that evokes its early 1960s setting, show creator/writer/ director Steve Zaillian says his adaptation was crafted to provide an interpretation more faithful to the story and closer in tone to Highsmith’s novel than has been seen before, which is great news for fans of the original Ripley, whose adventures were continued by the late author throughout three further books after the success of the first, perhaps paving the way for follow-ups to this adaptation should it live up to the high expectations that accompany it. Eliot Sumner, Maurizio Lombardi, and John Malkovich also star.

Housekeeping for Beginners (April 5, limited theaters)
Another festival darling, this Macedonian film won the Queer Lion prize at Venice in 2023, and was submitted as an official selection for Best International Feature at the Academy Awards. While it didn’t make the cut for Oscar, it’s hitting US screens for a limited release next month – no doubt on the strength of writer/director Goran Stolevski’s previous feature, “Of An Age”, an Australian coming-of-age romance between two young men that made multiple “Best of the year” lists (including ours) in 2023. Revolving around a woman finds herself raising her girlfriend’s two troublemaking daughters despite having no interest in being a mother, the synopsis describes it as an exploration of “the universal truths of family,” framed in a “heartwarming story” of clashing wills “about an unlikely family’s struggle to stay together.” The pedigree alone is enough for us to suggest catching this one, if you can, when it hits theaters. Starring Anamaria Marinca, Alina Șerban, Samson Selim, Vladimir Tintor, Mia Mustafa, Džada Selim, Sara Klimoska, Rozafë Çelaj, Ajse Useini
4/011"($5$677# (April 9, digital)
Billed as “a fantastical queer romance set to the hit music of the Indigo Girls,” this indie oddball made a theatrical debut earlier this month, but heads to digital and VOD on April 9. It’s the “love at first sight journey” of its title characters, two young dreamers – an aspiring circus performer (Alex Diaz) and a struggling musician (Alan Cammish) – who embark on “an epic summer romance” until they find their love threatened by “the realities of pursuing their dreams.” Though we haven’t yet seen it ourselves, the buzz promises a campy yet uplifting and exuberant good time, and a star-studded queer-centric cast that includes Tig Notaro, Missi Pyle, Ming Na-Wen, Lea DeLaria, B-52s diva Kate Pierson, “Drag Race”
alum Peppermint, Broadway star Beth Malone, and yes, even the Indigo Girls themselves.
Challengers (April 26, theaters)
From “Call Me By Your Name” director Luca Guadagnino comes this buzzy romantic triangle starring “Euphoria” and “Dune” star Zendaya as a former tennis prodigy turned coach whose husband – a champion on a losing streak (Mike Faist, “West Side Story”) – must face off against a washed-up former best friend (Josh O’Connor, “The Crown,” “God’s Own Country”) that also happens to be his wife’s former boyfriend. According to the synopsis, “pasts and presents collide and tensions run high,” and though details are scarce beyond the basics we’ve already shared, rumors (as well as a few not-sosubtle hints in the trailers) suggest that things might take a decidedly bisexual turn. Whether or not that should turn out to be true, Guadagnino’s name on the credits is enough reason to make this a queer must-see – especially with a cast as vibrant and talented as the one he has assembled.
(May 5, limited theaters)
Also coming from Sundance is this horror thriller from writer/director Jane Schoenbrun, produced by recent Oscar-winner Emma Stone (with husband Dave McCary) and starring queer actor Justice Smith and Brigette Lundy-Paine as two troubled teens who bond over a fantasy TV series and find their realities starting to blur after its cancellation. Praised by reviewers for its surreal style and its exploration of queer and trans themes within its mind-bending, darkly disorienting framework, it’s likely not the kind of movie that will resonate with all viewers – but it’s probably a great match for those who enjoy their horror on the abstract side.
In addition to all these, though their premiere dates are still not set, three much-loved TV series are set to return this spring. Streaming network Max will debut the third seasons of both !"#$%&+.*$'()&*)+&,-.)%&/0&1/22)3)&4-52%, two popular shows with heavy queer appeal. The former, starring Jean Smart and Hannah Einbinder, is a multi-award-winning comedy about the unlikely creative partnership between an old-school stand-up legend and an edgy young comedy writer who loathe each other - or at least did in the beginning. After two seasons of alternately awkward, bittersweet, and hilarious misadventures together, they might have warmed up to each other a bit, but we’re betting that won’t keep them from locking horns.
The latter, starring Renée Rapp, Pauline Chalamet, Alyah Chanelle, and Amrit Kaur, is also a comedy, following four freshman roommates at a fictional college as they explore love and friendship, financial stability and personal independence, and – of course – sex. It would have a draw for queer audiences even without the sapphic subplots, and for its enthusiastic fans, queer or otherwise, it will surely be a must watch.
Finally, the venerable UK sci-fi adventure series 657&8(/& is set to return to the BBC sometime in May, when out queer actor of color Ncuti Gutwa (“Sex Education”, “Barbie”) officially becomes the 15th incarnation of the shape-shifting titular time lord – a role he already previewed to much fan approval in a Christmas special late last year. While the charms of this long-running fan franchise may escape viewers without an appreciation for the kind of campy intellectual fantasy that is its trademark appeal, Gutwa’s charmingly fabulous persona might be just the thing to bring a whole new army of queer converts into the fandom.

Romantic Classics. Living Composers. Indian Classical Music.
Bach Reimagined.

Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra with Chief Conductor Sir Simon Rattle, feat. bass-baritone Lester Lynch

April 30 at 8:00 p.m. / Kennedy Center Concert Hall
Zakir Hussain, Sabir Khan, and Debopriya Chatterjee
March 20 at 7:30 p.m. / Sixth & I
Alisa Weilerstein, cello

April 6 at 4:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. / Kennedy Center Terrace Theater

Rachel Barton Pine, violin
April 19 at 7:30 p.m. / Kennedy Center Terrace Theater
Strathmore and Washington Performing Arts present Terence Blanchard
With The E-Collective, Turtle Island Quartet & Andrew F. Scott Fire Shut up In My Bones : Opera Suite in Concert feat. Justin Austin and Adrienne Danrich

April 26 at 8:00 p.m. / The Music Center at Strathmore
Anna Geniushene, piano
April 27 at 2:00 p.m. / Kennedy Center Terrace Theater

In Memory of Isaac Stern
Evgeny Kissin, piano
May 11 at 2:00 p.m. / Kennedy Center Concert Hall

Children of the Gospel Choir
June 1 at 7:00 p.m. / Lisner Auditorium


–DC Theater Arts
an illuminating departure from the Broadway/Park Avenue Armory version and just as striking.”
—Peter Marks, formerly of The Washington Post, on social media
“WHOLLY SEDUCTIVE AND COMPELLING... Arbus’s production is cohesive and original, elevating the sterling text still further into an electrifying night at the theatre.” Washington City Paper
Edward Gero, Mark Nelson, and René Thornton Jr. climb an acting Everest.”—David Smith, The Guardian, on social media
The Georgetown Dish
Maryland Theatre Guide
DC Trending

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While the Velar may be classified as a compact vehicle, it looks and feels much larger. Compared with the midsize BMW 6, both have ample seating for five people. Front&-"*%7/1-#&/(#&%")-%')"6*/6"22$%*0-%&"1-C%4,*%*0-%&,''(&-72$%&1"22-)%9"#3-%9(@-)%0"&% 4-**-)%4"6B+&-"*%0-"7)((1%"#7%2-3)((1;%>*%"2&(%0(27&%"21(&*%]Tb%1()-%6")3(;% <,/2*%(#%*0-%&"1-%'2"*5()1%"&%*0-%'(',2")%c"3,")%[+:"6-C%*0-%^-2")%0"&%"%)-2"M-7%)/7-% 6(1'")-7%*(%*0-%1()-%"*02-*/6%<!I%JK;%:(.-)%/&%2-&&%"33)-&&/@-%(#%*0-%9"#3-%9(@-)C% ./*0%60(/6-%(5%*.(%6(1'-*-#*%4,*%0")72$%)/'+)(")/#3%-#3/#-&;% <,/27%O,"2/*$%/&%/1')-&&/@-C%/#62,7/#3%*0-%('*/(#"2%2-"*0-)+5)--%/#*-)/()%*0"*%,&-&%"#%,'+ &6"2-%6(1'(&/*-%(5%.((2%"#7%'(2$,)-*0"#-;%N#7%.0/2-%-@-#%*0-%4"&-+1(7-2%6(1-&%./*0% /#*-)/()%"14/-#*%2/30*/#3%"#7%"%')-1/,1%!-)/7/"#%&*-)-(C%$(,%6"#%('*%5()%*0-%RW+&'-"B-)% S\%&$&*-1%5()%"#%-@-#%1()-%d!"-&*)(e+2/B-%-M'-)/-#6-;%% E@-)"22C%*0-%^-2")%1"$%4-%2-&&%(5%"%)"442-%)(,&-)%*0"#%*0-%<!I%JKC%4,*%*0-)-=&%&*/22% '2-#*$%0-)-%*(%7"ff2-%*0-%&-#&-&;

Pride Alley’ featured at +)),+-'.%)/#)01%)
!"#$%&#'(%)*'+)'+)),+-'.%)/#)01%)' for science fiction, fantasy and comics enthusiasts, was held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center on March 8-10. “Pride Alley” on the expo floor served as a gathering place for LGBTQ fans, artists and representatives of community organizations.

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For medical professionals, police, teachers, firefighters, and other community heroes, &)*/*("/*(0*#*/"3(0+*1$"3(3,"'("'9("00$0&"'1*(+/,%/"-0(9*0$%'*9(&,()*3+(.$&)(),-*( purchases, often offering benefits like down payment assistance, reduced closing costs, "'9(-,/*(<"#,/"23*(3,"'(&*/-0:


The Hero Home Loan Program provides first responders, including police officers, firefighters, and paramedics, with benefits such as lower interest rates and reduced clos$'%(1,0&0:(@)$0(+/,%/"-("$-0(&,(-"B*(),-*,.'*/0)$+(-,/*("11*00$23*(27(,<<*/$'%(-,/*( flexible credit score requirements and down payment assistance .
For educators, firefighters, law enforcement officers, and medical professionals, the L#*/79"7(E*/,(E,60$'%(I00$0&"'1*(;6'9(MLEEI;N(,<<*/0(13,0$'%(1,0&("00$0&"'1*(&)/,6%)( %$<&(<6'90:(@)$0(+/,%/"-($0(9*0$%'*9(&,(06++,/&(&),0*(.),(0*/#*(&)*$/(1,--6'$&$*0(27( making homeownership more affordable, with no repayment required for the grant <6'90((:
@)*(EOP(>,,9(!*$%)2,/(!*4&(P,,/(Q/,%/"-(,<<*/0(6+(&,(GRH(,<<(&)*(3$0&(+/$1*(,<( homes for law enforcement officers, pre-Kindergarten through 12th-grade teachers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians. This initiative aims to encourage com-6'$&7(/*#$&"3$S"&$,'(27("00$0&$'%(&)*0*(+/,<*00$,'"30($'(),-*,.'*/0)$+(.$&)$'(&)*(1,-F -6'$&$*0(&)*7(0*/#*((:
Homes for Heroes provides assistance specifically to first responders and offers significant savings through Hero Rewards when buying, selling, or refinancing a home. On "#*/"%*8(+"/&$1$+"'&0(0"#*(TU8RRR8(.$&)(&)*(+/,%/"-(,<<*/$'%(/*"3(*0&"&*("'9(-,/&%"%*( specialist connections tailored to the needs of first responders.
Finding a lender that understands and supports the unique needs of our LGBTQ community can make a significant difference. Some lenders and organizations specialize in offering inclusive financial products and resources to assist LGBTQ homebuyers. These may include specialized mortgage products, financial planning services, and %6$9"'1*(&)/,6%)(&)*(),-*(267$'%(+/,1*00:
The journey to homeownership is a milestone that requires careful planning and support. Remember, every step taken towards saving and financing your home purchase 2/$'%0(7,6(13,0*/(&,(&)*(9/*"-(,<(),-*,.'*/0)$+:
(GayRealEstate.com offers valuable resources and advice tailored to meet the unique needs of our LGBTQ community in their journey towards homeownership. For more 1,-+/*)*'0$#*(%6$9"'1*("'9(06++,/&($'('"#$%"&$'%(&)*(),-*(267$'%(+/,1*008(#$0$&(>"7F K*"3L0&"&*:1,-(1),,0*("'("%*'&("'9(0&"/&("(',F,23$%"&$,'(1,'#*/0"&$,'(&,9"7:N
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!"#"$%&'()*+$%$,,(-%$.#/0$(102,"3+(%*4*/.(#"(*",( finest! Located in close proximity to St Stephens/ St Agnes Lower School and Alexandria Country Day School- to name a few! DC and Old Town Alexandria are easy commutes. No detail has been spared in this spectacular property. Built in 2008 this home has been recently updated throughout. This gracious center hall/ antque brick Colonial features 6,000+ square feet of living space on four floors. There is flex space throughout with five-seven bedrooms and an in-law/ nanny suite on the lower level with private entrance. The main level features a primary suite- one of three and this one with deck access. On the above grade lower level is a covered outdoor pato, gym or screening room, wine cellar, a behemoth bar with full kitchen applicaton, gas fireplace, private nooks, a second bedroom, bathroom suite, and second laundry. The quiet parlor/ library and grand dining room greet you on either side of entry; next ahead is the heartbeat of the home with its gathering great room, gas fireplace and coffered ceilings. The kitchen’s premier appliances, butler’s and storage pantries and oversized island are eloquent. Upstairs are three-four spacious bedrooms. The third primary bedroom is oversized with a sitng area, gas fireplace and brand new opulent, spa-like bath with soaking tub, separate steam shower, double sinks and access/ opton to have one or two walk-in closets and laundry. A third bedroom has an ensuite bathroom and two others could potentally share a jack and jill bath. From this level is a full staircase access to the top-level flex space- could be a great in-home office, playroom or another bedroom. The paved driveway leads to an oversized two car garage and offers ample parking. The private outdoor deck is approachable from multple directons and compliments the great entertaining floor plan throughout. And as you could expect the roof is long-lastng slate.


In BELLE HAVEN, there is a VA Loan Assumpton possibility at 2.375% interest rate! Give this 2334 fin sq footage Cape Cod your atenton- the room sizes are surprising and the layout acts like a much larger home. This CHARMING updated home has FOUR bedrooms, THREE AND ONE HALF baths and a garage all on an over-sized expandable lot. With three sunny levels the inside and outside are freshly painted, floors buffed and new carpet added; the professionally landscaped garden and rear deck add to the ambience and provide more living space! The lower level has a recreaton room, guest suite with gas fireplace, mud room and full exit to the rear garden. Home warranty included!
!"#$%&'()%*+#%"*,-.%.#*/0#1)%")-.*2*34!+*5)6#.)7#*890*:(9';1#( 703.622.5984 | janet@janetpricehomes.com | janetpricehomes.com <=>*/*:)..*/.(##.?*!"#$%&'()%?*4!*@@A<B ,C;%"*D9;-)&E*F009(.;&).G

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Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in this Court by James A. Gil1*.$,/;5*=I,&1$`2$<&W"&)L")$.-,/;,);$()"Q,-&6$*/=1F;*/H$-I&$,(("*/-@&/-$"L$"/&$ ")$@")&$(&)."/,1$)&()&.&/-,-*+&.2$U/1&..$,$)&.("/.*+&$(1&,;*/H$*/$-I&$L")@$"L$ ,$="@(1,*/-$")$,/$"Qb&=-*"/$*/$,==");,/=&$#*-I$OF(&)*")$C"F)-$D)"Q,-&$<*+*.*"/$
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Date of first publication: March 15, 2024 K,@&$"L$/&#.(,(&)$,/;G")$(&)*";*=,1c$ <,*1'$S,.I*/H-"/$!,#$0&(")-&)6$S,.I*/H-"/$W1,;& /s/ James A. Gillis, Signature of Attorney J?JJ$S*1."/$W1+;6$O-&$>??6$V)1*/H-"/6$[V$888?7$d7?4J:e4>Jd> G.GK*="1&$O-&+&/.6$0&H*.-&)$"L$S*11.6$C1&)%$"L$-I&$D)"Q,-&$<*+*.*"/

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!"/"$%)&*/+?&A*E&5%.F Wash, DC Biz strat film prod: fin, mktg, ops, track comp/mkt trends; 5yr+ exp fin, acctg, event prod. Email resume: giaver.productions.llc@gmail.com 6"/5D!"/
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1egal services. Catelyn represents KLMCN$6<9";!2$9;$O>?$DO$=$PQ$ interested in adoption or ART matters. !(5%)/&'"!*?D&'()!"+*(/& Law Offices, Slattery Law, LLC. 1L2<1L4<>>K4 -79GM:NO!IPG8N'7QRM:'I8Q79RINSTIQ ?*'%&*/#0)"/-% !"##&!0+0"?
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