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Legal Notices
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Civil Division) CHENITA PITTMANHOLT 4053 Chimney Swift Court Waldorf, Maryland 20603 Plaintiff, vs. Case #: 2020 CA 003430 B Next Event: Initial Conf. 01.15.20 Judge Fern Flanagan Saddler HILLWOOD CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Serve Registered Agent: Samuel Powell 1725 Gainseville Street, SE Suite 201 Washington, DC 20020 Defendant. POSTING NOTICE This is to give notice that on the 5th day of August, 2020, a Complaint for an Accounting, Conversion, and Damages in the above- captioned matter was filed in the Superior Court for the District of Columbia. The Complaint states in pertinent part that the Plaintiff is the owner of the property located at 1707 Gainesville St reet, SE, Unit 101, Washington, DC. The Defendant is a nonprofit condominium association duly organized and existing under the laws of the District of Columbia. The property located at 1707 Gainesville Street, SE, Unit 101, Washington, DC is part of the Defendant Association thus it is subject to its Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Inasmuch as the property located at 1707 Gainesville Street, SE, Unit 101, Washington, DC is part of the Defendant Association the Plaintiff is required to pay monthly assessments, inter alia, to the Defendant Association for her proportionate share of common area and other expenses associated with maintaining the Defendant Association. The Plaintiff was notified by letter dated January 8, 2019 that the past due amount on her account at that time was $11,912.48. The ledger attached thereto contained several charges that were improperly accessed, inexplicable and/or, excessive. Thereafter on February 14, 2019 the Plaintiff was given a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Condominium Unit for Assessments Due that indicated the past due amount on her account at that time was $17,919.17. The Plaintiff paid the Defendant approximately 15,032.62 to avoid having the property located 1707 Gainesville Street, SE, Unit 101, Washington, DC foreclosed. Prior to the commencement of this action, Plaintiff, by her attorney demanded of the Defendant that they render an accounting of charges were improperly accessed, inexplicable and/or, excessive in the Plaintiff’s estimation as per the Condominium ByLaws of the Defendant Association; specifically Section 7.6 Statement of Unpaid Assessments. The Defendant failed to render an accounting of the amount(s) allegedly due and owing from the Plaintiff as requested without, justification, cause or excuse within the time frame required by the By-Laws. WHEREUPON, IT WAS ORDERED, by the Superior Court for District of Columbia on 3rd day of November, 2020, that the Plaintiff shall publish notice of this proceeding in at least one legal newspaper or periodical of daily circulation having general circulation in the District of Columbia, once a week in each for three (3) consecutive week Respectfully Submitted, /s/ Scott L. Little Scott L. Little Bar 463440 The Law Offices of Scott L. Little, L.L.C. P.O. Box 1057 Upper Marlboro, MD 20773 301. 535.9606 Attorney for the Plaintiff November 12,19,26, 2020
THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOUSING AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) SOLICITATION NO.: 0030-2020 OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE/CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES The District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) requires qualified Owners Representative/Construction Management Services for various upcoming development projects. SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS will be available beginning Monday, October 19, 2020 on DCHA’s website at www.dchousing.org under “Business” and “Solicitation.”
SEALED PROPOSAL RESPONSES ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 11:00 AM. Email Lolita Washington, Contract Specialist at lwashing@dchousing.org with copy to business@dchousing.org for additional information.
DC INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL INVITATION FOR BID COMPENSATION DESIGN CONSULTANT RFP for Compensation Design Consultant: DC International School is seeking competitive bids consultants who can evaluate current salaries, do a comparison with local markets, and work with us to develop a compensation philosophy and salary bands for our nonteaching employees, with equity as a primary driver. Proposals will need to include relevant experience, qualifications, estimated timeline, and estimated fees. Please send proposals to RFP@ dcinternationalschool. org. Proposals must be received no later than the close of business on Friday, November 20, 2020.
NOVEMBER MEETING AGENDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES DC SCHOLARS PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL (DCSPCS) Wednesday, November 18, 2020, 4:30-630pm via Zoom https://dcscholars-org. zoom.us/j/92806868940 Welcome and Agenda Review Approve Meeting Minutes * September 23, 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes * September 23, 2020 Meeting Minutes * September 30, 2020 Meeting Minutes Interim Head of School Introduction and Report DC Public Charter School Board Meetings Update Dr. Michelle Walker-Davis (ED of DC PCSB), Bob Weinberg, and Jennifer Leonard meeting DC PCSB Board and Staff Meeting with DC Scholars Board and Leadership Team
Committee Reports Finance Committee i. Approval of Contracts ii. Approval of Audited Financials iii. Approval of September Financials Head of School Committee i. IHOS Review Process Governance Committee i. Board needs an additional Board of Trustee Academics Committee i. Dashboard Update Development Committee i. Giving Updates Executive Session - In accordance with DC Law 23-148, Section 2-575(b) (10), this portion of the agenda will be closed to discuss and to take a vote on minutes regarding personnel matters of DC Scholars Public Charter School Closing This meeting is governed by the Open Meetings Act. Please address any questions or complaints arising under this meeting to the Office of Open Government at opengovoffice@dc.gov.
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION 2020 ADM 000191 Name of Decedent, Sandylee Maccoby aka Sandy . Name and Address of Attorney Abigail Scott, Esq Regan Associates, Chtd, 1003 K Street, NW, Third Floor, Washington, DC 20001. Notice of Appointment, Notice to Creditors and Notice to Unknown Heirs, Mervat Mahgoub, whose address is 1906 Jackson Street, NE, Washington, DC 20018, was appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Alaaeldin Abdelmegid Saleh who died on December 28, 2019, without a Will and will serve without Court Supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, 3rd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before 10/9/2020. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or to the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before 10/9/2020, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: 4/9/2020 Name of Newspaper and/or periodical: Washington City Paper/ Daily Washington Law Reporter. Name of Personal Representative: Mervat Mahgoub TRUE TEST copy Nicole Stevens Acting Register of Wills Pub Dates: April 9, 16, 23.
TWO RIVERS PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL INTENT TO AWARD A SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT Trane BACnet EMS Two Rivers Public Charter School intends to enter into a sole-source contract with W.L. Gary and Trane to upgrade the previous generation Tracer Summit controls system to the latest technology Trane web-based BACnet open protocol system for two of its HVAC systems. The cost of this contract will be approximately $57,363. The decision to sole source was made because Trane’s BACnet EMS is proprietary and designed to manage the facilities HVAC units. Please contact Gail Williams with any questions at procurement@tworiverspcs.org. TWO RIVERS PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RTU Replacement Two Rivers PCS is soliciting price quotes from certified Trane vendors to install two RTU replacements. To request a copy of the RFP, email Gail Williams at procurement@ tworiverspcs.org. Proposals are due by December 11, 2020. TWO RIVERS PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Bipolar Ionization Two Rivers PCS is soliciting price quotes from a licensed vendor to install bipolar ionization in three buildings totaling 104K Sq. Ft. To request a copy of the RFP, email Gail Williams at procurement@tworiverspcs.org. Proposals are due by December 11, 2020.
ACADEMY OF HOPE ADULT PCS has issued a RFP for Executive Search Services. Please visit www.aohdc. org for more information.
DC INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL INVITATION FOR BID COVID 19 Testing RFP for Compensation Design Consultant: DC International School is seeking competitive bids for COVID 19 testing for our staff and students. We are looking for regularly scheduled testing of our students and staff, to be done on our campus at 1400 Main Drive NW, with results delivered in a timely fashion. Proposals will need to include relevant experience, qualifications, and estimated fees. Please send proposals to RFP@dcinternationalschool.org. Proposals must be received no later than the close of business on Friday, November 27, 2020.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO THE ESTATE OF ANTHONY BISHOP, decreased of Forestville, Maryland who died on January 20, 2020. All persons having claims upon the estate must file a claim with the named Personal Representative, Pamela Bishop at 9201 Edgeworth Drive Unit 5050, Capitol Heights, MD 20791. Housing
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PRECISION WALL TECH IS AN ESTABLISHED PAINTING CONTRACTOR BASED IN DC. We are seeking DC qualified Commercial/Industrial Journeyman who will meet our standard for the company’s FIRST SOURCE PROJECTS. Brush & Roll & Spray Experience Required + Minimum of 3 years working on large commercial jobs. Must have own trans, pass Security clearance and drug test. $18-26/hr DOE plus benefits. EOE. Send resume to careers@ precisionwall.com Now Hiring for the following projects: 555 E Street Residences @ St Elizabeth East MLK Memorial Library Stanton Square Providence Place Takoma Place Apts Eliot Hines
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