WASHINGBOROUGH ACADEMY LTP - Year 3/4 Cycle ‘B’ Term 1 Stone Age Rocks
No. 1
Visits / Visitors
Quality & Respect Flag Fen
Term 2 Stone Age Rocks Thoughtfulness & Peace
Term 3 Countries and Cultures
Term 4 Countries and Cultures
Happiness & Love
Patience & Simplicity
Creswell Craggs Caveman Camp In
See Separate plan Cross curricular links Stone Age maths (Nrich) Weighing and measuring ingredients for cooking
Term 5 Ruthless Romans Caring & Tolerance
Term 6 Ruthless Romans Hope & Co operation
Religious Visit – Hindu Temple
Roman Lincoln Walk
See Separate plan Cross curricular links Time zones around the world Recording rainfall and evaporation Weighing and measuring ingredients for cooking
See Separate plan Cross curricular links Further exploration of Roman Numerals Weighing and measuring ingredients for cooking
Narrative – adventure and mystery, studying ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura and using visual literacy from ‘The Croods’
Instructions- linked with art. Myths
Explanations – Water cycle
Stories from other cultures
Play scripts: Julius Caesar Recounts
Letters – persuasive to the council objecting about a new road
Word classes – nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives Paragraphs Clause Conjunctions Subordinate clause Question marks
Vowels/consonants A/an as a determiner Possessive apostrophe Apostrophe for contraction Fronted adverbials Pronoun and possessive pronoun Exclamation mark
Inverted commas and direct speech Cohesion uses pronouns Cohesion using adverbials Fronted adverbials Commas to mark clauses Subordinate clauses
Nouns – concrete, abstract, proper, common and collective noun Modal verbs Prepositions A/an as a determiner Tenses
Word classes – nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives Paragraphs Clause Conjunctions Subordinate clause Question marks
Word classes – nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives Paragraphs Clause Conjunctions Subordinate clause Question marks
Spelling focus
Term 1 Stone Age Rocks
Term 2 Stone Age Rocks
de/dge at the end of words ge gi, gy soft c /changing a y to ies silent sounds n as gn and kn r as wr suffixex –ed, ing, est, er l as le el al il at the end of words Dictionary skills
ey w and qu, ar and or after w suffixes – ness, ful, ly, less, ment contractions apostrophes for possessions homophones Dictionary skills
Term 3 Countries and Cultures
Term 4 Countries and Cultures
Prefixes– un, dis, mis, re, pre, in, im, il, sub, inter, super, anti and auto
Suffixes – ly, ed, ing, ation, ous, sion, cian and tion. Homophones Dictionary skills
Term 5 Ruthless Romans
Term 6 Ruthless Romans
a and an Zh sound and ch sound. Words with an ‘ay’ sound ei, ay, eigh, ey ‘g’ sound spelt ‘gue’ ‘k’ sound spelt ‘que’ ‘k’ sound spelt ‘ch’ Dictionary skills
Homophones ‘s’ sound spelt ‘sc’ ‘sh’ sound spelt ‘ch’ ‘zhun’ sound spelt ‘sion’ Dictionary skills
Christmas & Divali Unit 10
Hindu beliefs and lifestyle Unit 2
Religion in the neighbourhood Unit 11
E-safety PowerPoint, Nearpod and iMovie Research Stone Age inventions and create a Dragon’s Den style sales pitch to advertise their invention.
E-safety Book Creater Look at different countries and cultures, and then use the book creation software to create a tour guide on their chosen country.
E-safety Lego NXT Build Lego chariots to attach to the Lego XT reports and programme them to participate in a chariot race.
Sources of light shadows & reflections Recognise that light is needed to see things. Dark is the absence of light. Light is reflected from surfaces. The danger of the sun. Shadows are formed when the light source is blocked by an opaque object. Find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change
Fossilisation and rock types Compare and group together different kinds of rocks. Study appearance and simple physical properties of rocks. Describe fossil formation Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter
Changing state Evaporation and condensation in the water cycle. Solids liquids and gasses Grouping materials How materials change when heated or cooled.
Forces and Magnetics How things move on different surfaces – Which surface is the fastest for our chariot and make comparisons to Roman roads. Observe how magnets attract and repel. Describe magnets as having two poles. Predict whether magnets will repel or attract. Understand fair testing.
Electricity Construct simple circuits including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers. Identify incomplete circuits. Understand switches. Recognise conductors and insulators. Create our own stop and go circuit for the chariot race.
WASHINGBOROUGH ACADEMY LTP - Year 3/4 Cycle ‘B’ Term 1 Stone Age Rocks
No. 10
Term 2 Stone Age Rocks
Term 3 Countries and Cultures
Term 4 Countries and Cultures
Term 5 Ruthless Romans
Term 6 Ruthless Romans
Explore rocks and soils from local environment. Land patterns: coastal erosion.
Locate the world’s countries; focusing on Europe and America. Explore physical and human characteristics: population, rivers, urban, rural, landscape and cities. Geographical similarities and differences
Road networks Trade links
Late Neolithic hunter gatherers and early farmers Bronze age religion Technology and travel Petroglyph and pictograph styles Iron Age hill forts
Christopher Columbus and his discovery of America. Native Americans
Roman Empire and the impact on Britain Julius Caesar attempted invasion Roman Empire and the successful invasion Boudicca Romanisation of Britain Roman Lincoln
World Food Day -16th October 2015
22nd March – Water World Day. Carbon Footprint.
Romans Revealed – exploring migration and diversity.
Net/court/wall skills Ball skills, passing and receiving Sports Partnership Badminton
Creative game making Problem solving
Invasion games
Fielding and striking games
Year 4 - Synergy
Year 4 - Synergy
Year 3 Synergy
Use of Gears
Handling techniques
Handling skills
Sports Partnership Badminton
Invention of the wheel.
Weight shift, balance and coordination 15
Make a hunter and gatherer tool.
Clay beads.
Totem Poles
Dream catchers
Design, make and evaluate a catapult
Design, make and evaluate a Roman shield.
WASHINGBOROUGH ACADEMY LTP - Year 3/4 Cycle ‘B’ Term 1 Stone Age Rocks
Term 2 Stone Age Rocks
Term 3 Countries and Cultures
Term 4 Countries and Cultures
Term 5 Ruthless Romans
Term 6 Ruthless Romans
Cave art, using chalks or pastels and silhouettes
Petroglyph message.
A study of European artists and creating art in the style of one artist.
Roman Mosaic.
Sketching famous Roman figures.
Using equipment found outdoors to make music.
Play it again Rhythm games and Jingles – Music Express year 3
Animal magic Exploring descriptive sounds – Music Express year 3
Dragon Scales – Exploring pentatonic scales - Music Express year 3
Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard – Exploring singing games - Music Express year 3
Animal magic - Music Express year 4
Foraging Blackberry and Apple Forages Tart.
Courgette carpaccio salad.
Make American pancakes for Shrove Tuesday.
Healthy pizzas
Make bread to eat with locally sourced honey.
Design your own Roman porridge.
Asparagus with parmesan and lemon dressing.
Raw kale salad
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis
Cool by Michael Morpurgo
Chutney (with apples from the school orchard.)
Class readers
Fantastic Mr Fox and Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl
Celery and apple soup (apples from the school orchard).
Blueberry Muffins
Beast Quest by Adam Blake
Famous Five by Enid Blyton
Awful Auntie by David Walliams