Washingborough Academy FS2 LTP

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WASHINGBOROUGH ACADEMY LTP - Reception Term 1 Golden Autumn Days


Term 2 Dark Nights & Special Lights

Term 3 Frozen & Melted

Term 4 Spring Rolls In

Term 5 Seaside Buoys & Gulls

Term 6 Blast Off!



Quality & Respect

Thoughtfulness & Peace

Happiness & Love

Patience & Simplicity

Caring & Tolerance

Hope & Co operation


Communication and Language

• Enjoying stories about Autumn, harvest and food • Retelling stories that we enjoy using puppets • Talking about ourselves: what we like and dislike • Singing songs and rhymes • Teamwork, asking, replying, getting attention • Talking to our friends!

• Enjoying stories about Winter, festivals and families • Retelling stories that we enjoy • Talking about ourselves: what we like and dislike • Singing songs and rhymes • Teamwork, asking, replying, getting attention • Playing board games

• Enjoying stories and retelling them in spoken word, pictures and sentences. • Singing songs and rhymes • Speaking to larger groups about familiar topics • Playing word games like eye spy, hangman and 20 questions.

• Enjoying stories from other cultures and retelling them in words and pictures • Singing songs and rhymes Speaking to larger groups about familiar topics • Acting out stories, taking on a character and thinking about how that person would feel.

• Enjoying stories on a theme • Singing songs and rhymes • Speaking to larger groups about familiar topics • Acting out stories, taking on a character and thinking about how that person would feel. • Talking in small groups to organise a project together

• Talking about Year 1 and making sure we are ready! • Sharing ideas with talk partners, small groups and the whole class • Taking a role in our Values Assembly Practising our phonemes, graphemes, skimming and scanning for Year 1.


Personal, Social and Emotional

• Settling in and making new friends • Routines and rules • Taking care of our things • Sharing • Becoming independent

• Having courage and trying new things • Working together as a team • Taking care of our things • Sharing • Becoming independent

• Working together as a team • Taking care of our things • Becoming independent • Celebrating success for ourselves and others

• Taking care of plants and animals • Respect for different people • Becoming independent • Celebrating success for ourselves and others

• Taking care of Earth • Respect for people, animals and plants • Becoming independent • Celebrating success for ourselves and others

• Sharing our thoughts and feelings • Getting ready for Year 1 – thinking about being older and setting an example to the Nursery children


Physical Development

Term 1 Golden Autumn Days

Term 2 Dark Nights & Special Lights

Term 3 Frozen & Melted

Term 4 Spring Rolls In

Term 5 Seaside Buoys & Gulls

Term 6 Blast Off!

• Fine motor skills including threading beads, shaping clay, cutting out and using ICT. • Harvest and gardening actions • Farmer and scarecrow moves! • Fine motor cooking skills • Learning to play team games and support each other

• Fine motor skills including letter information. • PE sessions including dance, gymnastics and ball skills • Winter gardening Construction inside and outside with different materials • Learning to play team games and support each other

• Fine motor skills including letter formation – using our pincers! • PE sessions including dance, gymnastics and ball skills • Preparing the garden – digging, raking, scrubbing! • Building dens outside Learning to play team games and support each other

• Fine motor skills including letter formation – using our pincers, tweezers, bulldog clips, squashing dough to strengthen our fingers. • PE sessions including gymnastics, apparatus and ball skills • Planting seeds! Building dens outside Learning to play team games and support each other

• Fine motor skills including letter formation – using our pincers, tweezers, bulldog clips, squashing dough to strengthen our fingers. • PE sessions including gymnastics, apparatus and ball skills • Learning to play team games and support each other • Biking Fridays continue! • Disco Fridays for dancing skills!

• Preparing for Sports Day – racing, relays, skipping, jumping fun! • Finishing off our apparatus work and assessing our own progress using video recordings • Thinking about keeping fit and healthy • Checking we have got all the skills we need for Year 1!

WASHINGBOROUGH ACADEMY LTP - Reception Term 1 Golden Autumn Days


Term 2 Dark Nights & Special Lights

Term 3 Frozen & Melted

Term 4 Spring Rolls In

Term 5 Seaside Buoys & Gulls

Term 6 Blast Off!



• Writing our names • Phonics • Forming letters correctly. • Choosing reading books that we enjoy • Using our senses and talking about what we find

• Writing our names and captions • Phonics Phase 2 and 3 • Forming letters correctly. • Choosing reading books that we enjoy • Reading by blending and other cues

• Writing sentences using our phonological knowledge • Phonics Phase 3 – moving on to those tricky vowel sounds! • Forming letters correctly. • Learning our words at home.

• Writing sentences and stories using our phonological knowledge • Phonics – finishing off Phase 3 and moving into Phase 4! • Forming letters correctly. • Learning our words at home.

• Writing stories about pirates and lighthouses • Using our Phase 4 phonics to help us decode tricky texts • Making super shared stories and information texts • Enjoying characters and roleplay

• Writing stories about space missions and aliens! • Describing alien worlds • Using our phonics skill to read ‘nonsense’ names for planets and alien creatures. • Moving on with Phase 5 phonics!



• Number skills • Confidence with counting • Recognising and ordering numbers. • Measuring and estimating • Positional language.

• Number skills • Confidence with counting to 20 • Recognising and ordering numbers to 10 and then 20 • Measuring and estimating • 2D and 3D shapes

• Number skills – addition and subtraction • Confidence with counting to 20 • Recognising and ordering numbers to 20 • Using positional language like next to, in front

• Number skills – addition and subtraction • Confidence with counting to 20 and beyond • Recognising and ordering numbers to 20 • Comparing length, weight and capacity

• Number skills – addition and subtraction • Confidence with counting to 20 and beyond • Recognising and ordering numbers to 20 • Comparing length, weight and capacity

• 2D and 3D shapes • Capacity and estimating what will ‘fit’ • Written addition and subtraction sentences • Doubling and halving ingredients, objects and numbers! • Recognising numbers to 30 and beyond • Solving problems involving money and time

WASHINGBOROUGH ACADEMY LTP - Reception Term 1 Golden Autumn Days


Term 2 Dark Nights & Special Lights

Term 3 Frozen & Melted

Term 4 Spring Rolls In

Term 5 Seaside Buoys & Gulls

Term 6 Blast Off!


Understanding the World

• All about Harvest! • Building outside • Finding out about growing • Changes that happen in the Autumn • Ourselves, our families and homes

• Celebrations of the Winter Season • Families and traditions • Using the computer and ipads • Taking photos and making videos • Cooking and baking

• Science of melting and freezing • Using thermometers • Testing warmth and cold • Vehicles that work in the snow and ice • Creatures that survive in cold conditions

• Science Week – experiments with fizz, splash, mix and pour • All about China! • Cooking with rice, noodles and vegetables. • Finding out about Spring and the baby animals that are born at this time of year.

• Geography of the World and seas • Finding out about water travel • Investigating marine life • Talking about waste, saving energy • Building lighthouse models with real lights.

• Looking at pictures of the Earth from space • Understanding we are part of a much bigger system • Astronauts and mission control! • Science experiments with (small!) explosions and rocket propulsion.


Expressive Art and Design

• Making scarecrows • Painting our portraits and homes • Colours of Autumn • Printing patterns • Learning new techniques

• Making Christmas decorations, cards and presents • Fireworks, glitter and sparkle! • Colours of Winter • Printing patterns • Dancing and singing

• Making designs for our garden • Painting with melted wax (batik) and salt • Making music with objects in the garden • Disco dancing Fridays!

• Art using rice and noodles. • Calligraphy writing with black paint and a brush! • Spring and Easter crafts • Making music • Disco dancing Fridays, of course!

• Seascapes Moving pictures • Model making – boats, fish, lighthouses • Flick and blow painting • Clay modelling • Treasure map making • Marbling • Taking photos and making films

• Making rocket window pictures • Flying saucers and clay aliens • Splatter paintings of the sky • Roleplay of mission control and the space shuttle • Making planets and moons

WASHINGBOROUGH ACADEMY LTP - Reception Term 1 Golden Autumn Days


Term 2 Dark Nights & Special Lights

Term 3 Frozen & Melted

Term 4 Spring Rolls In

Term 5 Seaside Buoys & Gulls

Term 6 Blast Off!



Plant: Winter lettuce, spring onions. Harvest: Beetroot, cabbage, carrots, cauliflowers, courgettes, kale, lettuce, leeks, marrows, onions, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, spinach, sweetcorn, tomatoes. Jobs for the Garden: Add compost to empty beds.

Plant: Winter lettuce, spring onions. Harvest: Beetroot, cabbage, carrots, cauliflowers, courgettes, kale, l ettuce, leeks, marrows, onions, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, spinach, sweetcorn, tomatoes. Jobs for the Garden: Add compost to beds.

Plant: Aubergines (window sill), cabbages, lettuce (poly tunnel), onions (window sill), peppers (window sill),potatoes (frost-free spot), radishes, shallots, shallots, turnips. Harvest: Leeks, swedes. Jobs in the Garden: Digging over beds, removing dead leaves and add more compost, wash out seed trays and pots, chit your potatoes

Plant: French beans, runner beans, beetroot, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, pepper (window sill), courgettes (window sill), cucumber (window sill), leeks, marrow (window sill), spring onion, parsnip, potatoes, peas, pumpkin, radishes, rocket, spinach, squash (window sill), swede, sweetcorn (window sill), tomatoes Harvest: Broccoli, cabbage, lettuce Jobs for the Garden: Weeding, hoeing, check for snails and slugs!

Plant: French beans, runner beans, beetroot, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, pepper (window sill), courgettes (window sill), cucumber (window sill), marrow, swede, sweetcorn (window sill). Harvest: Cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, peas, radishes, rocket, spinach, turnips. Jobs for the Garden: Weeding, hoeing, thinning out crops.

Plant: Chinese cabbage, marrow, swede Harvest: Broad bean, French beans, beetroot, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, peas, radishes, rocket, turnip. Jobs for the Garden: Hoeing, weeding, thinning, watering, keep control on greenhouse pests, use netting to protect for birds, check undersides of leaves for caterpillar eggs.



Colourful Harvest Cooking!

Winter Warmers

Frozen and Melted

Chinese Food

Seafood and Eat It!

Out of This World!

Soups, crumble, stew. Curry and Diwali sweets. Tasting spices to warm us up!

Ice cream, lollies, slush, pizza (melted cheese) chocolate biscuits Textures – solids and liquids.

Spring rolls, stir fry, fortune cookies, Valentine treats Tasting salt, sweet, sour

Fishcakes, fish kebabs, tasting fish. Making ‘seaweed’ and fish biscuits.

Using all of our skills to prepare Summer salads, space themed bakes, fruity treats and a Graduation feast!

Vegetable chilli, vegetable sauces and salads. Curry and Diwali sweets. Tasting harvest fruits, fruit kebabs.

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